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08x05 - Once Upon a Fairy Tale"

Posted: 05/13/24 18:17
by bunniefuu
(cheerful marching music)

♪ Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination ♪

♪ And when he's tall

♪ He's what we call a dinosaur sensation ♪

♪ Barney's friends are big and small ♪

♪ They come from lots of places ♪

(children giggling)

♪ After school they meet to play ♪

♪ And sing with happy faces

♪ Barney shows us lots of things ♪

♪ Like how to play pretend

♪ ABCs and s

♪ And how to be a friend

♪ Barney comes to play with us

♪ Whenever we may need him

♪ Barney can be your friend too ♪

♪ If you just make-believe him! ♪

(imaginative music)

- And this. - Yeah.

- Oh! - Oh, look, Kami.

Try this on.

- Thanks, Gianna.

(playful music)

How do I look?

- Like you're ready for a tea party.

- So do you.

- Let's go ask Barney if he wants some tea.

- Okay.

Would you like some tea, Barney?

(magical music) - Wow!

Yes, I would!

- Barney! - Barney!

- Oh, hello, Kami, Gianna.

Well, you both look very nice today.

- We're having a tea party.

- [Barney] Oh.

- And we're practicing our good manners.

(Barney chuckles)

Please, have a sandwich.

- Pumpernickel bread, oh, my favorite.

- May I pour you some tea?

- Yes, please.

- Here you go.

- Thank you.

(gentle music)

♪ There are lots of things we can do to be nice ♪

♪ Sometimes they're hard to remember ♪

♪ But there are two little things you should never forget ♪

♪ From January through December ♪

♪ We're talkin' 'about please and thank you ♪

♪ They're called the magic words ♪

♪ If you want nice things to happen ♪

♪ They're the words that should be heard ♪

♪ Remember please and thank you ♪

♪ 'Cause they're the magic words ♪

♪ Use 'em in the morning, at noon, at night ♪

♪ 'Cause it's a great way to be polite ♪

♪ Please and thank you, they're the magic words ♪

(peppy music)

♪ We're talkin' 'bout please and thank you ♪

♪ They're called the magic words ♪

♪ If you want nice things to happen ♪

♪ They're the words that should be heard ♪

♪ Remember please and thank you ♪

♪ 'Cause they're the magic words ♪

♪ Use 'em in the morning, at noon and night ♪

♪ 'Cause they're it's a great way to be polite ♪

♪ Please and thank you, they're the magic words ♪

- (laughing) Oh, I liked your party

and your nice manners.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Well, now it's (static) to clean up.

- I'll help you, Gianna.

- Okay. - Okay.

- Hi, everybody.

- Oh, hi, Mario. - Hi Mario.

- Oh, I see you have a new book.

What are you reading, Mario?

(light music)

- Nothing.


All the pages are blank.

- Well, why aren't there any words

or pictures in your book?

- Because I'm supposed to write a story in it for school.

But I haven't started yet.

- Oh, a story!

Oh, that sounds like fun!

- Well, maybe.

I have to write a fairy tale.

- I like fairy tales.

- Yeah, me too.

- I do too.

But it's pretty hard to get started.

All I have so far is

(magical music)

once upon a time.

- Oh, that's a good start, Mario.

With a beginning like that,

your story can be about anything.

(dreamy music)

♪ When you say the words once upon a time ♪

♪ Then you know a story will be told ♪

♪ When you hear me say once upon a time ♪

♪ Then a wondrous adventure will unfold ♪

♪ Once upon a time means it's time to pretend ♪

♪ Let your imagination go

♪ On a journey into story land

♪ To hear a tale from long ago

♪ Once upon a time

♪ Once upon a time

♪ There's a story to tell,

♪ A tale to share

♪ With everybody everywhere

♪ Once upon a time

♪ Once upon a time

♪ There's a story to tell

♪ A tale to share

♪ When you hear the words once upon a time ♪

- Okay, my story starts with once upon a time,

but I don't know what to write next.

- Just use your imagination, Mario.

Fairy tales can be about anything,

people, animals or even magic.

