08x107 - No One Told the Aardvark; Sea Horse

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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08x107 - No One Told the Aardvark; Sea Horse

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


the world awaits

between the lions between the covers





No One Told the Aardvark

hi leona hi

my brother lionel's gonna read to me

he's the best brother ever and a very

good reader well

thank you very much leona i'd like to

thank oh is it a storybook well it

doesn't have a pony a rainbow and a


wand it's leona what what do you say we

read it first oh okay wait okay now this

one is called no one told the aardvark

oh what's an art form well an aardvark

is covered with hair it's got a really

long nose and a tongue that does not

wait it's final line of lino hmm are you

gonna read the book

no one told the aardvark written by

debra eaton and susan halter illustrated

by jim spence oh

sometimes i think it would be more fun

to be an animal

today at breakfast i wanted to be a


my dad said

please don't eat with your fingers

use a spoon

chimpanzees don't have to use spoons

they eat with their fingers and their


when it was time for school my big

brother said

tie your shoelaces let's get going

horses don't have to tie their shoelaces

their shoes are nailed on

my friends yelled hurry up

don't be so

slow snails never have to hurry

it could take a snail three hours to

crawl across a street

at the corner the crossing guard stopped


look both ways before you cross the

street he said

fish don't have to stop and look my

angel fish can look to the left and

right at the same time

at lunch i remembered my mom telling me

to take small bites and chew my food

boa constrictors don't have to chew

their food they swallow it in one piece


on our class trip to the zoo

i wanted to see the kangaroos

but my teacher said

everyone stay together

don't get lost

baby kangaroos never get lost they ride

inside their mother's pouches

my little sister and i were playing

after school


she yelled

it's not polite to stick out your tongue

i guess no one told the aardvark it

sticks out its tongue 12 whole inches to

eat termites


my grandpa stopped by before dinner and

when he saw my bedroom he said

clean up that room young man it's a mess

hermit crabs don't have to clean their


they just find new homes


at dinner my aunt said

if you want dessert first eat up all

your vegetables

i told her baby blue whales don't eat


instead they drink almost a hundred

quarts of milk a day and sometimes even


when i was taking my bath my mom told me

don't forget to wash behind your ears

african elephants don't have to wash

behind their ears

they take dirt showers

then my big sister said brush your teeth

before you go to bed

i heard that nile crocodiles never


tiny plovers picked their teeth clean

it was getting dark

my grandma said

it's time to go to sleep here


raccoons don't have to go to sleep when

it's dark

they stay awake all night long



sometimes i wish i were an animal

an elephant

a fish

a crab

or a raccoon

a kangaroo

a horse or a whale a snake a crocodile

or a snail

an aardvark or a chimpanzee

i wonder sometimes if they wish they

were me




wow that was cool

you know i think i want to be another

animal too like a like a

yeah yeah i could be a hopping bunny

hoppity hoppity hop beat all over right

in the lineup

not a good idea leona oh okay um then i

could be

ah duck



i know just what i want to be

wait right here



axed next

excellent what's next on between the

lions more about snakes fish whales and

other cool animals huh stay tuned dudes

if you were

if you were a boa you'd start life with

60 brothers and sisters

you'd be more than 17 inches long

just long enough to circle a skinny


after a few months you'd strike out on

your own

you'd swim in rain forest rivers of

south america

and go tree climbing along the banks

if you were a boa

during the starry night you'd wait for

thirsty animals visiting the river for a


you'd use your stocking skills to seize

and squeeze

and you'd fill up your stomach with one

giant bite

your skin would be silky smooth

you'd shed it when it got too snug

after 30 years you'd be a super snake 20

feet long

you could stretch across a street

that's how long you'd grow up if you

were a boa

Blue Whale

and now


welcome back to the show my next guest

is the biggest animal the world has ever

seen all the way from the ocean here's

the blue whale

for some reason i thought a whale would

be bigger i'm not a whale i'm an angel

fish the blue whale got stuck in the

elevator oh excuse me

did you lose something no no i just had

to let some water pass over my gills

that's how fish breathe do whales have

gills no whales aren't fish they're

mammals like people they have to stick

their heads out of the water to breathe


and you need to keep your head in to

breathe that's right

that's amazing now i know that blue

whales live in oceans but where do you


in the aquarium next to the elevator i

should let that blue whale out now see

ya guess that fish isn't always an angel

we'll be right back with brad pitt pitch

schmidt here's the blue whale if you

were a blue whale you wouldn't be a fish

you'd be a mammal mammals have mothers

who feed their babies milk mammals live

on land

and in the ocean

if you were a baby blue whale you drink

100 gallons of milk a day

when you got bigger you'd need a

shrimp-like creature called


you could never eat just one you'd eat

five tons a day

if you were a blue whale you'd hold your


and dive

you'd know how to suck down krill but

not the water

after 20 minutes you take a breather

you'd breathe out through the biggest

nostrils in the world

also known as blowholes

you would grow until you were as long as

three school buses you'd be the biggest

animal on earth head to tail

that is if you happen to be a blue whale

and now a word from mr fred








that's what i said gingerbread

ran away said they'd never catch him

i haven't

hello i'm reginald livingston seagull

with a poem about an animal who doesn't

say very much it's from this book raw

and more written by carla cuskin and

it's called giraffes don't huff


could i get a milk

giraffes don't huff or hoot or howl they

never grump

they never growl

they never roar they never riot

they eat green leaves

and just keep that quiet

there's a gorilla at the zoo

he is looking straight at me

this is what gorillas do

see him swinging from a tree


these are only simple facts that's how

this gorilla



what's this is that gorilla on the moon

is he shining down on me

is he silly as alone

like gorillas shouldn't be


