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08x11 - The Silent Partner

Posted: 01/20/15 04:41
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland"...

Jesse: I've got the one thing that you both need.

Capital. Liquidity. Cold hard cash.

Ty: The last thing you wanna do is go into business with Jesse Stanton.

Ty: (Hard punch) Oh!

Cass: Jesse!

Peter: I feel like I'm outside this family looking in.

You're away so much that you feel left out, and because you feel left out you stay away longer.

You're the same girl that I fell in love with... and more.

Because you have changed... and in a great way.


You're getting married... aren't you?

(Gasps) You are, aren't you?!

Amy and Ty: (Laughing) Yes.

Jack: For real this time?

Ty: Yeah. For real.

Ty: Okay, you ready?

Amy: (Laughing)

Ty: Oh yeah.

(Camera clicks repeatedly)

Ty: Now that says "save the date."

Amy: This is about us getting married, not the scenery.

Ty: Okay, a couple more, then I gotta go to work, okay?

Amy: All right. Oh, that's better.

Ty: Yeah? (Camera clicks) Hey, I like that.

All right. Now we're getting somewhere.

Ty: Up up!

That definitely says "save the date."

(Camera clicks repeatedly)

Both: Oops! Whoa! (Laughing)

Ty: You think we got it?

Amy: Mm-mm. Not yet.

(Camera clicks)

Ty: (Growls playfully)

Amy: (Laughs)

Lou: Brought you a coffee.

Peter: Thank you.

(Light kiss)

Lou: How's your report going?

Peter: Uh... good, good. It's fine.

Lou: Hmm... interesting.

Peter: What? Why?

Lou: Nothing. I...

I was just thinking...

You know, if you can get your work done from here, maybe we can make it permanent?

When I'm here, I'm totally out of the loop.

Well, this is Calgary.

I mean, there are lots of other jobs.

Maybe that's something we should... explore.

(Sighs) I can't, Lou... I... I can't do this right now.

I got way too much on my plate already, okay? Please.

Georgie: All right you guys, I've gotta go.

Lou: Hey, don't forget you have a trick riding lesson after school, and I have some errands to run and your dad's busy, so I'm gonna need you to watch Katie too, okay?

Georgie: But I still need to muck out the barn, and I haven't ridden Phoenix in two days!

Lou: Well, you're gonna have to make some time for your sister too.

(Screen door shuts)

Jack: Oh, just the person I wanna talk to...

Lou: Grandpa? I thought you were staying at Lisa's tonight?

Jack: Well, that was the plan, but things change.

That barn is a mess. What happened to doing your chores?

Georgie: Okay, I'll... I'll do it after school, okay?

I promise. I've gotta go.


Lou: Bye!

Jack: What?

Peter: Trouble in paradise?

(Phone rings)

(Phone beeps) Lou: Hello?

No, I'm sorry she's not home right now.

Can I take a message?

Yes. Yes, of course.

I will get her to call you back right away!


Thank you for calling.

Bye, bye. (Phone beeps)

Peter: Who's that?

No one. Just a client for Amy.

Caleb: The next day, I lucked into this awesome bronc called brain damage.

Managed to stay on for 8 seconds, score went through the roof... Boom!

Cass and Caleb: (Laughing flirtatiously)

Caleb: Yeah.

Ty: Caleb. What're you doing here?

Well, I was... hoping to catch you.

We got some business to discuss.

Yeah, well, uh... maybe some other time.

I got a ton of work to do.

Besides, you've been on the rodeo circuit for... a couple of weeks now, I don't know what business we have to discuss.

All right, well, if that's the way you want it, fine.

Bye, Cass.

Cass: Yeah, see ya.

(Receding footsteps)

(Cat meows nearby, dogs bark in the distance)

What's your problem?

Ty: No problem. Just... you and Caleb.

Cass: (Laughs) He came here to see you, Ty.

Guess who called you? Tanner Gunn!

He wants to know if you can work with his horse!

I'm sorry, who's Tanner Gunn?

Tanner Gunn?! He-he owns that huge place near black diamond, big Gunn ranch.

Oh, so like a rich weekend cowboy?

Yeah, I mean he's huge in the oil business.

Anyway, he has a working cow horse and he wants to know if you can help him out with it.

No. I'm sorry, that's... just not what I do anymore.

A guy like that definitely doesn't need my help.

Lou: What?!

Amy: Lou, forget it.

Wait. Amy, just... (Screen door creaks open)

Come on! I mean, this is a job.

What's-what's wrong with you?

Amy: Nothing! In fact, ever since I got back from Pike River, everything's been great.

I've finally got my priorities straight.

Lou: And your priorities don't include working for Tanner Gunn?

Lou, there are plenty of other horse trainers out there and he can afford to hire any one of them.

I wanna work with horses that actually need my help.

