08x101 - Ruby Sings the Blues; The Camel Dances

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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08x101 - Ruby Sings the Blues; The Camel Dances

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


the world awaits

between the lions between the covers



between the lions

sweetheart maybe it's not such a good

idea to do that in the library oh mr


i'm so sorry are you okay here you know


honey please

what's the china

i'm so sorry about that melissa

oh hey there

leona's being a ballerina today

honey no

it's okay hurting the monkey oh i'm

sorry mr monkey


hurting two times though


three three times on the monkey oh oh oh

hello everybody

come read my book



first the dancing girl now the loud girl

blah blah


read the book about what happened to me


hi i'm ruby what's your name read my

book oh um i'm leona and i'm just

learning how to read my mama or my daddy

always reads to me

hey leona's daddy read my book

oh this is this is

a sorcerer

where is it

it's right here

i'm waiting

oh up there right right of course okay

let's see your book is called ruby sings

the blues story and pictures by nikki


oh this looks like a good one yeah

okey-dokey let's see

ruby was loud

very loud

hi everybody i'm home

when she hollered down the street the

man on the top floor yelled keep it down

loud mouth i'm trying to sleep

the student on the middle floor shouted

hey boombox i can't hear myself think

the saxophonist and the jazz singer in

the basement looked at each other

awesome they said


at home ruby's parents tried to stay


ruby dear they said do you think you

could be a bit quieter like this


just a teensy bit down said ruby's

father how's this pops


better they said

now do you think you can keep it like

that okay i'll try


but in class ruby was loud

head splittingly loud


miss nightingale

may i answer that question


at playtime miss nightingale spoke

gently to ruby let's pretend that you're

a sound blaster said miss nightingale

pointing to three buttons on ruby's


this button is your arm button this one

is your off button and the one in the

middle is your volume control

miss nightingale gave ruby's middle

button a twiddle

okay let's hear you ruby she said am i

on now

you are always on ruby and always loud

said miss nightingale

why don't we turn down the volume a bit


is this better

much better ruby now go and play

said miss nightingale


ruby ran outside turned her volume

control right up and blasted across the

playground i'm a sound blaster

the other children couldn't bear it they

all turned around and shouted switch it

off ruby you're hurting our ears

no one wanted to play with rooney

she was just too loud to have around

switched off and sad

ruby walked home

no one in her neighborhood even knew she

had come home

that whole afternoon

ruby kept quiet her mother wondered if

she were sick

but ruby wasn't sick

she had the blues


when the sax player and the jazz singer

didn't hear ruby upstairs they knocked

on the door and asked what's up ruby

in a teensy voice ruby explained how

nobody wanted to play with her because

she was too


well we think you have an awesome voice

said bernard the sax player

yes said zelda i'd love to teach you how

to use it

would you like to learn how to sing ruby

ask her mother awesome

ruby's mother smiled there was nothing

wrong with ruby


every day after school ruby took singing

lessons with bernard and zelda she

copied the musical notes bernard made on

his saxophone

zelda taught ruby how to use her volume


so that she could sing sharp zooming

notes like the sounds of the city


gentle breathy notes like a cool evening


most of all she taught ruby to sing with



when the man on the top floor heard ruby

he said

what a beautiful voice

the student on the middle floor said

cool man

the kids on the block came out and

danced on the sidewalk chanting

and bernard looked at zelda and said


and when ruby sang at her school concert

she was

yay well just awesome


but once in a while when the neighbor's

least expected she turns it right up hi

everybody i'm home


just to check that her volume control is

still working


it was a good wow right but uh good


yeah well yeah it helps to have a loud

voice when you sing

oh and you know what oh you want singing



that's a that's probably a much better


oh come here sweetie

yeah we'll see what we can do



excellent what's next on between the

lions lots of laughs with the letter l

listen up dudes





hopping out of the bushes is it a bug is

it a squirrel


it's opposite bunny



the duck was loud now he's quiet how

does that money do it

who was that cute bunny

that was

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

presenting the incredible daring

trampolini brothers performing the

magnificently loud musical medley


that music is loud

that music is louder

that music is the loudest



loudest folks let's hear it for the

terrific trump fellini brothers


today's adventure number 11 million and

12. cliff hanger sings the blues


excuse me

excuse me

find cliffhanger where we left him last

hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

suddenly cliff spots two music talent

scouts on the lawn below his cliff

hey simon are we lucky to be here

looking for red-hot new singers or what

other scouts will be green with envy

paula quickly cliff reaches into his

backpack and extracts

his trusty survival manual

using his legendary decoding skills

cliff begins to read

if you spot two music talent scouts

looking for red hot new singers

let them hear you sing

excuse me i've got a little blues number

that i'd like to perform for y'all i've

