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14x15 - Diamonds Are Forever

Posted: 05/08/24 20:05
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

[Kim] Would want it, like, more like this.

I'll be quite honest,
I don't even know what this room is.


So like, the little open tub, crib...

-[Scott] For another baby?

Do you really think you need to worry
about redoing these cabinets

if this is gonna be a nursery
for a kid that you don't even have?

-[Kim] Yeah.
-Are you pregnant?

[tense music]

Is this a joke?

Do you not know we're having another baby?

Not really.

Scott, we're having a baby...

-in, like, a couple of months.
-[Scott] Are you being serious?

-I'm dead serious.
-[Scott] Oh, okay.

[Kim] No, I swear.

But you're not carrying it?

No, I'm not.

-[Scott] What?
-We went the surrogacy route.

-I never had this conversation with you?
-[Scott] This is a joke.

-I swear I'm not joking with you.
-[Scott] Yeah, right.

Scott, I swear I'm not joking with you.

I don't know what's going on anymore.

[theme music]

[Kris] Hi.

Is Kylie still living here?

[Kris] Yup, Kylie's living here.

That's what happens around here.

I'd like to move in here at some point
and not have to pay bills.

-[Kris] Well...
-[Scott] Do you mind?

[Kris] Everybody else does.

[Scott] It's very hip.

So, when are you going to Fashion Week?

[Kris] Next week.

I kind of feel like I want to go with you.

-To Fashion Week?
-[Scott] Yeah.

And, like, do stuff together.

Go to lunch, dinner.
I'll go to some shows with you.

Well, didn't you tell me that you were...
you'd been invited to some shows

-and they were gonna pay you to go?
-Yeah. Yeah, but I wasn't gonna go.

I was just gonna stay home
and hang with, like, the kids and relax,

but I then I was like, I kind of, like,
wanna spend some time with you

and, like... I just feel like
I never see you at home.

And I feel like this is, like,
a good time for me

to spend, like, with, like, family

and not be, like, alone and stuff,
so it's good.

Well, I would love to have you come.

Fashion Week in New York is always fun
and because I'm from New York,

I love to get back there,
and this is a perfect excuse to go back

and it's always nice
to see all my old friends.

And now that Kris is going,
it's even more exciting

'cause I get to spend some time with her
in my hometown.

We'll go to Carbone,

or we'll go to Cipriani,

or we'll go to Serafina.

Oh, my God, Milos, my favorite.

-[Scott] You love that place, huh?
-I do.

[Kris] And then Kendall's receiving
an award.

She is?

The Daily Front Row is giving her
the Fashion Icon of the Decade.

Oh, how cute. Well, I would go to that
and, like, support her for that.

[Kris] So that's an award show.

-[Scott] I like where this is going.
-[Kris] Yeah, me too.

So you're gonna bring out the wardrobe,
right, for Fashion Week?

-You gonna wear suits with a pocket scarf.
-[Scott] Yeah.

-Scott Disick.
-[Scott] For sure.

You're gonna be Scott Disick on this trip?

[Scott] I'm gonna be Scott Disick
in this bitch.

I love it.

I may wear a suit on the plane.

-[Scott] Okay. See you.
-[Kris] Well, don't get carried away.

-[Scott] Love you.
-Love you too.

[soft chuckle]

[in high-pitched filtered voice]
Can I flick your ponytail, Kourt?

[indistinct chatter]

[upbeat music]

-[server] Hi, there.
-[Khloé] Hi, how are you?

-[server] Welcome.
-Thank you.

-Thank you.
-[Khloé] What do you get?

-[Kim] I get the Dim Sum and Then Some.
-What the [bleep] is that?

It's three things.

So, I get the chicken pot stickers
with the...

then a little salad
and then shrimp-fried rice.

[Khloé] That's your whole thing?

-But it's literally enough for both of us.
-[waitress] How you doing?

-[Khloé] Thank you.
-Good. How are you?

-Don't know why I said thank you.
-Can I get y'all started

with any mango iced tea, lemonade?

-I'll have a mango iced tea, please.
-Mango, sure.

-I'll do an Arnold Palmer.

Thank you.

Do you care for any sweetener on the side?

-Yes, please.
-I'll be right back.


Yesterday, went into a doctor's office,
they walk me in the front door.

Thirty people in the waiting room
and I'm like,

"Uh," and then the surrogate,
like, runs up to me

and the guy's videotaping.

-And I... Some random.
-[Khloé] Who?