Okay. Okay. I-I respect your choice, but I still need you to call him right away.


Because this long distance thing with me and Peter isn't working anymore!

Well, I'm sorry, but what does that have to do with Tanner Gunn?

Peter used to know him... sort of.

Look, if Peter could get a job in Calgary, our biggest problem would be solved, and Tanner Gunn is the perfect guy to make that happen.

Why don't you just talk to Peter about it?

Lou: Don't you think I haven't tried?

Every time I do, he just avoids the issue.

I can't get anywhere, so... promise me you won't mention it to him.

Come on, Amy. Just go and meet with Tanner, take a look at his horse and talk up Peter a little bit.

You know, jog his memory about Bedford Oil.

That's important. Oh!

Whatever you do, don't mention Dubai.


"The Silent Partner"

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪

(Truck rumbles to a halt)

Tanner: Amy Fleming.

(Truck door bangs shut)

Right on time. Tanner Gunn.

Nice to meet you.

I had one of my guys put together a profile on you, and I gotta say, wow.

Oh... a profile?

I-I guess I have to say "wow" too.

Where's your horse?

Tanner: I'll show you.

Tanner: Dingman.

Amy: I can't get much of a look at him when he's out there.

Tanner: Well, that's basically the whole problem.

Tanner: So background.

Dingman's a great working cow horse, but he comes with a challenge.

He doesn't like being stuck in a barn.

Amy: So that's why you keep him out in the field.

Tanner: Exactly. Which leads to challenge number two.

(Dingman grunts, hooves pound heavily)

(Birds chirp)

Well, what're you waiting for?

You expect me to catch your horse?

That's why I hired you.

You haven't hired me. Not yet.

And if Dingman's running away from you, then there's a problem, and I'm pretty sure that that is the reason you brought me out here.

Not just to catch your horse.

(Thud of approaching footsteps)

Lou: Grandpa, is everything okay?

Jack: Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?

Come on. I can tell something's going on with you.

Jack: Can't a man spend time in his own home without everybody thinking there's a crisis?

Lou: Who said anything about a crisis?

Jack: You really wanna know? You don't wanna know.

Grandpa, I wanna know.

Okay, fine.

So I tell Lisa about Amy's wedding and she gets all happy and excited, just like I thought she would.

But right away she starts making lists and talking about designers and plans and whatever.

I put my foot in it and tell her to back off...

Lou: I appreciate you going to bat for me.

I wasn't going to bat for you!

I just said to her Amy and Ty can figure out for themselves what kind of wedding they want.

They don't need anybody's help and... then it turned into an argument that no one was gonna win, so I just...

Lou: So what, you just walked away without even trying to discuss it rationally?

Well, we just did what we always do.

We take a little break, let things cool down for a while.

That's crazy, grandpa.

I mean you are never gonna solve your issues by avoiding them.

Jack: I gotta get going 'cause Georgie hates it when I keep her waiting.

(Exasperated sigh, screen door opens and closes)

(Birds chirp)

Amy: The thing I don't get is, why didn't you just tell me so I could've come prepared, brought a horse?

From your reputation, I assumed you would have a strategic advantage if you came into this with an open mind.

So you're testing me?

Let's just say I like to factor synchronicity and serendipity into my game plan.

Timing and luck.

You don't get to where I am without having your fair share of it.

I guess you don't.

Hey, uh... my brother-in-law, Peter Morris, was talking to me about you and uh... he had nothing but good things to say about how you ran your business.

Tanner: Peter Morris... Bedford Oil, right?


Yeah, yeah. I think we met a couple times.

I thought he was in Dubai?

Oh... no. No, Dubai was ages ago.

He's out in Vancouver now doing really, really well... but he's thinking of coming to Calgary.

Tanner: Interesting.

(Truck rumbles to a halt)

Ty: Hey, Caleb. (Slams door) What's up?

Caleb: Nothing.

This is for you... and thanks for the beer.

Ty: Yeah, no problem.

Caleb: (Groans as he rises)

Ty: What's this all about?


Caleb: Yeah, I did a little thinking when I was on the road.

I mean keeping your money, it doesn't seem fair.

I mean, I'm taking care of the business, you're at the vet clinic, like a silent partner, so...

Ty: Yeah, man, but that's what we agreed to.

I'm out, but my money stays in.

Caleb: Yeah, but this way, if I make a bad deal or screw up a sale, it's your money I'm risking.

If I cash this cheque, you're not gonna have any money to risk.

Caleb: Don't worry about that, okay?

I've already got that part taken care of.

Ty: Jesse?!

Caleb, you took Jesse's offer?

It just makes total sense. The guy's got deep pockets and he's gonna take a back seat to the whole horse thing.

Take a back seat. Yeah, so he can s*ab you in the back!

