07x10 - A New Friend!/It's Nice to Meet You!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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07x10 - A New Friend!/It's Nice to Meet You!

Post by bunniefuu »

(light, happy music)

♪ Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination ♪

♪ And when he's tall, he's what we call ♪

♪ A dinosaur sensation

♪ Barney's friends are big and small ♪

♪ They come from lots of places ♪

♪ After school they meet to play ♪

♪ And sing with happy faces

♪ Barney shows us lots of things ♪

♪ Like how to play pretend

♪ ABC's and one, two, threes

♪ And how to be a friend

♪ Barney comes to play with us

♪ Whenever we may need him

♪ Barney can be your friend too ♪

♪ If you just make believe him

(light happy music)

- Hey, Mario.

- Oh, hi, Scott.

- What you doing?

- Look.

- Uh, Cami, are you feeling all right?

- I'm fine. I'm just watching something very pretty.

See? (delicate music)

- Oh, it's a butterfly, and here come some more.

- But, that's too many for me to watch all at once.

- But it's not too many for us to count.

♪ Three little butterflies looking at you ♪

♪ One flew away and then there were two ♪

♪ Butterfly, butterfly happy all day ♪

♪ Butterfly, butterfly, fly, fly away ♪

♪ Two little butterflies sitting in the sun ♪

♪ One flew away and then there were was one ♪

♪ Butterfly, butterfly happy all day ♪

♪ Butterfly, butterfly, fly, fly away ♪

♪ One little butterfly left all alone ♪

♪ One flew away and then there was none ♪

♪ Butterfly, butterfly happy all day ♪

♪ Butterfly, butterfly, fly, fly away ♪

- Whoa, oh, well.

Hi, everybody. - [Kids] Barney!

- Oh, hello, mmm, oh. (chuckles)

So, what have you been doing?

- We've been watching butterflies.

- [Barney] Oh.

- But I think that butterfly is watching you.

- Oh (chuckles) oh I think you're right.

And when she landed on my nose,

oh (chuckles) it tickled.

(kids laugh)

- Maybe the butterfly thinks you're a flower

because of your bright colors.

- Yeah, maybe. - Maybe.

- Well, uh, maybe, we should go inside

and (giggles) she can look for a real flower out here.

- Good idea.

- Bye, bye, butterfly.

- [Kids] Bye butterfly!

- Sure got me giggling.

(Barney hums and chuckles)

(light happy music)

(dog barks)

- Look, Uncle Grady. A butterfly!

- Oh and that's a pretty one, too.

Of course we see a lot of butterflies around here.

- It must be fun working in a park.

- Well, Colleen, don't tell anybody,

but, uh, it is fun.

(Colleen giggles)

And it's especially fun

when I've got a good helper like you.

♪ I'm a happy helper

♪ Show me what to do

♪ I'm a happy helper

♪ I like helping you

♪ Yes, I'm a happy helper

♪ Giving help is so much fun

♪ And isn't hard to do

♪ Remember just how good it feels ♪

♪ When friends are helping you

♪ I'm a happy helper

♪ Show me what to do

♪ I'm a happy helper

♪ I like helping you

♪ Yes I'm a happy helper

(happy music)

♪ You can show you care

♪ With all the helpful things you do ♪

♪ Helping others is a way

♪ Of saying I love you

♪ I'm a happy helper

♪ Show me what to do

♪ I'm a happy helper

♪ I like helping you

♪ Yes I'm a happy helper

(happy music)

(dog barks)

(Colleen and Uncle Grady laugh)

- Oh, Barney!

- Oh, yessie.

- I think your friend is back.

- Oh, my friend?

- Well, I've got a new friend for all of you.

- [Barney] Oh.

Why hello there.

- Hello.

- Everybody, this is my niece, Colleen.

She's my brother's daughter

and her family has come a long, long way to visit me.

- Oh, that's nice, Colleen.

My name is Barney and these are my friends,

Cami - Hi.

