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24x10 - I'm No Dummy

Posted: 05/12/24 12:45
by bunniefuu
Jeff: previously on

"Survivor": when the two tribes

Merged into one, kim was playing

Both sides.

We have to tell each other

What's anything down and make

Sure it goes.

I have an all-women's

Alliance, and I have my salani


Jeff: when the time came,

Kim opted to go with the women

And take out the men.

This is never going to be the


It's time for the guys to know

Where the women stand.

Jeff: troyzan and jay, the

Two strongest remaining men,

Became uneasy.

I just don't want them to try

To full some past move on us.

Jeff: at the immunity

Challenge, chelsea came out on

Chelsea wins individual


Without the protection of an

Immunity necklace, troyzan

Decided it was time to make a

Desperate move.

Yeah, baby.

I have an idol, bro.

I'm playing it.

If I get tarzan to vote for kim,

And I get christina to vote for

Kim, would you vote for kim.

Jeff: despite his earlier

Suspicions, jay maintained his

Alliance with the women.

He's debating on playing the


I figured.

Troy is just concerned the

Women have the numbers.

They're going to try to

Blindside him, but I trust my

Two girls.

Jeff: at tribal council.


Jeff: troyzan made good on

His idol threat.

I'm not going to join that


Jeff: any votes cast

Against troyzan will not count.

With the hidden immunity idol in

Play, the women's split vote,

Meant jay was sent packing.

The ninth member voted off and

The third member of our jury.


You need to bring me your torch.

The tribe has spoken.

Left completely alone, can

Troyzan find a way back in?

Grab your torches and head back

To camp.

Nine are left.

Who will be voted out tonight.

Troy, I knew you had that


Say what?

Good hunch.

Tribal council was the

Biggest disappointment so far.

Jay got voted out, so I'm

Basically next in line,

It is what it is.

Nothing personal.

Take it as a compliment?

You never were going to vote

Any other way.


I was going to go with

Whatever was the initial plan.

You've been on the block to

Get voted out, I thought you

Were like, all kyleed in.

So I don't know why you did


What do you mean?

She's not only one hodid


That's what's shocking, too.

Don't attack her.

I'm not attacking her-- hey,

I'm asking her a question.

You're putting words in my


I can ask her a question.

Dude, relax.

I'm not relaxed.

I'm not going to be relaxed.
I can ask the questions.
Don't get crazy with me.

I will get crazy with you.

Troy is digging himself in a

Bigger hole.

He's attacking everybody else

And trying to cop an attitude

With me.

I don't feel like he should be

Upset with me.

I didn't vote for him.

I'm glad you answered for


At least she didn't answer for


I'm totally pissed off.

I feel like I'm completely alone


When I get pissed off, I get

Fired up.

Now I'm going to win every damn


I could give a crap about those


This is no team anymore.

I'm no team player.

This is just troyzan versus

Everybody else.

That's the way I feel.

Listen,un, it's really not

Fair that three or four people

That did to me.

I feel like I should be here

Before they should go.

I just feel like what the hell

Are they doing?

They don't even know what

They're doing here.

I'm just-- it's just the


This is how ridiculous these

People are.

They somehow think I'm supposed

To come back to camp, "it's just

A game.

Hey, we're just having fun


I'm like, what are you kidding

Me right now?

I have the right to be angry.

As much as I hate to say it,

You have to take it like jonas.

He took it like a man and he

Deserves to be here more than

Maybe you.

I don't know about that.

He worked his ass off here

Every single day and he took it

Like a man.


These girls are kind of acting

Like what a lot of women act

Like in real life-- they get

Their house.

They get their food.

They get all their such.

Then as soon as they feel

Satisfied, they go, guess what?

We don't need you no more.

You're done.

We're done with the guy.

Tree mail with a bunch of

Envelopes for each of us.



With our names on it!

How beautiful!

You ready for this?

"Going once, going twice.