Caleb: Look, I feel bad going into business with the guy, but...

Ty: Well, you should. He sucker punched me in the face.

Caleb: Yeah, well, we were all pretty drunk that night.

Look, the deal with Jesse is, as long as I buy horses that I can afford and sell 'em at a good price, everything'll be fine.

So... just buy low, sell high?

That's your so-called business plan?

It's worked out so far. Mostly.

Yeah, I guess, but maybe we were just lucky.

What happens now, if your luck runs out?

Do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen.

Yeah, right.

What's going on with you and Cass?

Nothing. We were just talking.

Lay off, man. I'm not gonna do anything stupid.

Georgie: Jack, I was wondering. I've had a crazy busy day, do you think you could get Checkers saddled while I go do some homework?

Jack: 'Kay, not so fast. I want you to see something.

You mean the stalls.

Look, I'll muck them out tomorrow, okay?

First thing, I promise.

Jack: Yeah, that's a very good idea, but it's not just the state of this barn that's bugging me.

You take a look at Phoenix.

(Restless grunting)

Georgie: Oh my God! What's wrong with him?

(Phoenix grunts) Jack: If you ask me, I'd say he's bored out of his mind.

Well, I can't turn him out! He'll just jump the fence and take off again.

He needs you to ride him, every day, like you promised you would.

Ugh! Look, I love riding Phoenix, I really do...

But can't he just wait until tomorrow morning, before school?

Before school, you'll be mucking out the barn, like you promised you would.


Jack: Tack him up, now. I'll set the jumps for you.

(Hooves thud, Phoenix pants)

(Phoenix grunts)

Georgie: Did you see that? He cleared it by a mile.

Jack: Mm-hmm.

Georgie: All right. I promise, I'll do more tomorrow.

Wait a minute. What...? What're you doing?

Georgie: I'm taking Phoenix back to the barn.

He hasn't even broken a sweat yet.

Look, I've had two hours of trick-riding lessons and I haven't had a minute off all day.

I've still got tons of homework to do.

Couple more times around.


It'll only take five minutes, then I'll put him away for you.

Georgie: (Exasperated sigh) Okay.

(Georgie clucks her tongue)

Amy: Wow. That's a lot of money.

Ty: Yeah, it sure is.

Every cent I put into the business, plus my share of the profits.

Amy: So...

Ty: Caleb decided to partner with Jesse.

Amy: (Sighs) Why would he do that?

Ty: Well, he said he didn't wanna risk losing any of my money.

But I don't trust Jesse, Amy.

If he decides to collect on his loan, Caleb's gonna be in so deep that he's gonna have to declare bankruptcy.

Amy: So you're not gonna cash it?

Ty: No. I'm not gonna cash it.

I tried to give it back to him, but he wouldn't take it.

And I don't wanna be tempted, so...

(Flames crackle)

Ty: (Blows out his breath) Amy: Uh...

You do know that he could just write you another cheque?

Ty: Yeah... but how many chances do you get to see that much money go up in flames?


(Screen door opens and snaps shut)

Amy, where have you been? I've been waiting for hours!

What happened?

Um, well, Caleb gave Ty a cheque and then Ty decided to burn it-

No, no, no. With Tanner Gunn. How did it go?

Oh, um... badly, actually. Really badly.

But I did manage to mention Peter, like you asked.

What did he say?

Uh... he said, "interesting."

Like... (Flatly) "Interesting," or like... (Intrigued) "Interesting"?

I don't know. He also went on to talk about luck and timing being the secret to his success.

All I know is that he is so full of himself, there is no way I'm going back there.

Lou: What?! No, no, no. Amy, you have to!

You can't quit on me now, Amy.

I already did what you asked, Lou.

Lou: And I am very grateful for that, but that was just the first step.

I mean, Amy, okay, you planted the seed and now you have to watch it grow.

And how am I supposed to do that?

Give Tanner the impression that Peter has had offers...

And make it seem like a time sensitive situation.


Why does everything always turn out to be about you?

This isn't about me, Amy.

Look, my kids need a father, I need a husband, and Peter really needs a job in Calgary!

(Birds chirp, tail swishes)

(Spartan grunts)

All right!

Tanner: So you're gonna chase him on horseback?

I thought the plan was to teach Dingman not to run off on me?

Amy: No. The plan is to figure out why he runs off in the first place.

(Spartan snorts)

You mind getting the gate?

(Chain clanks, gate groans)

(Spartan grunts)

(Dingman grunts, hooves thunder)

(Hooves thunder)

(Hooves thunder)

(Rope whips around, hooves thunder)

(Rope whips through air)

(Dingman whinnies)

Amy: That's it. Easy.

Georgie: The bus! (Broom crashes on floor)

(Georgie sighs, rooster crows in the distance)


Jack: What's wrong?

