03x08 - Frunchroom

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Chi". Aired: January 7, 2018 – present.*
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Following "a fateful turn of events that sends shockwaves through a community on the Southside of Chicago and connects the lives of Emmett, Brandon, Ronnie and Kevin in unexpected ways."
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03x08 - Frunchroom

Post by bunniefuu »

[KEVIN] Previously on The Chi

[NINA] Kiesha Williams has

been missing for seven days.

Help me bring her home so she can grow

into the woman I know she

has the potential to be.

Is Kiesha here?

[g*n COCKS]

I ain't leaving without my sister.

Still looking for this bitch.


- That's my sister, homey!


Stay up, bro.

[DRE] It's been two months.

- What in the hell are you doing?

- It's time.

Why you in such a hurry to move on?

I just think it's time for us

to start the grieving process.


You so eager to pack

everything up, get out.

- That girl still missing?

- Yeah.

[ETHEL] I'm not worried.

You'll find her.

Please, I'm in here!


The f*ck are you doing?








Just like you left it.



If things are out of order,

it's just because we cleaned

up before you came home.

Sorry if everything is not

exactly the way you left it.



- If you need anything

- Maybe you should

If you need anything, just let us know.

Maybe you should try to get some sleep.

I'll be right outside all night.













I think we should talk

about what happened.


I just want to make sure we good.


Dre, I really don't want to

go into all of that right now.


How's she doing?

[NINA] She hasn't come

out of the room yet.



Babe, I really think

she should see someone.

I don't think she wants to.

This ain't about what she wants.

- She said nothing happened.

- You heard the doctor.

She's lying.

Well, what do you want me

to do, Dre, call her a liar?

Try and shake the truth out of her?

Don't you think she's

been traumatized enough?


[DRE] Hey, Kiesha.

[NINA] You want something to eat?

Kevin, come on, I got

to use the bathroom.

[KEVIN] I just got in here, damn.

[KNOCKS ON DOOR] Come on out, Kevin.

You got it.

[KEVIN] You gonna do

anything about this?

[NINA] Lower your voice.

[KEVIN] I don't care if she can hear me.

[DRE] Yo, she just had

a traumatic experience.

She can be weird if she wants.

[KEVIN] She ever gonna get better?

- [NINA] Of course.

- [DRE] We don't know.

[KEVIN] What could I do to help?

[NINA] Just give her some time.

All right, well, I'm finna to go

link with Jake and Papa.

Well, hold up a minute.

Since when you start telling

me what you're finna to do?

Didn't think it was such a big deal.

Kev, Kiesha is finally home.

Don't you want to spend

some time with your sister?

She's locked in the bathroom.

I think it would be nice

if we all stayed close to

home for a little while.

But, Ma











Is she vacuuming?

Guess so.

I ain't never known her to vacuum shit.

- Uh-uh, don't. [SIGHS]

- It's cool, it's cool.

[DRE] Hey.

You haven't eaten anything all day.

I really think you should try

to come and eat something.

- You want some pizza?

- No.

Well, I can cook something else.

No, I'm okay.



Are you sure?

I'm not hungry.

Well, do you at least want

to come and sit with us?

You don't have to eat anything.

You don't have to if

you don't feel up to it.


Kiesha, I really think

you should see somebody.

For what?

So you can talk about

what you've been through.

I'm fine.

You don't have to talk to anybody

until you're good and ready, okay?






- ♪♪




We can't just sweep that

shit under the rug, bae.

That's not what I'm doing.

Okay, I'm just trying to help.

I didn't ask for your help.

[SIGHS] I'm sorry. I did not mean that.

- It's okay.


Why are you so afraid for

Kiesha to go to therapy anyway?

I don't know.

I guess I'm just scared

of what might come out.

She can't keep that shit inside.

It's not healthy.


What is Kiesha's friend doing here?

I invited her.

What? Why?

I thought it might be nice

for her to have someone

other than family around.


- [DRE] Hey.

- [NINA] Hey, Tammy.

Hey. How's Kiesha?

She's been better.

