08x110 - I Don't Want a Birthday Party; Knuffle Bunny

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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08x110 - I Don't Want a Birthday Party; Knuffle Bunny

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions






i don't want a birthday party

oh hi guess what today is my birthday

that's right

happy birthday leona oh thanks and for

my birthday my mom is going to read me a

very special birthday book

you want to know what it's called it's

called um

it's called

mama what's it called

it's called i don't want a birthday

party yay i don't wanna

i don't wanna

it's called i don't want a birthday

party that's right leona i don't want a

birthday party

why would anyone not want a birthday



what kind of person is this book about

well it's about a clown named roodles

and i guess roodles doesn't like

birthday parties

does it

like birthday parties

oh well this clown has a lot of

explaining to do


i don't want a birthday party written

and illustrated by wrigley rinkeroo

there once was a clown named roodles who

lived in a round room

my name is not brutal and i do not live

in a round room


i did not bump into that door


one day rudels was walking down the road

i am not walking down the road

rudels could only say the opposite of

what he meant

that is not true


one day

brutals met a red rooster named rex

running on the road

my name is not brutals goodbye



i'm not running after you

rudolph what do you want it's not my

birthday and i do not want a birthday


no birthday party no problem

rudel started to cry


oh no happy

rex was

what is with this clown

he says goodbye and then runs after me

he says he doesn't want a birthday party

he says he's happy when he's crying

it's almost as if he's saying the

opposite of what he means to say


rex realized that roodles really wanted

a birthday party

you want a birthday party no i don't no

i don't

later that day rex and roodles's

relatives surprised roodles in his room


meaning of course that he really truly



now i get it roodles the clown said he

didn't want a birthday party but he

really did that's exactly right leona

isn't that silly oh it is silly


i don't want to make the same mistake as

roodles so i better tell everyone i do

want a birthday party

hey everybody

just so you know

i do want a birthday party

all righty then

oh lionel hey lionel yeah what's up sis

listen i do want a birthday party well

that's that's really nicely or not

birthday party you'll want one

got it no no no lyle i need to make sure

you understand i really do want a

birthday party um yeah well yeah i heard

you leona okay okay okay

okay well i better go tell daddy i want

a birthday party too just in case you

think i don't all right all righty then

mom is she feeling okay um i think

you'll understand if you read this

care to join me yeah

i don't want a birthday party by wrigley


next hmm


excellent what's next on between the

lions get ready for fun with the letter


all right on dudes






get ready to play with words with hearty

smarty pants

thank you thank you


look what do i have here

oh a


yes and this is the word train


our friends in iowa know lots of words

that begin with the letter r rough





rose restaurant












robot and a rooster that's right the

robot played guitar and the rooster

played consume and they played a little

song for rocket doodle doo

rock rock







hopping out of the bushes is it a bug is

it a squirrel


it's opposite bunny



here he comes the opposite bunny

that was


off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of life


today's adventure episode 39

happy birthday cliffhanger


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

as today's episode begins cliff looks at

his calendar watch and discovers

it's my birthday


i'm afraid no one will remember we


and we've brought you

this scrumptious birthday cake

this is remarkable

make a wish and blow out the candles

if you blow them all out your wish will

be granted even without consulting his

trusty survival manual cliffhanger knows

just what to do

my wish is that you will rescue me from

this cliff

oh too bad don't worry even if you had

blown them all out we're too far away

now to rescue you anyway

happy birthday

rats and



hold on much




where is everybody



what made you think i wanted a party no

just a lucky guess

happy birthday sweetheart

hey leona are you ready for your present

yes yes yes my present my present my

present here we go


no leona it's not true

it's not me roodles and i am not here to

wish you a happy birthday


surprise leona

you can say that again mama

happy birthday sweetheart

okay everybody rudolph the clown will

now not make you laugh

it's a happy birthday today

happy birthday to anybody


if it's your birthday today happy


if it's not join the party and watch

this next story


