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End of Man, The (1971)

Posted: 05/09/24 22:26
by bunniefuu
There are unknown facts
about the creation of Nature.

An exciting mystery embrace
the enormity of the universe.

Unsolved problems hangs over the existence.

Life and death.

And within this whirlwind of
lives, just one thing is certain:

the creation of mind and
the formation of the substance.

The existence of man.

Now, everything in the universe become easier.

From waters to forests,
from Earth to deep space,

everything that exist has a reason.

And the man finds a reason to exist.

Nothing born, nothing lives,
nothing dies without a reason.

According to the mental ability of everyone,

the right answer could take
a long or a short time to come,

or come at the exact moment.

But the truth is only one,
for everything and for everybody.

if it exists, it must be a reason.

That's why this film exists.


Don't be so sad, Mrs. Rita.

You'll be fine and you'll walk again.

No, my child.

l know that I'll never leave this wheelchair.

Now go, or you'll be late.

Take care and come back soon.

Farewell, Mrs. Rita.

We'll be back soon.

Help! Help! Help me! Help me!

A man! A man! A man!

Help! Help me! Help me!

Help! Help!

A man! A man! A man!

Help me! Help!

Mrs. Rita, what's happening?.

A man! A man!

But Mrs. Rita, you are walking!


l'm walking! l'm walking!

A miracle! A miracle!

lt happened just like that,
Mrs. Maria, as l'm saying to you.

Very well, Mrs. Dinda...

Look, a naked man!

l drink because l'm a good drinker.

l've got a bell inside my head that rings
to tell me when l must stop drinking.

The bell just had ringed!

Yes, my love? Answer me. Yes?.

Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!

Let go my daughter!

Let me go! Let me go!

l must see my daughter.

l want my daughter.

Let me go! Let me go!

l want my daughter.

Let me go.

l want my daughter.

My daughter.

l want my daughter.

l want my daughter back.

Let me go!


My daughter! My baby, my baby...

lt's yours.


A charity, please... a charity...

God bless you.

This man must be a lunatic,
or even worse: a drug addict.

l didn't do anything.

l simply get my camera and took some pictures.

A very casual thing.

-But the result was disastrous.

Suddenly the man gone mad
and throws my camera in the lake.

That's all, officer.

And, along with the damages, he att*cked me!

-l see. Give orders to search this tramp.
-Yes, chief.

Finis Hominis!

Finis what?.

Finis Hominis!

Gentleman, will you please follow us?.

What's your name?

Finis... Hominis.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,
attention to this news:

A mysterious man escaped after
he was imprisoned by two policemen.

Nobody knows who
is this very strange man,

as also is strange the clothes he wears.

And that's all by now. We'll be back
tomorrow with another News at Night.

Until tomorrow.

Gentleman, you didn't pay the bill.

-What bill?
-The food you ate.

Why pay?.

Because everything you
ate we also must pay.

So, don't pay anybody
and it will be no problem.

Here's your order.

We'll deliver your package tomorrow, okay?.

Thank you.

You should see what a strange man.

When the waiter tried to charge the bill,
the man answered that he wouldn't pay.

And left leaving everybody surprised.

l'm not sure, but l believe that l've
already heard about this man.

Yes?. Who is it?.

Count Maximiliano?
lf we have room?

Yes, yes, sure. We'll be awaiting.

Sure. Bye. Thank you.

Hush, my baby. You'll be fine, my child. Hush.

Mommy's here with you, my little angel.

Hush. My God, hush, baby, you'll be fine.

Calm down.

Could the doctors take care of the girl now?.

The child is getting worse.

l've already told you that the doctors are busy.

lf you can't wait, take her to another hospital.

My God, this girl will die soon!

Turn around.

Say 33.



...Gentil intercepts with his
left foot and passes to J?lio...

passes to Pl?nio, Pl?nio to
Ca?co, Ca?co controls it...

crosses the dividing line of the field...

and there goes the red team for the attack...

again with Pl?nio, he passes one, two...

controls the ball, enters in the box...

attention, he prepares the kick, goes to kick...

My child, soon the doctors will take care of you.

Please, be calm, don't worry.

You'll be fine.

l can't take it, what can l do?

l can't wait any longer.

That's enough, it can't be, can't be.
The doctors must see her.

l don't know, he's a very strange man.

He goes upstairs carrying the girl in his arms.

What a strange man, who could he be?

He must be the principal of this hospital.

He came to watch our work.

Say 33.

-One more time.


-Attention, attention, doctors and nurses...
-l'll be back soon!

Attention, attention, doctors and nurses...

