06x02 - Mo' Douda, Mo' Problems

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Chi". Aired: January 7, 2018 – present.*
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Following "a fateful turn of events that sends shockwaves through a community on the Southside of Chicago and connects the lives of Emmett, Brandon, Ronnie and Kevin in unexpected ways."
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06x02 - Mo' Douda, Mo' Problems

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Chi

Think you could get

me in touch with Jamal?

Lynae's brother?

Yeah, I want to surprise

her for Christmas.

Let me see what I can do.

Sorry, Lynae. Jamal's locked

up, awaiting a m*rder trial.

[KIESHA] The next time you

want to buy your ex a car,

can you talk to me first?

It's my money!

- [KIESHA] Where are you going?

- [EMMETT] Out.


So now what you have to do

is get her whatever she wants.

- I ain't made of money.

- But I am.

Uh, Dev, can you keep

it down a little bit?

I'm trying to teach the young

men here how to smoke a cigar.

I ain't chewing that

loud, bro. [SMACKING LIPS]

[PERSON] What?


[QUINCY] Congratulations,

new city councilman.

- [VICTOR] Thank you, man.

- [QUINCY] Congratulations.

- [VICTOR] Thank you. Thank you.


[QUINCY] Now you got a job to do.

[VICTOR] Yes, I do.

But you know I can't do it without you.

Will you be my chief of staff?

- You're lucky I like you.

- My G.

- Councilman.

- My G, my G.




you and Papa really over?


- [QUINCY] Good morning.

- [VICTOR] Good morning.

- [QUINCY] You ready?

- [VICTOR] Damn right.

- [QUINCY] What's the mission?

- [VICTOR] Got a lot of 'em.

[QUINCY] Hey, now, that's

not an acceptable answer.

[VICTOR] It's my first day.

Doesn't matter.

Where there's no vision,

the people perish.

Don't-don't throw the good book at me.

I'm just glad that

you know the reference.

Look, you and I can set a

time to discuss it later, okay?

How much later?

Man, can I get in my office, please?

[ASSISTANT] Your first

meeting's already

in there waiting for you.

W-what meeting?

He said you were expecting him.

I-I'm not expecting nobody.




- How'd you get in here?

- I asked around.

You ain't too hard to find.

[VICTOR] That's scary.

I don't mean you any harm.

I no longer use v*olence

as a means to an end.

[VICTOR] Since when?

[JAMAL] Since I handed

my life over to God.


You know, I watched you

k*ll a man with my own eyes.

[JAMAL] And I did my time for that.

Hmm, apparently not enough.

How'd you get out so fast?

They tampered with the evidence,

threw my case out.

Still don't make shit right.

You don't think I know that?

So what now?

[JAMAL] Now I need to start over.

It's not that easy.

[JAMAL] I know that.

But I also know

Heaven is full of imperfect people.

I'm not who I was.

I need to reacquaint myself

with a lot of people from my past

so they can meet the man I am today.

It has to start with my sister.

And I know you know where she at.

I do.

Then can you help me?


Look, man, you right.

I can't just come in here

demanding shit of you.

But I know you know what it's like

to be more of a father

than an older brother to your sibling.

[WHISPERING] I need this, man.


Give me some time.

You want to talk about what

happened the other night or no?

There's nothing to talk about.

What you mean?

You do that shit again, and we're done.


- It's like that?

- [KIESHA] Yes.

I'm not gonna be with somebody

who can just walk out on me

and not think twice about it.

- I didn't walk out on you.

- You were gone for three hours.

I didn't know where you were.

And when you came back,

you smelled like smoke.

I just went for a walk. That's it.

Don't lie to me.

I saw you on Nuck's Insta story.

I don't even know why you

still follow that n*gga.

Don't try to change the subject.

If we're gonna be in a relationship,

- you need to commit.

- I am committed.

We live together, paying for bills.

I don't cheat.

You don't get brownie

points for that, Emmett.

Wow. Okay.

[KIESHA] This is what it

means to be in a relationship.

So no f*cking, just fighting.

- Got it.

- Communication and sacrifice.

I just miss when we used

to have fun all the time.

I'm your woman,

not an amusement park.

All right.


All right, fine.

I'll never walk out on you again.

You better not.

I'm sorry.

Apology accepted.

- You lucky I love you.

- I know.

So when we gonna find

this new, big place?

You really want to move right now?

Yeah, I'm tired of living

on top of each other.

Look, we only deal with

that on the weekends

when I got all my kids, Kiesha.

And you used to share

this place with Tiffany.

- We just-we need our own spot.

- Can't just redecorate?

All right. [SIGHS]

I'll find us a bigger place.

Douda want me to meet

with this realtor anyway.