- [Barney] Mario. - Hello.

- [Barney] And Scott. - Hello.

- Are you really a dinosaur?

- Really and truly. Go ahead and see.

It's okay.

(bouncing sound)

Oh, that tickles. (all laugh)

- Colleen, you only have one hand.

- Uh-huh, that's how I was born, but it isn't any problem.

- No, it sure isn't. Colleen can do anything she wants to.

In fact, she's been a great helper for me all morning.

- Oh, Uncle Grady.

- [Group] Grady?

- I thought your first name was Mister.

- Grady Boyd is my name.

And taking care of the park is my job.

And I'd better get to it.

- Can Colleen stay and play with us, Mr. Boyd?

- Well, what do you think, Colleen?

Would you like to stay and play awhile?

- Well, I guess so.

- Well, all right then. I'll be back soon.

- Okay. - See you later, everyone.

- [Kids] Bye! - [Barney] Bye, Mr. Boyd.

See you later. Oh boy!

Today, we get to do something extra special.

(kids talk excitedly) - What do we get to do?

- Well, we get to make a brand new friend.

But sometimes it takes a little practice.

- It does? What should we do?

- Yeah, what should we do?

- Well, the very first thing we need to do is easy.

Oh, and fun.

(Barney hums)

♪ Early in the morning when I get dressed ♪

♪ Because I always want to look my best ♪

♪ The first thing I do so everyone will see ♪

♪ Is put a great big smile on me ♪

Oh boy.

♪ I put a smile on

♪ A smile on my face

♪ I put a smile on

♪ I wear it every place

♪ I put a smile on

♪ And soon I see

♪ The whole world smiling back at me ♪

Well, now that's a happy thought. Whoa.

(girl giggles) ♪ A smile is pretty

♪ A smile is free

♪ A smile is as gift to you from me ♪

♪ A smile is a present in a special way ♪

♪ Cause you still get to keep it ♪

♪ When you give it away

Whoa, oh.

♪ I put smile on

♪ A smile on my face

♪ I put a smile on

♪ I wear it every place

♪ I put a smile on

♪ And soon I see

♪ The whole world smiling back at me ♪

♪ The whole world smiling

♪ Back at me

All right. Whoa, oh, ha, ha, oh.

Oh, that's better.

Oh, just look at all of those happy smiles.

- You're right, Barney. It is easy.

- And fun.

- Oh, but there's more to making friends than just smiling.

The next thing that you need to do

is say hello to someone in a friendly way.

Well, Colleen, would you please help me

show everyone what I mean?

- Okay, what should I do?

- Well, just follow me. Whoa, oh, now.

We're going to pretend we don't know each other.

And put on some fun dress-up clothes.

- Something like this?

- Oh, very nice. Oh and maybe a hat.

Let's see how this looks. Here you go.

- How do I look?

- You look great. - Really nice.

- [Barney] Really good.

- Barney, what are you going to wear?

- Well, let's see, something back here.

Too flashy, too fancy.

Oh that's too small, and too big.

That's funny looking. I don't know about that.

That probably wouldn't look good on me.

Oh that's too itchy and ah, perfect!


- Barney, you look great!

- Oh, and now, Colleen and I will practice

saying hello in a friendly way.

Ready? - Ready!

- Okay, oh, here we go.

♪ One misty, moisty morning

♪ When cloudy was the weather

♪ I ran into a friend and said

♪ How nice to be together

♪ He began to compliment

♪ And I began to grin

♪ How do you do?

♪ And how do you do?

♪ And how do you do again?

Whoa, so do you all know what to do?

Oh, well, uh. Whoa, well I guess you do.

- Yeah we do. - We do!

- Okay, let's go say hello to all our new friends.

- Okay!

♪ One misty moisty morning

♪ When cloudy was the weather

♪ I ran into a friend and said

♪ How nice to be together

♪ He began to compliment

♪ And I began to grin

♪ How do you do?

♪ And how do you do?

