04x05 - The Spook Who Sat By The Door

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Chi". Aired: January 7, 2018 – present.*
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Following "a fateful turn of events that sends shockwaves through a community on the Southside of Chicago and connects the lives of Emmett, Brandon, Ronnie and Kevin in unexpected ways."
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04x05 - The Spook Who Sat By The Door

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Chi

- Tracy?

- I'm trying to help those girls

in that f*cking trap house,

and I feel like I'm doing it

by myself.


That ain't no girl.

Man, that's a n*gga in a dress.

Where Trinity at?

You need to tell your bitch

to mind

her own f*cking business.


Did you give that to her?

They found her body over on Bishop.

I really appreciate

your support.

Of course.

I got you.

It's Kevin.

So what do we do now?

You kissed me.

Your goofy ass live this way.

You pregnant?

She's not pregnant.

Then what the f*ck

is going on?


I have cancer.

Everyone keeps telling

me to listen to my gut.

My gut keeps telling me

it's you.

You're a blessing.

You are too.

Last time Chicago vied

for the Olympics,

we only got a few votes.

If we get this, we could be

the most famous city

in the world.

Still don't know

why I'm introducing you

and not your wife.

Well, you know, my wife

saying nice things about me

don't mean shit.

But a, um, community leader

blessing me,

that means something else.

So you're using me.

Come on, now.

We're using each other.

We're walking!

Hey, Tanya,

watch your back.

Coming through.

It's all here!

And then the next

No, no, no.

Come on, now.

That's not the right timing.

And these ain't

the right lights!

Come on, Tracy,

let's run it again.

- Seriously?

- Yes, please.

That won't be necessary.

She'll be great.

All right, folks, bring it in.

Come on, double time.

He is a liar.

I need you all

to remember,

tomorrow we have a chance

to make history.

The last time our city

hosted an event this big

was in 1893,

and as you can imagine,

folks that look like you

and me

we weren't allowed

at that event.

- And now we're in charge of it.

- Correct.

Now, let's make our city proud.

South Side!

West Side!

Man, if you don't get

your ass up out of here

All right,

enough of that.

Let's get back to work.

- Yeah?

- Mm, there it is, yeah.

- Yeah. I like your hair.

- Thank you.

You know, I really appreciate

you giving me and Trig

the opportunity

to try to change things.

Yeah, well, you can't

change a community

until you live in it.

- True.

- Mm.

You know

about that trap house girl

that got m*rder*d recently?

I don't know anything

about that.

I bet you know

the person that does.

I never told you

that I was a saint.


You still in bed

with gangbangers?

I'm funny to you.

Look, Tracy,

I can't change who I was.

Now, you can either deal

with that,

or you can get the f*ck on.



What you doing?

Um, uh, nothing much.

Want me to come over

and keep you company?

Normally, I would say yes,

but my dad's gonna be here,

and I don't feel

like having him knock

on my door every five minutes.

Yeah, I get it.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Love you.

I love you too.

- Good?

- Yeah.

A'ight, let's go.

So what's on your mind?

Been real reflective lately.


You ain't dead yet.

I know.

Just nervous.

Just make sure

you live long enough

to help Kiesha birth this baby.

I'll do that from heaven

if I have to.

Stop talking like that.

Words have power.

I know they do.

That's why I wrote out my will.

Are you serious?


If anything should happen,

I want you to make sure

that people respect

my dying wishes.

You are not dying on me, okay?

Look, I'm honored,

but isn't this a conversation

you should be having

with Emmett?

Have you met my son?


I have.

And he's getting better.

What's up, Dre?

Here, Ma.

Eat these.

Apparently, eating healthy

helps you live longer, so

Emmett, get away from me.

I'm for real.

And I'm cooking dinner

for you tomorrow.


Something real healthy.


'Cause I want to.

Just come over.

I'm busy.


Okay, fine.

Thank you.

