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Nightmare Pageant Moms (2023)

Posted: 05/09/24 22:21
by bunniefuu

Hi, Mom.

I just finished at the gym.

I did a spin class
and a full circuit.

I'm exhausted and I need to eat.


Mom, I'm taking this
pageant seriously.

Literally, I am so
dizzy and all I've had

to eat today is a
stick of celery.


Mom. Mom, I gotta go.

Harper, what a surprise.

I haven't seen you
at the gym in months.

Adeline, I'm here every day.

Guess we must be on
different schedules then.

You know, Lilliana, she's
been working out twice a day

for months to prepare
for the pageant.


Well, I gotta get going.

Where are you rushing off to?

Just dinner with some friends.

Oh, it's kind of late for
a meal, don't you think?

Most of the girls just chew

on an almond when
they get hungry.

At least, the winners do.

Have you been jogging?

No. Why?

Oh, you're just so
sweaty and out of breath.

Guess it was a little strenuous
getting outta your car.

You remind me so
much of your mother.

Really? How so?

Well, when I competed
against her, many years ago,

she lacked the discipline
needed for pageants.

That's funny, because
if I remember correctly,

she beat you, several
times in fact.

Sometimes people find
other ways of winning,

especially when there's a male
judge open to being swayed.

Are you insinuating
that my mother

slept her way to a crown?

There's no insinuation,
honey, she did,

and that's why you
remind me so much of her.

You know, Adeline, you
walk around like you own

the pageant world, but the
truth is, is you're a joke.

You've never even won a
title, but your mother has.

And the only reason
that you continue

to stay relevant is because
she funds the whole thing.

How sad, Mommy pays
so you can play.

How dare you talk
to me like that?

Oh my God, did you just
put your hands on me?

Oh, I'm gonna sue you for
everything that you've got.

Oh, wait.

Oh, you don't have anything,

because Mommy owns it all.

Shut the hell up, Harper.

Oh, yeah? Or what?

God, you're pathetic, Adeline.

Your daughter knows it,
your mother knows it,

even your husband knew it.

That's why he finally
dumped your sorry-

Oh no.


No, it's not okay.

Why wasn't this
problem flagged before?

We were supposed to have
our grand opening next week?

Sure. Thanks.

Mom, what's going on?

The building inspector
came out to give the okay

so that I could open the spa,

but we didn't get the approval.

What? Why?

Apparently, there was
some structural damage

that was missed in the
original inspection.

Now they're saying we can't
open until all the repairs

are complete, which could
take at least six weeks.

That's awful, Mom.

Is there anything I can do?

I wish there was, sweetie.

I'm just happy to see you.

Which I thought you had to
be at school until 6:00.

I, I finished my project early
and I got some good news,

so I decided to rush home.

Well, what is it?

You know that literature
residency program

I talked to you about?


They picked me to go.

Ah! Yes!

That means I would get to
spend my first semester

in college in London.

Ah, sweetie, that's amazing.

But, but I, I, I
can't accept it, Mom.

Well, why not?

Because the program
itself, it, it costs money.

And housing isn't cheap.

Without the spa being
able to open up,

you know, I didn't...

Maybe we can get a loan.

But I thought with
all the medical bills

from dad and the
second mortgage,

we wouldn't be eligible.

I'll tell you what,
you don't worry about that.

Let me figure it out.

I gotta make some calls
about the damage, anyway.

I'll call the bank
and see about a loan.

But you're going to London,
no matter what I have

to do to get you there.



A mother-daughter pageant.

Oh, no.

No, I know it sounds crazy,
but look at the cash prize.


That's enough to
cover my residency,

and there'll be plenty left
over to put into the spa

and pay off the bills from dad.

There's no fee to
enter the pageant.

Yeah, but don't
people train for years

to win these things?

I don't know.

I, I looked it up online,
and there are three segments.

There's the evening
gown portion,

the interview section, and
the talent competition.


What, like singing or dancing?

Sweetie, I have two left feet,

and you've heard me do karaoke.

No, it says you can do anything;

paint, read your own
poetry, perfect for me,

uh, juggling, cake
decorating, martial arts,

play an instrument.

You play the violin
and are really good.

Sweetie, that was
a long time ago.

But, the worst thing that
can happen is we lose.

Yeah, I don't know, honey.

The first step is
to apply online,

and I think we
should give it a try.


Don't ever say I don't love you.

"Why do you wanna
enter the pageant?"


I've never done
a pageant before,

but it's a great way to...

Stretch outside
your comfort zone

and encourage other
people to be brave,

and do the same.

You're looking so
much better, honey.

I knew getting you
that chemical peel

and those fractional lasers on
your face would do the trick.

Thank you, Mom, for reminding
me that my skin is a mess.

Honey, I just want you
to look as beautiful

on the outside as you
are on the inside,

especially with our big
night coming up.

It's our first
mother-daughter pageant.

Oh, isn't this so exciting?

Yeah, I mean, it's
gonna be really fun.


Honey, this is a competition.

You are well aware
of how serious it is.

Mm, I know, I know.

I've done this before.

Did your father make plans
with you for his birthday yet?

Um, he's still working
on his work schedule,

but he is going to.

Or he's waiting to
see what his flavor

of the week wants to do.

Mom, stop.

If your own father
doesn't wanna make plans

with his daughter,
that's his loss.

He does. He texted-

Come on, let's go for a jog.

I'll race you.

We both have to get in shape
if we wanna win this pageant.

It's the pageant.

Oh my God, answer it.


Emilia, hi, this is Faye from
Atlanta Regional Pageants.

I'm calling to let you
know that after hundreds

of applications, you are one
of 10 mother-daughter teams

to make it to the
next round sh**t.

We are?

I mean, um, thank
you so much, Faye.

We're so excited.

You're welcome.

Now, we have a meet
and greet next week.

I'll send you all
the details by email.

That sounds great.

Thank you, again, Faye.

You're so welcome.

We'll see you next week.


Ooh, yes!

Oh my God, we did it, we did it!

Yes! Oh my God, I told you.

Oh, you did?

- Oh, yes.
- Wow!

Are you ready for this?

Are you ready?

What have you gotten me into?



Everyone looks so elegant.

I mean, the email didn't
mention a dress code.

Okay, come on.

Look at Patrice,
she looks so basic.


And so red.


Rumor is she and
Vivienne, early favorites.




Do you know what? One second.

- Hi.
- Oh God, here she comes.


