09x116 - Priceless Gifts; King Midas

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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09x116 - Priceless Gifts; King Midas

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions

come on



between the covers






we find cliff hanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

in a never-ending quest to get off the

cliff cliffhanger is reading his

survival manual

hey what you're reading must be good oh

it is i've read it several times already

but each time i discover something new

i love to relax with a book especially

after climbing all day

do you have any stories you could read

to me sure

i have all kinds of good books

here's one

priceless gifts by shashana shankar

once there was a very sad and lonely

merchant named sheldon

he lived alone and didn't have a single


table for one please

one day when sheldon was eating all by

himself he overheard a rich merchant

named sharida telling a story

last month i sailed my ship to the

kingdom of shazam


hello king shazam

my ship's filled with great stuff

tell me what you need and i'll sell it

to you

king shazam needed shoes shower curtains

shovels shrubs and shield

but unfortunately sharita didn't have

anything in her ship beginning with sh

yo well stay for dinner anyway we're

having shrimp


sharita and king shazam sat down to a

lavish meal

but before they could even taste the


mice started eating everything in sight

king shazam tried chewing the mice away


yeah baby shake it shake it


but nothing works

have you tried getting a cat

king shazam didn't know what a cat was

he had never even seen one before

so sharita got two cats from her ship

i don't believe it they chased all the

mice away those cats are

fantastic you can have them i've got

tons of cats on my ship

king shazam was so grateful for this

gift he showered sharita in gold and



when sheldon heard this story he decided

that he too would sail to the kingdom of



if sharita got all those jewels and gold

for two cats

imagine what i'll get if i give the king

all those things he asked for

check please


so sheldon filled his ship with shoes

shower curtains shovels shrubs and sheep

and sailed to shazam

hi king shazam i'm sheldon a merchant i

was just passing by and i wondered if

you needed anything

well what i could really use is shoes

shower curtains shovels shrubs and sheep

why yes that's exactly what i need

i've got them all right here in fact

i'll give them to you


king shazam was so grateful for all

these gifts he said he would give

sheldon something in return

something priceless


will it be a hundred jewels a thousand a


i wonder if i'll need a bigger ship

behold your priceless gift

that's it

it's called a cat and it chases mice

it's much more valuable than all the

jewels in shazam

oh sucks


back on his ship

sheldon was sadder than ever before he

had sailed across the world and hadn't

gotten a single jewel


but then the cat jumped up onto his

shoulder and purred

and sheldon felt a very strange feeling

he felt happy

for king shazam had indeed given sheldon

a priceless gift

he had given him a friend

the end

and that's the end of the story

thanks so much that was terrific


now that i've read you a story

could you do me a favor

of course

oh could i borrow your ladder

is this the moment cliff has been

waiting for at last is this the moment

we've all been waiting for

cliffhanger's gonna go off the cliff

this is it son

did you just say that cliff hanger is

gonna get off the cliff yes oh cliff has

a ladder

we should throw a party

all right

yeah i know what it is



excellent what's next on between the


it's the sound of sh

i'm all shook up













and now it's time for play with words







is in very good shape look how fast i

can run

all right uh-oh it appears the s-h


shape has run away








it's game time and welcome to the

blending bowl i'm terry bradshaw and

i'll be doing the play-by-play today for

this incredible showdown in red we have



and in white we have team and




don't shake while i give you a shave

careful i'm sure that's about it folks

and until next time for the blending

bowl i'm cherry bradshaw hey thanks for














s h


here's somewhere to begin with the

sh sound














call the party off

because i can't turn the page lionel

what's wrong don't you see

if cliff gets off the cliff

it's all over

there'll never be another cliff hanger

book again


you know what makes a great book really

great what

a great ending

a great ending a great

ending a great ending

a great ending yeah yeah

and if any book is going to have a great


it's going to be

the adventures of cliff hanger

okay people

let's do this


yeah know that story gave me a brilliant

idea that's wonderful what is it

hold on a minute i'll be right back

you deserve much more than an old ladder

for reading me such a good story

you deserve a priceless gift



and that's why



hold on much longer

now that's what i call an ending it's an

ending that never ends

but now we can't have our welcome down

cliff party i wanted a party

well uh

we can just have another party

right click


computer mouse also wants to party

activate sign change program

see now it's a we love cliff party





another priceless


and now coming right up is a story

that's coming right up

thank you


king minus


there's your mate your majesty



more meat is that all you can say more

meat no thank you leona

i'm the king

i don't



cubs what's going on here oh we're

playing king of the beasts that's me

and leona won't bring me more meat well