♪ And how do you do again?

♪ How do you do?

♪ And how do you do?

♪ And how do you do again?

Oh, well, how do you do?

Oh, and how do you do?

- Now that we're smiling and we've all said hello,

what else do we need to know about making friends?

- Yeah, what else?

- Next is one of my favorite things to do.

Talking to someone new to find out all about them.

- Like what, Barney?

- Oh, well, places they've been, things they like to do,

or anything happy.

Oh, Colleen, would you like to go first?

- Okay. - [Barney] Okay.

- I like to ride horses

and I have nine toy horses in my room.

- That's a lot.

- [Barney] So many. Oh, oh, Mario. Hmm?

- Last week I got a gold star on my library card

for reading so many books.

- Mario's always reading books.

- Your turn, Barney.

- Oh, I like going to the beach

and making footprints in the sand (chuckles).

Wump, wump, wump.

- [Scott] Big footprints.

- That's right. And what about you, Cami?

- I like to play the piano

and I can play "Row, Row, Row Your Boat."

- Oh, I'd love to hear you play sometime.

Scott, what's something that you like?

- Movies, especially funny ones.

- Really? So do I.

- I like action movies.

- I like cartoons best.

- Or movies about animals.

- Barney, what do you like best at the movies?

- I could tell you but it'll be more fun to show you.

Oh boy!

- What does he mean?

(kids talk excitedly)

- What I like best at the movies is, oh, oh, boy.

- [Kids] Popcorn!

- Oh, that's right. I love popcorn.

♪ Oh you can hear it

♪ You can see it

♪ You can smell it

♪ You can eat it

♪ You can hear it, see it

♪ Smell it, eat it

♪ Touch it, crunch it

♪ Taste it, munch it

♪ Popcorn is really neat

♪ Fun to make and fun to eat

♪ Popcorn is a pop, pop ever boppin' ♪

♪ Never toppin', show stoppin'

♪ Zany kind of treat

Oh, oh, I love it. Oh it's so yummy.

♪ The corn starts little then it pops ♪

♪ To a poppin' popcorn beat

♪ Oh, fills the popper to the top ♪

♪ And then it's time to eat

♪ Popcorn is really neat

♪ Fun to make and fun to eat

♪ Popcorn is a pop, pop, ever boppin' ♪

♪ Never toppin' show stoppin'

♪ Zany kind of treat

Whoa, oh, oh.

♪ Oh you can hear it, see it

♪ Smell it, eat it

♪ Touch it, crunch it

♪ Taste it, munch it

♪ Popcorn is really neat

♪ Fun to make and fun to eat

♪ Popcorn is a pop, pop ever boppin' ♪

♪ Never toppin' show stoppin'

♪ Zany kind of treat

♪ Whoa it's a pop, pop, ever boppin' ♪

♪ Never toppin' show stoppin'

♪ Zany kind of popcorn!

All right!

- [Scott] This is so good. - [Mario] Yum!

- Thank you, thank you, and thank you, Mario.

- Barney, I have a question.

- What's that, Cami?

- Well, when we were talking about movies,

we didn't all like the same kind.

Shouldn't friends like the same things?

- Well, um, friends can like the same things,

but they don't have to.

In fact, we can learn a lot from friends who are different.

- That reminds me of story I just read.

- [Barney] Oh?

- Told you Mario is always reading books.

- Oh, oh boy.

- Here it is.

- Oh, the story of the Lion and the Mouse.

Oh, this is a good one.

- Would you please read it, Barney?

- Yeah, Barney, please?

- Please read it.

- I'd be delighted. Oh.

(jungle birds caw)

Once upon a time, in a jungle deep and green,

there lived a mighty lion, the strongest ever seen.

And also in this jungle, way down in the grasses

lives a tiny little mouse, who hides when lion passes.

- I'm afraid he'll eat me!

- Grr! - Eek!

- [Barney] The lion caught the mouse

and held his paw upon her back.

