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Last House on Dead End Street, The (1973)

Posted: 05/09/24 22:24
by bunniefuu
For the possession and sale of dangerous dr*gs,

the State of New York hereby
sentences you, Terence Hawkins,

to one year in the State penitentiary.

One year of my life in that
lousy rotten stinking place,

for what?

Passing some lousy dr*gs...

I'll show 'em...

I'll show 'em all
what Terry Hawkins can do.

A lot of time sitting up there...

A lot of time to think over
just what I do want to do...

I think I?m ready for something that
nobody ever dreamed of before.

All that time up there
gave me a lot of time to think...

Sitting there every day,
looking out at that river

thinking of where I've been,
where I'm going, what I'm gonna do...

And all those people, really getting into me...
All these people... all these people...

"Do this, that, this, that, this..."

I wanna do something
for all of them.

I'm gonna give them something
they've never dreamed of.

Something nobody's ever done.

And then I'll show 'em...

I'll show 'em
what Terry Hawkins can do.

Oh God... there's some people that I...
"Do this, do that, do this, do that!

Get up at 6! Go to bed!
Lights out! Lights out at 8!"

Can't watch TV, can't go to the movies,
nothing to do...

That's what I'm gonna do:

I wanna make some kind of thing
for all of my... my friends.

I'm gonna take care of
all those people

who've been taking care of me
for all these many years.

I have an idea...

How we can make
good use of this building.

Maybe it'd break [CHECK]

I wanna make some films here.

Really weird films.

And you two can be in 'em.

Hey man, sounds wild!

We make any money out of this?


We might even become big superstars!

I tried [CHECK]
for a little while.

Nothing big... Just some college girls.
You know what I mean?

I got six months for
that little masquerade.

But I don't care.

I mean, I like jail.

It's nice and secure there.

What you starin' at?

Your eyes...
Don't look at me like that.

You mean, nobody ever told you
you have nice eyes?

You're sure it's my eyes?
You're not interested in...

Don't be upset.
I know what I like, daddy-o.

Things like bananas and leather.
Did you get this anyway?

You're a strange one, Ken.

You think chicks really dig that stuff, huh?

Of course. You know what they dig?
I tell you what chicks dig: danger.

And that's what you advertise, man.

I don't know.
I wasn't in that crap once, you know.

These two girls and I.
I got a friend who made some movies.

He got a camera and all that stuff.
We did some stag films.

I couldn't sell them things.

No one is interested in sex anymore.

They're lookin' for something else.

Yeah, I know. I know all the weirdos too.

I know a girl you might [VERBO] of me.

A chick named... Nancy... Nancy...
Nancy... Nancy Palmer!

I picked her up in a bar
and took me home

for a little moist one,
before her hubby got home.

She liked the old slap and rude too.
Cryin' all the time...

And that crap out of her living room [VERIFICARE].
We're sitting around afterwards, you know...

She says to me: "How do they get paid for this?" [VERIFICARE]
I say: "What? You're freakin' serious? Get paid for this?"

But it turns out... It turns out her own man
gets paid from a little f*g in the city to make

freakin' porn movies for these hot to trot rich bastards
bastardi dannati, that have nothing better to do

than sitting around and watch
pornographic films all day.

Jesus Christ! So, she says: "Come on, you get down
on this. You get paid to do it three times a day."

I was gonna do it, too.

So I wound up here. Shit...

What you're doin' here anyway, Ken?

Oh, Christ... I decided I had to do
a movin' picture for [VERIFICARE]

this little fair [VERIFICARE] I couldn't stand.
So I got myself a job in a... slaughter house

- second assistant [VERIFICARE], good freakin' money...
- Impressive is, huh, Ken?

Yeah... I don't know... You know... You know how horny you get, huh?

in the middle of the winter, you know.
A g*dd*mn governor's inspector comes

and finds me with a dead cow, mi porta via [CHECK]

and put me in straitjacket.
Bastards. I just don't understand, you know. Bastards...

Yeah... So... There I am. Six freakin' months in there, damnit.
Six freakin' months in there. So dull there.

- Yeah, you're a real case, Ken!
- Damnit, so dull there.

Hey, listen now. Since we're situated in the old abandoned building
up on the hill, I speak to the old bland guy

who takes care of the place. He keeps it clean.
He's an idiot! But if you have

some chicks living there,
just give him a piece of ass once a week.

Poi tutto questo funziona, s??
As soon as I get out

ci vediamo, don't forget... don't forget.
We're gonna get something good goin' in there, OK?

