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Fill the Void (2012)

Posted: 05/09/24 22:44
by bunniefuu
That's not him.

Mr. Shtreicher? It's Rivka Mendelman.
We can't find him.


Thank you. All the best.

He's in the dairy section.

He looks just like his father.

You'll have to do a lot of laundry.
Doesn't he have a tissue?


What do you say?

This is it, Esther. It's happening.

-When did you meet?
-We didn't, but I feel that he is the one.

I'm so excited. I want to scream.

-Screaming isn't modest, sweetie.
-I won't scream, I just feel like it.

Scream to God.

-Tell me what to say.
-When is the date?


First of all, stay calm.

He shouldn't notice that you feel
like screaming. And second....


Do you need anything?

Should I go get Yochay?

It's over.

Let's go home.

I recommend that you prepare
a list of topics.

If there's quiet... about the kindergarten
and he'll talk about the yeshiva.

where are the keys to the safe?

-Let me know how much you're taking out.
-Three thousand.

-Hi, Dad!
-Happy Purim, sweetie.

Mom is in the living room.

Happy Purim!

There are so many people outside.

My darling.

Get ready. It's about to start.

Happy Purim, everyone.
Ten people will come in each time.

Happy Purim!

Happy Purim! How may I help?

I'm married with 10 children.
four pairs of twins and two little boys.

-I'm starting to marry them off.

-Are they all healthy and well?
-Thank God.

How many boys and how many girls?

All boys.

I don't know how to do it.

Two children each year.

Next year, two more.

-Happy Purim.
-Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

Happy Purim.


-I'm getting married.


I'm an orphan, but I work
as a teacher in the heder.

I'd like to buy her some jewelry.

Gladly. Happy Purim.

Thank you.

Happy Purim.

-What's up?
-Hey, Frieda.

I've got some news.

I'm a bride.

I'm a bride.

I'm a bride, Shira.


-Who are you marrying?
-Yosef Goodman, from New York.

His father is the Rabbi's third cousin.

-I'm a bride.
-I can't believe it!

I told you, didn't I?
How long have you known?

They landed yesterday.
We met from 7:OO to 10:15.

What's he like?

I don't know.

-What do you mean?
-He's all right.

Mother, can you come out, please?


...may you be next.


-I don't deserve you.

-I don't say it enough.
-You say it every Purim.

Why do I say it only on Purim,
my wife?

-You are everything to me.
-Stop it, you're drunk.

You are my Torah.

I love you.

She's sick.

I didn't know that
when we got married.

What's wrong with her?

She's mentally ill.

May I have another drink?

It's too much to take.

I'm falling apart.

Redemption comes in the blink
of an eye. Happy Purim.

Mr. Shtreicher, happy Purim.
What can I do for you?


-Thank God....
-It's not enough.

Go to Goldberg, tell him I sent you.

Where were we?

We found a match for Frenkel's orphan
but there isn't a penny left.

It's shocking.

Whatever you could give
would be fantastic.

Happy Purim.

A word of wisdom?

How's Shira's match
with the Millers coming along?

Not now. We'll talk later.

Rabbi Aharon, never delay a match.

We'll talk. Happy Purim.


Close the window.


Esther, are you all right?

Esther, can you hear me?
Answer me.

Esther, what's going on?

-What's wrong?
-Esther's not answering.


-She's not answering?

Break the door!

She's not answering.

-She's unconscious!
-Call an ambulance!

-Aharon, is she breathing?
-Let me through!

-What's the number?

-Hold the door open.
-Dear Lord....

I need an ambulance....

My sister....
She's nine months pregnant....

May the Lord console you
within Zion and Jerusalem...

...and may you know no more sorrow.


This is a temporary separation.

That's what consoled me
when my wife passed away.

You're a widower?

for nine years now.

May the Lord console you
within Zion and Jerusalem...

-...and may you know no more sorrow.

If I forget you
O Jerusalem

May my right hand forget her skill

If I forget you
O Jerusalem

Let my tongue cleave
to the foot of my mouth

If I do not exalt Jerusalem

Above my chief joy

May the Lord console you
within Zion and Jerusalem...

...and may you know
no more sorrow.


We have to hurry,
we've got an hour at the grave...

...and then the circumcision.

May the Lord console you.


You too.

Hear, O Israel, the Lord is God,
the Lord is one!

The Lord is king,
the Lord shall reign forever.

Save us, Lord!

Give us strength, Lord!

Our God and God of our fathers...

...preserve this child for his father
and mother, his father...

...and his name in Israel shall be...

