04x10 - A Raisin in the Sun

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Chi". Aired: January 7, 2018 – present.*
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Following "a fateful turn of events that sends shockwaves through a community on the Southside of Chicago and connects the lives of Emmett, Brandon, Ronnie and Kevin in unexpected ways."
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04x10 - A Raisin in the Sun

Post by bunniefuu »

Have you seen the paper? Hmm?

We lost the bid.

- So the f*ck what?

- If you wanna protect

your community from someone,

it should be him.

I got more important shit to

worry about than my homework.

Like what?

Like where I'm gonna live.

Thank you.

You got a new n*gga, don't you?

You don't know my life.

- Who is he?

- We work together.

All right, I knew it. I knew it.

At least he got a job.

Think I made a mistake.


I cheated on Dre.

Have you told her?

Now, what the f*ck are you doin'?

Come on. The f*ck you on, bro?


Jake. Jake, it's not

what it look like, bro.

Look, Jake Jake!

What's wrong?



Let that m*therf*cker die.

Thanks for comin', man.

I told you I always had your back.

Hey, man, don't that

muh'fucker work for the mayor?

He also happens to be the father

of the girl Jake stole from Kev.

Man, this shit too much.

You need to either

forgive me or move on.

But I'm not down for this limbo shit.

I can't take it anymore.

How the hell you gonna

be the one that cheated

but yet you gonna give me a ultimatum?

I just wanna get us

back to where we were.

Well, that's not gonna happen.

We're never gonna be what we were.

Shit is different now.

I'll do whatever I have

to do to get us back.

I'm good.

Hey, you.


- What's wrong?

- I gotta go home.

Can I at least walk you out?

I can find the door.

- What you lookin' for?

- My other shoe!


- Will you let me walk you out?

- No!

I'm not like your last girl.

I don't need no hand holdin'.

Last night was amazing.

We ain't do nothin'.

I like it when we can enjoy each other

and not have to do anything.

Oh, I gotta go.


If my dad wakes up and I'm

not home, he's gonna k*ll me.

Ain't no way I'ma get you

back in time before he wake up.

You might as well just stay with me,

and we can have breakfast and shit.


You okay?



Oh hey.

Don't "Oh, hey," me!

What the hell are you doin' here?

It's my fault.

You wanna explain this, Kev?


we were we were just ha.

- You know

- What?

W what were y'all just doin', Kev?

Ooh, you lucky that you ran

into me and not your mother.

You're my mom too.

Kev, don't try to sweet talk me.

- I'm not!

- Kevin.

I love you, but right now,

I need you to head

upstairs and go to your room

- while I handle this.

- But Dre

I'll deal wit' you later.


What are you doin' here?

I needed somewhere to stay.

Somethin' happen at home?

Yeah, I heard about that sh**t'.

It was only a matter of time.

So where's your brother?

- I don't know.

- Well, is he comin' home?

Not unless he wanna go to jail.

Well, what's goin' on with Cherry?

We got into it, and she said

she don't want me to live there no more.

I got kicked out when

I was your age too.

So what'd you do?

I had to find a family somewhere else.

Is that what I'm gonna have to do?


Come on.

- Hey, Imani.

- Hey, babe.

Shaad got somethin' he wanna say.

I just wanted to say, uh

I just wanted to say thank you for

throwin' my surprise welcome home party.

Meant a lot.

You're welcome.

That's it?

What else am I supposed to say?

I didn't hear a word of apology

come outta your mouth.

Damn! You can't meet a n*gga halfway?

No, I can't.

I mean what else am I supposed to do?

You need to educate yourself.

And stop lookin' down on people.

Aw, shit, I done time before,

so I can't look down on nobody.

So, you know.

You thought you was better than me.

I'm sorry.

Damn it, I'm sorry! I

mean, we straight now?


But it's a start.

We need to get labels

printed for the new strain.

Okay. I'ma send it to you now.

- What's up, T?

- All right, bye.

- You hungry?

- I don't know if I want pizza this early.

Ah, suit yourself.

