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07x13 - Spring Into Fun!

Posted: 05/12/24 17:25
by bunniefuu
(upbeat music)

♪ Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination ♪

♪ And when he's tall

♪ He's what we call our dinosaur sensation ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ Barney's friends are big and small ♪

♪ They come from lots of places ♪

♪ After school they meet to play and sing with happy faces ♪

♪ Barney shows us lots of things ♪

♪ Like how to play pretend

♪ ABC's and 's and how to be a friend ♪

♪ Barney comes to play with us whenever we may need him ♪

♪ Barney can be your friend too if you just make believe him ♪

(upbeat music)

(thunder roaring) (rain pattering)

(dramatic music) (rain pattering)

(thunder roaring) (rain pattering)

(upbeat music)

(thunder roaring)

(upbeat music)

(thunder roaring) (dramatic music)

♪ Listen to the pitter-patter, pitter-patter of the rain ♪

♪ Hear it tapping, gently tapping, tapping on my windowpane ♪

♪ It will make the roses brighter ♪

♪ It will make the grasses grow ♪

♪ Gentle rain is falling, falling ♪

♪ Splashing everything below

(upbeat music)

♪ Listen to the pitter-patter, pitter-patter of the rain ♪

♪ Hear it tapping, gently tapping, tapping on my windowpane ♪

♪ It will make the roses brighter ♪

♪ It will make the grasses grow ♪

♪ Gentle rain is falling, falling ♪

♪ Splashing everything below

(upbeat music)

- I wish the rain would stop soon.

- My grandmother always says, "A sun shiny shower

"won't last half an hour."

- Mine says, "Rain before seven o'clock

"stops before o'clock."

- How about this one.

♪ Rain on the green grass and green on the tree ♪

♪ Rain on the house top at night on me ♪

♪ It's raining, it's pouring

♪ The old man is snoring

♪ He bumped his head and went to bed and couldn't get up ♪

- In the morning.

- Barney.

- Oh, hi everybody!

(Barney giggling)

What are you doing on such a rainy day?

- Well, it's wet and gray outside,

so we decided to make pretty pictures inside.

- Oh, rainy days can be kind of gloomy,

but those spring showers bring lots of bright colors

to the park.

- Pretty soon, we'll see wiggly squiggly

caterpillars everywhere.

- And they'll grow up to be pretty butterflies

flying around the flowers under a rainbow.

- And in the spring birds will make nests in the trees.

- [Child] That's beautiful.

- Why is spring so special Barney?

- Well, let's step over to the computer and I'll show you.

Watch your step everybody.

(Barney giggling)

Here we go.

- [Mario] Let me get this for you, Barney.

- [Barney] Okay, would you please turn it on too?

- [Mario] Sure.

(children murmuring)

- Thank you Mario.

(Barney giggling)

Spring is a wonderful time,

but each season of the year

brings its very own special changes.

Summer days are sunny, long and hot.

(children murmuring)

In the cooler days of fall, the leaves change color

and fall off the trees.

(children murmuring)

Then, winter turns cold.

Sometimes it snows and everything looks white.

- [Child] Wow, it's all white.

- [Barney] When spring comes the days get sunny and warmer

and all the plants start to grow.

Spring rains help the grass turn green and the leaves grow

and pretty flowers bloom.

- Like us?

(children giggling)

- Just like you, oh my.

- But, what about the rain?

- Well, sometimes we sit inside and say,

"Oh this rain is messing up our day,"

but if we go outside to play, the rain might simply go away.

- Do you really think that would work Barney?

- Oh, it's worth a try.

Grab an umbrella everyone and let's go.

- Yeah, let's go. - Come on.

- Maybe that rain will go away.

We'll just have to go and see.

(bright piano music) (rain pattering)

♪ Rain, rain go away, come again another day ♪

♪ Barney's friends all want to play ♪

♪ Rain, rain, go away

♪ Rain, rain go away, come again another day ♪

♪ Barney's friends all want to play ♪

♪ Rain, rain, go away

- Oh, has it stopped yet?

