07x94 - How to Be a Good Dog; Not Afraid of Dogs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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07x94 - How to Be a Good Dog; Not Afraid of Dogs

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


the world awaits

between the lions between the covers



between the lions

lionel where's that barking coming from

i think it's coming from this bookcase

got it

well let's see son all righty let's see

here how to be

a good dog i you did find it son

oh right let's read it okay let's see

here how to be a good dog written and

illustrated by gail paige all right like

an author with the last name page gotta

be good somehow appropriate right

all right

bobo tried hard to be a good dog

he loved to hear mrs birdhead say

you're a good dog bobo come let's get

you a treat


but being good was sometimes very



and when bobo was a bad dog mrs bird

head got strict

bobo missed mrs birdhead

he even missed cat

and much to cat's surprise

she missed


how could she get him back into the


with a few easy commands you can teach

your dog to be good the book said


when mrs birdhead went out to run

errands cat gave bobo his first lesson


they began with shake

it went very well

next was fetch

oops bubble missed

luckily the window was open

heel turned out to be very handy

then it was time to practice sit


lie down was next

it came naturally to bobo

roll over

was a bit harder

but stay

was the easiest command of all

well it was easy


mrs bird head came home with the


cat tried to control bobo



quiet down


but nothing worked

bobo couldn't wait to show mrs birdhead

everything he had learned


but before mrs bird head could get mad

bobo showed her how he could



lie down

roll over




you are a good dog bobo

and when mrs birdhead told him he was a

good dog

bobo stayed

and stayed

and stayed

the end

oh cool i didn't know you could teach a

dog so many new tricks quack yeah well

i'm glad you guys enjoyed it well i

better go put this back on the shelf

yeah thanks dad yeah i'll take it for a



hey lionel hey lionel what you doing huh

wanna play something i know i know how

about a piggyback ride

come on come on

i sure wish there was a book that could

teach a lion club how to train his

little sister



but i want a piggyback ride hmm that

didn't work

roll over why would i want to roll over


coming up next on between the lions

you'll get hooked on the boom sound made

by double o

hey i'm hanging here anyway i might as

well watch

and so should you







and now the dixie chimps sing the double

o uh sound

i'm seeing double


i'm seeing oh nearly every place i go

there's book



it's game time and welcome to the

blending bowl i'm terry bradshaw and

i'll be doing the play-by-play today for

this incredible showdown in red we have


and in white we have team uk



well that's about it folks and until

next time for the blending bowl i'm

terry bradshaw hey thanks for watching


and now a word from mr fred









look period


question mark


exclamation point

some different words for good others my

favorite one is fabulous and marvelous

and splendid and the list is far from

ended fantastic terrific so swell and so


which brings us back to fabulous my

favorite word for good which brings him

back to fabulous his favorite one

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

presenting the incredible daring

trampolini brothers performing the good

better best high-wire extravaganza

arturo is good


lorenzo is better

felix is the best





folks let's hear it fella


the terrific trampolini brothers

comes big and small

some look real different

one short one's tall

here's what you call them

each has a place

we call them lower and upper

hey uppercase

you start my name

big v and vinnie

looks just the same

as little felix

except it's big

that's up her case man i hope you did

hey lowercase

you never start

a name or sentence

but cross my heart

you're so important

yeah you're the best

cause lowercase you do all the rest

when you read letters

i'm hoping you


check out the difference

between the two

lower is little

upper is tall

i rest my case man i said it all


it's short story time with army smarty





oh arty smarty pants went splat and

that's just what happens to a tomato in

this book here let's see not the chicken

where's the balkan ah here it is bump

thump splat by phyllis root illustrated

by catherine mcewen

and now arty is going to read


tabby cat swat a potato


away goes the potato

tabby cat swaps a carrot


away goes the carrot

tabby cat swaps a tomato


away goes the tomato

oh oh here comes mommy



away goes daddy cat

oh i love that kitty cat and now

say goodbye to me



who wants a treat who owns a treat

oh good sister good sister give it here

give it come on drop it drop it drop




i can dream can't i oh come on piggyback



good doggie sit stay up stay

watch this

good doggie

not afraid of dogs

what was that


it's in this book right here maybe we

should read it and find out why

i'm okay okay i'm not afraid no i'm

really i'm really not afraid it's okay

go ahead hey honey let's see

okay read it fast okay

okay sweetheart

not afraid of dogs by susanna pitzer

illustrations by larry day oh okay here

we go

i'm the bravest boy of all

said daniel

i'm not afraid of spiders

i'm not afraid of snakes

i'm not even afraid of thunderstorms