(light music)

- This book has lots of fairy tales in it, Mario.

Maybe one of them can give you an idea.

- [Kami] Here's one called "The Fisherman and His Wife,"

and it has a magic fish in it.

- A magic fish?


(Barney giggles)

(bright music)

- Once upon a time, a fisherman and his wife lived

in a little shack beside the sea.

- Well, I guess it's time for me to go fishing.

- If you don't catch a fish,

we won't have anything for dinner tonight.

- I'll do my best.

(happy music)

♪ If I had one wish, I would love to fish ♪

♪ With all my fishin' gear

♪ I would like to go out to catch some trout ♪

♪ In a pond or lake that's near ♪

♪ With a pole and some bait

♪ And a very special hat

♪ I'd love to go fishin', like I've been wishin'. ♪

♪ That's all there is to that

♪ If he had one wish, he would love to fish ♪

♪ With all his fishin' gear

♪ He would like to go out to catch some trout ♪

♪ In a pond or a lake that's near ♪

♪ With a pole and some bait

♪ And a very special hat

♪ He'd love to go fishin' like he's been wishin' ♪

♪ That's all there is to that.

♪ With a pole and some bait

♪ And a very special hat

♪ I'd love to go fishin' like I've been wishin' ♪

♪ That's all there is to that

- The fisherman tried very hard,

but he didn't catch a single fish all day.

- I wish I could catch a fish.

(disappointed music)

(bobber bouncing)

Finally, I caught one!

(slide whistle music)

- But the fisherman soon found out

that this was no ordinary fish.

- Oh, please let me go.

- A talking fish?

- I'm really a magic fish.

Let me go, and I'll grant you a wish.

- Okay, I'll let you go.

(magical music)

- Thank you.

Now, what do you wish for?

- Nothing.

I already have everything I need.

Have a nice day.

- Thank you.

I'll never forget you.

(happy music)

- The fisherman was happy

that he had let the magic fish go free.

But when he went home

and told his wife what had happened,

she was not so happy.

- You only caught one fish, and you let it go?

- But it was a magic fish.

It said, "Let me go, and I'll grant you a wish."

- Really?

What did you wish for?

- Nothing.

I don't need anything.

- Well, I do!

I'm not happy in this little shack.

Go back and tell that magic fish

that I want a nice house with a garden.

(cheerful music)

- So the fisherman went back to the sea

and called out.

- Please come back, oh magic fish,

so you can grant my wife a wish.

(magical music)

- What does your wife want?

- A nice house with a garden, please.

- She has her wish.

(cheerful music)

- The fisherman went home

to find a nice house with a garden.

- What a nice house.

- Well, it's not exactly what I wanted.

Go back and tell that magic fish

that I need a bigger house and a fancy garden.

(spring bouncing)

(gentle music)

- So the fisherman went back to the sea and called out.

- Please come back, oh magic fish,

so you can grant my wife a wish.

(magical music)

- What does she want now?

- A bigger house and a fancy garden.


- She has her wish.

(cheerful music)

- The fisherman went home to find a bigger house

with a fancy garden.

- Wow, that's big house!

- Not big enough.

I really wanted a castle

with tall towers so I can be a queen.

Now go back and tell that magic fish to give me

everything I deserve.

And hurry.

(light music)

- So the fisherman went back to the sea and called out.

- Please come back, oh magic fish,

so you can grant my wife a wish.

(irritated music)

- Let me guess, she's still not happy.

- She wants you to give her everything she deserves.

- Go and tell her that she has her final wish,

everything she deserves.

- Thank you.

(cheerful music)

- When the fisherman returned home,

the big house and fancy garden were gone.

- Hey, where's my castle and my crown?

(spring bouncing)

- I asked the magic fish to give you

everything you deserve,

and I guess he did.

- Well, what am I supposed to do now?

- Just be happy with what you have.

- In time, the fisherman's wife learned

that she didn't need a big house to be happy.

So the fisherman and his wife lived happily ever after.

The end.

- That was so much fun. - Great story, Barney.

