05x07 - Angels

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Chi". Aired: January 7, 2018 – present.*
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Following "a fateful turn of events that sends shockwaves through a community on the Southside of Chicago and connects the lives of Emmett, Brandon, Ronnie and Kevin in unexpected ways."
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05x07 - Angels

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on
"The Chi...

Out of all the b*tches
in Chicago,

you had to go and f*ck Kiesha?

It's not just sex, Tiff.

You ever got a girl... pregnant?


Is Jemma pregnant?

What? No, hell no.

You are going
to be a better parent

than I ever was to you.

You did the best you could.

You gotta tell him.

I don't know
how my story will end,

but I know
I don't want it to end

with my boys feeling like
I disappointed them again,

so I'm gonna leave you
with the memory

of me being sober and clear.

Hip-hop music...

♪ Why you tryna gas me? ♪

♪ Diamonds on my wrist,
yeah, they dancin' ♪

♪ Young and I'm rich... ♪

Top of the mornin' to ya.

Oh, you British now?


Whatever you want me to be.

♪ Sendin' all them signs,
but no alley ♪

♪ I'm tryin' to pull up
and get nasty ♪

♪ Tryin' to see what's up,
so don't gas me ♪

♪ Get at me ♪

♪ Walk that shit ♪

♪ Can you back it up
while you talk that shit ♪

♪ All in my DMs,
I want that d*ck ♪

♪ Every time I see him,
I'm on that way ♪

♪ Any time of day ♪

♪ He can put me in position
any type of way ♪

♪ Choppy waters,
he might drown ♪

♪ It's that tidal wave ♪

♪ Tell me what's it gonna be
why you tryna tease? ♪

♪ Say bae, I got time today

Oh, shit.

What the f*ck? Really?

Uh... um...

It's 8:00
in the f*ckin' morning.

You need to knock.

I'ma let y'all talk.

I have a key, n*gga.

Well, this ain't
your house no more.

I told yo' ass last night
I was coming early for EJ.


I-I forgot.

- You always forget.
- Shit, my bad.


Go get my damn baby.


Go, Emmett.

I'm going.


She ain't coming back...

is she?


Our mother has a sickness, bro,

but it don't mean
she don't love us.

I could never abandon my child
like that.

What you say?

She told me to tell you.

Tell me what?

Jemma pregnant.


I was gonna tell you, but...

Wait, wait, hold on.

How long you been
keeping this from me?

We found out a few weeks ago.

Boy, you are crazy, man.

Is she keeping it?

Answer me.

I asked you, point blank,

and you lied
to my f*cking face.

I'm sorry.

That ain't gon' fix shit!

How am I supposed to be
the pillar of my community

when my lil' teen brother's
'bout to have a f*cking baby?




What you want me to do?

I want you to take care
of your responsibilities.

Can you do that?

My God.

Have you considered
an open adoption?

Nah, I haven't.

Well, it's an option.

I've made my decision.

I... I just wanna make sure

you're giving it
a lot of thought.

I have.

Have you prayed about it?

Dad, I can't let your fears
dictate my choices.

Look, I been through a lot
in my life,

but being a father?

There's nothing more
challenging than that.

But it's rewarding too, right?

Rewarding doesn't begin
to cover it.

You're the best thing
that ever happened to me.



I guess your mind is made up,

Mm. So I'm gonna support you.
I mean that.

I'm gonna have your back
the whole way.

Jake's gonna do his part too.

Yeah, well, he better.

Come here.

Come on, man.

You always playin' around.
Here your mama.

I love you, man.
I'll see you later, all right?

Here you go.

I gotta go to the dorm,
so I'll see you later.

All right, be safe, all right?

Hey, yo,

if you gonna be pissed
at somebody,

be mad at me.

Don't take it out on Kiesha.

Don't tell me what to do.

You need to make sure
you at your son's

parent-teacher conference
on time.

That's today?

See, I knew your ass was
gonna forget.

No, I-I'll be there.

I'll be there.

Tiff, I'll be there.

Be on time.

All right. I got you.

Yeah, I'll believe it
when I see it.

Come on.


