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Blood Flower (2022)

Posted: 05/09/24 22:03
by bunniefuu

Hey guys, I think we need
to find another hangout spot.

We can't spend our school holidays
hanging out here, like a bunch of apes.

What's wrong with you guys?
This place is just fine.

Hey, is that a new video?

Pain in the butt...

Bob, I was just about to catch that.

Are you stupid?

This thing is called a familiar.


If it enters your house,
everyone will die. You'll be cursed.


That's a praying mantis, you idiot.
Since you k*lled it, now you'll be cursed.

Then you will die.

Iqbal? Iqbal, where are you going?





Little chicks, little chicks
Now only five are left

One is dead. Another one dies
Now only four remain

This is your dad's.

This is yours.

Here, take mine.


I've been looking everywhere for you.

What's wrong, Iqbal?
You're as white as a corpse.

Dad, I don't think we should go.
Something doesn't feel right.

I'm sorry we can't
go to the movies today.

Maybe tomorrow or the day after, okay?

That would be better anyway.

That new movie, "The Helter
Skelter Ghost" will be out by then.

Shall I book the tickets now?

No. I'm scared!

What is there to be scared of?

Just take a pillow, and cover your face.

I know we are close.
We should have reached by now.

Everything looks fine.

That "thing" is starting to disturb us.

Did you realize we've
passed this way twice already.

If I had your abilities,
I wouldn't rely on apps.

Put your phone away.
Use your third sight. End of story.


This is your dad's.

This is yours.

Here, take mine.


I don't want anything to happen to Mom.

Let someone else do this.

You can't see.
I don't know how to explain...

What's wrong with you?



The sooner we get there,
the sooner we finish. The sooner we leave.

Iqbal, don't walk alone.

Peace be upon you.

- Peace be upon you.
- Don't be afraid, Iqbal.

The things that you and I can see,
they can't harm us.

Peace be upon you.

This gift that we received
from God is special.

But I am scared, Mom.

Be patient.

Once you've gained
enough knowledge...

Peace be upon you.

Peace be...

Darling. Your mum,
brother and I have work to do.

You stay put, okay, Yaya?

Mrs. Dina?

I didn't think you'd come.


How long has this been going on?

Almost a week.

Since Zura returned
from her school camping trip.

She was in the jungle?




What do you see?

At last

you have arrived in our den.

This one is a bit tricky.
It could be an Al-Hinnu (djinn).

What are you waiting for?


You can't touch Zura.

She belongs to us now.

In the name of God,
the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

She's not an Al-Hinnu. Mom.
Tell me what to do!

Use your abilities. You can do it, Iqbal!

Iqbal can


Don't touch my son, demon.


Help me.

God is Almighty.


Get the jar! Dear.

What happened, dear?

Recite the Azan.

God is Almighty.

It tricked me.
It's an Al-Ghillan (malicious djinn).

It wanted to k*ll Iqbal.

I bear witness there is no God but Allah,
and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.


- Mom.
- Dear.

Surely we belong to Allah
and to Him we shall return.



In the name of God,
the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

The almighty God who has power

to take away the breath
of all that is living.

I know...

how much you loved your mother.

But we who are still alive...

need to keep on living.

You should not say that.

She was my mother.

If we hadn't gone to treat the girl...

mom would still be alive today.

Do you like watching them play?

I'd like it better
if I could be like them.



I don't want to see those things
anymore or continue our work.

What's the point of my abilities
if I can't even save my own mother?

It's not your fault that your mom...

We can't fight God's plan.

Let's eat.

We're left with six

How long do we keep searching
for our hangout? School's about to start.

The eight floor is a no-go.
That's your druggie Uncle Rahim's turf.

What uncle? I don't get along with him.

Iqbal, what are you doing here
by yourself?

Waiting for your Mom?

Don't be a jerk.

Even in death, I bet his mom
doesn't smell as bad as yours.

Shut up, dude.