OK. Take it easy, Terry. Yeah, yeah. OK, baby.
Take it easy, Terry. I'll be up there.

Hey, buddy! Don't forget the Palmers.
Se il vecchio non ? qui,

lei penser? a te.
And contact Palmer's buddy man,

Steve Bolley. He's the moneybags.

Hey, pal. What the hell is the difference?
I mean, you have a body. So you use it.

I mean, when you're hungry you have to do something
for money. Like dance... spread your legs...

Two seconds and it's all over.
I don't really see what the big difference is.

- I don't know...
- I don't understand you.

You have no money, like... big deal.
I don't care what the guy looks like.

I mean, I don't want to marry him.
I just want a few bucks, so I can get some food.

- What about those... you know...
- Hey Pat, you can't wory about diseases.

I mean, when you're hungry [VERIFICARE]
You want to be sittin' down with the bones, with no money?

This is such an easy way to make money.

Yeah, I don't... I don't care...
I don't like the weird stuff, you know...

Hey, listen. Once you get used to it, you know...

you sort of get into it. Man, it's no fun,
but there's nothing else you can do.

[VERIFICARE] is always somebody I can talk to.
Even if I did go back,

it would be the same. He's probably carrying on a one-way
conversation with the television man right now.

I may spent more more time looking
at my coffee rather than drinking it.

Non proprio come l'uomo, che ieri mi
buying me a couple of coffees.

I really should have been nice [SITTING] him.
But I knew what he really wanted.

A causa del fatto che non pu? pi?
parlare con sua moglie etc.

I wonder how many times
I'm gonna hear that one...

Damnit... No man can talk to his wife and no wife can talk to her husband.
There's nothing to say.

[CHECK] nice warm bed. That sounded inviting.
This time we should've gone with it [CHECK].

Maybe the film will be fun to do.

I'm starting to become bored doing nothing.
I didn't think I'd feel that way. But I do.

Yeah, I know nothing's been happening.
Sometimes it's like that.

I mean, whenever you make a big change in your life, like you did.
When there seems to be a void, nothingness, boredom...

Maybe you're right. I'm bored now.
I thought that feeling was over

with that [CHECK] what I was going
before I left Ralph. You know, it was becoming a shell, [CHECK]

a hollow numb thing
just kind of existing up there.

I was staying in my room upstairs all night.

We stayed out of each other's ways, you know.

But that wasn't working either.
I just... I just couldn't have that way, man.
Disintegrating in feeling like a corpse.

So I decided I'd leave.

Once I did, you know, I... I... I... couldn't do anything.
You know... I had to leave.

And I left my husband for this.

Yeah, just a minute.
Hold your horses. I'm on my way.

Yeah, yeah...
Hang on, I'm comin'.

Cosa vuoi qui?
- Hello, Bill-o buddy!

Don't o-buddy me. I still remember
how you ran out of me with all my film.

How did it come out anyway?

- That's what I'm here to talk you about.
- What d'you mean talk to me about?

Films. Still making movies, ain't ya?

What the hell else is there to do?

- Are you making any money?
- Beggars have trouble recognizing talent, they never see it.

Sure, Bill, sure. I understand.

How's it to make some money
doing what you do best?

What do you mean?

Bill! Long time no see.

Nice place you've got here.
Too bad it's not big enough for humans who live in.

- I get by.
- Sure you do, Bill, sure you do.

Listen. A few friends of mine and I
get to make a few movies...

We need a camera man. And since you're the best one I know
maybe I thought he'd like to come along with us.

I'm the only one you know.

So you must be the best.

Anyway, you can... move out of this crap house
and you can move in with me.

I don't know... I keep remembering
what you pulled of me the last time I...

You have no cue, you son of a bitch. You need need me as much as I need you.
Who the hell is gonna pay you to make movies?

Don't be sad, Bill. We'll be trying out
some new techniques I think you might really like.

- Yeah, I can imagine...
- Well, you can imagine!

Now get all this crap together
and be ready to go in an hour.

One g*dd*mn hour.
You better be ready, you understand?

I wish this party [CHECK] with.

Boring, boring, boring.

- Now go see if Mrs. Palmer is ready. And be quick about it, alright?
- Yes, boss.

We're ready for you downstairs, Mrs. Palmer.

Oh, yeah. Hot...

Oh, yeah. Hot...
Esattamente, cos?...

One, two, three...

Come on, do it again!

Harder! Harder!

Go, baby, go!

S?, esatto... di pi?!

