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Cupids on Beacon Street (2021)

Posted: 05/09/24 21:12
by bunniefuu
Good morning, Eve.

Could you take a look at Chapter 2

and make sure it's clean

before we hand it to Greta?

- Yep, got it!

- Great!

Um, why didn't you tell me

you needed to talk to Alex?

I could have accidentally on

purpose stopped by or something!

By the way, I'm making heart-

shaped pancakes for dinner.

Are you in?

Last night was heart-shaped

toad in the hole.

Who doesn't like breakfast for dinner?

No one.

You could ask Alex out

and stop wasting your

Valentine's cooking on me.

- I can't do that, not yet.

- Why not?

'Cause he's way too cute,

and he's way too smart.

And he hasn't even noticed me yet.

Quinn, relax.

He's been here 2 weeks.

- Details!

- Guess what?

An editor position

just opened up in nonfiction.

That's perfect!

That's your dream job.

Should I ask Greta for a recommendation?

I mean, you'll never know until you try.

Oh, there you are.

Arthur and Ruth are coming by.

They want to talk about

changes to the book.


She said minor, which usually means major.

But it's going to the printers in a week.

At the end of next week,

I know, yes.

So let's get the conference room set.

Let's break this up,

whatever this is, this chit-chat club.

Let's go. They're gonna be here in 15.

Here. You're gonna need

the caffeine more than I do.

And just ask her.

The worst that can happen

is she'll fire you

for wanting to switch departments.


I'm just...

I'm kidding!

Ah, no I'm not.

She really does scare me.

- Eve...

- Hi!

Um, I was wondering if I--

Can you get some of those cookies?

You know, the little hearty

cookie thingies from downstairs?

From downstairs?

For--for the meeting.

For the meeting.

And can you get rid

of the echo in the room?

Sure, um...

- I wanted to ask you, though...

- Greta here.

...if you could...

You're not there anymore.

Ah! Did you ask for the recommendation?

Tell me you asked!

Timing was off.

And I kind of chickened out.

Not a great combo.


I'm supposed to get

these cookies for the meeting.

Oh yeah, right over there.

Uh, hi!


Those are actually for eating here,

not for take-out.

Uh, sorry.

I didn't realize they

were in limited supply.

I mean, you're welcome to one.

One. Right.

Uh, OK, sure.

You can't do that!

You just told me that

I could only take one.

Yes, but now you've

touched it, so it's dirty.

Well, hey, look, like my aunt always says,

a little dirt never hurt anyone.

Who are you, anyway?

Oh, I'm a guest of the client.


What a waste of a perfectly good cookie.

I'll be thinking about that cookie

for the rest of the day.

No shortage of Valentine's here!

We aim to please.

You'd think we were in the

romance division or something.

So, what do you have on tap

for Valentine's, Evie?

I plan to snuggle up with a good book.

I meant in the date department.

I meant that too.

A date with a good book.

You see, that's what

comes of not believing

that true love exists.

Wow! Straight to the point.

That's not true. I just don't

think it exists for me.

Aw! Well, what are we reading now?

On the Origin of Species?

- Oh! Thrilling!

- Oxford English Dictionary?

What a page-turner!

Who's got the time?

I'm too busy reading best-selling romances

by my two favorite authors.

Ooh! Flattery will get you everywhere!

Don't worry.

You'll find love eventually.

Sorry! Sorry, guys!

It is crazy here!

Are you excited about

your Valentine's cruise?

Are we ever!

40 years ago,

I married this beauty!

- Oh, go on!

- I could, couldn't I?

No, seriously, go on!

I remember when she read

my very first novel.

- She said it was...

- Pedestrian.

- ...spiritless.

- Dull.

I fell madly in love with her.

- Aw!

- Mmm!

Oh, stop!

Listen, we love the work that

Evie's done on the book.

Yes, me too.

We just have a few little rewrites here.

Wow! The book is great as it is.

These pages are way better.

See, we just couldn't

see Luigi letting her go

on page 200.

So once we tweaked that moment,

we had to find a new middle to the book!

I mean, you don't want your

readers to hate Luigi, do you?

No. No, I don't.

But we do go to the printers in one week.

Yes, but--but Evie here

is a very fast worker.

Part of why we love her.

I'd be happy to do it.

- Ah!

- You're sure?


Oh, sorry, hey!

It's over Valentine's.

Oh, that's OK!

You're sure that you can

pull this together in 5 days?

I can do this. Totally.

It'll be fun!

I have an idea.

It's so busy here.

You've got a roommate.

Why don't you stay at

our house while we're away?

Oh, that's sweet.

I wouldn't want to impose.

No, it's no imposition at all!

No, you're not imposing.

Hey, you can water my ferns!

Now, we're not gonna

take no for an answer.

You'll be able to edit in peace there.

- Ruth, I like this idea.

- Mmm.

Well, you know, what do I always say?

What do I always say?

The writer is always...

Are always right.

Writers are always right.

The writers are right.

Music to our ears!

Here you go, Eve!

You'll like these, Greta.

We need to save Luigi!

Can't wait!

So, you can work in the study

or down here or wherever you like!

Make yourself at home.

Hey, forgot to mention,

every couple of months,

a life coach, well, our nephew, actually,

will be hosting his

How to Rekindle Love workshops

in the living room.

His place is too small.


You know, why don't you sit in on it?

It's only a couple hours a day.

- Ah, I'm gonna be so busy.

- No, no, no, no, no.

It's always good to hear about

love problems. We learned a ton.

I mean, it helped us

connect with our readership.

That's nice. It's not

really my thing, though.

Well, do your best.

Yeah, but it'll help with the edit.

And remember what

Greta always says.

- The writers are always right.

- Yes.

She did say that.

Well, here he is already.

OK! We're off.

- Have a great week!

- Thanks for this.

Have a good trip!

- Jake!

- Hey, guys!

Yeah, she's here!

OK, great!

Well, have fun then.

- Yeah, you too.

- Thank you so much.

Uh, hi.


You're the house guest?

You're the life coach?

Uh, wow!

Well, this should be interesting.

So, they talked you into

sitting in on my course, huh?

It's all good! You're welcome!

I can sit in for today, but I

have their book to edit, so...

The reluctant participant, my favorite.

You know what you should do?

You should head over to my website,

check out the testimonial page.

It's full of people

who said they really didn't

want to take the course.

Is that an accurate assessment

of your whole situation?

No comment.

They ended up loving it!

Didn't see that coming!

Are those from the office?

I can't believe you took them!

Uh, actually, the receptionist

told me where she got them,

and I bought these this morning.

