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14x16 - A Tangled Web

Posted: 05/08/24 20:06
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

-[Khloé] What is all that?
-[Kris] Jackfruit.

-Okay, just taste... taste it.
-Like, I bite into it?

Yeah. There's a... a seed inside.

Oh, it's good.

[phone chimes]


[quirky music]

My jackfruit just had a baby.

Oh! It's like an embryo came out.

-[Kris] I know. It's like a uterus.
-[Khloé] Ew!

"Hi, Khloé."

-That is so nasty.
-"What are you doing?"

Thank God I didn't chew down
to the middle.

[Khloé] I would've freaked out.

How come you're not looking at me?

There's a lot of weird things
going over there.


[theme music]

[engine revving]

[Kris] Look who's here.

-Hello. Hi.
-I missed you.

-How are you?

What's going on?
I've been waiting for days.

-I'm ten minutes late.
-How was the...

-[Kris] Oh, my God.

You definitely belong
on Tommy Hilfiger's boat. Beautiful.

How many feet?

A lot. Hundreds.

[Kris] So, where were you,
my little world traveler?

-I haven't been anywhere crazy.
-[Kris] No?

-My passport got stolen recently.

So it kind of slowed me down a bit.

Kourtney probably took it away from you.

-No, a stripper did. But I'm...
-[both laugh]

[Scott] You know,
Kris really is like my mom,

so for me,
it's a lot of fun to hang out with her.

Probably more fun to hang out with her
than anybody in the family at this point.


Should we do, like, a spa day?


What else can we do,
like, outside of the ordinary,

just to, like, still do things together?

[Scott] We could start walking
in the neighborhood.

I would love to walk.

Also, I like the idea
of taking the kids to the San Diego Zoo.

It's also to see your mom is nice,
or is she here now?

The goal is to transition
up here permanently,

but I think it's gonna take her a minute,
you know?

-She misses her friends, I'm sure.
-[Scott] I get that.

Did she ever date anybody
after Papa Harry?

-[Kris] Yeah, no.
-Not really?

She was heartbroken.

[Kris] Isn't that funny?

Did you consider Harry like your dad?

Yeah. Called him "Dad."

-And you met him at how old?
-[Kris] Ten.

And your dad died when you were ten?

I know that Kris is quite interesting now,

but I never really knew
exactly how she grew up.

What about your dad?

He left town when I was very young.

-And he went back

to Ohio to work.

He was an engineer.

I want to know more
about Kris's, like, upbringing.

-Papa Harry taught me how to drive.
-[Scott] No way.

He had a car just like Kendall's Corvette.

-He was k*lling it.
-[Kris] Yeah.

When my parents were out of town,

I stole the car
and took it for a little joyride.

-[Scott] Why not?
-And I got caught.

By the cops?

[Kris] Well, we lived across the street
from my grandmother.

When I came back home,

I saw my grandmother and my grandfather
outside watering the lawn,

-and I just drove by and waved.
-[Scott] How old were you?

[Kris] 15.

Right. That's about the time
you start stealing your parents' cars.

[Khloé] Hello. That's me...

Wow, you actually look great.

[photographer] Yes, very nice.

Nice, very nice.

[Khloé] Yeah, I love that.

Like, that's cute with my hands,
so you see a little shape.

[photographer] Nice. Very nice.

[phone chimes]

You self-centered... bitch.

-[Khloé] Malika.

Her and I have been feuding.

We were supposed to leave
Friday morning for Cabo,

but she never told me
she had a job on Friday.


[Khloé] I didn't know she was working.
We're supposed to leave.

She was like, "If anyone knows me,
knows I do not like to drive."

She was like, "If you were a real friend,

you would've offered to wait
till I was off work."

And then I was like, "Listen,
I'm going through a lot right now.

I don't have time to stress
about this type of stuff."

She said,
"Your personal situation seems real.

I would handle that."

[Kourtney] Oh, my God.

It's been, like, the last year.

I really think
she has an issue with Tristan.

Not Tristan, particularly,
she's jealous of Tristan.

I don't really live in LA
that much anymore,

and I'm newly pregnant.

I feel like I've really been trying
to juggle the best I can.

I just feel like she's picking a fight
for no reason.

She's my friend since I've been 15,

but like, she didn't seem
very friendly to me that day.

But I'm just like,
"Just get over yourself."


[upbeat music]

[Kris] These people are here

to show us the technique
for the light treatment for psoriasis.


[Kris] Maybe you and I
could really benefit from this treatment.

I mean, you're just looking for a cure
at the end of the day.

-[Kim] Yeah, totally.
-[Kris] Hey, guys.