But I'm sure she'll be happy to see you.

- Hey.

- [TAMMY] Hey, girl!

How you doing? I'm so

glad you ain't dead.

Yeah, me too.

Kiesha, you okay for company?

We don't want to overwhelm you.

No, yeah, it's fine.

You could've asked.

Now I got to ask your permission

before I do anything?

When it comes to my kids, yes.

How long do we have to be married

before they become our kids?

I just want to talk about

things first, that's all.

If I talk to you about it,

you just gonna say no.

Look, everything is gonna be fine.


- It's gonna be fine.

You okay?

You want me to hook you up?

I'll be gentle. I know

you tender headed.

No, I'm okay.

No, you're not.

What you want?

I'll just do cornrows.


Feel like I been gone forever.

What's been going on?

Oh, I broke up with Derrick's ass.

What happened?

He wanted to have threesomes and shit.

I was down, but I was like,

"I want another n*gga".

- He fell out.

- I'm sure he did.

He was like, "I ain't gay".

I'm like, "n*gga, neither am I,

but yet you want to watch me

go down on a bitch for

your visual pleasure?"

Oh, Miss Moseley had kicked

me out her class the other day.


I was taking too long

on my standardized test.

It's timed for a reason, Tammy.

Uh-uh, f*ck that.

These white b*tches

be paying for they kids

to pass they test all the time.

[VOICE FADING] Shit, I wish

my mama would've used

her tax returns on that,

because this ADHD

is holding a bitch back. [CHUCKLES]


So you good?


Am I talking too much?

Nah, you fine.

What people been saying?

- About what?

- About me.

- You know how n*gg*s be.

- No, I don't.

What they saying?


Some people saying

Omari was your side piece

and that when you tried

to stop f*cking him,

he got mad and kidnapped your ass.

That's not true.

I mean, I-I figured you wasn't

crazy enough to cheat on Nuck.

What else?

Oh, this one dude said

he was your real daddy.

- What?

- You asked.

What else?

My cousin think it

was a publicity stunt.

- Are you serious?

- Yeah.

Why would I do that?

I don't know. I'm just the messenger.

No, people crazy.

People just like to talk.


Especially you.

- Here we go.

- Why you talk to the press?

I only stated the facts.

"It's just really crazy.

That's my girl, but you

hear all of these rumors

and you don't know what to think".

I got my period that day,

and I was in a mood, okay?

Tammy, so what?

You know how secretive you are?

I didn't want to act like

you was all innocent

and wind up looking dumb.

I don't keep shit from you.

Took forever to tell me you

was f*cking the track coach.

- I was protecting you.

- Bitch, please.

[KIESHA] Get the f*ck out.

Whatever, Kiesha.



- What happened?


I can't wait to go to college.

[DRE] Yeah, uh


Kiesha, the school gave

away your scholarship.




- Hey, Mom, can I

- N-no.

What did I do?

Stop talking back.


Next time you get a bright idea,

run it by me first.






Faded in the back room of SoHo ♪


Got me feeling hyper but so low ♪


Don't know what it

is, but I need more ♪


Nothing more left to say ♪


Stupid luck gone to waste ♪


I'm so numb, I'm so numb ♪

I can feel everything ♪


So numb, we're so numb ♪

We can be anything ♪

Tell me if it's okay ♪

Tell me if it's okay ♪

Show me how you need me ♪


Don't know where to

start, and it's okay ♪


I don't even know if it's okay ♪


Do we have the courage to be brave? ♪


Nothing more left to say ♪


Stupid luck gone to waste ♪


I'm so numb, I'm so numb ♪

I can feel everything ♪


Since I can't leave, can

Jake and Papa come over?


Don't look at me.

Kevin, I don't think

that's such a good idea.

- Ma

- Just 'cause I'm home

don't mean he got to be on lockdown.

Fine, but just Jake and Papa.

God is good all the time.

So happy this beautiful

family has been reunited.

- [NINA] Hello, Papa.

- [PAPA] Hey, Ms. Williams.

- Hello, Jake.