This should be some fun.

Spend your cash in clever ways

And your hunger will be done."

Can I put a 20 down for a

Turkey or something.

This is cash money we go to

Tree mail and it's an auction.

They're all talking about, oh,

It's food.

I don't care about food.

If get to the auction and jeff

Says, listen, here's a note that

Can help you further in the

Game, I'm buying that thing.

I'm spending 500 bucks.

That's all I've got.

It could have been worse.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Welcome to the "survivor"


You each have 500 u.s. Dollars.

Bidding is in increments of 20


You cannot pool your money.

You cannot share your item.

Shall we get started?


Jeff: first item.

I smell peanut butter.

Jeff: you smell wrong.

I want peanut butter.

Jeff: three donuts and an

Iced coffee.

Iced coffee?


I'm good.

Jeff: kim right out of the

Gate, 100 bucks.


140, 160.

Jeff: 160 to chelsea.

Going once, going twice.

Sold, come on up.

Go ahead, girl.

Jeff: $160 for three donuts

And an iced coffee.

Oh, my god!

Jeff: go ahead and take a

Little sample.


Thank you, sir.

Oh, my god!

That looks great!

Jeff: next item.

Chips, guacamole, margarita with



Jeff: 100 to alecia?

One eight tow 220.



Jeff: 400 dollar bid from


Oh, my god.

Jeff: going once, twice,

Sold. Oh, god.

It smells so good.

Straight from mexico.


I want to buy something.

Jeff: next item, this is a

Protein boost.

This is for somebody who is

Looking for a little energy,

Protein shake with bananas mixed

In and a couple on the side.


Jeff: fourth to kat.

60 To leif.


Jeff: 100 to leif.

$100 Going once, twice, sold to


Come on up.

Good job, leif.

Good job, leif.

Jeff: take a sip.

Thank you, sir.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Get your butt back over here.


Jeff: next item, "survivor"

Shower with with shampoo and

Tooth brub.

20 Buckes.

Jeff: 20 to alicia?



You do 40.

It goes in 20s.

I'll do 40.

Jeff: 40 to kim.

Going once, going twice.

I want food.

Jeff: kim just bought a

Shower for $40.

I can't believe I just gave

That to her for 40 bucks.

Jeff: have fun.


This is hilarious.

Tarzan, don't stare.


Oh, my god!

For 40 bucks?

Jeff: next item b.l.t.,

Chips, and a cold iced tea.



Jeff: 100 to kat.

One 60.


Jeff: 180 to kat.

Going once, going twice.

Sold to kat, $180.

Oh, there's bacon on there!

Did you just say there's


And he clearly said that was a


I know.

Jeff: next item, I

Anticipate a bidding w*r.

20 Bucks 20 bucks.


Jeff: from the shower, kim

Bids 200.

That was the one


Jeff: going once, going


Wait, wait a second.

Jeff: 200.


Jeff: 220 to alaes 2 fourt

To the woman in the towel.

Don'ting cheap!

Jeff: going once, going

Twice, sold to kim.

Oh, my god!

Jeff: crazest auction ever,

Half-naked woman in a towel now

Has chocolate and peanut butter.

I'm not going to pay 200.

Jeff: alicia, you were given


I know, I just didn't want to

Get worked up.

Don't hate me because I'm

Eating this peanut but nert


Jeff: tarzan, you haven't

Thought about bidding.

I have shocks for my jeep

That I have to repair.

This will do it.

Jeff: are you putting me


No, he's dead serious.

I waited three months to fix

My shocks, and this does it?

Jeff: next item.

Been a long time since you heard

From your loved one.

Letters from home.

Oh, no!

Oh, my god!

Jeff: all of your letters.

Opening bid.


Jeff: this item is sold.

$500 To alaes.

All of your money.

Who's it from?

Someone even wrote me?

My dad has never wrote me

Anything in my life.

