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02x03 - The Good Traitor

Posted: 01/16/15 23:25
by bunniefuu
[ thunder rumbles ]

State your business!

In there you'll find your money and the dress.

And a crown.

A crown...

Don't talk unless I tell you.

[ thunder rumbles ]

I warn you, I am a desperate man.

If you resist, I will k*ll you.

I want an audience with your King. And I have no time to waste.

[ g*n cocks ]

Drop it.

Do as he says. Or we will k*ll you where you stand.

[ he gasps ]

I know you. You're in the Spanish Army.

This is General Tariq Alaman.

Former General. Now persecuted by my own country.

I have come here to offer my services to France.

Believe me, your King will want to see what I have brought for him.

Your Majesty.

Say it.

Say it now.

I love you, Rochefort.

I have always loved you.

All these years, I have ached for your return.


I despise...

I despise my husband, the King.

You are the only man I have ever wanted.

Take me. Make love to me.

[ he exhales ]

[ he exhales sharply ]

And I love you. Oh, God, how I love you.

[ birdsong ]

Do you think this Alaman is sincere?

Why risk so much if he isn't?

I hate getting up at this unearthly hour, Treville.

Why do people harp on about the beauty of the sunrise?

It happens every day with tedious regularity.

Please, move back, back. Please, Your Majesty, back.

This had better be good, Treville.

There's barely enough powder to fire a musket.

[ he laughs ]

[ they cough ]

A few grains of this miraculous powder could sink a galleon.

I am prepared to give up its formula.

At what price?

The Spanish have kidnapped my daughter.

They are holding her here, in Paris. I want her back.

Do we have a deal?

This paper contains the formula for the gunpowder.

But it's in code.

Help me rescue my daughter and the machine needed to decipher it is yours.

Why are you doing this?

Spain has turned against my people, the Moors.

We are exiled or m*rder*d. I am a fugitive, a wanted man.

My daughter is all I have left in the world.

What makes you so sure she's being held here?

We fled Spain together. We thought we were safe in Paris.

We were followed by General Baltasar and his Spanish agents.

She went to the market. I haven't seen her since.

Then she might be dead by now.

No, she is the bait. It is me they want.

Not her.

[ lock rattles ]

You understand my father is going to k*ll you, Baltasar?

Moors should eat off the floor, like dogs.

You are here, your father will come to us.

Remember... We need the girl alive.

She will remain untouched, until the moment Tariq delivers himself to us.

And then they both die.

The cipher is the most important thing.

In the coming w*r with France, Alaman's gunpowder will be the decisive w*apon.

A country's most powerful w*apon in w*r is hatred.

You should learn that, Ambassador.

You're late, Marguerite.

You know the Queen likes her son to be ready when she wakes.

The Dauphin was restless in the night.

I think he might be ill.

[ baby gurgles ]

He's burning up. He needs a doctor.

Spanish agents in Paris? A joke is being played on you, Sire.

Tariq Alaman is a most notorious liar.

Were you aware he was here?

I am astonished to hear it.

But suppose for a moment it were true.

If you were minded to hand the traitor back, Spain would regard this as a great act of friendship.

Amongst his many crimes, Alaman fled Spain in possession of a vital cipher machine.

I'm told he might be willing to offer just such a device for the return of his daughter.

I understand she has been kidnapped by your agents.

Naturally, I deny the allegation.

But I will make enquiries.

He assumes we already have the cipher.

Let him carry on thinking that.

[ she taps and whistles ]

I've urgent business with the King.

His breathing is so laboured.

He has a high fever.

I propose a chemical remedy, the very latest cure from Geneva.

The Swiss are a very healthy people.

I always presumed it was the mountain air.

What does this cure contain?

Minute quantities of various metallic elements in a suspension of water.

But won't he throw it up? He's still on the breast.

Professor Lemay has degrees from Geneva and the Sorbonne.

I suspect he knows a little more about medicine than a cloth merchant's wife!

[ baby cries ]

General Baltasar will exchange Samara for the cipher machine at the Place de l'Eglise at six.

On a market day? It'll be packed.

Ambassador Perales has brokered a handover with the kidnappers.

Baltasar hopes to hide himself amongst the crowd.

You know this man?

All too well. I once thought of him as a friend.

