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05x07 - Here Comes the Night

Posted: 01/19/15 07:36
by bunniefuu
Narrator: Last time on Lost Girl.

Dyson: I found this symbol on all of their bodies.

It's a Triskele.

Bo: Three humans, all k*lled in the elevator crash.

And then possessed by some kind of Fae.

What can I get you?


The Ancients called this drink "the drink of prophecy".

It's my husband, he died a few weeks ago. I saw him.

Hello, again.

Well, you just keep popping up.

Everything is gonna go boom.

Bo: You're feeding off the crowd.


Trick: The Ancients are the most powerful Fae family that ever lived.

(Thunder crashing)

(Sirens wailing)

(People screaming in agony)

Over here.

(People continue to scream in agony)

Someone's there.


Hasn't every annoying person ever told you: lift with your legs.

Way to make light of a heavy situation.

Oh my god, go, go, go!

Oh my god.

Here, give me your hand.

You're okay.

Tornado's headed east.

I've got ambulances in a safe zone on 5th.

Good work.

I'll take care of them.

It's like a b*ttlefield out here.

And I've seen my share.

Shit got real.

I've never seen anything like this.

As long as we're together we can take on anything.

You're my girl.


Yeah, girl?

Never mind.

Oh my gods.

Oh Pythia, Dedona, Cassie.

Come on.


It's almost time.

Look alive, Oracles.


My little eyeless wonders.


All: Only in the darkness can we see the light.

Only in the darkness can we see the light...




Reporter: The wind is constant and more rain is forecast.

And lightning continues to touch down across the city.

Meteorologists are still stumped as to why there were no warnings and so far no explanation for this bizarrely localized storm.

The department of safety is urging the public to remain indoors until further notice.

Apocalypse anyone?

Sounds like somebody's trying to send us a message.

Good 'cause we're not equipped for the end of the world.

Even with Cassie missing, we only have room for one more patient.

How about three?

Give me the 411.

The Ancients are behind this.

We saw their symbol.

What? The same ones that were on the victims' bodies?


And now a mark from the storm.

Like a big-ass crop circle.

At least we know they aren't subtle.

Dyson: Yeah, but we still can't find them.

I'm working on it.

Hey, what do you say we go sweep the streets?

Make sure no one's left behind.

It's okay, go, go!

Dr. L, I need you stat, and about 10 more of you.

I'm worried that someone's going to use this chaos to try to take Lauren's serum.

I'll stay.

You guys be careful.



About that apocalypse?

Okay, don't anybody panic, we have everything completely under control.


You were saying?

It's Evony's cryo box.

I love storms!


(Rain dripping inside)


Zeus was so frustrated with the human's impiety, that he flooded the Earth to destroy mankind.

He used Hera's messenger Iris, the Rainbow god, to do it.

Wait, wait, wait, let me get something straight.

When you say gods, you actually mean...

Trick: Fae.

So powerful, that a long time ago, humans worshipped them.

Whoa, hold the lift.

If Zeus and his ancient bunch are wreaking havoc in our colony's skies, why am I stuck here in Cheers with you lot?

I feel like I've picked the worst lane in the shittiest traffic of all time.


Get me some candles.

Oh, by all means.

I love taking orders from the man with the leaky roofs and the piss sticky floors.

I mop, I swear!

Well, if it's the end of the world I may as well get tipsy.


Oh, that's lovely.



Surprise, yes.

(Thunder crashing)

Man, I really do love storms.

Yeah, so we've heard.

You do know Trick is gonna blame me for that, right?


Alright then.

We don't to get you in trouble then, now do we, Danny Zuko?

Come on, let's go.

Has the weather affected your noggin?

Atmospheric pressure, or something?

I feel great.

Okay. Good then, let's go and get candles.

What kind do you want?

Thick or... long?

Ideally a bit 'a both, actually.

Where are you...



No, no, no.

But... yes.

I don't think your father will be too pleased if he knows what you're taking at the moment.

Sweet storm, that feels...


That's so wrong.

Do you know Dyson despises every fiber of my wretched being?

You talk too much.

Yeah, well...

If I were a god where would I be?


Big fluffy white cloud in the sky.

Do you have any cream cheese?

You smell good wet.

Yeah, I do.


Streets are under control, surprisingly no fatalities.

Then why unleash a tornado?

Maybe it's not about the tornado.

Maybe it's about the aftermath.




And not the wake up on a Saturday morning at the Four Seasons kind.

I re-checked her human body's residence.


So's the PR firm.

Well, I did find this.

Alicia must've put these up.

I asked her to leave town.

She saw her supposedly dead husband walking around after he died in an elevator crash.

I wouldn't leave town if I was her, I'd want answers.

She's human.