Alicia, I hope are you doing


I think about you, your solitude

All the time.

I read somewhere that

Preparation powers performance.

Know that you are prepared.

I don't know anyone better

Prepared so just give it your


See you soon.

Police officer, dad.


Jeff: worth the money?

Every penny.

Okay, tarzan.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Jeff: well, here's the


The price has been set, a steep

One at that, $500.

But that is the price of a


Anybody else has $500.

I'll give you 500.

Jeff: you can buy it right



Jeff: tarzan going to spend


The car repair will have to


Come on up, tarzan.


Good job.

Jeff: tarzan, do you want

To share?


Jeff: does it put the car

Repair in perspective?

I think you made the right



Jeff: troyzan, what are you

Missing right now?

I feel completely alone.

After last night.

Jeff: after the last


I just feel I'm alone.

And to know that I have a letter

There, maybe from my brother or

My dad.

Encouraging me.

It's good, but it's just the

Feeling of, like, I'm going to

Have to do everything on my own.

Jeff: last shot at love


I don't have enough money.

I don't have enough money.

I don't, either.

Jeff: all right.

Next item.

An advantage in the next

Immunity challenge.



Jeff: 300 to troyzan.

Going once.

I don't have the money.

I don't have that much money.

Christina, you haven't spent

A dime.

Jeff: 360 to christina at

The last second.

Three 80.

Get it, christina.



Call five.

Jeff: 420 to troyzan.

Going once, going twice.

Sold to troyzan for $420.

Damn right.

We're still going to vote you


Jeff: why the big fist


Because it piss me off.

Jeff: what annoys you?

That they want me out of


So they're basically-- it's a

Team against troy.

That's why I said I feel alone,

Because they're all sitting

There, "go up more, go up more."

And poor christina is like, the

Freaking guinea pig.

You don't think christina

Wanted it all?

But she wanted it for the


It's like you're all in favor of

Christina getting it.

You didn't say like, wow, great

Job, troy, you got that thing.

Great job, troy, you got it.

Well, after the fact.

Jeff: tough game, huh,


It is.

But it's the nature of the game.

There's only one winner.

I still have money left.

Let's go.

Jeff: next item.

Yes, I'm hungry.

Jeff: will remain covered

And it comes with a note.


Jeff: 60.


Jeff: 80.


Jeff: 100 back to kat.



Jeff: 160 to kat.

Going once, going twice--

Let it roll.

Jeff: sold to kat.

What do you got?

All right, this is what you

Bought for $160.

Oh, my god!

Get out of here!

Jeff: here's the note that

Comes with it.

Read the note out loud.

You just bought this cake for

The entire tribe.
( Cheers )

You have 60 seconds to eat it.

I call the strawberries.

Right here, right here, right


Jeff: 60 seconds start now.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: "survivor" auction is

Officially over.

So, you know, leaving the

Auction, I got a note, an

Advantage to the immunity

Challenge, any challenge, if you

Can get an advantage, hey, take



You will move directly to the

Second stage of this immunity


Your odds of winning immunity

Have just increased from one in

Nine to one in four, baby."

That's right, baby.

I'm winning this thing.

I have to win.

He's knuckleheads don't know

What they got themselves into.

You cannot mess with troyzan.

You think you have me


They don't.

They're very scared, and that

Tells me something.

I'm think, heck.

That immunity idol, if there's a

New one out there, I'm going to

Start looking.

I'll do it in front of


I don't really care.

You put fear in people's hearts

And you can scramble them a

Little bit.

Oh, I hate this!

Oh, I hate this!

How does he even know there

Is an idol.

We don't, but there are eight

Of us and one of him and if we

All go looking for it the

Chances of us finding it are far

Greater than him finding it.

When jeff brought out the

Letter that would give someone

An advantage on the next

Immunity challenge, we knew

Christine aftershock the only

One that still had enough money

Left that could take it from


And when she backed out, I think

Everyone just was like oh!