And I'm like, okay,
like, if this isn't that obvious,

it was just such a [bleep] show yesterday
and then it's, like, everywhere.

My doctor was sick and they recommended
my surrogate go for a check-up

at a random doctor's office,
so I went to that appointment.

And all of these people were in the lobby
and people were trying to take pictures.

So, right away,
I started to get all of these calls

and emails asking if it was true.

I really hope the speculation dies down

and people just don't dig more
to try to get more info.

So, anyway, I come home.

I'm showing North pictures and she's like,
"Mom, is this baby in your belly?"

-Like, I don't even know what's happening.
-[Kim] "Where is the baby, Mom?"

[Khloé] It is gonna be weirder
having another baby.

But you know what I say to people

that are nervous
when they're having their third?

[Khloé] Mm?

[Kim] What would we do without our Khloé?

-[Kim] That is my line.

I almost wanted to put you on speaker
with someone and say it on the fly.

We'll call good old Allison.

[line ringing]

Good old Allison.

-[Allison] Hello?
-[Kim] Hey.

-Real quick, what do I say...

What did I say to you when you were
really nervous about having your third?

"Khloé's the best.
What would we do without Khloé?"

Aw, I am here.

I wanted to see
if she was telling the truth or not.

Aw, does she lie a lot?

-Yeah, but Kim...

-...that's so good to know.
-[Kim] No, I don't.

-[Allison] You're so cute.

[birds chirping]

[Kris] Hey, Khloé.

-Hey, Mom. Oh, you look pretty.
-Do you have an appointment?

-Thank you.
-Yeah, you're like the doctor.

I sit here and I wait.

-[Kris] Oh, exactly.
-Like a waiting room.

-What are you doing?
-[Khloé] I'm just glancing.

-What are you doing?
-[Kris] Uh...

[phone ringing]

You know what? It's Kim.


[Kim] Hey. So I wanted to call you and see

if, um, my stylist can come on the plane,

if there's enough room
since it's Fashion Week.

You know, Scott wants
to come on the plane too.

Scott's going?

[Kris] Yeah. And he's trying to be sober,

but here's the thing, I was just talking...

Wait, do you think it's really bizarre

that he is going to Fashion Week,

like, to party and, like...

I don't know if he's going to party.
Hi. Khlo's here.

-I don't know if he's going to party.

I think he just wants to, like, go
and feel good.

I just think there's enough, you know...

history, bad history here,

to, um, pay a little bit of attention,
give him something to do

so he doesn't have an excuse to go
get into some trouble.

So we're gonna babysit, basically.

But remember when he disappeared?

Like, he just literally disappeared.

Didn't show up for anything,
nobody could find him.

I think we just have to remember
every time there's a dinner or a show

or you know, a lunch or something,
to bring him along.

[tense music]

New York has always been
such a temptation for Scott

and very, very much
his very dangerous playground.

So I want to plan some really fun things
for Scott and I to do together.

[Kris] So, can you come over here later on
for a meeting?

[Kim] Well, I can't
because I'm dying my hair blonde

and it's gonna take forever, so...

[Kris] You're dying your hair blonde?

Wait, have you ever heard
of this thing called a wig?

I don't like wigs.
They're just not for me.

Like, I need my real hair.

[Kris] This is a huge commitment.


[upbeat music]

[Kourtney whoops]

-[Kris shouts]

[Khloé] Oh, my God!

After 12 hours of dying it.

-[Kim] Do you guys like it?

-Wowzas. Holy...
-[Kim] You don't like it.

No, I do, it's just, like,
you change things all the time.

-I'm not that blown away.
-[Kim] No, I don't.

I've had the same hair forever.

-[Khloé] You had white hair...
-[Kim] Three years ago.

-[Kim] Three.

And it was yellow, not this white.

What are you guys doing out here
on the basketball court

-drinking tea?
-We were gonna organize all these car...

-'Cause look at all the crap she has here.

-This is disgusting.
-And they're filthy.

You need, like, car covers
or something with this crap.

-No, who wants to come and uncover it?
-Or, like, what are those?

But your kids are taller
than those soccer things.

-[Khloé] God, this is the one thing I am...
-Those are hockey.

-...not looking forward to. Oh.
-Those are hockey.

-[Kourtney] They like this.
-[Khloé] Okay.

They love these scooters.

They like their bikes.

They like the skateboards.

[Kourtney] Well, um, okay,
which of these cars can go?

Okay, this is fine.

This, you know,
these are not supposed to be outside.