Hello? Yes, sir?

Twenty minutes?


No problem.

Yaya, I have a client. I have to go.
Stay here and don't go anywhere.

Don't open the door
except for your brother or me.

Can't I come along?
I'm scared to be alone.

My work is only for men.

I'll be quick.

You can't count on
any of these workers.

Useless monkeys.

How do we progress like this?

I'm doing this to help you relax.
Don't be so stressed.

Relax my foot.

How do I relax like this?

I'm going to Medan tomorrow.

Into the jungle. Looking for plants.

How's your gorgeous wife?


That's my penis. I still use it.

Dina passed away.

Why didn't you say anything?

I've known you both for five years now.

You're telling me
she's dead like it's nothing.

Dying is free.
But funerals requires money.

Don't trouble yourself.

Just take it. There's a lot
to settle when someone dies.

Take this money.

But you have to help me with
something for the next two weeks.

Wait for me outside.

Let me take care of this woman.

I heard there are ghosts
at that place every Friday night.

Let's just hang out at my house.

I don't want to hang out with your mom.
I'd rather hang out with ghosts.

Geez, these kids are everywhere.

Like cockroaches.

Sorry, the lift is broken.

Iqbal, come on.

We have your mom's memorial service
after dusk prayers. Follow me.

Is it okay for my son to come along?


Nurul, too?


Is that you, Nurul?


Come on.
She can go back to her own house.

Keep your shoes on.
This is not a home, it's a greenhouse.

These are carnivorous plants.

Some are cadaver plants.

And cadavers stink.

Nephenthes alata ex trancanta.

This plant is really rare.

This is Sarracenia, from US.

You can't find it in Malaysia.

My beloved Titan Arums.

I carried them with
my own hands from Sumatra.

My first exotic plant.

They bloom once every eight years.

Only for a day.

I can't miss it.

I've only ever seen it once.

- Before that, we have to feed them.
- Feed them?

Come, I'll show you.

Wait until it's rotted
before you top it up. Easy.

That room's empty.

There's nothing there.
You don't need to enter. Come.

My flight is at 4:00 am tomorrow.
I need to go home and pack.


Iqbal, I'll bring you some
Kopi Luwak from Sumatra.

What's that?

Coffee from a civet fox's butt.
Kopi Luwak. It's good.

Let me be clear.
You are to never enter this place.

My task will be done in two weeks.

Then we can forget about this place.

Popo. I'm going out.

Iqbal, are you okay?
You seem a bit gloomy.

Iqbal. Don't become like my mother.
Haunted by the ghost of my sister.

It's not like she's ever coming back.


Come, let's find Ali and Bob.

They're probably
up to no good somewhere.

- I don't have any money.
- You sure?

It's true. I don't.

My mom wanted me to buy eggs with this.

You have a pair, don't you?

Just give her those.

You must have more on you.

- That's all he has.
- Uncle!

What are you doing here, Uncle Rahim?

This girl.

Just stay out of it. I was about
to have fun with some "eggs".

Come, let's leave.

Don't mess with my friends.

Soon, Nurul. Very soon.

You will be all grown up.

Then I will teach you
how to dress like a woman.

How to take care of a man.

How to satisfy a man.

I can teach you all kinds of things.

But for now...

beat it.

I don't give a darn.

Leave. Get lost.


Iqbal, are you okay?

- Are you okay?
- His knife is dull.

My skin is thicker.

Why did he ask us
to bring our sweaters?

Let's wait and see.

How long? Until we turn to stone?


Why'd you have to bring her?

There's no one at home.
He can't just leave me alone.

You were fine playing football
against small kids. You liked it, even.

It's okay, Ilya, stick with me.

Just call me Yaya.
We're a g*ng now, right?

Okay, come in.

What is all this?


Is this a flower?

That's perfect then.
You don't need to watch porn anymore.

Your dad's plants are
going to be ruined, Ah Boy.

