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02x13 - Pittura Infamante

Posted: 01/20/15 08:15
by bunniefuu
♪ Your eyes ♪
♪ Don't shine ♪
♪ Like they used... ♪
♪ Like they ♪
♪ Used to shine ♪
♪ And the thrill ♪
♪ Is gone ♪
♪ Gone ♪
♪ When your lips ♪
♪ Meet mine ♪
♪ I'm afraid... ♪


Crane: Why are you eyeing me like that?

Do I look ridiculous? I look ridiculous.

I have deciphered every code from Caesar shift to Morse, yet the one that will always elude me is modern dress.

How can one be both business and casual?


All good.

Well... my wardrobe, perhaps.

I'm afraid that I cannot help you with the rest of your date.

Other than to tell you that you don't have to go.

No, Lieutenant, Katrina and I owe it to each other to have an evening free from apocalyptic trial.

A chance for us to see who we are to one another in this new modern context.

If we are to be anything at all.

A night out isn't gonna change the fact she's done things to compromise our team.

I realize that.

But tonight is not about our team.

An event at the historical society.

It's pretty much the opposite of putting the past behind you.

Unlike me, Katrina has had precious little time to adjust to... our world.

Luckily you fit right in to modern times.

A collection from the Adams administration.

How well did you know our second president?

Truth be told, John and Abigail Adams were more Katrina's friends than mine.

She was Mrs. Adams' midwife.

Delivered all five of their children.

One of them became president, too.

Quite a claim to fame.

If she could actually claim it.

Which reminds me... no name-dropping Founding Fathers tonight.


No firsthand accounts of apprenticeship with Ben Franklin or your fling with Betsy Ross.

You had a dalliance with Betsy Ross?

Betsy who?

Good answer.

Have a good night, you two.

About Betsy...

Docent: In this self-portrait of Colonial-era artist James Colby, you'll note the artist left his canvas unfinished.

The inverted cross lacks detail, suggesting Colby's desire to leave the viewer... and perhaps himself... in suspense...

In modern America, touching in public is quite permitted.

It also warrants the expression "get a room."

The Society was pleased to add the Colby painting, which once hung in the home of President John Adams.

I do not have any recollection of that painting in the Adams residence.

Docent: Our next stop is the very desk on which Abigail Adams wrote countless letters to her husband.

Now that I remember.

Oh. Uh, Katrina, please let me introduce my very dear friend...

Mr. Hollister.

You must be the Society's art restorer Ichabod speaks so kindly of.

I can tell by the paint on your hands.

Oh, yeah, uh... It won't seem to come off.

Um, Ichabod, you got a minute?

Oh, um...

We've, uh...

We've talked about Sleepy Hollow's unusual history.

Well, you know, some of the ghost stories.

Of course.


Gosh, I don't know, maybe it's just the paint thinner talking, but, um...

Do you believe in 'em?


Mr. Crane, excuse me.

A word?


(whispers): All these cracks in the frame... do you know how embarrassing this could be for the Society?


My dearest friend.

How I wish I were still there.

Katrina? What is it?

I... I felt a dark presence.

Something is amiss.

Grant has also felt some sort of... haunting.

(bell ringing)

Please make your way to the dining room.

Let's keep our eyes open.

(phone ringing)

You want coffee?

No, I'm good, thank you.

What's that?

This is a... believe it or not, it's a journal that's been in my family a couple hundred years. I recently found it.

Cool. Take care of it.

Nowhere safer than the precinct.

(phone rings)


Officer: On your knees!

Let me see your hands!


(handcuffs clicking)

The porcelain is from Thomas Jefferson's Monticello estate.

The flowers etched into this crystal are a favorite of a First Lady.

They belonged to Abigail Adams.

To you, Katrina... the soon-to-be mother.

I'm so thrilled for you to experience the joys of motherhood, as I have.

Ichabod is going to be the happiest man alive.

That is, until he meets the little monster.

Seeing her things here... makes me realize I left that world so abruptly.

I never got the chance to say good-bye to her.

To anyone.


No, it can't be...


I experienced this sense of loss, myself.