- Hi, Ms. Williams.


Did you bring it?

I really hope that

vape pen don't k*ll you.

It's fine.

I don't trust it.

You know the government love

coming up with creative ways

for us to k*ll ourselves.

Bro, relax.

This one is FDA approved.

You probably don't even

know what FDA stands for.

[JAKE] So?

Bro, blow that shit away from me.


I'm glad she back, bro.

It was looking bad for a minute.

Yeah, I'm grateful.

We got to give God all the praise.

That's what I've been doing, Papa.

I've been praying every day.

Well, I'm glad He answered your prayers.


Me too.


[DRE] How long you gonna

sleep on this couch, bae?

I don't know. I just need some space.

You know I hate sleeping without you.

- I miss you.


Who you invite over here now?

[DRE] Nobody.


Hey, y'all, uh, we were

just in the neighborhood.

Um, decided to stop by.

Uh, we not gonna stay long.

We-we just wanted to

bring y'all some food.

How's she doing?

Um, she's been quiet, but

we're just happy she's home.

[SIGHS] I'm just happy she's okay.

So are we.

Can I holla at Kevin?

Sure, he's in his room.


Uh, so how y'all doing?

- [NINA] Great.

- [DRE] It's been hard.



Come in.

If you doing anything in here

that you might need some privacy for,

speak now or forever hold your peace.

What happened last time was

a bad look for the both of us.


I told y'all to use cologne.

That air freshener

don't be covering shit.

Want some?

Nah, I like to know what

the f*ck I'm smoking.

Kiesha good?

I don't know.

What you mean you don't know?

It's all weird and shit.

I mean, you would be acting weird

if a dude kidnapped

and molested you too.

How you know she got molested?

That's what I heard.

Bro, y'all don't know nothing.

Look, all y'all need to shut up.

She's alive. That's all that matters.


I was gonna holla at her,

but your mom made it seem

like she was sleeping.

She's not asleep.

Then what she doing?

She's probably in her room

staring at the wall and shit.

Every time I walk in there,

that's what she doing.


[DRE] Yo, I'm worried.

Dre, can we not?

Bae, I'm not gonna lie to my girl.

Look, y'all have nothing

to be ashamed of.

Kiesha's behavior is

not a reflection on you.

Well, that's what it feels like.


Jada, have you ever treated

a girl in Kiesha's condition?

I haven't, but I read about it,

and, um, I've dealt with girls

that have been sexually

assaulted by their partners.

And what was their behavior like?

You know, it varies.

Sometimes they can be withdrawn.

Other times they lash out.


- I had one girl

who thought her boyfriend's

abusive behavior

- was good for her.


She thought it meant he loved her.


Hello, Kiesha.



[SCOFFS] This n*gga.



How you doing?

I'm fine.

You ain't fine.

How you gonna tell me what I am?

You just been through some shit.

That's all I'm saying.

Yeah, and I'm tired of talking about it.

I get that.

I just wanted to lay eyes on you.

Now that I see you good,

I'll I'll leave you alone.


You can stay.

Talk to me.

About what?



Uh, me and Tiff doing good.

What's going on?

Nothing. What?

- You lying.

- No, I'm not.

n*gga, I used to date your ass.

I know when you lying.

[SIGHS] f*ck.


Look, I ain't trying to talk about it.

Yeah, I ain't trying

to talk about my shit.

So we can sit here in silence,

or you can tell me what you did.

I f*cked Dom.

Who the f*ck is Dom?

The girl that cooks for me.

You love her?

I don't think so.

But we definitely got

a weird connection.

n*gga, y'all don't got no connection.

Yes, we do.

Well, that don't make it

okay for you to f*ck her.

You right.

What you gonna do?

I don't know.

What you think I should do?

Oh, I don't know.

That's a tough one.

Yeah, no shit.

If you tell her,

it's a chance you

could lose her forever.

Oh, I know.

But if you don't, it'll

just be hanging over you

like a dark cloud you can't escape.

So I'm f*cked either way.

Basically, yeah.