How could you do that?

So annoying.

The way I see it is that troy

Has put the crosshairs on his


It's eight against one right


We just want to take him down

More than anything.

But right now, troy is going to

Put more heart into this game

Than most of the people here.

I see kim, like, looking at

Me, and I pull out the little

Piece of cloth, and I start

Stuffing it in and act like I'm

Zipping something up.

Letting them think I have an


I need to know what that fool


I'm acting more cocky now,

Because I basically can.

I've got nothing to lose.

They're already looking at me

Like what's in his pockets, you


I want them thinking I've got


All right, let's just say

Hypothetically he did find it.

If he found an idol, we'll flush

It out with the votes.

Eventually he'll be gone.

It suction he has the

Advantage in the immunity


It's about as big a disaster as

Could have happened at the
auction today.

If he found it and he won the

Immunity idol, that would be a

Two bummer.

That would be the absolute

Worst if he wins immunity and

Has the immunity idol on top of


It's disaster.

He's going to be like, you know,


Who knows what he can pull off.

He's a really smart guy.

So hopefully we can get rid of

Him before he does something too

Crazy that sends me home.

Look, everybody gets crazy

When they know the whole tribe's

After you.

At the end of the day, that one
person never wins.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

All right, you guys ready to get

To today's immunity challenge.



Jeff: first things first.

Chelsea, I'm coming for it.

Once again, immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, you will

Race to untangle knotted ropes.

The first four to finish will

Move on to the next round where

You will race up a stack of

Craits, bounce a coconut off a

Trampoline, attempting to knock

Out your targets.

The first two move on to the

Final round where you will use a

Slingshot to fire coconuts at a

Wall of target.

First person to knock out three

Targets in a row, either

Horizontal, vertical, or

Diagonally, wins immunity, safe

At tribal council, and

Guaranteed a one in eight shot

At winning this game.

Losers, tribal council, where

After 27 days, somebody will be

Voted out.

Troyzan, at the auction, you

Spent nearly all of your money

To buy one thing, an advantage

In this challenge.

Open the note.

Read it.



You will move directly to the

Second stage of this immunity

All right.

Jeff: troyzan sits out the

First round.

Take a spot on the bench.

Everybody else, we will craw for


We'll get started.

Here we go.

First three to finish move on to

The next round where you will

Join troyzan.

Survivors ready?


Got to untie the bundle of ropes

To the ring at the end.

Troyzan spent over $400 to skip

This step.

While everybody else was eating,

He was worried about this


Sabrina picking up the pace.

Kat doing a nice job.

A lot of people in this.

Very close.

Three people moving on.

Tarzan very close.

Kim very close.

Christina's in this.

Tarzan on his last bits of rope.

Kim on her last bits.

Christina on her last bits.

Chelsea trying to catch up.

Three people are moving on.

Once you have the ring, step on

Your mat.

Tarzan, the first to move on!

Christina very close.

Kim has her ring.

She's moving on.

Christina has a ring.

She's moving on!

Christina, kim, and tarzan will

Join troyzan in the second



Jeff: here we go.

First two to finish move on to

The final round.

Survivors ready?


Let's go, let's go.

Jeff: this is a race.

As a matter of fact you can go.

Come on!

Jeff: tarzan knocks out his

First target.

Nice, kim.

Jeff: kim just misses.

Jeff: troyzan connects.

Troyzan has one target out.

Tarzan just missed.

Kim misses again.

Jeff: christina.

Troyzan hits his second target.

It's all right.

.jeff: kim hits her first


Troyzan has one target left.

Just miss.

Kim knocks out her second


Tarzan hits his second target.

Christina still empty-handed.

Jeff: troyzan knocks out

His third target.

Come on!

Jeff: he's moving on to the


This is my island.

You can't beat me.

Shut up.

Oh, please.

Oh, oh, my god.

Pleaseioc this fool out.