But... though our friends are gone, you and I remain.

And we must try to make our way in the present.

Without them.

Perhaps not.

This place is bringing my old friend Abigail back to me.

I get the distinct feeling these memories have purpose.

(woman shrieks in distance)

How is he alive?

We saw him die on the b*ttlefield.

We saw him die.

Nobody here did.

They think he's a cop k*ller that's been in hiding the past six weeks.


Henry claimed his soul before his death.

Perhaps he has been resurrected in a similar fashion to your old friend Andy Brooks.

Which means he could be working his way back into the fold to take us down.

I'm gonna try and find out, but Reyes made him off-limits.

She's gonna deal with it herself after she... she handles the, uh...

Our deceased restorer.

I'm sorry.

I know you'd become friends.

They said that he was suspended.

Do you think it was ritualistic?

Grant confided he felt a presence haunting him.

There must be some connection.

For this to happen the same time that Frank Irving returns from the grave?

Perhaps Grant's k*ller was another entity released during Moloch's death.

Listen, Crane, Reyes is about to roll in and take over the crime scene.

So you need to start investigating whatever this is in the next few minutes.

(indistinct police radio communication)

Or less.

I'm sorry your... date night didn't go well.

Well, no.

Katrina also felt a dark presence.

And these... once familiar surroundings have spurred memories of those who have long passed.

You can take the girl out of the 18th century...

But it is a more formidable endeavor to remove the 18th century from the girl.

Something like that, yeah.

Godspeed to us both, Lieutenant.

Reyes: The way the body was positioned after death suggests some kind of ritual, a specific internal logic or meaning for the k*ller.

Sheriff Leena Reyes. And you are?

Katrina Crane.

Ichabod has a wife?

He never mentioned you.

We've only recently reunited following an extended separation.

Well, your husband has proven himself to be... an odd but valuable asset to my department, especially in a crime scene in a historical society.

You two don't mind sticking around till we wrap things up here, do you?

Are you all right?

What did the sheriff say?

I am afraid the authorities will never understand the truth behind this tragedy.

Quite right.

This was no random k*lling.

This was a specific ritual meant to invoke the Hanged Man.

The twelfth card of major arcana from the tarot.

Since when have you been reading the tarot?

Since someone left a deck in our parlor one summer.

I assumed it was for recreation.

Well, now you know better.

Turning over the Hanged Man reflects struggle from death to rebirth.

Of course.

This death is identical to a series of murders from 1781.

The manner in which way his throat is sliced and the body inverted...

The Durham killings.

John Adams was the lawyer seeking justice for the victims.

He was.

But it was not John I learned the specifics of the case from.

It was Abigail Adams.

Your friend, Mrs. Adams, was a...

A witch?


No. Just highly opinionated.


A champion for those unrepresented.

This is his latest victim.

The portrait is all that's left of the poor thing.

Katrina: You see, the victims of these slayings were orphans, vagrants.

Abigail could not bear to have their deaths go unremarked.

All found hanged in the same way, their throats slit in the same location.

A particular area on the neck had been targeted, the carotid artery.

If punctured, it could result in tremendous blood loss, particularly if the body was hanged upside down.

That, along with the precision of the cuts, led Abigail to conclude that the k*ller...

...must have a medical background.

Perhaps a surgeon.

She never did find the culprit, though, and the murders went unsolved.

We may now be facing the same threat.

A threat I was powerless to stop back then.

Perhaps you should call upon your own Abigail for assistance.

These memories of Abigail Adams are not meant to hold you back, but to guide you forwards.

Mrs. Adams would want you and I to find this elusive k*ller.

So let us try.

(siren wailing)

I'll take over.

Are you sure?

Sheriff Reyes...

Gave me the authority to speak to him.

What the hell happened to me?

How much do you remember?

(sighs) You and...

Jenny, Crane, Katrina came to me with a... a sword?


After that, it all goes blank.

Based on the way you've been looking at me, I'm guessing I lost.

No, we won.

But there was a cost.

You died.

Six weeks ago, we buried you ourselves.

So... what-what are you saying, I'm a walking corpse right now?

Nobody else knows that?