My mom and I have struggled
with psoriasis forever.

It is so frustrating.

So you're putting it on the affected area

and then pressing the button?

I've kind of given up on treatments
just because nothing has really worked,

so I'm just so excited.

-[Kim] I'm healed.

It's magic.

[phone rings]

[Kris] Hi.

-Is it, is it urgent?
-[Kendall] It's an emergency.

[Kris] Okay.

Give me one second.
I'll call you back right now.

[tense music]

Oh, my God.

That's why she has psoriasis.

Every kid has an emergency, every day.

Hi. Where's... Have you eaten something?

Do you want me to come take you
to the hospital?

Okay, I'm gonna come get you.
Where are you? Where are you?

[Kendall] Literally, like,
two seconds from Dad's house.

[Kris] I'll be there in 15 minutes.

-[Kim] What is going on?
-I know.

Hold on, Dad's calling me.
Dad's calling me.

[Kris] Oh, my God.

[Kim] Mom, what's going on?

She's... Doesn't feel well,

and she's not quite sure what it is.

[Kris] Kendall struggles from anxiety,

and I think she has so much going on
that she gets herself really worked up.

[Kendall] I want to get off the plane.

[Kris] Kendall, don't cry.

It's so weird
'cause I get, like, super lightheaded.

When I'm on planes too
and I feel like I'm gonna faint.

-[Kris] Yeah.
-Everyone says I'm fine,

but I don't feel fine.

Kendall gets the most anxious

during Fashion Week,
so when she's traveling a lot.

Milan's coming up

and trying to juggle it all
is overwhelming.

Oh, my God.

[tense music continues]

[upbeat music]

[line ringing]

-[Malika] Hey, baby girl.
-[Kourtney] Hi.

What's going on with you and Khloé?

Um, really nothing. We haven't spoken.

The whole issue came up
because of this trip.

I was basically asking her
to just wait for me.

My feelings were hurt because I felt like
had it been Tristan or one of the guys,

she'd have waited.

For Khloé and Malika to not be speaking,
I know that it must be serious.

So I just want to really understand
what's going on.

Khloé's going through
such an important time in her life,

and I know that she would love
the support of her best friend.

[Malika] Don't get me wrong,
I love Tristan, I love Sab, I love Simon.

But Khloé and I
used to always do something.

She and I, or the girls, or whatever,

but Khloé doesn't do anything
without Tristan.

I feel like once I was in, like,
a more serious relationship

and had kids and stuff like that,

I just, like, I wasn't as close
with my friends for, like, years.

And then I started having new friends,
like my mom friends and stuff, and then...

-Now... And then when Scott and I broke up,

I got, like, much closer
to my original friends.

And it's okay. I mean, things change.

I mean, I think you guys should talk.
I don't know.

Um... I don't... I don't know exactly.

I don't know, it's just...
It's, it's an awkward thing.

[Kourtney] Yeah.

I don't know.
I just feel like Khloé has a lot going on

that maybe if you reach out, like,
if you've... if you're up to it

and just see what's going on.

No, Kourtney, I know.

It's obviously been easier
for both of us to just avoid.

[upbeat music]

Brand-new white tennis shoes for a hike.

[Scott] We just went sneaker shopping.

-[Khloé] Beverly Hills, what a thrill.
-[Kim] Come on, Mase, chant it with us.

Calabasas, let's... work these asses.


[upbeat music]

Oh, this is a straight wilderness hike.

[Khloé] I'm so tired. Whew.

-[Mason] How is this a lookout?
-[Khloé] 'Cause you look out.

I was asking about, you know,
your mom's real dad,

which would be
your biological grandfather.

-I know nothing about him.
-[Scott] Right. He was, like, an engineer.

-He worked on planes.
-He was?

Yeah. It's, like, pretty cool stuff. Yeah.

[Khloé] But why doesn't Mom talk about it?

I thought he was, like,
a scumbag or something.

[Scott] No, he wasn't.

It's very interesting, all these
little bits and pieces that I've learned,

which is weird that you don't know.

-[Khloé] That's very true.
-To tell the next generation.

My mom is not here anymore,
so it's difficult.

But if she was, I would obviously
want to know every single thing.

And there's definitely times that I want
to ask her questions, but I can't.

[Scott] That's why
I kind of feel passionate about the girls

knowing their mom now while they can.

Why didn't you guys ever ask your mom,
like, about your real grandfather?

[Khloé] I didn't know
that my mom had a different dad...

-I got ya.
-...until later in my life.

'Cause when you're, like, eight,
why are they gonna tell you that?

