10x128 - Castles, Caves, and Honeycombs; My House

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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10x128 - Castles, Caves, and Honeycombs; My House

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


between the covers


between the


what a lovely room

it's so booky yeah oh oh hi

this is ulysses the snail hi everyone

he's looking for a new place to live hi

i spent my whole life in this shell and

boy gum it's time for something big air

oh well you are in luck because today we

just opened


all different kinds of homes wing yeah

sounds very promising yeah come on


wow i like this place hi me

too oh

it's very lively

hi mama this is ulysses he needs to find

a new home oh hi ulysses hi lady uh cleo

you came just to the right place the

home wing has all kinds of books about

where people and animals live let me

show you around

wait for me

this is bennett the beast

oh hello what you're reading

10 easy steps to spruce up your pond

the waterproof edition

hi cleo oh well come on

so you see overseas a pond is a kind of

home boy

thank you so much for this issue of

better holes and gardens it's so


i'm glad you liked it

oh let's go bye maxie

see ya thanks again

okay chicks get comfy and i'll read you

bringing out the best in your nest

oh you know these all sound very

interesting but i don't know if any of

them are right for me oh well hey let's

take a look at this book you'll see that

there are all different kinds of homes


castles caves and honeycombs by linda

ashman illustrated by lauren stringer

i think you'll like it

many places make a home

a heap of twigs



a honeycomb


a castle with a tower or two

an arie with a bird's eye view


a silky web

a sandy dune

a room inside a warm cocoon

a chamber in a snowy mound


a busy town beneath the ground

a silent cave


a secret den


a warrant in a grassy glen


a sloping cliff above the shore


a hole beneath the kitchen floor

a rocky pit

an armor case

a shell that's carried place to place

a hollow space inside a tree

a tidal pool beside the sea


a home's a house


a den

a nest

a place to play

a place to rest

a place to share


a place to hug


a home is someplace

safe and snug

the end

wow i had no idea there were so many

cool places to live besides the library

nor i

and now i know exactly what kind of new

home i should have and what's that a

castle oh i want to live in an enormous

castle i like the one in the book

all right we'll just find you a book

about how to build a castle

it should have plenty of closet space

and a rep room and a sauna oh and a

bellyard room and i'd also like a lap


perhaps some free weights i want to do

some heavy lifting

a beehive

ah animals live in all sorts of places

let's watch

hey where you going

if you were if you were a bald eagle you

would begin in a nest

the biggest in the world it's called an

airy and can be the size of a

three-story house

but there's no time for bragging if

you're always eating

at one month you'd begin to lose your

soft baby feathers until you were a

fledgling in full feather at three

months you'd finally make the leap you

dare to wing it and soar

you'd soon become an expert flyer

you'd watch the grown-ups and learn how

to catch your own food at four or five

years old your head and tail feathers

would be white

if you were a male eagle you could

stretch your wings to six feet

as long as a surfboard

if you were a female eagle you'd be

bigger still

you could stretch your wings to eight

feet almost as long as a ping-pong table

with wings like that you would be a

mighty hunter

especially when it came to finding a


if you were a bald eagle you would build

a giant mask and have some eclipse too

so that one day

they would be as mighty as you


and now don't


please welcome queen v

thank you joy honey and may i say i love

your hat thank you queen bee i see you

brought some friends honey those are my

workers they're certainly busy guys

actually they're all female really all

females the males or drones as we call

them stay in the honeycomb and take care

of me all day

i just adore it

who wouldn't

so you live in a honeycomb made of

beeswax is that right that's right joy

that's where we keep the pollen we

collect from flowers along with the

honey we make and the larva

that's my eggs i must say

we do love our honeycomb home honey

how many larvae do you have in there on

my last count it was several thousand

little larva several thousand oh yes and

it's about time i get back to them

goodbye wait take the workers with you

we'll be right back

i think one got through


b is ahead making a b line for the

finish line bear is second buffalo is

next to last bird is last but she is

flying what's this b has spotted a

beehive and she's burst right off the

track bear is following b probably

looking for honey coming down the

stretch whirl bird has landed on

buffalo's horn she's getting a free ride

and it's

if you were

if you lived in a shell you might be a


a turtle

a conch


a spider crab

if you were a spider crab you'd try hard

to hide yourself

you'd live in sea grass on the edge of

the ocean

you'd squeeze in among the rocks

you travel at night under the cover of


and you'd be a master of disguise

your shell would have prickly hairs you

could stick things too like seaweed

and sponges

anything to keep you hidden

when you outgrew your shell and grew a

bigger one