Adeline. Darcy.



A mother-daughter pageant,
so exciting, right?

It really is.

Well, this must be like
a normal day for you.

I hear you've been
competing quite a bit lately

on the Mrs. pageant circuit.

Very cute.

I dabble here and there.

Won a crown or two.

But over the last
year, I focused

mainly on my charity work.

I saw.

You were named Woman of the Year

for the Atlanta
Heart Foundation.


Thank you.

I'm really proud of the
work I've done with them.


Um, well, good
luck today, ladies.

You too.

She's not gonna be
their favorite for long.

What was that?

Who are those two?

I don't know.

Go find out. Go.

Hi, you must be new.

I'm Darcy.

Oh, I'm Emilia,
and this is Sophie.

- Hey.
- Nice to meet you.

I haven't seen you around.

Pageants are such a small world.

Actually, it's our
first time entering.

You mean, ever?

- Mm-hmm.
- Yes.

Oh my.

And you were chosen
as one of the 10.


Well, what talent do
you plan on performing?

Oh, I write poetry, so I
think I'll do a reading.

Oh, how sweet.

And my mom is really
good at the violin.

Oh, she's talking me up.

The truth is, I haven't
played in quite some time.


Crystal, my new pageant
coach, has led several

of her clients to nationals.

I'm telling you, working with
her has been game-changing.

Never heard of her.

Adeline, it's so
good to see you.

You as well. How are things?

Great. I just celebrated my
25th wedding anniversary.

Still feels like we're in
the honeymoon stage though.


Thank you.

Is your mom here?

Oh no, she's at another
important engagement today.


She must be thrilled you
made the cut this time?

Of course, but she'll
be even happier

when Lilliana and I win.

Good luck with that.

I'm gonna go powder my nose.


- I think I'll win.
- Hi, ladies.

- Hi.
- Hey, Mom.

- Having fun?
- Yeah, great time, mm-hmm.

Ugh, oh my God, doing a
pageant with our mothers

is so weird.

- It's so weird.
- Who decided to make it

a mother-daughter
pageant anyway?

They've never done this before.

Ugh, I have no idea.

Well, as long as your
mom keeps winning

the old people
pageants, we'll be okay.

Well, what about you, Lilliana?

Your mom is, like, really
intense about this stuff.

Yeah, that's an understatement.

The tag on this
dress is so itchy.

- Do you have scissors?
- No.

What did you find out
about the newbies?

Oh. The mother's name is Emilia.

She's opening a spa.

Now, Sophie is the daughter.

She's into literature
and poetry.

Emilia said she used
to play the violin,

but now she's rusty.

That's it?

Well, I tried to find
out about a husband,

but she didn't say much.

Get the feeling that there
is not one in the picture.

Oh, great.

That means she'll use a
single mother sob story

to endear the judges.

Well, you're single now.

That's entirely different.

Well, they don't seem
like much of a threat.

Are you kidding?

Do you remember the Teen Beauty
Atlanta pageant 3 years ago?

That girl, Kenzie, the one
with the terribly shrill voice,

she took the title
over Lilliana.

That was Kenzie's first pageant.

No, everybody here is a threat.

But I got a bigger problem.


She's wandering around here
like she's already won.

Maybe she's just confident.


I'm not taking any chances.

Not for this pageant.

You know my family
legacy's at risk.

So, Patrice will be
disqualified when they find out

that her precious
daughter's on dr*gs.

Slip this into Vivienne's
purse when she's not looking.

Adeline, I can't do that.

I mean, really.

Well, then I guess I
need to break my silence

on your little indiscretion.

Adeline, please.

Poor Mackenzie, she's
just out there bragging

about her wedding anniversary.

I guess she won't
think they're still

in the honeymoon
phase any longer,

when she finds out you've
been screwing her husband.

How will your family
feel when they find out?

I will not plant dr*gs
on a teenage girl.

That's your choice.


How will anyone even
know that Vivienne

has dr*gs in her bag?

Don't worry about it,
just follow my lead.



Hi, Darcy.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Hi.

You're Emilia, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- I'm Adeline.

Nice to meet you.

Darcy says that you're
new to pageants.


Well, you must be so
nervous your first time?

Oh, I'm certainly a
fish out of water here.

It's nice to see a new face.

I look forward to getting
to know you better.

- Same.
- This tag.

Oh, here, let me
help you with that.

I have got a sewing
kit in my purse,

and I think it's
got some scissors.

- Oh.
- Here we go.

- Ah.
- There we go.


Thank you.

No problem.

Well, it was nice
talking to you both.


What is she wearing?

My gosh.

I can't, it's just too hideous.


Wow, I have
never seen anyone eat carbs

at one of these things.



Welcome to the pageant,
where most of these girls

just exist off of baby
food and laxatives.

That sounds very unhealthy.

Yeah, no kidding.

I'm Mia, by the way.

I saw you talking to
my mom, Darcy, earlier.

I'm Sophie.

Nice to meet you.

You too.

Okay, so that's me, obviously.

That's Tatum.

That's Lilliana Bordeaux.

She won the pageant last year.

Her grandmother, Rebecca,
she's basically royalty.

She's super connected
and convinces a bunch

of rich people to donate money
to the pageant every year.

Everyone is so beautiful.

Seriously, it's, it's
pretty intimidating.

Oh my gosh, stop. You
are gorgeous too, okay?

And you know what?

Look, if you want some
help practicing your walk,

or you just want some pointers,

we should exchange numbers.


That's so cool of you.

Sure, gimme your phone.

Who's that?

That's Harper.

She, um, she died.

Oh my God, what, what happened?

A few weeks before
the last pageant,

she was att*cked in the
parking lot of her gym.

That's terrible.

Cops said it was
a random robbery.

Honey, they're ready for
us to do our interview.

All right, I'll be right there.



It's really nice they're doing
a mother-daughter pageant

this year, don't you think?


That's why I really, I hope
what I'm hearing is not true.

What have you heard?

But, you don't know?

No. Tell me.

Apparently, one of
the girls in this room

has a serious drug problem.



Well, you'll have to excuse
me, I completely forgot I need

to bring Roberta
some hand cream.

Mom, what are you doing?


Okay. Well, they're
about to interview us.

Oh. Okay.

I'll be right there.


Ladies, ladies, gather around.

It's wonderful to see you
all here looking so lovely.

Pageants are about legacy.

That's why we decided to host

a mother-daughter
pageant this season.

