06x82 - Sheep on a Ship; Mississippi Skip and his Pirate Ship

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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06x82 - Sheep on a Ship; Mississippi Skip and his Pirate Ship

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids



and warm cloud lightning thunderstorms


rain wind all kinds of weather watch us

put these words together


all between the lions

stay dry

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


between the covers


sheep on a ship



hey what's this doing up here on

the road

i don't know

mom dad

what's going on here

we are building a ship so we can all go

on a make-believe deep-sea trip

a maple leaf

trip on a shipwreck

oh yeah yeah it is cool do i mean a ahoy

there come aboard mateys and be quick

about it we have to get dressed for our

deep-sea trip on the ship that's right

that's right me hearties let's go below


why are we dressed like sheep oh for a

very important reason

just go with it son

for a very important reason lionel just

go with it

now we are sheep sailing a ship on a

deep-sea trip

that's right captain the wind she's


it's it's making the sails flap


that means flutter back and forth see

like this

flap flap flappity flap flap flap flap



yeah i i heard him leona flap glitter

back and forth yeah then dark clouds

form a sudden storm it rains and hails

and shakes the sails

the sheep slide and trip and collide


that means bump into each other

great deep-sea trip on a ship isn't it

lionel yeah really cool but i still

don't have a clue why we have to take

this trip on a ship dressed up like


well perhaps it's time to enlighten you

lionel oh captain would you do the

honors aye matey


we got the whole idea for our deep-sea

trip from this book

sheep on a ship written by nancy shaw

and illustrated by margot apple oh they

got the idea i know

i know

come on family let's read yes

sheep sail a ship on a deep sea trip

waves lap

sails flap

sheep read a map

but begin to nap

dark clouds form a sudden storm


it rains and hails and shakes the sails

sheep wake up and grab the rails

waves wash across the ship

waves slosh

sheep slip

decks tip sheep slide

sheep trip

sheep collide

wings quick

sails rip

sheep can't sail their sagging ship

oh the ship is sagging

oh it's gonna sink oh i don't think so i

think they're gonna find a way to save

the ship oh let's see

they chop a mast to make a raft


sheep jump off their sailing draft

the storm lifts

the raft drifts

land hoe

not far to go


sheep come paddling into port

sheep jump off

sheep fall short


sheep climb out

sheep drip


are glad

to end their trip

the end


where were we

we were sliding and tripping and


all right let's get to it





















here's some more to begin with the

sh sound









hello reginald livingston seagull here

with a poem for you written by myra cohn

livingston called


and this poem is truly swell

i'm a poet and i didn't realize it

did you see how i did that

way with the spoon

when it was time for show and tell

adam brought a big pink shell

he told about the ocean roar and walking

on the sandy shore

and then he passed the shell around

we listened to the water sound

and that's the first time i could hear

the wild waves calling to my ear

and now direct from the plush hushaby

song stylings of ms cleo lion



man i love those two letters sh

when you shove em together i found

it's a whole new sound

that goes


shame on you is



i'm getting


this is




shingle and shell

please shush and i'll show everybody

if i have to shout it i'll shout it


yes it's shockingly quiet



thank you thank you all





let's give it a rest

right theo hey

let's look at another book that has a

sheep sailing a ship


flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of



today's adventure number 6767

cliffhanger and the sheep on a ship


and that's why he's called cliff


excuse me excuse me

find cliffhanger where we left him last

hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer


sailing down the river below him

cliff sees

a sheep

on a ship

in a flash cliff reaches into his

backpack and extracts

his trusty survival

manual using his expert decoding skills

cliff begins to read

should you see a sheep on a ship

shout save me

save me


my pleasure

our cliffhangers days of anguish on the

cliff finally finished



i said save me

not shave me



shucks and that's why he's called jeff



oh the only thing cool about it was the


speaking of sheep



hoist the mainsail way anger and get

ready for some more pirates yo ho


yeah you're you're pirates

we be pirates that they are captain

bonnie bonnie

i be bluebeard and i be short john silva

and this here bj jones

oh easy there my pet and who

may you be yeah

i'd be lying on the lion cub

what can i do for you

we've been looking for a book about