Mind your language, Ali.

Iqbal, where'd you get the keys from?

My dad's taking care of this place

while your dad is away
in Sumatra for two weeks.

Wait. So that means,
this place is ours?

So he is useful after all.

- Ali. Look here!
- Yeah.

What is it?

That is one huge flower.

- Let's go, guys.
- Let's go.

Look at this.

Don't bother her.

Ah Boy, your dad is very serious
with his hobby, huh?

Of course. It's his business after all.
Mom says he makes a lot of money.

Unfortunately, he doesn't
share it with his family.

Not with your family.

My mom says he's not stingy
on his second wife's family.

They're all wealthy.

Only your family isn't.

Your mom?
Your mom doesn't know anything.

Hey, why did you say that?

Ah Boy. Bob doesn't mean it,
you know how he is.

Whatever. People say all kinds
of things about my family.

Ah Boy.

What's that?

What do you guys think is in there?

Give me those keys.

Hey, Ali!

- Hurry up.
- Gimme a sec.

Too slow.

- Forget about it, Ali.
- Darn, none of them work.

That's enough. Let's leave.
We don't want any trouble.

What did you say?

Leave? He's a Chicken.

Look at this.

- Nothing. There's nothing to be afraid of!
- Guys, enough.

Why are you scared?


Bob. Wait for me!

What's with the nail?

Is that mucus or blood?

I only see a nail.

Something's not right here.


Ah Boy, careful.

We need to get out of here. Let's go.

Little chicks. Now only six remain



In the name of God,
the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

One dead. Another one dies
Only four remain

Little chicks, little chicks
Now only four are left

My son.

Son. I'm here.

What happened last night?

Tell me.

Don't force him, Norman.

Give him some time.
He's just a child.

You can tell me.

I'm here now.

I just want to be normal.

Master, we can't leave him like this.

We have to seal his abilities.

We don't know the extent of his abilities.

I don't think this is a wise decision.
Are you sure you want to proceed?

There is no other way.

For now, all your abilities to see,
to feel, to hear and to heal are sealed.

Whether it works or not,
is in the hands of God.

This is the verse to undo it.

If you ever need to.

Thank you, Master.

God willing, that day will never come.

Guide him, Norman.

When you get the signs from God,

you will know
what has to be done. God willing.

You guys working the night shift, too?

Iqbal's been working
the night shift at the cemetery.

Did Rahim bother you?
Nurul told me about it.

Ah Boy is my friend.

What are you saying, Yaya?

Sorry, Anna, it's a long story.

- I'll send some food over later, okay?
- Yes.

Ah Ma, come eat. Is Nurul up yet?

Ah Boy.

Nobody must know that she is a girl.

You can't force her
to be something she's not.

You didn't bring a pillow?
What if you get scared?

Geez, Yaya. I'm used to scary things.

We'll be damned.

We'll be damned.

We'll be damned.




Stay back.

Don't get too close.


Maybe he went to get his pillow?

What happened?

Why did you run off? It's just a movie.

Let's go back inside.
I want to see that ghost again.

Don't joke around
about these things.

So, do you want to go back in?

Sure, my grandma
lived like a ghost. Alone.

But it doesn't make sense
for her to k*ll herself.

I can't sleep.

You guys too?

I thought it was just
because of my grandma.

Do you guys feel like something's off,
since we went up there?

- Where's Ali?
- Something's been following me.

- Sounds of a woman weeping.
- Cut the crap, Bob.

Let's go look for Ali.

We need to put
that mantra paper back.

If you guys want
to die so badly, go ahead.

Leave me out of it.

We'll be damned.

We'll be damned.

We'll be damned.


Are you okay?

You look in the rooms.
I'll search this area.


Ah Boy.

Yes, Ma'am. I found the boy.

It was my morning shift for watering
the plants. According to Jamil's schedule.

- I can't get through his mobile.
- He's overseas.