Emmett still trying to f*ck your sister?

Nah, man, it ain't like that.

They probably got a soul tie.

Papa, shut up.

You f*ck Jemma yet?

Why you want to know?

'Cause I heard rich girls is freaks.

I want to know if it's true.

Don't worry about what we're doing.

[CHUCKLES] You ain't f*cked her.

Kev, there's nothing

wrong with taking it slow.


Ain't nodoby trying to take shit slow.

Yes, y'all is.

How you know?

Because she make all the decisions

in y'all relationship.

There's nothing wrong with

letting your lady lead.

[SCOFFS] Both of y'all p*ssy-whipped.

Ain't nothing wrong with a

little bit of whip appeal.

Ain't that right, Kev?





How you and Nina?

We good.

That's interesting.

Last time we talked,

you was asking if you

could sleep on my couch.

Yeah, but we're working through it.

- You sure?

- Yeah.

I just think Kiesha being

gone was getting to us.

Yeah, I get that.

You know, this is supposed to be

the happiest time of our lives.

I just feel like this whole thing

has been one big nightmare.

Look, if y'all can make it through this,

your marriage can make

it through anything.

Now that's a positive

way of looking at it.


But at some point,

y'all got to start the healing process.

That's what I keep telling Nina.

But I just feel like she's not ready

to dive into that just yet.

Just don't let it go too long.

[SIGHS] Yeah.

I just feel like I'm

walking a tightrope.

You feel me?

Mm, look

it may not feel like it, but

it'll pass.

You know, all my life, I

dreamed of being married.

And now that I'm here, I

just wish my straight friends

would've told me how hard this shit was.


I heard you were

really worried about me.

Hell, yeah.

Thank you.

Pssh. Least I could do.

I never thought coming

home would be this hard.

What you mean?

I've been reading all the shit

people been saying about me online.

Don't look at that shit.

How can I not?

People just like to talk.

That shit hurts.


They don't know what they talking about.

I feel like

I'm never gonna be the same.

- You're not.

- But I want to be.


Whatever happened, it's over.


And now you got to

find a way to move on.

It ain't that easy.

I know.

But ain't nothing easy for us.


I'm sorry.

What you sorry for?


If I wasn't so trifling,

we could've stayed together,

and none of this would

have ever happened.

This ain't about you.

I ain't trying to make this about me.


Just trying to say I'm sorry.

I don't need no apologies from you.

I just appreciate you being here.

And thank God we ain't together.

You'd be cheating on me

with the bitch you work with.



Who invented planes?

Some brothers.

n*gg*s invented planes?

No, some white dudes, but

they was actual brothers.


Every time y'all smoke,

y'all start asking random-ass questions.

No, we don't.

Hey, y'all think Chinese food

is called "regular food" in China?


[CHUCKLES] I don't know.

- See what I'm saying?


Kev would ask that

even if he wasn't high.

- [g*nf*re ON TELEVISION]

- f*ck.


It's a'ight.

Don't be mad that I'm the better player.

Shut your corny ass up.

All you do is sit here

all day and play this.

That don't mean you better than me.

Practice makes perfect.

Now you sound like them

white kids at school.

You know what, y'all?


I don't got a lot of

white people in my life.


Is that bad?

You ain't missing much.

All they do is eat

oatmeal and go hiking.

Not all of them.

And they let they

dogs stay in the house.

[LAUGHS] Now, that's crazy.

I know you think she's okay,

but she's suffering in silence.

I don't want to force her to do anything

she's not ready to do.

Sometimes people just

need to be pushed, bae.

Has anyone ever violated you?


Then you have no idea what it's like.

Just because you're still broken

doesn't mean she has to be.



I brought you some food.

I hope it ain't that nasty shit

you served at the wedding.

Dom made it.

The one you f*cking?

I don't want no mistress-y food.

Will you stop talking

shit and just try it?

Why you care what I think?

'Cause we opening a restaurant.

What restaurant?

I'm taking over Sonny's.


He was struggling to make rent,

so I bought him out.

With what money?