- We don't need him.

- Yes, we do, all right?

He know about this stuff. We don't.

Can you let the man help us out? Damn.

Fine, just no big decisions without me.

- Please?

- [EMMETT] All right.

I'll text you every two seconds.

You're not funny.




Damn, Dante.

You cheating on me now?

[DANTE] Look, I know

your ass ain't talking.

[TIFF] n*gga, stop playing with me.

Who the f*ck is this?

Easy, queen.

I'm Cairo, your local weed

grower and connoisseur.

Well, I'm his plug. You can leave now.

I think there's plenty

of room for all of us.

Well, I don't.

Dante, call me when he gone.

Come on, now, don't be like that.

Look, come sit down, try his product.

I only smoke my own shit.

[CAIRO] Where you get it from?

Some comes from Cali,

and the rest I can't say. What's up?

[CAIRO] Who grows it?

n*gga, I don't know.

[CAIRO SCOFFS] Therein lies the problem.

Excuse me?

Tiff, don't be like that.

This n*gga's shit is different, okay?

Look, I can't lie

his weed does smoke

better than yours, baby.

Lies you tell.

Is that right? [CHUCKLES]

- You can try it if you want to.

- [TIFF] I'm good.

- Suit yourself.


So who grows your weed?

I do.

How much you growing?

[CAIRO] Just enough to

satisfy my clientele.

So not a lot?


I believe in quality

over quantity.

Damn, that's good.

[DANTE] Told your ass.

That shit different.

I'm surprised I'm not

coughing up a lung.

Yeah, you see, the

streets got n*gg*s thinking

we supposed to choke when we smoke.

We not.

Good weed smokes smooth

and goes down easy.

This is nice.

[CAIRO] it's like melted

butter on crab legs

or a low vibrational

plate while you watch

the newest episode of

your favorite TV show.

It's like having sex with

a n*gga you can't stand

but know how to f*ck you just right.


Shit. I got to take this.

Y'all enjoy that ride, though.



Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

I see his flower got that power.

It does.

Damn, this n*gga about

to put me out of business.

[DANTE] Nah, you good.

He's still pretty exclusive.

And, look, most n*gg*s

don't care what they smoking.

They just want to get high

and forget they problems, you know?

But n*gg*s should care

about what they smoking.

Well, n*gg*s should do a lot

of things that they don't do.

If I was you, I would cheat on me, too.

[LAUGHS] Is that right?

Look, if I can be honest,

I smoke his weed exclusively.

I buy from you so I can just

see your pretty face, you know?

Don't do me no favors.

And my man ain't going nowhere.

I see. I see.

We had a good run, though.

[DANTE] Yes, we did.

You ever need anything, you call Dante.

Okay, baby?



What are you doing?

Ah, well, you know, I

just got to thinking

I mean, I don't need nobody's permission

to open up my throwback business,

so I might as well just get

this shit started on my own.

[DEJA] Wh Yeah, I don't

know if our front porch

is the-the place to start. [CHUCKLES]

Yeah, I feel you, but,

hey, got to start somewhere.

[DEJA] Oh, ye-yeah, that's true. Um

And, look

I know this looks crazy,

but, I mean, so does everybody

when they first starting they business.

I mean, look at Emmett, right?

He now owns the restaurant

that he used to sweep the floors for.

Yeah, I-I could loan you

some money to get started.

Nah, you've done enough already.

I need to do this on my own, babe.


Look, you know, I-I know

you want to be a man,

but it's okay to let your

woman help you out sometimes.

Not with this.

[DEJA] Yeah, well, starting

a business takes a lot of

a lot of planning, a support system.

I know, but I ain't

got the funds right now

to be hiring folks, so it's just me.

[DEJA] Who's gonna buy this stuff?

[SHAAD SCOFFS] You'd be surprised.

How much for the two-way?

Well, uh that's 100 right there,

but, uh, for you, Joe,

throw that shit in for a cool 50.

I'll give you 20 bucks.

Ah, come on, man, that

shit is in great shape, man.

Plus, you ain't gonna

find that nowhere else.

Who am I gonna two-way with?

Oh, yeah, I ain't think about that shit.

Never mind.

Ah, man. [SCOFFS]

For real?

Lame-ass n*gga.

f*cking goofy.

You need to lower your prices.

Shit, if I lower 'em any more,

I might as well give my

shit away for free, then.

Wh-what, I'm sorry, this is your stuff?

Well, I ain't got the funds

to do the vintage

shopping hunting yet, so

So you want me to just sit by

and wait for this to work out?

I Listen, listen

I need you to believe in me.

I do.

You do?

- You sure you do?

- Yeah.


Thank you.