I can't just say his body was taken over by an Ancient.

I need you to wipe the city clean of any evidence of the gods.

Their symbols, those posters.

Whatever you can find.

I'm gonna go check the clinic.


I'm not jealous of Lauren!

Bo's a Succubus.

There's always gonna be other people, it's in her nature.

It's not the other people that I'm worried about.

It's just the one.

Hey, where are you going?

To see about a girl.


Come on, this thing's on a generator that has it's own backup generator.

That's on a backup generator?

How... how is it not enough power?!

Uh, with Evony, nothing's ever enough.

Please tell me this thing is about to unleash a lifetime supply of fro-yo.

Try one of the oldest and most dangerous Fae to ever walk the earth.


What do we do?

Cryo box: system down in: 90 seconds.

Evacuate. Evacuate. Evacuate.

Evacuate it is.

Cryo box: Evacuate. Evacuate.

Cryo box: Evacuate, evacuate, evacuate.

The robot voice Lady can shut the Fae up.

Sam's getting everybody out.

Ambulances are routing patients to the nearest hospital.

Cryo box: Evacuate, evacuate, evacuate, evacuate, evacuate.

Containment system down in 10 seconds.

Are you ready?

All my life.



I see your huh and I raise you "Are you freaking kidding me?!"

Evony Fleurette Marquise, I despise you.

Yet, you continue to work for her.

All of this is for her.

To make her Fae again.

Yeah. Yeah, it is.

Don't you think we should save the generator power for something more important?

(Music gets louder)

She could be listening.

I know what I'm doing.

You need to trust me.

I'm getting to live my lifelong dream.

Treating humans.


Conducting research.

And none of this has anything to do with turning Evony Fae again.

I don't work for anybody but myself.

You know how to seize an opportunity.

Well, for some of us, life is shorter.

Then let's make it count.


Can I help you?

What are you doing here?

Alicia: Kevin, who is it?

Detective Dyson.

Oh, you know him?

I was assigned to your case.

I thought I'd check in.

Your department told me I couldn't see Kevin's body because it was too damaged.

They handed me an urn.

My husbands supposed ashes were sitting on my fireplace mantle!

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

I appreciate your concern, detective.

But as you can see I'm home safe.

No thanks to you and your department, I might add.

So where were you?

I woke up on the side of Highway 6.

Stumbled around until I got my bearings and then I found Alicia.

Do you mind if I come inside and take your statement?

Well, we were in the middle of making hot cocoa.

Well, I'd love some.



Soul singer?

Hey, help me unload again?

I beg your pardon?

Come on, man, just give me a quick hand.


Right here?

I'm sorry, are there other dishes to unload somewhere in the future that I don't know about?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, dishes.

Yeah, I can certainly help you with that.

I thought you were referring to the... you know.

The thing that happened in the keg room.

Bobbing for candles.

I need another drink.

Evony: It's on me.

Wow, dim light does wonders for this crowd!

Except for you, your eyes still look sunken in.

Mark, meet Evony, whose only redeeming feature is her filthy rich husband.

Mm, means I should get a good tip then.

Speaking of tips: what bronzer do you use?

It's so St. Tropez.

I'm sorry; what's bronzer?

Dyson's offspring.

Explains the face.

J'adore storms.

Now that I'm human, they make me feel so... quivery.


Not over role playing are we, Mrs. Robinson?

If DustHof helped you find your Fae spot in an IHOP bathroom, you wouldn't be over it either.

Mesmer me shocked, you have a crush on Teen Wolf.

This is Fae territory, you're not meant to be here.

Oh Vex.

Once Fae, always Fae.

Now put your little Wellies on.

We're going singing in the rain.

I don't take orders from you anymore.

I need you.

Power outage means you know what is on the loose.


Has he k*lled the Monopoly Man?

Hubby and his monocle are safe.

I had it stored at my clinic.

You want to regain control of your little serum.

And Lauren?

What she doesn't see will most definitely hurt her.

I wish we could lay here forever.

Well, since tonight is about seizing the moment...

Why don't I pop open my Château Mouton Rothschild?

I have no idea what you just said.

Oh hey, I didn't know you were back.

We were just...




He's dead.

Evony wasn't lying after all.

There is a monster...

And it's invisible.

And I was like...

I must be dreaming.

But there he was.

Standing outside my door.

The man I fell in love with, who I thought died.

Alright, Kevin, how 'bout I take your statement, for the police record.

In your own words, what exactly happened?

Like I said.

I don't know what happened or where I had been, I just woke up on a side street.

I thought you said highway.

Yes, yes, Highway 7.

Uh, he means 6.

You have to forgive me, I'm still a bit out of it.

Excuse me.

I know who you are.

Well, then you'll know to keep your distance.