[toy car whirring]

[tense music]

[Khloé] All right.

-[Kourtney] Okay.
-[Khloé] Don't you feel good?

[Kourtney] What about this one?

[Kim] Yeah, I think that's a good one.

-[Khloé] That's cute.
-[Kourtney] Okay.

All right, that was a good clean-out.
I feel good about that.

[Kourtney screams]

-Oh, my God!

[Kim] Shut the [bleep] up!

Oh, my God!

-Is that real?
-[Kourtney] Yes.

[tense music]

[Khloé] Kourtney, are you kidding me?

Shut the [bleep] up.

[Kim] Oh, my God.

I feel like there's a [bleep] tarantula
in my ass.

Holy [bleep], you guys.

[Kim] What are we gonna do?

[both screaming]

[Khloé] What? What? What? What?

[Kourtney] Oh, my God.

-It's just like, whatever.
-[Khloé] What?

[Kourtney laughs]

-Oh, my God.
-It's like a nightmare over here.

I got to get out of here.

I've never seen tarantulas before
in the years of living here.

I just can't even believe
this is happening.

I feel like someone
is fully doing, like, a prank on me.

-Do not [bleep] with me.


Oh, my God.

You guys... I'm literally... dying.

Like, this is my biggest nightmare.
I've got to get out of here.

[Kim] No one [bleep] with me
and try to put one on me,

or I'll literally [bleep] k*ll you.

[Kourtney] We're not gonna do that,
they bite.

We're on a flight. We'll see you soon.

[upbeat music]

[Scott] Good morning!

-[Kris] Good morning.
-Top of the morning to you!

Oh, top of the morning.


I haven't had Cipriani's
in about ten hours.

-Oh, my God. Mwah.

-[Kim] I just had breakfast.

So I'm gonna save mine until later.

-[Kris] I'm so excited.
-[Scott] What are you guys up to?

Any shows?

Tonight, I'm gonna go
to this Vivienne Westwood exhibit.

-[Scott] Oh, I heard that's sick.

Do you want to come?

[Scott] It's probably too fancy.

And I don't really die
to mingle with people.

[Kris] Are you sure?

It's our first full day in New York.

I can't force him to go to the things
that I'm going to

and that I have to go to for work.

But at the same time,
it's gonna stress me out

because I don't know
what he's gonna be doing.

-[Kim] Hi.
-[Alexander] How are you?

-[Kim] How are you?
-Jeez, you're blonde.

-That's a big surprise.

[Alexander chuckling]

I know. I was waiting to debut it
in New York.

Hi, how are you? Kim.

You got seen for long.

Is this... Is this your hair?

Oh, I was like, I didn't know.

I know, I said everyone's gonna think
it's, like, a wig, but it's not.

-Did you do it for something?
-For this.

-Oh, for this. Okay!
-[Kim] Yeah, just for New York.

-For your show. No pressure.
-Oh, well...


You're gonna see that there's a lot

of inspiration from you in the show too.


I mean, you'll see.
It's gonna be, like, you know.

Yes. I'm so excited.

[Alexander] So, this was taken from
the resort piece that we made for you.

-[Kim] How cute.
-[Alexander] It's, like, off the shoulder.

-KJ will steal this.
-[Alexander laughs]

I don't know what it is about September
and this plaid, but I'm obsessed.

This is really cute.

Love this. It's so cool.

-[Alexander] Like, just I told you.
-So that's really cute.

[upbeat music]

[Kris] Done and done.

You know you gotta hit Alexander Wang,
and you've done New York.

[upbeat music]

[Kourtney] Let me get towels.

[Larsa] Thank you.

[Kourtney] Oh, wait, you got gold nails?

[Larsa] Is it good,
or is it too, like, stripperish?

-It's kind of stripperish.
-No, but it's fun.

[Larsa] I liked it there

and then as soon as I left, I go,
"What was I thinking?"

No, I just, I mean, you're talking
to the wrong person, 'cause I do "nude."

I know, normally,
all I do is, like, white or black.

But lately, I've... You know,
I moved to LA, it's like a new vibe.

You were like, "Let me stripper it up."

[Larsa] Let me just turn up
for a hot moment.

[Larsa screams]

-Oh, my God!
-Oh! What?

-Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
-[Larsa] What?

-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God.


I called pest control.

They came. They sprayed two times.

I just don't even know what to do,
because this is where,

I swear, we're outside,
like, 50 percent of the time.

And I've already had the exterminator
come out and spray.

