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01x29 - Giants and Cubs

Posted: 05/12/24 12:17
by bunniefuu
Woman: ♪ hey, now... ♪

♪ Hey, wow... ♪

♪ Here's how ♪

♪ Come and read ♪

♪ Between the lions ♪

Chorus: ♪ come on ♪

♪ Come in ♪

♪ Begin ♪

♪ The world awaits ♪

Woman: ♪ between the lions ♪

♪ Between the covers of a book ♪

♪ It's time to look between the lions ♪

♪ Behold the tales beyond the tails ♪

Chorus: ♪ behind the door ♪

♪ Become, explore ♪

♪ Come in between the lions ♪

♪ Begin between the lions ♪

♪ Be here between the lions! ♪

Theo: and so the tiger says

I'm not lying, he's the cheetah.

( Both laugh )

Oh, uh... Hi, mr. Webster.


I was wondering

If you had books with words that I don't know.

Oh, we have a rhyming dictionary

Over in the reference section.

Oh, this is terrible.

This is just terrible.

What's terrible, lionel?


Cleo: "giants clobber cubs."

Oh, they clobbered them.

They clobbered them!

( Sighs )

( Clears throat )

Oh, sorry.

Theo, I'll help this patron;

You talk to lionel.

About what?

That "giants clobbered cubs" thing.

Oh, right-- right!

Come along, mr. Webster.

So, lionel, that headline upsets you?

The headlines?

The headlines are just the beginning.

Listen to this.


( Growls )

Oh, those giants.

I really hate them.

Oh, now, lionel, it's only a baseball game.

Just because they beat your favorite team

Is no reason to hate them.

Well, yeah, I suppose.

How about I can't stand those giants.

I despise them.

Nice vocabulary, son.

But I bet if you met the giants

You'd like them.

Ha! I'd rather restock books every saturday

For the rest of my life.

Know what? You know what?

I think we should ask click

To pull some giants out of this newspaper

So you can meet them.

Then you'd see that they're not so bad.

Oh, no, no, no, I don't want to meet them.

Oh, sure, you do.

Click! Oh, click!

Oh, no way.

I don't want to meet any giants.

That's no good...

Lionel: the giants should be picking on somebody their own size.

I don't think that's right.

( Leona growls )

Oh, I just want to talk to somebody about this.

( Continues teasing growl )

Oh, you sure are crabby today, lionel.

What's the matter?

Oh, dad's going to ask click to bring some giants

Into the library so I can meet them.


Yeah, and these are the giants

That clobbered the cubs yesterday.

They clobbered the cubs?

Yeah, they clobbered them.



Uh... Cubs.


What's "clobbered"?

The word "clobbered"--

Well, it's funny you should ask.

( Rock music playing )

Man: ♪ when you bonk somethin' conk somethin' ♪

♪ Give somethin' a clout ♪

♪ It's been clobbered! ♪

♪ When you bash somethin', smash somethin' ♪

♪ Knock it all about ♪

♪ It's been clobbered! ♪

♪ When you belt somethin', pelt somethin' ♪

♪ Club it with a bat ♪

♪ Bump somethin', thump somethin' ♪

♪ Pound it till it's flat ♪

♪ There's a simple word that tells you where it's at ♪

♪ The word is "clobbered." ♪

♪ Yeah, clobbered! ♪

♪ You can whack somethin', crack somethin' ♪

♪ Break it right in two ♪

♪ Bop somethin', whop it ♪

♪ Till there's nothin' left but goo ♪

♪ There's a simple word that tells you what was done to it ♪

♪ "Clobbered" is the word ♪

♪ But you already knew it. ♪

♪ We already knew it ♪

♪ When you punch somethin' ♪

♪ Crunch somethin' ♪

♪ Give somethin' a beatin' ♪

♪ It's been clobbered. ♪

♪ Clobbered ♪

♪ When you slap somethin', rap somethin' ♪

♪ Folks, it's worth repeatin' ♪

♪ It's been clobbered. ♪

♪ Yeah, clobbered ♪

♪ Yeah, when you bang somethin', clang somethin' ♪

♪ Kick it down the hall ♪

♪ Ram or wham or slam it ♪

♪ Smack it up against the wall ♪

♪ Club it or you drub it ♪

♪ Till there's nothin' left at all ♪

♪ It's been clobbered! ♪

♪ Yeah, clobbered! ♪

♪ It's been clobbered. ♪

♪ Clobbered! ♪

( Giggles )


So the giants clobbered the cubs-- oh.

But wait a minute.

I'm a cub, and... And...