Our winners bring a wholesome
power to the community.

They are role models.

The current and future
leaders of our hometowns,

our state, and our world.

Ladies, I hope you'll take pride

in this awesome responsibility.

- Oh God! Oh my gosh!
- Oh!

Gosh, I'm so sorry.

So embarrassing.

Here, let me help you
pick these things up.

Thank you.

Goodness, such a klutz.

Did you see that?

What is this?


Is that dr*gs?

Oh my God, it's true.

- Oh my gosh.
- Whose purse is that?

I think it's Vivienne's.

That's not mine.

I've never seen that before.

That's not mine, I swear.

What did you do?

- Nothing, Mom.
- That is your purse.

Somebody must
have put that there.

Faye, it's not hers.

This must be some
kind of mistake.

I'm sorry, but you two are
officially disqualified.

Our contestants are
supposed to be role models

to this community.

Mom, this is not fair.

Those dr*gs are not even mine.

That is enough.

- Faye.
- Patrice, I can't.

I know. I can't believe
that about Vivienne.

I've been doing pageants
with her forever.

Well, call me later, okay?

Okay, I will.


Oh, hey, Darcy, since
the girls are planning

to get together, maybe we
can get together sometime?

Grab lunch or...

Oh, s-

I'm not sure I can,
I'm really busy.

Just a lot going on.


Okay. Well, if you
change your mind.

Yeah, sure.

Let's go, Mia.

- Bye.
- Bye.

You're helping the
competition now?

What? I can't make friends?

You're always hanging
out with Adeline.

Get in the car, Mia.

Whatever, Mom.

Okay, nice and tall,
long neck, and go.


Engage your core.

Don't suck in your stomach
and stick out your ribs,

you look like a linebacker.

Graceful. Honey,
you're clomping.

Mom, I know how to walk.

I won last year, remember?

Yeah, thanks to me.

What is that supposed to mean?

I just mean that I
coached you to win.

Honey, I know I
can be hard on you,

but that's just because
I see your potential.

And we deserve something
good, don't we?

After your father left
us for that trashy-

Mom, stop.

Dad didn't leave us for anyone.

He left because you
treated him like garbage.

You don't call or knock?

No, I own this house, I can
come and go as I please.

Ah, my beautiful granddaughter.

Aah, you are a winner.

Can you tell that to Mom?

She thinks I need
to work on my walk.

You're the one who
needs to practice.

You take a break, sweetie,
you're perfection.

Hello, Kendra.

Hi, Mrs. Bordeaux.

Good to see you.

You don't need to insult me
in front of my own daughter.

You haven't competed
in over 18 years,

and there's some
stiff competition.

Now, with Patrice and
Vivienne out of the pageant,

there are nine
mother-daughter teams left,

including you and Lilliana.

I'd keep my eye on these two.

The judges watched
the interviews

and seemed quite interested
in our newcomers.

Not afraid of a
little competition.

I watched for years as you lost

every single pageant
I put you in.

That's because you
were afraid and weak.

I'm not sure that's
changed at all.

Okay, here we go.

Shoulders back.

Yep. Head, a little higher.


I know it feels unnatural,
but the judges love it.


Okay, here we go.



Look, thank you so
much for helping me,

especially since
you're competition.

I'm not exactly trying to win.

Why is that?

You have to promise
not to tell anybody.

I won't.

I caught my mom
cheating on my dad.

Oh my God.


And I can't tell my dad,
even though I want to,

but it would break
him, you know?

So, I'm going to get back at
my mom in a different way.


If there's anything my mom loves

in this world, it's pageants.

When she found out this one
was for mothers and daughters,

I'd literally never
seen her so happy.

But after what she did to my
dad, I just can't help her win.

Oh, you're going to
throw the competition?


But I'm gonna wait
till the next cut.

Let us get to the final five,
where she can almost touch

the crown, and then
make it all go away.

Wow, that probably
sounds really crazy, right?

Hey, I don't judge

And that's why I like you.

And why I want you to win.

Okay, so what are you
wearing to the next event?

I don't know.


This is probably the
dressiest thing I own.

No, no, you can't wear that.

Um, there is a local boutique
that sponsors the pageant.

They send over a
bunch of dresses

to the contestants every year,

so you should call Faye.

She'll let you know when you

can drop by pageant
headquarters and try some on.

Cool, thanks.

You're welcome.

Yeah, probably a good call.

Yeah, don't, don't wear that.



Ah, you look so pretty, Mom.

Oh, thanks, honey.

Mm, I don't like the
way the dress fits me.



I think I'm gonna just
try a different one on.


What's wrong?

The deposit is overdue for
the literature residency.

I already asked
for an extension,

but since they have a wait-list,

they don't wanna be flexible.

I'll give them a call and
see if there's something

we can work out, okay?

Yeah. Thanks, Mom.

Oh, Emilia.

I'm sorry, Faye
gave me this time.

She didn't mention anybody
else was back here.

Oh, we're just wrapping up.


Hmm, that dress
looks amazing on you.

Thank you.

Looks a little loose though.

Hmm? Feels okay.

Yeah, ideally, you wanted
to accentuate your curves.

Here, let me show you.

Oh yeah, you could take
this in about an inch.

- Ouch!
- Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.

You okay, Mom?

I was just making some
tailoring suggestions.

- Ugh.
- See?

But you don't look so wide.

- Hm.
- Yeah.

It's good, right?

But I don't understand.

Hey, Mom, do you think
these earrings would go

with the dress I got.

Section two, paragraph five.

Is there any way I can
appeal the decision?

Yes, you can reach out

to Mr. Ginley personally.


Sure, I'll try
giving him a call.

What's wrong?

I just found out that
insurance may not cover

the damages at the spa.

I can try to appeal
the decision,

but that'll take time and
delay the opening even longer.

Or we could win the pageant

and you'll have all
the money you'll need.

I love your optimism, honey.

Are these worthy of a crown?

Hm? Yes.


Okay, maybe I'll go back
to the drawing board.

You are worthy of the crown.

- Come here.
- Aw.

I love you.

Now put 'em on.


♪ Ah ha

♪ All right

♪ I don't feel anything

♪ Oh yeah

♪ Tonight

Hey, Sophie and Emilia.

Come on, you two, let me show
you where to put your stuff.


We've got a big day ahead,
so I hope you're ready.

You can hang your
dresses up here.

- Mm-hmm.
- Things down over here.

