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05x17 - The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2: When Nerds Collide!

Posted: 05/09/24 18:24
by bunniefuu
[screen whooshes]

- On my mark, Carl. Walk
under the ladder now.

[gentle playful music]

- Looking good, Jimmy.
No bad luck so far.

[electricity crackling]
[Carl screaming]

- My skin smells funny.

- [Cindy] See, Neutron?

Your idea to have a
Friday the 13th dance

is already jinxing us.

What were you thinking?

- Tonight's dance will
prove that bad luck

is just a silly superstition.

That lightning was
just a coincidence.

[electricity crackling]
[Carl screaming]

- Sheen, why is this step a
different color than the others?

- Oh, that one was broken,

so I fixed it using one of
Jimmy's old lightning rods.

[electricity crackling]
[Carl screaming]

[Carl groaning]

- [Libby] Come on, Carl,
let's take you to the nurse.

It's a lot safer there.

- Uh, you know, Cindy,

everyone's going to be taking,
um, dates to this dance.

- Oh, [giggles] right.

Funny you mention that.

Um, I kind of wanted
to ask you something.

- Oh, really? Me, too.

I mean, I-

[watch beeping]

It's a priority alarm.

Someone's robbing
the Retroville Bank.

It's Professor Calamitous!
[Professor Calamitous laughs]

- Neutron!

- Sorry, Cindy, this
is more important.

- Oh, fine, it's
not like I wanted

to ask you to the
dance or anything.

You hear me?

You may think you're
the smartest kid

in the entire universe, but
I can do much, much better.

- Turner, you have got
to be the dumbest kid

in the entire universe.

Who the heck would come to
a dance on Friday the 13th?

It's all about bad luck.

- It was the only
day I had free.

- [laughs] Friday the

Who would come to your dance

when they'll all be coming to
the surprise birthday party

you've been planning and
cleverly hiding from me?

All the ladies in this
universe will be at my party.

Good luck finding a
date. [giggles] Date!

- Date? Oh, my gosh.

I was so busy decorating

I forgot to get a
date for the dance.

Oh, man, Crocker's right.

No girl in this
universe would date me.

- Oh, my gosh. It's that boy
who talks to inanimate objects.

Just smile and back away slowly.

- Wait a minute. Girl
in this universe.

- [giggles] He's so smart.

You're so funny.

I'll never forget you,
Timmy Turner. Never.

- Duh! I can't
believe I forgot her.

I've got to be the dumbest
kid in the universe!

Good thing Cindy Vortex
doesn't know that.

Guys, pack your bags.
We're going to Retroville.

- Ready when you are, amigos.
Oh, wait, that's Mexico.

[upbeat big band music]

♪ Timmy is an average kid
that no one understands... ♪

[expl*si*n booms]

♪ From here to the stars,
fueled by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a
knack for invention ♪

[frog croaks]
[audience laughing]

♪ It flips your lid when you're
the kid with fairly odd ♪

♪ With a super-powered
mind, a mechanical canine ♪

[pig oinks]
[audience laughing]

[audience gasps]

[tense dramatic music]

[wand zaps]

[ray g*n zaps]

[triumphant music]

[audience cheering]

[dramatic music]

[cheerful music]

[dark dramatic music]

[thunder cracking]

[playful music]
[mouse chittering]

[dark dramatic music]

[guards snoring]

- Oh, the shame of it.

My fellow Anti-Fairies
imprisoned on this,

our most hallowed
day, Friday the 13th.

[cat yowls]

Chin up, my beloved Anti-Wanda.

Your savior, Anti-Cosmo, will
have you all free presently.

[mug clanging]

- Hear that, Warden?

We're breakin' out of here

and t'aint nothin'
you can do about it.

[expl*si*n booms]

- Nobody is breaking out.

You Anti-Fairies are
always being chaotic,

always trying to
break the rules.

You, prepare to
join your friends

in the Anti-Fairy hoosegow.

- Never!

[playful music]

[Jorgen yells]

- Spilled salt, oh,
that is very bad luck.

[Jorgen grunts]
[Jorgen thuds]

- I shall return, my dim
beloved. This I swear.

- [laughs] Dream on.

I will buff up my
security system.

I will take away your ability
to be invisible on Earth.

[tense dramatic music]

And I will make this
prison impregnable

to anyone in Fairy World

or Dimmsdale or this universe.

[prison tinkles]
[dramatic music]

- This universe? Hmm.

Could this mean there
are other universes?

Oh, splendid.

I smell a loophole. I
smell a loophole! [laughs]

[tense dramatic music]

- [Calamitous]
Working with a partner

was my best idea
ever, Dr. Moist.

I'm so glad that we met at
the Evil Scientist Expo.

- Yes, between your robot suit

and my paralyzing
operatic high notes,

that bank never
knew what hit it.

- Ah! You fool.

You weren't watching the Neutron
detector. Friendship over.

[Dr. Moist wails]

- So, I see you
managed to escape

the force field I trapped you in

back in the Cretaceous Period.

- Yes, and I had a long time

to contemplate my
revenge, Neutron.

- Get a life.

- Ah!

[Jimmy grunts]

[dramatic music]

Who needs a partner?

I'm gonna finish you
off all on my own.