- I'm glad the fisherman's wife learned

to be happy in her little shack.

- Yeah, me too. - Me too.

- No matter what you have or where you live,

when you're with the people you love, you're home.

♪ Oh, a home is a place to live in ♪

♪ To eat and sleep and be

♪ With the people you love and care about ♪

♪ Yes, that's a home to me

♪ And maybe it's a little house or a big house ♪

♪ Or a farm with an old pet dog ♪

♪ Or maybe it's a palace or an apartment ♪

♪ Or a cabin made from logs

♪ Oh

♪ Oh, a home is a place to live in ♪

♪ To eat and sleep and be

♪ With the people you love and care about ♪

♪ Yes, that's a home to me

♪ Yes, it is

♪ Oh, a home is a place to live in ♪

♪ To eat and sleep and be

♪ With the people you love and care about ♪

♪ Yes, that's a home to me

♪ With the people you love and care about ♪

♪ Yes, that's a home to me

♪ Oh

(Barney laughs)

(Barney humming)

Have you thought of a story for your fairy tale, Mario?

- Uh huh.

I like the idea of someone getting magic wishes,

but in my story, I think I'll have a magic hat!

- Now, that's using your imagination.

(racing music)

- Hey, Jackson. - Jackson!

- [Barney] Hi there, Jackson.

Here he comes. (chuckles)

- Hi, Barney.

Hi, guys.

- Oh, hi, Jackson.

What's the hurry?

- I just got new shoes,

and they help me run super fast.

Check 'em out.

- Whoa, those are really - Oh, those are nice.

- Neat shoes, Jackson. - They sure are.

- What are you doing?

- I'm trying to write a fairy tale for school.

- And we're helping him think of ideas.

- Hmm, are there any fairy tales about new shoes?

- No. - I don't think so.

- Maybe. - Mm mm.

- Have you ever heard the story

of "The Shoemaker and the Elves"?

- [Children] No.

- But that sounds good. - Yeah.

- Now, where's a good place for a shoe shop?

- It could be over there. - Maybe over.

(imaginative music)

- Once upon a time, there was a shoemaker and his wife.

They worked hard, but they were poor.

One evening, as they talked by the fire,

they were very worried.

- Husband, this piece of leather is not big enough

to make a whole pair of shoes.

What will we do?

(sad music)

- Well, wife, let's get some sleep.

Maybe we'll think of something in the morning.

(peaceful music)

- The next morning

(rooster crows) the shoemaker and his wife

got a big surprise.

Overnight, the piece of leather had been made

into a beautiful pair of shoes.

- We can sell these and buy more leather!

- Good idea, husband.

- And so they did.

The shoemaker and his wife left more leather

on the table and went to sleep.

The next morning, they got another surprise.

- Now there are two pairs of shoes.

When we sell these,

we can buy even more leather!

(cheerful music)

- Every night, the shoemaker

and his wife laid out more leather.

And every morning, they discovered more shoes.

They sold so many shoes.

(magical music)

They soon had plenty of money.

(magical music)

- Look how much money we made!

- I wonder who's been making the shoes for us?

- I know how we can find out.

- The shoemaker and his wife went upstairs to hide.

And they waited.

(calm music)

Late that night, (owl hooting)

two little elves appeared.

(busy music)

♪ We make lots and lots of shoes ♪

♪ And they're really, really neat ♪

♪ With so many kind to choose

♪ When we put them on our feet

♪ And they always come in twos

♪ We make shoes

♪ We make lots and lots of shoes ♪

♪ And they're really, really neat ♪

♪ With so many kind to choose

♪ When we put them on our feet

♪ And they always come in twos

♪ One, two

♪ We make shoes

♪ We make shoes

(light music)

- Husband, elves are making our shoes.

- I know, wife.

How can we ever thank them?

- Did you see their ragged clothes?

Maybe we could do something for them.

- Good idea!

(happy music)

(shoemaker and his wife whispering)

- And so to thank them,

the shoemaker and his wife made

the elves new clothes and shoes.

That night, they left their gifts

on the bench and waited for the elves to return.