Georgie: I got up extra early to do my homework and muck out the barn, but...

I lost track of time and I missed the bus.

I need a ride.

Please, I promise it won't happen again.

Jack: Yeah, I've been hearing that a lot from you lately.

(Slams hood shut) You know, I can't help but think you might be a little over-extended.

Georgie: I've had a lot of homework this year.

Please, I need a ride!

Jack: You can't do anything about homework, but if you can't find the time for both Phoenix and Checkers, we're gonna have to look into some options here.

Georgie: Okay, well, can we please talk about this in the truck?

Jack: Maybe you can get one of your friends to help you out?

How about that Olivia?

Georgie: Olivia!? No way!

Jack: Okay, then... Well, how about Stephen?

Didn't you tell me that he's a pretty good rider?

Georgie: Yeah, but... (Slams door) Phoenix is my horse and I'm the only person who can ride him.

Come on! We need to get going now or else I'll be late and they'll give me detention.

It'll make everything worse.

Jack: How about... you add one more promise to your list and you tell me you'll think about it?

Georgie: (Sighs heavily)

(Door slams shut, engine starts)

Tanner: Okay, Dingman, let's go.

Come on. Yah! Come on!

(Steers bellow) Yah! Yah!

(Steer bellows)

That's right, I got you now! Ha! Yah!

Hey, boy! Hey, hey, hey, hey!

(Dingman grunts and snorts)

Tanner: Whoa... whoa... (Spurs clink)

So? First impressions, the unfiltered version.

Amy: Well, Dingman's a good mover.

He has a nice topline and he's good at his job.

Tanner: Exactly what you expect when you pay top dollar.

So how about you tell me something I don't know.

Amy: Okay. He's got cow sense, but you don't.

And the way you ride, you're ruining it for him, you're kicking him with those big spurs and yanking on his mouth.

Tanner: Look, I didn't hire you to give me riding lessons or call me on my dress-code violations.

Amy: (Sighs) Okay, I don't care why you hired me.

Take a look at this.

See here? Your spurs have broken the skin.

And here... His mouth is all inflamed.

You keep riding him like this and you're giving him a real good reason to run away from you in the field.

Tanner: I've worked with three top trainers.

They were all blown away with how quickly I picked this up.

Okay. And where are these trainers now?

They quit on me.

Because they didn't have time to waste chasing Dingman around, which is why you're here.

Amy: (Exasperated sigh) Well, I guess you are lucky.

Because I do have time to work with Dingman.

That is, if you actually want my help.

Tanner: (Sighs) Okay. Okay.

But how 'bout you lay off the constructive criticism and focus on Dingman?

Or I'll cancel the meeting I set up with that brother-in-law of yours who just happens to be looking for a job.

Come on. (Hooves thud)

Lou: So when is this meeting supposed to be?

Amy: Tomorrow.

Lou: Oh Amy! Thank you so much!

You have no idea what this means to me.

I'm starting to get the idea.

Lou: I don't wanna get my hopes too much, but like I told you before, things with me and Peter have been... kind of rough lately, and this could be it.

This could be our big sh*t!

Get things back on track, you know? Oh!

And who knows? Like maybe we can go back to the idea of getting our own place again!

Lou, he hasn't even had the meeting yet.

Yeah, but, Amy, have you met my husband?

Can you even imagine a situation where he doesn't make a great first impression?

Right? Right?


(Low hum of chatter, birds chirp)

(Door bells jingle)

Georgie: Hey!

Stephen: Hey. What's up?

Nothing much. Are you still riding?

Only when I visit my dad. I really miss it.

Do you remember my horse Phoenix?

Of course. He's the jumper, right?

Yeah, yeah.

You see, I've been focusing a lot on my trick riding lately, and...

I don't have much time to ride him.

I need someone to exercise him on a regular basis.

And you're asking me?!

Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

So... I talked to Stephen and he says he can come over and ride Phoenix for me.

He's gonna start tomorrow after school.

Jack: Well, I'm glad you worked that out.

Amy: So, Lou, maybe we should add Stephen's name to the wedding guest list?

Lou: Yes. Of course.

Amy: (Chuckles)

Um, and speaking of weddings, grandpa, have you patched things up with Lisa yet?

Jack: There's nothing to patch up.

Lou: You know you're just avoiding the inevitable.

Jack: Actually, I'm just trying to eat my dinner.

Lou: Look, I hate to break it to you, but everyone knows that communication is the key to a healthy relationship.

Jack: We might not be talking, but we're communicating... loud and clear.

We're both saying, I don't wanna talk about it.

Which is exactly what I'm trying to say to you right now.

But the difference is, Lisa and I, we're listening to each other.

Lou: So how's your work going?

Uh, same. Same. You know.

I have to go into Calgary tomorrow for a meeting, by the way.