Yes, the guy's here spraying
for tarantulas.

[Kourtney] Oh, my God!

[upbeat music]

I just won't be able to sleep at night,
and I just...

I will not feel comfortable
until these tarantulas are fully gone.

Hold on, I'm calling the pest control guy.

This is insane.

I'm so scared of it. It's so big.

[line ringing]

[man] Pest control, how can I help you?

Hi, um, we had...

You guys sprayed,
but there's a tarantula currently.

[Larsa] We're infested with tarantulas.

-They're coming out of our asses.
-It's insane.

Like, there's one right now.
We're looking right at it.

Yeah, I can try and dispatch someone

and send them your way, uh, right now.

But just, you know, just to be clear,
it is mating season for those tarantulas,

so it's probably gonna take
a few more sprays and, uh...

[both screaming]

-Oh, my God! There's another one!
-[Larsa] I'm out of here.

-Oh, my God.
-I'm leaving. Kourtney, I'm leaving.

[Larsa] I promise I'm going back
to Beverly Hills.

This wild, wild west is not for me.
I'm out of here.

Call 911.

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Hello?

What did it say?

Okay. It's so annoying.

[Kim] Okay, bye.

TMZ just posted up this story
that my surrogate is pregnant.

[upbeat music]

You know, we haven't confirmed anything.

And it's just, like, what is the plan?

Like, am I... I mean, obviously,
we've talked to Kanye about it.

[Kris] Have they identified
who the surrogate is?

"Third baby due in January."

I honestly am absolutely fuming

that there's all these articles coming out
about our surrogate.

People started to write me,
asking if it was true, and I just said,

you know, we didn't really want
to talk about it right now,

and whenever we're ready, we will.

I have signed up for this life,
and I know how to handle it,

but someone like her does not,

and I would never want to put her
in that situation.

All I can do is hope
that all these rumors just die down.

[tense music]

[upbeat music]

-[Kim] André.
-This is the Met Ball!

-How are you?
-Thank you. How are you?

-Tell me, how does it feel?
-I'm so excited.

[paparazzi] Ms. Kim, are you and Kanye
excited about the new baby?

[Scott] Have you been enjoying
the trip so far?

-I'm really tired, for some reason.
-[Scott] Yeah.

And I don't feel great.

[Scott] Kendall doesn't feel great,

No. I just don't feel good.

I want to go home and go to the doctor.

-That's annoying.
-[Kris] Yeah.

[waiter] Care for a drink?

Uh, I'm good with this.

-The menu?
-[Kris] Yeah, thank you.

A lunch menu, and I'm gonna leave you
one à la carte menu.

Ah, thank you.

[Kris] Yeah, no, no cocktails.

-[Scott] No, à la carte.
-[waiter] The dinner, à la carte.

[Kris] À la carte. À la carte.

You know what I've decided?

I'm just gonna surrender to the fact

that nothing good really happens
after ten o'clock at night.

[Scott] It depends what you're doing.

-I think people should just stay in.

But I've been going out every night.

[Scott] It's nice to stay busy
when I'm here.

You know what I mean?

This is probably the first time
I've ever been in New York

in probably ten years

that I've woken up at, like, seven
or eight o'clock every single day,

and felt amazing.

I'm clear and excited
and I'm happy to be out and run around.

-[Kris] Yeah. Yeah.
-It's, like, unbelievable.

So like, for me, it's, like,

I almost have, like, a newfound respect
for myself and for New York.

-But, like, it's so amazing.

[Scott] And I talk to the kids every day
and every night,

before bed, when they get up, FaceTime.

And I'm there, and at least the kids know
that I'm present

and I'm talking to them. It's nice.

[Kris] You're doing so well.

I'm so proud of you.

I wasn't sure how Scott
was gonna be doing on this trip

because I really haven't
seen him very much,

but I'm really happy for Scott.

He seems happy, healthy, present,
alive and enjoying his life.

[phone ringing]

[Scott] Hi, Reigny.

-Say hi to Lovey.
-Hi, Reigny.


[indistinct chatter]

So cute.

[Scott] Can you say "Hi, Da-da?"

Hello, friend.

[Scott] Hello, Reign.

Hello, Reign.

All right, love you, honey.

Bye, sweetheart.

[Scott] I like that kid.

Turns out, he's not a bad guy.

He's so cute.

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Oh, my God, it looks so good.
I love this color.

[Kim gasps]

-So good.
-[friend] Right?