♪ Remember
when I was a bully? ♪

♪ Like something fresh
out of a movie ♪

♪ My story was privy to any
who bothered to know me ♪

♪ And nobody knew me ♪

♪ What happened
to being an outcast? ♪

♪ Not even my daddy
pursue me ♪

♪ Picked up a mic, and no,
I ain't got no new haters ♪

♪ Just friends that blew it
fam only fam ♪

♪ When you make it hard,
help you get a chance ♪

♪ Just don't plan not
to give 'em some ♪

♪ Careless 'bout that blood
sweat, and tears ♪

♪ I'm who made you, son,
I bet I was last ♪

♪ On your list
to be the famous one ♪

♪ Hear me out,
I had a hard life ♪

♪ Had it so hard, like ♪

♪ I thought bibs,
babies, cribs ♪

♪ And coloring books was
all life ♪

♪ Thought I could find me
a carer in the mix ♪

♪ But he'd rather a girl
who was all right ♪

♪ He had a small mind, but

♪ Guess that's how
the chips fall, right? ♪

♪ Maybe I shouldn't have
been the first daughter ♪

♪ Maybe I'd go a lil' far the
maybe a hug ♪

♪ And maybe more kisses woul
make me a little less harder

♪ Now I gotta fight
for the family ♪

♪ Think I know
who the favorites of God are

♪ All of my city, I'm
shoulderin' this is a w*r ♪

♪ And I'm screaming out
"Sparta" ♪



Mm! Told you.

I guess this new gamer group
teaching you tricks and shit.

Hell, nah. When I play
with you, I get better.

I agree.

Hey, I totally should
recruit you too.

I don't wanna be
in that goofy shit.

Yeah, but they get money.

What kind of money?

Tonight's game is worth 25,000.

- Oh, shit.
- I told you.

They get money.

You playing?

Hell yeah.

- You wanna come?
- I ain't tryna sit around

and watch a bunch of dudes do
what I could do better.

All right, but it'll be fun,

and you probably could
get you some money too.



Oh, yeah,
Simone's coming, by the way.

She annoys me.

You jealous?

Hell no.


I know she's different,

but she's cool.

Just tell her not
to read my palm again.

I got you.

What's my stepmother's
favorite movie?

Uh, Steel Magnolias,

the Black version.


Uh, where did she go
to college?

Ooh, that's a trick question.


let's see, she-she didn't
go to college,

so she started
her own business,

and she loves to brag
about starting her own business

without having
a college degree.

- Right?
- Mm. Excellent.

All right. Whew.

You know, I think you ready
to meet the family.

Well, shit, I better be.

I ain't studied this hard
since Algebra Two.

No, seriously.

They gonna love me. Okay?

Of course.

How could they not love you?


- Oh, and one more thing.
- Hm?

Um, don't mention
that you were in jail.

Well, um,

I mean, they gonna find out
at some point though, right?

Yeah, yeah, but, you know,

let's just let
this first meeting be breezy.

All right.

Anything else?

Um, you got a suit?

Oh, I could borrow one.

Oh, no, no.
Let me take you shopping.

Ah, no, I can slide
over there to TJ Maxx.

You know, they got
their little sales and shit...

Oh, come on, please.

Hey, look, Deja, my mama ain't
raise no kept man, okay?

Yeah, but just
consider it a gift.

Yeah, but it ain't my birthday.

Okay, all right, fine.

- Just do me a favor, okay?
- Hm?

Whatever jacket you get for me,

just make sure there's not
a lot of buttons on it.

Is that a deal?

- Yes, it's a deal.
- All right, cool.

Thank you.
- Yes.

Well, I want to start by saying

that EJ is an absolute joy
to have in class.

That's my baby.

Get that from his daddy.

n*gro, please.

Will you please let
the teacher speak?

I'm sorry.
I-I didn't catch your name.

If you were more present
in your son's life,

you would know her name.

I'm Ms. Greene.

What were you saying,
Ms. Greene?

Well, it appears that EJ has
a learning delay.

What you mean?

He probably having trouble
in class

'cause you out here
being messy.

I ain't the one
who filed for divorce

and moved in
with my weed supplier.

Nah, you just started
f*cking my best friend.

I been f*cking Kiesha
since high school.

Is that supposed
to make me feel better?

Excuse me.


Got me in here looking crazy.

You don't need
no help with that.