- Not if I can stick you with
an anti-gravity disc first.

- What? No!

I'll get you, Neutron.

- Well, that's done. Now
to get back to Cindy.

- Jimmy, we came to help you
fight Professor Calamitous.

- Yeah, the doctor
says I'm okay.

The electricity passed
harmlessly through my spine.

- [Jimmy] No, if
you'll excuse me,

I need to ask Cindy something.

- [Carl] No problem.

- [Sheen] Whatever, Holmes.

[mystical music]

- We made it. We're
in Retroville.

- Oh, dear. This universe
makes my hips look fat.

- What universe doesn't?

- It's Neutron.
Disguise yourselves.

- Timmy? Timmy Turner?

How did you get back
into our dimension?

- Oh, hey.

Well, I, uh, used my
techno-geektoid wristwatch

to warp here and stuff.

- Hola, Fudgehead.
[speaks muffledly]

- [Carl And Sheen]
Small-headed Jimmy!

- Guys, his name's Timmy.

- [Carl And Sheen]
Small-headed Timmy!

- What up, Small Headster?

- How are ya, Big Teethster?

- Hey, I bet you guys
know where Cindy lives.

- Cindy? What do
you want with Cindy?

- Oh, I'm here to ask her

to my Friday the

- Your Friday the 13th dance?

- [Carl] We can show you.

- But only if you
promise to get us there

in an unsafe and
irresponsible fashion.

- Well, I, uh, wish
I could do that.

Maybe if I go behind this tree.

[playful music]

[upbeat music]

Later, dude.

[Carl and Sheen wailing]

- Cindy would
never go to a dance

with a lunkhead like Timmy,

unless he fooled
her into thinking

he's really smart
and really funny.

- [giggles] He's so smart.

You're so funny.

- No!

- Then Neutron just flies
off, leaving me there.

Not that I wanted to go
to the dance with him.

- Well, who are you going with?

You think a date's
just gonna come

crashing through the ceiling?

[Timmy, Carl, and Sheen yelling]

- Hi. Remember me?

- I must use this
power for good.

- Timmy Turner? Oh, of course.

How could I forget someone

with your charm
and mental acumen?

- [chuckles] You
still talk funny.

- Awesome ride, Timmy.

- Yeah, I got hit in the head,

but okay me am, I think now.

- Uh, guys, could
you give me a second?

I need to ask Cindy
something very important.

- You came all the
way from your universe

just to ask me something?

Now, that's what I call panache.

- Huh! They do
speak Spanish here.

- Silencio, estupido.

- So, uh, here goes.

Cindy, would you like to-

- Wait!

[Jimmy crashes]

Cindy, before you say anything,

there's something you
have to know about Timmy.

- Back off, Fudgehead.
You're cramping my style.

- Sorry, Timmy, but
somebody's gotta tell her

you're not a genius.

- What? Oh, of course he is.

How do you think
he got here, magic?

[both laughing]

- Magic?

- Cindy, He's just
pretending he's a genius

so you'll go to his
Friday the 13th dance

with him tonight.

- [gasps] Timmy,
that's so flattering.

- Really?

Well, my humongous genius brain

figured you'd feel that way.

- Cindy, this is all an
incredible confabulation.

- I've had enough of you,
Mr. Big-Word-Using Guy.

You heard the lady,
I am so a genius.

- Oh, yeah? Prove it.

[Jimmy yells]

- There, how do you like

my quantum
boxing-glove-gadget thing

that I just invented?

- That's it, tiny
brain. It's go time.

- Oh, yeah? Bring it on.

[tense music]

- Nerd fight. Nerd fight.

- Wow, Timmy's amazing.

He invents stuff so fast,

you can't even see him do it.

- Cindy, are you
really gonna let

those two guys fight over you?

- Um, [giggles] I
thought I might.

- Girl, you are my hero.

- Okay, Turner, if
you're a genius,

try and counteract
my freeze ray.

[freeze ray zaps]

- Ha!

[Wanda and Cosmo shivering]

- Yay, Small-headed Timmy!

- Oh, but we still like
you, too, big-headed Jimmy.

- Now, face the power of my...

I wish I had a burp cannon.

Burp cannon!

[Libby and Cindy gasp]

[cannon gurgling]

[cannon belching]

[Jimmy wails]

- Thanks, Goddard.

[Goddard barks]

Time to expose this
faker once and for all.

[upbeat music]

- I wish I had a cool
rocket like Neutron's.

Uh, that I will now
invent behind this tree.

[mystical music]

[upbeat music]

Looking for me?

- Is there a movie
on this flight?

- Yes, and it's called
"Don't Let Jimmy Hear You."

- Oh, I love Westerns.

- Well, back to the resumes.

Finding a good collaborator

is my only chance of
defeating Neutron.

"Can also do light
housework." Hmm...

[detector buzzing]

My Neutron detector.
He's on the move again.

- [Timmy] Watch it,
Brain Boy, pick a lane.

- [Jimmy] Bring it on!

- What's this? Someone
else fighting Neutron?

And beating him,
by the look of it.

- How does he keep
building stuff so fast?

- Hi, Fudgehead.

- Quiet. We're in disguise.

I mean, tick, tick, tick, tick.

It's over, isn't it?

