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01x12 - Secrets and Lies

Posted: 01/15/15 08:08
by bunniefuu
Woman: Can you hold, please?

Thank you.

Mayor Hayes' office.

I'm sorry. He's unavailable.

May I take a message?

I'll let him know.

Hey, Leon. Check this out.

What's that?

Some kind of music box?

Who sent it?

No return address.

[Music tinkles]


Stop. Put it down.

Leon, do you see that?

Why is it doing that?

Get the b*mb squad and clear the building now!

Everyone, out now!

Mary, is the mayor in his office?

I don't know.

Hey. What the hell?

Where's the mayor?

He's not here.

What is this?

Let's go. Now. Out.

I said let's go. Out!

["Pop goes the weasel" playing]

[Music stops]

[Song finishes]

[Knock on door]

I got a warrant to search Perry Whitley's dorm room.

Come in. Shut the door.

We confiscated his phone and computer.

Cyber Unit's going through them now.

Perry would have encrypted anything incriminating.

Don't worry.

No one knows.

I was discreet.

Thank you, Janice.

Has he been processed yet?

We still have 36 hours to build a case.

I'm not gonna let him walk. We'll find something.

We have to. First-time offense, they'll knock it down to a misdemeanor.

Unless we ask for help from the D.A.'s office.

We get Amanda on board.

It'll all come out... my real identity, Ray Matthews in Seattle.

You trusted me.

I think we can trust Amanda.

The minute I go in front of the judge as a victim, I'll have to do it as Michelle Webber.

Maybe that's not a bad thing.

I have to think about it. I...

[knock on door]

The mayor's office received a threat.

They asked for you.


Beth: The mayor gets a dozen or so threats a year.

Most are easily traceable... phone calls, e-mails.

I handle them personally.

The mayor's a friend.

Yes. I'm well aware.

He endorsed you as lieutenant and head of the TAU.

He gets special treatment.

He's the mayor, Jack.

Hello, Leon.


Beth, this way. Thank you for coming.

Cedric, I want you to meet detective Jack Larsen.

Jack, this is Cedric Brown, Chief Aide to Mayor Hayes.

Beth, it's good to see you.

You, too.

I want to introduce you to Detective Jack Larsen.

Nice to meet you.


Beth: So I heard you received a gift this morning.

Cedric: Yes. Uh, forensics has it.

It arrived by courier to the mail room, no return address.

That's the box that it came in.

How did an unmarked package make it to third floor?

Is there no protocol in place to monitor the mail?

Well, it's not a perfect system, Detective.

The package is addressed to Judas Hayes.

Judas betrayed Jesus.

This could have been an angry constituent who feels betrayed.

Does anybody come to mind?

Cedric: Well, it's, uh, the mayor's office, Detective.

It would be impossible to point at one person.

We've received a dozen threats this year alone.

Beth: And TAU is handling all of those threats, but most of the threats to this office come by e-mail or phone.

Sending a package, that's aggressive.

It's a Jack-in-the-box.

Let's not get carried away.

The song it played was "Pop goes the Weasel."

Weasel is another term for traitor.

Cedric: Your point.

Could be politically motivated.

Well, he is the mayor.

Beth: We're going to need copies of all negative correspondence that have come to this office in the last 12 months.

I'll send it over ASAP.

Great. We'll be in touch.

Mayor's big on family values.

He campaigned on it, that and balancing the budget.

Word is he's planning to run for governor.

That his wife?

Wife Elaine is his campaign manager.

It's a Bill and Hillary situation.

He's charming, she's the political shark, only they have a son instead of a daughter.

He was elected twice on a reform platform, but his approval ratings plummeted after his budget cuts last year.

Forensic test came back.

No fingerprints were found on the Jack-in-a-box.

Were they able to track the package delivery?

It was delivered from a local mailbox store, but it didn't have any video cameras, and the sender paid in cash.

A lot of disgruntled citizens out there, people mad at everything from police v*olence to cracked sidewalks.