(bright piano music)

♪ Rain, rain go away, come again another day ♪

♪ Barney's friends all want to play ♪

♪ Rain, rain, go away

Oh my.

(Barney giggling)

- The rain stopped.

- We can play now.

- We can run.

- And jump.

- And splash some puddles, whoa, hoo!

- [Barney] Oh boy.

- Do you see what I see?

- Look at all those beautiful colors.

- It's a rainbow.

- Oh, it sure is.

♪ Oh, i like red

♪ It's the color of an apple

♪ Orange, it's the color of an orange ♪

♪ Yellow, it's a lemon and our wonderful sun, sun, sun ♪

Oh yes.

♪ Green, it's the color of trees ♪

♪ And lots of things that grow

♪ And then there's blue for the sky ♪

♪ And purple, that's a color that's fun, fun, fun ♪

♪ And when we put those colors side by side ♪

♪ Now, what do you think we've done ♪

♪ We've made a rainbow

♪ And it's a really beautiful one, one, one ♪

♪ Oh, i like red

♪ It's the color of an apple

♪ Orange, it's the color of an orange ♪

♪ Yellow, it's a lemon and our wonderful sun, sun, sun ♪

♪ Green, it's the color of trees ♪

♪ And lots of things that grow

♪ And then there's blue for the sky ♪

♪ And purple, that's a color that's fun, fun, fun ♪

♪ And when we put those colors side by side ♪

♪ Now, what do you think we've done ♪

(dramatic music)

♪ We've made a rainbow

(dramatic music)

(Barney giggling)

♪ We've made a rainbow

♪ We made a rainbow and it's a really beautiful one ♪

Oh, nice job everyone.

- I'm so glad spring is here Barney.

Now, we can do lots of fun things like ride a bike.

- How about play baseball?

- Or jump rope?

- We could play hopscotch.

- Oh and do some spring cleaning.

- What?

- Well, maybe that can wait till later.

Beth and what's your favorite thing about spring?

- I don't know if I have one favorite thing Barney.

I have to think about it for a while.

- [Barney] Okay.

- Well, I sure do, I like to fly my kite in the wind

and I didn't bring it today because it was raining.

- Well, kites aren't the only things that fly

on a warm spring breeze.

(children murmuring)

Take a look.

(dramatic music) (children murmuring)

- Bubbles.

- Bubbly bubbles.

(dramatic music)

♪ Bubbles, bubbles, bub, bubbly bubbles ♪

♪ Falling and floating around everywhere ♪

♪ Bubbles, bubbles double bubbly bubbles ♪

♪ I like the part when they pop in the air ♪

♪ They're swirling and twirling ♪

♪ Drifting around and round

♪ Some are big and some are little ♪

♪ Blowing and going, oh, i wish that we had more ♪

♪ Bubbles, bubbles, bub, bubbly bubbles ♪

♪ Falling and floating around everywhere ♪

♪ Bubbles, bubbles, double bubbly bubbles ♪

♪ I like the part when they pop in the air ♪

♪ They're swirling and twirling ♪

♪ Drifting around and round

♪ Some are big and some are little ♪

♪ Blowing and going, oh, i wish that we had more ♪

♪ Bubbles, bubbles, double bubbly bubbles ♪

♪ I like the part when they pop, pop, pop ♪

♪ In the air

Oh, oh, look at all the bubbles, oh my.

- This is fun blowing bubbles Barney.

- Well, how about one, great,

big, giant bubble.

(Barney inhaling)

(Barney exhaling) (dramatic music)

- Wow!

- Look at it go.

- Wow!

(children murmuring)

It's getting so high.

(dramatic music)

(bubble popping)

Oh! - Bye bubbles.

- Bye-bye bubbles.

- That was cool.

- That's the biggest bubble I've ever seen.

- You are one big bubble blower Barney.