Put that thing right

there. Look at that.

It do smell good.

Look, either you join me or watch me.

It's your choice. Ah! Ha ha.

A'ight, get one.

You ain't got no napkins?

We don't need no napkin, girl.

We in the hood. Hold up, hold up ah.

Oh, shit.

That's some good-ass pizza.

What would you think if I left Emmett?

Why would you do that?

To be wit' your ass.

We act like a couple anyway.

No, we don't.

We act like f*ck buddies

who don't hate each other.

I like what we got.

And what's that?

I'm yo' n*gga.


Yeah, I'm the n*gga you call

when yo' n*gga's trippin'.

I'm the n*gga you call

when your girl get locked up

over some bullshit and

you need money in a pinch.

I'm the n*gga who you call

when your son barber cancel on him

and he need a haircut real quick.

I'm yo' n*gga, Tiff.

Not yo' husband.


That make sense?

Mm. Yeah.

- Hey, y'all.

- Hey.

- You look cute.

- Thank you.

What y'all lookin' all like that for?

Like what?

Uh, look lookin' all guilty and shit.

Y'all behaved y'all self last night?

He was a perfect gentleman.


He better be.

- Y'all hungry?

- Always.

Awesome, I just made

some scrambled eggs.

- So where y'all go?

- Yeah, we went to

- a hotel downtown.

- Wasn't there, like, a party

- or something down there?

- Shh! Shh.

is in critical condition.

He was admitted early this morning

with multiple wounds to the head.

There is speculation

that this may have something to do

with Mayor Perry's decision

to defund the police.

But right now, there are

more questions than answers.

I can take you to the hospital.

No. I got it.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mayor Perry.

Good afternoon.

Everybody said that it couldn't be done,

but I did it anyway.

At the time, they called it arrogant.

You know what I call it?


Do you have a comment

on Marcus St. John?

All I can say is that I, um,

I pray for his speedy recovery.

Do you have any idea who's responsible?

Well, right now, we

don't have all the facts,

and we're, um, we're looking into it.

You know, this is an historic day

for the city of Chicago,

and I think what Marcus would want

is for all of us to collectively

celebrate in this achievement.

And who better to do

that with than Ms

Ms. Tracy Roxboro? Tracy.

Thank you, Mayor Perry.

I am excited to announce that

with this landmark legislation,

we will be able to fully fund

community protection efforts.

Like the signs that decorate

lawns throughout the city say:

We are what we need.

My hope is to one day

completely abolish the police,

and reallocating a

portion of their resources

is a great way to start.

The people of Chicago

don't need policing.

They need protection from the police.

Today is a new beginning.

Thank you.

- Whassup?

- Hey.

Tiff, I'm sick of this shit.

Who you wanna be with?

Me or Dante?

I can't do this wit'

you right now, Emmett.

You ain't got no choice.

I don't know.


I'm movin' out.

Are you serious?


I'm sick of this shit.

If you want Dante, you can have his ass.

Ain't there no elevator?

We gon' have to get

you a lift or something.

- Yeah!

- Whoo!

Thank you.

- Yeah!

- Okay, thank you.

No, listen, I just wanna thank you

for all of your hard work.

Honestly, we could not have done this

without each and every one of you,

and thanks to Mayor Perry.

No, a-and-and the great work

that you've all been doing.

We finally got the funding we need

to expand throughout the city, y'all.

To celebrate, we are

throwin' a block party,

so tell all your friends to come out,

get some free food,

but let's also get them to

sign up for volunteering.

We want everybody to have a good time,

but it's about getting them involved.

And great work, honestly. Great work!

We did it, y'all.

Chi Town!


You better pray that m*therf*cker dies.

Actually, I'm prayin' that he lives.

Hey. He gon' make it?

They don't know.

Hey, Jemma.

Look, we, um


Hey, hey, hey.

- You okay?

- I'm scared.

Look, everything's gonna be all right.

What if it's not?

Look, your father's

stronger than you think.

He's all I have.

Come on.

Hey. Whassup?

I can look out for myself.