Changing room's upstairs.

Come on, I want you to
meet Rebecca Bordeaux.

- Okay.
- Okay.


Hey, here you are.
Where have you been?

I've been looking
all over for you.

I had something to take care of.

Ladies! Ladies!

Everyone, we have a very
special guest joining us today.

Rebecca Bordeaux!

Rebecca is one of our
biggest supporters,

and we are thrilled
to have her with us.

She generously connected
us to the owners

of this beautiful
space who lent it to us

for the pageant this year.

And she secured all donors
for the $100,000 prize.


Hello and welcome, everyone,

to this first ever regional
Atlanta mother-daughter pageant.

I want you all to
know that everyone

is given a fair
opportunity to win.

I have no say in the
outcome of this pageant.

Now, some of you are more
seasoned with many titles,

and others are here
for their first try.

And others have competed many
times and haven't won yet.

The strongest contestants,
the ones who get the crown,

focus on their own strengths.

I wish you all the
very best of luck.

Hm, I love you all.

Oh my God, it's ruined.

Who would do this?

It looks like somebody took a
pair of scissors to my gown.

- That's really terrible.
- Oh my gosh.

- It wasn't me.
- No one's gonna fess up?

Emilia had a pair of
scissors in her purse.


I, I absolutely did not do that.

How dare you accuse me?

Who do you think you are?

What is all the
commotion back here?

My dress.

Somebody in this
room destroyed it.

Well, before we start throwing
accusations, let's think-

Faye, let me talk
with my daughter.


- What?
- Come here.


Faye, I am not
responsible for this.

Don't worry, we'll
figure this out.

Mother! What the
hell are you doing?

I could ask you
the same question.

I know what you're
up to, Adeline.

You're trying to chip
off your competition.

That Emilia woman, she
just shredded my gown.

You are accusing me?

I take it you didn't
know that there

were security
cameras back there.

There's no cameras
in the dressing room.

Of course not, but there
are in the makeup area,

where the dresses are hanging.

You're lucky I am
the one who secured

this space for the pageant.

Now, do I need to
go to the office

and rewind the footage to
see what really happened?

Or would you rather
I just erase it?


That's what I thought.

I have a reputation to protect,

and that's the only reason I'm
getting you out of this mess.

You will not put shame
on this family legacy,

do you hear me?

Now, you're gonna
go back in there

and tell everyone
you made a mistake.

Tell them, tell them you
fired your housekeeper

this morning and
before you left,

she retaliated by
shredding your gown.


No, Mother, no.
Nobody's gonna buy that.

Th-there's a piece of my dress
stuck on Emilia's scissors.

This is not up for debate.

- Go.
- Oh my God.

Ladies, I apologize.

I made the wrong assumption.

Unfortunately, I had to let my
housekeeper go earlier today

and I had no idea she
would be this vindictive.

I'm just glad you figured
out what happened.

Do you have somethin'
else to wear?

Rosewood Boutique is gonna
rush me over a new gown.


Now that we have
that cleared up,

the judges are on their way in.

Please, everyone, get ready
and meet me in the main room.

We start in half an hour.

Mom, there is no way Kendra
would destroy your dress.

Lilliana, I don't need
your input right now.

You're gonna do fine, honey.

If anyone should be
nervous, it's me.

I haven't done this
piece in almost 10 years.

You're gonna do great.

Thank you, honey.

Everyone, please gather around.

I am pleased to
introduce our judges.

Let's give a warm round of
applause for Cyrus Price.

Franklin Davis.

And Vanessa Handler.

Thank you.

The judges have watched
your interview tape.

Today they are going
to watch you perform

for the preliminary competition.

After, they're going to decide
on the final five pairs.

Lilliana, you're up first.

Bravo, honey!

♪ So here we go

♪ Yeah, cranking up the beat

♪ Rolling down the street

♪ All night, it's now or never

♪ Here we go again

♪ Here we go again

♪ Now or never

♪ If you want it

♪ Take your best shot

♪ If you need it

♪ Give me all you got

♪ Don't hold back

♪ Don't surrender

♪ It's gonna be a
night to remember ♪

♪ Yeah, here we go again

♪ Cranking up the beat

♪ Rolling down the street

♪ All night, it's now or never

♪ Here we go again

♪ Here we go again

Sophie, it's your turn.

You're gonna do great.


What's wrong, honey?

My poem, it, it, was right here.

It's gotta be down
here somewhere.

It's gone.


Hey, hey, hey, look,
you've got this.

You've got this many times.

You wrote it.

Deep breath.

Go get 'em.

This is a poem I
wrote for my father.

"Lightly they pass,
lifting the mist.

Burying a golden leaf.

Color no longer green."




I'm sorry, I, um, I
had a copy of my poem,

but I must have misplaced it.

It's okay, you're fine.

If you qualify for
the next round,

just bring an extra copy with
you at the pageant final.

It's gonna be okay.

It's okay.

I think I just
ruined our chances.

No, you did not.

You're okay.

I just need some air.


Seriously, do not sweat that.

I just blew it in there.

Look, don't
worry about it, okay?

They're picking the
final five today.

Sophie, anything can
happen. Trust me.

Are you going to the pageant
sleepover tomorrow night?

I didn't even know about it.

Tatum. She always tries to
leave the new girls out.

It's at her house, her
parents are really rich.

It's actually kinda fun.

Okay, yeah, I'll go,
unless I get cut today.

Sophie, it's not just
for the final five.

Come on, they're about
to announce the winners.


Moving ahead in the competition
are Mackenzie and Tatum.

Ah! Oh my God.

We got this.

Darcy and Mia.

Roberta and Scarlett.

Adeline and Lilliana.

Yes! I told you, honey.

And finally, Emilia and Sophie.

Oh my God.

This is great.

We did it!

- Yeah.
- We did it.


Let's give a warm
round of applause

to our five
mother-daughter finalists.

What have I been telling you?

Emilia and her daughter
are a real threat.

I hear you, Mother.

You better step things up.

Emilia Connors, you
are one impressive violinist.

Oh, thank you.

You look familiar.

Were you a vendor at the town
Christmas market last year?

Yes, I was.

I bought a basket from
you, a gift for my ma.

Some spa products.

- Mm.
- She loved them.

You know, you should really
think about opening up

a place here in town.

I am opening a spa, actually.

Hopefully, within
the next six weeks.

That's great.

You know, I've
been watching you.


Oh, that came out wrong.