- Your reality-bending
computer programs, of course!

That's how you're
doing all this.

- So what?

You've got your
stupid science stuff,

and I've got Cosmo and Wanda.

- Um, can I just say one thing?

- Sure.

- Mountain!

[all screaming]
[dramatic music]

[Jimmy wailing]

- Well, that's settled.

- Timmy.

- Oh, all right.

I wish this button
would save Jimmy.

[button chirps]

- Do we need to tell
anyone about this?

[Jimmy yells]
[Jimmy grunts]

- In your face, Neutron.

I out-geniused you
and saved your butt.

- Incredible, that small
boy defeated Neutron

with his tiny flying helpers.

I must find out
where he got them.

- Neutron, you boob! You
almost got Timmy k*lled.

- Cindy, Timmy's not a genius.

- Oh, please.

You're just jealous 'cause
he's way smarter than you.

- Yeah. What she said.

Cindy, why don't we go someplace

where we can talk
about tonight's dance?

Say, my dimension?

- [giggles] I'd love to.

Bye, Nerdtron.

- Have fun dancing with Sheen.

- Cindy, wait!

Goddard, I'm going to Dimmsdale.

- And so am I. [cackles]

[cell phone ringing]


Oh, the position's
filled. [cackling]

[playful menacing music]

[light music]

- Hey, Jimmy, I don't know
what this stuff does, but here.

- Thinks he can just open
up a dimensional wormhole,

sweep Cindy off her feet,

and then poof them both
back to his universe?

- Yes, go on, Neutron,

open that portal so I
can learn the secret

of that big-toothed child's
floating collaborators.

[portal whirring]

- Done, now if you'll excuse me,

it's time to save Cindy

from the horrors of
a dumb dance date.

- Yo, I told you I'm coming,
too. Cindy's my girl.

- And we have no
lives, so count us in.

- Okay, okay, just hurry.
We're running out of time.

[triumphant music]

- Neutron's lab, it's open.

Well, maybe just a little peek.

[all screaming]

- Whoa!

Look at me! I'm totally flat.

And you, my dear...

- Oh, don't even go there.

- So, where do you think
Timmy and Cindy are, Jimmy?

- Don't know. We'll
have to split up.

Be careful, this
Turner's a wily one.

[horses whinnying]
[whimsical music]

- Having a good time, my
transdimensional sweet?

- I can't believe we're
flying on an actual Pegasus.

- [chuckles] Actually, Cindy,
the term is winged horsey.

- [giggles] And I
can't believe you found

the dress of my dreams,

with tiara and shoes to match.

And I really can't believe

your parents are
billionaire supermodels.

[regal music]

[jazzy upbeat music]

[shutters clicking]

This day has been so perfect,

it's as if somebody somehow
got a hold of my diary

and wished every one of my
secret dreams came true.

- Yeah. [chuckles]
What are the odds?

I wish this thing was
back where you found it.

[triumphant music]

- Oh, Timmy, this is the
most magical day of my life.

Do you know what would
make it even more magical?

- Uh, you agreeing to be my date

to tonight's Friday
the 13th dance?

- I might go, if you
show me your lab.

- Huh?

- [Both] Huh?

- Your lab, where you
make all your inventions.

Neutron never wants
me in his lab,

but you're not
like him, are you?

- Ha. Not in the slightest.

I wish-

- No. Not another word.

I don't want anything
to spoil this moment.

Don't say anything until
I see your steamy den

of scientific discovery.

- Sorry about this, dude.

[button beeps]

[AJ screams]

[triumphant music]
[components whirring]

Welcome to my lab.
Can we go now?

[Cindy squealing]

Beakers, centrifuges, test
tubes, and a cloning t*nk?

Who is that?

- I'm, uh, building
the perfect bald kid?

- And you have a gene splicer?

- [chuckles] Uh, sure.

- Timmy, I'm ready.

You can ask me to
your dance now.

- Cindy, I-

- Oh, but not here.
Someplace romantic.

Someplace I'll always remember.

- Okay, I wish...

- Shush, and not another
word until we get there.

I wanna cherish this moment.

- I know just the place.

[mystical music]

[Calamitous wailing]

- [cackles] I made it.

Good going, Calamitous.

Now, there must be something

in Neutron's
Infinite Storage Cube

that can help me
find that big-toothed
boy's flying helpers.

[plant roars]

[cheerful music]

[doorbell rings]

- Hi, Mr. Turner,
I'm looking for-

- [laughs] Another reality
avoidance costume, eh, Timmy?

Oops, I mean, Buzz Adams.

Looks like someone's
date was a disaster.

- What? Date?

- You know what else is
a disaster? The toilets.

Get to work, Buzz.

- Hey, this wig you're
using to hide your shame

makes a great handle.

[soaring romantic music]

- Ah, this is nice.

Cindy, would you, would you...

- [Carl] Hi, Small-headed Timmy.

- Hi, Normal-headed Cindy.

- Carl? Sheen?

What are you guys doing here?

- Jimmy brought us.
He's trying to find you.

- He is?

- Uh, look out for
that sand storm

coming towards
just you two guys,

that I just wished for.

[wind whooshing]

[Carl and Sheen yelling]

[soaring romantic music]

- Cindy, I-

- [Libby] Yo, Cindy!

