08x109 - Trosclair and the Alligator; The Coyote and the Rabbit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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08x109 - Trosclair and the Alligator; The Coyote and the Rabbit

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


the world awaits

between the lions between the covers



between the lions


that way


hey what's up

hey lionel listen to this here book

sounds like something splashing in the

water hmm what could it be let's see

it's got a picture of a boy and a dog

right in a hero

a what it's the kind of boat we have in

louisiana well that's where i'm from

trocler and the alligator



i think that was an alligator


should we read it


true claire and the alligator by peter

huggins illustrated by lindsay gardner

trocler loved living on bio fontaine in


he could hop into his piro anytime and

hunt turtles or visit his cousins

and while trocler played cards with his

cousins aunt emil and uncle marie fix

gumbo and rice in the kitchen

when trocler didn't go to his cousins he

and his dog ollie would glide into piro

to be island swamp the best place to

hunt turtle eggs

troclaire wasn't supposed to go to the

swamp because gargantua the rogue

alligator had moved in

he scared everyone he att*cked dogs cats

goats and a few careless pigs

pear troclear's father said it was only

a matter of time before gargantuar tried

boy or man

that alligator eats you and ollie so

fast pear said he won't even stop to




trocler wasn't so sure

besides he loved the swamp

gliding under the cypress trees on the

smooth water troclear listened to the

silence broken by the dip dipped dip of

his paddle or the cry of a heron trocler

beached his piro on b island at the

center of the swamp he didn't see or

hear gargantua once


trocley and ollie hunted turtle eggs but

didn't find any

they did find a beehive in a live oak


troclet thought the honey would taste

really good


troclea picked up a stick

he and ollie stepped onto a log at the

foot of the tree

they stepped onto a low-hanging branch

and then onto a higher branch

troclea helped ollie onto the last

branch as the bees buzzed all around him


below the log moved

the log was gargantua

trochlea saw he was as long as pear and

uncle marie lay head to toe head to toe

gargantua looked up at them and grinned

they could see how many teeth he had and

how big they were

well well my petito stuck in a tree said


i tell you what you do boy

you throw that dog down to me and i

leave you alone eh

trochlea didn't know what to do

but the bees buzzing around the hive

gave him an idea

he winked at ollie

trocler said

okay gargantua open your mouth and i'll

drop ollie right in

i sure am glad you don't want the



gargantua looked first at ollie

then at the beehive and back at ollie

what's a beehive ass gargantua

oh said troclear waving the bees away

it's just full of bursting or the


tastiest honey you've ever seen

i'm glad you don't want it

sweet huh said gargantua

i tell you what you do

gargantua said

you troll that old beehive down to me

and i let you keep that dog

not that said troll cliff anything but


please take my dog and let me keep the


no said gargantua

please please take my dog troclear bag

yo my mind she is made up

gargantua said

well all right troll claire said only

you have to come closer


when gargantua was directly under the

beehive trocler yelled stop

now open your mouth troclera said

using his stick troclan knocked the

beehive into gargantua's mouth


gargantua greedily snapped his mouth


he rolled his eyes then roared with pain

the angry bees stung him and poured out

of his mouth

you tricked me you tricked me he held


gargantua ran as fast as he could to the

water pursued by the swarming bees

and he didn't stop swimming until the

island swamp was far behind him


when trocley and ollie got back home

pear said

where you been now your uncle maurice

said he saw that gargantuar heading down

to bayou like the swamp wolf were after


pear that old alligator got him a sweet

tooth he'll never come back here

but for a long time trocler never went

to be island swamp without pear or uncle

maury or one of his cousins

and to this day gargantua has never


gargantuan was




yeah but he wasn't all that smart

troclear played a pretty good trick on



let's read it again

good idea

troll claire loved living on bio


fontaine in louisiana


are coming up next

welcome to the show everyone we're

swamped here today because we're talking

with a special guest from the bayous of

louisiana please welcome alligator oh

thank you joy now alligator i'm always

getting confused what's the difference

between you and a crocodile it's easy

crocodiles have the teeth showing when

they close their mouth not guitars we

both love the life of the bayou right

but what exactly is a bayou a very slow

moving stream of water

and the swamp is where we find lots of

delicious food like that and hingo over

there yeah

and this turtle here

and the frog there

do you know what i would love to eat

right now uh show's over no no no wait i

was going to say gumbo you know



hi there i'm synonym sam

girl genius

i'm getting to that rufus

welcome to my bedroom i mean my lab

my dog rufus

will assist me in my demonstration

now with my super synonym machine

i will be able to demonstrate the

meaning of words

ready rufus



voila a successful demonstration

guess i spoke too soon i'll work the

bugs out for next time see you then


big is a word that's really swell a word

that we know really well but sometimes

big gets boring here are others i'm

adoring like huge and tremendous and how

about stupendous which brings me to

humongous which means very very big

which brings into him


yes i could go on endlessly forgive me

for not stopping there's monumental and

gigantic massive jumbo wrapping not

little not teeny the opposite of weenie

my favorite is humongous which means

very very big his favorite is


there's mammoth and gargantuan enormous

and colossal there's even dinosauric a

humongous kind of fossil

but oh my greatest love's the only word

that rhymes with fungus

but another word for very big

let's hear it



t-rex is first alligator is second

apatosaurus is lost rounding the turn

it's t-rex first no alligator first no

t-rex first apothesaurus is stopping for

a stack into the final stretch it's