Kidnapping oracles.

Destroying the city.

This all stops... Tonight.
I'm not done playing house yet.

Oh god, marshmallows!

I love these little things.

So, what were you two talking about?

Mm, well, I was just telling Dyson here how I'm about to k*ll you.

Dyson: Let her go!


My name is Hera.




Always a crowd pleaser.

Now, where were we?

Oh yes.

k*ll her.

Kevin hated marshmallows.

This damn human body.

I'll be back for yours.

First Lisa.

Now Sam.

Hey, this was not your fault.

I know, I know, I know.

I haven't felt this guilty since my Karen Beattie days.



You choose now to tell me about your former identity?

It's the trauma, it ixnays my filter.

Hey, I'll take whatever I can get.

Karen Beattie all over me.

It was a long time ago...

People died, it was my fault.

Guess we have more in common than I thought.

Lauren, you need to go.

I'll take care of this.

I'm not leaving you alone.

It's too dangerous.

Bo, look, I might not be as strong as you and Tamsin, but that doesn't mean that I can't fight.

(Glass breaking)

I'm not scared anymore.

Are you sure you don't want to stay at a hotel?

If you don't mind, I'd feel safer here.

It's a little lacking on charm but stay as long as you like.


I know you saw it too.

What happened?

He's not Kevin anymore.

Then who is he?

What is he?

I don't know.

But I'll help you find out.

I think I need to lie down.


You get some rest.

Everything's always better in the morning, right?


Thank you.


Shhh, she's sleeping.

She's pretty.

Who is she?

A human that needs protection.

Strange, I can usually smell you coming from a mile away.

Do I not smell like me?

Yeah, you do.

Must be the storm.

Can I tell you a secret?

I didn't think we had any.

I think about you... every day.

I think about you, too.

I just can't be with you right now.

I know.

Same old game.

Well maybe it's time you change your rules.

I've gotta say, this is a bit of a curve ball.

I'll give you a curve ball.

Not attractive?

No, a bit more on the painful side.



She's sleeping.

I'll be quiet.

Can't promise you'll be.

Even if you find your little serum, don't you think you're still gonna need Dr. Boring to help you with it?

She's not helping me, she's using me.

And I let her because I thought I didn't have a choice.

Now I'm taking things into my own rapidly wrinkling, human hands.

And do you know another doctor that treats Fae?

I'll find one.

A witch, a druid, a sorcerer with a rope for a belt if I have to!

What is that?

Is that a skin tag?


This is precisely why I need to be Fae again.

Skin tags!


If it gets close, you remember what to do.

How could I forget?

It's how you and I met.


You were a shattered little mess.

Yes, yes, I know.

You saved me.

Now get off your half ass and help me.

Of course, the serum's behind a bush.

When will I learn.



You looking for something?


Your monster k*lled one of my doctors.

And now you have the nerve to come in here and try and steal my work?

When that thing finds us, it's going to eat you both alive and then use me as a toothpick.

Because I'm the skinniest.

We are done taking sh*ts in the dark here, Evony.

How do we stop this thing before it does any more damage?

Nothing on this earth can k*ll it.

No chemical.

No w*apon.

Not even Lumberbutch over here.

(Thunder crashing)

I have an idea.



How are your throwing skills?

Uh, it's at an 82%.

On a good day.

Good enough.

Bo: Question is... what does it want most?

Oh no.

Oh yes.

You don't know what you're dealing with.

And I'm not talking invisible monster.

With the Ancients back, we're all ground meat.

Steak freakin' tartar, and hold the capers because there won't be time for condiments!

Oh, what a bunch of dusty old Fae.

What makes you think they're so dangerous?

I don't think, I know.


I used to date one.

All: Only in the darkness can we see the light.

Only in the darkness can we see the light.

Only in the darkness can we see the light.


I don't mind being a dangling freaking carrot.

Rain is great for my human hair.

What are you waiting for?

Come and get me!

For the love of Mike Nichols, now!

Oh come on, I had to share a room with my sisters growing up, at least you got your own.




You kept me in the dark for so long, it was your turn.

I was a big girl, Eros.

You should have just told me how you really felt instead of stringing me along and humiliating me.

I loved you.

And you chose that doormat, Psyche.

And I hate to lose.



Did she say Eros, as in Greek god?

Zeus' lightning.

Takes the power of an Ancient to k*ll an Ancient.

I guess everybody has their monsters, even Evony.



It's so good to see you.

In fine form.

I miss you too much.

I've been fooled like this before...

It's different this time.

It's true.

I'm true.

We'll be together again, soon.

What do you mean soon?

Holy orgy, Trick.

This isn't real, this isn't you.

Cassie: You are not the light.