The bakery is just, uh, around the corner.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Forget I said that.

Can we start again?

Ah! Oh my goodness!

What a lovely touch, those cookies.

- They're so...

- Romantic?

Thank you, yeah.

Yesterday, I was at a

fantastic publishing house.

My, uh, my aunt and uncle

are writers there.

- I hear they're fabulous.

- They are.

And their editor, who they adore,

put these out at a meeting.

I happened to be in the waiting room.

- Really?

- Yeah. I'd given them a lift.

Hmm, you don't say.

And to cut a long story short,

their very friendly

receptionist, um, Anna...

- No.

- Samantha.

- No.

- Taylor.

- Quinn.

- Quinn, that was my next guess.

Quinn told me where she got them,

and I couldn't resist.

It makes sense, considering it's almost...

- : Valentine's Day.

- Yeah.

Um, also, just so that you know,

I'm gonna put all of

my food on the bottom shelf.

It's organic.

It cost me a fortune.

So could you just not eat it, please?

Not eat it. I can definitely,

definitely try to do that.

Oh, people are here.

Uh... I actually forgot the cream.

Is there any way that I

could borrow some, please?

I promise

I'll replace it.

Oh, organic!

Perfect. Thank you.

Hi! I'm Sunny.

Hi! I'm Eve.

Who are you here with?

I'm here by myself, actually.

Your partner backed out.

Oh, what a drag!

We almost didn't make it.

Between soccer, swimming, laundry,

and now Valentine's Day

on top of everything.

I'm actually just auditing,

so, um, I might join in later,

but I've got a ton of work to do.

- Oh!

- Yeah, it's a long story.

It's kind of like homework.

Well, if it's got anything to do

with 5th-grade math

or 7th-grade social studies,

I'm your gal.

Let's go break these in, shall we?

Besides, there are cookies! Mmm!

That's not my name.

OK, so, uh, first off,

I just want to say how glad I am

we're all here together.

Uh, my name is Jake Hampton.

And, uh, this workshop

is about reigniting love.

Now, obviously,

you guys all love each other,

because you wouldn't

be here if you didn't.

But love is this living thing

that needs out-of-the-box

thinking to thrive.

And the question is, where do you find it?

Especially now, during Valentine's.

Under the fourth load of laundry, yeah.

Well, if it were that easy,

I'd be out of business.

Uh, I think you can find it

if, first, you love yourself...

and two, if you put in the effort,

and three, if you add the secret sauce,

which is the ability to risk

looking foolish or vulnerable.

It's a recipe for love,

and it's unique to every couple.

Uh, so I think what we should do now

is just go around the room,

introduce ourselves.

Tell us a little bit

about each other's stories,

how long you've been married,

uh, all that good stuff.

I can go first.

My name is Jake.

I am a life coach.

And, actually, I am single.

- Oh!

- Uh, I know, ironic.

So, who wants to go first?

My name is Annie.

I am the bookkeeper for

a chain of hair salons.

And this is Max.

Uh, I work in IT for a cell phone company.

I'm Max.

I said that.

Right, she said that already. Um...

And we've been together for 7 years...

- Seven years this March.

- ...this April. March.


Um, I just finished my

undergrad in interior design.

And, uh, I'm still looking

for my first real interior design gig,

so if anyone needs their

living room redone...

Please. Our living room

has been redone 3 times now.


I'm Juan.

We've been married for almost a year.


And I work in finance at the bank.

But what I really love is cooking.

And I learned every

single thing that I know

from my abuelita in Mexico.


And you make the best mole sauce.

Makes me happy.

I love when you're happy.

And I love you.

: Mmm!

: Um...

Sunny, Bob?


Uh, I'm Bob, in-house

photographer at a university.

I'm Sunny.

I'm home with our kids.

We have three of them: 12...

- ...10...

- ...and 8.

So it's busy!

It's very busy.

Yeah, you don't realize,

you know, what you're in for.

And then, next thing you know,

there's kids. And then...

No time for Bob.



Um, I'm Eve.

And I am an editor at Suffolk Publishing

in the romance department.

And I'm also single.

So, like Jake said,

I guess that's ironic?

Uh, OK. That was great.

Let's, um, let's take a break,

check our messages, uh, get some refills.

When we come back,

we can talk about Valentine's

and what our goals are for the workshop.

OK? Great!

- Settled in?

- Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know.

That's an oddly long answer

to a short question.

Have I moved into Ruth

and Arthur's place? Yes.

Did I know that their nephew

would be running

his life-coaching workshop

out of their living room while I was here?

- No.

- Oh!

And Ruth and Arthur think it would be

good professional

development that I sit in.

- Because?

- I don't even know!

Because couples talk about love

and I edit books about love,

even though I don't really

believe in the whole love thing?


Ugh! To make matters worse...

There's worse?

The life coach is the cookie thief!

Hold on.

That--that cute guy from yesterday?

That's Arthur and Ruth's nephew?

Yes! And he is impossible!

The plot thickens!

And forgetful.

And his website is horrible,

which as you know, for me, is...

A clear indication of character.


I kind of thought you two had chemistry.

What? No, we didn't.

The whole back and forth

about the stolen cookies?

It was sweet!

Kind of crackly.

You've read one too many romance novels.

Listen, what I need now

is an answer for this exercise.

What exercise?

The one we're doing after the break.

OK. What do you have to do?

Share my feelings about Valentine's.

Oh, well, that's easy.

You hate it. And why?

Let's see. You are all work and no play.

The only other thing you do is read.

And you avoid it at all costs.

OK, that's not really...

And you have been in

two failed relationships.

I'd like you to ask them

why you're not in love,

even though you are clearly a great catch!

- I'm not gonna ask them that.

- Fine!

I will speak to you later.

I love you.

I love you too.

OK! Let's do this.

You and your partner try

and finish this sentence:

"We want to refind the

Valentine's spark because..."

Why don't you guys start us off?

We get along really well. But...

Well, lately, our dating life has...

...slipped into a bit of a routine.

Yeah. Yeah. Yes.

We used to do all the romantic standards,

like walks on the beach and...

...candlelit dinners.

We took a tango lesson.

We took bubble baths together,

long bubble baths.

And I'm tall. I barely even

fit in the tub, so...

- We made it work.

- But we made it work.

And now...

We've heard,

7 years in, couples can

get tired of each other.

- And we...

- We don't want that.

We don't want it to happen to us.

We want this Valentine's

to recapture the magic

of when we first met.

Great! Great.

Uh, Mary, Juan:

"We want to refind the

Valentine's spark because..."

Because we got married

at the spur of the moment.