He was my most trusted lieutenant.

What I never knew was that he always hated me.

Well, what makes you say that?

I was born the wrong colour.

An issue you may be familiar with.

Nothing I can't handle.

We were ordered to destroy a village, k*ll every man, woman and child. Loyal Moors, like me, innocent people, whose only crime was their race.

I refused. Baltasar didn't.

That was when I understood what type of man he really was.

It would be helpful if we could see the cipher machine.

At the square.

You don't trust us.

I have no reason.

Musketeers are men of honour.

The King of Spain swore he loved me, then had me arrested on false charges.

HE was a man of honour too.

I don't trust Alaman... Something's wrong.

We promised them the cipher and we don't even have it.

Alaman swears he will produce it.

The only thing I believe is that he truly loves his daughter.

CONSTANCE: Quickly ladies, bring hot water and clean sheets for the Dauphin, hurry.

Madeleine, get some towels.

What's going on?

The Dauphin is ill. A fever.

Constance, he's in good hands.

The physician is a very learned man.

I'm sure he knows what he's doing.

I meant your hands!

[ baby cries ]

You shouldn't be here now.

[ hushed chatter ]

[ chatter gets more excited ]

Your Majesty? Your Majesty?!

Your Majesty!


My saviour! I almost didn't recognise you in your fine dress.

It is so much the height of fashion, Sire.

I had to commit m*rder to obtain it.



Wit, as well as beauty. It looks very handsome.

I was hoping Your Majesty might grant me a private audience.

Alas, that is impossible at present...

[ he sighs ]

.. Madame...?

De Winter. Milady De Winter.

How charming. Goodbye, Milady.

Seeing you again was a pleasant diversion on a trying day.

BABY COUGHS He's vomited up every drop so far.

Are you sure there isn't another way?

If there is no improvement, we will turn to leeches.

Bleeding is an infallible cure for congested lungs.

He is so very small.

And he has so little blood to spare.

I assure you, Madame, I know what I'm doing.

Alaman will bring the cipher to the square. That's all I know.

Obtain it somehow and we can put an end to this absurd brinkmanship.

I cannot be involved. I've done too much already.

It puts at risk our entire long-term plan.

I sometimes wonder who really benefits from your marvellous plan.

Is it Spain or is it just Rochefort?

I must be near the Queen. The Dauphin is seriously ill.

Madrid should know this.

Will he live?

I have no idea.

But when the Queen sees my devotion to her child, it can only increase her passion... for me.

As soon as Alaman has his daughter, we strike.

Aramis' first shot will take out Baltasar.

With their leader gone, his men should surrender.

There. One of Baltasar's men?

I don't think so.

They're here somewhere.

WOMAN: Try one, Sir.

He's got the cipher.

Second archway from the left.

Two more, by the bread.

I swore I would hunt you down, Tariq.

And I swore I would k*ll you, Baltasar.

Give me the cipher.

The girl first.

[ baby cries out ]

Come on, Aramis. What's he waiting for?

[ baby's cries echo ]

No cipher!

It's a trick!


[ screaming ]

Wait! Oi!

[ muskets fire ]

[ screaming ]

[ he groans and cries out ]

Samara, run!

No, no! Father!

Come on, come on!


To the arches. Get the Musketeer!



[ women sobbing ]

What happened?


Tariq was in my line of fire.

There was nothing I could do.

Sadly there has been less improvement than I had hoped.

This is the future King of France.

His destiny is not die in his cradle, forgotten by history! It is to lead this country to greatness! Save him, or lose your head.

And believe me, there is no cure for that.

[ door slams ]

[ outer door slams ]

Get out of my way!

Some things are beyond even a physician's powers.

I am not God.

He must be bled. It is the only course.

But won't that only weaken him? I'm sorry.

I'm sure you know best.

I will apply the leeches.

[ she sobs ]

Your Majesty?

If there is anything I can do.

Pray for him.

You must be brave.

I lack the strength.

If he dies...

Remember how you cried, all those years ago, when you left Spain for your marriage?

I thought I would drown in tears.

But you didn't. You were strong and you survived.

I was at your side then and I am here now.

[ she gasps ]

I will sit with you, if you wish.

You never had any intention of handing over the cipher!