- [Cindy] Libby?

- Did he ask you
yet? What I miss?

Tell me everything, girl.

- Uh, uh, hey! Is that
a famous hip-hop star?

- Where? Is it Lady La-Dee-Dah?

- Uh, sure. I wish.

[upbeat hip-hop music]

[Libby squeals]

[fingers snap]

- Okay, one more
time. Here we go.

Cindy, will you-

- Small-headed Timmy!

- Here, Small-headed
Timmy. [clicks tongue]

- Here, boy.

- [groans] Would you
excuse me for a sec?

Do you mind?

You guys are totally
cramping my style,

which I now have
in my own universe

with this one girl.

- Yeah, well, that one
girl is my best friend,

and I ain't going anywhere
until I know she's happy.

- And Libby is my girl,

and I'm not going anywhere
until she's happy.

Or unless Ultra-Lord's involved
in some way, shape or form.

- And I just wanna see

what llamas look like
in this universe.

- Look, what if I gave you
guys my pink and green fair,

uh, reality-bending computer
programs to play with?

- I don't, okay.

- Works for me.

- All right, but if
Neutron was right

and you break Cindy's heart,

reality isn't all that's gonna
get bent around here, get it?

- Got it.

Cosmo, Wanda, I
wish you would do

whatever these guys
tell you to do.

- Because that wish
always works great.

- Take us where the llamas are!

- Finally, a llama wish.

[triumphant music]

- I can't believe I'm scrubbing

stupid Timmy Turner's
stupid toilet

with a stupid toothbrush.


- Man, those
high-fiber energy bars

we supermodels eat
zip right through you.

- You're going to need this.

- No!

- Yay! I'm the Llama King.

Come, my loyal subjects. Whee!

[llamas grunting]

- Now give me giant feet.

No, no, I know. Give
me a TV for a head.

No, no, no, I know.

Make me best friends
with Morgan Freeman.

Now we're getting somewhere.

[upbeat hip-hop music]

- [shudders] I may never
brush my teeth again.

Maybe that's how Turner's
teeth got that way.

[menacing music]

- It's Neutron.

Who needs tiny collaborators

when I can just
dispatch Neutron myself

with one of his own weapons?

Hmm, this looks suitable.

[device whirring]
[device beeping]

What? [yells]

- Never be clean,
never be clean.

[Calamitous yelling]

Professor Calamitous?

[dramatic music]

My Hyper-Cube?

To Do List. One, travel
to parallel universe.

Two, capture Big
Tooth's flying helpers.

Three, destroy Neutron.

So he's after Turner's
computer program.

- Son, I'm having another
high-fiber energy bar.

[Jimmy screaming]

[Calamitous yelling]

[cats yowling]

[Anti-Cosmo sniffing]

- I say, somebody is cooking up

a delicious stew of bad luck.

[cat yowls]

- Sweet muffins.

I never had this much
bad luck in my universe.

- My universe?

Wait a moment, are you
from another universe?

- [gasps] You're, you're one
of those tiny flying creatures.

You can help me destroy
my nemesis, Jimmy Neutron.

- Of course.

I'd be happy to help
with whatever it is

you're blathering on about,

provided you do me
one teensy favor.

- At last, complete
and total lockdown.

[locks chiming]

The ultimate defense
against fairies,

Anti-Fairies and even
the occasional gnome.

Nothing of this universe
can get in or out.

- Hello, my good man.

- Oh, hello.


- This the emergency
release button?

- You bet.

[siren blaring]

- I will never
allow you to escape.

[Anti-Fairies clamoring]

- Well, your friends are free.

Now you help me defeat Neutron.

- Yes, about that...

[Jorgen snoring]

[gate clangs]

- I thought you were going
to be my collaborator.

You lied to me.

- Yes, I do that
from time to time.

It's almost like
I'm evil. Well, ta.

- Ready, Cindy?

- Ready, Timmy.

- Cue the swans.

[swelling romantic music]

- [Jimmy] Wait!

- Huh?

Neutron, you are here.

- Cindy, listen to me.

Calamitous followed me
here and he's trying to use

Turner's floating computer
programs for evil.

- Oh, please.

Like anything bad's
gonna happen on my watch.

[thunder booming]
[menacing dramatic music]

- Oh, no! A wormhole
is opening up.

[Anti-Fairies clamoring]

- Howdy, y'all.

- Oh, yes, howdy, indeed.

We're free. Free!

Now I can send my
Anti-Fairies out

to halt the Earth's rotation.

Tomorrow will never come,

making every day
Friday the 13th.

- Um, why would
you tell us that?

- Because I know you can't
stop me, fool. [cackles]

- [laughs] He called you fool.

- Do you always have
to get the last word?

- Yes.

[menacing dramatic music]

- Timmy, you said there
was nothing to worry about.

- Who's worried?
I'm not worried.

Do I look worried?

- You should be.

The sky is filling with
your evil computer programs.

- Mine?

- Yes, yours.

And now, let's pause a moment

as I perform the
in-your-face dance.

♪ In your face, in your face ♪

♪ In your face,
uh-huh, in your face ♪

- Oh, I wouldn't be dancing
in his face if I were you.