Lou: Oh? You have a meeting?

Uh... yeah. Yeah. Nothing special.

Lou: But it must be important. I mean... going all the way into the city.

No. It's just an everyday normal meeting, Lou.

Lou: Who's it with? Anyone I know?

No. I know where you're going with this and I don't wanna talk about it.

(Sighs) Is there anything you do wanna talk about?

No. It's too late for talking.


Good night.

(Light clicks off)

Good night.
I am going to Calcary, Lou. You know I go there all the time.

Lou: I know. I just want you to look nice.

Peter: Okay, thank you. Bye, kitty cat.

Muah. Bye!

Katie: Bye!

Lou: Bye, honey. Have fun!

Peter: Thanks.

(Screen door opens and closes)

Amy: Lou, why didn't you just tell him that you know?

Because last night, no matter how many hints I dropped, he didn't take the bait.

Amy: So...?

So he obviously doesn't wanna talk about it.

Amy: Well, why not?

Lou: I don't know.

Maybe... maybe he just doesn't wanna disappoint me, you know, in case he doesn't get the job.

Amy: Yeah... that makes sense, I guess.

(Sighs heavily)

Georgie: Okay. So first, I'll just take these jumps down for you.

Stephen: What're you talking about? He's a jumper, isn't he?

Georgie: Yes, but he gets pretty wound up.

I mean, not with me, but you just... you gotta go easy on him, okay?

I don't want you to risk hurting him...

Or, I guess, hurting yourself.

I think it would be better if you just... rode around the edge of the ring.

But we could set up some cavalettis if you want?

No, you don't have to do that.

Georgie: Okay, here. Hop on.

Okay. So... he's got a pretty soft mouth, and be careful with your reins.

Stephen: Uh-huh.

Georgie: But don't give him his head or he will take off.

You gotta show him who's boss.

Stephen: Okay, okay, I get it.

Georgie: Good boy.

(Hooves thud)

(Hooves thud)

Okay, don't bounce so much!

But loosen up your reins!

(Hooves thud)

Inside leg!

(Hooves thud)


Stephen, what're you doing? I said no jumping!

(Hooves thud)


Stephen: Atta boy!

Georgie: What was that?!

Stephen: What's your problem?

Well, I told you not to take him over any jumps!

Stephen: They aren't even high, and I know what I'm doing.

Georgie: Yeah, but... maybe on a regular horse, but Phoenix is special, okay?

I don't want him developing any bad habits.

Stephen: Like what?

Georgie: It doesn't matter "like what," okay?!

I just want you to ride the horse like I told you to!

You mean, just around and around while you yell at me?

Yes! Exactly.

(Phoenix snorts softly, hooves thud, tack jingles)

(Diners chatter)

Amy: Ty, I ordered you some chili. What's wrong?

Caleb and Cass... they're making out right out there.

Making out?

Caleb: That was a little less than charismatic.

Ty: Well... maybe they weren't making out, but there was definitely a kiss involved.

Come on, Ty, you of all people should know it's not fair to make assumptions about something that could be nothing more- get down!

Ty: What? Why are we hiding?

Amy: Okay, that definitely counts as making out.

Oh my God.

What is he doing kissing his business partner's girlfriend?

Peter: This is great, but uh... what's the occasion?

Lou: I don't know. I just thought it would be nice for us to spend some together, just me and you.

Peter: Yeah.

Lou: Here you go.

Peter: Thank you. (Wine pours)

(Birds chirp)

Lou: So, how was Calgary?

Peter: Mm...

It was all right. You know, same old, same old.

A few meetings and...

Nothing... out of the ordinary?

Peter: Nope.

Lou: No?

Nope. Like I said, just... Yeah, a few meetings and...

Lou: Mm.

Peter: And uh...

Lou: Did one of them happen to be with Tanner Gunn?

Yes. How do you know that?

Amy. She told me.

Peter: Amy told you?

Lou: Yeah, yeah. She's...

Lou: She's working at the big Gunn ranch.

That's Tanner's ranch and... She heard about it.

So Amy knew about my meeting with Tanner?

Lou: Mm-hmm.

Peter: That's bizarre.

Yeah. So how was it?

Uh... it was... fine.

Um, one of Tanner's people just called me up out of the blue, and so I went in and met with Tanner and... we talked a little bit about... you know, schedules, projects, industry stuff.


Peter: And... we talked about possibly working together in the future.

No formal offer or anything though.

Just more of a let's-keep-in touch kind of thing.

Lou: Hmm.

Peter: Yeah.

Lou: And that was that! Let's keep in touch!

I'm so sorry, Lou.

Lou: Maybe I got carried away, you know?

But I just... I thought this could really be it.

This could be the answer to everything.

Amy: Yeah, but there'll be other jobs, other opportunities.