[Kim] Look at how cute these shorts

and these dresses are.

And this... they're one set.

[Kim] So cute.

[line ringing]

[Kim] Hey, babe.

So really quick, um, just about the baby.

Just so you know,
it's like every detail's come out.

Everyone's been writing me, like the head
of the children's hospital that I visit.

They're like, "Congrats."

Like, people, like, from high school
that I haven't heard of.

[Kim] And I'm, like, just so upset.

It says, like, the nationality
of the surrogate,

how old she is, where she's from,

that she's registered a Democrat,
that she has two kids.

[Kim] I mean, like, they know
every last detail about her.

I just think it's just so invasive,
and so frustrating

that the identity of our surrogate

and all of her personal information
got leaked.

I'm, like, torn on what to do
or what to say.

[phone ringing]

-I have to take this call really quick.

[Kim] Okay, how are you?

-[attorney] How are you?
-[Kim] I'm fine.

I mean it's, like, super annoying
because it says, like,

confirmed everywhere.

And that's just, like, what bothers me.

They literally have information
about the surrogate that I don't know.

-[Kim] That is what weirds me out.
-[attorney] Right, and that's what...

Yeah, I had no way of verifying
that information when I saw it, either.

It could be multiple sources, you know?

The TMZ story said,
"Sources familiar with the pregnancy."

I would make it very clear we will
literally sue the [bleep] out of them.

Oh, I plan on it.

No, I just want to hear from you, right?
Because this [bleep] has to stop.

[Kim] So do I text
and say something to her?

Like, "Hey, I know
there's a lot of stuff in the press,

so just, like, you know, be calm and..."

Yeah, just, "You and I are cool.

We're just going to keep
our relationship going.

Ignore everything else you hear
from the agency and the media.

It's just about the two of us."

[Kim] I'll text her now.

All right, and I'm going to get
that letter out in a couple hours.

[Kim] Okay. Thank you so much.

-You got it, Kim. Take care.
-[Kim] Okay. Bye.

I hope that threatening
to take legal action

will stop these people
from going to the press.

I communicate really well
with my surrogate,

and I just would always want her to know
that I'm here if she needs anything,

and she can call me any hour of the night,

and let me know
if this is too overwhelming,

and we'll try to do whatever we can
to stop this.

[upbeat music]

[Scott] Should we, uh, go inside?

[Kris] Yeah, but I want you to see
the other window.

-[Scott] Yeah.
-[Kris] Okay.

-[Scott] All right, let's shop.

That's cute.

Anybody need a bride... bridal gown?

No, I would buy the mannequins, I swear.

You are my favorite lunch date
because you don't talk.

Scott, do you like this table?

I think I'm gonna buy this table.

[Kris] Look at this outfit.

Look at that belt.

Wait, look at those shoes.

I have a shopping problem.

[Scott] Should I buy it for her?

-This bag? Céline? Painted on?

Where'd that go, that Céline bag?

[salesman] This one? You want this?

[Scott] Sure, I'll buy that.

[security] So do you want me to take it,
or just ship it to your house?

[Scott] No, take it.

-Ship the... Ship the kids' stuff.
-[security] Mm-hmm.

[Scott] Take the bag.

[security] Okay.

Keeping an eye on Scott
is turning out to be a full-time job.

I don't think it's any secret
that Scott's been dating,

but he drops little hints here and there

that makes me think that it might be
a little more serious than I thought.

-Do you like it? Do you like this?
-[Scott] That's [bleep] fire.

-I'd wear the [bleep] out of that thing.

-[Kris] Are you serious?

[Scott] I love robes.

I would wear that myself.

[upbeat music]

Gabbana, you got to stop hitting me
with your chin. It's rude.

[Kourtney] Hey, Khlo.

-[Khloé] Hey! I camo'd it up.
-Camo and camo.

-You're still working on this puzzle?
-Where are you guys...

Yes, it's gonna, trust me,
this will be probably the death of me.

[Mason] Can I have Lucky Charms?

[Reign] Want Lucky Charms.

-[Mason] Me too. Oh, man.

No, I ordered you guys Sugarfish.



I... am serious. I'm serious.

Please, Mom!

-I actually...
-No, I am super serious.

-Please, Mom.
-[Penelope] You never...

You guys, why do you have
all the suitcases here?

Because we're staying in the guesthouse

till I get this tarantula situation
under control.

-[Penelope] Come on, let's...

[Kourtney] You know I have...

No, that's totally fine,
but you think, like, that...