We're looking for someone who sees the mayor as a traitor.

Janice, remember the guy from last year, claimed he was a victim of police brutality, showed up at the mayor's office demanding to see him?

Ken Buck.

Ken Buck.

Yeah. His transcript should be here somewhere.

OK. The report says that he called the mayor a "traitorous fool," said he should be "ex*cuted by firing squad."

Let's talk to him.

You threatened the mayor.

That was a long time ago.

But you believe he's a traitor.

Buck: He promised that if he was elected he would clean up the police department, get rid of the bad cops.

He lied.

Jack: And you think he deserves to be punished.

I think the leaders of this city should be held accountable, yeah.

You filed a report a few years back claiming police brutality.

Cop smacked me around, broke my nose, knocked out two teeth.

Says you were drunk, took a swing at him.

That's a lie.

Either way, you never got satisfaction.

That anger and resentment has just been building.

Look. I was pissed off about it for a while, OK, but I got over it.

I joined a local political group.

Now we write letters, we hold marches, we fight for change.

And when that change doesn't happen, do you go after the person you think is responsible?

Buck: I don't care about the mayor.

He's not the problem.

It's the system. It's rigged against us.

If you're rich, you got a voice.

If not, you're out in the cold.

What do you think?

Is he our guy?

He's a political activist.

He's in your face. He's not hiding.

Our stalker prefers to be in the shadows.


[Beep beep]


Please help! Help!


Let me in! Help, help!

Let me in!

Is this what your attacker looked like?

That's right.

They all look like jesters.

Traditionally, the duty of the Jester was to point out the folly of the king.

You being the king in this scenario.

Is it possible that someone in your administration could be upset with you?

I doubt it. I handpick all my people.

And everybody loves you, right?

What were you doing in that neighborhood so late at night without a security detail?

I was visiting a friend.

Man or a woman?

Are you insinuating something, detective?

It's a question.

Stalker left a note...

"stay away from her."

Would you excuse us, Detective Larsen?

I'd like a moment alone to speak to Lieutenant Davis.

I'll wait outside.

You know I'm planning a run for governor.

You think this has something to do with the campaign?

I'm not sure, but I know you're going to find out.

It's my job.

And you're good at it.

I trust you to be discreet.

Well, mayor, trust is a two-way street.


There's a girl.

She's young, college age.

I was leaving her apartment last night when I was att*cked.

How long have you been seeing her?

Not long. We've only met recently.

And you think this is the girl referred to in the note?

In order to catch your stalker, I need to know what the relationship is with this girl.

We're friends.


I need you to keep this under wraps.

Any impropriety could be trouble for me.

Can I trust you to keep this between us?

Of course. What's her name?

Alice Vargas.

He's definitely having an affair.

He said he wasn't.

Trust me.

He's lying. We should talk to his wife.

If it's cheating, you always talk to the spouse.

We can't just go accusing the mayor's wife.

We can question her, get an alibi.

She's the obvious suspect.

The mayor's a decent man.

I believe him.

Decent men can't make mistakes?

Does this always circle back to your epic tale of personal redemption?

I'm glad you can joke at my expense.

Me, too. It's been a long week.

Ben: Forensics came back on the doll.

It was a standard mannequin rigged with a battery and motion sensor.

The head was handmade, though.

No prints, but our stalker's definitely creative.

What about Alice Vargas?

Alice Vargas, 21, no family.

Her mother died last month.

IRS records show she made $21,000 last year, yet she lives in the Bradford Arms apartments.

10 bucks says the mayor's paying her rent.

Actually, the rent's being automatically withdrawn from Alice's personal account.

You can owe me.

So where's Alice getting her money from?

World's oldest profession.

L.A. Fantasy Companions.

An escort site?

Ben: And very high end.

Customers pay up to 3,000 a night to have a beautiful girl on their arm.

You pay the service for a girl's time.

Sex is arranged and paid for privately.

Let's pay Alice Vargas a visit.

