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07x06 - Stop! Go!

Posted: 05/12/24 17:19
by bunniefuu
(cheerful upbeat music playing)

♪ Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination ♪

♪ And when he's tall he's what we call ♪

♪ A dinosaur sensation

♪ Barney's friends are big and small ♪

♪ They come from lots of places ♪

♪ After school they meet to play ♪

♪ And sing with happy faces

♪ Barney shows us lots of things ♪

♪ Like how to play pretend

♪ ABC's and 's

♪ And how to be a friend

♪ Barney comes to play with us

♪ Whenever we may need him

♪ Barney can be your friend too ♪

♪ If you just make-believe him! ♪

(cheerful upbeat music continues)

(gentle cheerful music playing)

- Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom.

Stop. Wait right there.

Look at the cool town I built, Barney.

- Hi, Jamal.

- [Jamal] Oh, hi, Mario.

- Stop, go.

- Vroom, vroom. Hello, Jamal.

- Oh, hi, Gian. What are you doing?

- Just driving my car. Vroom, vroom, vroom.

- Let's go play too, Barney.

- Stop.

- Oh, hi, Angela.

- I'm Police Officer Angela,

telling people when to stop and go.

Stop. Go.

- Can I play too?

- Sure.

- Thanks.

- Stop. Go.

(gentle cheerful music playing)

♪ Oh, when I walk

♪ Across the street

♪ Oh, when I walk across the street ♪

♪ I always cross at the corner

♪ When I walk across the street ♪

(excited chatter)

♪ Oh, when I walk ♪ Oh, when I walk

♪ Across the street ♪ Across the street

♪ Oh, when I walk across the street ♪

♪ I always stop, look and listen ♪

♪ When I walk across the street ♪

(excited chatter)

♪ Oh, when I walk ♪ Oh, when I walk

♪ Across the street ♪ Across the street

♪ Oh, when I walk across the street ♪

♪ I always hold hands with a grown-up ♪

♪ When I walk across the street ♪

(excited chatter)

♪ Oh, when I walk ♪ Oh, when I walk

♪ Across the street ♪ Across the street

♪ Oh, when I walk across the street ♪

♪ I always cross at the corner

♪ I always stop, look and listen ♪

♪ I always hold hands with a grown-up ♪

♪ When I walk across the street ♪

(excited chatter)

- Whoa! (twinkling)

- [All] Barney!

- Hi, everybody. Oh. Having fun today?

- Yes. - Yeah.

- Oh, good.

- I was pretending to be a police officer.

- Angela was telling us when to stop and go.

- Oh, good. Those are both important things to know.

- But now that you're here,

we can play another game.

- Right, like Red Rover or Leapfrog.

- Oh, Leapfrog.

Boing, boing, boing. (children laughing)

I love Leapfrog.

- Except, you're too tall for us to jump over.

- You would need to jump pretty high. (chuckles)

- [Children] Yeah.

- That's true.

- Follow the leader is always fun.

Or Ring Around the Rosie.

What would you like to play, Barney?

- Hm, let's see here.

Oh, we could play some hide-and-seek

making sure to never peek. (laughing)

And after that, just a bit,

I'll chase and catch you.

Tag, you're it! (laughing)

Oh, it doesn't matter what we play.

We're going to have a happy day.

Doo, doo, doo, doom.

♪ Today is a special day

♪ Because we're all together

♪ Oh, we'll have a super-dee-duper time ♪

♪ Because we're gonna have fun

- [Children] Yes!

♪ Clap your hands (clapping)

♪ Run in place (footsteps)

- [Barney] Oh, very good.

♪ Dance a silly dance

(Barney laughing)

♪ Make a funny face

That is funny.