Look, I can spend
extra time with EJ

and work to get him more help
when he's not in class,

but I need to know
that when he goes home,

you're doing your part as well.

You hear that, Emmett?

Did you hear it?

How often do you read to him?

I read to him
before he go to bed.

Every night?

I-I be tired.

Then you should take turns.

Well, we really not
getting along right now.

I don't care.

Your son is the priority,
not you.

You have to be a team
for this to work.


We can do that.


We got you.

Okay, okay, okay.

Mommy's got... Mommy's got
one more chapter, okay?

Then it's me and you, okay?

Here, here, here.
Look, look, look, look, look.

♪ Remember
when I was a bully? ♪

♪ Like something fresh
out of a movie ♪

♪ My story was privy to any
who bothered to know me ♪

♪ And nobody knew me ♪

♪ What happened
to being an outcast? ♪

♪ Not even my daddy
pursue me ♪

♪ Picked up a mic, and no,
I ain't got no new haters ♪

♪ Just friends that blew it
fam only fam... ♪

You gotta work
on your stage presence.

Do you ever have
something nice to say?

Okay, look, the song is great,

but if you can't perform it...

what's the point?

Okay, so what do
you want me to do?

Use the stage more.

Like, interact with the crowd.

What crowd?

Girl, pretend.

♪ My mama crib,
missing them classes ♪

♪ 44 absences, now I'm
on a rotation of checks ♪

♪ I ain't checking no ass,
but knew it ♪

♪ Remember
when I was a bully? ♪

♪ Like something fresh
out of a movie ♪

♪ My story was privy to any
who bothered to know me ♪

♪ And nobody knew me ♪

♪ What happened
to being an outcast? ♪

♪ Not even my daddy
pursue me ♪

♪ Picked up a mic, and no,
I ain't got no new haters ♪

♪ Just friends that blew it
fam only... ♪

See? Much better!

Finally, a compliment.

Girl, okay, so we need to
figure out what you gonna wear.

We need to figure out
how you are gonna be my manager

and somebody's mama.

Women raise children
and have jobs all the time.

That doesn't mean it's easy.

Mm, what's this?

They, um, want me
to visit their campus.


Are you gonna go?

I'd rather be here,

doing this.

You sure?

College has always been
my mom's dream,

and trust me,

you get on my last nerve,

okay, my last,

but being here,
doing this shit with you,

has been nice,

and my shit sounds
a lot better now.

Kent Jamz's
"Rollin' Wit' the Homies" plays...

- Well, thank you for trusting me.
- ♪ I guess it's all on us, now ♪

- Thank you for betting on me.
- ♪ Not gon' love it ♪

♪ I guess it's all on us ♪

♪ Took your bitch
and sang to her ♪

♪ Like Shug Avery
in The Color Purple ♪

♪ But I ain't Suge Knight
in 1995 in ♪

♪ N-Y at the Source Awards

♪ On stage, talking 'bout...

Baby, what you think?

You look amazing.

I feel amazing.

♪ I know it's hard to sleep
when you spend the night ♪

♪ I know you think of me
I keep you up at night ♪

♪ It's hard for me to breath
like Bookie T at night ♪

♪ Yeah, I still want you
but you don't know ♪

♪ I know it's hard to sleep
when you spend the night ♪

♪ I know you think of me
I keep you up at night ♪

♪ It's hard for me to breath
like Bookie T at night ♪

♪ Uh, I still want you
but you don't know it... ♪

Oh, my family
is gonna love you.

At least I hope they will.

Oh, no, be cool.

It'll be fine. Just relax.

Whew, shit.

Ho-hold on, hold on, hold on.

Can you just wait
till after dinner?

I don't want you walking
in there smelling like weed.

Well, shit,
ain't weed legal now?

My family will not care.

Yeah, but this shit
helps me to relax.

Yeah, trust me,
I wish I could light up too,

but I just want us
to start off on the right foot.

All right, all right, fine.

But listen, when we get home,

don't say shit to me, okay?

I won't say shit.

All right.

♪ No guts, no glory ♪

♪ Since the beginning,
I'm man enough for it ♪

♪ Breaking the rules
to change the story ♪

♪ f*ck playing nice... ♪

This is crazy.

It's a'ight.

Hey, guys.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Thanks for...
- Yo, Kev.

All right, so y'all good?

