05x73 - Wings & What's In the Box?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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05x73 - Wings & What's In the Box?

Post by bunniefuu »


now hey

wow here's

how come and Read Between the

Lions come


on come


begin the

world Between the Lions between the

covers of a book it's time to look

Between the Lions behold the Tails

beyond the Tails behind the


door become

expor come in between the

Liar between the liar be here between



Lions r


yeah oh oh liono liono stop stop you

shouldn't be doing that what I I

shouldn't be reading a book no you

shouldn't be tipping your chair back

like that

oh why remember what mom always

says what mom always

says yeah you should never sit in a

chair and tip it backwards you might


see I'm not worried I'll be real careful

I'm not going to

fall I don't know remember that story

mom read to us what

story a Greek myth called icarus's Wings

retold by Bing dingling and illustrated

by Tim Legas and nappy's puppets

that story

yeah Deus lived on the ancient Greek

island of C he could build

anything Deus had a son named

Icarus Icarus was not as brilliant as


father hey Pop what you doing in V


whoa what's this thing igoras my son

I've been working on that for weeks be

careful oops o one day the king heard

that Deus had done some work for one of

the king's enemies he was very angry he

ordered Deus and his son

imprisoned get dous and Icarus and bring

them to the Labyrinth from which There

Is No Escape and fling them


in in The Labyrinth lived the fierce

minur the Minotaur was a scary

thing guards took deas and Icarus to the

Labyrinth and locked them in


oh ah yes just as I remember Gary H

what's this let's see no talking no

escaping no reading oh no I read that I

broke the

already fortunately the king forgot that

Deus had built the Labyrinth and knew

how to get

out unfortunately the king quickly

remembered it what was I

thinking Deus and Icarus tried to

escape they couldn't get out by walking

for the king's guards were

everywhere wa that was close they

couldn't escape by sailing for the

king's ships were in the sea how could

they escape if only we had wings we

could Escape by flying gorus my son now

you're thinking what am I thinking we'll


Wings the amazing Deus worked hard

sewing feathers with string he held the

wings together with wax oo

sticky get off get

off Icarus my son cut it out by evening

the wings were ready Icarus began

flapping hey look I'm flying I'm flying

Deus gave his son a warning hior is my

son be careful with your wings if you

fly too close to the water the dampness

will make them heavy and if you fly too

close to the Sun the heat will melt your

wings are you listening to me what's

that oh yeah low high

gotcha the next morning Deus and Icarus

began their flight to

Freedom Icarus my son follow my path

Deus flew a safe path between the Sea

and the sun Icarus was following his

father closely until he was overcome by


W woo hey look I'm flying I'm flying I'm

So Happy I Could

Sing bigor is my son you're forgetting


warning hey look how high I can fly woo

hey Icarus climbed higher and higher he

didn't notice that the sun was melting

the wax on his wings Icarus your wings


melting they're melting down Icarus

plummeted into the sea


end now do you see why you shouldn't tip

your chair back like that I don't know

I'm I'm not flying too close to the Sun

I'm just leaning my chair

back okay Mama's right I



oops are you okay do you need some






wasp watch


Wall here are some words that begin with

the letter w

w w

wagon water watch World woman


wa W what and now now Lionel Leona Cleo

and Theo in Lion's wiggling none of the

lions are

wiggling some of the lions are

wiggling almost all of the lions are


wiggling Theo

Wiggle all of the lions are





mom the the end



peep beep beep beep





Screech I got dou you trouble and I know

what's to blame it's cuz there's no what

sound in W's name I am wasted and woful

and wied and tense what's with double

use what sound it doesn't make sense

what's with

double sound it doesn't sense you know M

makes an M sound and J just goes just

goes s has a sound and D sounds like

sounds there's no in W and tell me

please why

calls looks

like I got dou trouble worry and weep I

am worn out and weary and I'm losing

sleep but I won't lose my will know

whatever it takes I'll remember the wol

sound the D

you makes I'll remember the wolf sound

the dou you






Lio let's play Icarus

I'm reading Leona no I know but this

will be fun see I'll be icarus's Mommy

and you can be my baby

Icarus yeah I don't think so I'm not

going to be your baby Icarus oh please

please please please oh yeah come on

dude what's the big deal make your

sister happy man what a buzz k*ll


okay okay okay he okay but but but what

but not



when when when when when when when when

when I know I'll be your baby Icarus

When Pigs Fly


wait can pigs

fly glad you

asked the information hen has the book

you need now let's see where is it

bluebirds wasps bees woodpeckers bugs oh

here it is it's a pig's

World chapter 53 things that


a paper airplane can

fly a kite can

fly a plastic plate can

fly a box cannot

fly a pig cannot

fly a pig in a box with wings can

fly the end


not to worry no damage to the animated

hen a pig flew so you have to be my baby

ior a pig didn't fly a box flew with a

pig in it no what's the difference she

was flying open up baby iar

okay come on but just for a little while



goodie a that's a good baby