♪ Whatever we do, me and you

♪ The one thing that we know is ♪

♪ We're gonna have fun, fun, fun ♪

♪ Fun with everyone

♪ We're gonna play all day

♪ We're gonna have fun together ♪

♪ Fun, fun, fun

♪ Fun with everyone

♪ We're gonna play all day

♪ Together we're gonna have fun ♪


♪ Everyday's a fun-filled day

♪ When we can pretend

♪ We're a bird

♪ Or a fish

♪ Or the man in the Moon

♪ Just pretending with our friends ♪

♪ Turn around, look upside down ♪

Yeah, that's the idea.

♪ Play peek-a-boo

♪ Or hide-and-seek

(laughing) I see you!

(children laughing)

♪ Whatever we do, me and you

♪ The one thing that we know is ♪

♪ We're gonna have fun, fun, fun ♪

♪ Fun with everyone

♪ We're gonna play all day

♪ We're gonna have fun together ♪

♪ Fun, fun, fun

♪ Fun with everyone

♪ We're gonna play all day

♪ Together we're gonna have fun ♪

♪ Together we're gonna have fun ♪

Oh, boy! (laughing) Fun, fun, fun,

together we're gonna have fun.

(children laughing)

Well, what shall we play first?

- How about hide-and-seek?


What was that?

- [Baby Bop] They can't see me. (giggling)

- It came from over there!


- It looks like someone's already hiding.

- Oh, who do I see behind that tree?

- Oh, surprise!

(children laughing)

It's me. Hi, Barney, hi, everybody.

(all saying hi)

Look, I found a pretty red sign and a pretty green sign,

but I don't know what they say.

- Let me help you, Baby Bop.

The red sign has the letters S, T, O, P.

- That spells "stop".

- Oh, that's right, Gianna.

And the green sign has the letters G, O.

And that's spells "go".

- Oh.

Stop, go.

Stop, go.

Well, I know what those words mean.

- Oh, good.

- When someone says "stop" then I stand still.

- That's right.

- And when someone says "go", then I can start moving again.

(gentle cheerful music playing)

- Oh, very good, Baby Bob.

- Did you know that "stop" and "go" or opposites?

- Oh, yeah, opposites, aha. Um, Barney?

- Yeah?

- What are opposites?

- Oh, shall we show her?

- Yeah. - Yes, sure.

- Well, oh, see the ball that Angela's bouncing?

- Yes.

- [Barney] Well, see how it goes up and then it goes down?

- Aha.

(cheerful music playing) - Up is the opposite of down.

- Oh.

♪ Bouncing a ball, bouncing a ball ♪

♪ What does it do, let's see

♪ It goes up, down, up, down

♪ That sounds like an opposite to me ♪

Oh, can you show me another one, Barney?

(cheerful music continues)

♪ There is a door, there is a door ♪

♪ What does it do, let's see

♪ It goes open, close, open, close ♪

♪ That sounds like an opposite to me ♪

♪ If it does one thing

♪ And then it does the other

♪ It could be an opposite

♪ As we have discovered

And will you show me just one more?

- Okay.

♪ We are outside, we are outside ♪

♪ What do we do, let's see

♪ We go in, out, in, out

♪ That sounds like an opposite to me ♪

Come on, everybody.

- Ooh, let's go.

- But wait for me!

♪ There is a light, there is a light ♪

♪ What does it do, let's see.

♪ It goes on, off, on, off

♪ That sounds like an opposite to me ♪

♪ If it does one thing

♪ And then it does the other

♪ It could be an opposite

♪ As we have discovered

- Oh, this is so much fun.

- Yeah.

♪ I hear a voice, I hear a voice ♪

♪ What will it do, let's see

♪ It sings high, low, high, low ♪

♪ That sounds like an opposite to me ♪

- There you go, Baby Bop.

- Oh, I think I got it.

(all cheering)

Up, down, open, close, in, out,

but my favorite opposites are "stop" and "go.

And I'm going out to play "Stop and go" now.

- Okay, see you later, Baby Bop.

(all saying bye)

Now, what would you like to play?

- Well... I like to play dress up.

(all cheering) - Oh, yes!

Oh, boy.

(excited chatter) - You can be a ballerina.