alligator no t-rex no alligator no t-rex

what a race apothesaurus is catching up

but is he too far behind the punishers



Bath Time

i never seen an alligator that big

that's for sure


you hear that

that's the same sound gargantual made in

the swoop water

well he couldn't be here on the roof

could he

might could


it's getting louder

now let me get your ears leona

tickles i love bath time

lionel bath time

sorry mom

i wasn't scared

me either


hooray for rabbits everywhere and hooray

for our next story



The Coyote and the Rabbit

the coyote and the rabbit

i'm playing hide and seek with leona

i gotta find a place to hide


oh hi mama i'm playing hide-and-seek

with lionel oh yes i heard

oh see you later



hi lionel


leona keeps finding me oh lionel your

sister just happens to have an

incredible sense of smell

she can find anyone anywhere it's not

fair what can i do


you know i think we have a book here in

the library that just might help let me

go get it

i i

is my mom cool or what

it's called the coyote and the rabbit

retold and illustrated by cedric bruce



one bright sunny day a rabbit was lying

outside her hole in the ground munching

on a stalk of celery


when out of nowhere a hungry coyote


how are you my tasty morsel

i mean rabbit

i'm uh fine

the rabbit could see the hungry look in

the coyote's eye

yummy bunny

she knew she had to think of something

quick to get the coyote's mind off

eating her so she said

you know i just noticed that my tail is

short and fluffy well yours is really


not so what else is new

i bet having such a long tail must slow

you down when you run

the coyote thought this was the funniest

thing he had ever heard

you crack me up rabbit

i'm the fastest animal there is nobody

has ever outrun me

the rabbit was cooking up a plan

ah but you've never run against me

we should have a race

now the coyote was certain that the

rabbit had celery on her brain so he

said all right rabbit i will race you to

the four corners of the earth but then

whoever wins gets to eat the loser


fair enough

but i will need four days to get myself

in racing shape

it's a deal i'll be back in four days

coyote headed home he could almost taste

the yummy rabbit dinner that he would

soon have


i better get moving

is this cousin

in paris

the rabbit called her other cousins who

lived around the world

and together they worked out a clever

plan to fool the coyote and make sure

their cousin won the race

on the day of the race the coyote showed

up bright and early

rise and shine rabbit

the runners took their places at the

starting line

you know you're gonna lose for sure

why don't you skip the race and let me

eat you now i'd love a rabbit ranchero


no way

we will race to the four corners of the

earth like you said

only i'm gonna run underground because

that's what i'm used to



on your mark

get set


and off they went to the four corners of

the earth the coyote raced across the

desert while the rabbit ran into her

hole in the ground


the coyote ran for days and days


that rabbit must be way behind me by now

he reached the eastern part of the earth

where there happened to be a circus

then suddenly a rabbit popped out of a

hole in the ground just in front of him


boy it sure took you a while to get here

the coyote thought it was the rabbit he

was racing but it wasn't it was the

rabbit's cousin cecil who lived there

you better run a little faster if you

want to beat me see ya

the coyote was so upset that he spun

around in circles

then he took off trying to run faster

than he'd ever run before




but everywhere the coyote ran a

different relative of the rabbit popped

up just ahead

big tail slow as a snail

and every time he would angrily spin

around in circles


finally he got to the finish line back

where they had started and found the

rabbit he was racing

looking very well rested

the coyotes spun around in circles

and ran off as fast as he could

bye bye

then the rabbit celebrated with another

stalk of celery

and so did all of her cousins

the end

so lionel

did that rabbit give you any ideas about

what to do

no no hiding a hole in the ground so

leona can't smell me no

use your brain to figure out a way to

beat leona's nose my brain how's my

brain going i really enjoyed my time in

the library i'm going to go back outside

and smell that rose bush again

okay bye-bye

hmm hmm


leona can't smell me if i'm covered in


thank you brain









here in mississippi there are lots of

interesting words that begin with the

letter c














Tammy Lynette

and now country music legend tammy

lynette singing the two sounds made by c

there are two sounds made by sea

in words like cry and certainly

and they're certainly enough to make me






in words like city cycle and december

it's clear this rule works nicely

take a crack at it you'll see

it's just a pity

that it's so hard to remain


i walk in circles crying how


i can't conceive of losing hope

yes i'll come through i'll learn the two

sounds made by sea


yes me and you will learn the two sounds

made by sean



off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure number 2631

hanger comes to the circus



excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him


hanging from a cliff


hold on much


suddenly cliff notices that a circus has

been set up below his crib the crafty

cliffhanger reaches into his backpack

and extracts his trusty survival manual

using his celebrated decoding skills

cliff begins to read if you see that a

circus has been set up below your cliff

look for the trapeze artist's net and

jump into it

there's the net it's that circle there

look out



can this be it has cliff finally escaped

from his cliff



ladies and gentlemen

before your very eyes a man will be shot

out of a cannon






curses and that's




uh the 800s right over there

thank you

mama mama lionel's not here i i i can't

smell them i can smell you and i can

smell the books i can smell that dog and

i can smell the rose bush outside

but i can't smell lino is there

something wrong with my nose oh no leona

i think lionel just figured out a way to

trick your nose by using his brain

how could he do that well leona it

wouldn't be fair if i told you now would



yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website


go to pbskids.org






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