I mean, in the pageant.


It's just refreshing
to have contestants

who aren't so rehearsed,
you know what I mean?

I think I do, and thank you.


What does Cyrus even
see in Emilia anyway?

She's so plain.

And her violin
skills, hm, not great.

She's opening up a spa,
but have you seen her skin?

She looks 10 years
older than she is.

I have to do something
before the judge's luncheon.

I can't risk them spending
any more time together.

I need to solve this
problem on my own.

What do you mean?

I have to get Cyrus
to vote for me.


I have my ways.

You're not gonna do anything
to Emilia or Sophie.

- Adeline, I can't
- Enough.

Darcy, stop your blabbering,
I need your help.

You're still a member of
Seasons Country Club, right?

Y- yes.

The manager is an
old college friend.

I invited you to
check it out, but you-

I didn't care about
that tacky place then,

but I did some research
and I found out

that Cyrus plays pickleball
there with a friend.

And you can get me
in as a guest, right?





I think I need a break.


Oh. Get over here.


Oh, hello, Adeline.

Well, I didn't know
you were a member here.

Yes, I enjoy it here, um,

it's less stuffy than the
other clubs around the area.

Are you a member?

Oh, I'm thinking about joining.

- Oh.
- But I came along with Darcy.

Hmm. That's nice.


Can we interest
you guys in a game?

I appreciate the offer,

but, uh, I had knee
surgery earlier this year.

Yeah, I gotta take
it easy for now.

- Mm.
- Well, we understand.

Well, we're gonna
go grab a drink.

Nice to see you.

- Okay.
- Nice meeting you.

- Bye.
- Bye-Bye.

Perfect. He's getting a drink.

Good, I could really
use a glass of wine.

No, I gotta do this alone,

I, I can't risk, like,
your distractions.

Oh, um, well, I
guess I could go-

Talk to a manager of the club.

Yes. Why?

'Cause you won't stop
bragging that you know him.

My God, are you
sleeping with him too?



Do whatever you
want, just don't get

in the way of my plan.

We meet again.

Do you mind if I take a seat?

Uh, sure. Where's Darcy?

Oh, she's off yapping to
the manager of the club,

and apparently they're
old friends from college.

So, what are we drinking?

Uh, whiskey, neat.

Sounds delicious.

So, how are you enjoying
the pageant so far?

You know what? I think
it's going great.

There are some really
impressive contestants.

Hmm, that's good to hear.


You know, pageants
have been around

for a very long
time in my family.

My mother was Miss Teen-

Oh, I'm aware of
who your mother is.

She's a legend. So
many crowns.

What's a girl got to do to
get a drink around here?

Oh, you know, I think
she'll be right back.

You mind if I take
a sip of yours?

Uh, sure.


You know, I think it's
a great group this year.

There's a lot of very
experienced contestants.


And those new to the
competition as well.

Yes. Emilia and

Huh, it's nice to have
newcomers, don't you think?

You know, I wouldn't
have imagined

that they're new to
pageant competitions.

One thing I can say, it is
a very tight race so far.

Enough shoptalk, how
about another round, hm?

Girls, I am so happy
to have you all here

for my annual pageant sleepover.


Now, everyone in here has
made it to the top five.

But let's face it, no matter
who wins, we are all winners.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Whoo!

Anyway, let's go ahead

and drink up before
my parents get home

and we get caught
drinking their booze.

Yeah, we should.


Here's to watching
our mothers try

to recapture their youth and
not go absolutely insane.

- Cheers to survive.
- Cheers.



Thank you for agreeing
to show me around.

I think I'm gonna get a
membership here after all.

Well, maybe next time
I'll take you up on

that pickleball match.

I'm gonna hold you to it.

Well, it's getting late.

Oh, are you heading
home so soon?

Adeline, what are you doing?

Well, the night is still young.


I think we both have interests

that could benefit one another.

Are you trying to bribe me?

Because if you are,
you should know

that's an a*t*matic

Wait, this is
a big misunderstanding.

No, I, I don't think it is.

I mean, can't you tell
when you're barking up

the wrong tree, Adeline?

I'm sorry, but the
rules are the rules.

I'm gonna have to report this.

What? You're gonna report this?


Do you really think that I need

to proposition a
judge in order to win?

Do you know who I am?

I do.

You're Rebecca
Bordeaux's daughter,

and that does not
make you untouchable.


- Adeline?
- Cyrus.

- Adeline?
- Cyrus.


- I'm very touchable.
- Adeline?


Hey, Dad, I got your message.

I really wish I could
fly out and see you,

but with all this pageant
stuff, Mom would k*ll me.

But thank you for the invite,

and I really hope I see you
when you're back in town.

Love you.



Are you okay?

Yeah, it's just, um...

Do you wanna talk about it?

It's my dad's
birthday this week,

and he's in Montreal for work.

He works at this,
like, big tech company,

but he was gonna fly
me out and sightsee

and get dinner and
all of that stuff.

That's so cool.

Yeah, but, I mean,
I'm not going.

Because of the pageant.

It would be a quick trip,
and it doesn't interfere

with any of the events, but
my mom would, like, freak out.

It's like any time I wanna
spend time with my dad

it just ends up in, like,
a screaming match with her.

She doesn't want you to
spend time with him at all?

It must be hard on you.

I'm just trying to keep the
peace until I can graduate

and get the hell outta here.

Well, is he at least coming
to the pageant final?

No, that's my mom's turf.

But, we should head back inside.


Darcy seems very distracted.

What's that all about?

I don't know.

Shame about what
happened to that judge.


I got word before he died
that he was quite fond

of Emilia and Sophie.

Pity for them.

But lucky break for you.

I don't need a judge to die
in order to win, Mother.

But now that he's taken care of.

That's an odd way to phrase it.

I just mean that if
he so clearly favored

certain contestants, the
playing field's open again.

And you want
Lilliana and I to win

more than anything,
right, Mother?

Hello, Faye.

Adeline, I just got
back into the office

and now is not the best time.

This will only
take a few moments.

I wanted to discuss the
appointments of the new judge.

A man just died, Adeline,
have some compassion.

I'm working on finding
a new replacement.

It just so happens I have
someone you should consider.

His name is Warren Sandler.

He's an upstanding businessman,

on the board of several
organizations here in Atlanta.

You know him?


We support a few of
the same charities.

As you know, I'm very
involved in the community.

It would be a conflict of
interest to appoint a judge

that you know personally.