All right. I'll leave you to it.

All right, go on inside.

- Okay, all right.

- Stay warm.

- I got this.

- Okay.



Run up the bands, f*ck up a check ♪

Cartier frames, and

they match with the fit ♪

Always on go, 100% ♪


What you think of this?

It looks cheap.

- 'Cause it is.


You cannot be out here

wearing no cheap shit.

Until you start making me some money,

I think I can.

Girl, a manager's job is

not to make an artist rich.

I told you, this is not how this works.

Mm-hmm, but I've been

rapping my ass off,

and I'm still broke.

[JEMMA] Mm-mm.

Look, you just need another song

that the kids gonna f*ck with. [SCOFFS]

[MAISHA] Tricks are for kids, not me.

[JEMMA] Okay, well,

the kids are the ones

streaming your shit, so

Jemma, I can actually rap.

- I'm not chasing no trends.


[PERSON] Ain't nothing

wrong with being trendy.

[MAISHA] Oh, Sasha.

- You Maisha, right?

- [JEMMA] Yes, she is.

And I'm her manager, Jemma.

- It's nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you, too.

Your song stay popping

up on my Explore and shit.

I f*ck with it. It catchy.

- Thank you.

- Well, where the new music at?

One song ain't gonna feed you forever.

I agree.

I hear that. [CHUCKLES]

[SASHA] Your flow is cool.

It ain't dope, but it's cool.

[SCOFFS] Still working my way up.


- [SASHA] Yeah.

Look, my opening act just got locked up,

so I need somebody

to entertain the crowd

for, like, 15 minutes.

- You think you can do it?

- She can do ten.

- Only ten?

- I can do 15.

Uh, she can do it, but let's just have

the band warm up the crowd first.

- Okay, that's cool.

- [JEMMA] All right.

Um, let's exchange contact information,

and we can discuss the logistics.


- Hit me up.

- All right.

- Nice meeting you.

- Nice meeting you, too.

- Keep it up.

- [MAISHA] Thank you.


- It's a lot of people.


Why you tell her I couldn't do 15?

Because your ass only got one song.

So the f*ck what? I can stretch it out.

[JEMMA] Maisha.

Look, this is a really

good opportunity for you,

and I don't want you

looking like you don't have

enough songs to fill up the time.

- I don't.

- Okay.

But they don't need to know that.

Okay. Just don't cut me off again.

If I didn't, then you

would have been out there

looking crazy after you

finish your two-minute song.

And what you think I'm supposed to do

- with the other eight minutes?

- I don't know.

Write some new shit or just

freestyle over a familiar beat.


Look, it's my job to make sure

that you not out there looking crazy.


Now I just need you to make it

your job to get me some money.

That's what I'm working on.

Good, 'cause I'm tired of

wearing this cheap shit.

- Can I work?


- [MAISHA] Okay.


[DARNELL] Look, I know you

think Douda cool and all,

but just 'cause a m*therf*cker

got a few Cadillacs

don't mean that he know shit about life.

[EXHALES SHARPLY] Don't be jealous, Pop.

Boy, please.

I used to have cars, clothes, hos, too.

But all that don't mean

shit if you ain't got

a good woman waiting for

you when you get home.

Yeah, I got that, too.

[DARNELL] Yeah, well, I heard

it was trouble in paradise.

Where you hear that?

Your mama told me that you

bought Tiff that new Altima.

[EMMETT SCOFFS] Women talk so damn much.

[DARNELL] Yeah, well,

that's what they do.

Yeah, we-we figuring it out, though.

All I know is, if you

lay down with the Devil,

you gonna have fleas.

That's not how it goes.

[DARNELL] Boy, you know

what I'm talking about.

I do.

- And I love you.

- Hey.

But I got to go. I got

to go look at a house.


Boy, you can't afford no house.

How you know?

I'll tell you what

let me come on down there

with you and make sure

they ain't trying to scam

you or nothing like that.

Nah, nah, Douda gonna meet me there.

I-I'll hit you later, all right?

- Love you.

- [DARNELL] All right, love you, too.

All right, I'll call you after.



And I feel real good ♪

She done put some hands on me ♪

And I feel real good ♪

Just what I like, just my type ♪

- Damn.

- I told you.

hands on me ♪

And I feel real good ♪

- I ain't coughing.

- I know.

This the best weed I ever smoked.

I know, n*gga.

And that ain't good.

He's gonna f*ck around

and put us out of business.


we can make him our new supplier.

Then we could finally get

away from Douda's crazy ass.

Man, f*ck.


Me and Doud just did a deal.

What kind of deal?

He gonna give us more off the top.

How much more?


My own uncle ain't give

me a deal like that.