what this one do it's got pirate sheep

on it


swab in the deck that means muppets

i know just the book

here be quick

this is one of my favorite pirate books

it's called the adventures of

mississippi skip and his pirate ship

written and illustrated by ipswich clip

springer the fifth

ah look at the picture of the pirate and

the ship it's got to be exactly what

we've been looking for oh yeah uh great


here you go enjoy

what do you think you'll be doing lad


giving you the book so you could read it

we can't read

we spent all our lives on board a ship

hey we never had a chance to go to


oh well


i could read it to you oh that be a

kindness we not soon forget


once there was a pirate called

mississippi skip

they call me mississippi skip but don't

call me miss er

and don't call me late for dinner either

mississippi skip sailed a pirate ship

with his first mate kip who had a parrot

named chip on his shoulder

and the cabin boy pip slobbed the ship

swap the ship swap your ship

while kip steered the ship with the

parrot named chip on his shoulder skip

read a treasure map he had hidden under

his cap

and pip swab the ship

swab the ship swap the ship

x marked a spot where the treasure could

be found on hippo rock island buried

deep underground our

buried treasure my greatest pleasure

so kip steered the ship at a very fast

clip with the parrot named chip on his

shoulder and tip swap the ship

swab the ship swab the ship

thunder and lightning ripped the sky

the wind whipped in the ship began to


chambery timbers hang on me hearties

skip kip and the parrot named chip held

their grip and pimp swap the ship

let's rob the ship swap the ship rock


another huge wave picked up the ship and

carried her out of the storm to the

shore of hippo rock island where it was

sunny and warm

it's hippo rock island we're on let's go

skip looked for the x under every rock

and boulder and so did kip with the

parrot named chip on his shoulder


skip search the lowland kip searched the

high land and pip swab the island

swab the island swab the island

where he found the x

x x hey x

they dug and dug and dug in the ground

and found what they longed to behold a

treasure chest that was dripping with

jewels and filled to the brim with

gold oh yippee

let's hear it for pip

hey pip hooray for pip


hooray for pip

pool rave for pimp

of course of course if it weren't for

the captain well they never would have

made it to hippo rock island in the

first place so uh so technically

speaking you know

the captain's a hero too

then they all danced the jig

they took the treasure and bought a new


mississippi skipped sail the pirate ship

with his first mate kip who had a parrot

named chip on his shoulder and pip

stopped the ship

swamp the ship swagger rocked

the end

that's where our rip-roaring yarn for


and now me hearties we're gonna play

mississippi skip an excellent suggestion

captain who's gonna play what i be pip

and swab the ship

bluebeard you'll be captain mississippi

skip aye shirt john you will be first

mate kip and you cub

you will be the hippo on hippo rock


get your guitar

yes peppa captain pick that up

call me mississippi skip but don't be

calling me miss sir and don't be calling

me late for dinner either either










trunk in his bunk

found a smelly old black and white skunk

so his mom put as t whereas k used to be

to explain to the

and now it's time for gwen's word

excellent who ain't here today at blend

mart where two brave knights in armor

with shopping carts will charge together

at high speed make a word and go

shopping competing today we have sir







i'll be awfully sad if you don't stop by

to see me next time on queen's word


and now it's time for

those magnificent monkey cheerleaders



it's sort of a disaster


what a dizzying performance





and now a word from mr fred







swap the ship swab the ship

then i loved playing the game and i

loved reading the book yeah

well actually i do and it's on that

shelf right over there

and now fun with chicken jane today

chicken jane and the skunk



look scott look

see the skipping skunk

yes dot yes

that skipping skunk is stupendous

look scott look

see chick and jane write the letters



o o



look dot look

chicken jane got sprayed

we did not get sprayed yes scott yes

chicken jane is stinky we are not stinky

thank you chicken jane


ah funny huh

there'd be no pirates in that book and

no ship and no treasure and no swabbing

you think we would like a book like that

well you'll be right that's a funny book

now me mateys

we're going to play chicken jane davy

jones you chicken jane

a new blueberry

you'll be scott hey and you shot john

silver you'll be taught all right can



you'll be the skunk hi captain

look look cc coming down the lane

here comes scott here comes





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