You get that?

Harder! Harder!
More! More!

These parties such a [CHECK]
after a while.

I hope you have something
interesting to show me.

- I have a few odds and [CHECK] might be of some interest.
- I hope so.

You see, certain people are getting a little upset with you.

And when they're upset with you
they get very upset with me.

Those people don't understand.
The business isn't what it used to be.

Too much competition... People... People have tastes
that have become awfully hard to satisfy.

And you're getting paid to satisfy those tastes,
aren't you buddy boy?

Wa... Just watch...

That's some exposure.

I haven't got the money
to be able to reshoot.

I hope this is good, Palmer.

It will be, you'll see.

- What is she about [CHECK] us.
- Oh, come on. That's some good looking chick.

- ? veramente meravigliosa. [CHECK]
- Wait and you just see.

What is that, a dog?

Yeah, just to give a little life. [CHECK]

Palmer, you sit here showing me [CHECK]
porno, while your wife is in the next room

getting her ass whipped, and you have the nerve
to talk to me about your reputation.

Who are you trying to kid, buddy boy?
Your reputation is my money, and don't forget it.

And unless you start making some movies that'll sell,
you [CHECK] have to worry what other people think

because everyone will have
forgotten all about you.

Stevie, I've tried about everything.

Look, buddy boy. You're the big creative genius around here
and you're supposed to come up with all the brilliant ideas.

Bet my associates are aware of the fact that
you're so full of crap, it's getting so...

Io ho bisogno solo di un paio di ragazze
giovani e di bell'aspetto e poi...

Now look, look... That's a beautiful body.

- You know what I mean... I...
- Yeah, I know what you mean, but it's not interesting. It drags.

Well... I could sh**t a lesbian film with some good
looking chicks, like the ones I've been working with...

Maybe we could even throw one of the dogs in.

But Steve, I don't have that kind of money. I mean...

The processing alone takes care most of the money you give me.
- Now... Now look. Watch. Watch it.

Is something gonna happen?

Well, I think... That shuold do quite a few people out there.
Look at that. Isn't it beautiful?

That's it?

- Yeah... Here's the other stuff.
- Oh, there's your wife again!

Oh, she's not bad looking.
Why don't we use her?

Well, the lesbian scene is one thing.
But expect they do the whole sex scene with a guy

and a dog is out... I'm going so far with using her.
But Steve, I gotta say no.

Listen, Palmer. I don't care how you do it, but
get me something that I can sell. Otherwise you're out!

If you have to get your old that lady to do
something new, then do it. I don't give a damn,

but if you want to be part of the operation
you better produce.

they're doing different than. I mean...
It's not just orgasms,

it's an erotic sensual scene between two women
who really love each other. Look at the intensity.

I'm not interested in intensity!
I want action, angles. Something different

that no one has done before.
This country is built on innovation,

so my advice to you is
to start innovating.

Now, this guy... Terry Hawkins called me about a film.
He wants to do something really different.

Let's get together with him.
Maybe we'll get something done.

I still think it's a question of having enough money
to be able to do something different.

Well, this isn't my cup of tea.
I'm not interested in art.

Now try this on, Kathy.
And let's see how it makes you look.

That's just what I want.

Oh, Beth. This makes you look just like a vampire.

That's what we are.

Terry, this makes me feel weird.

Terry, ? il vergine orgoglioso,
l'essere completamente puro, Terry!

Il vergine orgoglioso, l'essere puro!

Il vergine orgoglioso, l'essere puro!

We are vampires. We're all vampires.

Pi? dolcemente... Oh tu hai paura...
Egli ha paura di noi...

pi? dolcemente, non avere paura...

Questo ? normale.

I just wanna touch you.

That's right.

Questo ? cos? strano.

Oh, you're really sweet.

It's exciting.

Non ti senti bene?

Terry procurer? quello che
ti fa stare veramente meglio!

Non aver paura, che adesso ci diventiamo...

I know that caresses...
become something more.

Something straordinario,
something bold.

Something you've never experienced before.

Who is it?

Who is it?

- Who is it?
- The mailman, special delivery.

- You're not the mailman.
- No, I guess I'm not.

- Who are you?
- We have a mutual friend.

- Who?
- Do you remember Ken Fisher?

- Oh, Ken Fisher...
- He told me all about you.

- Oh, he did...
- Yeah.

Oh, won't you come in?

I did bring your mail for you.

Thank you. It's very nice of you.

It's a nice place you've got here, lady.

