07x93 - Bear Snores On; Night in the Country

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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07x93 - Bear Snores On; Night in the Country

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


the world awaits

between the lions between the covers



between the lions


bear snores on

hello i'm cleo lyon in a picture book up

close and personal with the main


hello mr bear hi

can you tell us mr bear what book you're


it's called bear snores on it's all

about me hibernating that's like

sleeping only we bears do it all winter

long don't wake up till spring

very interesting

now if you'll excuse me i have some

hibernating to do


click get me back to the library so we

can read the story

executing transporter program


nice report mom

thank you so much she could not have

done it without me

applause for mouse


thank you so much

hey let's read the book now huh

bear snores on by karma wilson and

illustrated by jane chapman

you're gonna like this yeah

this will be a good book

in a cave in the woods in his deep dark


through the long cold winter

sleeps a great brown bear

cuddled in a heap with his eyes shut


he sleeps through the day

he sleeps through the night

the cold winds howl

and the night sounds growl

but the bear

snores on

an itty-bitty mouse pitter-pat tip-toe

creep crawls in the cave from the fluff

cold snow

mouse squeaks

too damp too dank too dark

so he lights wee twigs with a small hot


the coals pip-pop and the wind doesn't


the bear

snores on

two glowing eyes sneak peek in the den

mouse cries

who was there

and a hair hops in

oh mouse says hair long time no see

so they pop white corn


and they brew black tea

mouse sips we slurps

hair burps big burps


the bear

snores on

a badger scuttles by

sniffs snuffs at the air

i smell yummy yums

perhaps we can share


i've brought honey nuts badger says with

a grin

let's divvy them up cozy down and dig in

and they nibble and they munch with a





the bear

snores on


a gopher and a mole tunnel up through

the floor

then a wren and a raven fluttering

through the door

mole mutters what a night

what a storm twitter's

wren and everybody clutters and the

great bears den

they tweet and they titter they chat and

they chitter


the bear

snores on

in a cave in the woods a slumbering bear

sleeps through the party in his very own



hair stokes the fire

mouse seasons stew


a small pepper fleck makes the bear



he blows and he sneezes and the whole

crowd freezes


the bear

wakes up

bear gnarls and he snarls bear roars and

he rumbles

bear jumps and he stomps

bear growls and he grumbles


you've snuck in my lair and you've all

had fun

but me

i was sleeping and

i have had


and he whimpers and he moans he wails

and he groans

and the bear blubbers on

mouse squeaks don't fret don't fuss look


we can pop more corn

we can brew more tea


bear gulps

bear gobbles

he sighs with delight

then he spins tall tales through the

blustering night


when the sun peeks up on a crisp clear


bear can't sleep


his friends



oh and i will download music i'll get

the witty meat treats okay


ah just

wait right here


hello everybody please welcome my guest


lion hi there what's coming up on

between the lions well let's see uh oh

we got some great stuff on sleeping and

being awake

oh and a song about reasons to read too

look hopping out of the bushes is it a

bug is it a squirrel


it's opposite bunny


here he comes the opposite bunny


who was that cute bunny


and now the information hen what welcome

what thing will we learn today

turn turn turn turn stop

all about


sleep is what you do every night and

sometimes during the day when you are


sometimes i sleep like this

sometimes i sleep like this

but most of the time i sleep like this

come here stanley

that's all for

all about everything

one thing at a time


making a beeline for the finish line

bear is second buffalo is next to last

bird is last but she is flying what's

this bee has spotted a beehive and she's

burst right off the track bear is

following b probably looking for honey

coming down the stretch whirl bird has

landed on buffalo's horn she's getting a

free ride


reason to reach

i feel like a story i can just open a


when i want mama's biscuits for recipes

great to cook

we follow the old directions to find our

way to the show

and reading tells me facts that i've


dying to know

i got a reason

i got a reason

got a good reason to read


i got a reason

i got a reason

got a good reason to read


i got it here in my code






got a good reason to read


it's short story time with artie smarty



someone is sleeping in this book tabby

cat at night by phyllis root illustrated

by katherine mcewen and we don't want to

wake him up oh i time to read the book

i hope i didn't wake him

it is night

sammy is sleeping


but tabby cat is awake


tabby cat plays with her tail

tabby cat plays with a ball

tabby cat plays with a string