We told your family.

Cynthia and Macey have been grieving you.

How am I here?

How am I breathing?

Your soul belongs to the Horseman of w*r, so... as far as I can tell, your being here is a sign of his return.

You think I'm dangerous?

I don't know what happened to me.

I walked in the door, looking for a safe place.

Looking for you.

You couldn't possibly understand how much I want you to be here... the old you, the friend that I've been grieving.

But it's hard to know.

You remember Brooks, how he betrayed us.

I cannot risk that happening again.

So what are you gonna do?

I am gonna tell your wife, so that she doesn't find out some other way.

Bring her here.

Cynthia will know that it is really me.

Abbie... you cannot leave me like this.


I'm sorry.


(indistinct police radio communication)

Katrina: The smallest details fill in the largest canvas.

Prior to his death, Grant was rebuked over the condition of this painting.

The artist's tools.

The blade.

That red paint was not there before.


It's wet.


The art docent identified this as a self-portrait of the artist who painted it.

Not only would a surgeon have an understanding of human anatomy...

So, too, would an artist.

The assassin we seek, he's been hiding here all along, finding safe harbor in the one place no one would imagine to look.

It seems our long-dead artist has found a way to escape that painted world.

And m*rder an innocent man in ours.

How is it even possible?

Moloch used mirrors as portals between this world and purgatory.

That painting could also act as such a doorway.

Grant also had paint on his hands.

Perhaps he disturbed the picture whilst restoring it.

Somehow activating the cursed energy lying dormant within it.

If we are indeed contending with the same serial k*ller in the modern day, we must endeavor to learn of this artist, James Colby.

Did you know of him?

He was once hailed as a visionary, a man who would document the birth of America on canvas.

I take it he gained no notoriety.

His talents were wasted on drinks and lechery; his palette tempted more by port than paint.

He was ultimately cast out by Washington's circle.

Here... when Colby was exiled, he became a limner artist, traveling the Hudson Valley, offering portraits in exchange for room and board.

He disappeared without a trace in 1782.

It follows the same pattern, the murders Abigail Adams sought to solve...

Were committed by this man.

Through some form of enchantment, his spirit is using that painting as refuge.

That must be why he drains his victims of blood.

Crane: The blood on his tool from k*lling Grant, he's using it to paint the inverted cross, to finish that image of the Hanged Man.

Like the Hanged Man itself, Colby plans his resurrection by finishing the unfinished work.

If he requires more blood to paint with, he will take another victim.

He's gone.

And the cross, it grows more complete.


All these cracks in the frame...

Crane: When I saw him arguing with Grant, he touched the painting.

And when we first saw Grant, he had red paint on his hands.

That must be how Colby accesses victims.

(gasps) Ichabod.

You touched the painting as well.

All the more reason for me to find Miller before Colby.

We mustn't let anyone else near this painting.
Docent: Right in here.

Uh... you remain with the painting, and ensure no one else comes near it.

With a... different distraction.

Mr. Miller, a word, if you please.

Frank Irving is alive?

I don't know if "alive" is the right term, but he's back.

This is incredible.

Isn't it?

Does he remember anything?

The fight.

But not his death.

You think he's covering, because Henry owns his soul.

This isn't our first round with a resurrected friend.

Irving's not the same as Brooks.

Brooks made a deal with Moloch.

Irving was our friend.

He went to prison protecting his family.

He died fighting for us.

I will never forget that.

But the key word here is "died."

He died.

We all saw it.

What else could that mean except that he's here on Henry's behalf?

Yeah, but... Henry's gone.

Might even be dead.

Irving's soul could be released.

Until we know for sure... we've got to prepare for the worst.

Meaning you want a w*apon.

To use against Irving.

If we have to put a dead man back in the grave, that's what we do.

Even if that man is Irving.

I need to stay here, 'cause Cynthia's on her way over.

And in case anything else undead happens.

Hawley must know of something we can use.

He's out of town.

I'll try to get ahold of him.

I'm sure there's some... zombie-k*lling crossbow or local corpse cannon he's got a bead on.

I need to know that I can count on you for this.

I'm game.