- Thank you Gianna.

Well, now that we're outside can you think of anything

you like best about spring, Beth?

- No, I haven't decided yet Barney.

- I know what I like best.

- Ooh, what's that?

- All the pretty colors like those yellow flowers

and those pinpoints over there.

- Oh, pretty.

- I like these red flowers and the purple ones too.

- And of course I also like spring

cause bright new green grass is growing everywhere.

- Oh, you're right Gianna.

♪ There was a hole

♪ There was a hole

♪ In the middle of the ground

♪ In the middle of the ground

♪ The prettiest hole

♪ The prettiest hole

♪ That you ever did see

♪ That you ever did see

♪ And the green grass grows all around, all around ♪

♪ And the green grass grows all around ♪

♪ And in this hole

♪ And in this hole

♪ There was a tree

♪ There was a tree

♪ The prettiest tree

♪ The prettiest tree

♪ That you ever did see

♪ That you ever did see

♪ Well, the tree in the hole and the hole in the ground ♪

♪ And the green grass grows all around, all around ♪

♪ And the green grass grows all around ♪

♪ And on this tree

♪ And on this tree

♪ There was a branch

♪ There was a branch

♪ The prettiest branch

♪ The prettiest branch

♪ That you ever did see

♪ That you ever did see

♪ Well, the branch on the tree and the tree in the hole ♪

♪ And the hole in the ground

♪ And the green grass grows all around, all around ♪

♪ And the green grass grows all around ♪

♪ And on this branch

♪ And on this branch

♪ There was a nest

♪ There was a nest

♪ The prettiest nest

♪ The prettiest nest

♪ That you ever did see

♪ That you ever did see

♪ Well, the nest on the branch and the branch on the tree ♪

♪ And the tree in the hole and the hole in the ground ♪

♪ And the green grass grows all around, all around ♪

♪ And the green grass grows all around ♪

♪ And in this nest

♪ And in this nest

♪ There was an egg

♪ There was an egg

♪ The prettiest egg

♪ The prettiest egg

♪ That you ever did see

♪ That you ever did see

♪ Well, the egg in the nest and the nest on the branch ♪

♪ And the branch on the tree and the tree in the hole ♪

♪ And the hole in the ground

♪ And the green grass grows all around, all around ♪

♪ And the green grass grows all around ♪

♪ And in this egg

♪ And in this egg

♪ There was a bird

♪ There was a bird

♪ The prettiest bird

♪ The prettiest bird

♪ That you ever did see

♪ That you ever did see

♪ Well, the bird in the egg and the egg in the nest ♪

♪ And the nest on the branch and the branch on the tree ♪

♪ And the tree in the hole and the hole in the ground ♪

♪ And the green grass grows all around, all around ♪

♪ And the green grass grows all around ♪

♪ And the green grass grows all around, all around ♪

♪ And the green grass grows all around ♪

(Barney giggling)

Oh wow!

(upbeat music)

(Barney inhaling)

(Barney exhaling)

Smell the spring air.

(wind whooshing)

(Beth sneezing)

- Oh, bless you Beth.

- Thanks Barney, I still haven't decided what I like best

about spring, but I know what I don't like.

- What's that?

- I don't like the stuffy nose I get.

- Well, all the new flowers and grass and trees leaves

give some people the sniffles during spring Beth.

That's called allergies.

- I do like the trees Barney, but they sure make me sneeze.

- Oh, I saw that.

♪ Oh, i love a tree

♪ Full of branches and leaves

♪ Where the squirrels and the butterflies play ♪

♪ Where chirping is heard

♪ From a wee baby bird

♪ And children have fun in its shade ♪

♪ Oh, how i love trees

♪ Where the limbs wave their leaves in the breeze ♪

♪ Where chirping is heard

♪ From a wee baby bird

♪ I love to play around the trees. ♪

(Beth sneezing)

- But they make me sneeze.

