07x99 - Charlie's Dinosaur; Here Come the Aliens

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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07x99 - Charlie's Dinosaur; Here Come the Aliens

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions






charlie's dinosaur

it's a touch of dinosaurs

let's settle down now please everyone

now it's gonna be a big day today here

in the library because you all are gonna

get to touch a dinosaur yeah

a dinosaur here


this is gonna be so cool

yes yes it is now but first our guest

has asked me to read this book about

dinosaurs then she'll come out and you

will all dinosaurs

that's a plant eater

um yes

yes and now the book

second thought i hope it's a

tyrannosaurus rex

wow a meat eater


ladies and gentlemen

charlie's dinosaur by sarah derkey

ms haywood's class had been studying

dinosaurs for two whole weeks

they knew lots of dino facts

and were working very hard on dinosaur

art projects

today they were having a dino fest

sophia's group had picked apatosaurus

they were making a poster looking good

charlie's group didn't seem to be making

anything at all

they were clustered around the computer

whispering and giggling

i know cool huh

tim's group was working on triceratops

they had decided to make a clay

sculpture kind of looks like a dog maybe

we should stick the horns up more

charlie's group had stopped whispering

and giggling and was sitting at an empty

table with their hands folded

they even had ms haywood wondering what

was up

will you have something to show us yep

we promise

everyone was ready for the dino best

sophia's poop went first

the apotheosaurus lived about 140

million years ago

it was a plant eater or herbivore

it was one of the largest land animals

in history

some scientists think the apotasaurs

could crack its long tail like a whip to

scare away predators

excellent who's next

charlie but charlie wanted his group to

go last so it was tim's turn

tim's group held up its triceratops

they were very proud of how the horns

turned out


the triceratops wasn't her before with

three horns and a huge bony frill on its

head it was strong enough to fight off a

tyrannosaurus rex fabulous

when tim's group finished it was finally

charlie's turn

may we be excused to go get our dinosaur

sure we're dying of suspense charlie

came back into the room carrying a cage

he pulled off a scarf that covered it

like a magic trick




scientists have discovered that lots of

dinosaurs had feathers

feet and skeletons like the birds of



so kirby is like a living dinosaur

everybody burst into cheers

this was one of their favorite dinosaur

facts when charlie's group was done

there was applause for everyone

and for kirby the talking dinosaur

the end

oh boy okay okay and now without further


let's all reach out and touch our

special guest of the day


oh please gently gently park that's nice

come on leona let's touch her

touch a hand i thought we were gonna

touch a dinosaur

i am so confused oh

come on leona honey i'll explain

now that you see the dinosaurs lived

over 65 million years ago coming up next

on between the lions gigantic enormous

humongous dinosaurs

hey i'm hanging here anyway i might as

well watch and so should you

and now



hi my next guests are a couple of really

big talents from a long long time ago

velociraptor and brachiosaurus

thank you what a nice looking crowd you

look good too velociraptor thank you joy

i do my exercises i run after every meal

i could never run after i eat no i mean

i have to run after my meal i chase it

catch it and eat it oh

so you're a carnivore

you eat meat what about you

brachiosaurus i'm a high beverage i eat

guys named herb

just kidding seriously i eat leaves and

stuff no meat hey you want to see us

make believe we're dinosaurs on display

in a museum oh yeah

it's just like being there

i'm getting a cramp

i'm feeling extinct

barnaby busterfield iii memorial public

library how may i help you

the dinosaurs yes well they're gone

extinct to be exact

does extinct mean well um

it means defunct terminated departed


no longer on the planet

what colors were the dinosaurs well you


no one knows for certain

but but in his book

bone poems jeff moss offers some

wonderful possibilities

what colors were the dinosaurs well

no one's ever seen one

some think that if they saw a dino

it might be a green one

but here's another theory

think of birds and then you know

that these are the true colors

of the dinos long ago


there were purple spotted stegosaurs

and blue iguana dawns

there were orange oval raptors


and there you have

or not because of course no one's ever

seen one


oh you're welcome professor gold


t-rex is first alligator is second

apatosaurus is lost rounding the turn

it's t-rex first no alligator first no

t-rex first apothesaurus is stopping for

a stack into the final stretch it's

alligator no t-rex no alligator no t-rex

what a race apatosaurus is catching up

but is he too far behind

the punishers wins it by a neck


big is a word that's really swell a word

that we know really well but sometimes

big gets boring here are others i'm

adoring like huge and tremendous and how

about stupendous which brings me to

humongous which means very very big

which brings into him on this which



yes i could go on endlessly forgive me

for not stopping there's monumental and

gigantic massive jumbo lapping not

little nuttini

the opposite of weenie my favorite is

humongous which means very very big

his favorite is your dispatch

both mammoths and gargantuan enormous

and colossal there's even dinosauric a

humongous kind of fossil

but oh my greatest love's the only word

that rhymes with


it's polly and the pirate hi i'm paulie

i'm a parent i'm paulie i'm a pirate we

search for a treasure chest

we think it's jolly that both our names

are polly yes we're polly and the

pirates that's paulie and the parrot and

here's our show

we find polly and the pirate yet again

in search of treasure

today it's a turbocharged skateboard

a skateboard

read the map polly where to today

the map says go three steps forward

until you are under the palm tree

climb out of the hole and continue to

the rope bridge over the babbling brook

if the bridge is broken proceed to plan


you can wait across

if you are very very tall if not you

will get very very wet

if you happen to be a parrot you can fly

across rock i'm a parrot

you will now see

a large dinosaur bone

dig for treasure underneath it

the treasure

a skateboard

rock made of bird seed

as another day of treasure hunting comes

to an end paulie and the pirate head

back out to sea

maybe next time there'll be something

for me


so now do you understand why the