[Kourtney] Oh! Come on! Go! Go, Diego.

You guys could totally stay here,
but you think by you staying here,

it's gonna resolve
your tarantula situation?

I have it. It's a work in process.

It's gonna take, like, three weeks.

-Three weeks!
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

And you guys are... All of you guys,

you four are gonna stay in the guesthouse?

Four of you.

-Do you know that a small...
-[Khloé] How will all...

Do you know that a small space
makes me extremely content?

All four of you are gonna fit in one bed?

[Kourtney] Yeah.

[Khloé] Thank God
you're all little people.

I hate tarantulas
as much as the next person,

but I wouldn't go and move in
with someone for a few weeks.

Like, that's crazy.

You guys really brought towels?

And a blanket.

How... how many towels did you guys bring?

Oh! Jeez.

Kourtney really is delusional.

I live less than a block away,

so if there's tarantulas on your property,
they probably are at mine too.

-What are you guys doing?
-[Penelope] Mom, look!

-[Khloé] What is happening over here?
-[Reign] Fridge!

You know what? That's a sink.

It's not a fridge. It's a sink.

You know where the fridge is?

-[Kourtney] Hey, where's the fridge?
-[Mason] Yeah, Reign.

I told you.

-I told you!
-[Reign] Okay.

[kids babble]

[Khloé] Oh.

Oh, my gosh.

I only have a few more months left
of peace and quiet.

This is not what I need right now.

[speaking gibberish]

[Reign shouts]

[speaking gibberish]


Is this leather?

That is leather.

[upbeat music]

-[paparazzi] Ms. Kim...
-Ms. Kardashian, look this way.

[camera shutter clicking]

[Kim] I hope we make it on time.

Tomorrow is legs day.

I'm, like, dreading it.

-It's, like, legs with a big machine.
-[Appleton] The hell.

Then I have a day off. So I'm like...

I've gone so hard every day.

-[Appleton] It's good. It's working, boo.

[line ringing]

[Kris] Hi.

Hey. How was Fallon?

Oh, it was so good.

It was really good.

-That's cute.

So I'm just on my way.
I'm almost to Scott's to pick him up,

-and they're right behind me.

So wait a second.

What is going on with Scott and Sofia?

I've started to see pictures of Scott
running around New York,

and whatever makes him happy,
I don't judge, I don't care.

[Kim] It's... I think it's a good thing.

I just hope that he's making good choices

and having fun
and nothing's getting crazy.

[Kris] Okay, let me text him and tell him
we're picking him up in five minutes

and I'll meet you at the venue in ten.

Well, I don't wanna get there before you,
so let me know when you're there.

-Okay, we'll be there in 15.
-Okay, bye.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] Do you need this? Or no?

I think.

-Then this goes on your lap.
-Nope, it doesn't.

-It's your napkin. Yes, it does.
-Oh, yes.

You guys, who wants to do something fun?

[Mason and Penelope] I do!

I have something fun outside.


-You want to go... Uh-huh.
-An activity?

Yeah! I told you there was an activity.

If Kourtney thinks her house
is full of horrors, then she's up

for a little surprise.

[Khloé] Whoo-whoo!

Isn't this awesome?

Okay, I'll show you how to do this.

[Mason] Okay, who wants this one?

-Aren't you guys having fun at KoKo's?
-For sure.

Wait. Oh, my gosh.

-[Khloé] What?
-I don't think you're supposed to do it...

-You're supposed to take off the wrapping...
-Oh, my gosh. freak.
-I got to redo it.

There's red plastic melted in here.

I'm not as expert of a s'more maker
as I once believed.

[Khloé] You just put chocolate
in the middle.

I know, but Reigny...

[Reign] Can you hear me, guys?

[all laugh]

[Khloé] Who you talking to?

[tense music]

Okay, come here, guys. Everyone sit here.

I'm gonna tell everyone a scary story.

[crickets chirping]

[Khloé] In the village,
there was always a rumor

that there was this human-eating spider

that was the size of a car.

Is it real, Mom?

-No more holding the stick. No.
-No, this is a... a pretend story.

What is that?

[Kourtney] Who is this dog,

and why is it dressed up in a fur coat?

-[Khloé] It's a spider!

-[Penelope] It's so cute.
-[Kourtney] It's so cute.

Mom! Let's bring it home. I want it!

It's not yours.

[Kourtney] It's somebody else's.

[Mason] Penelope, whose dog is that?

So I know my prank
didn't really work well with you,

but I'm just trying to show
you can't run away from home.