She's not gonna say, like, "Oh, my dad
passed away when I was younger,

and this guy that you know as my dad
is really my stepdad."

Yeah, but my dad died
when my kids were, like... and mom...

-Like, I'm gonna tell them, no?
-[Kim] Yeah.

Kylie literally... I said,
"Silver Range Rovers are my thing, guys."

So, she just texts me and goes,
"So, I got a silver Range Rover

and I made the top silver like yours

and I put the same wheels on it
like yours,

but don't freak out when you see it."

Well, black cars are my thing,
and if anyone...

-By the way, all cars are my thing!
-...picked any black car...

I did have velvet cars first.

-Yeah, I'm not trying to get a velvet car.
-Oh, no one wants that?

Okay, got it. Got it.

[upbeat music]

[Kendall] Oh!

I'm so happy my bed's gonna be bigger
than this one day.

Look at how much more space I have
for, like, so many friends.

You could put, like, six girls in there.

-I know. It would be amazing.
-[Kris chuckles]

So, what are we gonna do?
Did you go to the doctor?


She took my blood,
and I thought I was anemic.

I think you think you have everything.

There's a lot that happened this past year
that's, like, affected my, like...

Starting with, like...

-[Kendall] Kim's robbery.

[Kris] Yeah.

And then, like, not even,
like, physical things,

like, I think... Well, then I got robbed.

Then I had my stalkers.

[Kendall] That's why I don't really like
going out anymore.

That's why I don't tweet,
that's why I don't Instagram

because then, like,
just that gives me anxiety too.

I swear, it's the craziest thing.

Well, I know you get anxious
when you're on the road,

and you're out there at a Fashion Week
for a month at all these different cities.

And I think what I want to know is,
what's the solution for the next time?

[tense music]

Because I worry about you
and I know you want to do a great job,

so I want to be able to help you

to get to a place

where you can be out there
and not feel anxious.

I know. I don't know what it is.

I don't think any of us have taken
the time to process what's been happening,

maybe over the past, like, year,
almost two years even.

[Kendall] And I think
that that is a factor in a lot of this.

It's hard to just to get your brain
to, like, slow down and think about it

and really process what's been happening.

So, I think now that I sit here
and I can verbally say that,

I think that that will help me
with the steps to take the time

and really address it.

[upbeat music]

[soft ringing]

-[Thalia] Hi.

-How are you?
-[Thalia] I'm good. How are you?

-I'm Kendall.

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you too.

[Thalia] So, you can just take a seat.

The way the sound works is,

each bowl is attuned
to a different energy center of your body.

They're all notes on a melodic scale,
and they correlate with your chakras,

so depending on any issues
that you're going through

or dealing with or want support in,

I can play
more of a certain sound or another.

[Kendall] It's basically just my head.

[Thalia] Mm-hmm.

I, like, feel distant
and out of it all the time,

and, like, my anxiety's just crazy.

-That's kind of it.
-[Thalia] Okay.

Those are, like, my main things.

I haven't really stuck to meditation,

but it has helped in the past, for sure.

And now I think I need
to really dive into it way deeper.

So recently, I've been doing
sound baths and acupuncture

and just trying kind of everything I can
and seeing what works for me.

Just gently close the eyes.

[light music]


[ringing continues]

[Kendall] I think, since I was a kid,
I've always been a hypochondriac.

I remember I would, like, eat oatmeal

and, like, if I put too much sugar
in my oatmeal,

I'd run to my parents and be like,
"I put so much sugar. Am I gonna die?"

Like, I was the worst...
I've always been the worst hypochondriac.

But now I have to try and be a big girl.

-[Thalia laughs]

-[Kendall] Thank you.
-You're very welcome.

-That was awesome.
-Yes, my pleasure.

[upbeat music]

Nice office. It's really come together.

-[Kris] Isn't it exciting?
-That's nice of Kenny.

Isn't that great? The cover of...

[Kris] ♪ Vogue! ♪

♪ The cover of Vogue! ♪

Wait, did you switch chairs?

[Kris] I did.

I took the other chair
over to my new office.

-The apartment building, is it?

There's a lot going on.

Yeah. It's stressing me out a little bit.

I'm still not as concerned
with the present as I am as the past

-of you growing up.
-[Kris] Why? What happened?

-What happened?
-I just feel like your kids

just don't know anything
about how you grew up.

I don't, really...

Nobody really cared to ask me

-about my story.
-[Scott] I care.

Your story's unreal.

I mean, look at what you've become.

[Scott] You're the most interesting woman
in the world.

-[Kris] Right.
-Can we do a legacy video?