The money we made slinging

this late-night barbecue.


How much barbecue you slinging?

A lot.

Her food must be good, then.

She know her way around a kitchen.

Ooh, I bet she do.





Is somebody calling me?

n*gga, ain't nobody calling you.

Yeah, I think you just high.


- Y'all don't hear that?

- Nope.

This shit ain't funny.

Bro, relax.

Yeah, you just paranoid.

Is it cold in here?

Man, sit your ass down!

Yeah, bro, you stressing me out.

Maybe it's the Devil coming to get me.

For what?

'Cause the dude that kidnapped Kiesha

used to come into Perry's all the time.

He would always give

me big tips and shit.

I bet you never saw this coming ♪

I got to get rid of the money.

It probably got Kiesha

blood all over it.

[WHINES] It's my 30 pieces of silver.


Y'all ain't never read

the Gospel of Matthew?


Well, that's all it took

for Judas to betray Jesus,

30 pieces of silver.

You need to let that shit go, bro.

You just saying that 'cause

you got some of his tips, too.

We didn't know he was

kidnapping girls and shit.

Well, good thing he ain't tip me.

Maybe he avoided you on purpose.



Don't let Papa get in your head.

It's not my fault I got a conscience.

She alive, ain't she?


I wish I could k*ll that m*therf*cker.

I bet you never saw this coming ♪

Can if you want to.

Bro, I meant hypothetically.

Don't walk up in here with no AK-47

talking about you ready to

put a hole in the m*therf*cker.

Besides, he dead anyways.



Y-y'all smell that?


I'm not mad at it.

Told your ass.

[CHUCKLES] I'm proud of you.

I knew your ass was hungry.

Shut up.




Was that Kiesha?




- Well


it's nice to hear

you laughing again.

[PAPA] That smell good.

Hey, grab a plate, bro.


- Don't mind if I do.


What's that?

I'm sorry, Kiesha.

For what?

Those are the tips I

got from your abductor.

- I don't want it.

- [PAPA] Neither do I.

I just want you to know

that I'm not gonna keep it.

Why'd it take y'all so long to find me?

I was right up the street.

How the hell was we supposed

to know that n*gga was crazy?

Oh, y-you were too busy being

newlyweds and shit, okay.

We was worried sick about you, Kiesha.

You spoke at one candlelight vigil, Dre.

So what?

- It wasn't our fault.

- Then whose fault is it?

I almost got k*lled trying to find you.

Yeah, we went to a trap

house and everything.

Why would I be at a trap house?

Maybe 'cause your boyfriend was there.

Lord help me.

I mean, if you wasn't

out here on the streets,

maybe we'd call the cops earlier.

Kevin, now, that's enough.

No, f*ck that.

I'm always lying for you. I

mean, I lie to protect you.

If you wasn't out here

trying to be grown and shit,

this wouldn't have happened.

- So this is my fault?

- I didn't say that.

Yes, you did.

[JAKE] That is kind

of what you said, bro.

Jake, shut up.

- Kevin, go to your room right now.

- Why?

Because I said so, that's why.

So when are you gonna tell her

that you packed up her room?



Man, f*ck this shit.





Have you lost your damn mind?

Get your ass up and go apologize

- to your sister right now.

- No!

[NINA] Kevin, do not play with me.

[KEVIN] I'm tired of y'all

acting like this shit is cool,

and it's not.

Y'all made me go to

therapy. Make her go.

[NINA] Why don't you let me

do the parenting around here?

[KEVIN] I hate this shit!

[NINA] Swear at me one more damn time,

and I'ma smack the

taste out of your mouth.

I'm sorry.



your sister's been through a lot.

So have we.

Is it gonna be like this forever?

I don't know.

Well, I just want things

to go back normal again.

Okay, well, that might take some time.

Emotional wounds don't

just heal overnight.

Look, we just gonna have to

be patient with one another.

My f*cking patience is wearing thin.

[NINA] Who do you think

you're talking to, Kevin?


- I think we should bounce.

Would it be weird if

I took some food to go?