Besides, I have a few
people in mind already.

My mother's a big fan of Warren,

and between you and I, she's
planning to secure double

the funding for next year.

I don't want to tell
you how to do your job,

but I'm sure it
would go a long way

if you appoint the
judge that she wants.

Faye called, she said that
they selected a new judge.

Warren Sandler.

Interesting choice.

Careful with that, dear.
Caffeine gives you cellulite.

Faye was acting as if
I would be thrilled

with her selection of Warren.

Do you know anything about that?

No, Mother, I don't.

Well, I have some
interesting news.

The pageant hasn't
officially announced it yet,

but a television crew is coming
to film the dress rehearsal.


Why not the pageant itself?

Well, they're doing
it documentary style,

showing the behind-the-scenes.

Faye will be doing a
presentation highlighting

my past wins.

Of course.

All eyes will be on the
legacy I built for our family.

You understand that?

What do you expect me to do?

Prove that you can win
something for once in your life.

Okay, Franklin is over
there, and Vanessa is there.

This feels so awkward.

Like what, are we supposed
to just go over there

and sell ourselves?

I think we can just
start with a simple hello.

We'll do it together.


So, you ready to
schmooze the judges?

Not, not really.

Hey, you'll be great.

Kind of sad about that
guy, Cyrus, though.

My parents belong to the same
country club where he died.

And no surprise that
Adeline's already cozying up

to the new judge.

It's a tragedy what
happened with Cyrus,

but I'm glad something
wonderful could come out of it.

I'm so excited that
you're the new judge.

Yeah, me too.

You know you've
already got my vote.

It's the other two
judges I'd worry about.

What do, what do you mean?

Well, I had a conversation
with Franklin and Vanessa,

seems they're both very endeared

to the newcomers over there.

Excuse me. Excuse me.


- Adeline.
- Hi.

I'm sorry, I need to make
an important phone call.

Can we regroup inside in a bit?

Yeah, I was hoping I
could get you alone.

All right, I guess I
have a few minutes.

I read an article that
you are considering

a run for local office.

That's right.

Well, our family's very active
in supporting candidates.

In fact, everyone
we've backed has won.


Well, I'm just
saying we both have

something we wanna win here.

You're not attempting to
bribe me, are you, Adeline?

Oh, no, no, of course not.

Um, I'm just pointing
out that we both

have mutual interests.


If you'll excuse me.



You know what she said.

I need you.

- Ouch, Mom, what the hell?
- Stop fraternizing

with your competition and
go impress the judges.

Come with me.

It's good to see
you again, Franklin.

You remember my
daughter, Lilliana?

Hi, nice to see you.

Always a pleasure.

What are you majoring
in next year at college?


You know, I offer
internships at my company.

That'd be perfect
for you, honey.

You guys should
exchange numbers.

I already have a full
course load, but thank you.

Well, in case you
change your mind.

That's my personal
cell number on there.

- Lilliana.
- Mom.

What the hell was that?

He's a prominent businessman,

you'd be lucky to
intern with him.

You didn't see the way
he was leering at me?

You're a pageant girl.

You parade your body on stage,

you don't want a
man to look at you?

Just when I thought you
couldn't get any worse.

So, how do you think it went?

That Warren guy was
pretty hard to read,

and Franklin was
kind of friendly.

A little too
friendly for my liking.

I know.

I'm gonna use the
restroom really quick.

Ooh, here, let me
help you with that.

Uh-huh, thank you, thank you.

Of course.

Ugh, wow. I'm a bit
of a mess today.

Is everything okay?


My mother is ill and I just
called to check in and...

But I understand.

I lost my husband
to cancer recently.

I remember you mentioned
that during your interview.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you.

I think it's nice that
you and your daughter

are doing this pageant
together for the first time,

after such a big loss.

What made you enter?

Truthfully, we really
need the money.

I'm drowning in medical
bills from my husband,

I'm a new business owner,
and that takes time to build,

and my daughter has this
incredible opportunity

to study in London, but the
cost is just more than...

I'm, I'm sorry, I shouldn't
be laying this all on you.

No, no, I completely understand.

I've had my share financial
issues in the past.

It's not always easy,

especially after losing
someone you love.

Thank you.

Just, I don't understand
why aren't these judges

so impressed with
Emilia and Sophie?

Uh, at least Cyrus is gone.

Well, that's kind of an
awful thing to say, isn't it?

The man died.

But he wasn't gonna vote for me.

Adeline, please tell
me you had nothing

to do with his death.

Are you accusing me?

No, no, no, I am sorry,

I just know how much
you want the crown.

You're really not
someone who should

be throwing stones, Darcy.

What do you mean? I
never hurt anybody.

Oh, cheating on your
husband isn't hurting him?

Instead of these accusations,
you should be helping me.

That's our deal.

What am I supposed to do?

- Is somebody there?
- Shh.

I don't see anybody.

Let's get back,
we can talk later.

- Oh, this is cute.
- I love that.

- Sorry, um.
- Hey.

Hey, can I talk to you
for a minute in private?

Yeah, sure.

- Bye.
- See ya.

What's up?

Adeline knows about
your mom's affair.

Why would she tell her?

Adeline is a huge gossip.

Maybe she didn't and Adeline
found out on her own.

I heard them arguing
about something,

said they had a deal,
that she should help her.

Why would she do that?

I don't know.

But you remember how
I said I was going

to put a stop to all this?

Perfect timing.

Right. Yes.

Mom, can I talk to
you for a second?

Honey, why aren't you
out there socializing

with the judges?

I'll give you two a moment.

I have to show you something.

Can't it wait until later?

We only have so much
time with the judges.

No, it can't.

Where did you get this?

I took it.


Not that long ago.

The Italian restaurant
around the corner.

When you lied to Dad, said
that you had errands to run.

I cannot believe you're
sleeping with Tatum's dad, Mom.

How can you stand
there just talking

and laughing with Mackenzie?


Honey, I am so sorry.

Mom, how could you do that?

I'm so sorry.

How can I make this up to you?

- Honey, please.
- Make it up to me?

You can walk over
there and tell Faye

that we quit the pageant.

- No.
- Do it right now, Mom,

or I send this photo to every
single person in this room.

Honey, please.

Why do you wanna quit? We're...

I am not telling Dad about the
affair, it would crush him.

But I am not doing this anymore.

And maybe if you get out of
this crazy pageant world,

you'll remember what's
really important.