please won't someone tell me why that

gorilla's in the sky

question mark oh boy there's a gorilla

on my floor look at him and he's staring

up at me i'm scared so i'm running out

the door

i am trying to get free


but he says he came to play

he just wants to be my friend

so we played it home all day


exclamation points



i decided the animal i want to be is a

boy lion gup just like you big brother

say i have a hat like yours and a shirt

like yours


so leona you want to be just like me

so leona you want to be just like me huh

uh leona uh leona nick now cut that out

now cut that out


hey it's fun being you



get ready animal fans for a horse that




okay cupcake


hello leona

hi mama ready to read that book you told

me about i have it right here oh great

because my hobby horse is all ready see

she's got her underwater mask and her

underwater snorkel and she can't wait

leona leona this book is about

horses they don't need all those things

to be underwater well they don't no

they're fish


they are look

seahorse the shyest fish in the sea by

chris butterworth and illustrated by

john lawrence

wow how about that

read on mama okay

in the warm ocean among the waving

seagrass meadows

an eye like a small black bead is

watching the fish dart by

who does it belong to

seahorse one of the shyest fish in the


seahorse has a head like a horse

a tail like a monkey

and a pouch like a kangaroo

this one is a barber's seahorse

he has tiny prickles down his back like

a dragon

he may not look much like a fish but

that's what he is

seahorse swims upright

he moves himself through the water with

the little fins on his head

and the larger one on his back

he can only swim slowly so if a hungry

snapper cruises by looking for a snack

seahorse does something very clever

he holds still and changes color

now you see him

until he's almost invisible

now you don't


every day at sunrise seahorse swims

slowly off to meet his mate

they twist their tails together and

twirl gently around

changing color until they match

today seahorse's mate is full of ripe


the two of them dance till sunset

and then she puts her eggs into his



seahorse sways about to get the eggs

settled in

then seals his pouch shut tight

safe inside the dots and the eggs begin

to grow into baby seahorses

they break out of their eggs and keep on

growing everyone with a head like a tiny

horse and a tail like a tiny monkey


a few weeks later seahorse finds a quiet

place to hide among the corals

it's time for the babies to be born

he works hard all day and through the



squeezing and pushing

sh**ting hundreds of babies out of his



they swirl around him in the water like


one or two of the babies hang onto dad's

nose for a while

it's the first and biggest thing they've


but when they let go

they are so tiny and light that the

current soon floats them away

this new seahorse is only as long as

your eyelash but she can find her own

food right away

her eyes move separately from each other

one can peer up

while the other looks down

so she can spot food coming from any


with one quick slurp she sucks her catch

into the end of her snout and swallows

it whole

seahorses don't have teeth


when she is big enough

seahorse curls up her tail and sinks to

the seabed

she is safer here

her camouflage protects her and if a

storm scoops the sea into huge waves

or passing boats and currents sweeping


there are plenty of things to hang on to

when she is even bigger

seahorse picks one patch of reef as her


she wraps her tail around a coral branch

this is her hold fast

wherever she goes she'll keep coming

back to this holdfast

in a few months this little seahorse

will be ready to mate she'll spend the

rest of her life on the reef

watching for food meeting her mate

and trying to stay almost invisible


who's that peering from the call shh

she's a seahorse

the end


it's great how those seahorses can swim

around yeah


and how hundreds of tiny babies come out

of their pouches

but best of all

i love how they can stand in front of

things and hide

ah you mean the camouflage

the camouflage yeah


i wonder

gotta go mama come on horsey get

yep oh bye


what do you think leona's up to now hmm

Foot Football



what's next on between the lions

fabulous fun featuring the letter f

far out dudes






get ready to play with words with arty


oh thank you thank you

and now let's play with word

what do i have



football yes

and this is the word football

and what word will we have if we take

away ball



yes hello foot

i love to play with words


Dr Ruth

and now the word doctor with dr ruth



here's dr ruth


i'm dr ruth wardheimer with a very

unusual case

two letters who are not enjoying

themselves isn't that right we just

sit around all day

being nothing but


you are not nothing anne you just need

to find an initial consonant to make you

feel complete

and bring a little excitement into your

life and i

have just the consonant for you the



hey i'm fun i'm fun

thank you doctor rules

that was fun





and now coming up next you will have the

pleasure of seeing what's coming up next

thank you

Opposite Bunny

hopping out of the bushes is it a bug is

it a squirrel


it's opposite bunny




the pig was sinking now she's floating

how does that money do it

who was that cute bunny

that was the opposite

flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure number fifteen

thousand four hundred and fifty five

cliff hanger and the fabulous flying


Flying Fish


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

suddenly cliff spots two fishermen on

the cliff above him

father we've been sitting here for hours

and we haven't caught a single fish

that pond is full of flying fish

eventually one will fly up here and

we'll hook it in a flash cliff reaches

into his backpack and extracts his

trusty survival manual

using his famous decoding skills cliff

begins to read

if you spot two fishermen fishing for

flying fish

put on a fish suit and let them catch


how fortunate

i have a fabulous flying fish costume

right here in my backpack


look a flying fish just waiting to be


fine george i've got him help me pull

him up

i knew there was something fishy about

that fish



hold on much longer




oh look i camouflaged myself as a shelf

of books

no one's going to know i'm here

oh look here comes someone now

hmm i wonder what my monkey mind fancy's

reading today


books this looks interesting

wait it worked it's only me mr monkey

what just camouflage yeah

maybe i shouldn't try camouflage in the



yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website


go to pbskids.org






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