...Mordechay, son of Yochay.

May the father rejoice in his newborn.

May his mother in heaven be glad
with the fruit of her womb... it is written:
May she who bore you rejoice.

As it is said: I passed by you
and saw you weltering in your blood...

...and I said to you:
You shall live through your blood.

May he grow up to Torah
and Hupa and good deeds.

How can I help?

How do I cope with the panic?

-What about Shira?
-Not now.

Never delay decisions in this matter.

Seal the deal now and have
the wedding in a year.

We'll give it some time.

It's Yochay's mother.

-How are you, Shira?


Good to see you.


No, it's Grandma.


-The child needs--
-Mordechay has everything he needs.

Rivka, how long will you wait?

A year?

It's not something you or I can decide.

It's Yochay's decision.

I can't believe Yochay's already
thinking of getting married.

It's sinking in...


Oh, God.

It's tearing me apart, Rivka.

They brought it up two weeks
after she died.

Then it was irrelevant...

...but now....

Who is she?

She was widowed six months ago.

She has two little children...

...and she speaks Hebrew.

Where is she from?


You're not taking the baby to Belgium.

I'm not doing anything.

I'm just suggesting it to Yochay.

He's the only one to decide.

You're k*lling me.

What do you want me to do?

God, have mercy.

You can't not offer it to Yochay.

Tell me what to do.

Have mercy.

Come in.

-How are you, Yochay?

Where's Mordechay?

In the yard with Shira.

Mr. Shtreicher...

...this is Rivka Mendelman.

Little by little.

Mr. Shtreicher,
please check something...

...regarding my daughter, Shira.


Yes, Mr. Shtreicher? What is it?

The answer is no.

There's nothing to think about.

I can't talk right now.

Thank you anyway.

All the best.

Is everything okay?


You're like a son to me.
I'll get right to the point.

How do you feel
about getting married?

I'm planning to, right now.

You're not a 19-year-old yeshiva boy.
Think about Mordechay.

It won't bother you if I get married?

The only things that matter
are you and the child.

I didn't get an interesting offer yet.

Why not Shira?

Is that your idea?

Where'd you come up with that?

It feels right.

-She's a baby.
-She's 18.

Who could be better for Mordechay?

It's not enough.

Is it better to marry a stranger--?

You are pressuring me.

-Does she know about this?
-Nobody knows about it.

My son is here.

-I have to feel comfortable coming here.
-Of course.

Enough, sweetie.


What do you think?


You can tell he's happy.

How can you tell?

What's with you?



-May you get married next.

I'm so glad you came.

All the bachelors are stupid.


How is it that none of them
has grabbed a diamond like you?

They don't think I'm a diamond.


May you get married next.

You think I haven't got a life
because I'm not getting married?

I never got married.

Then why do you cover your hair?

The Rabbi said that this way
people won't ask questions.

Handsome boy!

-We have to decide now with Pinchas.
-Patience, Shira'le.

I've had it, Aunt. If we stall,
the Millers will move on.

You're panicking.
Get a hold of yourself.

I don't have the patience to wait.

-You're marrying him soon.

I almost got married once.

To whom?

His name was Nachman.

He didn't mind my arms.
He himself dragged a leg.

-So what happened?
-I didn't like him.

Hello. Are your father or mother home?

-They're both here.
-Mr. Shtreicher, what brings you here?

-Is your husband here?
-He's on his way to synagogue.

-Mr. Shtreicher, I didn't have time to--

Hello, Aharon.

-Can we talk?
-Of course.

The match with Shira....

Believe me, it'll sink in.

It's a madhouse. I don't want it.

May you have only good news.

I wouldn't consider this if I didn't
think they'd be good for each other.

It won't bring Esther back.

You think I don't know that?

Then let it go.

I can't.

It's crazy.

I really am losing my mind.

Lose your mind, I'm here.

It will be the end of me
if he moves to Belgium.

-But she doesn't want this.
-How do you know?

Isn't it obvious?


I can't picture
an empty house right now.

We have to ask Shira.


It's pointless.

Shira, what's wrong with Yochay?

Shira, nobody is forcing you
to do anything. It's your decision.

You don't have to decide now.

-You can say no right now.

You're pushing her.

-Look at the girl for God's sake.
-Think about it for a moment.

He's Esther's husband, it's wrong.

We spoke to Yochay, he agreed.

Enough, I think we got the message.

Why aren't you marrying me off
to Pinchas Miller?

They called it off.


They decided to call it off.


They are blind, Shira'le.
They don't know you.


Where are you headed?

To the kindergarten.

