10x130 - Red Parka Mary; Not Afraid of Dogs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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10x130 - Red Parka Mary; Not Afraid of Dogs

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids


here's how

come and read

between the lions

come on



between the covers




oh this

oh hi

this is my new best friend sadie

hi there yeah and we're going to read

this new book i got

red parker mary

oh this is so exciting

what does it say leona oh well i don't

know i'm just learning how to read oh

me too

oh oh we know what's going on in the

book oh this is the worst day of my

entire life

sadie is very traumatic

well it's okay sadie you know we'll just

look at the pictures and we can figure

out what's going on oh

okay okay okay look

there's a scary tree monster

oh oh and look what's this

it could be a wolf

oh well that must be mary she's not

wearing a red parka but she is wearing a

red hat

and now it looks like the boy is running

away from mary and he seems to be afraid

oh i'm afraid too


what's wrong

ah this is a really scary book mom yeah

it's the scariest book i've seen in my

entire life

girls girls girls breathe in and out


i'm sure this book is not as scary as

you think why don't i look at it with

you okay okay all right

red parka mary written by peter avenson

illustrated by ryan brynjolson

at first i was scared of her she didn't

hide behind the trees waiting to pop out

and scare me

nor did she ever try to chase after me

but there was something about her that

scared me



it might have been the way mary dressed

she always wore big floppy moccasins

lined with rabbit fur thick ray wool

socks and three or four sweaters heavily

darned at the elbow she was missing four

or five front teeth and her skin was

brown and wrinkled

sometimes she would wave

but every time that happened i would get

embarrassed and rush off her home

i must have done that for what seemed

like years

until the time i heard her call

take these to your mom

she said as she held a pill of choke


i stood there in the middle of the road

with my mouth hanging open not moving

and not knowing what to do

mary eventually carried the pail halfway

plunked it down on the edge of the road

and shuffled back to her front door

should i take them or should i leave


finally i decided that maybe mom would

know what to do with them

she did

when that pill of chokecherries turned

into jelly and ended up on the breakfast


i decided that maybe mary wasn't so

scary after all

for the first time on the way home from

school that afternoon

i stopped when she waved at me from her

front step


hi mary i said

hey mister

come here for a minute

she held out a piece of warm freshly

baked bread sprinkled generously with

white sugar


we sat on the top step and talked or at

least she talked i mostly listened

i found out why mary wore four sweaters

that was all she owned

only in the summertime did her four

sweaters make her feel comfortable

in winter unless she was baking bread

she was always cold

it was getting close to christmas when i

decided that i was going to do something

special for mary

downtown i saw the perfect parka in

henderson's storefront window

it was bright red with a fur-lined hood

early on christmas eve i hurried over to

mary's shack carrying my big bundle

wrapped in brown paper and tied with a

big red ribbon

merry merry christmas i shouted outsider


watch this mister

i held out the package and she shyly

took it from me

come here

right in front of her wood stove she

ripped off the paper and pulled out the

bright red parka

quickly she pulled it on over her

sweaters and for a moment we stood

awkwardly staring at each other

mom says for me to ask you to come over

for christmas dinner

four o'clock


hey mister

tomorrow i'm gonna give you the biggest

gift in the whole wide world

do you know what it is


tomorrow for christmas dinner

i'll bring it but you'll have to guess

that night instead of wondering when

santa was going to arrive i wondered

about mary's special gift

what was the biggest and best thing in

the whole wide world


at four o'clock even before mary could

knock on her door i threw it open and


is it as big as buckingham palace

far bigger than buckingham palace

and far more valuable but

it doesn't take up any space at all


more valuable than gold

and besides gold is too heavy to carry

this you can take with you wherever you


she poked your hand into the pocket of

her tattered old sweater and pulled out

the smallest box i'd ever seen

open it

for a moment i held it wondering how

this could be the biggest and best

present ever

when i took off the lid

i found a single small red heart-shaped

bead laying on a bed of white rabbit fur

that little heart mister

stands for love

i can always give you love

i took her love that day as she folded

her grandmother arms around me and

squeezed me tight

and it was then that i knew that i loved

the way she dressed

her straggly gray hair

her missing teeth

and even her wrinkled skin

the end

there now that wasn't so scary was it no

i thought mary looked a little scary at

first but she wasn't scary at all no

yeah i love that red parka mary good see

you two later

bye bye what do you want to do now i

don't know maybe we could find some red

hats or something yeah and a parka

sadie look that lady looks just like




hello sweet old woman

let me hug you


hello nice old lady a crazy monkey and a

wild lion they're so scary help me hey

we're not scared you're not scary come



coming up next on between the lions

listen for the lovely sound made by the

letter l

hey i'm hanging here anyway i might as

well watch and so should you






i love to walk with my mom

i love to go berry picking with my


i love to play with my sister

i love meeting with my mom

i love my family

i love my family too

and now here to sing about a word that

plays by its own rules is singer

songwriter and recording artist india



a word you've heard

love is


and you can tell it








written by david martin illustrated by

frank remkowitz

piggy draws a house who very nice

dad right


piggies draw


dad right


piggy draws a heart oh

dad writes

dad loves piggy


loves to draw



you know i am so glad you two caught up

with me