In the jungle. Probably no signal.

Aside from you,
who else has access to this place?

To my knowledge, no one.
But I'm not too sure.

And Ali, he's your friend?

You kids play here often?

We were here yesterday...

What are you talking about, Yaya?
Don't make things up.

Let's go.

Yaya, go to your room.

Why did you steal the keys
and take Yaya there?

You're really looking for trouble.

Now I had to lie to the cops.

Do you want to go to jail?

I told you not to go there.
You thought I was joking?

Stop right there.

Why was Ali there?

Tell me.

I don't know how he got in by himself.

But yesterday,
I did take them there.

Who else?

Ali, Bob and Ah Boy.

That room, Ali and Bob
tore off the mantra paper.

I felt something
was released from there.

Don't talk rubbish.
Your abilities have been sealed.

Dad, I can't tell
what's real or what's not.

Stop this nonsense. Anyone can
buy that "mantra paper" and stick it on.

Why are you being so stubborn?

I knew it.

You will never understand.

There's so much I can't tell you.

It's hard.

You don't have what Mom and I have.

Our kids are all I have left.


Ma'am, I found
this phone on the balcony.

One is dead. Another one dies
Now only three remain

Little chicks, little chicks

Shut up!

Ah Boy?

Ah Boy?

Ah Boy?

Ah Boy?

Ah Boy, if you want to go home,

just close the front door.

Okay, Uncle.

Yaya, come.

Please take care of my brother.


Does your dad hit you?

Not at all. He's never raised a finger.
He just doesn't understand me.

Ah Boy...

I can see into other dimensions.

All sorts of beings, spirits, djinns.

Mom always said this is a gift.

But I don't even know
what to do with this "gift".

So, you are like a superhero?
Like the X-Men?

What are you talking about?

I'm being serious here.
This is not a joke.

Who says I'm joking?

Another thing...

I think I can see when
people are going to die.

Last night...

I saw you.

Yeah right.

But, if anything happens to me,
you save me, okay?

- How long will you need?
- Around 15-20 minutes.


Come, Yaya.

I'll just go buy my prepaid.

Remember, don't let anyone else in.


Don't enter this room.
Come. Watch me while I work.

Let's go.

Why don't you
just move that pot?

This pot? It's very heavy, Ma'am.


Just do it.

Who would do this to a child?

Come on guys, was it so hard
to just move the darn pot?

What is that?

Looks like a human jaw bone.

Peace be upon you.

It's okay. Don't be scared.

Don't tell anyone.

Dad told me to cover my face
when I'm scared. But I can still hear.


That sound, since we went upstairs.

You can hear them too?

That means...

What do you think the policeman
is doing up there?

I don't think that's the policeman.

Let's go.

These darn lifts never work.

Iqbal, where's your Dad?

He called earlier.

He apologizes for missing Popo's funeral.
He's at the police station.

That's okay. Have you and Ilya eaten?
Come eat with Ah Boy.

Don't pass out like last night.

I'm off to work.
Nurul, put away the leftovers.

You guys behave,
and go to bed early.

Yaya, do you know what happens
when Chinese people die?

- They burn the body.
- Burn?

Yes, to a crisp.
Only a couple of bones are left.

Then, they store it in a jar.

A jar? Like for ghosts?

For ghosts? What are you on about?

- Sister?
- That is not your sister.

What are you waiting for?

- What happened to your powers?
- Dad sealed his abilities.

Hello? Kavita?

Sorry, I think I need to take another
three days off. My daughter is sick.

Yesterday, another kid was k*lled here.

I'm so worried.

Thanks, Kavita.

What is it that you want?

Tell me! What do you want?

What do you really want?

Only six remain

One is dead. Another one dies

Iqbal ate it!

Forgive me, Mom.

I could not save you.

Forgive me.

One is dead. Another one dies
Only five remain

There's nothing to forgive, Iqbal.

You could not have stopped it.

I am gone.