(light music)

- Look, they made clothes and shoes for us.

- Why would they do that?

- Because you helped us so much!

- This is our way of saying thank you.

- [Both] Oh, you're welcome.

- From that day on,

the elves, the shoemaker and his wife were good friends.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The end.

- That was great. (Barney chuckles)

- That was a great story. - I liked watching you guys

make the shoes. - Yeah.

- I liked how everyone became friends.

Hmm, I can put a couple of friends in my fairy tale.

- Great idea, Mario!

Lots of fairy tales are about friends.

(cheerful music)


♪ Friends are special, so important ♪

♪ They make the world go round

♪ Oh

♪ We like helping one another

♪ In school or on the playground ♪

♪ Friends are there to help each other ♪

♪ When one is feeling sad

♪ Being friends is very special ♪

♪ Be a friend and you'll be glad ♪

- Oh, I'm very glad.

(Barney hums)

♪ Friends are special, so important ♪

♪ They make the world go round

♪ We like helping one another

♪ In school or on the playground ♪

♪ Friends are there to help each other ♪

♪ When one is feeling sad

♪ Being friends is very special ♪

♪ Be a friend and you'll be glad ♪

♪ Being friends is very special ♪

♪ Be a friend and you'll be glad ♪

(energetic music)

- [Barney] Great job, everyone.

(gentle music)

- Mario is working very hard on his story.

- Well, let's see how he's doing.

Oh, Mario, it looks like you're getting

a lot done on your fairy tale.

- I've written some good ideas.

Do you want to hear some of them?

- Oh, yes. - Sure!

- Okay.

How about this?

Two friends find a magic hat

that makes wishes come true.

One friend says to the other-

(someone howling)

- What was that? - What was that?

(someone howling)

- That sounds like a wolf.

- But there aren't any wolves in the park.

Are there, Barney?

- (chuckles) No, I don't think so.

Why don't we go see.

- All right. - Let's go.

- Okay, follow me.

(sneaky music)

Very quiet.

Come on, everyone.

Let's see here.

I don't see a wolf.

- Barney!

- But there's Juliette.

Hello, Juliette. - Oh hey, Juliette!

- Hi. - It's good to see you.

Have fun in the park today.

- Okay, bye. - Okay, bye-bye.

- Bye. - Bye.

- I love seeing Juliette.

(Jackson howling)

- Oh hey, Jackson. - It's Jackson.

- What are you doing?

- I'm pretending to be a wolf like in this picture.


- Oh, that's one of my favorite fairy tales,

"The Girl Who Cried Wolf."

(sheep bleating)

(happy music)

Once upon a time, there was a young shepherd girl.

Her job was to make sure

that the wolf didn't steal the village sheep.

But one day, she got very bored.

- Oh, this is no fun.

I wonder what would happen if I cried wolf, wolf!

A wolf is stealing the sheep!

(voice echoing)

- [Barney] The people who lived in a nearby village

heard her calling.

- Did you hear that?

- It came from the hillside.

We'd better go help.

(light music)

♪ Oh dear, what can the matter be ♪

♪ I hear the shepherd girl calling me ♪

♪ Run, run, we have to run and see ♪

♪ There is a big bad wolf

- Where's the wolf?

- There isn't one.

- But you cried, "Wolf."

- I was just kidding.

(sheep bleating)

- You should always tell the truth.

(light music)

- The villagers went back to work,

but, before long, the girl was bored again.

- I know I shouldn't, but...

(trilling music)

Wolf! Wolf!

A wolf is stealing the sheep!

(voice echoing)

- Did you hear that?

- It came from the hillside.

We'd better go see if something's wrong.

(light music)

♪ Oh, dear, what can the matter be ♪

♪ I hear the shepherd girl calling me ♪

♪ Oh, well, we better run and see ♪

♪ If there's a big bad wolf

- Where's the wolf?

- I fooled you again.

(disappointed music)

- That's not a nice trick.

Like we told you before,

you'd better start telling the truth.

(sheep bleating)

- The villagers were tired and grouchy,

but the girl was still bored.