- You're too small for a meal,

but you'll make a tasty snack.

- Don't eat me. I'd rather be your friend.

And someday I can help you if we ever meet again.

- Help me? (scoffs) You're much too small and weak.

But I think I'll let you go.

- Oh thank you.

- [Barney] Mousey squeaked.

Now elsewhere in this jungle

were two hunters with some rope.

- We'll catch a lion for the zoo.

- At least that's what we hope.

- [Barney] And when the lion took his nap,

the hunters quickly caught him!

But when they went to get their truck,

the mouse crept up beside him.

- Lion, I will help you get away.

I told you I would help you and friends do what they say.

- [Barney] The lion said quite sadly.

- How can you help at all?

I'm strong and mighty, but you're weak and small.

- [Barney] And even though the lion

was sure there was no hope,

his eyes grew wide when mousey started chewing on the rope.

(Barney chuckles)

Oh, and just a moment later, the rope broke with a snap.

And the lion and the mouse quickly left the hunters' trap.

- You did it, Mouse. Thank you very much!

- You're welcome. Now let's get out of here.

- Yeah, let's go.

- [Barney] And somewhere in that jungle,

they're still the best of friends

living happily ever after.

And that's how our story ends.

- Great story, Barney!

- Oh it is a good story.

The lion and the mouse were just as different

as they could be, but they still became good friends.

(Barney hums)

Oh, hi there.

♪ Friends are special, so important ♪

♪ They make the world go round

♪ We like helping one another

♪ In school or on the playground ♪

♪ Friends are there to help each other ♪

♪ When one is feeling sad

♪ Being friends is very special ♪

♪ Be a friend and you'll be glad ♪


(Barney hums)

♪ Friends are special, so important ♪

♪ They make the world go round

♪ We like helping one another

♪ In school or on the playground ♪

♪ Friends are there to help each other ♪

♪ When one is feeling sad

♪ Being friends is very special ♪

♪ Be a friend and you'll be glad ♪

♪ Being friends is very special ♪

♪ Be a friend and you'll be glad ♪

Oh, oh, yes you will.

- I'm very glad to have new friends as nice as you are.

- Oh, and we feel the same way about you, Colleen.

- Yeah, we do.

- Say we should show Colleen more of the park.

- [Barney] Oh.

- Yeah, there are lots of fun things around here.

- Come on over to the pond and I'll show you my toy boat.

- Maybe you'd rather play on the play set. It's so cool.

- But first you should see

what we've got over in the gazebo.

- The pond. - Play set!

- Definitely the gazebo.

- Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, not so fast.

When people are friends, they remember to take turns, right?

- Yeah, I guess you're right.

- Well, if you take turns playing with Colleen,

I think she'll have a lot more fun.

Oh and you will too.

(kids agree)

- Colleen what would you like to do first?

- Well, hmm, I guess I'll go to the pond with Scott

and the play set with Mario

and then we can go to the gazebo, Cami, okay?

- Very okay.

- Sounds good to me. - Me too.

- Oh boy, that's more like it.

♪ Oh we take turns

♪ When we play with toys

♪ Cause that's what's right

♪ For girls and boys

♪ Oh we take turns when we play with toys ♪

♪ Cause that's what's right for girls and boys ♪

♪ Oh we take turns

♪ When we play with toys

♪ Oh we take turns

♪ When we play a game

♪ Cause that's a rule

♪ That stays the same

♪ Oh we take turns when we play a game ♪

♪ Cause that's a rule that stays the same ♪

♪ Oh we take turns when we play a game ♪

♪ Oh we take turns (oh we take turns) ♪

♪ So we'll all have fun (so we'll all have fun) ♪

♪ And we include (and we include) ♪

♪ Everyone (yes everyone)

♪ Oh we take turns so we'll all have fun ♪

♪ And we include everyone

♪ Oh we take turns

♪ So we'll all have fun

Whoa, oh, now you've got it.