Urgent call to General Surgery...

Urgent call to General Surgery...

Attention, attention, doctors and nurses...

Attention, attention, doctors and nurses...

Urgent call to General Surgery...

Urgent call to General Surgery...

Come, quick, it must be important.

You?ve got to do everything to save this girl.

We can't fail.

Give it all you've got.

This girl must be saved.

But this child is a proletarian.

Remember that we don't know
who's that man with the girl.

We need to keep the reputation of this hospital.

-Let's go to the surgery room.
-We've gotta prove that we're the best.

The girl is alive.

Where's that man?

We know how great is
the interest on the strange man...

who wanders in the streets of our city.

An information that just
arrived says that yesterday...

a strange act saved the life
of a child who was in great agony.

One also knows that this man is the same that...

appeared completely undressed
a few days ago in the beach of Santos...

and that, as they say, is miraculous.

Most peculiar is that he appears
and disappears unexpectedly.

Wait for tomorrow other
news on this case.

And now, back to our program.



You know, they ask me
why l spend all my money.

lf l got it... right?.

Sure, darling!

Give daddy a kiss.

Angel, l'm crazy.

Make those things only you know how to do.

l'll do anything you ask me to.

My life!

l'm yours.

My baby.

Your wife are in bed with another man.

No, it can't be. lt's not possible.

Tell it to my father and to all my family.

Tonight she'll meet a real macho man.

-Excuse me.
-What's this...?

You-you sl... slut!

Leave me alone!

Dirty bitch, you'll pay for that!

My father, the blood of this slut
will wash the honor of ourfamily.

Adulteress! Adulteress!

Shameless whore!

Dirty bitch! Street whore!

Get her! Get her! Get this shameless woman.

The man must stop when he doesn't
have any reason to continue.

Please, save me!

Don't be afraid.
No one will hurtyou any more.

l don't need any explanation.
l know the truth.

You... did you tell your father about your affairs?.

Your husband, he really knows who you are?

And you... did you tell her about your affairs?.

lf somebody must be punished,
then everyone must punish itself...

...and the forgive will come.

Finis Hominis Saves Adulteress from Lynch Mob!

And now, sweethearts,
let's make love.

lt's a masterpiece!

Great! Hurrah!

Only Finis could do better than this magical touch.

How is it going, Valdomiro, you still
haven't found that so-called prophet?.

There he comes.

People, we've found the man.

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

We've gotta prepare a big reception for

Yeah! Yeah!

And couldn't be us a big reception?

But we must give our best
and not be a deception!

You can leave it to me
because l can handle with this!

And count with me too.

We gotta please the man.

Starting tomorrow, hippies will
have a master. Finis Hominis!

Finis Hominis!




Here begins the New World!

Our world!

Finis Hominis, you're the man!

We are all men.

The birds lives and the children
are dressed with the best fabric!

Freedom, freedom, and hurrah to free love!

Shall we love one another!

The master taught us, but
mankind has got away from him!

The struggle, before anything
else, is for survival!

We search for the truth.

And what else is true, besides money?.

Here is the man.

Master, these women are for you.

We're searching for the Paradise Lost.

While we're awaiting for the truth.

Everybody naked, yeah!
Everybody naked, yeah!...

Everybody naked, yeah!
Everybody naked, yeah!...

Everybody naked, yeah!
Everybody naked, yeah!...

Hey, naked me, naked you!
Hey, naked me, naked you!...

Hey, naked me, naked you!
Hey, naked me, naked you!...

Hey, naked me, naked you!
Hey, naked me, naked you!...

Everybody naked, yeah!
Everybody naked, yeah!...

Everybody naked, yeah!
Everybody naked, yeah!...

Everybody naked, yeah!
Everybody naked, yeah!...



That's enough!





And money?.

More money.

Money, money.

Come on, sister, all this money is ours.

This money is mine!

Did you see a very strange looking man, wearing a

-Who, the prophet of peace?

He?s gonna away. Come get
the money he gave to us.

Come on, come on.

No, thank you, l can't.

l must go look for him.

The sales declined a little this month.

We need to launch a new
advertising campaign urgently.

But we can't launch an ordinary campaign.

We need something different.

l think l found the solution: Finis Hominis.

Butwe don't know who is he.

lt doesn't matter.

He's the man of the moment.

And as had said Our Lord
Jesus Christ, ""l'll be back for thy''.

Yes, brothers, he'd came back to reign again!

Yes, brothers, he'd came back
because it was written so.

He'd came back for the salvation of all mankind.

My brothers, he's the only
hope that reign over thy.