Yeah, I used to think the same thing.

We ain't the same.

No, we're not. I'm older than you.

- A lot older.

- Yeah, and I still look good.

Come here.

Look, when I was your age

I lost both of my

parents in a car accident,

and I had to go and stay

with my grandparents,

and they were real

old-school, real old-fashioned.

They didn't like the way I talked,

they didn't like the way I dressed.

They thought I was an embarrassment.

And one day, they just decided

they didn't want nothin' to do with me.

So what you do?

Started lookin' out for myself.

Where'd you stay at?

My friends' couches.

Shit, sometimes I slept on the street.

It's why I do what I do now.

It's why I can't just

walk by a homeless person

without lookin' 'em in the eye

and acknowledgin' their presence.

'Cause it could be any one of us.

- You survived; so can I.

- Yeah, but I don't want you to just survive.

I want you to live.

Would you consider movin'

in with me and my family?

Don't you already have a full house?

Yeah, but it would only be temporary.

I appreciate you takin' the time

to talk to me and everything,

but I'll figure it out.

It's not your job to figure it out.

It's not yours either.

Will you at least think about it?

Cool. Mm.

We gotta find out who did this.

Don't worry about that right now.

My dad has cameras all over that house.

One of them had to catch somethin'.

I shoulda pulled a card

first, but I feel so confident.

Oh, is that's how you feel?

Well, good, I like that.

I like your confidence,

'cause my confidence right here

looks like sevens!

- Yo bitch ass.

- Mm-hmm.

Man, you know what?

That n*gga Meldrick he

still owe me money, man.

Man, that's a old debt.

I don't give a f*ck

how old that shit is.

n*gga, I'm broker than what I should be

'cause this n*gga's still

got my money in his pocket.

Tch! Bring his goofy ass in here.

He wanna get pulled over in

one of the cars that we stole.

Then go f*ck around and try to

pull me in that shit too man.

It's a good thing I was a minor.

That was the only reason

why they let me go.

n*gga, you been doin' dirty

as long as I known you.


You eat what you k*ll.

Yeah, well

I'm tired of havin' to

k*ll just so I can eat.

Aren't we all?

Where that punk-ass

n*gga Meldrick at anyway?

He's gone.

What you mean, he gone?

What, he locked up in

the pen or some shit?

Um no, he

a car hit him and kept goin'.

f*ckin' ambulance took too long.

He died before they got to the hospital.

You for real?

I I thought somebody woulda told you.


You a'ight?

Yeah, man.

Grew up with that n*gga, man.


I know.

I mean, there was one time, summertime.

We was kids.

There was this, uh

this ice cream truck

we was chasin' down a block.

I ain't had no money.

I was finna rob that muh'fucker.

But then Meldrick, he stopped me, he

He like, "Man "

" don't rob the ice cream man."

"I got you."

He did, too.

He bought everybody

on the block somethin'.

He got us whatever we wanted.

I remember he, uh

he pulled out this

big-ass wad of cash,

know what I'm sayin'?

I knew that shit was drug money.

I ain't care, though.

That's the first time anybody

ever did anything for me

without wantin' somethin' in return.

n*gga looked out for me, though.

You know what I'm sayin'?


I don't know, you know.

If he was here

I'd tell him how much I love him.

I will miss that

stupid-ass laugh he had.

You remember that?

He was goofy as f*ck, wasn't he?

Yeah, he was.

My n*gga, though.

He in heaven now.

Yeah, he is, ain't he?

God rest his soul.

- Amen.

- Hey, I'ma tell you,

like this too you ain't

finna take advantage of me

'cause I'm emotional, n*gga.

When I'm emotional, I play even better.

I was hopin' the

tears'd blur your vision

- so you couldn't see that

- Shut up, bitch.

Hey, cut it off. My doctor.

Cut off the vacuum. It's my doctor.






Okay. Thank you.

Well, what'd he say?

He said that my last test

results look really good

and that if things stay like this,

I could avoid another round of chemo.


For real?

For real?

- Whoa!

- Yes, yes, yes.