And Doud like to k*ll n*gg*s for sport.

I ain't even trying to

see that n*gga bad side.

I just want to talk to Cairo.

That's it.

- Who?

- The n*gga weed you smoking.

You can talk to him.

Just don't agree to

nothing before we talk.


I got to call Dante to

get his number first.


- Dante?


But don't worry I don't

f*ck with him like that no more.

You better not.

Matter of fact

I'ma come with you.

I can go by myself.

We going together.


- I said, you with it, yo? ♪

- Yeah, I'm with it, bro ♪

[KEVIN] Ugh. This is

just embarrassing, man.

Combo after combo

- Ow, bro, ow.

- after combo.

Man, this ain't even fun no more.

Look, don't be mad 'cause you losing.

Man, I ain't trying to be

your batting practice, n*gga.


I'll even let your sorry ass catch up.


- Yep.


- Who you texting?

- Jemma. [CHUCKLES]

[JAKE SCOFFS] Man, stop playing with me.


f*cking with you, man.


Oh, yeah, you, uh

you think you could,

uh, wear one of my shirts

- at your next tournament?

- Yeah.

- That'll be a rack, though.

- Man, I ain't paying you shit.

I'm still f*cking with you, dude.


- Man, a'ight.

I got you, bro. Come on.

Look, I know you got your

own crib and all that now,

but don't get to

thinking you the shit now.

- Talking about I got to pay you

- Nah, nah, nah.

You think I'm the shit,

and that's why you mad.

Admit it.

- Yeah, whatever.

- A'ight. [LAUGHS]

[REALTOR] This house has

great bones, as you can see.

It's old, but it's not a fixer-upper.

Even though they're asking

for a lot of money up front,

at least you know you don't have

to fix the roof a year from now.

Tss. Man, Kiesha would like that.

A lot of your neighbors are Black

entrepreneurs just like yourself.

I'm a big, big believer

in Black folks buying

in Black neighborhoods.

Moving in white

communities ain't the move.

[LAUGHS] You know what?

It's Deondray here who

roped me into buying

a place not too far from

here about a year ago.

It's a great investment,

not just for your family

but for the community.

- That's dope.



It's a little far from Smokey's, though.

Yeah, it is, but you know what?

Maybe it's time that we, um,

put a location out

here on the West Side.

[EMMETT] You don't think

we should slow down?

Hey, man, don't be afraid

of your future, Emmett.

Oh, I don't want to bite

off more than I can chew.

I believe you can handle it.

How much is the down payment?

They want 20% of asking price.

Asking price is a lot.

[DOUDA] Hey, so, listen, just put

down whatever you can, and, um

I'll cover the difference.

I got to talk to my lady first.

Emmett, when somebody offers

you a gift, you should take it.


Look, she said she wanted

a bigger place, right?


Then get the f*cking house.


Can I see some paperwork first?

- [DOUDA] Oh.

- Before I do that

you should bring your lady by

so she can at least see it first.

If y'all both like it,

then we can talk numbers.

Ah, thank you.

I just know my fiancé would be mad

if I tried to buy a house

without talking to them first.

Well, listen, back in the day,

when you bought a woman

a house, she'd be happy.

Let's try to live in the present day.

Okay. Y'all can be simps if you want to.

Hey, appreciate it, brother.

I look forward to getting y'all in here.

Thank you.



And we work with Pastor Jackson

to help provide services

for his members in need.

Uh, sometimes it's, uh,

wellness check-ins, home repairs.

- Sometimes it's food drops.

- Yeah.

Wherever I can help, I'm down.

Yeah, well, I'm glad you showed up, man.

Idle hands are the Devil's workshop.

I'm gonna need to stay busy

if I'ma stay out of jail.

Yeah, well, I'm sure Ms. Tracy

could use the extra manpower.

[TRACY] Tracy what, now?



I appreciate everything

you've done for my sister.

Of course. That's what we're here for.

It's amazing what you

do for the city, too.

Thank you.

Uh, Tracy, he's got a

lot of time on his hands,

so I was telling him that

you could use some help.


I've turned a new leaf.

I'm not looking for any trouble.


Look, I'm headed out,

but maybe we can talk

about this tomorrow?

Can I walk you to your car?

No, I'm good.

Thank you, though.

Y'all have a good day.


Y'all need to get off

that damn social media.

It ain't nothing but the devil.

That's all they do, is sit and

watch videos on they phone all day.

I ain't never seen neither

one of y'all crack open a Bible

and read not one single verse.

I got the Bible app.

Oh, when's the last

time you opened it up?

- Yesterday.


[JACKSON] Oh, I know you not laughing.

I been seeing you running

around with Otis and his crew.

All money ain't good money.