Yeah, but Peter isn't looking for other jobs.

Lou! You're driving me crazy!

You keep lecturing grandpa about communication!

Why don't you take your own advice?

Tell Peter why things have to change!

Lou: Because, Amy, I think I already know what he's gonna say, okay?

And I'm pretty sure it's not what I wanna hear.

(Low hum of chatter)

Georgie: Stephen! Hey.

So do you wanna come over and ride Phoenix after school today?

Well, I've got a lot of homework and...

Yeah, sorry, I don't think I'll be able to ride him for you any more.

What? I thought you said you wanted to.

I did, and I really like Phoenix, but...

You know, riding a horse, it's supposed to be fun and you made it totally not fun.

(Diners chatter)


(Door opens)

Tanner: Come on. Go, go, go! Go, go! Come on!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Okay, I don't see what this has to do with collecting a horse from a field.

This isn't gonna work if you keep talking.

Come on! Go, go, go! Go, go! Come on!

Come on! Well, so what now?

Amy: Just keep driving him.

Tanner: Ha!

That's it, you're almost there.

Y'know, to tell you the truth, I didn't think you were gonna show up today.

Ha! Ha!

Amy: Why not?

Tanner: 'Cause you got what you wanted. Ha!

The meeting with your brother-in-law.

That's not why I'm here.

Tanner: Ha! Come on! Ha!

Amy: Okay. Now, now turn away... take the pressure off him.

Let Dingman decide what to do.

(Dingman pants)

(happy sigh)

(Birds chirp, Dingman snorts softly)

Whoa! He's never done that before!

Amy: Now, give him a pat.

Let him know that he made the right choice trusting you.

Good boy, Dingman. Good boy.

That's a good boy, yes.

I totally get it.

Lean in too hard, you break the connection.

Ease off, the nexus of power shifts back to you.

You stumbled on the basics of motivational dynamics.

Amy: Yeah, that's exactly what I stumbled on.

By the way, I didn't take this job so I could push Peter on you.

I just thought it would be good if you two met.

Tanner: Mm. So did I.

My gut told me the time was right.

The chemistry was good, all the elements were in sync.

So I made him the best offer he's gonna get in this town.

Amy: What happened?

Tanner: Well, nothing so far.

Just waiting to hear back from him.

I think I should tell Lou. She will find out it anyway.

Ty: Yeah, but if Peter's planning a big surprise, you'll have ruined it for them.


Let's say I was planning to propose to you.

(Snorts) I think you already did that.

Okay, but let's just say.

And I don't know what size ring to buy you, so I ask Lou-

Whoa, whoa, wrong person, you know her with secrets.


Ty: How would you feel if she already told you?

The big day comes...

I pop some champagne, I pull out the ring...

It's supposed to be a special moment between me and you, and instead, it's this... "Yeah, cool. I knew that."

Amy: (Snorts with laughter)

Ty: Amy, I'm serious. Okay?

Lou's got you way too wrapped up in this.

Peter is the one who should tell her. Not you.

(Feed rustles)

Jack: What happened?

I thought you had Stephen riding Phoenix for you?

Well, yeah, but... (Gate clicks open) he decided he didn't want to any more.

Well... why?

(Gate clanks shut)

Georgie: Because of me.

Look, I... (Sighs heavily)

When I saw him riding Phoenix, I got all...

I-I don't know.


Maybe. I didn't want Phoenix to be a good horse.

I wanted him to be himself, you know? Difficult and strong-headed.

But no. Nothing happened.

They were perfect together!

So I... I yelled at him and... I didn't let him jump, so I... I pretty much ruined everything.

Okay. Well, you say... that Stephen and Phoenix are a good fit, right?

'Kay. So why don't you give him another try?

I don't know if I can.

Of course you can!

Pick up the phone...

"Hi Stephen. It's Georgie.

I wanna tell you how sorry I am and how much I appreciated all your help, and I promise I won't wreck things anymore."

See? Done. Hmm..

Georgie: 'Kay, well... W-where are you going?

Jack: (Amused) Oh, I got a call to make too.

Georgie: Stephen. Yeah. Hi, it... it-it's Georgie.

(Birds chirp, grasses rustle in the breeze)

Lou: You know, when Amy told me about that meeting with Tanner Gunn, it made me realize how great it would be if you actually did get a job in Calgary.

Peter: You know what's funny about that? I've been meaning to ask you...

Um... if you knew about that meeting, why didn't you just tell me?

Lou: Uh, because... I didn't wanna jinx it.

I mean, if you actually did get a serious offer.

Peter: Right. Yeah, it's too bad about that.

But you know, life doesn't always go the way you want it to, right?

Lou... come here. Look at me.

I know you're disappointed, okay? But you shouldn't be.

I mean, we got a good thing going here.