I'll make sure

I execute your will.

Thank you.

But can you do me a favor?


Please call my wife

and tell her

that I'm running around

with you

and not one of these chicks

on Instagram.

Nina got enough

stressing her out already.

She don't need me

adding to it.

I mean, right now,

my stress level's

at a all-time high.

I'll come clean soon,

I promise.

Just let me enjoy

folks not pitying me

for a little while longer.

You lucky I love your ass.

You gotta tell him.


'Cause that n*gga

may get on my nerves,

but he's still my brother.

Just give me some time.

Nah, f*ck that.

Tell him now.

You not my daddy.

How you gonna be

a revolutionary

but can't tell Kev

you wanna be with me?

Speaking truth to power

and telling your boyfriend

the truth

are two very different things.

Either you tell him,

or I will.

You ain't gonna do shit.


Hey, baby.

What's up?

You know damn well

Kiesha needs to take her ass

to the hospital.

Sweetheart, I already told you.

Our babies don't do well

in hospitals.

Oh, stop being a hotep.

What if something goes wrong?

What if the baby comes out

with the umbilical cord

wrapped around his neck?

What do we do then,

become Grey's Anatomy?

Come on, come on, now.

You worry too much.

You don't worry enough.

That's your problem.

So did you get everything

on Octavia's list?


I had to drive around

to a million different

grocery stores

on the North Side.

You know them white folks

smell like cheap incense.

Okay, well, listen,

I appreciate you

taking one for the team.

I been taking a lot

for the team lately.

- Where you coming from?

- The gym.

So now you wanna work out?

Come on,

that was supposed to be

our New Year's resolution.


So why didn't you tell me?

Damn, can you just chill?

Watch how you talking to me.

A'ight, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I apologize.

I've had a long day.

I'm tired.

Look, I'm just about

to pop in the shower.

Wanna join me?


Mm, come on.

Ready for your interview?


Not without a tie.

I got this for Trig

when we thought

he was going corporate.

I don't know

how to tie that shit.

I got you.

Hey, watch out!

f*ck you, n*gga.

Man, f*ck this shit, man.

Enough of that goofy-ass tie.

Well, that was fun.

Yeah, it was.

I love you.

I love you too.

Who you talking to?

Oh, nobody. It's, um

it's just some work stuff.

Come on, let me get

some of that.

Ain't gonna say it again.

I want that n*gga out of here.

I know.

Well, then you need

to do something about it.

What'd he do?

He clocked my T,

and he don't like it.


But what he ain't gonna do

is live in my house

and eat my food

and treat me like shit.

I'll handle it.

That's what you said

about the trap house.

Is that what this is about?

No, this is about you

saying one thing

- and doing another.

- Imani, I'm not

Don't try to play me,

'cause I'm not the one.

- I'm really not.

- I know you're not.

Well, then act like it, n*gga.

What are you doing?

Looking at my baby book.


I haven't seen this book

in a long time.

Look at me.

I was so skinny.

Didn't even know it.

And there you are.

Always running around

with a big old smile

on your face.

I'm not gonna have

one of these, am I?

Not this time,

but you will,

when you're ready.

When will that be?

I don't know, baby.

I'm not eating no pancakes

made by a dude.

You young boys are really dumb.

You know that?

You're two years older than me.


- Hi.

- Mm.

- Enjoy.

- Thank you.

Bye, n*gga.

I can't believe you told him

before me.

He's my partner.

I'm your son!

I got you a juicer.

I hear people that be juicing

living long-ass lives.

Emmett, I'm sick.

I know, and I'm trying

to save you.

Saving me is not your job.

We gotta make sure

you pull through this.

I can't-I can't lose you.

I-I need you.

Emmett, baby,

look, look, look.

We caught it early,

and the doctors say

my chances are really good.


f*ck them doctors.

We gotta talk to Jesus.

You you wanna pray?

Since when you start praying?