The giants are coming to the library to clobber the cubs.

( Screams ): lionel!

Announcer: and now, lovers of the vowels "a," "e," "i," "o," "u"

And sometimes "y"

Give it up for martha reader and the vowelles

As they sing the short "u" sound

From their bubbly hit word, "tub."

( Martha sings short "u" sound )

( Vowelles respond with short "u" sound )

( Call and respond tempo becomes faster )

( Tempo slows down )

( Song ends; cheering and applause )

B-- oh!


( Imitates buzzing )

( Sounds out "b" )




B... Uzz.



( Imitates buzzing )

And now it's time for everyone's favorite show...

Not as smart as...

Audience: a puck!

The game where you can win if you prove you're...

Not as smart as...

Audience: a puck!

Welcome very much.

I am your host, arty smartypants.

( Applause )

And these are my smartypants!

And this is my beautiful assistant

My marmy, mrs. Smarmy smartypants.

Hello-- get out of here!-- Sonny boy arty!

Okay, enough chitchat.

Let us get to the show before we are canceled.

Who will challenge our puck today, marmy?

Today, our very special guest challenger is chuck.

( Fanfare; light applause )


All right, chuck, this is your question.

I will get it out of my smartypants.

( Audience oohs )

"What is your name?"

( Timer clicking )


( Buzzer sounds )

Oh, I'm sorry, chuck, you are correct.

Okay, and now to our puck!

Puck, your question is:

"What is your name?"

( Timer clicking )

You only have ten seconds.

Marmy, give him a hint.

Okay, puck, here's your...

Here's your hint:

The answer starts with the letter "p."

And then it's followed by "u," "c" and "k"-- "uck."

( Whispers ): puck.

( Bell ringing )

( Audience groaning )

I'm sorry, chuck, you lose.

Nice try, but, chuck, you are smarter than a puck!

Give him a hand anyway, audience.

( Light applause )

Better luck next time on...

Bunny: not as smart as...

Audience: a puck!

( Playing tune on guitar )

One thing I love about grubby pup is

That his name's got the "uh" "u" sound in it: grubby pup.

Here's a little song about him.

♪ Well, I don't lug too much stuff ♪

♪ Just the stuff I need ♪

♪ Plus my dog, grubby pup ♪

♪ He's a chum, indeed ♪

♪ Me and my grubby pup ♪

♪ Just a hunk o' junk ♪

♪ New and blue when I was two ♪

♪ Now he's lookin' punk. ♪

♪ Oh, grubby pup ♪

♪ Hey, grubby pup ♪

♪ Sit, grubby pup ♪

♪ Stay, grubby pup. ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ Puddle-jumped through the mud ♪

♪ And cuddled through the years ♪

♪ Scrubbed with pup in the tub ♪

♪ Till he lost his ears ♪

♪ Left behind at schooltime ♪

♪ But later on in bed ♪

♪ Snug as a bug in a rug ♪

♪ I hugged him to a shred. ♪

♪ Oh, grubby pup ♪

♪ Hey, grubby pup ♪

♪ Sit, grubby pup ♪

♪ Stay, grubby pup. ♪

♪ Well, mostly now grubby pup ♪

♪ Never sees the sun ♪

♪ But just 'cause I'm all grown up ♪

♪ Don't mean love is done ♪

♪ And we still have fun. ♪

Good boy.

( Song ends )

( Footsteps thumping )

( Sighs )

( Gasps )






( Chuckles )

Heath the thesaurus here

With ten diminutive, small, short, itty-bitty

Little tiny words that pop up

In just about anything you want to read or write.

( Laughs )

( Music featuring saxophone playing )

( Singing )

♪ Ten small words got to learn by sight. ♪

♪ They're ten small words for to read and write ♪

♪ Golly, gee, here's "the" and "to" ♪

♪ Mercy, me, here's "a" and "you" ♪

♪ "In" is a winner anyone could love ♪


♪ Tip your hat to "that" and "and" ♪

♪ "It" is a hit and "is" is grand ♪

♪ And there's no word I'm fonder of than "of" ♪

♪ Let me tell you now... ♪

♪ Read these words every chance you can, oh... ♪

♪ Ten small words, and I'm their biggest fan ♪

♪ Ten small words, and I'm their biggest fan. ♪


( Chuckling )

I tried to explain it to him...

Leona: lionel!

Lionel, lionel, lionel

Now I know why you didn't want dad

To bring those giants into the library.

You do?

Yes, we got to do something.

Well, of course, we do, but...

How can a cub stop a parent

From making the biggest mistake of his life?

I don't know.