been hanging here so long that my arm is

getting still no i can't hold on much

longer please get me off this cliff


does that mean you'll sign me to a

contract and get me off this cliff well


we like you but we like the people in

the helicopter better


and we blend with the wind but we do not


we are beautiful

willow trees oh

i feel so willow trees well of course

you do my dear for you are being taught

by isadora

monken the finest teacher of the dance

in the whole wide yellow pages

oh my how time does fly

that is my car

wonderful dance lesson my dear see you

next week






okay okay


coming up next a camel dances go camel

go camel

the camel


camel dances today in the library yeah

wow yeah yeah i know i know isn't it

exciting very exciting i think those

will have a seat haven't seen them


how's it going guys

welcome welcome good to see you oh thank

you hey

how you doing lauren good how's your mom

good wee good to see you here hey is

everybody ready for the camel dances yes

me too well

without further ado

the camel dances by arnold lobel

the camel had her heart set on becoming

a ballet dancer

to make every movement a thing of grace

and beauty said the camel

that is my one and only desire

again and again she practiced your


here elevates

and her arabesques

she repeated the five basic positions

a hundred times each day

she worked for long months under the hot

desert sun

her feet were blistered

and her body egged with fatigue

but not once did she think of stopping


at last the camel said

now i am a dancer

she announced a recital

and danced before an invited group of

camel friends and critics

when her dance was over

she made a deep


there was no applause

i must tell you frankly said a member of

the audience

as a critic and a spokesman for this


that you are lumpy and humpy

you are baggy and bumpy

you are

like the rest of us

simply a camel

you are not and never will be

a ballet dancer

chuckling and laughing

the audience moved away across the sand

how very wrong they are

said the camel

i have worked hard

there can be no doubt that i am a

splendid dancer

i will dance and dance

just for myself

that is what she did

it gave her many years of pleasure

the end

well what do you think


great story

great but um

where's the dancing camel yeah

dancing camel

well yes i thought based on the sign

that well there was going to be an

actual camel dancing yeah in the library

today yeah yeah i thought so too i know


i didn't mean you're going to see a a


dancing in the library

i brought my camera and everything

no no no no no no no

i didn't mean that that's not good

there's something

everybody everybody um

don't worry folks you will see a camel

dancing in the library today what what

are you talking about

where are you going to get a dancing

camera trust me trust me lionel um we'll

be right back

coming up next on between the lions

you'll be delighted by the letter d

hey i'm hanging here anyway i might as

well watch and so should you








and now the dixie chimney

delighted your mind

well you dropped in for dinner destroyed

all my dishes by dropping them all on

the floor

you dumped her on my desk and you

damaged my drapes and you pulled both

the knives off my door

but you're dead

and dreamy




delighted your mind

here are some words that begin with the

letter b







it's game time and welcome to the

blending bowl i'm terry bradshaw and

i'll be doing the play by play today for

this incredible showdown in red we have


and in white we have team



and there's the kickoff




well that's about it folks and until

next time for the blending bowl i'm

terry bradshaw hey thanks for watching





oh yeah

listen up you guys and girls go and run

the ball your pal is gonna teach you a

brand new dance

you can do it with your mother you can

do it with your brother your uncles or

your aunts

that's very very spunky you can do it

with a monkey or an angel full of ants

doesn't matter if you're clunky you'll

be hit but you'll be funky when you

dance in smart defense watch me now hey






anywhere can quite compare to a desert

smarty bird

yes it really doesn't matter if you're

skinny or you're fat or you practice in


just put on a smarty record and some

trousers that are changed and dance






and now it's time for

great word

excellent gawain here once again at

blending fields where two brave knights

and armor will charge together at high

speed and make a word competing today we

have sir

and on your right sir ants

blend on dude




don't forget to dance by again see you

next time on

quake word great word

and now lions dancing

leona starts dancing before all the

other lions

theo will start dancing



lionel will start dancing next

theo will start dancing


cleo will start dancing next

theo will start dancing

after cleo after cleo

wait a minute

after cleo that's now


it's short story time with artie smarty

fans thank you thank you time to get

your finger snapping and your toes

tapping because

i time to read this book

edna dances by margaret park bridges

illustrated by janey bynum

edna turns on the radio

she sings

she opens her arms

she stands on one foot

she spins

she bends her knees

she leaps


the end

oh this book had a great beat so i'll

put it in my smarty pants


and gentlemen and duck

and monkeys

a camel dancing in the library oh boy

it's going to be greedy

this will never work leona

they're not gonna be very happy with us

dressed as some silly camel yes they

will lino just go with it okay



is the camel dancing in the desert


you stepped on my pawn

yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website


go to pbskids.org






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