10x124 - Pablo the Artist; Dream Carver

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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10x124 - Pablo the Artist; Dream Carver

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


between the covers




pablo the artists


we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much


to pass the time cliff has decided to

paint a picture

i've been staring at this blank canvas

for days i just don't know what to paint

if only my artist friend pablo were here

he would help me dream up an idea

wait i know

i can read a book about pablo maybe that

will inspire me

pablo the artist

by satoshi kitamura

the members of hoof lane art club were

excited there was to be an exhibition of

their work and everyone was busily


except for pablo

it was his dream to have a picture in an

exhibition but now he stood in front of

an empty canvas

arms folded looking troubled

he had painted flowers in a vase a

portrait of his friend

and even an abstract painting

yet nothing looked right

i think i have artists block

why don't you go out and paint a

landscape or something for a change

good idea in my view a good landscape is

the next best thing to a self-portrait

perhaps you're right i'll give it a try


so the next morning pablo woke up early

and traveled out into the country


after walking for some time he found a

lovely view

a tall oak tree with a stretch of green

woods in the background

this will make a beautiful landscape

pablo worked all morning by noon he had

painted the tree and some background

it looks all right i think at least it's

a start it'll get better after lunch

pablo had brought a big lunch box with

him huh an elephant cannot live by art


after the meal

he felt drowsy so

he decided to lie down for a short while

in no time at all

he was fast asleep



in the landscape a sheep was walking he

saw a canvas on an easel in the middle

of the field

a painting how interesting

but even as he admired it the sheep felt

there was something wrong with the

picture i know it's the grass it looks

completely tasteless


he picked up a paintbrush and painted

the grass a delicious bright green

a squirrel saw the painting and stopped

a picture she cried and looked at it


but soon she realized something was

missing no nuts no nuts i see no nuts

so the squirrel picked up a brush and

put nuts on the tree

a bird flew down and peeked at the

painting if you want my opinion it's


no bird could split its wings in such a

bleak sky

he took the brush in his beak and built

up the sky with a brilliant blue

the next to arrive was a wild boar

she glanced at the canvas and stopped in

her tracks

this won't do at all where's the shady

green groove that i live in how could

the artist have missed it and she added

some darker green strokes to the horizon



a swarm of these came


the painting looked much better now

while the animals the bird and the bees

were admiring the result a wolf strolled


he took a long hard look at the canvas


that's really cool guys but it can be

even better you know stand all together

in front of a tree and keep very still

this won't take too long

then he picked up a paintbrush and

started to paint


when the picture was finished they

gathered around to have a look

they were surprised by the way it had

turned out and applauded one after


gosh this is wonderful gorgeous

i'm impressed you're brilliant mr wolfe

buzz buzz genius

then they made their way home and


pablo woke up and yawned

what a strange dream

and what a beautiful painting

now i know exactly what to do

he rushed back to his canvas and started

to paint


when at last it was done

pablo packed up his things and made his

way home

when the exhibition opened pablo's

painting was the star of the show and he

was the toast of the town it's wonderful

gorgeous i'm impressed

you brilliant pablo


for pablo it was a dream come true

the end

and that's the end of the story

excuse me

excuse me


hold on much longer

you know what's even better than reading

about art

having it actually hanging in your


oh i love that

i don't get it oh

what don't you get sweetheart well

who actually painted this picture was it

the sheep

was it the wolf

are you as confused as i am

pablo painted it right after he woke up

from his nap he was just painting what

he saw in his dream

the dream inspired him


oh oh


i get it now napping can lead to great


well not just napping

lots of things inspire artists like

taking a walk or visiting a museum or

listening to music or napping oh oh

we already mentioned that one day



we should try some of those things and

see what we get inspired to make

on your mic


hmm nice

hello everybody please welcome my guest

hi mom

what's coming up on between the lions

well let's see joy

there's finger painting and other kinds

of painting

and there's a worm that paints too

finger paints by lillian moore

finger paints are cool as mud

mud that's red or blue

they squish

and squash

and slide

most any way i want them to

i can squeeze a bump of green

or swish it up and down

or make it stop right on top of a humpy

hill of brown

if someone says

do you tell us dear

what does your picture say

i swoosh the picture all around

and make it go away

art can be a lot of things

a landscape is a drawing or painting of


so you wouldn't do a landscape of the

ocean that would be a seascape

a still life is a painting or drawing of

something that doesn't move

in the real world

you can do a portrait of people

you can paint or draw your dog you can

make a portrait of a giraffe you can do

a self-portrait of yourself a

self-portrait can only be yourself art

can be a lot of things sculpture

paintings animation

whatever you want

short story time with artie smarty fans



and now i'm going to read

this book to you and ooh ah i know

you're going to like it

called worm paints written and

illustrated by cathy cable

worm paint a picture

i don't like it says rat

worm paint a picture

i don't like it says turtle

worm paint a picture

ah i don't like it says frog

worm hates a picture


they all say

see ya

say goodbye wormy goodbye


so leona did you find any inspiration

yep i was looking at some more art and

it inspired me to paint a painting


a lamb chop

that is so strange

i was listening to music and i got

hungry so i was inspired to paint this

a lamb chop

weird leona cleo yeah you'll never guess

what i was inspired to create

oh i think we know what it is a painting

of a lamb chop no

not quite uh when i was napping i had a

dream that i was actually preparing lamb


oh my daddy is a true artist inspiring


this is your announcer bunny next a boy

named mateo has very big dreams thank


dream carver


dream carver by diana cohn illustrated

by amy cordova

mateo lived in a small village in mexico


every sunrise mateo joined his father to

carve little toys

which they sold at village fiestas

mateo and his father carved tiny pigs