I'm sorry, but I can't talk about my clients.

Beth: The mayor sent us.

He'd want you to be candid.

Unfortunately, my service does not allow us to confirm or deny the identities of my clients.

That's a good policy until it's not.

I'm gonna level with you, Alice.

You are a prost*tute operating within a gray area of the law, and we can make life very difficult for you.

You're threatening me?

We're not after you, but we need information.

We think someone may be targeting the mayor because of his relationship with you.

Someone jealous or obsessive.

Can you think of anyone like that?

What about boyfriends, angry exes, overattentive customers?

There was this one guy.

A client?

We only went out a few times.

He was very controlling.

He said he wanted to marry me and whisk me off to some fairytale life.

Did you tell anyone?

No. I broke it off, said I couldn't see him anymore.

He screamed at me and told me I'd regret it.

Has he contacted you lately?

Have you seen him anywhere, following you?

No. I blocked his number, and I forgot about it.

He does seem the angry, out-there type.

Cyber Unit cracked the encryption on Perry's hard drive.

What'd they find?

A folder filled with artwork are they all like this?

Looks that way.

Cat and mouse.

He's taunting us.

What do we do?

Call Amanda.

Bring her up to speed.

You sure?

Man: Look. I'm an accountant.

I don't know anything about dolls or scary makeup.

But you know Alice Vargas.


The girl you've been paying to be your escort.

Jack: Cut the crap, Drew.

We know you're one of her customers.

Alice says you made threats against her.

I was upset. We'd been seeing each other pretty regular, and there's something really special between us, and she broke things off without any explanation.

So you started stalking her to find out who else she was seeing.

No. That's... that's...

Jack: No?

That's not right.

We spoke to the doorman in Alice's building.

You were there last night.

He refused to let you in, right?

You became verbally abusive.

And shortly after that, a man was att*cked in the alley behind Alice's apartment.

One of Alice's customers.

That wasn't me.

I-I swear.

Look. I was there.

I had a few drinks.

I couldn't get ahold of Alice, so I thought I would go to her place and, you know, just see if she would talk.

But she with someone else.

So you waited till he left, and you went after him.

No, no. I-I... the doorman told me to leave, or he was gonna call the cops, which I did, and then I went back to my car, I sobered up, and I drove home.

Can anyone confirm that?


Look. I'm not stupid.

I know that Alice sees other guys.

I just went over there last night to let her know, just to remind her of how much we mean to one another.

She made herself pretty clear, Drew.

You need to leave her alone.

I am very happy to give Alice some space...

But do not ask me to give up hope.

Jack: He's definitely love-obsessed, but is he our stalker?

I was watching him. He didn't react to the Jack-in-the-box.

Which means either it didn't register... or he was purposely ignoring it.

He's lonely, he's awkward, he's lost contact with the object of his obsession, and now he's lashing out.

And he may be delusional.

I mean, he's built this relationship in his mind that will never match up to reality.

Put a unit on Summers.

I want him watched day and night.


[Door creaks, shuts]

Oh, God.

Woman: 911. What is your emergency?

My apartment's been robbed.

What is your address?

Uh, the Bradford Arms, apartment 1103.

[Glass breaks]

I think the person's still here.

Ma'am, get out of the apartment.

Police are on their way.



Ben: Hey. So the doorman took a break.

He didn't see anything.

We're pulling footage from the security cameras.

This is an act of rage.

He's hurt, lashing out.

Well, it's not Drew Summers.

Surveillance teams say he did not leave his house last night.

You need to see this.


He's changed targets.

Now he's warning Alice to stay away from the mayor.

Maybe the mayor didn't listen, so he decided to go after her.

Are we sure it's a he?

The mayor and Alice both confirm their attacker was a man.

The mayor's wife could have hired someone.

So, you're going to accuse the mayor's wife? Good luck with that.

I'm going to question her. Rule her out as a suspect.

All right. We're gonna tread lightly, and I'm gonna do the talking.