[tense music]

-You want to do a legacy video?
-[Scott] Yeah.

[Kris] What?

We have to. It would be epic.

Two years ago, the girls set up
doing a legacy video on MJ.

Do you have any favorite sayings
or quotes that you live by?

[MJ] "Always try harder."

"Do your best."

How many people have you slept with?


-Four total?
-[MJ] No.

-Four that I remember.
-[Kendall] Remember, yeah.


Kris is obviously the matriarch
of this huge, strong family.

And the truth is, I would think
that everybody would be interested

in how she became the woman she is today.

We should get testimonials.

Can you get some old-school celebs?

-Old-school celebs?
-[Scott] Yeah.

Like, it'd be cool, you know what I mean?
They're like,

"That Kris Jenner
is one fine piece of ace."

All the guys that I dated are dead.

All right.

We start work Monday, kid.

Oh, my God. It's a deal.

[light music]

[Sushi barks]

[Kendall] Why does she do that?
It, like, prances.


You should shave this part of your arm.

I laser, and, you know, laser,

if you don't have hair
in a certain spot, like, originally,

and you get it lasered, sometimes,
the hair grows back, like, thick.

And you never even had thick hair there.

Can you heat up my wax machine to medium?

So I found this girl who, like,
is, like, a sound therapist,

and she, like, creates sounds around you

with, like, bowls and, like, chimes
and all this stuff.

It was really nice. Put me to sleep.
But it was really nice.

[Kim] So, you're not going to Paris?

[Kendall] I don't think so.

I wasn't gonna do Milan, and then
my agents were like, "You should do Milan

and then if you don't wanna do
one of them, just don't do Paris."

-[Kim] What about Mom?
-[Kendall] Mom's coming in with me.

But, like, I just want to, like...

be more low-key.

'Cause, like,
Mom would stress you out more.

Yeah. I literally told her,
I was gonna go by myself,

and then I literally told her yesterday,
I was like, "I need space."


[Kim] I think that my mom always wants
to help, but Kendall's an adult,

and she just has to, like, figure out
how to handle it on her own.

[Kim] I am so excited to wax now.

-You have no idea.
-[Kendall] I don't... I... I laser.

And I get laser again tomorrow,
so should I just wait?

-Yeah, you can't do it if you're lasering.

-Well, that's what I've been saying.

I really was looking forward to this.

Stephanie, do you have anything
you want me to wax?

-[Stephanie] Uh...
-Do you need an upper lip wax?

Do you need...

-[Stephanie] Yeah, do you want to do it?

Should I trust her?

-[Kendall] Yeah.
-Let me see.

Didn't you go to, like, cosmetology school
or whatever it's called?

[Kim] When I was 14,
my dad got me makeup lessons.

That is not cosmetology school.

That was, like, one lesson with a guy
videotaping doing my makeup.

-[Kendall] Oh.
-Which I really want to find.

I know. I would do anything to find that.

-Don't put it up my nose.
-[Kim] No, it's good up there.

-You don't want little nose hairs.
-[Kendall] Okay.

-[Kendall chuckles]
-What, Kendall?

Yeah, I think this was a bad idea.

-[Stephanie] Mm, Kendall, don't say that!
-[Kim] Wait.

-[Kim] One, two.


-[Kim] Wait, wait.
-She's bleeding.

It's a dot, you guys. Relax.

[upbeat music]


Malika recently has texted me
and said she wants to talk.

[Khloé] We haven't really spoken
since our last fight.

I'm totally down to talk.

I just hope we actually get
to the bottom of our issues.

Well, I appreciate you coming over.

[Malika] Of course.

Because I think we both, like, have maybe
miscommunication as to what happened.

-[Khloé] I think...
-I agree.

Definitely, you feel your way,
and I feel my way,

and I think we just need to talk about it.
You're not big on communication.

-I'm not.
-[Khloé] I am.

[Malika] Yeah.

Like, I wasn't aware
that you wanted me to wait for you

till after you guys were done working,
which I would have no problem doing.

[Khloé] I just was like, you know,
"Simon and Sabbaz are meeting us down..."

Like, everyone was just driving down
on their own.

I, of course, would have waited,

but I didn't know that was, like,
what kind of, like, the whole problem was.

I think where the miscommunication came in

was because you're with the guys
all the time,

so your communication with them
is even stronger than it is with me.

I think your perception
is that I'm always with the boys.

I genuinely don't see the boys that much.

[Khloé] The boys, yeah,
they're Tristan's best friends,

and I'm friends with them,
of course I love them.

You know, like, when they're here,

they're normally doing a few things,
then they bounce.