cute gucci gucci

gucci bab a good



this is the announcer Bunny singing This

is the announcer Bunny saying now watch

this what's in the



ooh let's open it we can't open it why

not well you see the label here yeah it

says Pandora's Box BLS Pandora oh who's

Pandora I don't know these definitely



oh excuse me are you Pandora no I'm

pany p e r nice

name oh goodie Pandora's box came well

let's open it huh dad dad dad you can't

open that box it belongs to Pandora yeah

oh yeah yeah it's Pandora's box but it's

not Pandora's Box um here let me show

you wow package these things up oh there


go you see it's a book based on a Greek

myth Pandora's box and it came in this

box but the Box wasn't Pandora's oh the

Greek myth I remember that story oh I

don't oh well uh let's read it

sweetheart maybe it'll refresh your


great book here we go Pandora's

Box a long long long time ago in Greece

a woman named Pandora lived with her


Epimetheus greetings my wife Pandora and

greetings to you my husband EP EP


right one day Pandora was in a little

used part of the house when she

discovered a box

oh that was Pandora's Box

yes it was a big box oh what a big box

it was a beautiful box beautiful

too the Box had lots and lots of designs

on top it was the most interesting box

Pandora had ever

seen that is the most interesting in box

I have ever seen I wonder what could be

inside Pandora saw a sign on the box

that said do not open wait a minute it's

coming back to me she opened the box

anyway because she wanted to see what

was inside right Leona


yeah hurricanes flew out of the

box floods flew out of the box

the flu flew out of the

box chicken fox flew out of the


box sadness flew out of the


box indeed all the evils and Troubles of

the world including hiccups flew out of


box so that means All the Troubles in

the world in including hiccups were out

in the world yep that's

right B

here Pandora was very sorry that she had

opened the box and let out all of those

terrible troubles into the

world oh Epimetheus I am so sorry I

opened the box and released all those

terrible troubles into the world but

luckily one good thing had been let out

and that thing was hope

don't worry Epimetheus things will get

better I'm even hopeful that we'll come

up with a cure for these hiccups soon I

sure hope

so maybe we should try

this you really think this is going to

work I'm

hopeful the

end cool story oh glad you liked it son

it's one of my favorites M can I have

Pandora's Box daddy oh sure honey

here oh oh no no no not the book I mean

the Box oh of course the Box help

yourself okay good thank you hey Dad

could I have Pandora's Box oh sorry

Lionel didn't you see I already gave it

to Leona oh no no no I meant the book oh

uh of course there you go son thanks



b b







ax Ox

Ox Ox Ox Ox ax ax ax


box here's some words to begin with the

letter b b


baseball beatball four boat

banana b b

flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

Adventures of

cliffhanger today's episode Cliffhanger

and the


Cliffhanger hanging from a

cliff and that's why he's called

Cliffhanger excuse me excuse

me we find Cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a

cliff can't hold on much longer suddenly

below him Cliff sees two movers carrying

a large Ed an ed what is an

ed depthly cliff delves into his

backpack and extracts his trusty

survival manual using his expert

decoding skills Cliff begins to read

earache easel here it is is Ed when you

see an ed find the letter

B then drop

it Ed

bed I get it it's a bed has Intrepid

Cliffhanger made his Escape at last this

is as easy as falling out of



and that's why he's called

hanger can't hold on much


longer and now Archie smarty pants will

read four words without any assistance

whatsoever thank



you bug

bu but but butter but

butterfly bug butt butter and

Butterfly thank you and oh

golly oh oh I think I bruised my smart

to plants oh oh the pain

oh the on

people Plucky young Monica Maxwell has

just succeeded in getting her Parker


but wait a minute what's this oh no it's

the evil un people how unfortunate

they're putting an un in front of the

word buttoned causing Monica's buttoned

Parker to become

unbuttoned don't despair Plucky young

Monica the heroic re people are

here look Monica's Parker is Reb

buttoned re people you're utterly


unbelievable B and D

confusion really drains my

brain sometimes big big looks like d dig

B and D are driving me

insane when I look at those crazy

letters b and d they look look a little

alike but bunk and dunk and boom and

doom are a different as day and

night when I look at them close

together I can see they're kind of


around but bent and dent and bear and

dare have a very very different


sound and

confusion turn my bread to

dread when I see the word brag sometimes

think it's a drag B and you're messing

with my

head B and D

confusion but my B was a

dog B and D confusion


got my mind in a

fog B and D

confusion thought my Brink was a

drink H imagine my surprise I tried to

drink my

Brink what do you


think B


box I'm a lion flying in a

box Lea

yay just like that pig in that story


story glad you

asked the information hen has the book

you need now let's see where is it

bluebirds wasps bees woodpeckers bugs oh

here it is it's a pig's

World chapter 53 things that

fly a paper airplane can

fly a kite can fly

a plastic plate can

fly a box cannot

fly a pig cannot

fly a pig in a box with wings can

fly the


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