My father went into hospice.

We don't know how much
longer he has left.

Oh, Darcy, I am so sorry.

Of course, we're disappointed

to lose you both
from the competition.

Please let us know if there's
anything that we can do.

Whoa, what's happening?

My life is over.

That's dramatic.

Mia found out about the affair.

Ugh, I told you, you're
being too sloppy.

She found a photo of
us, and she threatened

to expose me if I don't
drop outta the pageant.

It's her way of
getting back at me.

Tough break.

That's it?

That's all you're
gonna say to me?

Darcy, we're connected
by the pageant,

it's not like we
have a friendship

outside of this world.

Mia, where are you going?

Why don't you ask your mom?


I'm sorry, Lilliana.

I like you, we're friends,

but your mom is
not a nice person.

And I'm sorry to say that,

but there is something
seriously wrong with her.

I've lived with her
for 18 years. I know.

Just, what did she do?

Well, for starters, she's
blackmailing my mom.

Are you serious?


What does she even
want from her?

I don't know exactly, but I
hope you figure it out soon,

before things get worse.

I gotta go.

Okay. See ya.

Hey, um, have you seen Mia?

She, she just left.

Do you know what's going
on between her and my mom?

Sophie, please, if you know
something you have to tell me.

Darcy, are you okay?


And Emilia, you should
watch your back.

I like the color of this dress.

But this dress looks way
more flattering on you.

Let's try them both on.

Lilliana, what's your problem?

Get with it, we're
down to the wire.

I'm doing all the work.

What work are you doing, Mom?

Excuse me?

Oh, let me guess, your
father's in your ear again,

poisoning you against me.

No, you do a good enough
job of that yourself.

He always resented pageants.

He never supported your dreams.

That is not true.

Oh, really, then why wasn't
he at your last pageant,

when you won the crown?

Because he was stuck at
work with an emergency.

You remember that. All
of the servers went down.


Lilliana, he was holed up in
some hotel with his assistant.

No, Mom, that's not true.

You know that's not true.

Dad didn't cheat on you.

Come on, Lilliana, you
are not a stupid girl.

No, Mom, I'm not.

You know what?

I don't like either
of these for you.

I'm gonna call the boutique

and have them send
over some more options.

You reached Patrick.

Leave a message,
I'll get back to you.

Hey, Dad, can you
give me a call back?

It's about Mom.

- Hey.
- Hey, how's it going?

Well, my mom is devastated

that I made her
quit the pageant.

But other than that,
everything's great.

What's up with you?

I was looking
through some articles

about that girl, Harper.


Really? Why?

Don't you think it's weird
that she was k*lled so close

to the pageant last year?

Well, it was awful, but
what do you mean by weird?

Did the police ever suspect
anyone from the pageant?

Um, the case was closed

as a random robbery
pretty quickly.

I mean, they talked to all
of us girls and our parents,

but I never got the feeling
they thought any of us did it.

Was, was the pageant
unusually intense

that year or something?

No, it was just a normal
amount of tension, I would say.

Although, there was this one
thing Harper was worried about.

What was it?

Well, you know that
judge, Franklin,

apparently he came on to
her and she rejected him.

Harper was worried that people

would think she was
favorite to win.

Did any of the other
contestants know that?

Well, there were rumors,

but it was squashed
pretty quickly.

So, certain contestants
knew that Harper

was favored by Franklin?


And what if Adeline was
one of those people?

Hey, remember, you said Cyrus

was really complimentary
of us, right?


Did Adeline know that?

It's possible.

Mom, if Adeline is
responsible for Cyrus

or Harper's death, we
have to do something.

Oh, it's Lilliana.

She wants to talk.

I didn't tell her about
Darcy's affair yesterday

because I felt like
that was Mia's place

to decide whether she
should know or not.


But she seemed really
upset about her mom.

You know what?

Speaking of Darcy, I think I
should pay her a visit today.

Try to figure out
exactly why she

was warning me about Adeline.

Do you think she'll talk to you?

It's worth a try.

- Hi.
- Emilia.

What are you doing here?

This really isn't a good time.

I just wanted to
talk about yesterday.

Do you know?

About your affair?

- Yes.
- Shh.

My husband is home,
please, I haven't told him.

I have no intentions
of revealing your

personal business.

I just wanted to
know what you meant

when you were warning me to
watch my back around Adeline.

I'm sorry, Emilia,
I really shouldn't

be talking to you about Adeline.

Why are you so scared of her?

Is it because of your
affair, or something else?

Okay, please.

Look, I don't know
anything for sure.

Darcy, mother to mother,

if Adeline has done
something awful,

you don't want her hurting
anyone else, right?

Adeline was at the country
club the night Cyrus died.

I left early, she stayed.

Why was she there?

Because she believes he
favored you and Sophie.

- Ugh.
- She wanted

to convince him otherwise.

Do you think she k*lled him?

I can't be involved.

No, no, wait. Hey, hey.

Hey, okay.

Does the country club
have security cameras?

I don't know, but my friend,
he's the manager there,

he said the police have
already looked into this.

Can you just ask him and see?

He's on vacation right now,

but I'll do my
best to reach him.

Okay. Thank you.

Is it about the footage
from the country club?

Darcy spoke to the manager.

Someone on the maintenance
crew set up trail cameras

to watch for animals that could
cause damage to the course.

Apparently they're going
through the footage,

but it's gonna take time.

Time that we don't have.

Come on.

♪ Ooh-Hoo-hoo

We've got 45 minutes
dress rehearsal, everyone.

Mom, guess what?

Oh, Lilliana, not right now.

You're gonna want to hear this.

I just got us Franklin's vote.

What? How do you know?

I took your advice.

Had a, you know, productive
conversation with him.

He assured me his vote was ours.



Glad to see you're
comin' around, honey.

All right, now that
we have Warren's vote

and Franklin's vote, I
guess we have nothing

to worry about then.

Yeah, we're good.

I'm gonna go put some lipstick
on before we go on camera.

Sounds good.

She bought it.

Okay, at least we
don't have to worry

about your mom thinking
we're a threat.

Yeah, you guys are good.

- Okay.
- I'll see you back there.


Hi, sweetheart. Everything okay?

Yeah, Grandma. Why?

You seem to have been a bit
off these past few days.

I, I just think it's
stress from the pageant.

I mean, you know
how that is, right?

You sure there's
nothing else going on

that I should be aware of?