How do you like your jail cell?

I'm used to student housing.

You're in trouble, Perry.

Felony as*ault carries a minimum sentence of 4 years in state prison.

Is that why you brought me here, to tell me something I already know?

No. I brought you in here to help you.

We know about the drawings of Lieutenant Davis, the ones showing you k*lling her, strangling her.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

We know you've been stalking Lieutenant Davis for a while now. You sent her letters, gifts, broke into her house. We have a signed affidavit from Tracy Wright stating that you entered into a relationship with her for the sole purpose of gaining access to Lieutenant Davis.

Wow! I sound horrible. You're gonna have a hard time convincing people I did any of that. I'm a good boy, Detective.
Hello. I'm Deputy D.A. Amanda Taylor. I'm here to offer you a deal. It's a one-time offer. When I leave, it goes with me.

What sort of deal is it?

You're gonna plead guilty to stalking Lieutenant Davis. In exchange, we will drop the as*ault charge. We're looking at a few years' probation. You get to go back to school and put all of this behind you.

But I have to undergo a psychiatric evaluation by one of your state-appointed doctors.

Like I said, this is a one-time offer. You should take it while I'm feeling generous.

That's very sweet of you to think of me, but I have a feeling you don't have anything, or else you wouldn't be here.

You tried to k*ll me, Perry. Two officers witnessed it. It's a slam dunk case.

Doubt that.

You provoked me.

You were in collusion with your superior to railroad me.

You're delusional.

You're looking at 4 years, Perry.

Think about that.

I think I should seek counsel.

Let me know when my dad and his lawyer get here.

Lieutenant Davis.

Are you here to volunteer?

Not yet. Um, I was wondering if we could have a little talk.

So does this have something to do with the attack on Will?

We're not sure yet.

Do you know a woman named Alice Vargas?

No. I don't believe so. Why?

Because she knows your husband.

We have reason to believe that the mayor was targeted because of his association with Miss Vargas.

I'm not aware of any association, and of course, my husband has many colleagues.

The nature of the stalking is personal, resentful.

Do you know why someone might be jealous of his relationship with this woman?

Just what are you implying here?

That my husband is having an affair?

Elaine, he's not implying anything.

Do you realize how painful this is for my family?

We have been fighting these infidelity rumors for years.

How many times do I have to say it?

My husband is not a cheater.

Are we done here?

Yes. Thank you for your time.

I specifically said I would do the talking.

You saw her face when I asked about Alice.

She knows her.

You overstepped, Jack.

She lied about knowing Alice, and she has the perfect motive.

Why would she stalk her?

Why wouldn't she just pay Alice to go away?

Maybe she tried and Alice refused. Who knows?

I'm gonna call Ben and give him a head's-up, see if he can find a connection between Elaine and Alice.

Thank you for coming in.

How are you doing?

I'm OK.

I moved in with a friend while they clean up my place.

I need to ask you about the mayor's wife.

What about her?

Did you know her? Have you ever met?

Not that I remember.

I mean, that would be kind of weird, don't you think?

Has anyone ever contacted you, tried to get you to end the relationship?

We didn't really have a relationship.

We only met a few times.

We didn't even have sex.

You didn't?

No. We just talked.

A lot of rich men just like to have a pretty girl around while they drone on about their workday.

The two of you just talked about work?

No. Mostly, we talked about me, what I was doing.

He wanted me to go back to college.

And he never touched you, not even to kiss?

Maybe a peck on the cheek.

He's a nice guy.

Always left a big tip.

I got something for you.

Before she died last month, Alice's mom worked as a school teacher for 20 years.

Her only job before that was as an aide to then city councilman William Hayes.

Elaine was his speechwriter back then.

Their paths must have crossed.

What happened to Alice's mom?

She left abruptly in '93, moved to Orange County.

Alice was born in '94, and get this.

When I spoke to Alice, she claims she and the mayor never had sex, just talked.

How long had Alice been seeing the mayor?