But I will always love you, as you are.

You don't need to be like anyone else.

Little chicks, little chicks

God is Almighty.

These are the Almighty's plans.

Tests that you must undergo.

But, Master, you sealed my abilities.

It seems only your
healing abilities were sealed.

Your abilities are extraordinary.

A special pact between you

and God, the Most High and Glorified.

A responsibility to help others.

Sorry for making you wait, Mr. Norman.

Am I under arrest?

We found his cellphone and
traces of his blood at flat 10A.

Impossible, Ma'am.

That's Rahim.
The whole building knows that he...

You and Mr. Rahim used the two
dead boys to deal dr*gs, right?

Two boys are dead?

Yes, we found the body
of Mohamad Firdaus Bin Aziz.

Bob's dead too?

Weren't you in the flat when he died?

This paper.

It's the reason for all this.
I have to save my kids.

Mr. Norman, calm down.
That paper is just some kids game.

- Let me go. My kids are in danger!
- Ravi.

We don't have enough evidence.

Please stop!

Please stop!

- It's okay.
- Iqbal. Yaya.


Dad. Ah Boy...

Yaya. Listen here.

I know. I have to wait here
and not go anywhere.




I want my dad.

In the name of God,
the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

What is your name?

What is your mother's name?

What is your father's name?

Jamil Bin Ahmad.

I don't know what's gotten into her.

She's become like an animal.

The doctors can't help her, Anna.

Then how?

The blisters and the teeth grinding.

She can only remember her
father's name. These are all signs.

She's possessed by a demon.

Bob and Ali are dead
because of this demon.

Just like Popo.

In the name of God,
the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Praise be to God.

In the name of God,
the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Praise be to God,
Lord of all the worlds.

The Compassionate, the Merciful.
Ruler on the Day of Reckoning.

You alone do we worship,
and You alone do we ask for help.

Guide us on the straight path,

the path of those who
have received your grace.

Not the path of those who have
brought down wrath or wander astray.


If we don't heal her now,
this thing will take our children.

The police. I forgot, they want
to ask me some questions.

They can't know that I'm here.
I'll explain later.

I met with the Master earlier.

He told me everything.

I'm sorry, Iqbal.

I'm the stubborn one.

Hey, aren't you Mr. Norman's kid?
Where's your dad?

What can you tell us about
your brother-in-law, Rahim?

Useless. Like his brother.

Sorry, but is Mr. Jamil
still your husband?

He ghosted us a long time ago.
Just never divorced me.

So, will you unseal my abilities to heal?

Just follow my lead for now.

Until you've learnt enough.

You said your daughter is sick?

Yes. Nurul. She's in her room.

So whose room is this?

My eldest, Farah.

She went missing eight years ago.

Did you make a police report?

Yes, I did. Back then.
But nothing until now.

It's as if the whole world
forgot about her.

But you have not forgotten.

I'm still waiting.

Ma'am, we need to get moving.
They say it's urgent.

Norman k*lled him.
Dumped his body here.

But the bones, bloodstains,
there's still a missing piece to this.

Norman. I can't lose another child.

Peace be upon you.

Peace be upon you, Nurul.

- You imbecile. I'm not Nurul!
- My name is Norman Bin Salim.

You can talk to me.
Who are you? What do you want?

I am Farah.

Liar. Don't try to fool us, demon.

I don't want to talk to you.

- I want to talk to my father.
- Jamil, again?



In the name of God,
the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Praise be to God,
Lord of all the worlds.

The Compassionate, the Merciful.
Ruler on the Day of Reckoning.

You alone do we worship,
and You alone do we ask for help.

Guide us on the straight path,

the path of those who
have received your grace.

Not the path of those who have
brought down wrath or wander astray.


We'll be damned.

God is Almighty!


- God is Almighty!
- Dad!

God is Almighty!


I'm right here, Nurul.



I can't...

Please help me.

This is dangerous.