[Khloé] Just a couple of spiders
in your backyard.


What's wrong with you?
You do that with kids around?

They're not afraid.

Thank you for your amazing hospitality,

but I'm gonna go home

and tough it out with... the big tarantulas.

It's probably the weather.

Yeah, it was mating season.


[Khloé] That's even worse.

-[Kourtney] What did you do to me?

[Penelope giggles]


The string scared me.

The string scared you?

I thought it was,
like, a real spider web string.

[Khloé] What am I gonna do
with you guys, P?

[upbeat music]

-[crowd chattering]
-[paparazzi] Who's the dress by?


[camera shutters clicking]

Do you want to go to the bar
and have a drink?

No, I don't want a drink.

Is Kendall here yet?

[Kris] Or Kim?

-Would you like any water or anything?
-I'm good.

-[man] Okay, I'll be back very shortly.
-[Kris] Thank you.

Talk about being up there.

I'm at these fashion awards.

-[Kris] My God.
-My dress broke.

You look like a princess. Stop it.

Yeah. The zipper came undone,
so Marni sewed me in.

Oh, I love it. Fashion emergency.

-The irony. Yeah.
-[Kris] During Fashion Week.

-Are you, like, accepting an award, Ken?
-[Kendall] Yeah.

-Do you have a speech?
-How do you make that stay?

No. I'm just, like, I just have,
like, things in my head

that I know I should probably say.

[Scott] Are you gonna thank me
and your mom for coming?

-Yes. Can I have this?
-[Kendall] Honestly, I don't know.

If I have something that I memorized,
it'll be horrible.

[indistinct chatter]

[Scott] Where's Kim?

[Kris] I don't know.

[upbeat music]

[indistinct chatter]

[woman] Thank you.

[Katie] She's one of the most
photographed women on the planet,

and while she needs
no introduction at all,

I'm honored to present
the Fashion Icon of the Decade Award

to my friend, Kendall Jenner.

[cheers and applause]

[Kendall] Thank you so much.

Honestly, all I want to do
is inspire and be inspired,

and if me living out my dream can inspire

some little girls or little boys
to live out theirs,

then I think I'm doing my job.
So, thank you so much.

[audience cheering]

I feel so honored to be receiving
the Fashion Icon of the Decade Award.

[Kendall] Modeling has changed my life
in the way that I've met so many cool,

interesting, creative people,
and I've been all over the world now.

And I've been to the coolest places
that I don't think I'd have ever gone

if I hadn't had this job.

It's a little bit crazy sometimes.

But I still love it.

I'm not complaining.

Oh, you have no idea
how amazing it is to get that over with.

I mean, I have... I get such panic att*cks.

When I was telling you to feel my heart,
it was like... this.

-It was so crazy.

[Scott] Well, haven't you done stuff
in front of, like, a huge audience?

-Something in Vegas

where you made a mistake?

-[Kim] I know.
-Oh, I know. I forgot you were there.

-You sounded very, like, conversational.
-Okay, good.

-Okay, good.
-[Scott] It wasn't like you were nervous.

You were just like,
"Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

-Let's [bleep] get out of here."

[Kim] Scott has been so good in New York.

I mean, it's not like we can keep tabs
on him forever.

He's got to live his life.

[Kim] Kourtney's moved on.

Scott's eventually gonna move on.

If it ends up turning
into something, great.

[indistinct chatter]

[Kris] I didn't hear my name mentioned,

[Kendall] Okay, where are we going?

We're going out right here.

[Kris] Do we know what floor
we're supposed to be on?

[upbeat music]

[camera shutter clicking]

[photographers shouting]

Simon, are we doing interviews?

[Simon] Yeah.

Kanye and I definitely have been
really quiet about the surrogate,

and there's gonna be press,
and they're gonna ask me about the baby

and I honestly don't know what to say.

[photographers clamoring]

[Catt] KKW Beauty everywhere.

-Are you so proud of this latest venture?
-Oh, thank you.

Thank you. It's been so much fun.
It's been such a long journey.

Um, and so much fun
when you work on something really hard

and you really want to perfect it.

We have so many fun things coming out.

I'm so excited about it.

[upbeat music]

[photographer 1] Kim Kardashian.

[photographer 2] Kim, Kim, to your left.

[Catt] I want to ask you
about a couple things in the news.

I don't think a minute goes by

without people asking me
just because I'm family,

"Is Kim gonna have a baby?
Do they have a surrogate?