Get in.

I was so sorry to hear
about your sister.

We were abroad when it happened.

How do you feel?

How is your mother doing?

Not that great.

I'm so sorry.

I'm willing to meet with Yochay.

What for?

Maybe all this is happening
so that I marry him.

What is happening?

The Millers don't want me.

We are not pressuring you.

Yochay is a good man,
but it's your decision.

I know, it's just....

I won't make a decision now.

No problem. We'll arrange it.

Esther once told me that if anything
happens to her, I should marry Yochay.

I don't know how to begin.

I think it's best if we're honest.

What's confusing you?

I'm not confused.


How's that possible?

I don't know.

Does it scare you to be confused?

Doesn't it scare you?

It made me realize something.


That we can get married.

I'm Esther's little sister.

You're not so little anymore.

You're pretty.


Why do you say that?

What, that you're pretty
or that you're not so little?

Is that a good enough reason?

You want more reasons?


I think you'll be a great mother
to Mordechay.

I don't know how I know this,
but I know we'll be good together.

But Esther would have wanted you
to marry Frieda.

Esther would have wanted me
to marry Frieda?


Says who?


-That's what Esther--
-Esther is gone.

Why did you let me say
all the things I said?

I don't know. I didn't mean to.

-I should have known--
-You're so cruel.

Out of respect, you tell your parents
it won't work out.

What happened?

He wants to marry me.

What did you tell him?

That Frieda is more suitable for him.

That Frieda is more suitable?

You sat here and told him
that Frieda is more suitable?

Why did you say that?

This is unheard of.

Would you please pour me
a glass of water?

How dare you, Aunt?

How dare you put Shira
in this situation?

The girl sat with him and played
matchmaker. It's unheard of.

Do you have any idea how hurt
Yochay felt? How dare you?

-But she doesn't want to marry him.
-You have no right to interfere!

Listen. Aside from having
the baby near you...

...what other reason
do you have for this match?

-Yochay is a wonderful man.
-He's older.

He's bringing a baby with him.
Shira is just a child.

You have crossed all the lines.

Let her marry someone her own age,
to grow up with her husband.

You leave Shira alone, you hear me?

Stay away from her.

What if I won't?

I don't want to say things I'll regret.

-Good Sabbath.
-Good Sabbath.

I want to go to the Rabbi's gathering,
can I leave Mordechay here?

Of course, but first come in.

-I'll be late--
-I said, come in.

-Good Sabbath.
-Good Sabbath.

I'm on my way to the gathering,
I brought Mordechay.

I'll join you.

-Shira, get him a plate.
-I already ate.

-Some dessert?
-No, thanks.

Aharon should be here any minute.

What is it you wanted
to talk to us about?

I understand you know about
the offer from Belgium.

I do.

We're going to Belgium.

-Have you met the woman?
-I've known her since childhood.

What's she like?

I can't remember.

Marry Frieda.

-I can't.
-Why not?

I don't know.

Tell me, how am I going to survive this?

Only with a miracle.

What a terrible tragedy
has happened to us, Yochay.

Pray for me to have
the strength to survive this.

I'm sorry.

About what?

About what happened.

I know what happened to me,
but tell me what happened to you.

I hurt you.

Very much.

And you, Shira?


Are you sure?

You're too close.

I could have been closer.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

Mom, what happened?

That's it.

They're moving to Belgium.

-It can't be.
-Is it cold in here?

-Give me the sweater.

He can't go.

He has no choice.

I'll marry him.

-Enough, Shira.
-I'm serious!

-I'm serious!


-I'll marry him.

-How many times must I say it?
-Come in.

Everything okay?

Have a seat, Frieda.

-We have to go to the doctor.
-Sit, Frieda.

It's time to put the cards on the table.

You can never know
what tomorrow will bring...

...and we've been putting
this matter off for too long.

We all know that this
is a great opportunity for all sides...

...if Frieda marries Yochay.

Frieda is too close to Esther.

Yochay said it himself,
I suggested it myself.

Shira is closer.

What are you doing, Aunt?
Have you no mercy?

Good manners
don't get you married.

Yochay and Frieda
have to get married!

-Says who?
-Says me!

But he doesn't want her!


-Frieda, wait!
-Leave me alone!

I can't stand the humiliation
anymore, I'm only human.

You're right, you don't deserve this.

So respect my wishes
and leave me alone.

What's up?

father and Yochay are meeting.

Shira'le, sit over there.

In memory of Esther Goldberg

Why do you want to marry me?

for the same reasons you're willing to.

Do you want to ask me anything?