I pray all the time.

Every time me and Tiff

have sex,

I pray she don't get pregnant.

I'm finally getting

my shit together,

and I want you to

be here to see it.

I still gotta buy you

that house.

I want you to be proud of me.

I'm so proud of you

whether you buy me a house

or not.

What I need

with a big old house?

It's just me.

And Suede's ass.


I love you, Ma.

I love you too, son.

Eat up.

I ain't eating that food.

Just a bite.

Where's this go?

Uh, just put it right here.

Oh, sometimes people

come in asking for specific shit.

Just tell them we only

have what's on the floor.

W-well, how come I always hear you

telling people you'll

go check in the back?

That's just me trying to get an escape.

Well, next time, let me know

so I can escape with you.

What's up, y'all?



So, uh, what's your name?

Uh, Rashaad,

Rashaad Shervington.


Any kin to Titi and Carmelo?

Uh, yeah.

Those are my uncle kids.

I remember them

from Evergreen Towers

bowling alley,

right by the, uh

The Plaza, The Plaza.

The Plaza.

Man, our parents used

to bowl there every Friday.

Hey, it was good times.


So tell me.

Why you wanna work here?

Well, honestly, you know,

man, I need a job.

Look, I figured I could start,

you know, in stock

and maybe work my way up

to manager, you know?


This is my résumé.

Hey, look, I-I-I know

it may seem weird,

you know, being

that my last job

was at RadioShack back in '02.

Hey, but look,

man, I'ma keep it a buck

with you.

Man, I got locked up

for some bullshit.

Hey, hey, hey,

but I'm a changed man, though.


I'm-I'm just

I'm just trying to get

my life back on track.

I just need a opportunity.

That's all.

Look, I hear you,

but I don't make

the final decision.


but I'll get this résumé

over to my boss.

Yeah, we'll see what happens.

No, look, the state,

they giving away incentives

for companies

that hire ex-cons.

I-I know all about it.

My uncle is still locked up.

Look, I know what you're

going through, brother.


You done time?

No, I haven't.

Then you have no idea, then.


Goofy-ass n*gga.

Did it not go well?

Hey, man, f*ck them people!

You all right, bro?

Yeah, I'm a'ight.

I'm good.

I know how it go.

Look, we need to talk.

Well, n*gga, can we talk

about it over some drinks?

Like, some f*cking hard drinks?

For sure, for sure, for sure.


So why you work here?

I got bills.

I used to ball.

I had a scholarship

and everything,

and then I got hurt.

You-you know how that goes.

Yeah, I do.

I had a scholarship

for track and field

and then just

I know.

- You do?

- Yeah.

It was all over the news.

I'm sorry you had

to go through that.

I'm just glad you survived.

Yeah, me too.

Escape over.

I think we should go

back inside.

You all right?

Yeah, I'm

I'm fine.

It's just Braxton-Hicks.

My God.


Oh, my God.

What's funny?

When I envisioned

this time in my life

this was not what I had

in mind.

Me neither, but life has a way,

a wonderful way,

of surprising us.


Yeah, I guess so.

No, you definitely been

a lovely surprise.

You too.

I love you, Jada.


I wasn't expecting that.

Why not?

I don't know.

I just

It's been a rough road.

I'm sure it has.

I can't thank you enough

for everything you've done.

Don't thank me for doing

what I'm supposed to be doing.



Uber's here.

You look handsome.

I try.

You look great too.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Mr. Mayor.

- One picture, sir.

- This way.

Have a good one, Mayor Perry.

Hey, can I get a shot?

Looking good.

Yeah, turn around.

Mayor Perry just arrived.

Yes, Mayor!

He looks

really good, doesn't he?

- I think it's great.

- Yeah, I do too.

- And guess what.

- What?

- We're here.

- Yeah.

Aw, this nice.

- This is nice.

- This is nice.



Over here.

Go ahead.

What's up?