I'm-I'm making good money, we get to spend time together, we get to spend time with Georgie and Katie...

Lou: But, honey, I get to spend all of my time with them, twenty-four hours a day, and you're usually not here.

For you, it's just quality time.

Well... every job comes with a price, Lou. You know that.

And me working in Vancouver, is that really such a high price to pay?

Lou: Maybe not for you, but y-you have got two lives, and you get to decompress in between them.

(Peter's phone buzzes)

I have-I have one life, Peter, and it's here.

Peter: I have to take this. (Phone buzzes) Sorry.

Lou: (Sighs heavily) Oh... okay.

Okay. (Phone beeps) Hey. Yeah, yeah.

No, no, no. It's fine. It's good timing.

Yes, I'm all set up. Let me just grab my laptop we'll go through it...

Amy: Okay, you definitely don't need these spurs...

And I don't wanna see you kicking him either.

Keep your reins loose and low.

Just let the horse do his job.

Tanner: Okay, like you mean... I'm just a passenger?

Amy: Well, more like a silent partner, right?

And if you trust the horse, maybe he'll trust you too.

Tanner: Okay.

Amy: All right.

Tanner: 'Kay, come on.

(Dingman grunts and pants)

(Steer bellows)

Tanner: Come on, Dingman. Come on! Come on, boy!

(Steer bellows)

Amy: Be patient, all right? Don't push him too hard.

Tanner: 'Kay, I got this. Atta boy!

Amy: Let him follow the feel.

That's it!

Tanner: Ha! Yah!

(Steer bellows)

(Hooves thud)


Tanner: Ha! Yah!

Keep your elbows down!

Tanner: Okay. Ha!

There you go!

(Steer bellows) Ha! Yah!


Amy: Okay, that was definitely an improvement.

Tanner: Well, that's good to know.

I was starting to wonder if I'm getting my money's worth on this guy.

(Laughing) I'm not talking about Dingman. He is a great horse and you definitely got your money's worth.

It's you that still needs a lot of work!

(Chuckles) Okay.

If you're looking for Cass, she's out doing the rounds with Scott.

Caleb: I'm not looking for Cass, I'm looking for you.

I was just at the bank. You didn't uh...

You didn't cash that cheque.

Ty: No, I didn't. I b*rned it.

(Laughing) What? You b*rned it?

Who burns a cheque?

I do. And it was a symbolic gesture.

But after seeing you making out with Cass outside Maggie's, I seriously regret it.

Caleb: What are you talking about?

Dude, I saw you slobbering all over her.

Okay, you know what? For the record, it was just a little goodbye peck on the cheek.

There was no slobbering involved.

Right. Does Jesse know about this?

No. (Sighs)

I'll tell him when the time is right.

(Snorts) Really.

And when's the right time to tell your business partner that you're hooking up with his girlfriend?

I don't know. (Chuckles)

What're you laughing at, man?

Okay, Cass has exams. I'll tell him after that, but we'll have to proceed with some caution given the financial implications, but...

Ty: Yeah, and because you're totally screwed if Jesse calls in his loan and you don't have enough money to bail yourself out.

Caleb: Okay, I-I get it.

I appreciate your concern, but don't worry.

I'm not gonna touch the money.

Ty: All right.

Look, man, I've watched it go up in flames once already, and if you keep doing what you're doing, it's gonna happen for real.

Caleb: (Sighs heavily)

(Sighs heavily)

(Tack jingles, hooves thunder)

(Gate creaks shut)

(Chain clanks)

You know, Amy, in the end, I think we make a pretty good team.

I'm glad it worked out for you.

Oh, I think it worked out for the both of us.

Now, I know we may have had our differences at the beginning, but when you get to the point I'm at in life, you realize it's not about surrounding yourself with yes men.

You also need people who are gonna say no to you.

So... I'm gonna need a new trainer, and I think you are the perfect person for the job.

Well, thank you.

But I've got a lot going on right now and I need to focus on what's important to me.

But I'm more than happy to find you a trainer that'll say no to you.

Wow. First, your brother-in-law turns me down, and now you...

Amy: Wha...? Peter turned you down?

When did that happen?

Tanner: This morning.

Just like you, no discussion, no negotiation, just thanks but no thanks.

Lou: That's impossible. I don't believe it!

Amy: That's what he told me, Lou.

Lou: Maybe it was just a low-ball offer, like a courtesy type of thing?

Amy: No. See, Tanner told me that he made Peter a great offer and that Peter just said no.

Lou: That doesn't make any sense.

Why would Peter refuse a job with Tanner Gunn?

Well, I wouldn't work for him.

He's so full of himself it would make me puke.

Maybe he's lying about the offer?

I don't see why he would do that.

Just to show you how much power and money he has to throw around?

No. See, we're past that.

