06x81 - Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash; Knuffle Bunny

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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06x81 - Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash; Knuffle Bunny

Post by bunniefuu »



dirty socks dirty shirts dirty shorts

and dirty skirts



all between the lions

so bad


hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions




come in between


hangs up for wash

be brave old hat

it's only

soap and water oh

my god

i can't believe you're making such a big

deal about a silly hat it's not a silly

hat it it's a cool hat

and leona it is time now for lovey to go

into the wash lobby no

oh now now leona sweetheart you know

lovey hasn't had a bath in a very very

very long time

she's getting a little crusty honey


goodbye close your eyes and hold your


i can't believe you're making such a big

deal about such a silly dog very funny


okay okay now well hey kids time to do


there's one more item


not my

i can't believe he's making such a fuss

over her silly bookmark yeah yeah what's

up with the silly well silly

this is my favorite my oldest my best is

my lucky bookmark

okay dear thank you okay careful gently

yeah okay

all right

well let's just let's wash everything up

now okay

watch the embroidery


it's fine theo and so is your hat lionel

and so is lovey

you know mom this clothesline looks

pretty weird with all their stuff

hanging on it

you think that's weird wait right here

wow it's a lady hanging wash this is a

book about hanging wash

good going leona you figured that out

just from looking at the cover

this book is called mrs mcnaught hangs

up her wash nosh


that rhymes

wash nuts wash nuts wash

who wrote it mama

sarah weeks and it was illustrated by

nadine bernard westcott

they did a whole book about hanging wash

yes they did

there we go

each monday at dawn mrs nelly mcnauch

brings out a barrel and does a big wash

it takes her all morning

and when the sun's high

she hangs what she's washed on the

clothesline to dry

she hangs up the dresses

she hangs up the shirts

she hangs up the underwear nightgowns

and skirts

she hangs up the stockings

she hangs up the shoes

she rings out the paper and hangs up the


wait a minute wait a minute hold it

right there

let me get this straight mrs mcnaughton

washes her newspaper yup and she rings

it up yeah oh that means she she twists

it like this you see you twist and you


you get all the water out by squeezing

like that and then you hang it back up

on the line

shoes loose shoes loose shoes nose shoe

she hangs up the dog and his dish and

his bone

she gets a wrong number

and hangs up the phone

hangs up a hat

and an old wedding gown

and two sleepy bats

which she hangs upside down

she hangs up a lamp

and a large christmas wreath

and grandpa mcnaughton's removable teeth

she hangs up a kite by the tip of its


the postman arrives and she hangs up the


she hangs till she's hung every last

thing in sight

including the turkey she's roasting that


each monday by dusk

mrs nelly mcnaughton has finally hung up

the last of her wash

she takes off her apron

and lets down her hair then hangs

herself up in a comfortable


why are you stopping mama she hangs

herself up in a comfortable what i know

listen leona

she takes off her apron and lets down

her hair

and hangs herself up in a comfortable

what rhymes with hair um

um um

bear no no no wait tear chair no it

couldn't be

i think you're good yeah yeah i gotta

see this

a comfortable chair

the end

tie yourself up in a comfortable chair


i love that book i love mrs mcnaughton

her wash i love the ending

i wish i could hang myself up in a

comfortable chair oh

you're comfortable cheering honey come


oh there's my sweetie

oh yeah






and now the world-renowned irish tenor

mr ronan tynan will sing the ir

r sound in the word shirt

mr tynan


thank you mr tynan that was indeed first



when i feel like a story you can just



tells me facts that i've been

dying to know

i got a reason

i got a reason i've got a good reason to


i got a reason

i got a reason

got a good reason to read


i wrote myself a message


i got a


reason to read


i've got a reason

i got a


reason to



jerk jerk



oh little bookmark i missed you so hey

my hat smells like a hat again

leona here's lovey all nice and clean oh

thanks mama

come on lovey let's go read a book

have fun

hey speaking of things hanging

cliffhanger hanging from a cliff on that


right over there

flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure number 30 cliffhanger

and the dirty purple shirt


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him


hanging from a cliff


hold on much


suddenly below him cliff sees a very big

ape carrying a huge basket of dirty


currently cliff reaches into his

backpack and extracts his trusty

survival manual

using his expert decoding skills cliff

begins to read

if you see a very big ape carrying a

huge basket of dirty laundry

curl up inside a very big dirty shirt

and hurl yourself into the basket


has cliffhangers luck finally turned is

he at last on the verge of escaping from

his cliff



mercy this jerky looking shirt isn't




hold on much longer

that was a great one yeah cliffhanger is