- A cowboy, that would be cool.

- There's nothing like a silly hat

to make people laugh.

Oh, wow, oh, boy. Look at all those pretty dresses.


Oh, that is a nice cowboy hat. (laughing)

- Look at this, Barney.

- [Barney] Oh, I like that red hat. Nice fan.

- You would look so funny in this hula skirt

and that airplane hat.

- Look at that policeman's hat. That's nice.

- Stop.

- Can't wait to see what we can do with all these costumes.

(excited chatter)

(gentle cheerful music playing)

(birds chirping)


- Oh, this is gonna be fun. (laughing)

Oh, stop, Officer Phillips.

- Why, certainly, Baby Bob.

- I'm telling people when to stop and go.

- As a park police officer,

I ask people to stop and go a lot.

So it's nice to have a helper today.

- Oh, goodie. (giggling)

Well, cow you can go.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome. (laughing)

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Stop. (laughing) Okay, go. (laughing)

Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute,

wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.

Stop. (giggling) This is fun, huh, Officer Phillips?


Ah, Officer Philips? Am I in trouble? Uh-oh.

- (giggling) Is everyone ready to go?

- [All] Ready!

- Then let the parade begin.

(upbeat cheerful music playing)


♪ A big parade of costumes is coming your way ♪

♪ It's so much fun it kind of makes me want to say ♪

♪ One, two, three, four, five, six seven, eight, nine, ♪

♪ Yes, costumes can be fun no matter where or when ♪

♪ You can wear a cowboy hat, swing the rope in the air ♪

♪ Pretend to be a king with the crown that you wear ♪

♪ You can be a ballerina, that's always fun ♪

♪ The big parade of costumes is for everyone ♪

♪ A big parade of costumes is coming your way ♪

♪ It's so much fun it kind of makes me want to say ♪

♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ♪

♪ Yes, costumes can be fun no matter where or when ♪

♪ You can be your favorite rag doll ♪

♪ Play the whole day through

♪ Or you can be a pilot flying in the sky so blue ♪

♪ Or you can be a scarecrow dancing in a field ♪

♪ Or maybe a mighty king with the royal shield ♪

♪ A big parade of costumes is coming your way ♪

♪ It's so much fun it kind of makes me want to say ♪

♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ♪

♪ Yes, costumes can be fun no matter where or when ♪

(giggling) Oh, that was fun. Oh, boy.

- Stop, go.

Stop, go.

Stop. Go. Stop. Go. Stop. Go.

There's no one here to play "Stop and go" with.

We have to find somebody that maybe would...

Well, except...


Oh. Oh, Bingo!

Yay, hi, Bingo!

Stop. Good doggie. (laughing)

And go. Ooh, good, Bingo.

Stop and go. (laughing)

Good dog. Stop. And go.

Ooh, you're doing so good, Bingo.

Are you getting tired of playing "Stop and go"?


Oh, okay. Bye-bye!

(pigeon cooing) Bye. Oh, look, a birdie!

(cheerful music playing) Ooh, hello.

It's a pretty bird. Pretty feathers. (giggling)

♪ Once I saw a little bird come hop, hop, hop ♪

♪ So I cried, "Little bird, won't you stop, stop, stop" ♪

♪ I was going to the tree to say "How do you do?" ♪

♪ But he shook his little tail and far away he flew ♪


(wings flapping) Ooh, bye-bye, birdie!

Ooh, lookie.

♪ Once I saw a little bird come hop, hop, hop ♪

♪ So I cried, "Little bird, won't you stop, stop, stop" ♪

♪ I was going to the tree to say "How do you do?" ♪

♪ But he shook his little tail and far away he flew ♪


Ooh. Now, who am I gonna find to play "Stop and go" with?

- Okay, everyone. When I start the music,

you do a silly dance.

(giggling) (chatter)

And when I stop the music, you stop.

- Okay, yeah. - Sure.

- It's gonna be fun. Are you ready?