I-I you know,

I really, really appreciate

you guys coming.

I mean, we couldn't do this

without you.

You know?

Want a picture?

Okay, thank you very much.

All right, guys,

I'll see you inside.

I hope I see you later.

I'm gonna go over here

and have a conversation

with the young people.

Be right back.

Okay, so listen,

you've all been selected

to be youth ambassadors

representing the future

of Chicago.

You've all studied

the package, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- Hey.

So don't be shy.

Let's go out there

and talk to the guests

and let them know

how impressive you are,


Oh, and, um

try not to eat too much

of the refreshments.

No, it's all right.

You can go ahead and eat 'em.

Just eat 'em!

Have fun, guys.

I'll talk to you later.

- Let's go.

- Oh, my goodness.

- This is great.

- f*ck that dude.

Come on.

Yeah. I'm in the line.

It's just taking too long.

That's all.


That can't be the right price.



- Oh, sorry.

- Okay?

Uh, I'm fine.

This Brie is amazing.

I was hoping

they'd have oysters.

I would only trust those

if they're fresh.

You having fun?

Not really.

Yeah, I know

this isn't really your thing.

What you trying to say?


- What's your name?

- Gigi.

I'm Jake.

- Thirsty?

- What?

I was wondering if you

wanted something to drink.

Nah, I'm good.

I know what you're trying

to do.

Mm, what's that?

You're trying

to make me jealous.

Is it working?

Of course it is, you assh*le.


Um, they're, like, about

five, ten minutes apart.

She just had one

a little while ago.

Breathe in.

Yes, Miss Jahari.

We're, um, about-we're about

to get her in the pool

in a second.

We got it all filled up.

Yep, mm-hmm.


Okay, yes, Miss Jahari.

Just please get here soon,


Hey, okay, come on.


- Ten minutes?

- Drink this. Come on.

Drink that.

Yeah, we're-we're about

to get her into the tub.

We'll get her into the pool.

Oh, okay, okay.

Come on.

I got you.

Breathe now.

Come on.

That's it.



All right, I gotta-I gotta go.

Thank you so much.

We'll see you soon.


- I can't do this, Ma!

- All right, thank you so much.

You really don't have

a choice, baby.

Come on, come on, come on.

Shh. We got you.

- Just breathe.

- It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

When y'all wanna go

to a hospital

like regular folks

We got this.

Everybody just calm down, okay?

That's right.

That's right.

Take a deep breath.

Here we go.

Take deep breaths.

- We got this.

- Okay, okay.

Oh, wait, let me get

the intentions.



Right, I just wanna share

the birthing intentions.

We got it.

We got it.

I just wanna share

the-the birthing intentions

that Kiesha and I have

assembled, all right?

We-we intend to create a calm portal

to welcome this baby

into our world.


We intend to have

a natural birth,

free of all Western medicine.

We intend to use


I don't understand!

and breath work

to ease Kiesha's pain.



Mm, mm ♪

Mm, yeah, listen ♪

Listen ♪

Something I wanna tell you ♪

Wait just a minute ♪

Wait just a minute, my friend ♪

Something I want you to do for me ♪

Mm ♪

I want a spot

in your administration.

Bitch, please.

If you ever go there, ♪

give him a message for me ♪

I want you to tell him, mm ♪

Either you give me

job security,

or I'm gonna serve you

with divorce papers,

and we both know that

that is not a good look

for you right now.

Tell him that I love him ♪

Yes, I do ♪

Are you threatening me?

What do you think?

Tell him that I need him ♪

Oh ♪

Tell him for me ♪

Tell him that I'm doing ♪

All that I can ♪

Oh, but without him ♪

I'm only half a girl ♪

My heart is breaking ♪

Oh ♪

Tell him for me ♪

Go on and tell him, yeah ♪

Tell, yes, I do ♪

Oh, tell him ♪

Baby, just let me know,

and we can go to the hospital.