And, uh, we're both very different.

Even though we truly

love each other, right?

Of course.

But she loves all these expensive,

beautiful, beautiful things...

Juan's only luxury that

he indulges in is foot care.

He's caught up in a job

that he doesn't love.

- He should be cooking.

- Yes, I should.

But who can open up a restaurant nowadays?

It's just so risky and expensive.

And on top of all of that,

we can't even decide what to do

for our first married

Valentine's Day.

Sunny, Bob?

"We want to refind the

Valentine's spark because..."


Because... Because!

Because we've been married

for 15 years, and, uh...

And we are caught up

in the busyness of life.

- Yeah.

- We want to reconnect, Jake.

We really do.

But frankly,

I'm just too tired

to find the gumption for--for anything.

Sunny used to love to travel.


Now the only trip

I take is to our

local Sri Lankan specialty store.

I don't know if you

know anything about okra,

but it's really the best.

- It's incredible.

- OK.

And I used to take photos

of interesting places

in my free time.

But, uh, who has the time?

You used to take photos of me.

I still take photos of you.

Anyway, here we are.



I'm in a really great place.

You know?

I just--I don't feel like

I need a partner to be happy.

Really? Even on

Valentine's Day?

Yep. Even on Valentine's Day.


I don't know. I--

No, it... We're not here

to put anybody on the spot.

Everyone's got different timelines

for how long it takes them to open up

or get in contact with their feelings.

That's totally normal.

What about you, Jake?

Oh. Yeah, we're out of--

we're out of time.

Um, but you know what?

I got your, uh, your homework

assignments here for tonight,

these envelopes.

So everyone take one of these. And...

I'm just wondering,

who's gonna be Eve's

partner for the workshop?

Oh, um, actually, I hadn't

really thought of that.

I don't think Eve is...

Yeah, no, I'm--I'm actually

just sitting in, so...

But is that fair,

if the rest of us are

putting ourselves out there?

I have an idea.

Why don't you two pair up?

: Oh!

No, no. That's OK.

- Oh, that's a good idea.

- I think so too.



: Date exercise number one: a warm-up.

Write to each other about

what you think is romantic.

Be vulnerable. Let your mate

see and feel your heart.

Are you a fairy-tale romantic

or a pragmatist?

Do you prefer candlelight

dinners or bungee jumping?

Your letter must be handwritten,

or use some other pre-digital method.

No texting or emailing allowed!

And have fun.

Dear Jake Hampton...

Dear Eve...

Am I a fairy-tale romantic

or a pragmatist?

Neither. Thanks for asking.

People break up.

They get divorced.

That's the reality.

There's no such thing

as a fairy-tale romance.

There. I'm letting you see

and feel my heart.

But that's about all

I'm gonna share with you here,

because I couldn't help but notice

that you were supposed to share

today during session and didn't.


Two can play that game.

If you won't make yourself vulnerable,

why should I?

Yours truly, Eve.

Dear Eve...

First, I want to apologize for

not answering my own question

in the session today.

That was not the height

of my life coaching.

I figure it's because, well,

I was hurt by my last relationship.

We almost got married, but didn't.

It wasn't meant to be,

but I'm still trying to

understand the reasons why.

A long and not-so-sordid story

for another time.

So, take two.

"Take two."

Here are my ideas for romance.

I love going to fun places,

like Paris, Rome or New York City,

but not doing the official things

like going to the museums

or--or dining at

the most expensive restaurants.

I like to eat from the market

or do easy take-out

from a deli, nothing fancy.

And I like dates that

are about being creative,

but with no pressure,

like a Bob Ross painting party

or a beginner's pottery class.

No need to feel intimidated, by the way.

I assure you,

I am terrible at both.

And here it comes, the big reveal:

I especially love

all the shmoopy, corny Valentine's stuff:

pink bubbly, chocolates

in heart-shaped boxes,

red roses, the "will you be mine?" candy...

So I apologize for not

playing by the rules today.

- "You deserve better."

- ...and...

I can do better.

Yours truly, Jake.



So, what's going on in spring training?

There is no way the Red Sox

aren't winning the pennant this year.

Sorry! Only have eyes for the Yankees.


How un-Bostonian of you.

My dad was from New York,

so I grew up arguing

Mets versus Yankees.

Oh, OK. I suppose.

Thank you for your note.

And thank you for yours.

You're welcome.

If I could just, uh,

delicately broach what you wrote.

Do you have to?

That's my orange juice!

Oh, uh, sorry.

It's really good.

Um, here's the thing:

It's just like life.

You're only gonna get out of this workshop

what you put into it.

If I were registered.

Registered, shmegistered!

I bet you you won't feel

the same way about love

at the end as you do now.

- Oh yeah?

- Yeah.

OK, well, if you're such an expert,

how come you're still single?

I'm not "still single."

I'm sort of not-too-long-ago single.


And besides,

I'm waiting for the one.

Part of that shmoopy

Valentine's stuff that you like?

It is. And proud of it.

I am not very good at arts and crafts.

You don't have to be perfect.

You just have to try.

Don't you remember

the cute Valentine's cards

from grade school?

Yeah. I wasn't that good back then either.

Did you make one for everyone in class?

Yeah, so no one felt left out.

I did.

Did they love them?

I don't know that I got that

much feedback of any kind.

Let me help you.

You mentioned you were a photographer.

I bet you have some

amazing photos on your phone.

Yes! You should make a collage.

Good idea.

What about you, Eve?

What are you doing?

I don't know.

I'm trying to make a poem about

stolen Valentine's baking.

Weird, but OK.

Nothing rhymes with "Valentines."

So far, I've got "guidelines,"

"deadlines," "porcupines..."

- "Calamine."

- "Frankensteins."

"Frankensteins." I like that.

How's it going in here?

There's an arts-and-crafts

extravaganza in the kitchen.

That's all I'm gonna say.

So, tonight's assignment:

You're all Partner A.

And all the Partner As

are going to organize a date

all about what Partner B

loves to do on a date.

How am I supposed to know that?

- They told us in their letters.

- Right.

Greta, hello!

How are the edits coming along?

Yeah, it's going great!

I'm already 30 pages in.


Yep! I'll send it over.

I just told my boss

I'm 30 pages in,

but I've only actually done 12.

I'm sorry. I can't do

the homework thingy tonight.

What? I'm only officially

observing, right?

Well, no, not really.

I mean, you're--you're

part of the group now.

It's work. I can't help it.


How hard is it to wash your mug

and put it away, huh?

"Although my baking you did take

"and cause my heart a bit to break,

"I'm thinking now that you are fine.