Soon, every day will
be Friday the 13th

and bad luck will rain down
upon you in perpetuity.

And it's all thanks to you
and your friend Calamitous.

- Yeah, way to go, Nerdtron.

- Oh, and thank you, Timothy,

by luring him up here by
showing off Cosmo and Wanda.


♪ In your face, in your face ♪

♪ In your face ♪

- [chuckles] Look, don't worry,

I've dealt with
these guys before.

We can stop them, but
we'll need Cosmo and Wanda.

- But you lent them to
Carl, Sheen and Libby.

Well, they could be anywhere.

- All right,
Calamitous, I agree.

We will team up in
order to escape.

I will now use your
puny, other-worldly body

to bash my way out of this cell.

[head thuds]

But I can't break free.
[head thudding]

- Can I just say something?

- What?

He left the keys in the door.

[Calamitous groans]

- Nice job.

[triumphant music]

- Neutron, what is that thing?

- It's a sound wave detector.

All we have to do is
find the funkiest beat

in a 100-mile radius
and we'll find Libby.

Cosmo and Wanda should be
with her, Carl, and Sheen.

- Well, that's
brilliant, Neutron.

- Thanks, but I don't
hear anything yet.

- Well, maybe it's
being drowned out

by the sound of you patting
yourself on the back.

[Cindy giggles]

[tense music]

- Anti-ladies and
anti-gentlemen, lend
me your anti-ears.

It is time for the master plan.

You, get out there and cause
as much bad luck as possible.

[Anti-Fairies cheering]

While you take to the skies.

Circle the globe at hypersonic
speeds to stop its rotation.

[Anti-Fairies clamoring]

Once you succeed in slowing
the rotation of the Earth,

time will stand still.

Tomorrow will never come.

It will be Friday
the 13th every day

and bad luck will reign forever.

[frenzied dramatic music]

- Cock-a-doodle...

[wistful music]

[frenzied dramatic music]

[sound wave detector beeping]

- You boys are awfully quiet.

- Well, undoing all
the trouble he's caused

takes concentration.

- Hey, you're the one this
Calamitous guy followed here.

If you weren't jealous
of me and Cindy...

- Hey, you knew I liked Cindy

and tried to steal her from me.

[detector beeping]
- Guys, wait!

I hear something.

[dramatic music]

- There they are! Libby!

- [Jimmy] Carl, Sheen!

- [Timmy] Cosmo, Wanda!

- Herbert Noodleman.

What? Everyone else
got to say a name.

- So much llama love.

- So much funk.

- Come on, Sheen.

These lines aren't gonna
memorize themselves.

- So much Morgan.

- Oh, no, they're
suffering wish-overload.

Libby, you've gotta wish
Cosmo and Wanda back to me.

- Why you? I'm the genius here.

- Look, brain boy,
they're my programs

and I know how to
make them work.

Listen, Cindy, I know
some of this is my fault,

even though most
of it is Neutron's,

but all I ever wanted was
to take you to the dance.

- These boys are still
fighting over you?

- Oh, [giggles] are
they? I hadn't noticed.

Go ahead, give Timmy
his programs back.

- I wish Timmy had
Cosmo and Wanda back.

- I wish that every wish
Carl, Sheen and Libby made

didn't happen, and they were
all back their old selves.

[uplifting music]

- Yes, Roxanne,
I am leaving you.

- I can't go on.

[upbeat hip-hop music]

- Cosmo, Wanda, quick!

I wish the
Anti-Fairies were gone.

- Goodbye, anti-jerks.

There's too many Anti-Fairies.

They're interfering
with our wands.

- Well, you're the genius
here. What do you wanna do?

- Crocker's lab!

Uh, I mean, my other lab.

Cosmo, Wanda?

- Anti-fairies. I will stop
them with my mighty magic wand.

Or not. Plan B, hide!

[Calamitous yells]

[Anti-Fairies laughing]

[all yelling]

[Timmy screams]

- Guys.

[Cosmo and Wanda yell]

Welcome to my other lab.

- This isn't your lab.

- Yes, it is.

- Then why are there pictures
of your teacher everywhere?

[lively music]

- Because I love to learn?

- Does that explain that picture
of you with a dart in it,

and that sign that
says "I hate Timmy"?

- Uh, I have low self-esteem?

- Me, too!

- [Cindy] Ow!

- No. No.
[items crashing]


- What are you
looking for, Timmy?

- Aha!

- [Both] [scream]
A butterfly net!

- [Both] A butterfly net?

- If it has wings and flies,
a butterfly net can catch it.

- Really? Hmm.


[triumphant music]

If I can combine
this butterfly net

with my Hyper-Cube,

I might be able to suck

all those rogue computer
programs into it.

- I just remembered.

I don't have low self-esteem,
I have low blood sugar.

- And voila.

[curious music]
[net whirs]

[Cosmo and Wanda wailing]

- Watch it, Fudgehead.

- Good idea, Neutron.

- Uh, I'll stand over here
and make sure Cindy's okay.

You okay?

- [giggles] Uh-huh.

- Good work, Timmy.

- Now, come on. Let's
go kick some butt.

[triumphant music]

[playful music]
[Crocker snoring]

- What's that?

Must have been
dreaming about fairies.