But whatever I bring back...

I really hope we won't need to use it.

Me, too.

Sorry I couldn't give you any details on the phone.

Since Frank's death, I've had to get used to your cryptic messages.

I don't love it, but... I understand.

You deal with forces I didn't even know existed until recently, so...

I told you six weeks ago that his death saved lives, possibly thousands of them.

Abby, why am I here?

Like you and like your daughter, I've mourned him.

And earlier tonight...

This is a live feed from the precinct's interrogation room.

My God.

Abbie: He walked in here, turned himself in.

Seemingly no memory of how he got here, what happened to him after.

You needed to hear this from me before word got out.

To everyone else, the manhunt is over.

To us, he's back from the dead.

No one can ever know that.

But, um... how is he...

Okay... (sniffles)

Abbie, I need to see him.

Okay. He wants to see you, too.

I'm sorry, we can't take that risk.

Not until we know.

Know what?

If he's dangerous.

You remember the blood contract he made with Henry Parish?

We need to know for sure... if your husband's here to pose a threat.

How do we do that?

Grant said that he wanted to remount the painting, but... he couldn't get the canvas separated from the backing.

What else did Grant say?

He said... the painting spoke to him.

That he'd heard a voice... and it wanted blood.

And you believed him... because you heard it, too?

(quietly): Mm-hmm.

We found him, Abigail.


If only I could let you know.

(footsteps approaching)

(door opens)

(whispers): Colby.

(door creaks)

Jenny: I can't believe Hawley is not here to help me retrieve these demon-k*lling b*ll*ts. (grunts)

How did Hawley authenticate that the b*ll*ts are made from platinum from the actual Gates of Hell?

I have no idea.

But he said his previous buyer was satisfied, so here I am.

Guess even treasure hunters have Yelp reviews.

Oh, you've... got to be kidding me.


Hawley said the b*ll*ts were buried with the guy, not in him.


(squishing) Ugh...



Ugh... do you remember that Thanksgiving...

Mama had you reach inside the turkey and grab the giblets?



It's my turn.

(groans, sighs)

Oh, God.

You need me to come over there?

No, no, it's okay.

I just got one more. I'll be back soon.

(Jenny groans)





(screams, gasps)


(growling growing weaker)

(grunts, pants)

(growling stops)

(gasps, pants)

Thanks for telling me to leave one in the body, Hawley!

You need to leave.


But the police are here.

The police cannot protect you.

What are you saying?

You think whatever k*lled Grant is coming after me now?

Miller, stop talking.

Help me.

They'll think I'm running... because I'm guilty.

(grunts with effort)



No. Miller.

Katrina: k*lling Miller could be all Colby requires to finish the resurrection ritual he started.

Wait, wait.

The fractures in the frame.

There's a pattern to them.

As if they were made intentionally.

These are not mere cracks.

Katrina: They are runes.

To what purpose?

They are part of an entrapment hex.

Placed on this painting to keep the k*ller locked inside it.

Then this was imprisonment.

Place here by whom?

Reverend Knapp.

My own coven.

Upon request by Abigail Adams, after I was gone. It's all in here in her secret records.

She discovered that Colby was the k*ller and set out to stop him.

Abigail allowed herself to be captured.

You'll be my finest work, Mrs. Adams.

But, Colby was unaware Abigail had enlisted the aid of Reverend Knapp.




Your murderous rampage is over, Mr. Colby.

(Colby screaming)

Colby's imprisoned within the canvas.

Abigail kept this painting to keep watch over him.

And Grant had the misfortune to release him.

Reyes: Mr. and Mrs. Crane.

We're looking for the event curator, Miller.

No, I've... not seen him.

What are you two doing in here, anyway?

Saying good-bye.

Ichabod wanted to appreciate Grant's work for one last time.

Don't be long.

Thank you, Sheriff.

If Colby dragged Miller into his world, is it possible for me to enter voluntarily and stop him?

It might be possible, but we need privacy.

We must take the painting somewhere else.

I know where to take it.

This is where Grant did his work.

(sighs) Are you ready?

What are you doing?

No more separating.

We do this together.