My brothers, he's among us,

and within him there's a hope for all mankind.

Hurrah to Finis Hominis!

Hurrah! Hurrah!

Good morning. Did you sleep well?

Are you already awake?

Yes. Darling, l brought your breakfast.

But it's so early...

Did you forgot that l'll travel today?.

Oh, yes!

And how long you'll be away from me?

No more than two or three days.

But don't you worry.

lf anything happens, you tell
somebody to look for me.

Take care, my baby.

l don't want you to miss anything,
otherwise l'll be the one who'll be worried.

When l come back, l'll have
a pleasant surprise for you!

But l'll miss you so much...

But don't you worry.

l'll be back as soon as possible.

l'll be with you soon.

l'll be back soon. Take care, my darling.

Okay. Bye!

Tony, take me to the airport.

Let's go.

Oh, oh!

Come here, you dirty bitch!

lt's for things like this that l have
to see you married with him?

What have l done?


You bitch!

Take it! Take it! Take it!...


That's enough!
Stop it or you'll k*ll this woman!

Not quite, mom.
She's already used to this.

And Cavalcanti?

Tony is driving him to the airport.

You cretin, what were you doing...

that you didn't give him the poison, huh?

l was asleep.

Like l said before, this stupid
girl will serve us for nothing.

But, since yesterday, you
didn't do anything with me.

Well, this doesn't matter now.

l'll take her to the room.

We'll talk about it tomorrow, okay?.

But, in the present situation,
we can't do any better.

Wind from the sea and my
face under the sun, so warm,

Streets full of people who pass
and see me passing by,

Rio de Janeiro, l love you,

l like everybody who likes,

This sky, this sea, this happy people,

l sure tried to write a love poem,

Love was in everything that l saw,

ln everything that l ever loved...

Enough! Enough!

That's enough!


You promised.

This crying is annoying me!

Everybody got its own madness.

This is beyond madness,
it's real masochism!

There's nothing we can do.

We need her collaboration.

-And so?

Those cataleptic seizures was
caused by emotional shocks.

Fortunately they're not fatal.

-There's no reason to be panic.

And what about the other problem?

Don't worry. The impotence will
disappear during the medical treatment.

l'm in a total despair.

l want to be cured soon.

My wife...

You don't know her.

She's a healthful girl.

She needs me.

l understand.

Within the next days...

will arrive a package with foreign medicines...

that are perfect in your case.

l'll send you some of these medicine.

For the time being, you can take this one.

lt'll help you a lot.

l'll be waiting for the medicine.

Thank you very much.

No problem. Friends are also
for the difficult moments.

Yeah, the girl got his share of happiness.

Okay, the doll is already happy.

Come on, let's go to the business.

The inheritance of our beloved uncle.

We got to find a way, before he returns.

But how?.

l already know how.

Calm down, calm down...

""...hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,''

""Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven...''

Poor Mr. Cavalcanti.

Only the good die young, what can we do?

That's life.

Did you see her behavior?.

lt's getting suspicious.

Pedro, tell M?rio that the girl isn't crying.

People are getting suspicious.

Tell him that Soninha must cry.

You must do something to that girl.

lt can be hard.

l've got an idea.

Come with me. Cover me.

You cretin! You must cry.

Baby, you know what to do.

""...and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil...''

""Our father, which art in heaven:
hallowed be Thy name,''

""Thy kingdom come, Thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven...''

""Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts, as we...''

Not there!

My baby, you can't leave me...

My darling, don't leave me, don't leave me!

l can't live without you!

Don't leave me, darling!

Don't leave me!

She loved him so much!

lt's a beautiful love!

How did he get it?.

l don't know.

What's matter now is that she's crying.


Let's close the casket.

Are you sure that he's really dead?.

Dead or alive, we'll burry him anyway.

That man isn't dead yet.

He'll arise to continue his existence
until the moment of his final day.

Rise, Cavalcanti, to do the best
for those who want you dead.

And that my intervention serves as an
example to what doesn't have to come,

and that your life continues, as intentionally is.

No! No!

Extra! Extra! Finis recreate a
scene from two thousand years ago!

Millionaire disinherits his family
and his fortune goes for charity institutions!

Civil Guard, S?o Paulo

We've already got the most important:

the permit to present the show.

Well, l was expecting for this.

After all, the money will go
to the corporation hospital.

The show is scheduled for tomorrow night
and we still searching for the cast.

l was afraid this could happen.

And what can we do now?.

Guys, the problem is over.

l've already found an actor.

But only one actor?.

One actor worth of twenty.

Now it doesn't matter.

What we got to do is to hold that man.