- Mmm.

- Mm.

I ain't felt this good in a long time.

Me too, me too.

We gotta celebrate this shit.

We gotta celebrate. We

gotta celebrate this shit.

What? What're you who you callin'?


So silly.

Uh, yo!

Yeah, I told you the alkaline dye work.

Hold up!

Hold up.


Let me tell you something

'fore you look at that.

When I came back to get my bag

The house wasn't empty.

I saw your dad layin' on

the floor bleedin', and

Douda was there and Trig

was tryin' to help him.

How are you just now tellin' me this?

I'm the one that told Trig

to save your daddy life.

- Why wouldn't you tell me?

- I ain't know what to do.

You coulda told me the truth!

Tellin' you the truth

wasn't gonna change shit.

I at least woulda know he was hurt.

I at least coulda checked up on him.

Look, I'm sorry, just

just don't tell nobody, a'ight?

Are you serious?

Look, if you tell somebody,

then my brother gonna go to jail.

And if he do, I don't know

what's gonna happen to me.

If it wasn't for your brother,

my dad wouldn't be fightin'

for his life right now.

No, if it wasn't for my brother,

your daddy'd be dead.

Thinkin' about you a lot.

You stay thinkin' about me.

- Thinkin' about me too?

- Yeah, like a brother.

I'm not your brother.

If I move in wit' your

family, you will be.


Dre asked me to come stay with y'all.

- She did?

- Yep.


That make you like my live-in

girlfriend or somethin'?

Hell no, I like my

freedom too much for that.

Wow, so you just gonna live

with me and see other people.

I don't know if I wanna

live with y'all yet.

Well, I don't know if I

wanna live wit' you either.

It ain't up to you, boo.

Yesterday, my roommate asked me

if you were my girlfriend.

What'd you say?

I said I don't know.

And I didn't like that feeling.

So I decided to do something about it.

I hand-picked you these flowers

and I wrote you this note.

Do you have a pen?

Mm. Mm-hmm.

Thank you.

For what?

For makin' me feel good again.

Oh, corny boys tend to have that effect.

Shut up.

Tunk, n*gga!

Hold on, bro, that's some bullshit.

- You can't hold the spread.

- Hey, man, it's my spread.

I can do whatever I

want to with that bitch.

No, bruh, see, that's

why I don't even wanna

play with your ass, man.

You always cheatin' and shit.


I told Jemma.

You told Jemma what?

Oh, this n*gga snitchin'?

Man, they got cameras!

- She was gonna find out anyway.

- Hold up, hold up, hold up.

Everybody calm down. Calm down.

- Sit down, bro.

- I ain't no motherfuckin' dog.

Man, sit your ass down!

Look, you did the right thing.

Let me tell you somethin', man.

If the police find out what you did,

your ass is goin' straight to the pen.

And that's the last

thing this family needs

another m*therf*cker gettin' locked up.

I'm glad you told

Jemma the truth I am.

I also told her you the

reason her dad's still alive.

Oh, n*gga, you don't get

no brownie points for that!

And I told her not to tell!

- That don't mean shit!

- Hey, man, shut the f*ck up.

Look, I'm sorry.

Yeah, you should be.

I just don't want nothin'

bad to happen to you.

Look, bro, I'm old news, okay?

You're the future of this family.

I just need you to be better than me.

And by any means, be better

than that m*therf*cker

over there, please?

Can you do that?

- Yeah.

- Hold on.

n*gg*s over there talkin' shit?

Yeah, fool. f*cking crazy.

So what happens now?


we just gotta lay low for a bit.


Real low.


Are you soulless or just numb?

- Look

- And don't try to charm me

right now I'm not in the mood.

Are you the reason Marcus

is in the hospital right now?

Absolutely not.

He is a trusted colleague.

I respect him and what

he brings to the table.


if we're gonna do this,

you're gonna have to believe in me.

- I'm sorry, I just

- Apology accepted.

You know, n*gg*s are always

gonna have somethin' to say.

But the second you buy into it

is the second I can't trust you.