Will you be my Frankenstein?"


You know what?

I can totally handle this.

I'll text you where in a bit.

7:30, don't be late.

It's a date!

It's not a date!

It's a date.

Yeah, not a date.

I mean, it's, like, for workshop purposes.


- It is.

- Yeah.

He's late!

Give him another 10,

and if he doesn't show,

you can come home

and try my cinnamon heart cake.

I don't want to give it another 10!

It's rude.

I prize punctuality.

You do.

This guy is not punctual.

I gotta go.

There you are!

Ah, I am so sorry!

I--I missed my stop, twice.

I got caught in talking to

this really cute couple

who have been married for, like, 45 years.

Anyway, can you forgive me?


Thank you.

So what's all this?

Well, I got you deli food,

not too fancy, the way you like it.

Um, paints and canvases,

as close to Bob Ross as I could get.

And I thought we could paint

this romance book cover,

since you love romance.

The Forbidden Kiss!

That is my favorite.

So, really?

Nonfiction, huh?


But you've got this plum job in romance.

I know. I just...

You know, I don't think

true love is for me.

" for you."

Right, right. My bad.

How come?

How come I don't think

true love is for me?

Or how come nonfiction?

You pick.

OK, well, believe it not,

I was a nerd in high school.


Um, yeah, I mean,

I was a complete overachiever,

but I had no idea what I wanted to do.

Quite the dilemma.

Yes, you're looking at

the chess club champion,

head of the spelling bee team,

a member of the 3-time all-state champion

historical quiz group

and the founder of the astronomy society.

Oh, is that all?

Yeah, Captain Dork over here!

By the way, thank you so much for dinner.

That was so good.

When I was little,

Ruth and Arthur would take me every Sunday

to a deli right by their place.

- Demsky's?

- Yeah. Do you know it?

Yes. I was gonna go there tonight,

but they had a lineup down the block.

In the last 10 years,

it's gotten so famous.

It's impossible to get in.

But we made such great memories there.

We'd people watch, make up life stories,

analyze love problems in the other booths.

Cut to: you're a life coach.

Well, I mean, there was a little undergrad

and master's in social work

thrown in there,

but basically, yeah.


You can definitely see

why I went into publishing

and not painting.

No, no, don't say that.

No, I think, uh...

No, you perfectly melded the, uh,

the styles of Picasso and Dali there.

Thank you!

After falling off a merry-go-round, but...

Oh, wow!

Very Matisse meets second-grade

homework assignment.

That's--that's probably accurate, yeah.

- Hello!

- Hello!

I brought you a cinnamon heart cake.

Ooh! Lunch is served!

And, in return, you are gonna

tell me about that date.

Spill the beans, missy!

There are no beans to spill.

Ah! You like him.

- I do not.

- Oh, come on!

I don't!

OK, why haven't you taken

this cake to Alex at work?

I can't do that.

Why not?

Because, then he will

totally know that I like him.

And that's a bad thing?

Yes, terrible.

OK, let me get this straight.

It's Valentine's.

You love Valentine's.

You also love Alex,

but you just won't put

these two things together

and live happily ever after?

No. No, no, no, no.

I need to fly in under

the radar. I need to--

Talk to him by the photocopier?

Ugh! I'm terrified.

What if he doesn't like me back?

That's not gonna happen!

You're amazing.




Uh, thank you so much for giving

me the address to that bakery.

Everyone, uh, loved the cookies.

Well, I better get the coffee on.

You've gotta give me details.

Only if you talk to Alex.


Oh, and, um, Greta is chomping at the bit,

so get your edits in.

Have fun!

I am definitely having another piece

before we finish the break.


So your date went well?

Yeah. I took Mary to her

favorite place in Boston:

the designer fabric outlet.


I organized a whole

evening of video games.

Max was in heaven!


How about you?

It was fine.

A bit of pastrami, a bit of painting.

I wonder what Jake

has planned for tonight.

No, I can't. I'm so behind.

- Come on, that's no fun!

- I know. I was just--

I was gonna go eat at that

little place around the corner,

maybe grab a sandwich

and get as much work done as possible.

Juan, could you help me in the kitchen?



So, uh, I just happened

to be eavesdropping

in the foyer right there,

and, uh, sounds like you might

not be able to make it tonight.

I'm sorry.

I was gonna tell you.

I'm just... I have so much work to do.

No, I get it. It's just

that I had fun last night.

Yeah, me too.

I just... I--I didn't

realize what a commitment

this was gonna be.

I've got 50 pages to get done, or else.

50 pages? Wow, OK.

Uh, in that case,

I totally understand.

Good luck!

OK, you can do this.

It's Valentine's.

You believe in Valentine's.

You can be brave for Cupid.

Sorry, what was that?

OK. Sure. I'll meet you

at the skating rink later.

OK, bye! My sister.

We're going skating.

- Yeah.

- And I'm gonna go pick her...

What are you doing here?

Uh, look, I know you

got a lot of work to do.

But you do have to eat, right?

So just think of this as, like, work prep.

I got you this sandwich.

It's made from all organic ingredients,

not one nitrate.

Very thoughtful.

Followed by a quick game of chess.

You are chess club champion, after all.

You listened.

Hey, it's my superpower.

I hate to break it to you,

but this is checkers, not chess.


Yes, I know,

but--but we social workers,

we have a saying:

Reward approximation.

Very clever.

Thank you.


Another social worker saying:

Don't follow a compliment with "however."

I mean,

I'm virtually unbeatable.

- Really?

- Mm-hmm.


Uh, why don't we, uh,

put a little friendly wager on it then?

OK! What do you have in mind?

How about whoever wins gets to

ask the other person a question,

and they have to answer.

Perfect. I already have my question.

Well, too bad, because

you'll never get to ask it.

- Bring it!

- Oh, I will!

'Cause I got some moves!

Really? Witness the organic sandwich.




No, OK.

Ah! No, you... That...

Hmm. Are you sure you

really wanna do that?


Yes, why?


Crown me!

So, in your letter...

you said that you were almost married.

What happened?

You sure you don't want to

know what my favorite color is?


she left me two weeks before the wedding.

Wow. I'm so sorry.

No, it's, uh, it's OK.

I'm a relationship coach because of that.

The truth is, we just stopped growing.

We stopped working on it.

And, you know, I don't want that

to happen to any other couple.

Well, since I am all about fair play...

do you want to ask me a question?

Why don't you believe in love?


When my parents got divorced,

I was sort of...

bounced between

two houses and two families.

And I don't know.

I don't think I ever

saw my parents in love,

so I guess that informed

my relationships too.