tabby cat plays with a piano


now sammy is awake

the end

oh everyone's awake so now i can play





coming up next nighttime



excuse me i see that you're having a fun

time playing but it is time to go to



yes and you must listen to me i have

been programmed to be your babysitter

tonight oh please don't use that word

babysitter clicks something like uh

i'm staying with you okay

search and replace babysitter

i am the staying with you er

and it's time to go to sleep oh but but

we're not tired yet

will you go to sleep after i read you a

bedtime story

a story yes sure

i will access it


activate bedtime storytelling voice

testing testing


night in the country by cynthia ryland

pictures by mary cinlogi

there is no night so dark

so black

as night in the country

in little houses people lie sleeping and

dreaming about daytime things

while outside in the fields and by the

rivers and deep in the trees

there is only night

and nighttime things

there are owls

great owls with marble eyes who swoop

among the trees

and who are not afraid of night in the


night birds

there are frogs

night frogs who sing songs for you every

night reek




night songs

and if you are one of those people in

one of those little houses

and if you cannot sleep

you will hear the sounds of night in the


all around you


outside the dog's chain clinks

as he gets up for a drink of water

far over the hill you hear someone

open and close a creaking screen door

you wonder who is up so late

and if you lie

very still

you may hear an apple fall from the tree

in the backyard listen


later the rabbits will pattern into your

yard and eat pieces of your fallen


but only when they think you are asleep


and all around you on a night in the


are the groans and thumps

and squeaks that houses make when they

are trying like you

to sleep


a raccoon mother licks her babies

a cow

nuzzles her calf

an old pig rolls over in the barn


and toward morning

one small bird will be the first to tell


that night in the country is nearly over


the owls will go to sleep

the frogs will grow quiet

the rabbits will run away


then they will spend a day in the



did you enjoy that

are you asleep like lionel and leona


well sorry click i mean that was a

really great story and all but

we're just not sleepy


idea i will try my computer command

sleep mode function oh cool yeah well

i'm sure your command sleep mode will

work oh yeah

right yonah command sleeper

we're not computers

all righty then

come and sleep

well that was easy come and go to your


i am good

that's what i'm talking about



are you i hope so because lots of words

beginning with the letter n are coming


next isn't that nice













here in oregon these are some fun words

that begin with the letter n hmm




and now coming up next you will have the

pleasure of seeing what's coming up next

thank you

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

presenting the incredible daring

trampolini brothers performing the noisy

balancing valley hoo


that's noisy


that's even noisier

that's the noisiest of all

noisy noisier


folks let's hear it for the terrific

trampolini brothers

and now it's time for

great word great word

excellent gawain here once again at

blending fields where two brave knights

and armor will charge together head high

speed and make a word

competing today we have sir

and sir

blend on dude

hey who turned off the lights i did it's

night time go to bed i have a glass of

water night excellent that's the waves

word for today and this is wayne saying

nighty night

and i'll see you next time on squidward

great word

flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure number 919

hanger and the nightingales


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him


hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

cliff notices that night is falling

quickly cliff reaches into his backpack

and extracts his nifty survival manual

using his notable decoding skills cliff

begins to read

if you notice that night is falling

disguise yourself as a baby nightingale

in distress neato

help i'm in distress

oh look a baby nightingale in distress

we'll take him to our nest and raise him

as our own

will these nurturing nightingales be

cliff's route to a new non-cliffhanging

existence eat your night crawlers dear

they're good for you

and now it's time for our new baby to

fly for the first time okay family nudge

him out of the nest

no no you don't understand i'm not

really a nightingale

nuts and that's why he's called



hold on much longer




hey click thinks we're asleep

wow hey leona listen

what's that sound look click sleep

checking sleep functions

perhaps i should try my power

command snore

now that is a snorer

good night

hey leona leona leona

click actually thinks you made a snore


yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website


go to pbskids.org






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