[SCOFFS] Amen.

Hey, how about you shut up, Papa?

I make a honest living.

Yeah, and you can keep

your honest $7.50 a hour,

- 'cause I don't want it.

- Don't make fun of his little paycheck.

He came at me first.

Both of you all need to be worried

about your futures and keeping

your nose in the good book.

But you ain't always done

what the good book says.

[JACKSON] What, you challenging me, boy?

I mean, somebody's got to.

[DIANE] Stanley Jackson Junior,

have you lost the good

sense God gave you?

I'm not one of those new-age parents.

I'll take this belt off right now.

I wasn't trying to be disrespectful.

I just want to practice what I preach.

And what is that?

Sometimes you got to call people out,

even if those people are your parents.

The only person who can

call out your parents is God.

The Bible says, "A

child will lead them."

You ain't the child the

Bible was talking about.


well, I think I'm gonna excuse myself.

[JACKSON] No, no.

You a part of this family,

too. You stay right there.


I have to lead by example.

I want you boys to do what's right,

not what's convenient.

Look, I've done some

convenient things in my life,

and I've had to pay for that.

But thank God I have a

forgiving congregation.

I'm just hoping that

I have forgiving sons, too.

A saint ain't nothing but a sinner

that fell down and got back up again.

[SOFTLY] Praise God.

[BAKARI] Amen.


And she'll also need car

service to and from the event

and security at the entrance

and at all of the exits.

Okay, yes, I understand that,

but these are nonnegotiable.

Oh, and we'll need a graphic

to put out on her socials

to let her fans know that

she'll be at the event.

And she'll need some space

in the back to sell merch.

Okay, so her rider includes

a party-size bag of Flaming Hots,

chilled grape pop, Sour Patch Kids,

and some incense.


Okay, got it.



I mean, he did seem different.

[FATIMA] Just because he found God

does not mean he's different.

I mean, I'm not saying he's perfect,

but he did volunteer at ROCK.

That's-that's got to

count for something.

All right, you seem nervous.

I don't want to stick

my neck out for him

just to be disappointed again.

Okay, he needs to talk to somebody.

[VICTOR] I know. One step at a time.

If we don't start taking

our mental health seriously,

then we're never gonna move forward.

What if that's my mission?

[FATIMA] What?

Well, Quincy was saying

that, uh, I need something to focus on,

a social issue I could

really get behind.

I know a lot of dudes who have

been in and out of the system.

- [FATIMA] Mm-hmm.

- Maybe I could focus on

Black men and our mental health.

[FATIMA] Mm, what about the rest of us?

Well, yeah, eventually.

But if we don't have our shit together,

everybody suffers.

We can't lead if we're

not of sound mind.

Why do men always have

to be the ones leading?

[VICTOR] We don't.

But it's hard for us to lean on others.

I know that's something we

need to all be better about.

Yeah, well


it's gonna take some time.

I know. Wish me luck?

Just want to be there for you ♪

There for you, baby ♪

I want to be there for you ♪




Four a.m., couldn't sleep ♪

I had thoughts of

you, thoughts of me ♪

On my mind ♪

And I'm still tryin'

to understand why ♪

Mm, messages we shared get deep ♪

Bae, are we in love? ♪

Is what I think every time ♪

So tell me, how

have I been so blind? ♪

Yeah, it's like I had a

out-of-body in wreckage ♪

I know you're gone and still

feel the presence of you ♪


Who got the vibe? We got the vibe ♪

If it hits the fan,

we all gon' ride ♪

All right, got your two-piece dark.

Hell, yeah.

It's on me. I got it.


Keep the change.


[SHAAD] I see you running

around with Douda now, huh?

It's temporary.

That's what we all say.


What's up with your vintage store?

I'm still working on it. Just

I didn't know it'd take that

much money to open a business.

You need some work, I got you.

Nah, I don't need that kind of work.

Shaad, come on, all you

got to do is be careful.

That's it.

You playing with fire, shorty.

Don't you know that?

I used to play with

fire till I got lo

until I got locked up

and had to watch my life pass me by.

I'm always here if you change your mind.

[NINA] Normally, I would say no.

But I think this is Lynae's decision.

Yeah, I just don't want anyone

coming in and out of her life.

That could be traumatizing.

I agree.

You think he's really gonna

stick around this time?

I can't promise anything, but

I think he's changed.

[DRE] If he messes up again,

that's it.

We're not going through this again.

I want to see him.

You want us to be with you when you do?

No. I'll be okay.


Where are you racing off to?

- Home.

- [KENYA] Okay.

But why are you in a rush?

Oh, I'm just not trying to miss my bus.

It's colder than a mug out there.

I could give you a ride.