When's it coming?"

What's the official word on that?

I've definitely seen a lot of things.

Um, we've never confirmed anything.

So, I think when we're ready
to talk about it, we will.

-[Kim] And that's that.
-[Catt] Okay.

Mwah. Thank you.

[Kim] I've done everything in my power
that I could possibly do

to contain my surrogacy.

The only thing I can control
at this point,

since there are so many rumors,
is just when I confirm it.

It's not like we're trying
to hide anything.

It's just that we'll share it
in our own time

when we're ready to share it.

[overlapping chatter]

[camera shutters clicking]

[photographers clamoring]

[photographer 1] To your left, Kim!

[upbeat music]

[Kris] What is this?

A line?

-That is not flashing.
-Yes, it is.

Let her get out. Let her get out.

-Kim, over here.
-Sir, move, please.

-Let's go over here.
-Right here, please.

[photographer 2]
Kim, one more right here for Wang.

[Kim] My mom and I
are at the Alexander Wang show

and we are so excited to see Kendall walk.

This is our last show
of New York Fashion Week

before we head home tonight.

[upbeat music]

[Kim] This show looked so cool.

We were in the middle of the street.

It was like a big street party.

[Kim] I think it's just
unpredictable days like this

that make New York Fashion Week so fun.

[indistinct chatter]

[upbeat music]

[birds chirping]

I wish I had five days...
[yawns, shouts] sit in my office

and just do all the different phone calls
I need to make

without being in another country

or another part of town, or, or, or...

[Scott] Yeah.

[Kris] Do you want to come over here
and sit and talk to me?

Yeah, what's shaking?

What's going on?

Yeah, no, nothing. Running around.

[Kris] Yeah.

Are you dating?

-[Kris] Yeah.

Are you dating one person?

You know,
Kris really is like my mom to me,

so I don't ever feel like
she's really putting me on the spot,

but I don't really feel comfortable
talking to her

about my personal or dating life.

-[Kris] Just one?

-Yeah. Something new.
-[Kris] Are you, like, going steady?

I guess that's what
the kids are calling it.

-Is it Sofia?
-[Scott] Huh?

Well, I mean, guess you know who it is.

[Kris] Yeah.

Wait, so how old is she?

'Cause I really don't know.
She Kylie's age? 20?


[Kris] Oh, and you're 32.


-You're 34?
-[Scott] Yeah.

Okay, so, I was...

-[Scott] Fifteen.

[Kris and Scott] And Robert was...

[Kris] Well, 12 years older.

-[Scott] You were underage. She's not.

[Kris] Oh, touché.

-So you guys were in the wrong,

-not me.
-[Kris] Yeah.


Well, are you ever gonna come over
and, like, say hi,

or are we just gonna stay away from it
or what are we doing?

Am I ever gonna come over and say hi?

-Keep it there, keep it there.

That's bizarre.

I'm just trying to keep up with it.
You know what I mean?

[Scott] Are you, like, hanging out
with Kourtney's friend?

-[Kris] I barely met.
-Right, so why would I like?

[Kris] I don't know.

All right, well, will you keep me posted?

On what?

[Kris] I just want to know
what's going on with you.

I think it's a little weird if you've got...

significant change in life

and I haven't really heard
that much about it.

And I have to pull it out of you
like I'm fishing for salmon.

You ever fished for salmon?

For me, to see that Kris is invested
in my life means the world to me

because she's got so many other kids
and so much other things going on.

The fact that she actually worries,
loves, and cares about me

is probably
one of the best feelings I have.

And truthfully, as much as I'd like
to be honest with her

and tell her how I'm really feeling,

I also do want to respect Kourtney
and her feelings.

Maybe down the line,
but right now, you know,

my biggest thing
is just being respectful of everybody.

I just... I don't know, feel like
I'm always gonna be your mom.

-[Scott] Agreed.

-[Penelope] Agree. might as well just surrender.

[Penelope] Agree.

-[Scott] I did a long time ago.
-To the nonsense.


When I used to have to take the trash out...

-...I surrendered then.

[Khloé] On the next episode...

-You self-centered bitch.

Malika. Her and I have been feuding.

For Khloé and Malika to not be speaking,
I know that it must be serious.

-Turn it on.
-Stop. You did interviews?

Robert came over one day
when Cesar was out of town.

Oh, my God, you're such a whore.

[phone rings]

[Kris] Hi.

[Kendall] It's an emergency.

Do you want me to come
take you to the hospital?