Jeff: we're looking for one

More person in the final to join


Jeff: tarzan taking aim.

This could do it.

And it does!

Tarzan moves on to the final

Joining troyzan.

All right, babe.

That's all right, babe.

That's all right.

That's all right, girl.

Jeff: here we go.

Final round, tarzan versus


Grab a coconut.

Go up to the slingshot.

It's one shot at a time.

Your goal-- knock out three in a

Row, either horizontal,

Vertically, or diagonally.

First to do it wins immunity.

Here we go.

First shot.

Three, two, one, launch.

Troyzan connects and tarzan


Nice, baby!

Jeff: both connect on their

First hit.

Great job.

You got this, tarzan.

Jeff: next round, three,

Two, one.


Jeff: troyzan connects on

His second shot.

It's okay, it's all right.

Jeff: tarzan just misses.

Troyzan in the lead now.

Knocking out targets is part of

The goal.

Making them in a line is the


Next shot when you're ready.

Troyzan knocks outaise third


Tarzan knocks out his second


Nice, baby.

Jeff: both guys one shot

Away from winning.

Troyzan trying to hit either the

Lower left target or dead center

In the middle to connect three.

Tarzan needs to hit the lower


Here we go.

Troyzan must win this challenge

To stay in this game.

And just misses.

Tarzan knocks out his third


Nierks baby.

Tarzan now has a few more

Options for the win.

He can go top left, bottom left,

Or middle bottom.

Could be the last shot right


When you're ready.

Tarzan just misses.

Troyzan knocks out his third

Target in a row.


Jeff: troyzan wins






Don't ( bleep ) with me.

That's, like--

You just bought one round.

That's it.

I'm going to continue like


I'm competitive.

Let's go, then, keep bringing


All right.

Come on, keep bringing it.

Let's go.

You guys are scared to death.

Oh, really?


I've been going 50%.

Now, let's go.

You want to keep scrambling, do


Jeff: troyzan, come on


Sounds like you definitely

Needed it.

You earned it.

Troyzan is safe at tonight's

Tribal council.

As for the rest of you, somebody

Going home tonight.

Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

I'll see you at tribal.

We'll figure it out.


Thank you.

Can I say something?

Yes, you may.

Of course.

You need to know, I like you.

But, please, if you win, be


It looks bad.

I'm highly competitive


This is the way that I am.

Everyone's personality is


I'm frustrated because I know

Everyone's against me.

If there were seven people

Against you and you just felt

Like you beat seven people, you

Might scream, too.

I can't change my personality

Midstream and be like, oh, I

Want to be some noble guy and

Just go like-- bow.

I just want to say.

I'm your friend.

Shake my hand.

I'm still anything to try to

Beat you.

Okay, great.

I would hope that you would.


This thing feels outstanding.

It is like a-- it changes my

Whole day.

It changes everybody else's

Happy-go-lucky mood to, now



Does he have an immunity idol as


It's like their worst-case

Scenario, their worst-case


Troy wins.




Well, what I thought is we

Keep our strongest women in till

We have to take them out.


The second thought is he has

An idol.

You think?

I think.

Then my second thought was, if

We took another guy out, I'd say


But then it's like that's

Someone we could beat over a


But if we take a girl it's just

Going to--

I think-- that's my thought.

I think as long as leif's here

We need to keep it simple.

If we try to pull a move, he'll

Feel it, he'll get wind of it.

He'll flip everything upside


The one thing all of us

Didn't want to happen today was

For troy to win and it happened.

So immediately you start to

Think about tribal.

I think if we were to take a

Girl out right now, it would do

Nothing but create chaos and

Paranoia, and that's the last

Thing we need right now.

So it's easy to take either

Tarzan out or leif out.

So everyone's voting me out?


Everyone's voting me out.

You or me.

One of the two of us.



You don't know.

They may go after--

Have you talked to anybody at


They're being very coy.

