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05x15 - Fresh Meat

Posted: 01/14/15 00:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on Pretty Little Liars...

I came to pay my respects.

Then where is my daughter?

We found a letter from Bethany explaining the matching clothes, explaining everything and Holbrook is doing whatever he can to get it thrown out.

Spencer: We should've told Tanner about him and Ali months ago.

Once it's all done, this will all be bookshelves.

Oh, looks good.

Please don't go.

I have to.

I applied to six colleges.

You want me to find out why you got rejected.

I need to know if it's me or if it's "A."

(cell phone ringing)


"A" set me up.

Alison DiLaurentis, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Mona Vanderwaal.


I was told...

Where you from?

Rosewood P.D., Lieutenant Tanner...

Yeah, I know her.

You waiting for something?

We're done.

Thank you.

They need to see me.

They're not taking my calls.

They can't keep ignoring me.

Why did they move you here?

I don't have to explain that to you.

You've been in these places.

Everything but a bell goes off when they smell fresh meat.

Tell Spencer to cut this embargo crap before it's too late.

Have you forgotten what it feels like to be in a cage for something you didn't do?

Do you remember how that felt?

Yes, I do.

But I also remember whose words put me in that cage.

Do you?

Maybe you'll finally get it when your girlfriend and the others are chained to this bench, too, because they will be.

They're next.

Unless "A" kills them first.

♪ Got a secret ♪
♪ Can you keep it? ♪
♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪
♪ Better lock it in your pocket ♪
♪ Taking this one to the grave ♪
♪ If I show you then I know ♪
♪ You won't tell what I said ♪
♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪
♪ If one of them is dead ♪

This is unbelievable.

I mean, Ali's in the penalty box and she's still playing offense.

Or maybe this is just her being iced out, getting desperate.

But if you actually think there's somebody on the outside helping her...

Yeah, totally. I mean, there was a fireworks display.

Maybe she planned that before she got arrested.

No way. Someone is helping her.

What do you mean, someone?

I saw Alison and Holbrook under the mistletoe, and he had his tongue down her throat.

It's him.

We don't know that for sure.

Didn't Tanner say he was assigned to a case in Pittsburgh?

He's off it.

He had to take a personal leave to take care of his sick dad.

That's convenient.

Can you see if Holbrook's visiting Ali in prison?

Uh, no, guys, he can't.

Why should he be the one who's thrown head-first into the lion's den?

Woman: (on radio) All units 10-19.

All units 10-19.

I have to go.

(school bell rings)

Spencer, none of us want to put Toby in danger.

Well, maybe this weekend, we can come up with a plan.

I'm not even here this weekend.

Where are you?

College visit. Ballard.

Ballard? I thought it was Skidmore.

How many schools did you get into?

So what are we gonna do about Holbrook?

This smells like Wilden all over again.

Holbrook is not Wilden.

He may be worse.

Holbrook's not that bad of a cop.

He's just a really bad kisser.

You kissed him?

When did you kiss him?



You guys, it was one kiss. Closed mouth.

Why did you kiss him?

He helped my mom with the whole Wilden deposit box thing and he stood up for Travis' dad in court.

Okay, whatever happened to a thank-you card?

Look, if Holbrook's helping Alison, then she probably convinced him that she's the victim.

If he knew who she really was then...

(school bell rings)

Seriously though, how many schools did you get into?

I've got to go.

(cell phone beeps)

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Sure, just let me finish this.

Ezra's bugging out. The opening went from ten bookworms and a jug of Chablis to an event.

Caterer, publicist, he's basically had to hire everything but a belly dancer.


Wow, you into belly dancers?

I was going to ask him for a raise.

I need the cash. Forget it.

Wait. Cash for what?

A plane ticket to go and see Paige over spring break.

My mom won't even let me touch my college savings.

Meanwhile, every day that goes by, Paige and I, we're growing further apart.

Last time we spoke, I even mentioned looking into a liberal arts school in Oregon...

Em, can we not do this now?

I can't talk about this.

Paige and me?


The whole subject is making my hair fall out.

Seriously, it's like coming out in clumps.

What are you talking about?

Em, I've been rejected from every single college I applied to.

Yesterday, Talmadge wait-listed me.


Tell me that "A" isn't responsible for this.

A wait-list doesn't mean rejection.

Yeah, well, the rest of you are gonna be waltzing off to sorority rush and I'm gonna be stuck picking up trash in Rosewood.

Yeah, that'll be me, dodging "A" messages and wearing a big floppy hat to cover my bald spot.

Aria, you can turn a wait-list into an acceptance.

My cousin wrote an amazing letter to Yale and totally won them over.

No, this is Alison's revenge, keeping me here.

(school bell rings)

Man: Are you in this class?

So I opened everything that looks work-related and I just figured eventually I would forward your mother's mail to you.


So how's Hanna?

She's focusing on the future.

She's actually leaving later today for a weekend away at Ballard College.

It's a big decision.

Looks like you've made one, too.