- For real?

- Yeah.



You know, when I asked what

music you wanted to listen to,

I never thought you would

have said Anita Baker.

My dad won't let me listen

to secular music at home,

but she's the one exception to the rule.

Mm. My dad's the same way.

He calls it "music for Jezebels."


Yeah, that preacher's-kid

life ain't no joke.

- I know all about it.

- I ain't know you was a PK.

Through and through.

My middle name is Corinthians.

- Where your dad preach at?

- Church of God and Prosperity.

Oh, shit.

You talking about that big-ass

church on the North side

- where you got to pay to park?

- That's the one.

My dad isn't the biggest fan

of your father's ministry.

I know.

But I did sneak and listen

to one of his sermons

when my dad was out of town.

- What'd you think?

- I thought it was good.

I like the idea that if

we come from the Kingdom,

we deserve to live a kingdom lifestyle.

And that includes the

cars, designer clothes,

and houses with not one, but

Three-car garages.


- I love that sermon.

He also said that if

God made us in His image,

then we, too, are gods, in our own way.

And that if we can learn

to see the God in ourselves,

then we should also

see the God in others.

I think of it more like,

we're all God's children

so I shouldn't judge

my brothers and sisters,

and they should never judge me.

So you saying you see me as a brother?


Not at all.

Good, 'cause I ain't

trying to be your brother.

What you trying to be?

Somebody you can

trust and count on, no matter what.

I've found a love

that is truly blessed ♪

And I want to make

dreams come true ♪

[PAPA] Well, this is me.

So when do you turn 18, again?

This summer.

- Thanks for the ride.

- No problem.


Don't leave me out ♪

In the cold ♪

Just love me body ♪

And soul ♪


I missed you, Nae.

I missed you, too.

So how you been?

Things have been so hectic.

But better now.

I've been praying a lot.

Since when do you pray?

Since I got locked up.

So you, like, saved now?

Not yet, not quite, but

working on it.

[SCOFFS] You growing up on me, man.


You applying for colleges

and everything, ain't you?

Yeah, but I don't want to

go out of state, though.

You're gonna be the first in

our family to go to college.

No pressure.

You got a boyfriend?

Kind of.

- What that mean?

- You know what it means.

No, I don't know what it mean, shit.

You better not be giving your

body to no n*gga I know that.

I'll be 18 soon.

That don't mean shit.

- Don't be weak to the flesh.


I don't need you to big

brother me right now.

You gonna always need

me to big brother you.

- He a street n*gga?

- [LYNAE] Not like you.

Please just be careful

with street n*gg*s.

Loving us can leave you heartbroken.

Trust me, I know.




What are you doing in

the house of the Lord?


[DOUDA] We are in need of a prayer.


[JACKSON] Well, I can

pray for y'all from afar.


You know, we, um

we brought a donation.


Well, the last time I

took a donation from you,

I got arrested for money laundering.

Well, that's because you

didn't follow my instructions.

No, one of your boys got caught

and threw me under the bus.

Yeah, and that boy

he doesn't work for me anymore.

You know, I'm getting

real tired of you luring

our young men into your devilish ways.


Hey, I offer young Black men

a better life,

a chance to be their own man,

a chance to be their own

their own boss.

Look, this is not what

the Lord wants for y'all.

There is a better way.

When a man offers you a

gift, you should take it.

Well, I already have all

the gifts that I need.


[DOUDA] Okay.

Come on, Stanley.

Are you sure this is what you want?

I have never been more sure

about anything in my life.

[WHISPERING] Okay, then.



[DOUDA] Why'd you stay

outside in the car?

- I-I-I live with him, Douda.

- But you f*cking work for me.

Get in the car, n*gga.






Basically, we want to

make you our new supplier.

But first

we kind of just want to

see what you offering.

Why would you sell my weed

when you can grow your own?

'Cause we don't know how to do that.

I can teach you.

Why would you do that?

Why wouldn't I?

Wouldn't that be cutting

off into your business?


Honestly, I just want

n*gg*s to smoke better weed.

This ain't about getting rich for me.

Besides, you can't get rich

off selling weed anyway.

And once the government

understands how to tax it,

it's gonna be available everywhere.

So my hope is to show people

how to smoke it and grow it properly.

If we gonna get high, we might

as well do it the right way.

So you don't want no money from us?

No. I got money.

But you will need funds

for supplies and to grow it.

Why can't we just grow it at our crib?

Do you live in a mansion?

- No, we don't.

- Not yet.

Then you need to rent a space

so you can control

temperature and humidity.

And you need a water t*nk, lots of soils

and worms and employees

to tend to the babies.


You mean the buds?


These plants are babies.


They're living and breathing organisms.