So I don't care.


I should have won today.

Then I'd be safe.

But I couldn't-- I couldn't beat


He's too good.

The best strategy for me

Tonight is I'm going to talk to

Leif, christina, alaes, and


I'm going to be point blank,

Like, you are on the bottom.

So if you're stock market come

Along with me, and we have five

Votes, and we vote out kim.

Look at this.

Here's the scenario.

It's kim, chelsea, kat, sabrina.

Those are four strong players.

So now I have the immunity


You guys have a chance to do

Something huge.

I know.

And if you get rid of one of

Those players, then all of a

Sudden, you can pick them all


We break off those four girls

Over there and basically you

Could pick them off one by one.

It would not be that difficult.

To me there are four people that

Are, like, you know, treated

Like they're the bottom.


And that they're going.


Me included.

You, leif, christina and



That's four.

I could join you guys to make



You could get rid of a huge


That would be the best scenario.

The worst would be, like,

Probably if you they decide to

Vote out a leif or christina

Because that takes away any

Chance I have of situation

Someone to vote, and the girls

Have major control.

Kim, chelsea, sabrina and kat

Are together.

And they're strong together.

And they're not going to tell

You guys that they are.

They're just going to basically

Act like, okay, you're with us.

And this is how shu vote.

If you four would get together

And really get together, you can

Move yourself-- and I said, you

Know, you guys can move

Yourselves ahead.

Why are you going to stick with

"The plan" if your plan is

Basically for those girls to

Vote you out number six or

Seven, whatever?

You know.

Five, you could go to four




What's to stop you and

Tarzan, leif, and christina

Getting rid of a strong person

Right now?

Now it's 5-4.

Oh, no, I definitely

Understand what you're saying.

I totally do.

And, like, I feel like I don't

Want to make a rash decision

Right now.


But, like, that is something

That I'm not closing my door to.


>>Un, troy is on to something.

Let's say troy comes out to be

This, like, god of, you know,

Immunity challenges.

You know, I'm going to side with


I'm no dummy.

I need to be the first one.

It's something I have to think


I'm hoping this group all

Come along with me.

Vote for kim.

I'll vote for kim and they can

All be at five today.

This is the only opportunity

You're going to get.

It's that simple.

Be with me.

You can't go wrong.

You can't go wrong.

Jeff: I'll now bring in the

Members of our jury.



And jay, voted out at the last

Tribal council.

So at both the auction and the

Challenge today, troyzan, there

Was a lot of animosity, a lot of

Energy directed really from you

To all of the women.


It's like I told them that's my

Competitive juices coming out,

And that's just the way I


It was obvious there wasn't a

Soul that was rooting for me.

What do you expect when you

Point in our face--

Say what?

What do you expect when you

Point in our faces and you're

Like, "you will never beat me.

This is my ( bleep ) island."

And you said ( bleep ) you.

No, I said don't ( bleep )

With me.

There's a big difference.

Do you expect for to us have

A great reciprocity.

No, while the thing was going
on you guys could give a crap.

Don't make us look like the
bad guys.

I'm not making you look like


You're making yourselves look

Like what you are.

You're a great competitor,

But in the last 48 hours I have

Seen you morph into a treature I

Can't identify.

It's so terrible.


The ultimate terror.

Big deal.

Do you think I really care?

I'm saying you can't be all

Extreme in one way.

No matter how long you outwit,

Outplay, outlast someone, you

Have took somewhat likable.

You're not my mother saying

What I can and can't do.

You're saying I can to this and

I can't do that.

I didn't say that.

You did say that.

What you're saying is wrong.

I'm just speaking the truth.

If you can't handle the truth--

Jew nosthis is truth in


There is the ultimate truth

Coming from sabrina who

Basically deceived me and lied

To jay.

What's next, mrs. Truth?

You lied.

I am two--

Did you lie, yes or no?

Yes or no.