Oh, look, click.

They can't bring the giants into the library

If they don't have click.

Not now, leona, I'm thinking.


( Gasps )

I got a great idea.


Dad can't bring the giants

Into the library without click.


( Click squeals )

You did not scare me.

( Theo and cleo calling out for click )

Here they come.




Oh, hey, lionel and leona.

You seen click anywhere?

Uh, what?

Me? Seen click?

You know, dad, that depends on what you mean by "see."

Now, right now, I don't see her anywhere, do you?

Uh... No, I don't see her anywhere.


Ah... Well, here's click's cord.

She has to be at the other end of it.


Where could this possibly lead to?

( Grunts )




I am seeing parts of this library I never knew existed

Like this hairy table.

Oh, click, how did you get up there?

Oh, come on, click.

Here we go.

Let's bring those giants into the library, hmm?

Oh, well, might as well get this over with.

( Sighs )

Well, i... I...

Mommy... Mom!

Yes, leona?

Why are you doing this?

Because we want lionel to meet the giants.

You might like to meet the giants, too.

Come on.



( Quivering )

The giants are coming.

They clobber cubs.

What am I going to do? What am I going to do?

Well, if I can't stop the giants

From coming into this library

I can at least be prepared.

♪ ♪ ♪

Man: ♪ there once was a seafaring bug ♪

♪ Who set sail in a leaky old tug ♪

♪ Whose "t," sad to tell ♪

♪ Quickly changed to "g-l" ♪

♪ And it sank with a glug-glug-glug-glug, oh, yeah! ♪

♪ It sank with a glug-glug-glug-glug! ♪


( Crowd cheering )


Gawain here once again at blending fields

Where two brave knights in armor

Will charge together at high speed and make a word.

Competing today, we have sir "h"...

And on your right, sir "ug."

Blend on, dudes.

( Crowd cheering )

Both ( chuckling ): aw!

Gawain: "hug"!

Aw, excellent!

That's gawain's word for today

And this is gawain saying see you next time on...

Woman: cub.

( Whispers ): silent "e."


Can't we get some fresh fruit in here?

What's all these donuts all the time?

Eggs are so...

Okay, girls, now remember

We're singing about trouble with silent "e"

And you got to feel it.

Do you feel it?!

Oh, yeah, we're feeling it, baby.

Righteous, we're ready.

B.b. The king of beasts, "silent 'e' blues," take one.

( Bluesy tune playing )

♪ I woke up this morning, went to my local coffee bar... ♪

♪ Coffee bar, coffee bar... ♪

♪ Yes, I woke up this morning ♪

♪ Went to my favorite coffee bar... ♪

♪ Coffee bar, coffee bar... ♪

♪ But I found that bar was bare ♪

♪ This time that silent "e" has gone too far. ♪

♪ Silent "e," you've gone too far. ♪

♪ Oh, silent "e"... ♪

♪ Silent "e"... ♪

♪ My silent "e"... ♪

♪ Silent "e"... ♪

♪ Don't say a thing ♪

♪ Just sit there quietly. ♪

♪ Silent "e"... ♪

♪ But you turned my pal to pale ♪

♪ Man! Why'd you do that, silent "e"? ♪

♪ Why'd you do that, silent "e"? ♪

♪ You turned my bit to bite, turned my tap to tape ♪

♪ Turned my kit to kite, turned my scrap to scrape ♪

♪ Turned my can to cane, turned my tub to tube ♪

♪ But the last straw was when you turned ♪

♪ My cub into a cube. ♪

♪ Oh, silent "e"... ♪

♪ Silent "e"... ♪

♪ My silent "e"... ♪

♪ Silent "e"... ♪

♪ Don't say a thing ♪

♪ Just sit so quietly. ♪

♪ Silent "e." ♪

♪ But you turned my slim to slime ♪

♪ You turned my twin to twine ♪

♪ Oh, why did you do it, silent "e"? ♪

♪ Silent "e"... ♪

♪ Oh, what you done to me. ♪

( Song ends )

( B.b. Crying )

Backup singers: aw! Oh!

Don't cry.

( Blows nose noisily )

It's a plan, it's a plane, it's "silent 'e' man."

Man: ♪ these vowels have a problem ♪

♪ And silent "e"'s to blame ♪

♪ Instead of... ( Singing short vowel sounds ) ♪

♪ He makes them say their name ♪

♪ He's changed their sounds ♪

♪ To "a" and "e" and "i" and "o" and "u" ♪

Deep voice: ♪ with powers like that ♪

♪ Just think about the damage he can do ♪

Lead singer: ♪ silent "e" ♪

♪ He changed this cub into a cube ♪

♪ Silent "e" ♪

♪ He changed this tub into a tube ♪

♪ He changed this twin to twine ♪

♪ He changed this can into a cane ♪

Deep voice: ♪ and this brave man must stop him before he strikes again. ♪

Silent "e," your vowel-sound- changing days are over!