Don't worry about us.
We'll be fine.



What's this?

I brought you crystals
for good luck.

The tiger eye and citrine are
for success and inner strength.

The garnet is for prosperity.


- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

So you excited?

- About what?
- Seeing Kevin playin'.

I watch his ass play
all the time.

Yeah, but not on a big stage
like this.

I just hope
he don't embarrass me.

Let's just think positive.


I tend to believe good thoughts
can become reality.

♪ I came ready to win,
you came ready to fall ♪

♪ You ain't built to last,
you ain't built at all ♪

Yo, what the f*ck?

Hey, don't curse in my house.

Who you think you are?

Where Jemma at?

- She with Ma is ha.
- Doing what?

I don't know.

Get up, man.

- Why?
- Because you not about

to sit around and act like you
ain't got no baby on the way.

What you want me to do?

I want you to get your ass up

and start figuring out how you
gonna take care of this child.

What, you want me
to quit school

and work full-time at Smokey's?

Hell, no. You can't be
no dropout and a teen father.

How you think that's
gonna make me look?

This ain't even about me.

It's about your campaign.

Look, I'm worried
about your future.

Man, it seem like you just
worried about yourself.

I can't do this.

I've heard that before.

No, I can't handle this.
This loud-ass dorm

and trying to do my schoolwork
and keep him quiet.

We talked about this.

You knew it wouldn't be easy.

I'm drowning.

Can you move back in
with your parents?

No. No, I can't.

Why not?

My room is being occupied

by someone who needs it
more than I do.

Well, you need to find a place

that includes
a live-in babysitter

and a safe space
where you can do your work.

And I think that place
is your mother's house.

I think I got
a different option.

What's that?

Vegan gummy bears.

- You want one?
- Nah.

Come on, try it.

Just try it.

They taste a little funny,
but they a'ight.

See? Told you.

So why aren't you playing?

I don't know.

You know,

Kevin could probably
get you in.

I don't need him for that.

It's okay to need people.

Y'all are friends, right?


Then let him help you.

I'll think about it.

That's the least he could do.

I know he's only this good
because of you...

and my crystals.

Your crystals don't have
nothing to do with it.

Yes, they do.

Know what?

I'm gonna get you some.

Please don't.


How far along is she?

- A few weeks.
- Okay,

she could still
change her mind.

Nah, I don't know about that.

They-they really wanna do this.

What am I supposed to do?

We have to support them.
There's no other option.

What, you not mad
that he f*cked up?

This kind of thing happens
all the time.

My mom had me young too.

I didn't know that.

You never asked.

I'm scared.

Imagine how Jake feels.

I gotta talk to him.

Don't worry about how it looks.

Just smile and say you're
excited to be an uncle.

It's not gonna be that easy.

I mean, people gonna talk shit
in my comments.

Okay, that's part of it.

I can't believe this.

Me either.

I wish I was the one
that got pregnant.

People love a politician
with a baby on the way.

Nah. Good luck with that.

Stranger things have happened.

So now you wanna be for real?

Anything's possible.

Wh... are you hitting on me?

You are not my type...

But you are growing on me.

Oh, is that right?

Stop blushing.

Are you ready?

The battle starts now!

You ready to get embarrassed?

Don't get cocky now.



♪ They never scored ♪

Swipe that, Kev.

Come on, Kev.

Get his ass, Kev.

Stay focused.

sh**t his ass, Kev!

Take the win, Kev!

That's it!

Head shot!
Head shot for the win!

I knew we picked right, boy!

what I'm talking about!

- Cash!
- Hold up.

We rich.
We rich.

We rich.
We rich.

We rich!

All right, yo,
it's your show.

I told you my crystals worked.

I knew the stars would align
for you to be victorious.

Yeah, I guess so.

I'm proud of you, bro.

You know, y'all
my good luck charms.

Lynae is more like your coach.


No, no. Lynae is not my coach.

I know I'm not your coach,

but I been showing you
all my tricks.

And I showed you some of mine.

You only have two.

Because you got more free time.

What you mean by that?

Everybody chill.

Let's not ruin a good night.

Kevin won.

Yeah, I won.

But you probably wouldn't have
if it wasn't for Lynae.


What is this? Y'all-y'all
jumping me or something?

Oh, we friends now.