information hen is our guest dinosaur oh

i think so birds are distant relatives

of dinosaurs

birds are kind of like the dinosaur's

distant relatives from a long long time

ago right and information hen is a bird

yep so it's kind of like the hen is sort

of like a dinosaur's distant cousin you

got a kid yeah so if i touch the hen

it's sort of like touching a dinosaur



a dinosaur




and now here comes the bunny from the


and now here comes the aliens from outer


here come the aliens


hey lionel what you doing i'm trying to

get a better signal


i think it's working

me too



what do you even know why we're beeping

no beep because beep aliens are out


you know out there maybe creatures from

outer space are trying to talk to us

beep beep beep beep this line is busy

sorry they can't talk to me beep beep

beep beep beep beep beep

beep beep it's only science fiction

leona oh oh science fiction like like a

little scary butt made up right yeah


well like him

and like this


here come the aliens written and

illustrated by colin mcnaughton

in outer space it's black as night and

something's moving speed of light

something looking for a fight

here come the aliens

a fleet of spaceships heads this way

they're 50 zillion miles away

but getting closer every day

the aliens are coming

they're zooming in from outer space

to conquer us the human race

will soon be standing face to face

the aliens are coming

the admiral's a fearsome sight a simple


not too bright

all he wants to do is fight

the aliens are coming

the first mate looks like wobbly jelly

he's sort of gaseous and he's smelly

he has an eyeball on his belly the

aliens are coming

these beans come in different sizes this

one's doing exercises

get ready earth for some surprises the

aliens are coming

some have one head some have two

there's even one with none

it's true

oh what on earth are we to do

the aliens are coming

they come from planets near and far some

big some small some quite bizarre

twinkle twinkle

little star

the aliens are coming

i really hate to make a bus perhaps you

thought they look like us

but most of them appear thus

the aliens are coming

this one squeaks and that one squawks

some have eyeballs stuck on st*lks

this one squelches when it walks

oh the aliens are coming


see the aliens at lunch slobber dribble

gobble munch table manners hmm

not this bunch

the aliens are coming

some are bald and some are hairy some

around the summer squarey

some look friendly

but beware

the aliens are coming

they've only been where we've not been

they're blue and purple sickly green

at home

this one's a beauty queen

all the aliens are coming

the chance of peace talks i'd say bleak

the aliens are coming


bad not good negative negative terrible


like bleak

bleak i like new words even when they're


this one biffs and that one pops well

this one nips and that one chops

someone better call the cops

the aliens are coming

some are tall and summer squat some are

cool and some are hot

some are nice

but most are not

the aliens are coming

at last the earth comes into view

general knows what to do he orders

battle stations crew

the aliens are coming

but approaching planet earth they see

though how it got there don't ask me

a piece of people floating free

the aliens are slowing

it's swiftly passed around the fleet a

thousand hearts stop miss a beat the

order goes out fleet retreat


but this is what the aliens saw a

picture of you kids aged four

scared them off away they roar

the aliens are going


yes all the aliens agree

of life in every galaxy

the ugliest is you

and me

the aliens have gone vamost

the aliens have


the kids in gone picture don't look that

scary to me well i guess if you're an

alien they look pretty weird yeah quack








here's somewhere to begin with the





question mark




hello i'm reginald livingston seagull

with a poem for you it's written by dr

seuss and it's called quack quack

jolly good for me

we have two ducks

one blue one black

and when our blue duck goes quack quack

our black duck quickly quack quacks back

the quack's blue quacks make her quite a

quacker but black is a quicker quacker


quiet down folks this is gonna be quick

let me tell you something that i think

is quite slick

i'm a little cute kinda shy you can tell

but when i drive my partner i come out

of my shell yeah you never

know you never see q without you

you can quote me

no one goes with me quite like you do

no one equals the way we say queen

come in quiet you'll see what i mean

cause i promise you won't we just don't

see a queue without you

take a look at quarter and equator and


you and you together are incredibly


there's no question

that my quest for a partner is a fruit


we say quilt and require with ease that

is why i let her use my main squeeze

yes i quiver and squawk i just can't

even talk without you

if you want to say queasy or quack

just about any word but iraq

it sounds q*eer but it's true you just

never see q without you

it sounds q*eer but it's true you just

never see q with


hi mom

hi lionel

what you doing just a little work


why what's up

well and i was just wondering

is cliffhanger brave or or is he scared

because he can't get off that cliff


maybe we should read a cliffhanger and

then talk about it huh yeah in fact

there's a great one right on that shelf

where over there

flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure number 7657

cliffhanger and quentin quigley's quick



excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him


hanging from a cliff

hold on much longer


cliff sees a blimp with question marks

on it approaching his cliff

excuse me sir i'm quentin quigley and

you are on my popular quiz program of

this clip the show that could get you

off this cliff do you want to answer a

quick question quickly cliff reaches

into his backpack and extracts his

trusty survival manual

using his expert decoding skills cliff

begins to read

if quentin quickly asks you if you want

to answer a quick


say yes



here goes

true or false mr hanger are you going to

get up this cliff today


i am going to get off this cliff today

true oh i'm terribly sorry mr hanger but

the correct answer is false

better luck next time playing

off this cliff

and that's why he's called cliff hanger


hold on much

longer wow

so lionel what do you think

well mom

i think cliff is scared

but you know i think bravery is when you

do what you have to do

even when you're scared

cliffinger well he's a mixture of really

really brave and really really dumb uh


dumb what clever is not dumb he's

nothing like that well

sometimes people have strong opinions

about good books





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