I've got you cornered, Turner.

No, Mother, not the tiny pants!

[lively jazz music]

[mother screams]

[cat meows]

[safe whistling]

[man screams]

[safe thuds]

[ground rumbling]
[mug clattering]

[ship horn blows]

[woman screaming]

- Bad luck amuck.

I'm Chet Ubetcha saying it's
Friday the 13th in Dimmsdale

and I can't change the calendar.

- Okay, here's the plan.

We need to get all the
Anti-Fairies in one place

so Neutron can suck
them up, got it?

- Uh-huh.

- Uh-huh.

- You bet.

- You bet.

- [Both] There's a plan?

- Operation Anti-Bad
Luck is now in effect.

[Calamitous wails]

[Jorgen yells]

- You'll never get away,

and there's nothing you
can do to distract us.

[glass shatters]

- Ah, we need to
break more mirrors.

Sheen, give me a high C.

Okay, here's a L over high C.

♪ La ♪

[glass shatters]
[triumphant music]

[Anti-Cosmo sniffs]

- [laughs] It's a
bad-luck buffet.

- Look, I'm running
under a hundred ladders.

- Yes. Yes, lovely.

[cats meowing]


I cannot resist the siren call

of your delicious bad luck.

- Now to really ramp it up.

[dramatic anticipatory music]

[triumphant music]

[glass shattering]

- Wow, look at
all that bad luck.

- Oh, I can't resist it.

[tense dramatic music]

[weight thuds]

[cats meowing]

chattering excitedly]

[energetic dramatic music]

[salt shakers clanging]

- [laughs] Yes, yes.

Spilling salt, the tastiest
bad luck of all. [slurps]

What? Get back, back.

You're supposed to be
halting the Earth's rotation.

[triumphant music]

- Cock-a-doodle do!

[glass shattering]

[Anti-Fairies clamoring]

[triumphant music]

[remote beeps]

[Hyper-Cube whirring]

[remote beeps]

[energy crackling]

[Anti-Fairies screaming]

[Anti-Cosmo wailing]

- Bad luck, old chap.

- Nay. Nay, I say!

Oh, we were so close. So close.

[remote beeps]

[wails] Oh, rat poopy.

- [Both] All right!
You rock, dude.

- Well, now that that
earth-shattering crisis is over,

back to business.

Oh, boys...

Nice work, guys. You
both did a great job.

- [scoffs] Him? It was
my net that saved us.

- No, Cindy, it
was my Hyper-Cube.

- I'm Cindy's hero.

- No, I'm Cindy's hero.

[both yelling]

- Cool, when we get back home,

can we get them to
do our homework?

[girls giggling]

[dramatic music]

- Ah. The Infinite Storage Cube.

With that much harnessed
energy, I'd be invincible.

- Negative. Those Anti-Fairies
are going back to jail.

[button beeps]

[jet pack whooshes]

[tense dramatic music]

[Jimmy and Timmy yelling]

- Calamitous! I can't let
him get the Hyper-Cube.

- And I can't let
Neutron look good.

I'll stop them with this.

- Timmy, no! That's
your gene splicer.

[gene splicer zaps]

[both shouting]

- What, what is happening here?

- We have been fused together.

- Must maintain dominance.

- Not a chance.

My mind, stronger than you.

[dramatic music]

- He's big.

- He's mean.

- Ugh, he's gross.

[menacing playful music]

- Where's he gonna buy shirts?

- Finally, an all-powerful
collaborator of my very own.

With my genius and your
power, I'll be invincible.

- If I could move my arms,

I would so totally
beat you up right now.

- You mean like this?

[Jorgen groans]

Why are you hitting yourself?

[Jorgen groans]

Why are you hitting yourself?

Why are you hitting yourself?

- Can't move of my
own will. [grunts]

- Because my will's in charge.

And now for my first trick.

- Cindy!
- Watch out!

I saved her.

- No, I did.

[expl*si*n booms]

- Jimmy! Timmy!

[both laughing]

- Wait, I should
not be laughing.

This is a terrible situation.

And yet, [laughs]

I find myself unable to
resist your, your influence.

[laughs] I will
get you for this.

[both laughing]

- Jimmy, Timmy!

The only boys who ever fought
over me and they're gone.

- Hey, let go of her!

- Do not worry, little girl.

It is against the
rules to use magic to-

- Silence.

Sorry, girlie,

I can't have you avenging
your boyfriends' demises.

You're coming with
me to Retroville.

[Cindy screams]

- Cindy!

- Jimmy!

- Small-headed Timmy!

- Milton Bimowitz!

What? He's the
king of vaudeville,

and he plays the spoons.

Can you play the spoons?

- Oh, joy.

Having a magic partner
in crime has allowed me

to finish almost every
item on my new to-do list.

I've terrorized the inhabitants

with prehistoric creatures,

[people screaming]
[dinosaur roars]

imprisoned Jimmy's
loved ones in carbonite,

and prepared a
delicious picnic lunch

to nourish my
strapping new body.

- This sandwich is unacceptable.

Sourdough is the
lowest form of bread.

- You'll eat it
and you'll like it.

- [grunts] This indignity
will be avenged.

Mm, spicy mustard.

- My two favorite
people are gone,

and now you're probably
gonna get rid of me.