you're afraid of dogs said his sister


i'm not afraid of dogs said daniel

i just don't like them


daniel stayed away from dogs

he crossed the street when he saw one

he left the playground if a dog was


he took the stairs if one was on the


but daniel didn't know what to do when

he came home and found his mom holding


mom i don't like dogs

i know honey but aunt rose had to go on

a trip

bandit has no other place to stay

don't be afraidy cat

said jenny

i'm not a fraidy cat

said daniel

i'm the bravest boy of all

daniel shut his door and locked it

dad came home and daniel ran to greet


but when daniel saw bandit he raced back

to his

room daniel what's wrong

call dad

he's afraid of dogs

said jenny

i'm not afraid of dogs yell daniel i

just don't like them

sat alone in his room


time for supper

called mom

i'm not hungry

called daniel

he's afraid

said jenny am not

yell daniel

mom brought daniel a plate of food

honey you have to come out sometime

bandit won't hurt you

just closed his door



that night daniel had to go to the


outside he heard a loud thunderstorm

i'm the bravest boy of all

thought daniel

even thunderstorms don't scare me

daniel opened his door a crack

no bandit in sight he ran into the




cried banned it from behind the toilet

daniel was too scared to move

there was a clap of thunder

bandit yelped and ran under daniel's


daniel screamed and jumped into the


bandit tried to jump in too but she

wasn't big enough

stay away

said daniel his heart pounded

cried bandit

daniel and bandit stared at each other

then daniel's eyebrows crinkled

you're not after me

you're afraid of thunderstorms

cried banned it

daniel's voice softened

don't be scared

he slowly reached his hand over the tub

with one finger

daniel touched bandit's shaking paw

her fur was soft

bandit licked his finger

daniel jerked it back

it tickled

daniel climbed out of the bathtub and

knelt down

it's all right bandit


daniel picked her up

his heart was beating fast

he'd never held a dog before

bandit stopped yowling


daniel carried bandit into his room and

put her on the bed

you can sleep with me tonight

bandit stopped shaking

she snuggled beside daniel and fell


i'm the bravest boy of all

thought daniel

i'm not afraid of spiders

i'm not afraid of snakes

i'm not even afraid of thunderstorms


i do like dogs

the end


so that little dog was howling because

she was afraid that's right leona wow

what a good book that is oh

that's my brother watch this

hey yes

dad i want you to taste as everything in

the kitchens do to see what's missing

okay oh can you turn off the lights

before you come up hmm thank you


theo i don't smell the low fat yak

told you

dad hey what's this not afraid of dogs

i'm not afraid of dogs


i like this game


what else is scary watch what's coming

up next oh ah

all about everything

one thing at a time

and now the information hen oh welcome

what thing will we learn today

and turn turn turn on step

all about being scared

lots of things can make you feel scared



like like thunderstorms and uh


kinds of music oh

or sounds that make you wonder

where they're coming from


no sound at all

oh oh

everybody gets scared sometimes

even information hands

that's all for

all about everything

one thing at a time

that sure rattled my bones how about you

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

presenting the incredible daring

trampolini brothers performing the brave

human cannonball hoopla ready artero


arturo is brave

ready lorenzo

lorenzo is braver

ready felix


felix is the bravest

brave driver greatest

folks let's hear it for the terrific

trampolini brothers


hi there i'm synonym sam girl genius

i'm getting to that rufus

welcome to my bedroom i mean my lab

my dog rufus

will assist me in my demonstration

now with my super synonym machine

i will be able to demonstrate the

meaning of words

ready rufus





today's demonstration was a complete

success i'd like to thank my assistant

rufus take about rufus



better turn this off


dog house









flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure book 212

cliffhanger the lap dog and the riddle


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

suddenly cliff spots a father or a

daughter sitting at the edge of his

cliff father i've got a riddle to tell

you no riddles till we find you a lap

dog that's why we're here quickly cliff

reaches into his backpack and extracts

his trusty survival manual

using his expert decoding skills cliff

begins to read if you see a father

looking for a lap dog

don't be afraid to put on a lap dog

costume and go woof woof

i am not afraid

woof woof

father look

has good fortune smiled on our brave

hero at last

now this is scary


now that you have your lap dog you can

tell me your riddle okay

what's the one thing you lose every time

you stand up i don't know tell me your


and that's why he's called cliffhanger


hold on much longer


where is everybody like i guess the

library's closed where i might as well

stay here till morning nice safe place

oh comfy chairs

nothing to be afraid of

lionel dear did you remember to turn off

the lights ah

sorry mom

turn off the lights


it's okay

i'm not afraid i'm not

twinkle twinkle little star

yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website


go to pbskids.org




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