No, everything is fine.

Well, then thank you for
carrying this pageant

for you and your mother.

I think we both know who the
real star of the family is.

- I love you, sweetheart.
- Hm, I love you.

- I'm gonna go get ready.
- Okay. Good luck.

Hey, I'll be right back.

Darcy, any news?

They found something.

There is clear
footage of Adeline

and Cyrus walking together
close to where he died.

Can you send that to me?

I'll text it over.

Are you gonna turn
this into the police?

Yes, but it doesn't
really prove anything.

There's no real footage
of Adeline doing it.

The police will question her,

but if it's not
enough for an arrest,

I am terrified of
what she'll do then.


Why are you fumbling around?

I can't find my shoes.

Well, can you look a bit more
quietly and on your side?

I'd like some peace
before we go on camera.

Sophie, did you leave
them in the car?

I'll go check.

Can, can I help you?

Oh, hi, um...

Hi, I'm Lilliana's father.

Are, are you one
of the contestants?

Yeah. I'm Sophie.

Yeah, Lilliana
told me about you.

She told me everything.

And if it's all true, if
Adeline really hurt someone,

I just gotta make
sure Lilliana's okay.

Then why are you sneaking
around the building?

Well, I'm trying
to find the best way in,

because if I call
Lilliana, or if I text her

and my ex-wife sees
it, she will lose it.

Okay, just wait right here.


Thank you.

Hey, your dad is here.

Oh my God, he came.

- My gosh, Dad!
- Hi.

What are you doing? I
thought you were in Montreal?

I left early.

I cannot leave you
alone with your mother.

Thank you.

So, Darcy sent over the footage,

and it does prove your mom
was with Cyrus that night,

near where his body was found.

Okay, you guys, we have
to go to the police.

I agree, but Darcy doesn't
think it's enough evidence,

and I'm with her on that.

All right, so what do we do?

Adeline thinks she's gonna
win, her guard is down.

The dress rehearsal
will be broadcast live.

If we can work together,

we might be able to get
a confession out of her.


What if we play the video
in front of everyone?

I mean, Dad, you're obviously
good with technology,

you could probably hook
it up to the main stage.

I mean, yeah.

I think we have to try.

Let's do it.


Come on, come on, come on.


Take your places, ladies.

You look beautiful.

Right along there. That's right.

There we go.

And we're just about ready.

Ah, this is my moment.

I mean, ours.

I think it will be.

Ladies and gentlemen,
it's showtime.

I'd like to thank
our audience at home

for watching us live right now.

This is the first
time we've given

a behind the scenes look to you,

and we couldn't be more excited.

Before we get started, I'd
like to welcome a true icon

of our pageant community
without whose generous support

this evening would
not be possible.

The winner of an unprecedented
17 pageant crowns,

the one, the only,
Rebecca Bordeaux.

To celebrate Rebecca's
lifetime of accomplishments,

on and offstage, we've put
together a special presentation

to honor her incredible legacy.

What is that.

Faye, what's going on?

Uh, uh, I'm so sorry, I don't
know why this is playin'.

Is that Adeline and Cyrus?

Isn't that where he died?

What is the meaning of this?

Uh, I...

This video is obviously a fake.

- Mom.
- Hey, hey, stop.

- Turn it off.
- Mom!

Off. Turn it, turn it off!

Right now! Right now!

Mom, stop!

Everyone knows your lying.

I'm so sorry, everyone.

I don't condone this kind of
behavior from my daughter.

If you just give
us a few moments.

Ouch, Mom.

Adeline, let go of her.

Get off me.

This is, you are
doing, isn't it?

You're trying to turn
my daughter against me

so that you can win?

All right, all
right, that's enough.

That's enough, turn off
those cameras right now.

- Keep rolling.
- Turn off that camera now!

Sorry, Mrs. Bordeaux.

I'm here to broadcast
what happens backstage

at a dress rehearsal.

The cameras are staying on.

Do not turn that camera off.

You k*lled Cyrus, didn't you?

Because he wasn't
going to vote for you?

How dare you accuse me
of something like that.

And then he was
replaced by Warren.

Faye, what made you appoint
him to replace Cyrus?


He came highly recommended.

Oh, please, by who?


Ugh, I'm gonna sue you for
defamation of character.

This woman has never done
a pageant in her life,

and she shows up this year.

Clearly, she has a
vendetta against me.

Mom, stop lying! Stop!

I did not raise you like this.

You are acting like your father.

Adeline. Enough!

If you'll all excuse
me for a few moments,

I need some time to
deal with family.

Mother, I need you outside.


You're not leaving
until you tell us

what happened to Harper.

What about her?

You k*lled her too, didn't you?

You tried to stage
it as a robbery.

You little bitch!

Don't you ever come
near my daughter!


Adeline, stop this right now!

You are a disgrace, a
stain on our family.

Get out of my sight.

Doesn't that make you happy?

After all these
years, you finally got

what you've always wanted.

A daughter who's
exactly like you.

I should s*ab you in your
miserable heart!

But you won't.

Can't even do that right.

Oh no, you're not
going anywhere.

I did this for you.

I k*lled Harper and
Cyrus because of you.

Because you never
gave me any choice.

You created all of this.

Why aren't you on my side?

Why won't you love me?

What is it about me?

You've never put me first.

Why, Mom?

My God.

Rebecca, do you
have any comments

about what's transpired tonight?

No comment.

She's not worth a single word.

M- mom, get back here!


Listen, thank you both

for having me over this morning.

Of course. We're
glad you came by.

So, I'm sure you both
heard that the pageant

has been shut down for good.

- Mm-hmm.
- But you had my vote.

So, Emilia, how's everything
going with your spa?

Oh, excellent.

Insurance finally came
through to fix the damage,

so we should be up and running
and on schedule.

Yeah, I'm so happy to hear that.

Thank you.

And Sophie, how about
your literature residency?

Uh, unfortunately,
we were unable

to scrape the money together.

I can help.

I'd love to sponsor
your residency.

What? Wait, what?

Are, are you sure?


You deserved that win.

It's my pleasure to help out.

Oh, Mom!

That is so generous
of you, Vanessa.

Thank you, truly.

Thank you so much.

My pleasure.

- Ah, you're going to London.
- I'm going to London.


- Let's do a cheers.
- Yeah!

- To London.
- To London!

I've been to London many times.

So what's the first
thing you wanna see?

Gosh, I mean, I
don't know. Everything.