he has plenty of meat mama i've been

bringing in meat all day

you know there's a book in the library i

think i should read to you

it's all about a greedy king who got the

power to turn everything he touched into

gold i'll be right back


boy if i were that king i'd want

everything i touched to turn to meat



that would be so cool

that would be so weird

here we are mama lionel thinks it'd be

cool if everything he touched turned to


oh you do do you lionel

well maybe this book will change your

mind it's called

king midas it's an old greek myth that

is retold and illustrated by karen


a long time ago in a distant land called

greece a king named midas hello lived

with his daughter zoe who was a very

smart kid

kid kid

king midas was a very kind but kind of

kooky king what does cookie mean

unusual daddy very unusual


the thing that the king liked to eat

most for breakfast was a kettle of

kumquat kebabs with kale and kidney pie

covered with ketchup

this is a kumquat it's a kind of fruit

and this

is a kumquat kebab a kebab is food that

is cooked on a stick

this is kale

it's a leafy vegetable mama you're such

a well-prepared reader

thank you leona


yuck he also loved to pet his perky dog

kirk he would play his kazoo and dance

with him to the music of bouzouki

but the one thing king midas loved more

than anything was his king-sized stack

of gold i love you stack of gold


he's never learned that hugging his gold

is dangerous


his daughter zoe would give him kiss to

make him feel better

thank you daughter dear that made me

feel much better


one day a very powerful man named

dionysus came through king midas kingdom

and decided to grant him a wish

a wish you're gonna grant me a wish you

don't have a problem with that no no

problem at all king midas did not think

for long i wish everything i touched

would turn to gold

are you sure that may not be such a good


you said i could wish for anything all


dionysus kept his promise and granted

king midas his wish when you wake up

tomorrow everything you touch will turn

to go


the king awoke at the crack of dawn

eager to try out his new powers


he touched his kazoo and it turned to


it's gold he touched his skateboard

it's gold gold

gold gold gold gold gold gold king midas

thought this was the greatest thing in

the world

until he tried to eat his breakfast

kettle of kumquat kebabs with kale and

kidney pie covered with ketchup yum i'm



it's gold


he went to pet his perky dog kirk and he

turned to gold too




no longer could he pet or dance with him

king midas was so upset that he couldn't

keep back his tears when his daughter

saw him crying she went to give him a

kiss to make him feel better




don't come near me no

oh no now even my daughter has turned to



what what

oh great dionysus please undo my golden

touch that was a very stupid wish i made


dionysus agreed to undo the wish but

only if king midas promised to forsake

all his gold forsake that means give it


oh i will i'll forsake all my gold i

promise in no time everything that had

been turned to gold began turning back

to the way it was

oh daughter

oh kirk

oh kettle of kumquat kebabs with kale

and kidney pie

covered with ketchup

i'll never wish to have the golden touch

again yo

let's all dance to the bazookies

now knowing that gold was not the key to

happiness king midas danced with

everyone to the bazookies happily ever


the end you see cubs sometimes it's good

to be satisfied with what you have and

not be greedy and want more yeah imagine

what would happen if everything i

touched turned to meat

sure i'll imagine me too

lionel give me a hug

oh come here









puff move the house in



reginald livingston seagull here

yeah well

actually i'd i'd rather be here that's

better now i have a poem for you it's

written by lillian moore called to a red

kite it's from her book called

mural on second avenue


fling yourself upon the sky

take the string you need ride high

high above the park

tug and buck and lark with the wind

touch a cloud red kite

follow the wild geese in their flight

here are some words that begin with the

letter k















the king commands you to go forth and

get me

a cliffhanger book

no no no no

make that

two cliffhanger books

no no no no the king commands you to get

me all of my cliffhanger books


um please

oh that's better your majesty

much better yeah

it's not easy being king


here they are every last cliffhanger

book in the library

what there's one missing oh it's about a

king and it's on that shelf right over


flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure number 1826

cliffhanger and the kindly kangaroo king


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him


hanging from a cliff


hold on much



fifth spots a king dangling a huge hook

quickly cliff reaches into his backpack

and extracts

his trusty survival manual using his

expert decoding skills cliff begins to


if you spot a king dangling a huge hook

ask him to rescue you

what a keen idea

say your majesty would you mind using

your hook to pull me up to safety

it would please us greatly to serve you

in this manner

will this kindly king be the key to

cliffhangers escape


your highness

i can't help but notice that you are a


yes we are a kangaroo


now sadly it's time for us to part





hold bond much longer

wow brilliant cliffhanger one of my


the king commands you to go forth and

bring it here

yes your majesty


is the other way


is it too late for it please yes





be here between

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