Just breathe, breathe, yes.

- Oh, let me get that.

- Now blow out.

The midwife is here, okay?

The midwife is here.

Blow out.


Come on in.

All right.

Are you feeling

the pressure?

- Yes.

- Okay, good, good.

You're doing very well.

- Very well.

- Hey, Kiesha.

- Hi.

- How you feeling?

- You doing okay?

- I'm okay.

- She's doing very good.

- Good call.



Slow your breaths.

Sounded like

a good one.

How far along are we?

You need to sit down?

- Three to four minutes.

- No, I'm good.

- Are you sure?

- Yeah. Yeah, I got this.

- about 45 seconds.

- All right.

f*ck this birthing intention.

- Let's get a doctor.

- I'm okay. I'm okay.

Hey, we got this.

We don't have to go

to a hospital.


I take it you're the mother.

Come on over here

and have a seat.

Come on, baby.

- Okay.

- There you go.

All right.

It's good.

It's gonna be okay.

All right.

Looks like she's getting ready

to have another contraction.

It's okay!

All right, ladies,

she's in active labor,

and this is the time

for us to empower her

to do what we've been

doing for millions of years.

- We're good?

- Yes.


are gonna get

closer and closer together.

All right?


Come on, you're good.

You're good.

Ah, shit!

- Man!

- Trash.

- Ha!

- Mm-hmm.

- Thank you, bro.

- Mm-hmm.

You a real one, G.

Um, bro,

you know you like

a brother to me.


Shit, I better be,

especially after doing time

for your ass.

Man, you did that shit

for yourself.

Boy, stop playing.

You was right there with me.

I mean, I was a lookout.

Ah, man.

- It don't even matter anyhow.

- Mm-hmm.

Shit, I could've snitched,

but I didn't.

Yeah, that's true.

Yeah, n*gga,

I know it's true.

Ah, shit.

Here you go.

Hold on.

Finna call this right here.

Side pocket.

Look, bro

Hold on.

Ah, shit.

You gonna have

to move out soon.


Can't be beefing with Imani.


Nah, bro, she the lady

of the house.

- Is that right?

- Yeah.

n*gga, that ain't

no m*therf*cking lady.

Yes, she is, n*gga.

n*gga, is you gay?

I want you out by this weekend.

Oh, so you giving me a expiration date,

- m*therf*cker?

- Yeah, n*gga, yeah.

I'm giving you

an expiration date, n*gga.

You mean that thing

over there

that mean more to you than me?

n*gga, she a woman, my woman,

and yeah, she does.

- That's what you on, huh?

- That's what I'm on.

f*ck you, bitch!

There you go.

Good evening, everyone.

I didn't want

to become an activist.

But four years ago,

my son, Jason,

was m*rder*d by the police.

Eventually, I realized

nothing I did

would ever bring my son back,

so I had to do something

to honor his memory.

That's when I founded

my organization, ROCK,

Remembering Our Chicago Kids.

I wanted to connect

with other women like myself,

women who cared not just

about our own children

but all of Chicago's kids.

Our message is about protecting

the youth.

It's about giving them

the opportunities

they need to succeed.

And that's what the Olympics

are all about.

It's about dreams coming true.

It's about dedicating your life

to something bigger

than just yourself.

It's about all the people

it takes

to raise just one child.

It truly does take a village,

and I'm so grateful for mine.

I don't know where I would be

without them.


Can you wait for me, please?

Olympic cities are

cities that have long legacies,

and it is my hope

that our new legacy

shows the world

that cities can be ruled

by their people,

not by the police.

I have a feeling

our children will be safer

that way.

I'd like to thank

our revolutionary mayor

for not being afraid

to take chances.

I'm so grateful

he took a chance on me.

Thank you.


Where are you going?

- Home!

- Stay with me.

I don't belong here.

What are you talking about?

Only reason they made me

an ambassador

is 'cause I got my ass beat

by the police.