I think we should leave, too, Ma.

You go ahead.

I need to talk to Kiesha.

I don't think right now is a good time.



- Kiesha.

- What?

- I don't want to bother you.

- Then don't.

This doesn't have to define you.

It already has.


Don't let the world tell your story.

What am I supposed to do?

- I can't tell you what to do.

- Then why are you here?

I just want you to know that

healing is a personal journey,

that you have to figure out

what works best for you.

Sometimes I just stare

at myself in the mirror.

I don't even recognize the

girl staring back at me.

- [JADA] That's normal.

- When does it stop?

I don't know.

But you're not the same person anymore.

I know that.


It's up to you to reclaim

that light inside you.

I just want to be left alone.

Can't be alone forever.

- Or maybe Kevin was right.

- Mm-mm.

Maybe it's my fault.



ah, I wasted years

thinking what happened

to me was my fault.

And when you're assaulted

by a family member,

you don't have space to heal.

That trauma pops up

at every Thanksgiving,

uh, family functions,

Easter Sunday,


Moments that were supposed

to be joyous occasions

always brought me sadness, anxiety.


I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

That's why I got into social work.


I hated the fact that I never

had anybody to turn to.


So I decided I'd be that somebody

young girls could come to

if somebody violated them.


How long does it take before you feel

normal again?


Baby, if you waiting

to feel normal again


you gonna be waiting a long time.













What's up?

Kiesha asked me to come over.


I feel like I owe you my life.


You don't owe me.

I'm just glad I could be of service.

Is he really dead?


I had to k*ll him.


- You did what you had to do.

- Then why can't I sleep?

Every time I close my

eyes, all I see is him.

Why is he haunting me?

That's the way it is.


I k*lled someone, and


I see his face every day.

I hate this.

Feel like I was finally

ready to leave Chicago.

Now I'm stuck here forever.

That's the thing about this city

grabs ahold of you

and never lets you go.

Well, does it get better?

I can't answer that for you.

How's it for you?

It's it's been a long road.

But you've been the

light at the end of it.


You'll get through this.

Just don't

don't drown your

sorrows in brown liquor.


- I won't.


I promise.


Thank you.

Oh, I should be thanking you.



You gave my life















[NINA] Kiesha.




You think burning your clothes

gonna make you feel better?

Maybe I wouldn't have got kidnapped

if I wasn't wearing this shit.

That's some bullshit, and you know it.

Do I?

None of this is your fault.

I don't care if you were

walking down the street butt naked.

Nobody has a right to

put their hands on you.


I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you.

It's okay, Ma.

I learned how to save myself.



Okay, Kevin, we're off

to see the therapist.

If you need anything, call.

And you know the rules, right?

- Don't leave the house.

- [NINA] That's it.



Tired of the struggle ♪

Tired of the pain ♪

Tired of the heartache ♪

Tired of the strain ♪

Please, Lord, help me ♪

With all my fears ♪

You all right?

Jesus, dry my ♪

Dry my tears ♪

Burdens heavy ♪

Dry my tears ♪

Oh, Lord, these burdens so heavy ♪

Dry my tears ♪

Oh, please, Lord, help me ♪

With all my fears ♪

- Jesus, dry my tears ♪

- Dry my tears ♪

Dry my tears ♪

Oh, I'm so weary ♪

Dry my tears ♪

Oh, Lord, I get so weary ♪

Dry my tears ♪

Oh, please, Lord, help me ♪

With all my fears ♪

Jesus, dry my ♪

- Jesus, dry ♪

- Dry my tears ♪

- Tired of the struggle ♪

- I'm tired ♪

- Tired of the pain ♪

- Oh I'm tired ♪

Tired of the heartache ♪

- Oh, Lord ♪

- Tired of the strain ♪

Please, Lord ♪

Please, Lord, help me ♪

- With all my fears ♪

- With all my fears ♪

- Jesus ♪

- Jesus, dry my ♪

- Dry my ♪

- Dry my tears ♪

- Jesus, dry my ♪

- Jesus ♪

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