Ah Boy could die.

This is a Hantu Raya.

Are you sure?

Anna, does anyone in your family
keep a Hantu Raya?

A Hantu Raya needs a master.

Hantu Raya, djinns, they all
just want to mess around with us.

She keeps calling for her father.
Maybe he can help?


If there is no other choice.

In the name of God,
the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Dad, ask her who its master is.

What's the matter, Iqbal?

You lost your abilities?

- Lost your balls, too?
- Don't mess with my son.

Stay away.

Is that the creature?

- Iqbal.
- Dad.

I will make that thing enter me.
Please unseal me. Please, Dad...


Don't try to be a hero.
That was your mother's mistake.

When you sealed my abilities,
was it for me or for you?

I won't let you do it.








Where's Ah Boy?

Dad, what are you waiting for?

He is the Knower of the seen and
the unseen. The All-Great, Most Exalted.

Save Yaya.

Having fun, Iqbal?

Let her go. Take me.

She's going to die soon.
You can't do much with her.

What's so special about you?

Looks useless to me.

Can't you tell?

This kid will be mine.

There is no God but Allah!

Curse you!


Get out of my son, Satan.

I snap my fingers, and this kid dies.

I seek refuge in Allah (SWT)
from the outcast Satan.

In the name of God,
the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Wretched filth.

Don't make wild accusations.

I just want to take care of them.

And you, Norman?

Your son is special. Not you.

You stood by and watched Dina die.
Just like you will watch Iqbal die.

Because you are weak, Norman!

Unlike Dina. Unlike Iqbal.

You are weak, Norman.

You are weak.

Shut up!

Stay away from me.

My mother is dead.

I know what you are.

You are not my mother, you devil.

There is no God except Allah!

There is no god except Allah!

There is no god except Allah!

God is Almighty!

God is Almighty!

- Dad, what are you doing?
- Uncle?

I just want to help.

I just want to help.

I just want to help.

Don't be afraid, Dad.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid, Dad.

Just like Mom.

Just like me.

I don't want to die.

Your own child.
You're worse than an animal!

She's lost a lot of blood.
We must save her, Jamil.

She will die if we don't get her
to a hospital. Please, Jamil.

Are you crazy?


If you tell anyone about this,
I'll make sure Anna and Nurul suffer.


Stop the bleeding.
And stop that accursed sound.

She's still alive.


She will not die.

You have to take her to the hospital.


Who are you?

I came here with your
beloved plant from Sumatra.

I didn't have a master back then.

When Farah came to tend
to your plants, I chose her.

Such a sweet girl.

So pure.

Unlike you!

As long as I'm inside her,
I won't let her die.

You vermin.

Who do you think you are?

Hey, I am this girl's father.

Come here.
Come, I will get you out.

This is between us. As a family.

I'll give you some money later.

From a Sumatran Batak shaman.
Don't ever remove this paper.

Or else,

we'll be damned.

I didn't mean to...

- She was supposed to...
- You are worse than an animal.

This is your work?

This is your work?

This is your work?

What did you do?





Luckily, you once taught me

how to please a man.

How to satisfy a man.

You taught me all kinds of things.

But what a pity that I died.

Your knife was always dull.

But my w*apon is vicious.

We need to seal that demon in there.

No, not seal it.
We need to close the portal.


In the name of God,
the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Praise be to God,
Lord of all the worlds.

The Compassionate, the Merciful.
Ruler on the Day of Reckoning.

You alone do we worship,
and You alone do we ask for help.

Guide us on the straight path, the path
of those who have received your grace.

Not the path of those who have
brought down wrath or wander astray.


Your late mother always told me
to guide you until you are ready.

That was her advice.

I understand now, Dad.
I'm not meant to be "normal".

God willing, with His guidance,
I will do what is needed.

Praise be to God. Come.

Who are those people?

Do you know them?

We'll find out soon enough.

Oh God.

Let's go.