the coolest yes an interesting hero he

never gives up the stories are always

different and yet somehow amazingly the


very clever yeah i agree honey hey

lionel you want to play cliffhanger oh


yes sir

oh of course we won't really hang off a


we just pretend of course yeah hi

lovey and i just got finished reading a

book so we thought we'd come and see

what you guys are doing we're gonna play

cliffhanger bye

okay everybody let's get started


and now

a bunny who is almost as adorable as i


thank you


oh hey

everything i always wanted to know i

learned from my laundry

great book yeah yeah

changed my life oh yeah yeah the chapter

on lost socks gives me new hope

oh yeah okay okay okay okay

attention attention everybody i am sorry

to interrupt your reading but i can't

find my adorable little doll lobby

can you please check around your seats

and see if she's there oh sure

oh lovey


lovey over there


i uh

i found her

i was sitting on her



oh thank you thank you thank you


sir on behalf of my daughter leona i

want to thank you for finding



you know leona your little adventure

with lovey there reminds me of a

wonderful book

that by a remarkable coincidence just

happens to be sitting on this table

right here

that blows my mind



it's called canuffle bunny and it's

written and illustrated by mo willems oh

look lovey

it's got a little girl on the cover and

she's holding her bunny is it a story

about a little girl in her bunny oh

that's right honey it's a cautionary



what's a cautionary tale

cautionary it means the story warns you

about something

like the story of the boy who cried wolf

i wonder who those legs belong to

well let's read it and find out


not so long ago before she could even

speak words trixie went on an errand

with her daddy

trixie and her daddy went down the block

through the park


past the school


and into the laundromat

laundro what laundromat that's a place

where there are lots of washing machines

and dryers and where some people do

their laundry oh

it's a place where some people do their

laundry lobby


trixie helped her daddy put the laundry

into the machine

she even got to put the money into the


then they left


about a block or so later

trixie realized something


trixie turned to her daddy and said

i go flag

that's right replied her daddy we're

going home


said trixie again

black ops

it will be sloppy

no please don't get fussy said her daddy

well she had no choice

trixie balls

she went boneless

she did everything she could to show how

unhappy she was

by the time they got home her daddy was

unhappy too

as soon as trixie's mommy opened the

door she asked where's snuffle bunny


the whole family ran down the block


and they ran through the park

they zoomed past the school

and into the laundromat


trixie's daddy looked for canopul bunny

and looked

and looked


and looked

but ganuffle bunny was nowhere to be



so trixie's daddy decided to look harder


and those were the first words trixie

ever said


ah a happy ending trixie has her caneful

bunny and i have my lovey

don't worry lovey i'll never lose you


never ever

great book changed my life

i'm gonna read this again i love that

aggle flaggle part okay









sticky sticky






and now a word from mr bruno kirby


thank you

thank you



reginald livingston seagull here with a

poem for you called ode to the washing

machine written by rebecca k tartlets

i'm so sorry you had to see that

here's to your spin your soap said song

your rumble and whirl and twirl along

swish swish swish

swirl and spin

a tub of tumbling safety pins

and jeans and socks

and nickels that knock their silver song

in the whirling drum of your belly

twist tub twist do the twist

give the socks a soapy kiss

scrub our jeans good and clean

yellow the yellows green up the greens

bubble along

here's to your spin your soap suds song

here's some words ending and why that

sounds like e






daddy mommy baby



ending y

e now it's time for

those magnificent monkey cheerleaders


ready okay

give me some


shirts give me some dirty shorts

dirty shorts

what do you got laundry louder



okay girls let's wash up and call it a




mart where two brave knights and armor

with shopping carts will charge together

at high speed make a word and go

shopping competing today we have sir

on your right sir eddie

land on shopping dudes





and this is duane saying it would be

very kind of you to come back soon


bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny


ooh i love that word bunny bunny bunny

bunny bunny


those were the first words trixie ever

said okay

yeah hey hey i've got another great book

for you about a bunny oh you do yeah but

i i don't know where it is

i'm not sitting on it i swear

i know there it is

and now fun with chicken jane today

chicken jane and the muddy bunny


look scott look

see the bunny

yes dot yes she is a happy bunny

oh scott look and see

see how the bunny is muddy

yes yes

see the silly muddy happy bunny

look doc look

see chicken jane write the letter







look scott look

chicken jane is dirty

we are not dirty

thank you chicken jade


oh that chicken chain really makes me

laugh yeah me too





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