You know what?
Let's make some balance.

Okay. How?

Give Lynae 20%.

Hell naw, for what?

Giving you a leg up.

That's fair.

That's cool with you, Lynae?

Hell yeah.


- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Now let's go celebrate
and look at the moon.

I think it's
a full one tonight.

All you wanna do
is look at the moon.

Yeah, I'm saying, man.


Cynthia, Dad, this is Rashaad,

the man I keep telling you
so much about.

Well, it's nice
to finally meet you.

The pleasure's all mine, ma'am.

Good to meet you.


- You play golf?
- Dad,

can we at least get him
to the table

before you start
grilling him about that?

It's a simple question, Deja.

Um... well, I don't get a chance
to play much golf these days,

um... but I'm always down
to learn.

Careful what you ask for.

He'll have you out on the
course before the sun comes up.

Is that right?

You drink scotch?

Uh, Dad, can we eat first?

It's okay.

I could do a little bit
of scotch.

Let these men drink, Deja.

I'll pour us some wine.

Thank you.

Now, do you like
your scotch neat

or on the rocks?

Neat, uh...

yeah, yeah, yeah, neat.

That's how I always do it.

Okay, uh, Smokey's slowest days
are Tuesdays and Thursdays,

so I could pick EJ up from
school and go over his homework

with him while you make
your runs and shit.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

And we could probably start
getting flash cards

and extra workbooks
to work with him too.


You think he gonna
be all right?

Yeah, he gonna be a'ight.

He just needs more
of our attention, that's all.

I'm sorry
if I've been f*cking up.

I just-I just got
a lot going on.

Me too.

I'm not saying you don't.

That's what it feels like.

I'm just saying
I'm running a business

and raising three boys.

I'm running a business, too,

Well, I'm trying to leave
something behind for them.

I want to make Smokey's
a franchise,

and when they get old enough,
they can run it, you know?

Something I could pass
down to 'em.

I never knew
you wanted to do that.

I been thinking
about it a lot lately.

How come you never
told me that?

I never got the chance to.


- I got you.
- Hey.

Can we talk later?


Y'all can talk in front of me.

It can wait.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

What's up, man?

Stop being mean to Kiesha.

We gon' have to make this work.

It's a lot to digest.

Well, start digesting.


I be all over the city.

How come I ain't
never seen you around?

I don't know, I-I just
kind of like to lay low.

Know what I'm saying?

Yeah, real low.

Ah, leave him alone.

Nah, it's-it's cool.

So where'd you go to college?

I didn't.

You a entrepreneur?

Yeah, something like that.

Well, what does that mean?

Well, uh, sir,
I-I work at ROCK.

Um, it's like
a community center.

Yeah, yeah, I went there
to donate some clothes,

and-and that's how we met.


So you're
a community organizer?

Yeah, I-I guess you could
call it that, yeah.

What does that job entail?

Ah, easy with the questions.

I'm just curious.

Well, let me put it
to you this way.

It's better than my old job.

What was that?

I like food, so they stuck me
in the cafeteria.


Yeah, well, you know,
you gotta have a job

when you locked up in the pen.

You were locked up?


no, wait a minute, uh...

I knew this n*gga wasn't shit.

Hey, hold up.

Don't judge me, a'ight?

Listen, I...

I was young, and, uh...

I ain't had nobody to teach me
right from wrong like that.

And for your information,

there's a lot of good people
locked up in there.

We was just trying
to survive and, uh...

we just got caught up.

Well, I wasn't born with
a silver spoon in my mouth,

and I survived just fine.

Yes, but Granddaddy sacrificed

everything he had just
so that you could go to school.

And we did the same for you.

And your parents didn't go
through all that

so you can end up
with some jailbird.

f*ck you, Frankie.

I'm so tired of folks judging

other people based
on they past.

That's some bullsh...

What are we supposed
to judge you on?

Off of the man I've become.

And who is that exactly?


I like to cook.

Yes. He's a great cook.

A-and I love giving back
to my community.

I-I'm even thinking about doing

a-a spades tournament
or something real soon.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'ma help you with that, okay?

Look, I know I ain't
what y'all expected.

But I'd do anything
for this woman.

And honestly,

I don't give a damn what any
of y'all think of me.