I'm guessing since you're faxing out your résumé.


I saw something that looked potentially interesting and I thought I should...

You leave and I'm stuck working with some stranger, someone who'll ask a lot of questions about my family.

I have a few about your sister myself.

Honestly, Jason, maybe you would be better off just starting fresh with someone new here.

I don't agree.

Is there anything I can say to get you to stay for one month?

Just till I feel confident enough to say that I belong here and really believe it.


Hey. Can't talk right now.

Why? What's going on?

Tanner issued another search behind Mona's house.

Tanner still thinks... that Mona's body is out there?

(whispering) I really got to go.

Officer: Cavanaugh?

All clear.

What do you mean it's your knife?

I recognized it as soon as I saw it. It's my family's.

My dad popped the top off a jar with it when I was eight and broke the handle.

There's a chunk missing right in the center. - Yeah.

How do you know what this knife looks like?

Because I've used it. Many times.

It's from my family's cabin.

When I saw it, I froze.

A million things went through my head.

And for a moment I forgot I was a cop, so I didn't know what to do.

I just left it there.

Oh, my God.

I know I have to go back.

Of course, you do. You have to go back and get it.

We have to get rid of it before anybody else finds it.

Wait, wait, wait. Slow down.

That knife could be the m*rder w*apon.

It's what we've been looking for.

It's what we need.


The police.

Toby, Alison said it herself, she wants us with her, behind bars.

She's already framed me once. The knife is a plant.

You don't know that.

I want to turn it in.

If Alison stole that knife and used it, that could lock her away for good.

All we need is just one of her prints.

Right, but what if it has mine on it?

Or Hanna's? Or yours?

Yeah, that's a gamble, but...

But what?

I'm not risking my neck so you can get a medal for this.

This is about doing the right thing.

There is no right thing.

There's only by-the-book or save-our-ass.

And I know which one I'm doing.

Don't, man. Spencer?

This is crazy.

I know you feel the same way I do.

I think that we shouldn't do anything.

We will promise not to touch it, if you promise to keep quiet.

You just want to leave it there?


Then that's what we'll do.

But no one can know that we had this conversation.

Of course.

Caleb, please.

Can I borrow your eye?


Tell me if this is slanted.

And don't lie to me.

I'll think I aced it and I'll live to regret it.

I regret a lot.

I spend my days paddling through a stew of regrets.

It's perfect.

Wow. You're a really good liar.

(door closing)

Hey. Hey.

I understand that, Andre, but scallops are not part of the budget.


He keeps putting me on hold.

Well, tell him to stick to the original plan.

And that was, like, three plans ago.

Oh, he's coming tomorrow night.

You should really talk to him.

He teaches at Vassar.

Have you heard from them yet?

Um, no, no. Not yet.

Andre, still here.

So listen, we need to go back to the original plan.

Because it's a bookstore.

Nobody is coming here for the tamarind dipping sauce.

What? (loud click)

He just quit on me.

I can do it.

Do what?

Cater your party.

Pays more than a barista, right?

Did I miss something?

When did you become a professional chef?

I've been helping my mom in the kitchen since I could walk.

Let me do it.

Yeah, I'm sure it'll be amazing.

It's not like Emily's a stranger in that kitchen.

And your guests are gonna be here in less than 27 hours, so we could either debate this or I could get started, stick to your budget and blow you away. Your choice.

Did you even take Home Ec?

Sorry. Go for it, Emily.

(phone ringing)


Automated operator: This call is from.

The Chester Women's Correctional Facility.

You have a call from inmate...

Alison: (recorded voice) Alison DiLaurentis.

Automated operator: If you would like to accept this call, press one.

Alison: Jason?

Uh, no, Alison. It's Hanna's mom.

Mrs. Marin, is my brother there?

Your brother?

Can I speak with him, please?

He's... not able to do this right now.

Can you call back tomorrow?

I need to talk to him.

I'm sorry, Alison. You'll have to call back another time.

Please don't make me do that again.

Saying no is not as hard as taking the call.

Have you seen her since...

Once. I can't go back.

I can't even look at her now without thinking she might've had something to do with what happened to my mom.

That building, where the student union is, that's the original college.

Founding father Eustace Ballard laid the first brick of foundation himself.

I can show you a plaque carved in wood from Mr. Ballard's outhouse.


Did I mention Ballard was also a minister?

Yeah, you did.

Remember, and then I told you that my mom was dating one?

Oh, right. Cool beans.

Let me grab us a weekend calendar.

Caleb: (on phone) Hey.

Save me. What's wrong?

My buddy has verbal diarrhea.

The back of a cereal box is more interesting than this girl.


That was supposed to make you laugh. Are you okay?

Toby was on a search at Mona's property and found a bloody knife. What?

It's from the Cavanaugh's cabin.

Who put it there? Holbrook?

Caleb, I'm coming home.

No. You're not, okay?

That is exactly what "A" wants, for you to drop everything.


Hanna? Hanna?

Hey. Can I show you something before Ezra gets back?