This monster was once captured by my dearest friend.

I plan to make sure he remains imprisoned.

(sighs) For Abigail.

For Abigail.

From this plane to another, we seek a doorway.

Transitorum portalis accredo.

Penetrare, introire, invadere.

(wind whooshes, thunder rumbles)

Transitorum portalis accredo.

Penetrare, introire, invadere.

(thunder rumbling)

(gasps) Oh, we're inside.

(window cracks, crow caws)

And have entered the mind of a m*rder*r.

(thunder crashes)



You're a sight for sore eyes.

Hang in there, friend.

They're transferring him to a holding cell.

At least you got to talk to him first.

Thank you.

Just promise me, these b*ll*ts are a last resort.

I saw a monster tonight, and Frank Irving... he's not one.

I know it seems that way.

The department doctor gave him a medical exam... standard procedure for criminal intake... and everything about him appears normal.

It's not his heart and lungs I'm worried about.

It's his soul.

It's what we can't see.

He doesn't need a medical exam.

He needs a supernatural one.

Maybe Katrina could do it.

(laughs quietly)

(wry laugh) I know.

I'm not her biggest fan, either.

But she may be our best hope at knowing if we can trust him.

We owe it to Irving to try.

I thought maybe Katrina could, uh, do some kind of supernatural physical on Irving... assess if his soul has been darkened.

The fact that you're not picking up has me a little more worried.

Whatever the hell's going on over there...

I got your back.

Crane: We must find Miller, but before Colby completes the ritual.

(thunder crashes, rumbles)

Any idea what this place is?

This house belonged to the Colby family.

It seems to be abandoned.

Colby is here somewhere...

(thunder crashes)

...controlling this sick manifestation.

Be vigilant.

(thunder crashes)

(wind whistling)

(thunder rumbles)

There's so much sadness and pain in this house.

Colby must have been dissuaded from his talents.

Only to later turn death into his own form of art.

(glass breaking)



Is he still alive?


Oh, he's done it.

Colby has freed himself to escape this realm forever.

We have little time. Lower him.

(groans, coughs)

(thunder rumbling)


(grunts, pants)


He's lost quite a bit of blood.

Take us back.

Revertere. Referre. Regredi.

Revertere. Referre. Regredi.

Revertere. Referre. Regredi.

Revertere. Referre.


Revertere. Referre. Regredi.

Too... late.

Finish it!

Katrina, get us out of here!



Referre. Regredi.

Katrina, quickly!



Katrina, finish it!


The painting.

Must be destroyed.





The painting!

Lieutenant, fire at the painting!

You didn't answer your phone.

(indistinct police radio communication)

Sheriff, any details on Miller's condition?

EMT says Miller's gonna make it.

You know, the knife used to slit his throat and Hollister's was found on the suspect, but no further I.D.

Perhaps a vagrant... as unknown to this world, as to his own.

Ma'am... is there anything that you need me to do?

How about follow instructions?

I gave you a direct order not to speak to Frank Irving.

Sheriff Reyes, I did not mean to undermine you in any way.

And yet, you did.

It seems one of us will always be out of her favor.


My sense is, you did the right thing with Captain Irving.

You learn anything?

Not enough.

And I don't know how we're going to get near him now.

Well, at the very least, I'm grateful you arrived when you did.

And enchanted b*ll*ts.


Nice touch.

(laughs quietly)

You better text me next time you decide to go jumping into a painting.

Lieutenant, if you'll excuse me.

All I could think about tonight was Abigail Adams.

And then, Abigail Mills appeared.

One Abigail has guided you to another.

Like the Hanged Man, you and I have been in a state of suspension.

Trapped in the same old patterns, but... the forces that have kept us as such are gone.

We will find a new state of being.



Ma'am... I know it was wrong of me to go around you and speak to Frank...

I get it, Mills.

You're loyal to him.

You've remained by his side through everything he's been accused of, and I've continued to ask myself why.

Is there something you know that the rest us don't?

And now, I guess we're gonna find out.

What do you mean?

The DA just called.

They've received evidence they say will vindicate Frank Irving, so... after all this, he could go free.