- One more time.

(trilling music)

Wolf! Wolf!

A wolf, a wolf is stealing the sheep!

(voice echoing)

- Did you hear that?

- It came from the hillside.

- [Both] Here we go again.

(resigned music)

♪ Oh, dear, what can the matter be ♪

♪ I hear the shepherd girl calling me ♪

♪ Oh, well, something is telling me ♪

- There probably isn't a wolf!

- [Both] Where's the wolf?

- I fooled you again.

- That's not funny.

If you don't tell the truth,

we won't come when you call.

(disappointed music)

- The villagers no longer believed the shepherd girl.

So can you guess what happened next?

(wolf howls)

- Oh, no, that's a real wolf!

Help, there's a wolf!

A wolf!

(exciting music)

(wolf howls)

- A wolf is stealing the sheep!

- You can't fool us.

- Yeah, you're just trying to trick us.

- But this time there really is a wolf.

- [Both] We don't believe you.

- [Barney] But the shepherd girl begged and pleaded

until the villagers finally went with her

to see for themselves.

When they got there, they discovered...

- There's no wolf.

- And there's no sheep!

(wolf howling)

(sheep bleating)

- There goes the wolf

with all the sheep,

and it's all my fault.

I promise I'll never cry wolf to trick you again.

(happy music)

- From that day on, the shepherd girl

always told the truth.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The end.

- It sure was. - That was good.

- I liked being a villager. - Yeah.

(Barney chuckles)

(Barney humming)

- I can't wait to read your fairy tale, Mario.

- Well, I still have a lot more to write,

but you can read it when I'm finished.

- And when you're done,

we can put your book in our library

so everyone can read it.

- That would be great.

- [Barney] It sure would!

♪ Books are fun

♪ Books are great

♪ Let's sit down with a book today ♪

♪ Books are fun

♪ Books are great

♪ Is it book time yet

♪ Oh, I just can't wait

♪ To read a book

(cheerful music)

♪ Do you know why I love to read a book ♪

♪ Why I get so happy every time I take a look ♪

♪ 'Cause books can take me anywhere ♪

♪ That I want to go

♪ Books help my imagination grow ♪

♪ Books are fun to read

♪ I love the pictures too

♪ I love to snuggle up and read with somebody like you ♪

♪ All my favorite stories and many more to learn ♪

♪ Good things come with every page I turn ♪

♪ Books are fun

♪ Books are great

♪ Let's sit down with a book today ♪

♪ Books are fun

♪ Books are great

♪ Is it book time yet

♪ Oh, I just can't wait

♪ To write a

♪ Book, book

♪ Book, book

♪ To write a

♪ Book, book

♪ Book, book

♪ Write a book

(Barney chuckles)

Writing a fairy tale's a lot more fun

than I thought it would be.

- Oh, that's great.

Can you tell us about your story now?

- Well, it's about two friends

who find a magic hat.

When you wear it and make a wish,

your wish comes true.

- What happens next?

- I'm not sure.

I guess I'll have to use my imagination

to figure it out.

- Oh, I think your story will be super de-duper! (laughs)

- When you finish your book, will you read it to us, Mario?

- Sure I will, Jackson.

- Oh, I can't wait!

Fairy tales are fun to write and fun to read,

but they're even better when you share them

with the people you love.

(gentle music)

♪ I love you

♪ You love me

♪ We're a happy family

♪ With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you ♪

♪ Won't you say you love me too ♪

♪ I love you

♪ You love me

♪ We're best friends like friends should be ♪

♪ With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you ♪

♪ Won't you say you love me too ♪

(Barney chuckles)

- Thanks again, Barney.

- You're welcome, Mario.

- I'll bring my book back when it's done.

- Great.

Well, now we have to go.

- Bye. - Bye, Barney

- See you later. - Bye.

- Bye-bye.

Oh, I had fun today.

- Hey, Mario, can there be a wolf

in your fairy tale?

- Yeah, that's just what my story needs.

(Jackson howls)

(happy music)

(magical music)

(cheerful marching music)