This shit is a process.

Well, um

we-we ain't got bread like that.

But would you be

willing to invest in us?

If I give you the money,

then I own it, not you.

You'll just be a branch of my business.

You want to be your own bosses, right?


Then find an investor,

and I'll show you the rest.

And you sure you wouldn't

see us as competition?

Nah. I got farms all over the place.

I look at this as a form of giving back.

Remember when people

started eating organically?


Well, my mission

is to get folks to start

smoking organically.

You see, people put all

sorts of stuff in their weed

to get people high.

But it destroys people's lungs,

and people wake up feeling

[INHALES DEEPLY] hungover.

It's not supposed to be like that.

That is crazy.

You know what's crazier?

Not knowing what you're smoking.

f*ck getting rich.

I'm trying to start a revolution.

Alcohol can k*ll you.

Cigarettes can k*ll you.

Prescription dr*gs can k*ll you.

What do they all have in common?

- They all legal.

- [CAIRO] Exactly.

But if TSA catch me

with weed in my backpack,

my Black ass is going to jail.

Get the f*ck out of here.

What you think?

Got a point.

This is the future.

I like it.

I told him he couldn't buy it

without talking to you first.

That was my idea.


So what you think?

I think our moms are gonna k*ll

us for moving to the West side.

I said that, too, but Douda thinks

we should open up another

location over here.

So it would make sense.

What are the schools like over here?

My nieces go to the

school up the street.

Uh, Black teachers, great curriculum,

and it's in walking distance.

I like that.

[EMMETT] I think we should get it, baby.

You really think we can

afford a house right now?


Douda said he would help us out.

Now, that I don't like.


[DEONDRAY] Do y'all need a minute?


Just make sure he knows

whatever he gives us is a loan.

- Bet.

- And I want both of our names

on the mortgage.

I wouldn't have it any other way.



- Yes.


- Yes.

Yeah? Hey, draw up that paperwork

- because we getting a house!



Wow, I'm too fleeky for 'em ♪

Wow, I'm too fleeky for 'em ♪

Wow, I'm too fleeky for 'em ♪

Wow, I'm too fleeky for 'em ♪


[JEMMA] What's wrong?

I haven't performed since the sh**ting.

I know.

[MAISHA] And it's just like,

what if it happens again?


we can't let what happened

stop us from walking in our purpose.

[SIGHS] You're right.

[JEMMA] Yeah.


[ANNOUNCER] Hey, make some noise.

Make some noise!


- Y'all having fun tonight?


I said, y'all having fun tonight?

Next up, we got a

special treat for y'all.


I want y'all to give it up for Maisha!


I know you got money.

Hmm. My family got money, not me.

[TIFF] How'd you get

this big-ass house, then?

I know you ain't get it with weed money.

Mother bought this

house as an investment.

I'm basically her tenant.

Well, would you be willing

to ask your mom for a loan?

Nah, I ain't doing that.

- Think about it.


If you can get us a loan

and this really works,

you would never have to ask

your family for money ever again.


- And if it doesn't?

- It will.


Do you believe in me?

[ROB] Of course I do.

Then go get us some money

so we can cut ties with

Douda and be our own boss.

Why take 15% when we can have it all?


Yeah, I know you lie to me ♪

I probably lie to you,

there ain't no tryin' me ♪

[ANNOUNCER] That's right.

Yeah, that was fire.


- [ANNOUNCER] One more time

let's hear it for Maisha.

Hey, don't go nowhere.

We here all night.



What are you doing here?

What do you think?

- Did you see the show?

- Yeah, you bodied that shit.

- [MAISHA] I was nervous.

- I couldn't tell.

Well, I thank you for being here.

Where else would I be?

You really trying to get back with me?

Uh, you trying to get back with me?


- No, no, no, n*gga.

I asked you first.

I missed you, Maisha.


I missed you, too.

But I have so much going on right now.

Yeah, pssh, yeah. Yeah, me too.

[MAISHA] So what is this?

I mean, uh, we don't

got to call it nothing.

- Don't tell Papa.

- Oh, I won't tell a soul.

Why, 'cause you ashamed

of being with me?

No, no, no, I just

You know, I just don't want

everybody in our business,

and we still trying to

figure this shit out.

I get that.


- Hey, Kevin.

- Hey, Jemma.

- I got your money.

- Yeah, I'm gonna let y'all

- Yeah.

- Yeah.


- Great show.

[MAISHA] Thank you.


They short $200.

No, that's my 10%.

Sasha approached me.

How you get a percentage of that?

I managed this whole thing for you.


you didn't get me the gig.

Like, I thought you only collected

when you got me the job.