(Barney hums)

Whoa. (chuckles)

Oh boy, oh boy. Oh, that was lots of fun.

- It sure was.

- There really are a lot of things to do here in the park.

- And there's even more things we can show you tomorrow.

- Yeah.

- But I won't be here tomorrow.

- [Barney] Oh.

- You won't?

- No, today was the last day of our visit with Uncle Grady.

We've talked about maybe moving here someday,

but tomorrow I'm flying home with my mom and dad.

- But does that mean we won't be friends any more?

- Oh, of course you'll still be friends.

It's nice to have friends

you can see every day and play with,

but it's also nice to have friends who are far away.

- Can you really do that?

- You sure can.

- Yay!

- Oh friends can stay friends

by calling each other on the phone

or sending email or by being pen pals.

- Yeah, Colleen can be one of our pen pals.

- Right.

- What are pen pals?

- We send letters and pictures to other kids

and they write back to us.

- We have pen pals all over the world.

- Barney, we haven't checked the mailbox today.

- Well, let's go check it now.

Oh, I can't wait to see what's in there.

Oh, hmm, oh.

Oh boy. Oh you've got some letters right here.

Mail call!

- [Kids] Yay!

- Let's open them at the picnic table.

Oh, this is gonna be great.

(kids talk excitedly)

Everyone take a seat.

- Okay.

- Okay, let's see what we have here.

Oh, here's some for you, Mario.

- Thank you. - [Barney] You're welcome.

Oh and you, Cami. There you go.

- Thank you, Barney.

- [Barney] You're welcome, too.

- Oh, Scott, here are some of your pen pals.

- Thank you. - [Barney] You're welcome.

Oh and you can open some letters too, Colleen.

- Thank you, Barney.

- [Barney] You're welcome, too.

Some of these come from very far away,

but they're all from friends.

♪ Oh some of our friends can be so far away ♪

♪ And others are close to you

♪ But no matter where they are

♪ It might be near or far

♪ Just loving you is what they like to do, do, do ♪

♪ No matter where they are

♪ It might be near or far

♪ Just loving you is what they like to do ♪

Oh they truly do-ly do.

♪ You might call your friend amigo ♪

♪ Mon ami or mate

♪ Or even tomadachi too

♪ But no matter what their name ♪

♪ They love you just the same

♪ Cause loving you is what they like to do, do, do ♪

♪ No matter what the name

♪ They love you just the same

♪ Cause loving you is what they like to do ♪

♪ And no matter where they are

♪ It might be near or far

♪ Just loving you is what they like to do, do, do ♪

♪ No matter where they are

♪ It might be near or far

♪ Just loving you is what friends like to do ♪

Oh (dog barks)

(kids greet Mr. Boyd)

- Hi everyone.

- Hi, Mr. Boyd.

- Hi, Mr. Boyd.

- Are you having fun?

- [Kids] Yeah.

- Oh, Uncle Grady, I've had the very best day.

And I made lots of new friends.

- Well I sorta thought you would.

- And, we're all going to be pen pals

so we can still be friends when Colleen goes home.

- Well, that's a terrific idea.

- Oh, now we've got it.

- Thank you for all the fun today

and thank you, Barney.

I hope you won't forget me because I won't forget you.

- Oh, I never ever forget the people I love.

♪ I love you

♪ You love me

♪ We're a happy family

♪ With a great big hug

♪ And a kiss from me to you

♪ Won't you say you love me too? ♪

Oh, Mr. Boyd.

♪ I love you

♪ You love me

♪ We're best friends

♪ Like friends should be

♪ With a great big hug

♪ And a kiss from me to you

♪ Won't you say you love me too? ♪

- [Barney] Oh. (dog barks)

- Bingo, we love you too.

- Oh, yes we do.

- Say, would you kids like to see the flowers I planted?

Bingo helped dig the holes.

Come on.

- [Barney] Bye bye everybody. Have fun!

See ya later.

(birds singing)

(happy music)

(fast happy music)
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