Oh, yeah, right.

Why are you getting upset,


I'm not getting upset.

I'm not either.

I'm not raising my voice.

I'm not either.

This is my tone of voice.

This is my tone of voice as


Jeff: chelsea, in the

Context of competition, you've

Got to respect a guy who is

Fighting to stay in this game

Because right now, if it's men

Versus women, you have three

Guys who are in trouble, unless

Something happens.

Yeah, and today the whole

Paranoia thing set in.

And I started thinking about the

Old manono.

Jeff: who is the old


There's tarzan, leif,

Christina, alecia, and of course
I think troy is trying to switch
and get all the people together

On his side.

But it's, like, tarzan, leif,

And christina are going next.

It's the facts.

Kim, chelsea, sabrina, and kat.

Those four can do whatever they


I told these guys today, listen,

Right now, you have my vote.

And you have my for immunities.

But you can go from getting

Voted out tonight, tarzan,

Getting voted out tonight, leif,

Getting voted out tonight, to

Automatically guarantee yourself

To be at five, and they can do

It right now.

If they would vote kim out.

That's all it would take.

But what you're promising

Them is only going to work if

You win every single immunity


No, it's not.

I beat you on the last one.

That's not true.

Are you beatable.

If we're a group, you don't

Get immunity, we vote sabrina


If we're smart we vote kim out


If you don't get immunity, we

Vote you out.

That's not true because we

Would have five against four.

You can't.

To me the fault with all of

This logic is everybody is

Making a lot of assumptions, and

Nobody knows whoalize where and

Who is with who.

If it was that simple and

Christina and alecia were at the

Bottom that would be the truth.

That's not the case.

Jeff: kristina, walk me

Through what you have to weigh

When you hear troyzan's pitch.

I mean, troyzan puts out a

Really interesting proposition.

It's basic math.

Five against four.

It also puts me in an

Interesting situation as well.

Like, I do believe in the

Original alliance I had from the

Salani tribe.

The bottom line is, this game is
about deception.

This game is about outwit,
outlast, outplay, so it's good

To hear options that are out

Jeff: alicia, what happens

If somebody flips?

What would do do to this game?

If any of us would split or

Any of us would go to troy, the

Girls would be screwed.

It's not going to me.

It's for yourselves.

I understand that.

I also have the same concerns as


Do I trust somebody all of a

Sudden now?

Jeff: it really does come

Down to that, doesn't it?

When do I make a move?

Yeah, that's what I'm

Struggling with.

Jeff: well, one thing we

Know for sure, it will not be


You cannot vote for him.

Everybody else is fair game.

It is time to vote.

Troyzan, you're up.

Kim, you're a fantastic


And probably the best girl here.

Leif, I think you have been

Really wishy-washy from day one

And it makes everyone feel a

Little uneasy.

Little uneasy.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.

Okay, once the votes are read,

The decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote, leif.



That's three votes leif.



Two votes kim.



That's two votes tarzan.


We're tied.

Three votes tarzan.

Three votes leif.

Two votes kim.

One vote left.

Tenth person voted out and the

Fourth member of our jury, leif.

You need to bring me your torch.

Leif, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Bye, guys.

Jeff: well, tarzan and

Troyzan, it would appear you

Have two options -- win immunity

Or find a way in.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Captioning brought to you by
survivor productions, cbs,

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on


The women are fighting.

This is my worst day out


Jeff: troyzan moves in for

The k*ll.

You need to wake up.

What would be your master


If you want me to give you a

Vote, I'll give you a vote.

I need three people in whom I

Can be the fourth and that would

Turn everything upside down.

That would be beautiful.

One of the number one things
I've always wanted to do, being
able to sleep under the stars

And really just take it all in.
The whole guy and girl thing,

That definitely was an
interesting thing.

I can't believe I'm here.

It kind of feels like it was
coming sooner or later.
I definitely gave it my all.