That is true. But I had my reasons.

Five innocent people dead. A Musketeer held hostage!

And you still think you have a winning hand?!

I was once a man of status. A respected figure.

Now I am hounded out of my own country.

Believe me, I have no hand to play.

Then why gamble with your daughter's life?

Because I had no choice!

More games...

I had no choice because I do not have the cipher.

Samara does.


I am sorry I lied, I put your friend in danger.

I didn't do it lightly.

Now, I humbly beg for your help.

I don't know where they've taken Samara.

Help me find her and I will give you what you want.

The cipher and with it the formula for the gunpowder.

There's one sure way to find her.

We do exactly what the Spanish want.

We hand you over.

[ he cries out ]

What are you doing?!

Making sure you don't bleed to death.

If that leg becomes infected, you'll lose it.

[ he groans ]

Is there much demand for one-legged Musketeers?

Not that you were much more use with two.

Not much of a nurse are you!

I'm not a nurse. I'm a poet.

Fix your own leg.

Where are we?

Baltasar's safe house.

[ he groans ]

Are you in pain?

Yeah. A little bit.

Something went wrong with the exchange.

Yeah, your father lied to us and nearly got you k*lled.

That's what went wrong.

He trusted you French to save us and you made a mess of everything.

It's locked. And Baltasar has men guarding the house.

I'm going to read now.

If you decide to die, please, do it quietly.

[ he gasps ]

I have no time for this, Rochefort. Don't you know the Dauphin is sick?

I am praying for him every moment. But Ambassador Perales is waiting.

Let him wait.

Good God! What are you doing in my private apartments?

Forgive my presumption, Sire.

I simply hoped to see Your Majesty's face once more before I left.

I will see she is escorted from the Palace immediately.

You are a determined woman, Milady.

And persistence must have its reward.

Dine with me tonight. And do wear that dress.

I find it very pleasing to the eye.

It must hurt.

Cry if you want.

No. Thank you. [ he gasps ]

What is your name?


We need to get out.

What are you going to do? Punch through the walls?

If it comes to it.

Urgh, you f...

What's the book?

Poems by the mystic Umar Ibn al-Farid.

Do you read Arabic?

I'm not a Moor. I'm French.

You might have been born in this country, but that doesn't make you French.

In their eyes, you are at best an exotic stranger, at worst a mongrel.

I am a Moor. I'm going home to Morocco.

Where are you from?

France. And Africa. On my mother's side.

Which part of Africa?

Well, wherever it was, that is where you belong.

In the end, your adopted country will betray you, as mine did me.

I know who I am and what I am.

[ he gasps and groans ]
Would you like to hear some poetry?

I'd prefer a brandy.

Poetry is all I have.

Poetry it is, then.

"From his light, the niche of my essence enlightened me; by means of me, my nights blazed morning bright. I made me witness my being there for I was he; I witnessed him as me, the light, my splendour..."

I keep thinking to myself, what if he dies?

What do I have left?

There is still the King.

He will blame me.

I know it.

Blame you? Why?

I am Spanish. So everything must be my fault.

Even my son's fever.

That was indiscreet.

Say what ever you wish. All your secrets are safe with me.

Sit with me, Rochefort.

My ladies should be here with us, but I cannot bear to look at them tonight.

I have had so few friends in this place.

I'm glad you're here.

You're so good to me.

I love you.

As any subject loves his Queen.

[ she moans softly ]

HE GASPS I need you to stop the bleeding.

What bleeding?

When I pull out the bolt out.

You're mad. You'll die.

People have said that before and I'm still here.

Tie off my leg.

And I'll need some bandages.


[ he gasps and winces ]

[ he groans ]

OK, wait.

How are you feeling?


It doesn't hurt as much?

No, it's worse. But now I've got a w*apon.

Let's dispense with the formalities shall we, Ambassador?

Very well. What do you propose?

In return for Samara and our Musketeer, France will hand over Tariq Alaman.

And the cipher?

That's between you and him.

France has no further interest.

I find that news surprising and unlikely.

French lives have been lost, Perales. Enough is enough.

Then I accept.

Your Majesty has shown great wisdom and discretion.

Do this and you will never lay your hands on the cipher.

If it even exists.

The fact is, Alaman, you have become an embarrassment.