They just don't work for me.

I think you should give

your parents my number.

That's not a bad idea.

How am I supposed to write about love

on such a little piece of paper?

Hmm. Skip every second word?


I don't buy into all this

cheesy Valentine's stuff.

Do you?

Of course!

How did you know that Max was the one?

Well, it's not like

I knew right away.

In fact, when I first met him,

I was furious with him.

He worked for the IT squad

of my superstore,

and he came over to set up my home office.

He backed into my great aunt's

crystal figurine display and...

- Smash?

- Mm-hmm.

But then he spent the next 3 months

taking me to antique markets

to replace everything he'd broken.

It was just the sweetest thing.

Yeah, I mean, that's nice.

But isn't that also just good manners?

I suppose.

But he instantly made me laugh

like no one else could.

Sunny and I still laugh a lot.

That's one of the things

that hasn't changed.


That's something special.


I'll go get those boxes.

- Oh!

- Oh!


Oh, look at you,

coming through this tiny door.

Uh, yes. It's me,

Giles the butler.

Just... piece of fluff.

OK, so when you're

finished your masterpieces,

you can put them in these boxes.

What's on for tonight?

There's an international

water polo match on TV.

That's cool.

Uh, tonight, we're

talking with our partners

about their hopes and dreams.

Really blue skying it.

Try and bring them somewhere comfortable.

The goal is to get closer to their heart.

Hi, Evie!

Hi, Ruth! How's the cruise?


They've got go-kart racing on deck.

Ruth crashed into me.

It's all been very therapeutic!

- How's the book coming?

- Good!

No, she means how's it going

between you and Jake?

Oh, come on, Ruth!

That's all you wanted

to know since we set sail!

How are you getting along?

Why would you think we'd be getting along?

We're complete opposites!

Yes, but you've heard the

expression "opposites attract."

Now, we have an instinct for these things.

We're doing fine, thank you.

Fine, that's it?

That's it!

That is a dull answer, young lady.

You know what's not dull is your book.

Oh, well,

I'm glad you like it.

And if I don't get

these edits in to Greta,

she's gonna have my head,

so stop bothering me!

- OK!

- Oh, fine, fine, fine.

But if anything remotely exciting happens,

like, say, at the workshop,

like, say, falling in love,

you'll be sure to give us a call, right?

I'm hanging up now!

Full disclosure:

Despite knowing everything about baseball,

I've never been inside

of a batting cage before.

Oh, don't worry.

I haven't either.

Really? You'd fit

right in with the Red Sox.

I was just gonna say

you'd make a perfect

addition to the Yankees.

So, tonight is all about dreams.

Oh! You have been paying

attention. That's good!

So, are you happy being a life coach?

I am! Yeah.

Uh, I mean, I wouldn't mind

being more successful,

a little bit more sought after.

OK, well then, you need

a "buy now" button.

A what?

On your website!

I mean, it's kind of hard to figure out

how to book a workshop.

Oh! So, uh, you've been to my website.

Barely. Maybe.

Just a cursory glance.

I don't know. Those things

kind of feel like bragging.

No, there's a difference

between being confident and bragging.

I mean, you're worth it.

Why not let people know?


I want to publish a book.


Yeah. I've almost finished it.

Well, actually, that...

No, I've finished it,

but it's just a bit awkward

since you're in publishing.

And it might be a mess.

I don't know.

Would you let me take a look at it?


Maybe. I don't--I...

I think so. I just...

When I'm ready?

It's OK. Take your time.

So, what about, uh, what about you?

What kind of direction are you

gonna be taking in nonfiction?

Oh, all kinds. But I have

a soft spot for astronomy.

I love that.

In the 9th grade,

my mom took me to a book signing

with Stephen Hawking

at the New York Hall of Science.

Oh, that's cool.

Yeah, it made a big impression.

So, do you still have the signed copy?

I never got one.

No, the lineup was too long,

and we had to go home.

Oh, that's a bummer.

I know.

Did you know that

Stephen Hawking

used to sign his book with a fingerprint?


Isn't that cool?


Mmm! Holy smokes!

That tastes just like...


Exactly! With something

else going on in there.


Right. What--what are those exactly?

They come from the skins,

stems and seeds of the grapes.

The dryer the wine, the more tannins.

OK. Have you been secretly

going to wine school

while I wasn't looking?

No. But I do read

a wine blog or two at work

when it gets boring.

Which it gets.

I love being a bookkeeper,

but I don't think

I dreamt of doing it

for a chain of hair salons.

Well, you should work for a fancy winery

in some fancy place.

I mean, I'm joking, sort of.

It's not exactly like

there's vineyards in Boston.

Lots of Irish pubs you could work for.

I--I don't...

Wait, I'm... I was just...

I didn't mean it.

- I--

- I'm sorry.

I thought this date

was supposed to be about dreams, not--

Limits from me. You're right.

I'm sorry.

Tell me about your--your dream job.

Where would this vineyard be?



Well, there's France...

Italy, Australia...

New Zealand.

We're gonna need some more wine here.

You're fine. Just keep

your eye on the ball.

OK, good advice.

Keep my eye on the ball.


OK, OK. You know what?

I'm gonna...

This time, I'm gonna step into this one.


Ah! Wow!

Beginner's luck!

- Oh!

- Ooh!


Oh! Whoa!


Were you trying to hustle me?

The way I look at it,

if you wait long enough,

everyone will surprise you.

You're trying to impress me.


All right, you're up.

So, how are you gonna make

the move into nonfiction?

There's an editor job, actually,

opening up at my company.

Well, tell me you applied.

Yeah, I'm working up to it.

OK, can--can I help you?


OK, so, you want your center line

running through your head, back and hip.


May I?

Yeah, and your hands should be

palm up and palm down, like that.

And lastly, just stay

open and concentrated.

That's the sweet spot

where the magic happens.

Yes! Yes!

I can't believe I did it!

Me neither, really.

Just kidding.

That was awesome.

: There's so many things

I'd love to do.

What are you gonna put on

your "love-to" list?

New Zealand.

It's what I dream about.

I'm not sure Max is there yet, though.

Last night, he tried to walk me back

from the vineyard-halfway-

around-the-world scenario

to planting a single vine

in a pot on our deck.

But you love wine.

Yeah. But I love Max more.

How's it going in here?

Making some progress.

OK, good. Same goes for the others.

Juan's "love-to list" is all pedicures,

and Bob is, uh,

Bob is asleep, so...

Uh, tonight's assignment:

You've already gone on

a date in your comfort zone,

so tonight is all about

trying something new.

And, uh, I believe I'm up,

so hold onto your hat.