Only a few weeks.

So it began right after the mother died.

Which means that the mayor did have an affair, only it wasn't with Alice.

It was with her mother.

Alice is the mayor's daughter.

[knock on door]

You got a minute?

Yeah. Have a seat.

I was just notified that Perry made bail.

They're processing him right now.

What happened?

Malcolm Whitely posted bail for him.

He happens to be very good friends with Judge Bryan.

He called on Perry's behalf and told him that he would put him in a treatment center immediately in Santa Barbara.

Money talks.


What happens now?

We're gonna go to the preliminary hearing, and he's gonna show that he is receiving treatment.

He is gonna leverage a plea bargain.

He's... he's gonna get a slap on the wrist.

The best that we can hope for is misdemeanor probation.

You got to be kidding m...

[knock on door]

We need you.

I'll be right there.

I am so sorry.

Thank you, Amanda.

Jack: The timeline matches.

Alice's mother quit working for the mayor around the same time the infidelity rumors started.

Alice's birth certificate doesn't list a father.

So the mayor's not being targeted over an affair?

He's being targeted because of his daughter.

First, the stalker lashes out in rage.

Then he sends a warning. When that doesn't work, he... or she.

Tries to scare Alice, break up the relationship.

The stalker has to be someone close to the mayor.

Otherwise, why protect his secret?

I told you. Always goes back to the spouse.

Well, we tried that.

Let's talk to the mayor again.

Hey. Whoa, whoa. You can't... you can't just barge in here.

We need to speak to the mayor.

Look. I just got off the phone with Elaine Hayes.

She said you accused the mayor of having an affair.

No. That was me.

What's going on?

Will, we need 5 minutes.

Please excuse us, Cedric.

What do you want?

Is Alice Vargas your daughter?

I think it's time you told me the truth.

Yes, she is.

Her mother Sandra, she used to work for me.

We had an affair shortly after I got married.

I'm not proud of it.

So the rumors were true.

I was young and stupid.

The scandal would have derailed my political career.

Sandra... she handled it with such grace.

She just quit her job, she moved away.

She didn't ask me for anything.

You didn't know she was pregnant at the time.

No. I didn't know anything about Alice until Sandra reached out to me last month.


I didn't know how sick she was until the end.

She had cancer.

She, um, lost touch with Alice, and she asked me to look out for her.

I wanted to help, so I tracked her down, and I pretended to be a client to get close to her.

But you didn't tell Alice the truth.

I wasn't sure how she'd feel about me, considering how I treated her mother.

That's a big political risk.

Heh. Elaine warned me not to get involved, but I didn't listen.

So your wife knew?

She was concerned. I'm running for governor.

I mean, she's the political savvy one.

How upset was your wife when she heard the news?

What, you...

You don't think Elaine's behind all this?

We need to talk to her.

Honey, what is going on?

They know about Alice.

You were dishonest with us, Elaine.

I kept a secret in order to protect my husband.

How far would you go, Elaine?

Would you hire someone to stalk him, to dress as a court Jester to scare him?

That's an outrageous accusation, detective.

You're out of line.

It's OK. I did it. I confess.


I never hurt anyone.

I was just trying to stop you from ruining your career and your family.

You'd do anything to protect your family, wouldn't you, Mrs. Hayes?

Of course.

So now what?

You kept your husband's infidelity a secret for 20 years.

You denied rumors, and you lied to the world, and now you're just gonna roll over and confess?

You came here and accused me.

I admitted it, and now you're accusing me of lying about lying to you?

Just seems to easy.

Did you tell your son about the affair?

Craig? He knows nothing about this.

Is that true, Elaine, or did you tell Craig about the affair?

We are a political family.

We keep our dirty laundry in house, and when I found out that you and Sandra had a daughter, I was heartbroken.

I couldn't talk to anyone.

So you turned to Craig.

He's always been there for me, but I had no idea how upset he'd be, and when you showed me that photo of the mask, I recognized his work immediately.