The quicker you are gone, the better.

The same with your agents, Perales. I want no more massacres!

There will be no unauthorised Spanish presence in Paris beyond tomorrow morning.

Your Musketeer will be released at the same time.

You have my word. Navas, bind his hands.

Guard this traitor. We will move him under the cover of night.

[ shackles rattle ]

Tread lightly, Treville.

We cannot afford another incident with the Spanish.

If in doubt, err on the side of caution.

But bring me that cipher and I will never say a harsh word of the Musketeers again.

[ baby whimpers ]

Madame Bonacieux?

Where are you going?

My husband sent for me. I didn't want to disturb the Queen.

Off you go, then.

My poor husband, Lord De Winter, died in England and left me penniless.

On my way home, I was taken hostage by those villains.

The rest Your Majesty knows.

Well, I sensed you were high born.

Breeding shows even in the vilest company.

I have something for you, Sire.

My ring! You kept it safe.

My company does not please you. I shall withdraw.


You are the one thing keeping me sane.

It is my son.

He's very ill.

Perhaps dying.

I knew there was a sadness in you.

It breaks my heart to see you so.

Can I pray with you, Sire?

[ he laughs ]

What here? Now?

Why not? God is always with us.

You are a saint, Milady.

One day, perhaps.

Why, I've upset you.

Forgive me...

There is nothing to forgive.

We are just two lonely souls in need of comfort.

I will take him from here.

Nearly there now.

[ baby cries ]


What are you doing here?!

Have you, have you come to see me?

[ baby cries ]

What's that?

A baby! Is it yours?

Of course not!

In case you hadn't noticed, you have to get pregnant first.

If it is d'Artagnan's...

It's not his, it's not mine! I'm just looking after him!

I'm your husband! I demand to know who this baby belongs to!

I can't tell you. Please, just, don't tell anyone you saw me.

[ baby coughs ]

Rest now.

Ah, welcome, Tariq. My house is your house.

Get him inside.

General Alaman must be returned to Madrid for trial and public execution.

So try to restrain yourself.

He will be alive. Barely.

Ambassador Perales will be here in the morning. Be ready.

Where is the cipher?

I don't care what you do to me, Baltasar, just let my daughter go free. She cannot harm you.

The Moor is an inferior species.

He must be trained like an animal. With discipline and harshness.

Where is the Dauphin?

Where is the Dauphin?!

You are the Dauphin's governess. How could you let this happen?!

I was so tired. I must, must have fallen asleep.

Who would steal an innocent child?

Where is Madame Bonacieux?

Constance? She wouldn't do this.

Well, she was concerned with the doctor's treatments, perhaps she was just trying to help.

She might be a madwoman, for all we know.

You're as much to blame as she is. Arrest her!

What! No! Please! Your Majesty!

Find my child. For pity's sake, find him!

Dear God. Someone must inform the King.

I have never met anyone like you before, Milady.

There is no-one like me, Sire.

But I warn you, I am a very...

.. bad...

.. woman.

My only ambition is to bewitch you.

Then you are succeeding.


Take this as a token of my esteem.

Get out!

I came with news of your son.

Not dead, surely...

He has been kidnapped.

The cipher!

Release my daughter and I will tell you!

My leg hurts. Someone's going to pay for it.

Make sure it's not you.

Well done. Go.

Middle door. No-one's moved since they arrived.

Any sign of Porthos?

It's been hours. Alaman might be dead by now.

They want to put him on trial and make a show of the traitor's downfall.

He knew the risks.

Treville is on the way.

Drop your weapons.

One shot. Who's it going to be?!

Three seconds or I cut his throat.

Please! Please.

Your choice, Tariq.


The cipher is in Samara's book.

You shouldn't have told him. I'd rather die than help them!

I know, my love. But I want you to live.

[ crashing ]

One more step and I sh**t her.

Put down your weapons.

This man is under protection from the Spanish Crown.

Once again, you Musketeers have lied about your true intentions.

It was the only way to find out where you were holding the hostages.

I suggest you leave. Unless you intend to sh**t me as well.

We'll leave.

But we're taking General Alaman and his daughter with us.

And the cipher.

I will return to Spain of my own free will.

And explain how the cipher works.

But only if you release my daughter.