Like... and I'm normally at work.

Either way, it just, to me, it's so...

Not that your feelings are petty.

This whole thing's a little petty.
Like, this is why we're not talking.

Yeah, it's petty
'cause we just didn't talk about it.

-[Mallika] Because...

I became frustrated, you become frustrated

because ultimately, we didn't end up

doing something
that we planned on doing together.

It doesn't matter.
It's here and it's gone, but...

I feel like there's also something else
that's bothering you,

and I don't know what that is.

We don't spend a lot
of "Malika and Khloé" time.

We spend a lot
of "Malika, Khloé, and the guy" time.

I do love the boys.

I do have a great relationship
with them, but I don't...

It's not our relationship, and I don't...

It's not, but I think sometimes,

the people that you spend
the majority of your time with

become priority
'cause they're right in front of you.

And I just don't want to feel like I...

I don't want to come secondary.

If I want to talk to you,

I maybe don't want to talk to you
in front of all the guys.

-[Malika] Or... you know what I'm saying?

And it is a bit of a strain.

[somber music]

I don't want to blame you
because you moved.

That's so childish, but I think it's hard.

Like, you and I, we went from seeing
each other how many days a week,

to, like, seeing each other
every other month.

I want to be around you
and spend time with you, but, like...

Why don't you just say that?

[in soft voice]
I'm gonna...

Don't cry.

You don't have to cry.

-You always cry.
-[Malika] I love you.

[Khloé] I love you.

Regardless if I agree
with everything she's saying,

her feelings are her feelings,
and I'm never gonna invalidate them,

so if Malika feels like I'm not good

at giving her
that individual one-on-one time,

I have to be more aware of that,
and I need to make a better effort.

I do try to communicate with you
when I'm there.

I will try harder.

Well, just call me and talk to me
and tell me you stubbed your toe.

Tell me you tripped down the stairs
'cause you're clumsy.

Just talk to me.

[Khloé] You know what?
Life does get in the way,

and I don't think that's a bad thing.

I think we all have to be secure
with our role in each other's lives

and just be okay with that.

So can we get to the important things now?

What's important?

-You have a boyfriend?
-[Malika] Yeah.

-You're gonna smack me.
-[Khloé] Oh, no.

This is why I really missed you though.

This 18 days has felt like a year.


[upbeat music]

[Kris] This is cute.

What size is this one you have?

[indistinct chatter]

-12 months.
-[Kris] 12?

It's okay from 6 to 12 months.

This I want, and this I want.

Is this size too big?

No, I like that size.

[Kris] It's hard for me
to watch my daughter struggle,

and I feel like it's my job
to make sure she's okay,

which is really why I am here in Milan,

but I realized Kendall

is one of the most independent women
I've ever met in my life,

and she can get to the root of the issue

and the problem by herself.

So I'm gonna relax and enjoy myself.

I need to get out of here
before I get into more trouble.

[Kris laughs]

-[Kris] Thank you.
-[man] I agree.

All right, come on down.

[Khloé] I hope they taste good.

Can I show you
these DASH sweatshirts for approval?

[Kourtney] Here's one.

-I just don't like that design.
-Hate it.

I don't like this design,
but I like the sweatshirt itself.


-What is this?
-And here's this. So I like this the best.

[Khloé] That's better.
That's more like Guess.

-Yeah, and it's more like Fila.
-Or Express.

[Khloé] Yeah, that's the one.

[both] Yeah!

And then should we do gray just with gray,
and then white with white?

-Tone on tone.
-Tone on tone.


[Kourtney] Taking care of that, boss.

So the guy and Malika...

[Khloé] Okay, I just love this girl.

She still talks to that guy?

No. So the guy, you know,
took her to the Bahamas,

and then he went silent, like disappeared.

So then she was like, "I want to text him
and be like, 'What happened?'"

She texts him,
"I've wanted to talk to you.

I like you. I thought you liked me.
I don't really know what happened.

And I'd really appreciate it
if you would share

your honest point of view with me."

-Where is this girl? Yeah.
-[Khloé] Malika?

[line ringing]

-[Malika] Hello?
-Hey. I'm with Kourt.

Hi, Kourt.

Hi. I just think you need to...

I mean, you already sent that text.
Was that just now?


Okay, so moving forward, let's not
really communicate with him anymore.

Yeah, that's what I feel like. I...

I just feel like, do you know the power
of ignoring and what it does to people?


The power that you will hold inside of you

will make you so horny
that you'll literally...

Like, I don't even know what you'll do.

It hurts my feelings, like...

And I just don't want to keep putting
myself up against someone

that is obviously showing me
he doesn't care.