- Oh, a gentleman would
never harm a lady.

Besides, I need to
keep an eye on you

while I complete my
greatest plan of all.

[energy zaps]

[menacing dramatic music]

Behold my big bang b*mb,
with shockwaves so powerful,

they'll tear the
very fabric of time.

The Earth will revert
to its original state,

allowing me to remake it
in my own glorious image.

[Calamitous cackles]

- You madman.

Could you please pass
the pickle relish?

- Oh, no.

Our old best friend and our
new best friend, both gone.

- They'd barely begun
to hate each other.

[somber music]

- We're doomed!

Calamitous is mega-powerful

and the only two people who
could stop him are toast.

Why? [crying]

[all crying]

- Actually, we're snails.

- But the French
eat us with toast.

[Libby shrieks]

- Timmy, Jimmy.

Jorgen's magic
didn't destroy you,

it just turned you into
cute little snails.

- Cool, I wanna feed them.
Who's got some snail biscuits?

- Guys, Calamitous took
Cindy to Retroville.

We've got to save her.

- This is all our fault, Turner.

Our stupid competition
has endangered

the life of the woman we
think is sort of cool.

- [chuckles] Yeah,
you know, for a girl.

- Pathetic.

- Then it's settled.

We've got to put
aside our differences

and join forces to save her.

- Let's shake on it.

- Uh, eye-five.

[eyes slap]

[both yell]

[triumphant music]

- Gather round,
everyone. I have a plan.

- Activate particle

Reset expansion sequence.

Charge the detonator
with unlimited power.

[computer beeping]
[menacing music]

Excellent. Here's a cookie.

[Jorgen chomps]

- You're insane, Calamitous.

You'll be destroyed, too.

- No, I'll be hiding
under that magical desk.

Sorry there's no room for you.

- B-but, you said
you don't harm girls.

- Quite right. Jorgen,
turn her into a goldfish.

[Cindy screams]

- Sorry, blonde girl.

The merger made him
the boss of my body.

I am so ashamed.

- Arming highly suspenseful
detonation timer now.

[computer whirring]
[tense dramatic music]

- Hey, stop, insane, evil human.

You must reconsider,

or at least come closer so
I can bite you. [chomps]

- Too late.

Nothing can stop me
from finishing my
greatest plan of all.

[Calamitous cackles]

[Jorgen yells]

- Fairy Force Five, attack!

- You.

- Here's for hurting
our friends, chump.

[Jorgen and Calamitous scream]

- A tractor beam.

I guess that's the
best you can do

now that Neutron and
Overbite Boy are gone.

- But, Professor, I
keep trying to tell you-

- Silence. We've got to turn
their own energy against them.

[dramatic music]

[playful music]

[all screaming]

- Good idea having your friends

make us invisible for
our reentry, Turner.

- That's what Timmy
brings to the party.

Now, where's Cindy?

The others can't hold
that creep off forever.

- My readings indicate she's
at the top of the structure.

[energy whirring]

Take my hand, Turner.

- I'm kind of
afraid of intimacy.

- Come on.

[Timmy wails]
[energetic dramatic music]

- [gasps] Jimmy,
Timmy, you're alive.

- Cindy? You're a fish?

- I can't dance with a fish.

I mean, that fiend!

- Calamitous wants to
blow up the universe.

You've got to defuse this b*mb.

- Incredible. A working
quantum nullification device.

If I can just identify
this energy matrix-

- Better let Timmy do it.

He's more familiar with the
systematology, right, Timmy?

- Uh, define systematology,
and familiar and more.

- Cindy, I'm telling
you for the last time.

Timmy's got the brains of a
four-day-old melted pudding pop.

- Hey, I'm tired of you

trying to make me look
bad in front of her.

You think you're so smart?

Well, anybody can
press buttons, see?

[machine rumbling]


In hindsight, buttons
aren't always the way to go.

[kids screaming]

- Jimmy and Beaver Boy?
But I destroyed them.

[tense dramatic music]

[all screaming]

[bright upbeat music]

- Attention, passengers.

We're beginning our descent
into the town of Retroville.

- We know you have a lot
of choices out there,

so thank you for
flying Air Idiot.

- How can they still be alive?

- I've been trying to tell you.

My magic can't be
used to destroy people

because it is against the rules.

[tense dramatic music]

- [All] Whoa!

- [Calamitous] Now to finish
you off once and for all.

- Hello, Mr. Poor Listening
Skills. The rules forbid it.

- I am your tiny
master. Obey me.

- No. No!
- You will.

- Jorgen's able to resist
Calamitous's demands

when they make him mad.

- That's great. So all we have
to do is keep Jorgen angry.

Summon your computer programs.

Call your friends.

- Cosmo, Wanda!

I need you to
create the craziest,

most illogical magic you can.

Enough to make Jorgen furious.

- You will. You will.
- No. No.

- I don't know, sweetie.

I'm just not much
of a loose cannon.

- I am!

But where will we find someone

as dangerously off-kilter as me?

- Dance, Tito, dance.

[uplifting music]

Now and forever, I am Fairy Boy!

- Do you feel illogical,
punk? Well, do you?

- I was born illogical.
Ask the doctor.

- You will. You will.
- No. No!