You can be sure that the man is already with us.

-Here are the artist.
-Very well.

Do you want to see our installations?.

We can think about it later.

What's matter now is the show.

Money is the main problem.

Money for people who are in need.

So, let's the money.

And after that... the show. Right?.

-Yeah, he's right.
-Yes, it's a fact.

Thank you.


Come on, you don't have to be shame.
lt'sjust a contribution.

Well, l won't give any money,
but l can give another hat.

Thank you.

Thirty million.


Very good!

Close the curtains,

because what you'll see now...

is something nobody ever saw.

Things gone bad, the man gone away.

-Give them an explanation...

Ladies and gentlemen,
the show won't be presented,

because, we don't know why,
our actor disappeared.

Or, in fact, he vanished.

-Oh, yes?.
-But vanished how?.

lt's impossible!

The guy must appear.

lt's ridiculous!

Where's the responsibility of the
organization of the show?.

lt's so ridiculous.

This is so absurd!

l'll talk with the manager!

Why such a rebellion?

The real show was that we've justwatched.

That trick was of bad taste, huh?

Wait. he money is for the
corporation hospital, right?.

-Well, we've already got money enough.

-The show doesn't matter.
-Our main mission is completed.

Please, sir, l'm looking for the prophet of peace.

l was told that he's around here.

l don't know.

l'm also looking for him.

Perhaps that policeman could help us.

He's close to our town and soon he'll be here.

God listened to our prayers.

He sent His emissary to save the world.

Yes, sisters. Finis came to save the world.

Let's pray to thank God.

Attention! Attention! Attention! Attention!

Authorities must take action.

A man shakes the nation.

He's a deranged man who,

although he hasn't att*cked defenseless people,

he got a supernatural power greater
than that of the authorities.

Attention! Attention!

Hold that man who,
although his peaceful look,

represents a great danger.

He's the promised messiah!

l am... an... instrument.

He's the right way.

The truth is in everyone.

He came from a distant planet.

l'm an ordinary human being.

He's the salvation of mankind.

The salvation of each country is
in the cooperation of its own people.

And now attention, ladies and
gentlemen, for the latest news.

Finis Hominis, the strange
man who everybody knows...

and that's believed by many as the messiah,

had announced his departure
from our town tomorrow.

Millions of people are awaiting
for his farewell speech,

in the hope to know his origin,
his mission and his destination.

That's all for the moment. Good night.

Centuries goes by,

millenniuns goes by.

Everything repeats
in the elapsing of eternity.

As l promised, l'm here to bid you farewell.

Because it's approaching
the hour when l must leave,

to fulfill my mission.

But what was said will last forever.

ln the Book of Truth is written
the fate of the universe.

Hundreds, thousands, millions of
men are listening to me in this moment...

knowing that these words
are the hope for a better world.

The man carry on his shoulders...

the weight of the fate of his own reason to be.

He's blindly searching for the
reason of his existence.

When, in his hypocrisy,
he runs away from the truth...

to hide itself under the shroud of lie.

The man must take care...

of his ambition and his disbelief.

Because if this won't happen,
it'll be the end of man.

This broadcast will beat
all of our ratings records.

The mankind holds itself to the belief,

waiting in faith for the miracle,

while the only true miracle
is the existence of mankind.

The struggle for wealth is untiring,

and the despite for poverty is absolute,

without knowing what's
wealth and what's poverty.

When the man looks inside himself
and focus his mind in what he sees,

in this very moment he'll understand the
reason of his origin and his existence.

And a scream of triumph
will blast out from his mouth.

lt's not possible. l've already asked
for a zoom, what are they waiting for?.

Because the man will finally
know the reason to be.

Together with justice, faith and
the glorious virtue of love.

lt's amazing, ladies and gentlemen,

the way this man is able to transmit
to mankind his message of faith.

lt's written that peace will reign for all eternity...

and a kingdom of happiness
will be build with forces of good.

Today, thanks to the privilege of television,

you can watch inside your own homes...

the farewell of a man who
now lives in the heart of us all.

Wherever you are, l'll be with you!

My destiny is to follow you!

To the place where l'm going,
nobody could follow me.

Master, l've got nothing else!

l've left all behind just to follow you.

You've left everything behind because you wanted

according to your free will.

Your instinct pushed you to go.

That woman who now is by your side...

wouldn't be that one you always been searching?.

Your instinct wouldn't have lead you to search
for the man who now stands close to you?.

He's coming.

l told you. He always comes back.

S?o Cristov?o Sanatorium, Nervous lllnesses

lf it exists, there must be a reason for it.