♪ Oh, i love a tree

♪ With a big tire swing

♪ You should see how high i fly ♪

- [Barney] Oh.

♪ Where kids quietly sneak

♪ Playing hide-and-go-seek

♪ There's fun when a tree is nearby ♪

♪ Oh, how i love trees

♪ Where the limbs wave their leaves in the breeze ♪

♪ Where chirping is heard

♪ From a wee baby bird

♪ I love to play around the trees. ♪

(Beth sneezing)

♪ But they still make me sneeze ♪

- Oh my.

(Beth sneezing)

♪ But i still love trees

Oh, bless you again.

Well, Beth, I hope your sniffles don't last long.

- Thanks Barney.

- Hey, now that spring is here,

I know something else we can do today.

- Oh, what's that Scott?

- Remember last fall, Mr. Boyd helped us plant flower seeds?

- Yeah. - Yeah, I remember.

- He said they'd sleep through the winter

and tiny green sprouts would grow out of the dirt

in the spring.

- And then they'll grow into pretty flowers.

Let's go look.

- Okay, what a great idea.

- Here's the tray where we planted the seeds.

- No baby plants sprouting up yet.

- Just a tray full of dirt.

- I have an idea, wait here.

- Okay.

(upbeat music)

- What's Beth doing?

- Now, what is Beth doing?

- Oh, I can't wait to see.

- There, now we have paper flowers

instead of just plain old dirt.

- Oh, very nice Beth.

- And soon our seeds who grow into pretty flowers too.

- That's right, even though we can't see them,

I'm sure the seeds are growing quickly right under the dirt.

- My mom and I were planting seeds

in our vegetable garden last week.

I can't wait to see the tomatoes and corn

and beans growing there.

- Tomatoes and corn and beans remind me

of my favorite thing about spring.

- [Barney] Oh.

- What's that?

- Picnics.

(stomach growling) (Barney giggling)

- What was that?

- Oops!

I'm sorry with all this talk of veggies and picnics,

my tummy is saying, I'm hungry.

(children giggling)

How about it everybody, wanna have a picnic?

- Yeah!

- Well then, come on.

(children murmuring)

Oh, I love picnics.

This is gonna be great.

Oh, I think we have everything we need.

♪ Having a picnic under the trees ♪

♪ Having a picnic under the trees ♪

♪ Having a picnic under the trees ♪

♪ We're gonna have a picnic

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou,

♪ Skip to my lou, my darlin'

Oh, I just love picnics.

♪ Picnic basket with lots of food ♪

♪ Picnic basket with lots of food ♪

♪ Picnic basket with lots of food ♪

♪ We're gonna have a picnic

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou

♪ Skip to my lou, my darlin'

Oh, oh, that food look so yummy.

♪ Cups and plates are what we'll need ♪

♪ Cups and plates are what we'll need ♪

♪ Cups and plates are what we'll need ♪

♪ We're gonna have a picnic

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou

♪ Skip to my lou, my darlin'


One more time.

♪ Lemonade and ice cream, cookies too ♪

♪ Lemonade and ice cream, cookies too ♪

♪ Lemonade and ice cream, cookies too ♪

♪ We're gonna have a picnic

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou

♪ Lou, lou, skip to my lou

♪ Skip to my lou, my darlin'

What a great picnic, ho, ho!

Oh my, I can't wait to eat.

It looks so yummy.

♪ Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere ♪

♪ Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share ♪

- Looks like everybody's doing their share.

- What are you looking at Mario?

- Helpers.

- Oh.

Oh yeah.

- What are you looking at?

- Helpers. - Helpers.

- I see.

- Did someone say helpers?

- Tiny helpers.

- Ants are helping us clean up from the picnic.

- Picking up crumbs.

Way to go little ants.