Maybe. No.

- Turn, villain, and face
your worst nightmare.

- Yeah, an idiot and a
bigger idiot, and me.

Wait, I counted me twice.

- Make a move, I dare you.

With my new powers,
I'm invincible.

[upbeat music]

♪ I'm ridin' a
hot dog over you ♪

♪ All these pork by-products
have got me feeling blue ♪

- What? Hot dogs do
not fly or spit fire.

That is illogical and
it makes me very angry.

[all yell]

- I'm me again.

- It's working.

- Jorgen, pay attention.

- Ow. Ow.
[hand slaps]

- Just making him mad isn't
enough to break him free.

We have to do the one
thing he can't stand.

- Which is?

- We have to violate the rules.

[energetic upbeat music]

- And action!

- I wish Carl would fall
in love with that turkey.

[turkey gobbles]

- Oh, turkey, I am suddenly
filled with love for you.

- What?

You cannot use fairy power
to make people fall in love,

especially with poultry.

- You had me at [gobbles].

[Carl kissing]

- Go again, Timmy.

- I wish Cosmo could beat
Sheen at rock, paper, scissors.

- [Sheen And Cosmo]
Once, twice, sh**t.

- Yay, I win. Thanks,
magic. [kisses]

- [Sheen And Cosmo]
Once, twice, sh**t.

- [flatly] Oh, darn, you
won with magic again.

- [Sheen And Cosmo]
Once, twice, sh**t.

- No!

You cannot use magic
to win a competition,

even a ridiculous one like that.

- Focus, you muscle-
bound imbecile.

- Yay, I win again.

- Do it, Neutron.

We have to break the
biggest rule of them all.

- I've been waiting
all day to say this.

I wish Timmy Turner was gone.

- [screams] My spleen!

Good-bye, cruel, bulgy world.

[Jorgen gasps]

- No! He's gone, gone. [crying]

- [Jorgen] No!

- Obey me, fool. Obey me!

- You have broken the most
sacred of all the fairy rules.

How? How?

- Quick, while he's free
of Calamitous's control.

- Neutron, catch!

- Sorry to split up such
a close relationship.

[gene splicer beeping]

[Jorgen and Calamitous shouting]

- It's not fair. I finally
had it all planned out.

[footsteps thudding]

- Puny human,

you have subjected me to
the ultimate indignity.

Plus, the whole time, your
breath smelled like fish tacos.

- I can explain.

[Calamitous wails]

- Guys, you did it!
That was awesome.

- Oh, don't be modest, Timmy.

After all, you
deactivated the b*mb.

- The b*mb?

[tense music]
[timer ticking]

[Timmy screams]

[both scream]

[expl*si*n booms]

- [chuckles] My
incredible powers are
back under my control.

I have made everything
as it was before.

- Is this the end of Fairy Boy?

- For now. But if we ever
need a sub, we'll call.

- That was the most
reckless I've ever gotten

with a giant hot dog.

- Guys, look, Jorgen
shrank Calamitous

and trapped him in this bottle.

- Can I keep him?

- I'll get you, Neutron. I'll-

- I don't think so, Professor.

With the help of
Turner's technology,

you won't be threatening
anyone for a long time.

- Okay, so blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah.

The universe is saved.

Now, if you don't mind,

I'd like to get my
groove on, so listen up.

Who are you going to
the dance with, girl?

[gentle music]

- So, you really aren't
a genius, are you, Timmy?

- Sorry, Cindy.

I didn't think you'd like
me if I wasn't smart.

- And he was right, right?

'Cause I'm warming up for
the in-your-face dance.

- But Timmy's still
a considerate guy

who actually pays
attention to me.

- Ha! In your face,
lord of the lobes.

- Oh, I really wish
there were some way

I could go with both of you.

- Since you helped to free me
and round up the Anti-Fairies,

I would be happy to help with
your puny and stupid problem.

[Jorgen grunts]

♪ My shiny teeth and me ♪

♪ Shiny teeth, shiny teeth ♪

- [Cindy] I'm having
a great time, Neutron.

- Me, too, Cindy.

I'm glad you decided to
come to the dance with me.

- [Timmy] Mind if I cut in?

- Hey, no fair. The upbeat
boppy dances are mine.

[Cindy giggles]

- I can't believe we're jamming

at the world's first-ever
multidimensional dance party.

- I know. Check it out.

I'm flat. I'm bulgy.

I'm flat. I'm bulgy.

[Cosmo and Wanda
laughing hysterically]

[Carl whispering]

- Ah!

- Hi, Mrs. Neutron.

- Ooh, yeah.

- Time's up, Turner.
I want my date back.

- Wait your turn,
Baron Von Boring.

She's my date, too.

- But it is my turn.

- Is not.
- Is too.

- Is not.
- Mine.

- Uh-uh.
- Uh-huh.

- [Timmy] Never.

- Boys, boys, please.

This fighting over
me has got to stop.

♪ My shiny teeth and me ♪

[mysterious dramatic music]

[upbeat jazzy music]

[mysterious dramatic music]

[dog barks]

[upbeat jazzy music]

- [Man] Oh.

[playful music]

- Hi, I'm Paul.

[logo thudding]

- [Woman] Frederator!