- [All] Ready! (intense drum playing)

- Okay. Go!

(playful music playing) (Barney humming)

Stop. (giggling) Oh, you look very silly.

Okay. Go!

(playful music playing) (Barney humming)

Stop! (giggling)

Well, this is so much fun.

Oh, and you can do it too. Won't you join us?

Okay, everyone up. I know you're gonna do a great job.

(giggling) (twinkling)

Okay. Go!

(children laughing) (playful music playing)

(Barney humming)

Stop! Whoa. Let's do it one more time.


(playful music playing) (children laughing)

Stop! Oh, boy. (giggling)

You all did great. (giggling) Oh, that was so much fun.

- That was fun.

(chatter) (all laughing)

- Even if the music has stopped,

I'd like to play another game.

- Yeah. Like baseball.

- Or hopscotch.

- Or jump rope.

- Well, we could play them all

'cause whether wiggling my head,

or my tail, or my toes, it's fun

to keep moving and stay on the go.

(playful music playing)

♪ There are lots of different ways our bodies move ♪

♪ Bodies move

♪ They can twist and bend and shake and really groove ♪

♪ Really groove

♪ If you're ready now to start, let's try to find a part ♪

♪ That will do the things old Barney says to do ♪

(giggling) Wave your arms up high.


(playful music continues) (children laughing)

Wiggle your fingers.

Hop up and down.

(Barney laughing)

Now, run in place.

(children laughing)

Now, stop. Good.

♪ There are lots of different ways our bodies move ♪

♪ Bodies move

♪ They can twist and bend and shake and really groove ♪

♪ Really groove

♪ Now, we've had a lot of fun

♪ It's a shame that we're all done ♪

- Whoa, stop!

Oh, that was really good. (laughing)

Now, go!

♪ But we'd like to play this game again real soon ♪

- That was fun there, Baby Bop.

- [Baby Bop] Thank you. (laughing)

Whoa! - Whoa!

- Yay!

(excited chatter)

You have to stop for Baby Bop. (giggling)

(all laughing)

- Did you have fun playing outside?

- Yes. I "stopped and go'ed" everything in the park.

- [Barney] Oh.

- We haven't stopped going either. Woo, I'm tired.

- I'd like to rest too.

- Then let's have some fun without moving around.

- Well, how can we do that?

- We could listen to a good story.

(excited chatter)

- Barney, will you please read a story for us?

- Pretty, pretty please?

(all laughing)

- I'd be dee-lighted to!

And we've got lots and lots

of wonderful things to read right here.

♪ Looking at the pictures, looking at the words ♪

- Wow. (giggling)

♪ I love to read, a brand new story or one I've heard ♪

♪ I love to read

Me too.

♪ Reading a book or a magazine that I've never read before ♪

- Oh, there you go.

♪ I find out what I want to know ♪

♪ And then I read some more

♪ Looking at the pictures, looking at the words ♪

♪ I love to read

♪ A brand new story, or one I've heard ♪

♪ I love to read

♪ Reading the signs along the road ♪

♪ To see what they have to say

♪ Or reading the back of a cereal box ♪

♪ Hey, I could read all day

♪ Looking at the pictures, looking at the words ♪

♪ I love to read

♪ A brand new story or one I've heard ♪

♪ I love to read

♪ I love to read

♪ I love to read

♪ I love to read

♪ I love to read

♪ I love to read

♪ I love, I love to read

Oh, yes. (all laughing)

Doo, doo, doo, doo. Love to read.

Let me see here. It's here someplace.

- What book are you looking for, Barney?

- Well, Angela, since we've all had fun stopping

and going today, I thought I'd read a book

with lots of stops and go's in it.

- Oh.

- If I could just find it, though.

Oh, there it is. Oh.

- [Baby Bop] Wait.

- Oh. Thank you.

The story of the Three Billy-Goats Gruff.

(all giggling)

I think you'll like it too.

- [All] Oh, yeah.


