07x100 - Making Bread; Cheesybreadville

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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07x100 - Making Bread; Cheesybreadville

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


the world awaits

between the lions between the covers



between the lions


making bread




the day when i like to read the paper

nap read the paper some more

nap some more

it's here

what is what's hot out of the oven

only the most mouth-watering

tongue-tingling delicious creation i've

ever created

all righty

what is it huh what's bread dad's made




it doesn't really look like bread theo

huh hmm mom's got a point yeah it kind

of looks like a burnt old pillow well


bread can come in all different shapes

and sizes you know honey hmm

it doesn't really smell like bread

either dear

oh she's

ready it smells like an old shoe well

well that that may be but but the

important thing son is that it tastes

like bread yes

oh boy oh boy

i'm gonna break off a little piece


i don't know what that is but it's

definitely not bread oh cheer up dad

there must be a book here somewhere that

can help ah or

a video

roll tape please

anthony's adventures making bread


hi welcome to anthony's adventures i'm

anthony you know one of my favorite

things in the whole world is hot fresh


mmm today we're gonna find out more

about bread here at the sono bakery come

on let's say hello to my buddy john

john hey hey man good to see you hi


i'm great i got to tell you john it

smells like heaven in here what do you

do what do you make in here let's see

well we we make a semolina bread

this is long yes it is that's a long

bread long and then we have an olive

bread this is round

yes that's a round bread

we also make

a sourdough what does this one taste

like it tastes like this

mmm it's

crunchy yes it's got a nice crunchy


our most popular bread is the baguette


they're raw yeah surprisingly soft soft

the outside is a little crisp the inside

is very soft

would you like to go and make some bread

what do we got here well these are the

basic makings of bread this is flour

salt yeast yeast vegetable oil a little

bit of honey and of course water

all right and then we just start by

tossing from the outside to the inside

until we get a soft ball formed and then

we can start kneading by hand you ready

to get your hands dirty oh yes okay

there you go

it's like play-doh it is a little bit

like play-doh only this is

fred go that's right


push and you pull it and you push it and

you pull it inside

there we go

this is all good

okay what do we do now well because this

is going to make two loaves we're going

to divide it so we're just going to

eye this for now you want to do one and

i guess there is yeah so just pull the

ends into the center

okay and then we turn it down and we

kind of rock it back and forth to form

that loaf and that's going to go into

the bottom of the pans okay

we're gonna put the loaves in seam side



and now

we cover them with plastic and then

we're gonna put it in a nice warm place

for about two to three hours it's gonna

double in size so what do we do while

we're waiting we are in a bakery oh yeah

this is what happens when you allow the

bread to rise in a nice warm place

that is so cool



now they go into the oven oh yes

it's bacon time


can you smell that nothing like one

bread hey oh he went kidding taking a

long time that was like waiting for


we'll we'll cut you a nice little piece

you can see you can sample it well we'll

start little how's that oh okay we gotta

start somewhere

oh that's amazing

this is so delicious and it was so

simple mix water yeast and oil

with honey salt and flour

then knead it let it rise and bake it

for an hour

and when the bread is done

it's gonna smell so yummy

so cut yourself a piece

and send it to your tummy

have another one



i guess that's it

i guess i'm gonna have to sign off

hope to see you guys soon


mix mix water yeast and oil with the

honey salt and flour then

knead it let it rise and bake it for an

hour and when the bread is done

it's gonna smell so yummy

so cut yourself a piece and send it to

your dummy yeah you think you know what

to do now dad i know exactly what to do

now son and we are all going to be

eating delicious hot bread in no time


my daddy can do anything if he just has

the right book or video


i'll see you later everyone

theo where are you going oh well i gotta

go take a nap sweetheart gotta rest up

for my bread making looks like a lot of



hello everybody please welcome my guest



aloha what's coming up on between the

lions well let's see uh who will be

cooking and baking and eating

oh and singing about how to find out

more in books

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

presenting the incredible daring

trampolini brothers performing the tasty

ice cream high dive

that's tasty

that's tasty


yum that's the tastiest




folks let's hear it for the terrific

hopping out of the bushes is it a bug is

it a squirrel


it's opposite bunny



here he comes the opposite bunny


the meat was raw

now it's cooked

who was that cute bunny










well i like all kinds of stories and i

like poetry too

but when i need fact not fiction hey i

know just what to do

i run to my favorite bookshelf or

encyclopedia stack

for a book that tells it to mystery from

a to z and back if you wanna see

if you wanna know

why an earthquake quakes




it's short story time with arty smarty


thank you thank you


oh this book smells really

oh tasty it's called edna bakes cookies

by margaret park bridges illustrated by

jamie bynum



edna puts butter in the bowl

she puts sugar in the bowl

she puts flour in the bowl

edna stirs the batter

she tastes the batter

she tastes more batter

edna licks the spoon

no more batter

the end


that story was delicious oh

boy i'm feeling pretty full huh


do i have any food in my face check my



see i read

and then i napped

and then i read again



here it is you're ready

piping hot delicious bread just like i


will you look at that mom it even looks

like bread this time

and it smells like bread too

and it tastes like bread

yes sir oh theo you really made this oh

no uh i bought it

you bought it