you see i'd never met a lion or a monkey

before so i was a little scared oh we


but you two are just as sweet as pie


is there something we could help you

with do you need a parka yeah uh


but i was looking for a book called

red park of mary


i don't believe it

it's the most

amazing thing that has ever happened

it's right here oh my

this library has excellent service

come on up here let's read it together

shall we

here we go

at first i was scared of her

didn't hide behind the trees waiting to

pop out and scare me

nor did she even try to chase after me

but there was something about her that

scared me yeah wow

maybe it was her hat

good doggie sit stay up stay

watch this

good doggy

not afraid




it's in this book right here maybe we

should read it and find out why

i'm okay okay i'm not afraid no i'm

really i'm really not afraid it's okay

go ahead hey honey let's see

okay read it fast okay

okay sweetheart

not afraid of dogs by susanna pitzer

illustrations by larry day oh okay here

we go

i'm the bravest boy of all

said daniel i'm not afraid of spiders

i'm not afraid of snakes

i'm not even afraid of thunderstorms

you're afraid of dogs said his sister


i'm not afraid of dogs said daniel

i just don't like them

daniel stayed away from dogs

he crossed the street when he saw one

he left the playground if a dog was


he took the stairs if one was on the


but daniel didn't know what to do when

he came home and found his mom holding


mom i don't like dogs

i know honey but aunt rose had to go on

a trip

bandit has no other place to stay

don't be afraidy cat

said jenny

i'm not a fraidy cat

said daniel

i'm the bravest boy of all

daniel shut his door and locked it

dad came home and daniel ran to greet

him but when daniel saw bandit he raced

back to his room

daniel what's wrong

call dad

he's afraid of dogs

said jenny

i'm not afraid of dogs yell daniel i

just don't like them

daniel sat alone in his room


time for supper

called mom

i'm not hungry

call daniel

he's afraid

said jenny

i'm not

yell daniel

mom brought daniel a plate of food

honey you have to come out sometime

bandit won't hurt you

daniel just closed his door

that night daniel had to go to the

bathroom outside he heard a loud


i'm the bravest boy of all

thought daniel

even thunderstorms don't scare me


daniel opened his door a crack

no bandit in sight he ran into the




cried banned it from behind the toilet

daniel was too scared to move

there was a clap of thunder

bandit yelped and ran under daniel's


daniel screamed and jumped into the


bandit tried to jump in too but she

wasn't big enough

stay away

said daniel his heart pounded

cried bandit

daniel and bandits stared at each other

then daniel's eyebrows crinkled

you're not after me

you're afraid of thunderstorms

cried bandit

daniel's voice softened

don't be scared

he slowly reached his hand over the tub

with one finger

daniel touched bandit's shaking paw

her fur was soft

bandit licked his finger

daniel jerked it back

it tickled

daniel climbed out of the bathtub and

knelt down

it's all right bandit


daniel picked her up

his heart was beating fast

he'd never held a dog before

bandit stopped yowling

daniel carried bandit into his room and

put her on the bed

you can sleep with me tonight bandit

stopped shaking

she snuggled beside daniel and fell


i'm the bravest boy of all

thought daniel

i'm not afraid of spiders

i'm not afraid of snakes

i'm not even afraid of thunderstorms


i do like dogs

the end


so that little dog was howling because

she was afraid that's right leona wow

what a good book that is oh

that's my brother watch this


i want you to taste as everything in the

kitchens do to see what's missing okay

oh can you turn off the lights before

you come up

thank you


theo i don't smell the low fat yak

told you dad

hey what's this not afraid of dogs

i'm not afraid of dogs


i like this game



what else is scary watch what's coming

up next oh ah

all about everything

one thing at a time

and now the information

wow welcome what thing will we learn


all about being scared

lots of things can make you feel scared



like flag thunderstorms and uh


kinds of music oh

or sounds that make you wonder

where they're coming from


no sound at all



everybody gets

scared sometimes

even information hands

that's all for all about everything

one thing at a time

that sure rattled my bones how about you

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

presenting the incredible daring

trampolini brothers performing the brave

human cannonball hoopla

ready artero


arturo is brave

ready lorenzo


lorenzo is braver

ready felix

felix is the bravest

folks let's hear it for the terrific

trump fellini brothers


hi there i'm synonym sam girl genius

i'm getting to that rufus

welcome to my bedroom i need my lab

my dog rufus

will assist me in my demonstration

now with my super synonym machine

i will be able to demonstrate the

meaning of words

ready rufus




today's demonstration was a complete

success i'd like to thank my assistant


take it out rufus



better turn this off


dog house








flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure book 212

cliffhanger the lap dog and the riddle



excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

suddenly cliff spots a father and

daughter sitting at the edge of his

cliff father i've got a riddle to tell

you no riddles till we find you a lap

dog that's why we're here quickly cliff

reaches into his backpack and extracts

his trusty survival manual

using his expert decoding skills cliff

begins to read if you see a father

looking for a lap dog

don't be afraid to put on a lap dog

costume and go woof woof

i am not afraid


brother look

has good fortune smiled on our brave

hero at last

now this is scary


now that you have your lap dog you can

tell me your riddle okay

what's the one thing you lose every time

you stand up i don't know tell me your




where is everybody like i guess the

library's closed well i might as well

stay here till morning nice safe place

oh comfy chairs

nothing to be afraid of

lionel dear did you remember to turn off

the lights ah

sorry mom

turn off the lights


it's okay

i'm not afraid i'm not

twinkle twinkle little star



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