Of course you can trust me.

I believe in you.

I think I'm fallin' in love with you.


I said I think I'm

fallin' in love with you.


What do you mean, "think"?

I know I am.



You gonna invite me in?

You gonna call the police on my brother?

That's what I came here to talk about.

Hey, who at the door?

What's up?

I have the footage of

what happened to my father,

but I can't bring myself to watch it.

Who else has seen it?

No one.

But I know we got it,

'cause there's a camera

pointing at the spot

where his blood is still

seeping into the floor.

You here to blackmail me?

I came here to free you.


You don't have to worry

about anyone else seein' this footage.

The hospital called this morning

and they said my dad's gonna live.

And I know that's in

large part because of you.

I'm grateful that you

made sure he survived.

I don't know who I would

be if he wasn't here.

You hear that, Jake?


We need to be here to help guide y'all.

I know what it's like not to have that.

It's why I think I was lost for so long.

Hey, um


look, I'm

I'm sorry for what

happened to your father.

Really, and I am, uh

I'm glad he's still here.

Me too.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Where you goin'?

To the hospital.

I can come wit' you.

Yeah, he can go.

tense percussive music

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

Come on, m*therf*cker.

You keep my daughter's name

outta your mouth, you hear me ooh

We need to talk, playboy.

Who the f*ck you think you talkin' to?

- She got you on tape, n*gga.

- Who?

Marcus's daughter.

- Well, I'll talk to her.

- Already did that.

Is that right?


She's forgiven me for your sins.

She still got the footage?

No. I do.

Oh. Okay.

So now you the big man on campus, huh?

You think you Batman or

some motherfuckin' body, huh?

How much you want for it?

You should know me better than that.


What do you want?

I want you to leave and never come back.


And where am I supposed to go?

I don't care where you go.

Just get the f*ck outta here.

You're not the type

a leadership we need.

Okay, well, I might not be

perfect, but I'm all you got.

Not anymore.

You know I got the

power to lock you up

pull Imani's permit,

make sure Shaad or Sharaad or

whatever the f*ck his name is

violates his parole and

get Jake kicked outta school

with a single phone call.

m*therf*cker, I can snap my finger,

and your whole f*ckin' family


Get the f*ck out of here.


You must be scared.

Well, check this out.

You can either leave quietly,

or I'ma make sure this

footage is all over the news

first thing tomorrow mornin'.

Got it?

Oh, and tell Tracy I said what's up.

quiet bluesy melody


Come on, Ma.

I got you.

This is not funny. Where are we going?

No, I know, I got you.

Couple steps. Just a

couple. Like, two more.

I don't wanna take no more steps.

- Two more, two more steps.

- Are you sure

I gotcha.

All right, right

right here, right here.


We just wanted to give you your flowers

and celebrate you while you're here.

We don't know what we

would do without you.

- And by we, you mean you.

- Come on.

Come here.

- I love you.

- Oh, I love you too.

I'm grateful you're okay.

Mmm. Me too.

I love you all so much.

Thank you, thank you.

Well, I, for one, am grateful for you

puttin' up with me and my earpiece

all these years.

I'm just glad the beeper's gone.

Talkin' about? Still hangin' on to that.

- Oh.

- It might make a comeback.

- It won't, Darnell!

- No!

- It won't.

- You never know.

Come on, y'all, let's celebrate.

- Yay!

- Party!

- You want a drink?

- How you feelin'?

I can't believe you lied to me.

I'm a politician. What do you expect?

I expected more from you.

Why does everybody

expect me to be perfect?


I'm doin' the best I can,

and it never is enough.

Yeah, well, I thought you loved me.

Tracy, listen

I think you're a warrior.

I've never met anyone as strong as you.

And I also wanted to

shine a light on someone

that our community often ignores.

I'm not one of your constituents.

You ain't gotta try to

convince me of anything.

Baby, listen to me. Tracy,

I just want you to know

that when I was with you,

it's the first time in my life

that I ever felt like I was at peace.

Me too.

But you still need to leave.

For what?