- We like it. It's very comfortable.
- Yeah...

- Is your husband home, Mrs. Palmer?
- No, he isn't. Does it make any difference?

- D'you know when he'll be back?
- He should be back this evening.

- I'm here to see him 'bout some business.
- Do you make movies.

Yeah, I make movies. I left some footage with him.
I want to get it his opinion on all the thing. You know what I mean?

What kind of movies do you make?

You know...
All kinds of movies.

Listen, d'you mind if I come upstairs?

You're pretty classy chick, ain't ya?

Why the compliment?

- Shit... Ken Fisher told me all about you.
- Oh, anything interesting?

- Yeah, he said you like the screws, that true?
- You believe everything people tell you?

I believe what Fisher tells me,
he's got no reason to lie.

- What time is your husband coming home?
- I told you. He'll be back later this evening.

Nice hair.

My husband put you up to this?

What do you think?

I don't believe this.

How do you do it?

I do what?

Filming. It looks so real.

Deve certo sembrare vero, o no?
That's why they sell.

When you strangled that man...
That looked real too.

I'll... I'll let you know a little secret
if you're people [CHECK] to tell anybody.

- Yes?
- They look real because they are real.

It looked like I strangled him
because I did strangled him.

- That's not very funny.
- It's not supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be real.

That's exactly what it is.

You really think
you'd get away with that?

- What? What are you talking about?
- All that crap that you and your husband

avete inventato tutto, col vostro amico
Steve, hai pensato che ci cascassi vero?

Did you really think
you'd get away with all that?

Cosa credi?
- L'approvazione per il mio film

da ricevere e da dire, ? vostro!

Non mostrer? pi? film
a tuo marito. Ma adesso passiamo ad altro...

When your husband gets home, tell him
Terry Hawkins was here on a business deal.

And tell him I'll be in touch with him real soon.

Yeah. What do you want?

Oh, it's you, Terry.
How have you been? It's good to hear from you.

What? Oh, gee... No, I'm really kind of tied up
and I think I'll be too busy to be able make it.

Oh, you'll make it alright, Steve.

Because I wanna make sure you make it.

Now, listen to me, buddy boy. Just make sure
you're there today at 6 p.m. And do me a favor...

Try to get in touch with your buddy... Palmer?

And his wife.
Try to get hold of her, too.

And... what's that girl's name... Susie...
Susie... Try to get hold of that Susie, too.

I'll make sure it's worth your while.



Terry, where are you?

Terry, I don't have time to fool around.

Terry, don't play games.


Terry, I said I don't have time to fool around.
Where are you?



If this is your idea of a joke, Steve,
don't you think it's gone about far enough?

You've always had a special place in
your heart for my movies, haven't you, Steve?

You've always been amazed of
how real they look, haven't you, Steve?

? tempo di iniziare tutti voi nel segreto.

Tagliala gi?!

Susie... Susie... Possiamo spiegare
tutto very easily.

So much easier than you think.

I know you're upset.

And that's all natural. You fear what you don't know.
That's perfectly natural.

Dont feel [CHECK] about it.

Ti dar? la risposta.

Non avrai pi? paura.
Nemmeno questo divenire in sogno...

Because you'll know the answer.

And that will be natural.

Come ti sembra questa risposta?

Come una sposa vergine
parla con suo marito. E che

io sono la risposta esatta..

It's me, Terry. Terry! The answer.

Terry, la risposta ? la vergine orgogliosa,
di essere pura. Terry, la risposta...

Ed ora conosci la risposta.

Ora non hai pi? bisogno di
avere paura. Neanche nel sogno

ti devi spaventare, perch? tu
ora conosci la risposta.

E tutto questo ? naturale. Non ti
spaventi pi?. Conosci la risposta.

Esattamente come una sposa vergine
parla con suo marito...

L'unica risposta possibile sono io...
Terry, io, Terry, la risposta.

Naturalmente... Io...

Non avrai pi? paura. Quindi tu
non sarai pi? in quella situazione,

perch? conoscerai la risposta.
Questo sar? tutto naturale.

Come ti sembra questa risposta?

Cos? come una sposa vergine
parla con suo marito.

Cosa vuoi come risposta?

Cos? come una sposa vergine
parla con suo marito.

E la risposta...

L'unica risposta possibile sono io...
Terry! Terry!!

Io, la risposta, naturalmente, io..

La risposta, tu la saprai,

l'unica risposta possibile sono io...

Io, io, io, io...

So, you wanna make a movie.
And you'd like me to put up the money.