I'm not the girl you hit
when you're [bleep] bored.

'Cause he's keeping tabs on you,

so when he wants to [bleep] you,
you're still available.

[Khloé] But we have to hold ourselves
in higher regard

so we don't allow people
to treat us certain ways.

I totally agree.

It obviously devastates me
when Malika's upset.

It makes me upset,

and I don't want her to keep
going through the same vicious cycle.

And I love Malika so much
for being this hopeless romantic

and for just falling in love with love,

but it's just... when she gets hurt,

she really gets hurt.

Thanks for being so supportive, guys.

I'll keep you posted.

Okay. Love you.

I just feel bad.

[upbeat music]

-[woman 1] Thank you, guys.
-[man] Thank you so much.

[Kris] What's going on back here?

[woman 2] You've got beautiful daughters.

[Kris] Thank you.

[upbeat music]

Anxiety's all mental, so you have to try
and find your ways around it.

[gentle music]

I try and maintain it, but sometimes,
it's, like, out of your control.

But I think I'm very blessed
to be in the situation I'm in,

and every year that I do fashion months,
it gets a little bit easier

and, um, yeah, it's really exciting.

I still look forward to it every year.

Oh, my God, you're wearing
what I wore in the show.

[Kris] I know.

You're such a little princess.

[light upbeat music]

[birds chirping]

All right.

[Scott] How we looking out here?

You know,
I'm not a huge fan of working hard,

but I really worked a little bit
and put a whole production crew together

to film this legacy video.

Looks good.

Let me get Kris.

You know, obviously, I'm doing this video
because I'm interested

and because I want Kris to have this,

but I'm also doing it because I think

that the girls
would really enjoy it as well.

I've got some hard-hitting questions
for you.

[Kris] Okay, Barbara Walters, calm down.

-[Scott] Shall we get started?
-[Kris] I don't know. Should we?

When and where were you born?

I was born in San Diego, California.

November 5th, 1955.

A very long time ago.

-What were you like as a kid?

[Kris] One of my childhood memories
is being at my grandmother's house.

That was such an amazing time in my life
because it was such a family time.

It was always my grandparents
and my mom and my biological father.

And we had so much fun, and it was sort of
the idyllic, warm-and-fuzzy childhood.

But my parents got divorced
when I was seven.

How was that?

That was really sad.

Not a lot of people know too much
about your biological father.

Okay, my biological dad,
his name was Robert Houghton.

He moved to the Midwest
because he was an engineer,

and he worked at places like Boeing and...

-Boeing jets?
-[Kris] Yes.

So he did that for many years.

And his work took him out of the city
from time to time.

[Scott] Wow, that's pretty cool.

[Kris] And then he moved back to San Diego
when I was a teenager.

And then how much longer was he involved
in your life until he passed away?

[pensive music]

-I guess, like, four years.
-[Scott] Wow, that's not that much.

Four years later, he and his girlfriend
at the time went to Mexico.

[Kris] He was k*lled in a car accident.

-She was with him in the car?
-[Kris] Mm-hmm.

-She survived?
-[Kris] Uh-huh.

-Well, that's interesting too.

-I just thought he was by himself.

-I didn't know that.
-Yeah, they were together in the car.


Did you ever keep in contact with her
just to have any relation or...

-I have no idea.
-[Scott] Okay.

[Kris] We have to ask MJ.

-Wait, let's just call her.
-[Scott] All right.

[line ringing]

-[MJ] Hello?
-[Kris] Hi, Mom.


So when Bob died... did I have any contact
with his girlfriend?


Yeah, you went to the hospital,

and she told you what happened

-at the accident in Mexico.
-[Kris] Uh-huh.

The vehicle that knocked them
off the road just kept going.

-It was, like, a semi...
-[Kris] Uh-huh.

...and it just went rolling through a field.


And, um, the nuns got him out of the field

'cause there was a nunnery nearby.

[somber music]

-[Kris] Okay. All right.

-Bye, Mom.

You know, obviously,
when something like that... traumatic,

happens in your life

and you lose a parent,
that things are a little foggy.

Losing my dad
was one of the most significant things

that's ever happened in our lives.

You know, you don't have that father...

We had our stepdad as our father figure.

[Scott] Right.

Who we loved so much,
and he, you know, raised us.

Um, do you remember your first crush?

[Kris] I do.

-I think I was, like, maybe 15.
-[Scott] Hmm.

Do you remember the actual, real,
like, first love of your life?

I think the first love of my life
was when I met Robert Kardashian.

-[Scott] Oh, wow.