you'd cover up again

but what puts you in such a hiding mood

seagulls of course

you're his favorite food

if he decides to swoop and grab you

hide because that's what spider crabs do

it's time for good story time


thank you

thank you

what's that sound

is that my tummy rumbling or is it a

book about eating

termite eats written and illustrated by

cathy caples

termite eats ladybugs house

ladybug gets a new house


termite eats

his house what are you doing

mouse gets a new house

hermit eats dogs

dog gets a new house

hermit eats boston's house



a gingerbread house

it's amazing and i can't believe that

little snail built it in only six

minutes i know

but but where is he oh under here oh huh

oh do you like it

i love it


you're wearing the castle on your back

oh why leona we stales wear our homes on

our backs

we'll all be off then thank you for all

your help you're welcome

a snail's home is his castle


this is your announcer bunny saying some

people don't live in their hats strange

but true houses are next


my house

oh goodbye lionel bye mom keep in touch

i will mom hey

where is lionel going

i am all grown up now and i am moving


my clubhouse


he can't do that can he do that tell her

sure why not no problem

well all you have in there is a table

and a chair that is all i need well

you're not gonna sleep in there are you

you don't have a bed in there

i don't need a bed

i will sleep

on the floor

on the table hmm

um uh yes you're probably wondering what

i'm going to do for food huh start

wondering so well yes we were wondering

i was wondering that as well

i'm going to live off of these

wheatie meat treats try some today well

i guess this is goodbye son

be strong

um we'll try


but how can lionel live in his clubhouse

well people live in all sorts of

different places oh i just saw a new

video about homes come on let's check it

out okay

it's called my house

to the planet earth





my house










it might be blue

it might be green

it might be the coolest hazard you've

ever seen

might be a yurt

might be adobe small enough to keep a

mouse up tall enough for kobe


come and visit me in my head


and now time to live the life of a

grown-up lion for mr lionel


so uh what to do now

oh i think i'll take a nap on the table

yeah grown-ups are always getting tired

for some reason

so i'll take a little nap



table's a little hard

but um

i'll go get a pillow

fluffy pillow favorite fluffy pillow


put it up there yes there we go


ah much nicer much softer but uh

it's a little chilly i mean um tough but

i don't want to catch a cold

i'll go get a blanket

and a glass of water


hello everybody please welcome my guest

hey there

what's coming up on between the lions

well let's see joy oh we've got even

more about houses

oh and cliffhanger sells his house




and that's a bunny

and now please welcome the

outstanding and remarkable smarmy mommy



sunny boy great smarty

get it out


and now i the great martini will do my


two words into one trick

watch out secret and roy



i will now put the two words into my

smart depends

and house

say a magic word


a houseboat



pig and her house

pig is in front of her house


pig is behind her house

pig is next to her house

pig is far away from her house

pig is on top of her house

pig is under her house


excuse me

excuse me

today's adventure episode one million

cliff hanger sells his house we find

cliffhanger where we left him last

hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

suddenly cliff sees a man waving to him

from the top of the cliff good day sir

i'm here to help you sell your house

sell my house yes and when somebody buys

it my crew will move it to any place

they choose

and if i stay in my house while it's

moved will i get moved to

why sure i guess so mister you've got a

deal all right i'll be back in a gif

with my customers

wait i don't have a house

i'd better consult my trusty survival


if somebody offers to move your house

off your cliff but you don't have a


build one fast

okay who wants to make the first offer

on this lovely cliffside home i'll offer

100 000

and i'd like it moved to paris france

not bad

i'll offer 200 000

and i'd like it moved to honolulu hawaii

even better

i'll offer one million dollars sold and

where would you like your new house

moved nowhere it's hideous i'm buying it

on the condition you tear it down so i

don't have to look at it ever again

consider it done


hold on much


dog house










it's time for good story time with


thank you thank you thank you from the

bottom of my feet


oh where's the book

oh there it is

paints written by carol alexa schaefer

illustrated by julie lacombe


paints stardust windows





hate the stardust door

paper takes a start the doorknob


goes inside

i'm home

the end


beeper has a nice house and a great



yeah looking good cliff


what do you think of the clubhouse now

huh much more livable

got my hammock

got my pillow got my toys

got the refrigerator

yep everything a cub needs for a living

on his own




something's still missing

mom dad leona oh is everything all right

my goodness everything okay son oh yeah


things could not be better


i can see that

except i realized i'm missing

three things


what's that son hmm

well um

you guys

oh what a good

guy um

lionel did you move a refrigerator in



family hug family hug come here


be here between

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