'Cause when it's all said
and done,

as long as I got this woman
by my side right here,

I know I'ma be okay.

Well done, son.

Thank you, sir.

You got this.

It was so much easier
when it was just us.

They're gonna love you.

And I'll be right down
in front,

and I invited Papa too.

Thank you.

You're good.

Hold up, 20 bucks.

Whoa, come the f*ck on.

And you're wearing
the wrong shoes.

- Come on.
- Oh.

Really, n*gga?

Watch who you talkin' to.

Man, what the f*ck
you laughing at, bro?

Bakari, Bakari, come on.


Your boy's got you, come on.

Stop holding up the line.

Man, f*ck that n*gga, bro.


Man, come on.

Bakari, you can't be out here
beefing with the doorman.

Bro, he was saying
some shit to me.

That's why I said
some shit to him.

- What's wrong with that?
- That's what them dudes do.

Hey, bro.

I thought you said we was
coming to a f*cking concert.

We is.
Ma is ha about to perform.

n*gga, she ain't nobody famous.

Not yet, but she could be,

and when she blow up, don't be
asking for no pics either.

Trust me, n*gga, I won't.

Now help me find Jemma.

Hey, hey, hey.

Who the f*ck is that, n*gga?

Trust me, she don't want you.

- What up, Lynae?
- Hey, Papa.

I like your braids.

Thank you.

Uh, Lynae, this Bakari.



Hey, guys.

- Hey.
- Thanks for coming.

- Hey.
- You look cute.

Thank you.
Hi, I'm Jemma.

- Bakari.
- Nice to meet you.

Oof, we been practicing
all weekend.

- Victor.
- Hey.

What's going on?

Um, now's not a good time.

You alone?


I mean, we...

we're not exclusive, so...

Uh, can we talk tomorrow?

I'm-I'm busy tomorrow.

Well, then maybe another time.


Look, I...

I gotta go.


Me too.

Hip-hop music playing...

♪ Hear me out,
I remember them days ♪

♪ When motives was by any
means, look at me now ♪

♪ Thought it was college,
but music was the only way ♪

♪ I could get me out,
stay with them kids ♪

♪ In my mama crib,
missing them classes ♪

♪ 44 absences, now I'm
on a rotation of checks ♪

♪ I ain't checking no ass,
but knew it ♪

♪ Remember
when I was a bully? ♪

♪ Like something fresh
out of a movie ♪

♪ My story was privy to any
who bothered to know me ♪

♪ And nobody knew me ♪

♪ What happened
to being an outcast? ♪

♪ Not even my daddy
pursue me ♪

♪ Picked up a mic, and no,
I ain't got no new haters ♪

♪ Just friends that blew it
fam only fam ♪

♪ When you make it hard,
help you get a chance ♪

♪ Just don't plan
not to give 'em some ♪

♪ Careless 'bout that blood
sweat, and tears ♪

♪ I'm who made you, son,
I bet I was last ♪

♪ On your list
to be the famous one ♪

♪ Hear me out,
I had a hard life ♪

♪ Had it so hard, like ♪

♪ I thought bibs,
babies, cribs ♪

♪ And coloring books was
all life ♪

♪ Thought I could find me
a carer in the mix ♪

♪ But he'd rather a girl
who was all right ♪

♪ He had a small mind, but

♪ Guess that's how
the chips fall, right? ♪

♪ Maybe I shouldn't have
been the first daughter ♪

♪ Maybe I'd go a lil' far the
maybe a hug ♪

♪ And maybe more kisses woul
make me a little less harder

♪ Now I gotta fight
for the family ♪

♪ Think I know who
the favorites of God are... ♪

Hey, Papa, I'll be back.

♪ Fam only fam
when you make it hard ♪

♪ Help you get a chance,
just don't plan ♪

♪ Not to give 'em some ♪

♪ Careless 'bout that blood
sweat, and tears ♪

♪ I'm who made you, son,
I bet I was last ♪

♪ On your list
to be the famous one ♪



Jemma! Oh, my God, Jemma.

Flip me over!

Flip me over!

So what did
you want to talk about?

I spoke with
the school counselor today.

Oh, yeah?
How'd that go?

She said I need
to find a place off campus

with moral support and
a roommate to help with Ronnie.

Hm, sound like
a good idea to me.