I can't think of anything.

Maybe you would like to ask me?

Why do you want to marry me?

-I already said why.
-You said nothing.

What do you want me to say?

Whatever comes to your mind.

It's the right thing to do.

Like you said, I will be
a good mother to Mordechay.

-I don't believe you.
-What's not to believe?

Mom could be by his side.

Stop disappearing.

How old were you
when you married Esther?


Was it pleasant?

When everything was new?

Were you excited to marry the most
beautiful woman in the world?

Answer me.

How wonderful was it
to get married for the first time?

Because I'm giving that up.

And how is your wife?

It's tough but she is strong.

There's only one consolation... times of such agony...

...we feel the Almighty much closer.

-May the Lord give us strength.

May the Rabbi excuse me,
but the old lady is here again.

She insists upon
seeing the Rabbi right now.

The lady will have to wait.
I will see her shortly.

-How are you, Yochay?
-Bless the Lord.

And Mordechay?

A healthy baby.

What is the matter, Aharon?

Yochay and my daughter Shira
would like to be married.

The old lady is screaming.

Send her in.

How can I help you?

Perhaps you can help me, Rabbi.

Nobody wants to help me,
not even the synagogue manager.

I need to buy a new oven
and I don't know what to buy.

Doesn't the lady have
anyone to help her?


No children, neighbors?

No one.

It has five flames...

...and two separate compartments.

The lady can see for herself.

Isn't it a little too low?

Low? You think it's too low?

My old oven was higher than this.

Maybe it can be made higher.

It seems low.

How does the girl feel
about this match?

It is not a matter of feelings.

It is only a matter of feelings.

A deed must be done, and I want
to do it to everyone's satisfaction.

Oh, Shira'le....

Shira'le, Shira'le.

Rabbi Nachman of Breslev says...

...that blessed be he who says
one word of truth to the Almighty...

...his entire life.

Enough already.

I haven't got the strength, father.

Give me the strength to get up.

I can't go on like this.

I can't do this by myself.
You must help me get up.

Stop me from feeling, father.

I can't handle this pain, I'm bursting.

Have mercy on me.

Let me get up. Give me strength.

Give me strength.

Give me strength.

Give me strength.

Help me.

I can't go on like this, alone.

Come here.

I'm not mad at you, Shira.

It doesn't feel that way.

You're right.

Tell me what to do.

You don't have to do a thing.

-Frieda's getting married!

Frieda's getting married!

What is going on?

-Frieda's getting married!
-To whom?

-You'll never believe this.

You'll never believe this.

Who's the groom?

Mr. Shtreicher.

How did that happen?

Come, they're getting engaged
right now.

Mr. Shtreicher?


-Thank you.

Is this real?

As real as it can get.

I can't believe this is happening.

So you play the accordion?


Why the accordion?

It was my grandmother's.

Do you like it?

I can't play any other instrument.

I have no rhythm.


What kind of a girl are you looking for?

Someone like me, energetic,
someone who manages things.

-Someone who can run things.

What kind of home
do you want to have?

A real home.

I don't want to lie.

-Good night.

Good night. Good luck.

If only I were able to read the signs.

I can't understand
what they're tying to tell me.

You're drunk.

What do you want, Shira?

You should know
that the Lord loves you.

It doesn't feel that way.

-That's not like you.
-What's not like me?


-Go to sleep, little girl.
-I'm not a little girl.

Prove it.

-What do you want me to say?
-I don't know.

-Something real.
-I have nothing to--

-You don't want to say it.
-I don't know what--

What are you so afraid of?

-Yes, you are.

-Am not.
-You are.

-You can't tell me--
-Enough already, say it!

-I'm afraid of dying.
-Why would you die?

Because I'm evil.


You don't know me.

Look at me.

You are not.

Shira, daughter of
Rivka Mendelman

Miss Mendelman,
what can we do for you?

Can you pass a note to the Rabbi?

If you hurry up.

I have to go to the evening service.

-Hello, Yochay.
-I'll be back later.

-Hello, Yochay.

-How are you?
-Bless the Lord.

Come in. Aharon?

Come in. Aharon!

-Hello, Aharon. How are you?

Fine, and you? Come in.

You too, come on.




If I forget you
O Jerusalem

May my right hand forget her skill

If I forget you
O Jerusalem

Let my tongue cleave
to the roof of my mouth

Congratulations, Shira.


You look so beautiful.

Bless me.

We'll be happy.

Did I tell you today that I love you?

My beautiful girl.

My sweetheart.

Our sister, may you become
thousands and tens of thousands