cats dogs and goats

carving so small they could fit in the

palm of a hand

mateo's sister and mother painted the

carvings in bright bold colors

mateo loved the village fiestas because

those were the only times when there

were so many delicious things to eat

he feasted on turkey with black mole

sauce and drank hot chocolate until his

belly ate

in the days between the fiestas mateo

learned as much as he could about all

the animals he saw around his village

he watched how his herd of goats

stretched their necks to drink water and

how jackrabbits darted this way and that

across the fields

whenever mateo sat under his favorite

guajitri a parade of these animals

pranced through his imagination

the goats were as pink as bougainvillea

with cactus green speckles

and the jackrabbits were cloaked in

orange capes with red and white flames

someday i'll call all these animals to


one morning mateo told his father about

his dreams


i see animals so big and so bright that

i will need to carve them with a machete

i want to make them my way instead of

making the same hogas we carve over and


why should you carve differently when

for hundreds of years it has worked for

us to carve the way i taught you

but mateo couldn't stop the animals from

creeping and crawling through his dreams

one night a dazzling golden rose-colored

jaguar called out to

and you will find the power

and strength you need to carve

all your dreams

so the next morning mateo carved

miniature who get this as he had always


but in the afternoon he snuck away and

cut a giant branch of fresh green wood

from the coppalio tree and peeled it

with his machete

with a few bold machetazos he tried to

carve the mighty jaguar that had been in

his dreams the night before

but it looked clumsy

why don't you come out the way i want


to but mateo kept carving until finally

one day as he carved the kitsap the

iridescent bird of the rainforest the

wood peeled off like feathers

mateo sanded the bird smooth and then

took out his paintbrush

he painted the bird turquoise and orange

with yellow dots sprinkled across her


he painted her long feathers in bright

green and black stripes

at last he had carved an animal from his

dreams to life

now the carving came easier

when matteo imagined a white

polka-dotted squirrel or an

orange-striped gazelle or a black and

yellow spotted frog bracing to spring he

could carve them all just like that


one day mateo looked at his animals and

wondered what his father would think of


would he be surprised would he be angry

the next fiesta was dia de los muertos

day of the dead the perfect chance to

display his carvings


mateo could barely sleep but in the

early dawn mateo finally fell into a

light sleep

very softly he heard a raven call out to


you have nothing to fear your dream

animals are with you

that morning mateo laid his carvings

down on the main street for all to see

when the children saw matteo's carvings

their eyes lit up

they began to name them and to play with

them as if they were alive

the noisy chattering crowd surrounded

mateo and bought one carving after


finally when all the bustle and clamor

began to calm mateo felt a gentle hand

on his shoulder

when he turned around

he saw his father's beaming face

mateo it's time for you to teach me a

new way to carve papa

i saved my favorite carving of all for


and mateo picked up the kitsal

and placed it in his father's hands

the end wow those animal carvings really

inspired me yeah me too

hmm um lionel yeah what's inspired me

oh well

inspired means that those animal

carvings make me want to try and make

something too


i know

let's color

let's see



and the wish

upon a star

coloring book yeah

i like the title

oh yeah this coloring book is the best

see there's a wish and a star but the

best part is there's a coloring code a

coloring code no no coloring code

yeah see each blank space has a number

in it see one is blue for the sky two is

gray for the cliff and three is brown

for the branch

and the best part is i have two of these

so we can each do one oh cool all right

so let's go color yeah let's go wait

what remember

stay inside the lines and follow the

color code um


okay let's go




excellent what's next on between the

lions i'm dreaming about the drift sound

made by the letters d r it's drama dude

















and now it's time for

great work

excellent grain here once again at

blending fields where two brave knights

and armor will charge together at high

speed and make a word

competing today we have sir

and sir s



excellent that's quinn's word for today

and this is gwen says don't stress cause

i guess i'll see you next time on great

word queen's word

word is dream

hit it

thoughts images sensations something you

think of from your imagination you can

dream big you could dream small ah

sometimes hip i don't dream at all

that's cool too rhyme oh dreams come and

go a wish is a dream something you

believe seeing with your eyes closed

this means these are the visions we call


flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of cliffhanger

today's adventure number 2612

cliffhanger and the wish upon a star


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff

hold on much longer

suddenly night falls

far far above the first star appears

sharp as attack cliff reaches into his

backpack and extracts his trusty

survival manual using his expert

decoding skills cliff begins to read

when you see a star

make a

wish starlight star bright first star i

see tonight get me off this cliff



me yes

would you folks mind rescuing me

can all be well thanks to cliff's twist

for wish that's easy for you to say


it is only a dream

a dream



hold on much longer





a little dabba do you

and yes now i am done no wait


now i am done

all done oh me too gus take a look



yours is perfect you didn't go outside

the lines and you followed the color

code exactly yes thank you gus

this is the result of years of practice

of course it takes time to master one's


now show me yours um

uh maybe some of the time huh why hmm

he's not gonna like it

i did it all wrong

come on gus i really want to see it well


wish me luck

guys yeah i know i know i messed it up

i'm sorry i just i just love making

clouds with cotton balls and well there

was a glitter paint i had to go to play

and look at these feathers and i had to

use you know a few

things it's

it's unique


is that good

good that's incredible

oh yeah

kids got talent

but but i didn't use the color code and

i call it outside the lines i know

that's what i like about it

hey you know something goes what there's

more than one way to make art

hey can we hang this in my room oh sure

okay let's go yeah i know the perfect


more than one way to make art now that's



yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website okay

go to pbskids.org





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