She said I should move back in
with my parents.

Nah, hell no,
you can't do that.

You gonna k*ll everybody
up in there.

I know it sounds crazy,
but what you think

about me moving in here?

Honey, if not,
don't even worry about it.

I'll just figure something out.

Actually, I...

think that'd be dope.



The last thing you need
is another baby in here.

Yeah, but we both need
the help.

And I don't trust too many
m*therf*ckers with my kids.

I know.

And you're great with Ronnie.

I love lil' Ronnie.

Me and Tiff actually need a lot
more help with EJ right now.

What's wrong?

Teacher said he having a hard
time keeping up in school.

I can help with that...

if Tiff is cool.

She'll be fine.

Just gotta give it time.


I'm just gonna move back in
with my mom.

- What?
- Look, Tiff hates us.

If I move in,
she gon' try to k*ll me.

Nah, no, look,
Tiff moved in with this dude.

I had to get over that.
She can get over this.

She's my closest friend,
and I'm losing her.


we can't live our life
for other people.

All I know is,
this feels right.

And I ain't worried
about nothing other than that.

So we moving in together
or what?

Let's do it.


- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.


I'm looking for Jemma St. John.

I'm her father.

Can you hang up the phone
and help me find her?

One minute, sir.

I need to see my daughter.

What's her name?

Jemma St. John.

She's stable.

What about the baby?

I'm sorry.


Wh-what baby?

I need to see
my daughter right now.

You can follow me.

We should go.

What the f*ck happened?

I don't know.

I saw it from the stage.

Bakari got into it
with somebody,

and next thing I knew,
I heard two sh*ts.

So this is Bakari's fault?

Man, I told you
that n*gga wasn't shit!



Ah, I'ma give y'all
a minute, okay?

I'm sorry.

You ain't got nothing
to be sorry for.

I should've stayed home.

So I paid my entry fee,
I paid Lynae,

and apparently
I gotta pay Uncle Sam.

That's pretty much
how it works.

Yeah, but I ain't
gonna have shit left.

That's why working is a trap.

Gotta get money somehow.

Is this gonna be your career?

Can it be a career?

Anything could be a career.

I never thought
about it like that.

Just because
you haven't thought about it

doesn't mean it isn't possible.

Yeah, but...

what if it don't work?

Well, what if it does?

I'll think about it.

You should.

Ay, man, by the time
I walked up out of there,

her daddy was damn near asking

if he could
officiate the wedding.

Wow, that's amazing.

Yeah, man.

We had
a great talk afterwards too.

Man, relationships
is crazy, right?


They can be.

What's wrong with you,
lover boy?

One of your ladies got you
feeling down or something?

Apparently I'm not
Fatima's only dude.


- Mm-hmm.
- Got you.

Well... well,
I ain't surprised, you know?

I mean, these ladies nowadays
got more game than us, you dig?


If I don't start
claiming her for real,

I could lose her.


I don't know.

You willing to let her go?

- Jake.
- What happened?

Hey, talk to me, boy.
What's up?

All right.

Here you go.

You need anything?

Why don't you get
some rest, okay?



Can you stay?

Of course.

Come here.

Hey, hey, hey.
Come on, stop.

Man, my girl lost our baby
'cause of you!

I f*cking hate you!



Bro, I ain't know.

Man, get the f*ck
out my house, n*gga.

Get the f*ck out!

Man, you gotta go, man.

Donny Hathaway's
"For All We Know" plays...

♪ For all ♪

♪ We know ♪

♪ We may never meet ♪

♪ Again ♪

♪ Before you go ♪

♪ Make this moment ♪

♪ Sweet again ♪

Can I stay with you, bro?


♪ Good night ♪

♪ Until ♪

♪ The last minute ♪

♪ I'll hold ♪

♪ Out my hand ♪

♪ And my heart will ♪

♪ Be in it ♪

♪ For all we ♪

♪ Know ♪

♪ This may only be ♪

♪ A dream ♪

♪ We come ♪

♪ And we go ♪

♪ Like the ripples ♪

♪ Of a stream ♪

♪ So love me ♪

♪ Love me tonight ♪

♪ Tomorrow was made ♪

♪ For some ♪

♪ Tomorrow ♪

♪ May never come ♪
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