Now, he's all about impressing me with his intuitive understanding of horses.

If what you're saying is true, then Peter didn't just avoid telling me about the offer and the meeting.

He totally lied to me.

Ty: Hey, Caleb, what's up now?

Well, I had a chance to talk to Cass.

We decided to cool things off a bit until she's had a chance to tell Jesse.

Good. Glad to hear that, man.

This is for you.

Ty: What is it?

Caleb: (Slams door shut) It's like I said, I didn't want you to have to worry.

(Starts engine)

(Zipper unzips)

(Truck rumbles away)

Lou: That's a pretty dress. What do you think about that one?

Katie: Uh... I wanna pink one.

Lou: I know, but I don't think it's gonna be a very pink wedding, honey.

(Gasps) How about that one?

Katie: I still want a pink one.

Lou: (Chuckles) Where are you going?

Jack: (Bag thumps on floor) Oh, I called Lisa last night.

Lou: Oh? Why don't you go play, okay?


Jack: And she said that... she knows that she can be kind of pushy when she just means to be helpful, and that she won't get involved with the wedding unless she asks Amy.

I said I was sorry about sticking my foot in it, and I'd talk to Amy, see how she feels about Lisa helping out.

Lou: And now you're going back there like nothing happened?

Jack: Yeah. Well, that's the plan, I guess.

Lou: Do you have to go?

(Sighs) I didn't mean that, I just...

Everything okay?

Lou: Yes. (Sighs)

No. I...

I just-I just feel so stupid, you know, criticizing you and Lisa for... (Shaky breath) the way you communicate or don't... and... (Shaky breath)

(Bag and hat thump on floor)

Jack: What's wrong, Lou?

Lou: (Crying) Peter and I...

Our entire marriage is based on nothing but dishonesty and deceit! (Crying)


Georgie: Stephen, I'm really glad you decided to come back.

Stephen: It's no problem.

Georgie: And I promise I'm not gonna tell you what to do or how to jump or anything, okay?

I'm just gonna... Go and do my homework and let you have some fun, 'kay? Do whatever.

Stephen: Maybe you could stick around for a bit, in case I knock off a few rails?

Georgie: Yeah, yeah, sure.

Okay, go ahead. (Stephen clucks his tongue)

(Hooves thud, Phoenix grunts)

(Hooves thud)

Ty: So he offered you a job?

Amy: Yeah, and I was pretty hard on him.

But as it turns out, he appreciated my honesty.


You know, everything that happened with you and me is because I wasn't totally straight with you.

So from now on, no matter what, let's always tell each other the truth.

Ty: I swear to tell the truth...

Amy: Ty!

The whole truth and nothing but the truth...

Amy: I'm being serious! Come on!

Ty: I'm serious too!

Amy: I just don't wanna end up like Lou and Peter, okay?

Always tiptoeing around the truth, making things so much harder.

Ty: Yup.

Amy: And grandpa and Lisa, they're just avoiding the issues altogether.

Ty: Well, if we're gonna be totally honest, there's something I gotta show you.

Hold on a second.

(Door clicks open and shut)

Amy: (Amused) Okay...

Are you taking a trip... to the 1960s?

Ty: Uh, no. I told Caleb I b*rned his cheque and he gave me this to make sure that my money's safe in case the whole thing with Jesse...

(Unzips bag) goes up in his face.

Amy: What?! Oh my... (Money bundles rustle)

Are you serious?!

Ty: Yeah, I'm serious. Look at it all.

Not too shabby, huh?

Amy: Not too shabby at all.

So... what-what is your plan?

What're you gonna do with all this?

Ty: Wrong question.

We're about to get married, right?

So the right question is, what're we gonna do with this...


Ty: Together?

Amy: Right.

What are we gonna do with this?

Ty: (Whispers) I have no idea.

Amy: (Laughs)

Ty: (Laughing) Woo-hoo!

Amy: (Laughing hysterically)

♪ Please baby, please... ♪
♪ Come back to me ♪

Peter: Good one! Ha-ha!

♪ Words that have broken ♪

Peter: Look at 'em go, kitty cat!

Peter: Yeah! Woo-hoo-hoo!

Georgie: Nice!

Katie: I wanna play him.

Peter: I know!

♪ If you come back you'll see ♪
♪ the window's wide open ♪

Peter: Here they come again! That's great!

♪ For hearts that are long gone away ♪

Georgie: Woo-hoo! All right!

♪ For hearts that are long gone away... ♪
♪ For hearts that are long gone away ♪

Announcer: On the next Heartland...

You're not afraid of a harmless ball python, are you?

Announcer: A new friend slips away.

And so does a marriage.

There's something keeping you in Vancouver away from me.

She's toying with us.

Announcer: Heartland returns, Sunday February 1st at 7:00 on CBC.