- [Barney] Once upon a time, there were three Billy-Goats

and their last name was Gruff. (giggling)

Funny name. - La-la-la-la-la-la.

- [Barney] One day, while playing in the woods,

the youngest Billy-Goat heard his tummy growl.


- Ooh, I'm hungry.


Yummy, yummy, green grass.

- [Barney] He saw a beautiful field

with lots of yummy green grass,

on the other side of a bridge nearby.

(cheerful mandolin playing)

- [Goat] Clippity-clop...

- [Barney] Suddenly, a mean, old Troll,

who lived under the bridge,

stopped the little Billy-Goat.

- Stop! Who's crossing my bridge

with the clippity-clop?

Little Billy-Goat, you must stop, stop, stop.

I've stopped you so that I may greet you.

Then, I'm going to catch and eat you!

- I'm too small to be a good dinner for you.

But soon, my sister will come.

She's a lot bigger and tastier than me.

- [Barney] So the Troll let him go.

- Okay, go. I'll wait for your sister.

(cheerful mandolin playing)

- Goody-goody, green grass.

(hooves clicking) Clippity-clop, clippity-clop.


- [Barney] Then, the bigger Billy-Goat Gruff

(growling) heard her tummy growl.

- I'm hungry.

- [Barney] And once again, the mean, old Troll jumped up.

- Stop! Who's crossing my bridge

with the clippity-clop?

Bigger Billy-Goat, you must stop, stop, stop.

I've stopped you so that I may greet you.

Then, I'm going to catch you and eat you.

- I'm hardly a snack for a mean, old Troll like you,

but soon my sister will come,

she's much bigger and tastier than me.

- Oh, all right, go, I'll wait for your bigger sister.

- Goody-goody green grass.

(cheerful mandolin playing) (hooves clicking)

- [Barney] Finally, the biggest Billy-Goat Gruff

(growling) heard her tummy growl.

- I'm hungry.

- [Barney] So the biggest Billy-Goat Gruff began

to cross the bridge.

- Stop! Who's crossing my bridge with the clippity-clop?

Biggest Billy-Goat, you must stop, stop, stop.

I've stopped you so that I may greet you.

Then, I'm going to catch you and eat you.

- [Barney] But the biggest Billy-Goat had a good idea.

- Before you eat me, Mr. Troll,

I'd like to say those are beautiful flowers

you're growing by the bridge.

- Why, thank you.

- They not only look good,

but I'll bet they'll smell sweet too.

- Why, I never smelled them.

I'll just sniff them before I eat you.

(playful music playing) (birds chirping)

- [Barney] And just as the Troll bent over

to smell his sweet flowers,

the biggest Billy-Goat Gruff butted him into the water.


(water splashing)

- (sighing) Now, where was I?

Oh, yeah. Goody-goody green grass.

(hooves clicking) (cheerful mandolin playing)

- [Barney] So after that, the mean, old Troll

learned his lesson and was always nice

to the three Billy-Goats Gruff.

And from that day on, he only ate vegetables.

(playful music ending)

The end.

(all cheering)

- Thank you, thank you for reading that book, Barney.

- Oh, you're very welcome.

I like to share a story with friends.

- I had lots of fun today,

but it's time for me to stop playing and go home now.

- Okay.

- Bye-bye!

(all saying bye)


- I suppose we should be going too, Barney.

But there's one thing we'll never stop doing.

- Oh, what's that, Angela?

- We'll never stop being your friend.

- Oh, you're all very special to me too.

(gentle cheerful music playing)

♪ I love you, you love me

♪ We're a happy family

♪ With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you ♪

♪ Won't you say you love me too? ♪

(music continues)

♪ I love you, you love me

♪ We're best friends like friends should be ♪

♪ With a great, big hug and a kiss from me to you ♪

♪ Won't you say you love me too? ♪

Oh. (giggling)

(all saying bye)

Good bye! I'll see you soon!

(cheerful music playing)


(cheerful music playing)