oh hey

everything i always wanted to know i

learned from my laundry

great book yeah yeah

changed my life oh yeah yeah the chapter

on lost socks gives me new hope

oh yeah okay okay okay okay

attention attention everybody i am sorry

to interrupt your reading but i can't

find my adorable little doll lobby

can you please check around your seats

and see if she's there oh sure

oh lovey

lovey lovey over there


i uh

i found her

i was sitting on her


oh thank you thank you thank you


sir on behalf of my daughter leona i

want to thank you for finding her lovely



you know leona your little adventure

with lovey there reminds me of a

wonderful book

that by a remarkable coincidence just

happens to be sitting on this table

right here

that blows my mind



it's called canuffle bunny and it's

written and illustrated by mo willems oh

look lovey

it's got a little girl on the cover and

she's holding her bunny is it a story

about a little girl in her bunny oh

that's right honey it's a cautionary



what's the cautionary tale

cautionary it means the story warns you

about something uh like the story of the

boy who cried wolf

oh yeah i wonder who those legs belong


well let's read it and find out


not so long ago before she could even

speak words trixie went on an errand

with her daddy

trixie and her daddy went down the block

through the park


past the school

and into the laundromat

laundro what laundromat that's a place

where there are lots of washing machines

and dryers and where some people do

their laundry oh

it's a place where some people do their

laundry lovey

trixie helped her daddy put the laundry

into the machine

she even got to put the money into the



then they left


what a block or so later


trixie realized something


trixie turned to her daddy and said

i go flag

that's right replied her daddy we're

going home



now please don't get fussy said her


well she had no choice

trixie ball


she went boneless

she did everything she could to show how

unhappy she was

by the time they got home her daddy was

unhappy too

as soon as trixie's mommy opened the

door she asked where's snuffle bunny


the whole family ran down the block

and they ran through the park

they zoomed past the school

and into the

laundromat trixie's daddy looked for

canopul bunny

and looked

and looked

and looked


colorful bunny was nowhere to be found


so trixie's daddy decided to look harder




and those were the first words trixie

ever said


the end

ah a happy ending trixie has her

canuffle bunny and i have my lovey

don't worry lovey i'll never lose you

again never ever

great book changed my life

i'm gonna read this again i love that

aggle flaggle part okay










sticky sticky







and now a word from mr bruno kirby


thank you

thank you thank you

very much



reginald livingston seagull here with a

poem for you called ode to the washing

machine written by rebecca k tartlich

i'm so sorry you had to see that

here's to your spin your soap said song

your rumble and whirl and twirl along

swish swish swish swirl and spin

a tub of tumbling safety pins

and jeans and socks

and nickels that knock their silver song

in the whirling drum of your belly

twist tub twist

do the twist

give the socks a soapy kiss

scrub our jeans good and clean

yellow the yellows green up the greens

bubble along

here's to your spin your soap suds song

here's some words ending in why that

sounds like e






daddy mommy baby



ending y


and now it's time for those magnificent

monkey cheerleaders

ready ready okay

give me some dirty skirts

dirty skirts give me some dirty shirts

get dirty shirts give me some dirty


dirty shorts

what do you got laundry louder

one more time


okay girls let's wash up and call it a





where two brave knights in armor with

shopping carts will charge together at

high speed make a word and go shopping

competing today we have sir

and on your right sir eddie

blend on shopping dudes




kitty excellent that's kawaii's word for

today and this is

sam it would be very kind of you to come

back soon too

great words

bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny


oh i love that word bunny bunny bunny

bunny bunny




and those were the first words trixie

ever said okay

yeah hey hey i've got another great book

for you about a bunny oh you do yeah but

i i don't know where it is

i'm not sitting on it i swear

i know

there it is

and now fun with chicken jane today

chicken jane and the muddy


bunny coming down the lane

look scott look see the bunny

yes dot yes she is a happy bunny

oh scott

look and see

see how the bunny is muddy

yes yes

see the silly muddy happy bunny

look at that look

see chicken jane write the letters








er r

look scott look

chicken jane is dirty

we are not dirty

thank you chicken jade


look look see


yeah me too







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