I'm all for out of my comfort zone,

but it's a hard no

to slam poetry or amateur improv.

Oh, no, no, no. No.

We're just, uh, we're going

to my friend's house,

and you're gonna

watch us play video games.

No, you made it pretty clear

that just going on a date

is out of your comfort zone.


So, I thought we would

double down on that idea,

so to speak, and go on a...

Wait, a double date?

- Yep!

- No!

- Hi!

- Hey!

- Hey!

- Hey!


Welcome to Juan's

Marvelous Mole tasting!

All right.

Well, thank you for coming.

I'm not gonna lie.

I am a little nervous.

I've been on him forever to

bottle and sell his recipes.

I'm just so busy at the bank.

OK, so, tonight, we're going

to taste test 3 variations

of Juan's mole poblano recipe

and choose the best one to go to market.

- Babe, did you make these?

- Yeah, I made them today.

- I love them! Babe...

- Oh!


OK, so, I'm sorry.

Uh, who wants to try first?

- Bring it!

- Jake?

You know, I am actually

the ultimate taste-tester.

- : Oh!

- How confident of you!

Yeah, no, listen,

if the mole sauce is good,

and, I mean,

I'm talking really good,

like, the perfect level

of spice, everything,

I hiccup.

You hic...

And that's a good thing?

- It's a good thing. Watch.

- OK.

Wait for it.

Mmm. It's so good.

I'm sorry, Juan, it's so good, but...

no hiccup means no heat.

The--the body doesn't lie.

Maybe there's a balance off

or something. I don't--

It's fine. Listen, here's what we'll do.

I'll get us some water,

and then we'll try again

with the other sauces.

It'll work.

It'll be good, trust me.


Ah! That was so cute, how Mary

was trying to help Juan.

Uh-oh. You're not buying into

love and romance, are you?

I guess I've always chosen work over love.

Work is reliable.

It's structured.

I can control the outcome.

But after this week and

meeting all these great couples

and hearing your perspective on things,

I might be thinking about things

a little differently.

Oh, is that so?

I said a little.

Listen, uh...

I see you stepping out

of your comfort zone.

And I know it's not easy

being vulnerable like that.

And if I'm honest...

I'm a little scared about

getting hurt again too.

But you inspired me.

Here it is. Now, I am

terrified to do this.

My brain is telling me:

"Run away! Do not

hand over the manuscript."

But, uh...

All writers feel that way.

So, just if you can hang onto

that and not show anyone...

Thank you for trusting me with it.

I know how risky it can feel.

Am I wrong...

or is this starting to

feel like an actual date

and not just homework?

You're not wrong.

It's my boss.

- Right.

- Sorry.

That's OK.

I have to go.

It's all good. I'll,

uh, I'll see you tomorrow?

Shakespeare's Sonnet 116

is an ode to true love:

"Let me not to the marriage of true minds

"Admit impediments.

"Love is not love

"Which alters when it alteration finds,

"Or bends with

the remover to remove. O no!

"It is an ever-fixed mark

"That looks on tempests

and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wand'ring bark."

That sonnet is right up there

in Will's greatest hits.

But I'd submit, humbly,

that Shakespeare got it wrong.

I think love does alter.

It grows as people grow.

It matures as a couple matures.

It deepens as they find ways

to fall in love with each other every day,

no matter the obstacles.

So this is a book

to help you soar to

that height of true love,

but with your feet planted

firmly on the ground.

Yes, true love is a poetic dream.

It's also real.

And that's the paradox.


Greta! Good morning!

Well, actually, it's almost lunch.

You weren't sleeping, were you?

No! I--I was just, um...

OK, well, listen,

I read all the edits.

Can you get in here by noon

for a page turn?

Well, actually,

Ruth and Arthur want me

to sit in on their nephew's workshop,

um, which is at noon.

Oh, a workshop!

That sounds like fun.


No! Am I paying you to go

to workshops or to edit novels?

You tell me.

I'll be there.

OK, hurry up.

"She knew..."

" tell him she loved him."

"Could she leave behind

the life she built

for herself in New York?"


Really, really, really

nice emotional moment

there at the end.

I mean, even I teared up.

Ruth and Arthur are so right.

It is way, way better.

I agree.

And we're gonna meet

our deadline, thanks to you.

I owe you one.

All right.

I don't know if I've ever

told you this before, but...

I would love to make

the move into nonfiction.

So I was thinking of applying

to the editor position across the hall.

And I would love to

have your recommendation.



I've got this manuscript.

Now, it's not romance.

It's nonfiction.

But it's kind of about romance.

And, anyway...

I think it could be big.

It's smart, it's raw,

it's moving, it's funny and...

Could you take a look at it

and let me know what you think?

Give me five.


Did I miss it?

Uh, just cleaning up.

Everyone managed to wash their own mugs.

Very funny. How did it go?

Uh, pretty good.

Apparently, um, Mary got Juan

to go to karaoke

after our double date.

She says his rendition

of The Impossible Dream

traumatized every single

person in the bar.

I hate to admit it,

but I've actually been enjoying myself.

Oh, is that so?

Yes. So, what's the homework for tonight?

Uh, it's--it's a night off.

OK, Eve!


I don't know what you're doing later,

but, um, would you want to have dinner?

I can cook.


To make up for missing today.

I accept.


I gotta go.

OK, I will look at your manuscript.

I'll see what I can do

about your application.

Thank you so much! That--

- Please leave.

- Of course.

Out you go.

Paradox of Love by Mr. Jake Hampton.

That name sounds made up.

Are you making these

for everyone in the office?

Of course!

Tomorrow is

Valentine's Day,

and I don't want anyone to be left out.

Aw! That's sweet.

Just trying to boost morale.

Have you made one for Alex yet?

Um, no?

I--I don't know what to write.

Just tell him how you feel.

You mean, I should, um, show him my heart?

How goes things with the love doctor?

Gross! Don't call him that.

- Oh, the guru?

- Stop!


I'm sorry, sorry. Jake.

Good, I think.

Looks like we have a

non-assignment date tonight.

He asked you?

Other way around.


You see? It is the mystical

power of Valentine's.

And you'd be proud of me.

I took the leap, and I asked

Greta for her recommendation.

Eve, that's great!

And there's more.

I passed her Jake's book.

Oh, he has a book?

And if the stars align,

I'll get a job,

and he'll get a publishing deal.

I mean, he was really worried

about me showing it

to anyone in publishing.

But he let me read it.

And, Quinn, it's, like...


I can't wait to tell him the good news.


Hmm? "Hmm," what?