I ain't scared of Trig.

But you should be.

He ain't playin'. He

will release that footage.

And all the good you've

done'll just be forgotten.

When your name comes up, all

people are gonna think about

is crime and corruption.

Is that what you want?

After all I put you through, you

still worried about my legacy.

This ain't about protecting your legacy.

It's about protecting mine.

If that tape gets out, all your dirt

is gonna spill over on my

name and my organization.

If you get caught, I don't need the IRS

sniffin' around my paperwork.

I understand.


Hey, I just want you to know

I never meant to hurt you.

But you did.


Tracy Tracy


I-I'm gonna miss you.

I'm sure you will.

So you must be the young prince

that's sweepin' my girl off her feet.

First of all, you married.

That don't change our past, though.

You must be Emmett.

The one and only.

I like him.

Oh, you ain't got no choice,

bro I'm 'bout to be

your new best friend. You smoke?

Uh, every now and then.

- Really, n*gga?

- Yeah, weed makes me sleepy.

Aw, come on, man, you just

ain't had the right strain yet.

It's cool look, I

got some shit at my crib.

Look, I can give you a discount

Why you always hustlin'?

What? Money make the world go round.

That's what this capitalist

society would have you believe.

n*gga, what?

Money isn't everything.

Where you get this hippie from, Kiesha?

You from the North Side?

No! I can't afford to live up there.

Yeah, leave him alone.

You want something to drink?

- Yeah, I'll take some water.

- I'll take a fruit punch.

All right, you can get that yourself.

- "You can get that yourself."

- Stop.

He's kinda weird.

I know, but he treats me like a queen.

Well, you deserve that.

Just gotta feel him out

a little more, that's all.

I been feelin' him out.

Oh, so you don't need me no more.

I didn't say that.

I'ma always have your back.

I know.

Just know.

Pardon me.

Hey, uh, wanna go somewhere and talk?


Look, um

you remember the girl

that I told you about?

The one who was livin'

with her older brother?

I think so. Why?

Look, I know we ain't good yet,

but this girl can't wait for

us to figure our shit out.

With your blessin'

I want her to move in with us.


the last thing we need in that house

is another mouth to feed.

We can barely keep up with

the two kids we've already got.

And now we got a new grandbaby.

How we gonna talk about

helpin' the community,

and we can't even

take in one of our own?

'Cause it's not our problem.

She's not anybody's problem.

She's a girl who doesn't have

anybody lookin' out for her.

Look, I used to be that little girl.

And the fact that I'm

still here is a miracle.

I don't wanna see her

slip through the cracks.

How long does she need to stay with us?

Till I find a foster family I can trust.

You don't trust anyone.

I'm thorough because I care.

That's what I love about you.

You treat everybody like they're family.


if our marriage is not intact,

these kids are gonna

grow up off balance.

I know.

Look, I'm down to do

the work if you are.

I am.

Don't leave me lonely ♪

Want me to read your mind ♪

You tell me you love me ♪

Wishing I could press rewind ♪

Maybe that would help me ♪

I feel all alone ♪

I can fight this all on my own ♪

They don't even know ♪

Tell me that you love me ♪

But you don't ♪

Say you gonna always be ♪

Why you lookin' at me like that?

'Cause I made a decision.

What's it gonna be?

I'll close it up.

Your legs or our marriage?

n*gga, you ain't funny.

Come here.

Thank you.

You welcome.

I love you.

I know.

You better say that shit back.

I love you too.

This open marriage shit a trip.

Yeah, it is.

I learned a lot about myself, though.

Like what?

Like how connected we are.

How much our family means to me.

So you never gonna cheat again?

I'm gonna make sure I

never violate your trust.

That's kinda vague.

How is that vague?

I need you to say the words.

That I'm never gonna cheat again?


Are you gonna say it?

Look, never is a scary word.

Yeah, it is.

And we both human.

Yeah, we are.

Why don't we just agree to do our best?



One of these days, I

won't be here to save you.

Yes, you will.

So where are we goin'?

Far away from here.