I'm carting you off to the slammer!

But of course, you have the right to remain silent.

Look! A note from silent "e."

It says...

( Reading letter aloud )

Well, sure.

I don't see any harm in that.

♪ Oh, yeah! ♪

♪ Silent "e" ♪

♪ He changed the cap into a cape ♪

♪ Silent "e" ♪

♪ He's making his escape ♪

♪ Silent "e" ♪

♪ Our story's sad but true ♪

Deep voice: ♪ he's flying out the window and there's nothing we can do. ♪

Well, silent "e"

You may have slipped out of my grasp this time

But mark my words: I'll get you yet!

( Chuckles )

Okay, lionel, you ready to meet some giants?


You're going to love them, son.

Click, please drag and drop the giants

Out of the sports section and into the library.

Initiating drag and drop giants.

( Crowd cheering )

Mouse exiting to tumultuous applause.

Hey, this isn't the ballpark.

Where are we?

Anywhere's better than that newspaper.

Look at me.

I'm all wrinkled.

It's an improvement, if you ask me.

( All chuckle )

Lionel, meet the giants.

( Players greet lionel )

Oh, he's a little upset about your game

Against the cubs yesterday.

( Growls )

"Giants clobber cubs."

Sure did, didn't we?

Well, he's a very big cubs fan.





Lionel, I think we know how you feel.

No, you don't.

How could you possibly know how I feel?

( Sighs )

You guys clobbered the cubs.


We don't always.

Remember that game against the cubs last season?

I'll never forget it.

I carry the newspaper article with me for inspiration.

Oh, here, take a look.

( Crowd cheering )


Wow... Harsh.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

You don't get mad about it.

There's always another game tomorrow.

Yeah, and maybe tomorrow, the cubs will clobber you.

They might.

( Both chuckle )

I'm ready.

No giant's going to clobber my brother.

Look out, she's got a bat.

Slide, slide.

Stand back.

Okay, where are they? Where are they?

( Clears throat )

Right here.

( Players grunt nervously )

Those are the giants that clobbered the cubs?


There is so much I don't understand.

Leona, honey, those are the baseball giants.

That's the name of their team.


I knew that.

( Laughs hysterically )

No, you didn't.

You thought they were fee-fi-fo-fum giants

Who clobber cubs like us, didn't you?

That's a common mistake made by lions, bears

And other animals that have cubs.

Yeah, happens all the time, kid... Uh, cub.

So these baseball guys clobbered some cubs?

Oh, leona, "clobbered" means that they beat them

In a game by a lot of runs.

Yeah, a lot of runs.

Which means, if we want to beat them again tomorrow

We better get back to practice.


Right... Click!

Click: yes.

Oh, there you are.

Click, please drag the giants back home.

Commencing giants drag and drop.



Where's it going?



Both: whoa!

( Crowd cheering )


Nice meeting you.

Player: oh, hey, kid!

Here, catch!

Wow! It's autographed.


( Thud )


You really did think that the giants who clobbered the cubs

Were the great big scary fee-fi-fo-fum giants

Didn't you?

Well, maybe.

Mmm, well, if you ever have a worry like that again, tell us.

We'll help.

Your father and I would never bring anything

Into this library that might hurt you or your brother.

Well, how do I know that?

I've only known you for, what, four years?

Well, now you know.

Now I know.


( Kisses )

( Kisses )

Thanks, mom.

You're welcome, leona.


Strike three.

Leona clobbered the giants.


I suppose you could say

That all this silliness was worth it

Because that little cub learned a good lesson.

You can say it, but I won't.

I have a reputation to uphold.

I also have a nose that can do this.

( Giggles )

Deedle-eedle-ink, deedle-eedle-ink.

There are games and stories at the between the lions web site:

Cleo: reading to children every day helps create a love of reading.

Read anytime, anywhere.

Help a child get wild about reading.

Be a designated reader.

Okay, mom!

( Both laughing )

Do your "designated reader" thing!

♪ ♪ ♪

Chorus: ♪ between the lions... ♪

♪ Between the lions... ♪

Woman: ♪ come in between the lions ♪

♪ Begin between the lions ♪

♪ Be here between the lions! ♪

Cleo: between the lions is funded in part by...