Pythia: Only in the darkness can we see the light.

All: Only in the darkness can we see the light.

Only in the darkness can we see the light.

Only in the darkness can we see the light.

Only in the darkness can we see the light.

Only in the darkness can we see the light.

Trick, you're alright?

Has anybody else had an unusual interaction with someone today?

Something perhaps sexual in nature?

It's what I feared.

Oracle visions.

What do the visions mean?

They're trying to... arouse us.

So they can get close to our lips and extract our truth.

But these visions, they're just a ruse, right?

Not quite.

Within each vision, the oracles are required to deliver truth in order to extract truth.

Wait, wait, wait, hold on. I didn't see Kate Upton today.

I mean why didn't these oracles try to get up on me?

Yeah, why us?

I mean, what have I got in common with Trick and Frack here?

Bo, her blood.

It's in each of us.

From when we bound ourselves to her to defeat the Garuda.

Only in the darkness can they see the light.

The light is Bo's blood.

That storm wasn't meant to flood the earth, they simply wanted a power outage.

Dyson: So the oracles could see what they needed to.

Well, if Bo is the light, at least we kept them off her track for a while.

Trick: Zeus is known for giving oracles their vision.

He sent them.

He wants her truth, by why?

How do the oracles, you know, choose who they appear as?

I mean, it's just random, right?

You know, they just pick a name out of a hat?

Oracles are all knowing, Vex.

They appear to us as the person our heart most desires.

Why, who did you see?


Are you home?

Any luck finding the Ancients?

No, I was looking for you.

Sometimes it feels that's all I do.

What's that supposed to mean?

You chose me first for a reason.

Everything we've gone through, everything we've sacrificed... that was love.

And it's still there.

It doesn't go away.

No, it doesn't.

But it changes.

It does.

But know that I'll always be there for you.

I'm strong for you.

Dyson, why all this now?

Lauren: Because now is all we have.

Whoa, wait.

I'm pretty sure I was just talking to Dyson.

Bo, you're tired.

We both are.

I think the blackout's gotten the best of all of us.

This isn't real.

It's true, Bo.

I'm true.

As long as we're alive, as long as we're walking the earth, we can't not be together.

Looks like Lauren.

Smells like Lauren.

I even taste like me.

Give it a try.

Hades: Don't be afraid.



What was that?

The Ancients sent them for your truth.

What do they want with my granddaughter?

My father is Hades.

That's not possible.

He took Aife from the dark dungeons and brought her to Tartarus.

I saw where I was born, Trick.

In hell.

Persephone, my stepmother, she told me to take that candle from my father.

She told me to light it for her family.

What if lighting it brought them here?

And it caused the elevator to crash allowing them to take over human vessels.

It's time for us to meet the other side of the family.

Took you long enough.


She has it.

She has it and she doesn't even know.

You chained me, used me, showed me things that made me take out my own eyes.

I have given you everything you asked for, now please, let me go.

Okay, you can go.


So, why did you leave Evony?


Well, she had to face the music once and for all.

Eros broke her heart.

And instead of dealing with it all those years ago, I helped lock him up.

And she's been her evil self ever since.

So, she's the one you saw in your vision?

Who was it then?

Who does your heart desire most?

My heart's been locked, and chained, and dropped to the deepest, darkest ocean.

I haven't got a bloody clue what my heart wants anymore.

Let Dyson and Tamsin know I'm okay.

I just need some time alone to process all this.

Bye Lauren.

Should I leave you alone?


Tamsin, you live here.

I didn't mean you.


Are you okay?

Um, not really.

We need to talk.

Bo, I know what you're gonna say.

And, um, I just want you to know that I'm okay with it.

As hard as that is, I'm okay with it.

You are?


You're a Succubus.

You know, you're going to need to sleep with other people.

Even if those people happen to be Lauren.

I know where your heart truly lies...

It's with me.

I just need you to say it once so I know.


I care about you.

More than you know.


And I know it seems like we're a couple because we live together, and we take cases together...

And we sleep together.

Look, Tamsin, I think that deep down you feel the same way.

Don't patronize me.

I am wise beyond my lives.

Don't tell me I'm making this up.

Don't tell me I'm stupid!

I'm not!

I'm just saying that living with someone, and being close to them all the time, it's...

It can be confusing.

I'm not confused.

I'm not.

I'm in love with you.

Tamsin, I love you, I do.

But not like that.

I'm sorry.


Lauren's good enough.

Dyson's good enough.

Even Rainer's good enough.

What's wrong with me?

Why not me?!

(Crying) What's wrong with me?

There is nothing wrong with you.

You know, I thought that finally, in my last life, that I found the one.

Your eyes are both brown and blue.

(Electricity humming)


Don't follow me.



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