I mean, yes, technically,

but without me,

I mean, this whole thing

would've been a shit show.

And, I mean, without me,

this green room

would've been snack-free.

Okay, bitch. I

[LAUGHS] I get it.

Just next time, give me a heads-up.

- Uh-huh.

- Baby, if you hit my line and say ♪

That we should fall back ♪

Honestly, I could respect that ♪


[PAPA] Do I really got to

wait until after my birthday

to ask you out?

You can ask all you want,

but I'll probably say no.

I appreciate your honesty.

And I appreciate your persistence.

What if it wasn't a date?

What if we just hung out?


I don't know.


I, uh, really enjoyed

our talk yesterday.

[KENYA] Me too.

It's nice being around another PK.

Most of my friends don't get me.

I'm always saying awkward shit,

and because I don't watch regular TV,

um, I usually don't get they

references half the time.

[KENYA] Ugh, I know.

I was always an oddball

with my friends, too.

[PAPA] I don't know.

I guess I just like

spending time with you.

And I'm taking you to Red

Lobster the day I turn 18.

Okay, and until then, I'll

be your designated driver

the days we work the same shift.

[PAPA] Hey, Emmett just put

me in charge of the schedule,

so we gonna be seeing

a lot of each other.

Okay, smooth operator.

[PAPA] Sade, right?




[ROB] I-I never ask you for shit.


Don't curse in my house.

I mean, it'd only be a

loan anyway, all right?

Me and my girl, we got a

plan. We'd pay it right back.

You know?

When was the last time

you got a real haircut?

[ROB] This is why I don't

come around here, Mom.

What do you need?

- 50 racks.


That's a big loan.

A-and I got a plan to

pay it right back. I promise.



As in, yes, you'll loan it to me?

As in, yes, I'ma give it to you.

So you-you-you don't

want me to pay you back?

I want something else.


Q was my brother.

He's the reason that I could

raise you in a house like this

and send you to a private

school on the North Side.

He was more a father to

me than an older brother.

I want to know who k*lled him

who dumped him in the river

like he was a piece of trash,

like he wasn't a man who

still had more life to live.

Look, I'm not no detective.

But you run the same streets he did.

Make it 100 racks.

You bargaining with

your own flesh and blood?

[ROB] Just 'cause we blood, that

that don't mean we bonded.


That was your uncle.

And whoever was responsible for this

shouldn't be alive much longer.

[ROB] Well, I can ask around.

For 100 racks

you have to do more than that.

Do we understand each other?


♪ TouchofTrent be wildin' with it. ♪

♪ We pop out with them Glocks out ♪

♪ Now everybody got switches ♪

I don't talk about

what we talk about ♪

I don't want everybody

in my business ♪

I done told the truth

about bro and them ♪

♪ Now everybody in they feelings ♪

She done set the standards

for the bad b*tches ♪

♪ Now everybody got titties ♪

We ain't never worried

about m*rder cases, n*gga ♪

♪ Everybody got millions ♪

♪ Keep your head up ♪

♪ You don't never wanna ♪

Put your head down in the trenches ♪

♪ Got a skybox to the Bulls game ♪

♪ Gave Kim Foxx my tickets ♪

♪ Had a real lunch with a billionaire ♪

♪ I need a hundred mil to get with 'em ♪

♪ I done seen n*gg*s I vouched for ♪

♪ Post dude's shit on they Twitter ♪

♪ I brung Pooh Shiesty to my block ♪

♪ Gave him my Glock with an extension ♪

♪ I seen Juice WRLD documentary ♪

I don't want a

♪ Percocet, I'm finished ♪

These hos f*ck for a name ♪

♪ I'll never Birkin bag these b*tches ♪

♪ I be tryin' to stop takin' dr*gs ♪

♪ Feel like I love to clog my kidneys ♪

Told a bad bitch, "I

can't be seen with you," ♪

♪ She gotta UberEat her Denny's ♪

Why you playin' with me?

♪ You can't compare to us ♪

♪ n*gg*s better save they pennies ♪

♪ I'm like Doe Boy, don't lie to me ♪

♪ I'll tell your ass, "Oh, really?" ♪

♪ Love the waistband from them pants ♪

♪ The way my Glock be in my Amiris ♪

♪ I'm Durk, but call me Smurk, n*gga ♪

♪ 'Cause every time I'm grinnin' ♪

♪ Like Kodak said,

take a Percocet, n*gga ♪

♪ Everybody turn gremlin ♪

♪ And you know I'm winnin'

when I drop shit, n*gga ♪

♪ Everybody in my mentions ♪

I just took me one drug,

♪ I'm tryin' to get turnt up ♪

♪ I just took two dr*gs

tryin' to get turnt ♪
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