Can I afford it? Well, sure I can afford it.
I can afford anything, Palmer.

But I do wanna come along
just to protect my investment.

And we'd all like to protect our investments.
Don't we, Palmer?

Now, let's see... We need some actors. You're making a horror film.
I told you were making a horror film. Didn't I, Palmer?

Now, for a good horror film
you gotta have some good actors.

Now, I'm not too sure where we'll get some actors. You'll just
gonna have to do the best you can with what you find outside.

Of course you can use my camera man.
I'm glad to give him to you.

And when it's all over, you'll let me to judge.
I'll tell you how good is your film, Palmer!

Now we're all gonna go outside and make a little movie.
And you are gonna direct.

You've got my camera man. You have a damn good camera man, too.
Then you've got my girls. And they'll all do a good job for ya.

E tutti faranno un ottimo lavoro per te!

Se fai veramente un buon lavoro,
lo ritengo veramente buon lavoro, poi...

You might be up for an Oscar [CHECK]

Now, what we've got here...
We've got a whole movie set just for you.

You've been making movies all your life.
And now you have a chance

to make a really good movie.

Now, all these people here
they're gonna do whatever you want them to do, OK?

Let's do a love scene.
We'll do a love scene first. OK, Palmer?

Now, I think... I think what we should do is maybe have
the girls moving a little closer towards the center, cosa credi?

We're gonna have the girls closer towards the center, OK?
You dig this, Bill?

Now, you start direct...
Start directing, Palmer!

Start directing!
Wave your arms and direct!

A little over there...
A little over here...

I'll get dizzy and throw up... [CHECK]

Come on, don't get nervous!
You've been doin' this all your life.

Now, keep your mind on the movie!

Keep your mind on the movie!

He don't wanna make movies.
He wants to be in 'em.

Forse questo ? un film!
Cut off his arms...

Bring him in, Ken, bring him in.

Mr. President, Honor Ladies, Honor Cinematographers.
I welcome you

to my humble entertainment.

And let me introduce you
to my assistant... Palmer.

Come on, Palmer.

Say hello to the ladies. Take a bow, Palmer [CHECK]
Hey, how's you sex life, Palmer?

Niente di buono per un paio di giorni...

Hey, look at Palmer's dirty white shirt...
See what happens to Palmer's dirty white shirt!

Come on, Palmer.

Here you are.

I'm directing this f*ckin' movie!

I'm directing this f*ckin' movie, you son of a bitch!
Palmer, what the hell are you thinking... g*dd*mn...

I'm directing this f*ckin' movie!

I'm directing this f*ckin' movie!

I told you to stay behind that screen, Palmer!
You've got no right coming out of that movie screen!

I'm directing this f*ckin' movie!

- I'm directing this movie, Palmer, not you!
- Questo ? pazzo.

You should've stayed to where you were safe.

You should've stayed back where you were nice and safe.

This is my territory here.
Mine and Ken's.

I'm directing this f*ckin' movie!

Do you think this could be
some sort of terrible joke?

Non sappiamo di preciso, che cosa
sia successo realmente la fuori, o no?

Maybe my husband back at you. [CHECK]
Did you hear me?

Mi hai sentito? Mio
marito vuole fartela pagare!

This is no joke, Nancy!
This isn't even a movie!

This is for real!

You bet your ass this is for real.

Io non so ancora di preciso,
come dovrei vendere questo qui.

Ma questo accade gi? in qualche modo, o no?

You're next, Mrs. Palmer.

Hi Steve.

Welcome back to livin'.

How you been?

Just a tiny bit cared?

Don't be afraid of me, Steve.
There's nothing to be afraid of.

This could be you, sweet.


No, che cosa fai qua?

No, wait. No, please, no...


Terry... leave me, please.

Leave me, alone.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

No, no, no...

No, no...

What are you doing?

She's good a treat for you.

Forse ? buono per te.
museruola in bocca...

You're feeling hornie, Steve?
You're feeling hornie?

No, no, no...

cos? siamo rimasti...

Per favore no... per favore no!

Oh, no, please.

Terry, please...

I beg you. Please, Terry...

What you're gonna do?

Let me go!
Let me go!

Please, let me go!

Stop, no. No...

Per favore Terry... Terry, please!

No, no, no...

Per favore Terry... Terry, ti prego!!!

Terrance Hawkins, Kenneth Hardy,
Catherine Hughes, Patricia Kuhn,

and William Drexel
were all later apprehended

and are in the State penitentiary.