My mother had this tradition
of going to the Del Mar racetrack,

and that's where I met Robert Kardashian.

I couldn't bet,
because I wasn't old enough,

so I stood off to the side

while everybody I was with
was placing their bets.

Robert came up to me and asked me out.

[Kris] And then eventually, he said,

"The day that you get out
of flight attendant school and graduate

and move to New York is the same day
O.J. and I are coming to New York

because O.J.'s doing commentary
at the Olympics.

And I'm really excited to go up there
and watch this young kid, Bruce Jenner,

try and win the decathlon."

-Robert said this?
-[Kris] Yeah.

He was at the Olympic Games...

-Yes. That's right.
-...that Bruce won?

That is a very cool story.

What are the most important lessons
you've learned in your life?

To appreciate the people
that you love while they're here.

-[Scott] Okay.
-Because you never know

when suddenly, you might not have somebody
that means so much to you.

There's definitely a couple things
that have come up

that the girls have never told me about,

that I've never even
heard them talk about,

and if somebody were to come to me

and give me a video of my parent
telling their whole life story,

I would be greatly appreciative.

So I hope the girls like it
as much as I would've liked it.

The fact that you had the interest
to even sit down

and talk to me about
what my past was like,

or what I was like when I was younger,
is really sweet.

-Yeah, I mean, I find it interesting.
-And I appreciate you caring about me.

-And I want...
-[Kris] Thank you. kids to know all these things.

[Scott] It was a pleasure
sitting down with you.

Oh, it's my pleasure.
Thank you for having me.

[upbeat music]

[Malika] I had my, like,
your body-chemistry test

that I did, like, last year,

and then I did it again this year.

You're definitely skinnier than I am.

[Malika] But I need my fat.

Like, I need it or I have no shape at all.

[Khloé] Better keep eating.

I'm really glad that Malika and I
got all that crap out of the way,

and I thought we would just have
a good time together.

So Malika and I met a matchmaker,
someone who's an expert in this field,

that knows what they're doing.

We definitely like to dig in
a little more and see,

you know, what is it
that you genuinely are looking for.

How do we know that this will work for me?

We don't know.

[Khloé] How do we know
any of your relationships

-are gonna work for you? We don't know.
-[Malika] I know.

Let's just try it out.

Taste some appetizers.

Okay, so here we go with all the...
with all the great...

Is he a model?

[Raj] He is 26 years old.

His birth sign is an Aries.

He recently became a vegan.

Oh, my God, I'm pescatarian. Cute.

And then we have Tavares.

[Raj] He's 35 years old.

He served six and a half years
in the military.

He has a degree
in business management and marketing.

-Oh, okay.
-[Raj] Yes.

And then we have Chris Roy.

Is Chris in a club?

[quirky music]

[Malika] Amazing.

One of my other favorites, this is Kobie,

also known as Gatsby Randolph
on social media.

[Raj] He has a very,
very big following.

He is the, the modern day Renaissance man.

He's an entrepreneur,
former nightclub owner.

He's a published author.

He looks a lot chubbier
on his social media.

So, I have to pick one?

You can pick all of them.

[both] Okay.

Well, why don't we marinate on it,
and let Raj know tomorrow?

-[Raj] Yeah.
-[Malika] Okay.

-All right, sounds good. Absolutely.

-This is pretty interesting. Okay.
-[Khloé] We'll stay here, Malik.

-[Raj] Talk to you guys soon. Bye.

How are you feeling?
Like, what's your gut?

My gut's, like, nervous.

And this is making me think
I'm way pickier than I thought I was.

[Khloé] I could tell
this isn't gonna work out for Malika.

She's my best friend. I've known her
since I've been 15 years old.

I know her very well,

but, you know, with everything
that's been going on,

I'm just happy
that we're able to laugh about this

and be on the same page with this.

And I mean, this is just what we do.

You break up to make up.

Well, nothing worth having comes easy.

-I know. I know.
-Like those cookies you just ate.

I'm just so fat.

[both laughing]

[upbeat music]

[Kris] When you guys recycle,

do you put plastic in here,
or glass, or plastic and glass?

[Khloé] Plastic and glass.

[Kris] Oh, so plastic and glass. And?

[Khloé] And aluminum.

And aluminum.

You just don't put food
and, like, perishables.

[Khloé] That's probably
the only thing you can't recycle.

Get in here.

-You're gonna get recycled.
-[Scott] Hello, hello.



-[Scott] How you doing? Hi.
-How are you?

I come bearing gifts today, by the way.

Wait, what kind of gifts?

I have the legacy video

-that I made of you.
-[Kris] Stop.