I'm all for stars aligning,

but, um, maybe don't

tell Jake until Greta's read it.

I--I'm just worried that if,

hypothetically speaking,

she doesn't like it...

it--it could be bad news.

I know Greta's taste.

She's gonna love it.

So, then what?

Then we split into groups

and we started talking about tackling,

in a loving way, of course,

uh, the problems we were having

in our life and our relationship.


No, no! It went--it went well.

Yeah, uh, we did this exercise.

Picture this:

You wake up in the morning,

and your life is significantly better.

What would have changed?

And then, what could you do tonight

to get closer to that change?

That's good advice.


Nothing, nothing!

I'm just, uh...

I'm just admiring your technique there.

Oh. I have a process!

I can see that.

It tastes better this way, trust me.

I--I like it.

I like your process.

Um, so listen,

I wanted to do something

to thank you for this week.

And I hope you don't mind...

but, um, I took a shot at...

redesigning your website.

What are you...

Eve, this is incredible!

I can't believe--

I don't know what to say.

Thank you so--

You like it?

Do I like it?

Yes, I like it.

It's amazing. I love it.

Thank you so much.

Um, and I added a "buy now" button.

Once it's published,

it'll be the perfect way

for people to have

easy access to your book.

You read--

you read my book?

I loved it.

It was wonderful.

It was informative and--and romantic

and charming, kind of quirky, like you.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Quirky?

I'm definitely charming,

but--but quirky? I don't know.

I--I will say, though,

the trend in nonfiction

is for the author to include

some of his personal experience.

So I think your readers

would love to hear more

about you and your life.

You know, maybe you could

talk about your breakup?

Yeah, I never thought of that.

It would just make

your book that much richer.

Wow! I...

Thank you.

It's my pleasure.

And I--

You know,

I'm excited,

because I'm gonna be able

to implement your notes

before any publishing bigwigs

or anybody else reads it.

Mine's almost done.

Then, uh, the oven?

What? Uh, yeah.

This is gonna be so good.

OK! Me first. I figured out

what I'm gonna say to Alex.

I made him a card, and I'm

going to give it to him today.

And I am wearing my Valentine's Day dress.


Thank you. I know.

I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Now, you, dish,

and don't skimp on the details.

I think I messed up.

The date was terrible?

No, we actually got along amazingly.

I told him how great

I thought his book was

and I gave him a few minor notes.

And he said that he was

so grateful to get my notes

before I showed it to Greta.

Oh boy!

Yep. You were right.

You know, maybe it won't be so bad.

Maybe she'll love it,

and then it'll be good news,

and then all will be forgiven.

Yeah, but that's not the point.

The point is

I promised him I wouldn't

show anyone, and I did.

So I have to tell him, don't I?

Eve, is that you?




Ah! Big day!

I know. It's Valentine's Day!

But, um, listen, I have to

tell you something.

Wait, you--you're not

bailing on tonight, are you?


But I'm not sure you're still

gonna want to after I tell you.


Listen, I showed

Greta your book.

She hasn't gotten back to me yet,

but I know her taste,

and she's gonna love it.

But I asked you not to.

I know. I'm sorry.

The book wasn't ready.

Look, I messed up, OK?

I--I thought I was doing something good,

that it was a win-win.

Yeah, but it--it's more

of a win for you, isn't it?

Because, I mean, if my book

isn't ready to be seen,

then it could be

a pretty big not win for me.

When did you see her?

Yesterday afternoon.

You know,

I went in there,

and I asked about the nonfiction job,

and I--I showed her your book,

your wonderful book.

So, you did the opposite of what I asked,

and then you didn't tell me

when you had the chance.

I mean, yeah, I guess.

I could see how it could look like that.

You're still choosing work over love.


So, how, uh, how was

everyone's day off? Mary?

Oh, well, you remember that exercise

you told us about yesterday?

- About small changes? Yeah.

- Yeah.

So, um, we talked about it.

And I want to redo the kitchen

so that Juan can make

his mole sauce at home.

That--that's great.

I think that renovations are expensive

and that we should use that

money to invest in our future.

- This is for our future!

- No, it's not.

Your future, doing what you love.

As you can see, things aren't working out.

And I ended up sleeping on the couch.

It's not a couch.

It's Belgian roll-arm sofa.

Sounds similar, a bit,

to the night we had.

I told Bob I want to go back

to Europe with him, but--

I get almost no time off from work.

And there are the kids.

And when I do take time, I'd

like to focus on my photography,

work towards an exhibit.


An exhibit.

I heard you the first time.

We had a bit of

a bumpy one as well. Honey?

Everyone into the pool,

I guess.

So, as you all know,

Annie wants to work for a winery.

So we're talking about

leasing our place in Boston

if she finds a job

out of state or whatever.

- And Max was fine with that.

- It was totally fine.

So we're seeing where we can pare down.

You know, I put aside half my clothes,

half my books, all for donation.

We were doing well.

And then she suggests:

"Why don't you just get rid

of your gaming consoles?"

Yeah, yeah, like--like,

all my gaming consoles.

"Oh, what's the big deal?

It's just games."

It's not just games, you know?

This is a community.

These are my friends, you know?

Viper267, NoobCrusher...

Like, what am I supposed

to say to all these people?

Wow! Uh, I give you

one day off, and kaboom! Um...

I don't think you guys

completely understood

the, uh, the exercise.

Uh, it's about gradual change

over a long period of time,

and then a tiny

change that can happen now.

Here's the thing...

If people move too quickly...

they--they can't grow together.

And together is the whole point.

So here's what

I think we should do.

Let's, um, break into couples.

Let's talk about it.

Let's figure this out before the break,

and then come back, we'll report back.

I mean, after all,

we're all in different

stages of our marriages.

I, um, I mean, except me and Eve.

Well, let's--let's learn from each other.

No one wants to be

fighting on Valentine's Day.


Thank you.


Come on, Eve.

We weren't born yesterday.

What's going on with you and Eve?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, something's up.

OK, here's the deal.

So, I...

Jake's not talking

to me right now because...

I betrayed him.

Let me explain.

Jake wrote this book.

I've been working on

this thing for ages, right?

It's a book that helps couples with love.

And--and and I got excited about it

and I showed it to my boss.

Now I'm upset, you know?

But I can tell he's just scared.

Of course he's scared.

Just like Max.


Hey, isn't this a bit like Max

not wanting to give up his consoles?

I don't--I don't think so.

It is the same.

- It's fear.

- Mmm.

Fear of change and fear of failure.

And you did kind of

overstep your bounds there.

Yeah. He's right.

I'm making a life with Annie.