(upbeat music)

♪ The ants go marching one by one ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah

♪ The ants go marching two by two ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah

♪ The ants go marching three by three ♪

♪ The little one stops to climb a tree ♪

♪ And they all go marching down, to the ground ♪

♪ To get out of the rain

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ The ants go marching four by four ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah

♪ The ants go marching five by five ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah

♪ The ants go marching six by six ♪

♪ The little one stops to pick up sticks ♪

There you go.

♪ And they all go marching down, to the ground ♪

♪ To get out of the rain

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ The ants go marching seven by seven ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah

♪ The ants go marching eight by eight ♪

♪ Hoorah, hoorah

♪ The ants go marching nine by nine ♪

♪ The little one stops to check the time. ♪

(dramatic music)

♪ And they all go marching down to the ground ♪

♪ To get out of the rain

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ The ants go marching ten by ten ♪

♪ The little one stops to say

- The end.

(dramatic music)

♪ And they all go marching down to the ground ♪

♪ To get out of the rain

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

- Oh boy.

Oh, that sure was fun.

- Bye-bye little ants, enjoy your yummy crumbs.

- Bye-bye.

- I'm sure they will.

- Isn't it funny how ants

look like they're marching in a line sometimes.

- Yes it is and different animals

move in many different ways.

- Can you guess what animal I'm right now?

(frog croaking)

- Are you a bunny?

- Nope.

- I know you're jumping like a frog.

- Right.

- Guess what I am?

(bird chirping)

- A butterfly.

- Not exactly.

- A bird.

- Yes!

- Okay, I'm trying to guess which animal

I'm pretending to be.

(dramatic music)

This is fun.

(dramatic music)

- A monkey.

- Oh, no.

- Are you a penguin?

- Oh no, not quite.

- I know, you're a big hippopotamus.

- No, but I'll give you a hint,

when near a pond I jumped right in

that's because I love to swim.

Water rolls right off my back and when I talk,

I say, quack, quack, whoa!

- [Children] Ducks!

- That's right, can you do like the duckies do?

(ducklings quacking) (upbeat music)

♪ Who knows how to paddle all around the pond ♪

♪ Quack, quack, quack, the duckies do ♪

♪ Who knows how to waddle all around the lawn ♪

♪ Quack, quack, quack, the duckies do ♪

♪ They quack when they talk

♪ They wiggle when they walk

♪ They quack when they're swimming too ♪

♪ Quack, quack, quack, let's do what the duckies do ♪

Can you do what the duckies do?

Come on.

♪ Who knows how to paddle all around the pond ♪

♪ Quack, quack, quack, the duckies do ♪

♪ Who knows how to waddle all around the lawn ♪

♪ Quack, quack, quack, the duckies do ♪

♪ They quack when they talk

♪ They wiggle when they walk

♪ They quack when they're swimming too ♪

♪ Quack, quack, quack, let's do what the duckies do ♪

♪ Quack, quack, quack, let's do what the duckies do ♪

Oh, what great little duckies.

Oh, boy.

(ducklings quacking)

- I think I know what I like best about spring now Barney.

- Oh, what's that Beth?

- All the baby birds and animals are born

at this time of the year.

- You mean like your fuzzy little friends there?

Oh, that's a very nice reason to enjoy spring Beth.

- You haven't told us what you like best

about spring Barney.

- Well, it's the same thing I like best about summer, fall

and winter too.

My favorite thing about any season is spending time

with special friends like you.

(dramatic music)

♪ I love you, you love me

♪ We're a happy family

♪ With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you ♪

♪ Won't you say you love me too ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ I love you, you love me

♪ We're best friends like friends should be ♪

♪ With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you ♪

♪ Won't you say

♪ You love me too

(Barney giggling)

- I'd better be going Barney.

I promised my little brother

I'd ride bikes with him today.

- Oh, spring is a terrific time for that.

(bell chimes)

Remember to wear your helmets.

- Okay.

- Bye-bye baby duckies, bye-bye.

- Bye-bye everyone.

- Bye Barney. - Bye Barney.

- See you soon. - Bye.


(upbeat music)

(ducklings quacking)

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)