You know, something be going

down in this neighborhood.


So most of these people you knew?

Oh, yeah, most of 'em

I went to school with,

played football,

- some of them through

- Like this part of you, right?

Yeah, a few of 'em, shit.

You need to watch where

the f*ck you goin'.

Bitch, do you wanna get f*cked up?

- I know you a n*gga.

- What?!

n*gga, you the one that's

gonna be getting f*cked up.

- I will knock you the f*ck out.

- Yeah?

Yeah, motherfuckah.

Yo' ass.

- Hey, we got a problem, G?

- Man, what the f*ck?

I ain't lettin' you up off this wall

- till you apologize.

- n*gga, f*ck you.

Man, shorty

don't make me violate my parole.

- f*ckin' apologize.

- I don't want

- that n*gga apology.

- You heard her.

f*ck it then!

Apologize, n*gga!

A'ight! Sorry. Damn.

Get your young ass home.


So that's yo' bitch.

No, n*gga, that's my family.

What the f*ck? n*gga,

what you lookin' at?

Bitch ass.

You a'ight?

I'm good.

But I can stick up for myself.

I know, but you know,

just got that new lace front and shit.

Know how expensive that can be.

I don't want you to f*ck that up.


Thank you.

I wanna thank you all for comin' out

to celebrate me today.

I can't tell you how

much it means to me.

I wanna give a special shout-out

to the women in this community.

Because of y'all, I never

felt like I was alone.

- Love you, Jada.

- So thank you.

And I can't forget the

three men who've been there

through all of this.

Darnell, my high school sweetheart,

father of my child,

someone I couldn't

stand for a long time.

Now one of my closest friends.

Thank you.

I wanna thank my son.

Thank you for being so

strong during all of this

and bein' there and taking care of me.

Even when I asked you not to.

Last but not least, Suede.

I love you.

Thank you for making me feel so loved.

I didn't realize how much I needed that.

Uh, can we please turn up the music?

I had a dream ♪

Kickin' that ball to

the net for the team ♪

Goals turn green,

winner's the theme ♪

I see part of Jada,

I just wanna scream ♪

Yeah, yeah, my family is

shy, we chill at the lake ♪

I post by the bay ♪

Got that grill on ♪

Gold on me ♪

Whassup, Weed Girl?

Are you gonna keep callin' me that?

That's how I got you saved on my phone.

But for real, since we added

your edibles to the menu,

business been boomin'.

I ain't surprised.

We gonna make a killin'.

Yeah. I'm glad this worked out.

Me too.

Just don't hover too much.

I know what I'm doin'.

Oh, I'm sure.

But I I do like to be very

hands on.

Just don't get too handsy.

I know how to play my position.

I'm sure you do.

Come on. I'll show you around.

Keep all the doors open.

Babe, we said that we would trust 'em.

Where y'all want me to sleep?

Uh, well, the couch here

opens up to a bed, so.

- Cool.

- Why can't she just stay

- in my room with me?

- Ha. You know why.

Kev, don't push it.

'Kay, I was just tryin' to be nice.

I don't even like him like that.


Lynae, go unpack your stuff.

Anyways, I cleared out a drawer for you.

I'm gonna need more than

that. I got a lotta shit.

- Oh.

- We don't curse in this house.

- Yeah, we do.

- Adults do.

Kids don't.

My bad.

Uh, thanks again for your hospitality.

- It means a lot.

- It's all good.

We got you.

Wow, I love my city.

And I'm proud to be from Chicago.

And I think when people

think about my city

they often think

about the bad things.

But the truth is,

there's a lotta good here.

We love each other.

Man, this city has never let me down.

The city of Chicago

can never be destroyed.

The people of Chicago

can never be broken.

We always rise above the obstacles

placed in front of us,

because we are what we need.

Thank you, as always,

for listenin' to Papa's Pulpit.

This platform has really become

a sanctuary for me.

I hope it's been a

safe space for you too.

So let's keep this conversation goin'

because even though

we've come a long way,

we still got a long way to go.

So let's get there together.

Until next time,
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