Craig was so upset by your betrayal.

That's why he went after you and Alice.

He has always felt slighted by his father, but he would never hurt anyone.

Where is your son right now?


[Music playing]

Are you Craig?

I'm Alice.

Please come in.

I like to get the money out of the way first.


Oh. You can place it on the table.

Don't worry. We're gonna have fun.

Ahem. Do you want a beer?

Some water would be great.

What do you do?


I do concept art for makeup effects.

Where do you work?

I don't.

I'm a student, film school, or I was.

I took a year off.

Well, you're very talented and a little disturbed.


It's just the two of us here, right?

There's something we need to talk about, Alice.

Sure. It's your night.

I wanted to talk about my dad.

Go for it. I'm great with daddy issues.


I've been angry at him.

He never even tried with me, you know, just ignored me.

He has no idea I even draw, much less make these.

All he knows is I dropped out of college and he was done with me.

I've just been so angry at him.

Parents. We hate them when we really only want their approval.

That's why you're here.

I don't follow.

Well, I'm done trying to hurt him.

I don't want to anymore.

I just want to stop all this anger.

I thought if we got to know each other... you and me?

I thought we could talk the way my dad talks to you.

Who is your dad?

He's your dad, too.

Mayor Hayes.


First, I thought you knew.

I-I-I was hurt, I wanted to scare you.

That's all.

I'm sorry about your apartment.

No. Wait. Don't... don't go... ohh!

Ohh. Unh.


Come on.

[Elevator motor whirring]

Come on.


Hello, Alice.

Unh! Gah!

Craig: Hey!

Aah! Aah!


Aah! Ohh!


Aah! Ohh!


Scary. You punk!

I know who you are.

Following your daddy around like some kind of wimpy baby.

[Craig groans]

I'm gonna take care of him, and then we're gonna be OK, we're gonna be together.

All right?

Do not scream.

Do you understand?

Please don't do this, drew.

Why did you call the police?

You ruined everything.

I mean, don't you know how much I love you?

I-I do know.

But why do you ignore me? Why?

Why do you have to go tell the cops about me?

I thought it was you.

But I'm not gonna wear a mask and run around and scare you like... like... like some kid.

Are you OK? Listen.

You just need to run. You need to go.


[Both grunting]

[Grunting continues]

Aah! Ohh!

[Grunting stops]


Don't run from me.



Aah! Help!

Beth: This is it.

Whoa! Whoa, whoa where's Alice? Is she here?

She just took off. The crazy guy is chasing her.

What crazy guy?

Alice called him Drew.

Drew Summers?

I don't know. I think they're going towards the bridge.

This is Lieutenant Davis. We're on foot pursuit, headed toward 6th street, eastbound.

We need a perimeter set up.


Please don't!




No! No! Please. Please.

Noooo! Please.

Why don't you love me? Why?

I can. I d... I do. I love you.

I love... I love you, Drew.


You're a liar. Liar.

Please. No!





[Alice sobbing]


[Music playing]

Perry's missing.

He didn't show up at the hospital.

He withdrew from Alcott University.

We checked his dorm room.

It's been cleared out.

Is his family involved?

His father's the one who contacted us.

He ditched his family once he got back to Santa Barbara.

They don't know where he is.

A BOLO has been issued in 3 counties.

We will find him, I promise.

Thank you, Janice.

[Music playing]

I hear you had quite a day.

Phew. Double-header.

One mayor, two stalkers.

Don't look at me. I didn't vote for him.

You heading home?

Yeah. In a little bit.

How's Ethan?

He's good. He enjoyed spending time with you, Jack.

Same here.

Maybe we can do it again.

Ethan was hoping to see you this weekend if you're free.

I'd like that.

Very much.

I'll tell him. Good night, Jack.

[Music continues]



What's going on?

Thanks for agreeing to see me.

What do you want?

Tell me.

I want to help.


We have a mutual friend.


Michelle Webber.


How is my girl?

[Music continues]