That's what matters.

Not my gaming.

That was fear talking.

Come here.

- You didn't.

- Mm-hmm.

It's gonna be OK.

- Hi, Evie!

- Hi, Ruth!

We're calling from Boston

to let you know we're

just on our way home.

And happy Valentine's!

Is everything OK?

Yeah. Yeah, your--your

book changes were great.

Greta loved the edit.

It's on the way to the printers.

That's great! Nice!

And how are you?

How's the workshop going?

Good! Yeah, I met a lot

of really great people.

And, you know, we'll probably

never see each other again.

Everyone's got their own lives.

And you know how Boston is.

It's huge.

Boston's not that big.

Get their phone numbers!

Oh, no, that's not

what she's talking about.

Uh, how is it going with Jake?


Yeah, I mean, you know how he is.

At first, it was...


Then it got better.

And then I messed up, and...

I don't know what to do.

Oh. I'm sorry, Eve.

I didn't expect this to happen.

As Shakespeare said,

the course of true love

never did run smooth.

Well, Shakespeare was also of the opinion

that it is not in the stars

to hold our destiny,

but in ourselves.

If you want something to happen, Eve,

make it happen.

I gotta go. See you soon.

We actually don't do walk-ins.

We don't do the first...


That's what I want.

I want a reservation.

Yeah. Party of one, thank you. Bye.

Oh, I told him four times.

- Greta...

- Yes.

I need, um...

You gotta give me

Jake's manuscript back.


I messed up, and I gave it

to you without his permission.

And he's super upset

because he doesn't feel

like the book is ready.

So if you could please, please, please

pretend like I never gave it to you

and--and just wait for

the more polished draft.

And if this means that

you can't recommend me

for the nonfiction job,

then I totally get it.

I can't believe I made

such a rookie mistake.

I wasn't thinking.

And, I mean, at first, I was like:

"Who is this guy?

He's a life coach.

"He's obsessed with washing dishes

and talking about love

and cheesy Valentine's stuff."

But then I realized...

Well, I mean, I guess

he helped me realize...

everything is about love.

And maybe he's part of the reason

that I felt brave enough

to ask for my dream job.

And it just--it feels really

easy when we're together.

Not that we're together, because--

OK, OK. Could you--

can you just...

Just breathe, right? Just...

Oh, this is delicious.

Yeah, that's the Satsuma oranges.

First of all...

I read the book.


And I loved it.

Yeah, I loved it.

I'd read it again if I had to.

And I'm gonna be hard pressed

to pass it on to nonfiction,

because I would like it.

This could be the next

Men Are from Mars.

That's what I thought.

It's got all that romance!

- I know!

- I'm the romance department!

I mean, it's just...

I--I don't...

Well, whatever. That's gonna be

a fight for another day, right?


you're gonna get the gig in nonfiction.

Yeah. 'Cause I already recommended you.

But more importantly,

much more importantly...

I've known you for

a really long time, right?

And I've never seen you

behave like this, ever.

- Ruth, Arthur!

- Hi, Evie!

Great to see you.

I can't talk.

I have a date. Really busy!


Can you give this to Jake?

: Uh, sure!

Thank you.

She is busy!

I wonder what's in the envelope.

Never you mind.

Come on, at least let me

hold it up to the light.

Arthur Eddings, you behave!

Are you kidding me?

You want to know what's in that

envelope just as badly as I do.

We're in here!

- Jake!

- Hi, Jake!

Hi, hi! So, you're, uh, you're back!

How was the trip?

- Oh, it was great!

- Fantastic!

- How was the workshop?

- It was good!

Oh, she means: "How are things with Evie?"

Oh. You know about that.

Um, it, uh...

it just didn't work out.

Yeah, well,

I, uh, wouldn't be too sure about that.

Dear Jake,

look, I know I messed up, and I'm sorry.

But like you said,

you only get out of life

what you put into it, so...

this is me going all in.

If you're willing to

give me a second chance.

I gotta--I gotta go.

Have a great Valentine's.

And I love you guys.

- Love you too!

- Take care!


Of course he would

take the letter with him.

Well, we're just

a regular couple of Cupids.

Yeah, that's us!

The Cupids of Beacon Street.

Oh, good title for a book!

Ah! Wha--

- Italy?

- Italy.

- Which one?

- This one is beautiful. Yeah!

There are 3 jobs in Upstate New York.

- That's not too far, right?

- It's not too far at all.

Why don't you check and see

if there's something in New Zealand?

Just for fun.

You never know!


This place is usually packed!

Well, the Demskys wanted a

Valentine's date of their own,

so I convinced them to

let me babysit the place.

Apparently, they like you or something.

Hey, listen, um...

I went to Greta,

and I explained my mistake,

and she is willing to

re-read your book whenever--

That's great. That's...

Listen, I'm sorry for--for overreacting.

No. No. I messed up.

Well then, that makes two of us.

But wait, she--she read it?

Jake, she loved it.

- Really?

- Mm-hmm.

There might even be a

bidding w*r over who gets it.

- What?

- Yeah.


That's... Wow!

Uh, well, either way,

can you--can you help me

with the--with the changes?

Yes, of course.

This is all the shmoopy stuff that I love.

Well, you know what?

I, uh, I see your shmoop,

and I raise you one.


It's signed!

Where did you get this?

Thank you!

Oh, this is one of

the most thoughtful gifts

anyone has ever given me.

Thank you.

- Wow! You know your shmoop.

- It's my middle name.

You can put that on a business card.

Speaking of cards...

Mm-hmm. OK.

Thank you.


"Why did the skunk like Valentine's?

Because he's scentimental."

That's a classic.


"What do I write in a Valentine's card

"to a person who doesn't

think true love is for her?

Give it time."


Oh, yeah.

Cupcakes! Get ready.

Oh, I can't wait.


Oh, wait, look at how cute that is.

"This is a Valentine's cupcake."

Well, you know what?

That is hands down

the best cupcake message

made in my workshop.

Thank you. OK!

Wow! A lot going on here.

Kind of reminds me of your painting.

Your "love-to list."

Oh yeah!

Got it right here.

Thank you.


Actually, you know what?

Um, before you read that,

I wanted to say something.

And actually, it--it's more important

than what's even in there.


My workshops, they're usually

more about other people growing.

But this time, I was the one

who learned something.

What did you learn?

That I've been stuck.

But that now,

I'm ready to take a risk.

I'm ready to try again.


I want to do that with you.

I actually learned something too.



That you are a mediocre checkers player.


And, um...

the problem isn't love not working for me.

I wasn't working for love.


I was wondering...