yep at the bakery down on the corner

what oh but but you were right son there

was a book that really helped me


how to buy bread it tells you everything

you ever wanted to know about buying


yup fascinating stuff

yeah fascinating


i smell bread

and cheese

that's not it but something tasty is

coming up

cheesy breadville

i'm looking forward to the metaphysical

imagery it kind of counterpoints to

surrealism oh there's your mother

welcome cool cats and kitty

cats and kitty

that's cool poetry jam talk

sweet super sweet

as you know all our poems today will be

about food

so that's why it's called a yummy poetry



our first poem will be read by a poet

named theo

let's give him a warm poetry jam welcome

this poem is all about

a lamb chop



it it's called

oh i don't think so

uh maybe it's performance art brilliant

i didn't even get the title out

that's okay theo hey maybe you can try

again later huh later


okay oh i'll i'll go get another lamb

chop okay

well speaking of food here's a yummy

poem for you it's called cheesy

breadville oh it sounds yummy too

cheesy breadville by sonia monzano

illustrations by hector nestor casomayor

in old puerto rico a long time ago there

lived a poor farmer they called senor jo

now joe was so poor he had little to eat

to him even moldy old cheese was a treat

so one holiday eve with not much else to

give he wrapped up some cheese for his

wife donjev

he just tied the bow on the big cheesy

ball when he heard his wife's footsteps

outside in the hall

as she entered the kitchen joe taken

aback hid his gift just in time on the

oven's top rack

joe sighed with relief then he hugged

vivend said okay

i'm sleepy i'm going to bed

well the moment he left viv broke into a


then she pulled from the cupboard a

rusty old tin

inside was some cornmeal she'd planned

far ahead to use to bake joe a surprise

loaf of bread dania viv was excited her

timing was right

she could let the bread bake in the oven

all night

which she did because she wasn't the

least bit aware that the cheese wrapped

in paper was also in there

vivint joe slept like logs but awoke the

next morn to the stink of burnt paper

burnt cheese and burnt corn

they ran toward the kitchen and as you

can guess when they got there they

screamed what a horrible mess

the cheese was on fire the bread

belching smoke what an unkindly sight

for these kindly old folk kebasa joe

shouted the cheese was for you

my bread wailed his wife was a gift for

you too

they doused out the fire using big water


then they both sat with sad tearful

looks on their mugs

till the smoke had died down and their

crying had to

and then viv said

we both did the best we could do

and we did it with love

joe replied to his wife it's the thought

that counts vive that's the meaning of


then they kissed one another not saying

a peep

and they stumbled to bed and went

straight back to sleep

now don't think for a moment this story

ends here cause young olga an orphan was

strolling quite near

and because she was hungry she snuck in

and ate a small bite of the cheese goop

and cried this is great

then she wolfed down some more and took

off down the street shouting

come try this incredible treat

the neighbors all tried some and then

with a roar they rushed mouths wide open

to joe and viv's door it's cheesy they

hollered it's pretty it's tasty please

make us some more and we want it post


well viv and her husband awoke to this

din and looked on amazed as the people

poured in

and surrounded the happy but overwhelmed

pair waving moula dinero and checks in

the air

wait more they kept chanting we need a

new stash make more right now and we'll

pay you with cash

i'll help you was olga's reaction and

viv said let's give her a piece of


and so this odd trio became renowned

bakers the pueblo's most popular cheese

and bread makers

viv olga and joe gained both fortune and


and cheesy breadville was declared the

town's name

it has lots of rhymes bakers makers roar

door peeps sleep air pear

mourn corn what i like rhymes

oh very good leona hey i'm ready to try

reading my poem again oh great yeah all

right yeah

thank you thank you very much okay this

poem is all about

a lamb chop

all right yeah and uh

it's called

it's called

the silence of the lamb chop




oh i give up

well you got the title out that time

daddy yeah great title dad way to go oh

don't give up theo i'm sure you can find

a way to do it no i'm not so sure






and now it's time for

dwayne's great word

excellent kuwait here today at blend

mart where two brave knights and armor

with shopping carts will charge together

at high speed make a word and go

shopping competing today we have sir

and on your right sir


blend on shopping dudes

shorts excellent that's good for today

and this is gwen said don't be shy i'll

see you next time on

dwayne's word great word

and now it's time for

those magnificent monkey cheerleaders


ready okay

give me some corn corn

give me some bananas bananas

give me some meat


what do you got

what do you got

one more time


well done girls

good word good word






i know how i'm going to be able to read

my poem


i need your help oh me yeah yeah come

on i have a poem i have a poem

look look see see

coming down the lane

here comes scott here comes dot here

comes chicken jane

that's not a poem that's a song songs

are poems lionel just set to music

well yeah but but there's no food and

it's supposed to be about food yes there

is there's food in that chicken jang

book over there

and now fun with chicken jane today

chicken jane end of the tornado


look scott look see the field of corn

yes dot yes and see the tornado

oh scott see the corn the corn is


see chicken jane write the letters



d e



ride h o r s

ride the horse scott ride the horse


look dot look chicken jane was airborne

with the corn yes scott we were not

airborne with the corn thank you chicken



and now okay folks

all ready

be strong theo

right right and be strong

the the silence

of the lamb chop

by me



lamb chop


as can be



tempting me



little chop of lamb

am i hungry

yes i am




yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website


go to pbskids.org






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