- I ain't nobody charity case.

- I know that.

Then why won't you

tell nobody about us?

I ain't good enough

to bring home

to your bougie-ass daddy?

It's complicated.

No, it ain't.

Kev looks better on your arm

than me.

Kevin approached me.

You didn't.

I don't chase b*tches.

- Stop talking like that.

- It's how I talk.

Do you wanna get out of here?

- Mr. Mayor?

- Yeah.

You're up.

Ah, thanks, Dante.

Can't believe y'all gonna

make me follow that.

Well, hello.

Uh, hello.

Good luck.

Oh, shit.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

That was a very inspirational speech

Miss Roxboro gave, wasn't it?

And it reminded me

of when I was a boy

and watching Carl Lewis

win gold in the long jump

in the 1984 Olympics.

That moment,

I'll never forget.

Changed my life

because it really meant

something to me

to see a Black man soar

like that.

The world was cheering

for Carl Lewis,

not because of who he was

but because

of what he could do.

I don't want the world

to only cheer for Black folks

when we're winning gold medals

or rallying behind us

as we're dying

at the hands of the police.

I want the world

to cheer for us

just because.

That's why we're proposing

a racially equitable bid

for the Olympics.

I see you looking at me like,

"Mr. Mayor,

I don't know

exactly what that means."

Well, I-I'm happy to tell you

what that means.

So here's to us winning

the Olympic bid,

and here's to a brighter

future for Chicago.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Great speech.

Thank you.

I'm surprised

you didn't mention

helping the women out

in the trap house.

I wanted to,

but they only gave me

a certain amount of time.


Can we go home?


Let's get the f*ck out of here.

- Sir?

- Water.

We make a great team.

We do.

I'm headed to the roof.

I would love it if you would join me.

Let me shake a few hands first.

By all means.


I'm grown.

You're also a man.

n*gga, why don't you mind

your business,

and I'll take care of mine?

You wouldn't be here

if it wasn't for me.

I don't owe you shit.



What's up?

I spent some time

with my mom today.

Oh, yeah?

How's she doing?

She ask about me?

Nah, she ain't ask

about your ass.

A'ight, man.

Just checking.

So now you wanna check on her?


Is that a problem?

What's wrong with you?

Talk to me, son.

Just go home, Darnell.



What's going on?

Man, I said leave!


Hey, Emmett.



Emmett, I ain't going

nowhere, man.

Talk to me.

I'ma be right here.

She's sick.

She's sick.

I can't let her go




I can't

Come on, Kiesha, you got this.

- Good job.

- Look.

- Good job.

- Okay.

Hurt a lot less

if you push it out.

- I can't do this.

- Yes, you can.

You're doing it.

You're doing it.

- You're doing it.

- Just take your time.

Just breathe, okay?

Just breathe.

You all right?

You ready?

You feel that?

You feel the head?


All right, ladies.

It's time.

- Get ready.

- Okay?

- Okay.

- All right.

- Let's get her up.

- Okay.

Okay, now,

whenever you're ready to

feel like you need to push,

I want you to take

a deep breath

and bear down.


Go in through your nose.

Breathe in through your nose.

Whenever you're ready.

You okay?

You got this.

That's it.

Bear down. Bear down.

Bear down, bear down,

bear down.

That's it.


You're almost there.

You're almost there.


I don't need you

to hyperventilate.

I need you to slow it down.

Everybody, we need

to slow our breathing down.

There you go.

That's it, baby.

And there's

another one coming

right behind.

Deep breath.

All right, there it is.

This is it.

This is it!

Let's get this baby on out.



Here it comes!

Come on!

This is it!

Come on, bear down!

You got this!

You got this!

- Come on!

- Oh!

Bring that baby on

There you go!

There you go!

You did it!


Oh, my.

Oh, my God.

You did it, Mama.

You did it.

You did good.
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