General Alaman and the cipher will stay here.

The girl can leave.

King Louis wishes to avoid a public embarrassment, does he not?

I won't go without my father.

You must go.

As long as you are free, I will always be at your side.

Samara, listen to me, the world that we knew is dead.

You have to build a new one where our people can live in dignity and with peace.

That is your task now.

Now go, go!

Get the girl to safety.

We withdraw. For now.

I've got you.

My position will be compromised if I'm found here.

The French will not dare to touch you.

Where is she? Your wife?

I, I have no idea.

She has abducted the Dauphin.

Anyone involved in the conspiracy will join her, on the gallows.

Where is she?

Where are you? Are you here?

[ baby gurgles ]

Sssh, ssh.


Have you hurt him?

I'm TRYING to save his life.

[ baby cries ]

The penalty for kidnapping the Dauphin is execution.

Nothing can save you.

Hurry to the Queen. Tell her Rochefort has found her child.

Surround the building.

The cipher's inside. Baltasar is holding it.

That's the room, those three windows.

Just Tariq and the Spanish in there.

Any as*ault on Spanish citizens will provoke a diplomatic incident, Captain.

Is that what you want?

What I want is the cipher.

Then I suggest we have a stalemate.

Prepare to enter the building.

Please. My father is in there.

I warn you. If you lay hands on a Spanish citizen, there will be dangerous consequences.

The French will never let you leave with that cipher?

Perales will arrange something.

I have never understood irrational hatred.

It stifles every decent impulse, destroys common sense and reason.

The moment a man says "all Moors are this" or "all white men are that", he has abandoned his sanity and revealed his weakness.

And yet it is not me who is weak. Not I who will die on the scaffold.

Come, give me the cipher. I will show you how it works.

No tricks, Tariq.

No tricks.

Father! Father!

You have failed. It is undamaged.

As always, you have missed the point.

[ they gasp and cough ]




Father! Father. Father!

Ssh, ssh.

Father! No! No!

What possessed you, Constance?

Do you hate me so much?

I was trying to save his life!

By taking him from his doctor's care to a common laundry?

Who knows what risks he was exposed to?

He was dying! I thought the steam might ease his lungs.

It's a common remedy amongst the people.

Common people are full of disease!

Doctor Lemay's treatments weren't working.

This woman is dangerous.

She must be hanged.

Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please!

The Dauphin's lungs are clearing and his fever has broken.

I believe he is recovering.

Your leeches have done their work.

As a man of science I must conclude that it was the steam and not I, that saved his life.

Madame Bonacieux should receive the credit.

Ah. Well, then, I suppose we had better not hang her.

Perhaps you were right this time, Madame.

But I assure you, leeches are generally an infallible cure.

[ he sighs ]

I wanted that gunpowder, Treville.

Now the machine is destroyed.

Alaman is dead and the secret is lost forever.

But at least the Spanish do not have it either, Sire.

Yes, that is some compensation.

But I am disappointed.

Your Musketeers have let me down again.

It keeps happening, doesn't it?

Walk with me, Rochefort.

We have affairs of state to discuss.


I'm leaving for Morocco this evening.

Do you actually know anything about the place?

No. But I'll learn.

And it will be my children's home.

They will belong there.

You should search for your own home, too, one day.

You're looking at it.

These are not your people, Porthos.

However hard you try, you will never truly be one of them.

I'm a Musketeer.

That's home enough for me.

I have something for you.

For me?

Ah! Poems? Thank you.

Thank you for trying to save my father.

He was a great man. A hero.

He taught me everything.

Life is going to be so hard without him.


I, er, I never knew my father.

Not at all?

No, I guess he, er, abandoned us.

I don't know, I don't remember.

Samara, no matter how much you're hurting right now, I'd rather be in your position.

Now when the grief fades, you'll still have his memory.

Treasure that. It's a gift.

Goodbye, brother.

God is showing you the agonies of the damned.

Who is this girl?

Innocent people are dying!

I didn't become a musketeer to destroy an honest woman's reputation.

I want to know about Milady de Winter.

Is anyone here but Rochefort willing to do what their King wants?

The past is dead.

The past is never dead.

Who ordered my death?

[ constance gasps ]

I'm here to see Emilie.

Let God's work be done!