-Yeah, I'd always find it interesting.
-Wait, is this what we did with Grandma?

-[Scott] It's very similar but about her.
-[Kris] Yeah.

I'm always asking you
if you guys know, like,

-the relationship...
-Is it about her camel toe too?

-Do I have a camel toe?

It's too big to fit
in this one a little DVD.

-[Kris] Do I have a camel toe?

-[Scott] Anyhoo...
-Can I have mine?

Oh, we each get one?

Yeah, listen, we're rich out here.
Enough to go around.

-[Kim] Oh, this is so cute.
-Look at the picture.

[Khloé] That looks like Kourtney!

"Kris Jenner was born
Kristen Mary Houghton

on November 5th, 1995

to proud parents Mary Jo Shannon
and Robert Houghton."

All right, let's go watch this.

[light upbeat music]

I think that as our parents get older,

you want to know more about
what your mom or your dad

might've gone through when they were
the same age that you are.

I'm really excited for my kids
to see my legacy video

because they'll have that forever,

and who knows,
maybe they learn a thing or two

about their mom
that they didn't know before.

My psoriasis is getting a bit better.

Oh, my God. Good.

[Khloé] Oh, my God!

-Wait, turn it up.

You did interviews?

Of course.

The most dramatic thing
that my kids don't know about me

is I had a bone tumor in my left leg.

-[Khloé] You did?
-[Kim] I knew that.

I did not know that.

They were gonna do a test on it

while they had my leg open,
and if it came back

positive for any cancer,
they would have to amputate my leg.

-[Khloé] That's horrible.
-And I think that's something

that really affected my mom and I.

And then, in the spring of 1973,
I was 17 years old.

-I actually had a boyfriend...
-Of course you did.

...who was always out of town.
His name was Caesar.

So while he was living on the road,
I met Robert Kardashian.

Ooh! Hussy.

Robert came over one day
when Caesar was out of town.

[Khloé] What? Mom!

-Were you hooking up with him?

Oh, my God! You're such a whore.

Now we know where we get it from.

[Kris on video]
And then we went back to Caesar's house,

and lo and behold,
Caesar came home to surprise me.

-[Scott on video] And? What happened?

[Kris] Well, it wasn't pretty.

-[Scott] Did they get into a fistfight?
-[Kris] I'm not proud of it.

Actually, Caesar tried
to grab his sweater.

I think he ripped a hole

-in Robert's sweater.
-[Khloé gasps]

I didn't want to ever hurt
anybody's feelings.

"I just wanted some d*ck
while Caesar was out of town."


Oh, my God. I cannot believe
Scott made this legacy video.

-I think it's so sweet.
-And so sweet.

So much I think we think we know
about Mom, but we really don't.

[Khloé] This is my mom's time to shine.

I think all she ever wants
is to feel like all the attention's on her

and that, like, we really are listening
and care about her as her children.

So it's cute to see her that excited.

Yeah, she was really excited.

What do you hope
for your kids and your grandkids?

I hope that they understand and appreciate

the value of having
this big, huge enormous family.

[soft music]

And that they all stick together
and figure out

how to go through life together
and to support each other.

-[Scott] Very, very nice.
-[Kris] Yeah.

-[Khloé] Yay!
-[all clapping]

-[Kris] What do you think?

I do think it's super...
just smart of Scott.

'Cause even that made me think about Dad.

Like, man, I wish we did this with Dad
and just had it.

-So in, like, 20 years, like...

In 20 years, we might forget
half the stuff about Mom

-and watch it and just, you know...

...remember all over again.

Thank you so much
for taking the time to do that for me,

so my kids will have it
and learn a little something about me.

It was a lot more time
than that comes out to, by the way.

It looks easy.

I was out there hours.

But the lighting. I got to work on...

Scott, work on your lighting.

I know. It was the first time
I was in production.

No, but in general, you're a sloucher.

[Kim] You should've just taped it up
behind your neck.

-[Khloé gasps]
-[Khloé and Scott] What?

-Oh, my God.
-[Scott] You can do that?

[Khloé] Tape your neck?

[Kris] Ouch.

[Kim] On the next episode...

[Kourtney] So, I've been thinking
about freezing my eggs.

Are you serious? You want another kid?

I should just do it
so I don't have to think.

Is this why I want to have kids?
It's, like, putting too much pressure.

My name is Miranda.

My name is Miranda.

My name is Miranda.

What the [bleep] is going on here?


TMZ just got a tip that you're pregnant.

It's just really unfortunate for Khloé
'cause she's not ready to talk about it.

You want to tell people yourself.

It's just, like, people take all of that
away from you.