So I spent all of last period in the library writing my letter to Talmadge.

And I don't want to sound desperate, but I just figured, you know, if they see, like, a hundred of these every day...

No, it's good, but...


You need to make it more personal.


What... What do you want me to tell them?

That I spent all of junior year being hunted down by "A"?

Aria, that's...

Yeah, and I wanted to write this, like, 2 weeks earlier, but I was too busy being suffocated by a plastic sheet?

You're spiraling again.

No, you can't spiral, Emily, if you've already crashed.

Talmadge was supposed to be my slam-dunk.

Then yesterday I got a letter that was all slam and no dunk and I've already missed every other deadline.

So if I don't get bumped up from this wait-list, I don't get to go to college next fall.

(door opens)

I'm going to call my mom.

I didn't know how to tell you this, but nobody wants me.

Aria, that's not true.

There are many, many, many great colleges that you can apply to in the future.

No, I mean, I can write a better letter.

You could write The Grapes of Wrath, and it still wouldn't matter.

Talmadge recently hired Jackie Molina as an Admissions Officer.


As in your ex Jackie, who hates my guts?

You forgot to mention that she hates my guts even more.

Look, I know it hurts, but it's a temporary setback.

That's all. Promise.

(knocking on door)


I mean, the shelf life on secrets around here has reached an all-time low.

I know. I shouldn't have told her.

You could've at least warned me before I was carpet-bombed with angry texts.

Why was she angry?

Because I didn't tell her.

And I had to beg her not to tell Aria and Emily.

What is that?

You're going back for it, aren't you?

Spencer, if my prints are on that...

I can't get hauled away on suspicion of m*rder.



Look, I'm sure that Hanna has told you some stuff about my past.

But there are things I haven't even told her.

What did you do?

I hacked for some dudes in Allentown, some credit card number scam.

When one of them turned up dead, the other one pointed the finger at me.

I mean, I was easy to railroad.

I'd bailed from my foster home.

I was living on the streets.

What happened?

One of the detectives saw that I was just some stupid kid who'd made some stupid decisions.

He got me released.

But if I get taken in on a charge like that, I'm not gonna have somebody there to look after me.

I'm not a stupid kid anymore.

You're gonna go tell Toby now?


I'm coming with you.
♪ And you burn, burn, burn your life down ♪
♪ And you burn, burn, burn your life down ♪
♪ I drive around the block ♪
♪ And I'm not looking to my right ♪
♪ I feel the glass against my cheek ♪
♪ And I can't see you in the light ♪
♪ I break my heart around this ♪
♪ Break my heart around this ♪
♪ I drive around the block ♪
♪ And I'm not looking to my right ♪
♪ I feel the glass against my cheek ♪
♪ And I can't see you in the light ♪
♪ I break my heart around this ♪
♪ Break my heart around this pole ♪

What about the fillings?

I mean, do I start with that first, or should I maybe be doing...

Oh, Mom, uh, let me call you right back.

Okay, thanks.


I thought you went home to crash.

I did. But I couldn't sleep.

Nervous about tomorrow?

No, I swerved right past nervous and went into a full-blown panic attack.

Emily, should we be calling in some... help?

What do you mean?

Like a professional chef.


No, everything is totally under control.

Food is gonna be awesome.


We're gonna be eating dinner off the walls?

That was an experiment.

But I just spoke to my mom and she gave me her famous empanada recipe.

Great. Because I can always call a restaurant or I can ask...

No. Don't.

There is no need to panic.

Everything is gonna be great.

(dog barking)

(baby wailing)

(cell phone ringing)


Ashley: (on phone) Hey, sweetie, how's it going?

It's going great.

I can't hear you. Where are you?

I'm at the library.

Nice. Is it impressive?

Oh, yeah.

Mom, I really have to get off the phone soon though.

Of course.

I just wanted to make sure you're on the alert, if you're taken to any parties.

I just...

Mom, I have to... I have to go.

Um, where is 2-1-1?

Thank you.

Oh. Hello.

I'm looking for a Mr. Holbrook.


This is crazy.

This would be hard enough in the day.

We have to find it.

We can't see anything.

Spencer, we have to find it.

What can I do for you?

I'm looking for a Detective Holbrook.

I'm his father. Who are you?

A friend of his.

Is he around?

Haven't seen him in weeks.

Oh. I thought he was taking care of you.

Do you know where I could find him?

I figured if anyone knew where he was, it'd be you.

You out on bail?

Uh, no.

College weekend.

I'd better get going.



So what time did you get home?

About 3 hours ago.

Sorry you didn't tell me. I woke you up.

Who says I went to sleep?

She still hasn't written me back.



When's the last time you two...

Forget it.

Let me read it.


This is your way of getting personal?

Yeah. If I'm pitching myself to Jackie, why not lob it over the plate?

Tell me you didn't send this.

Why? It's right in her sweet spot.

"I regret that I squandered my high school career," getting involved with an older guy.

I was robbed of all the rituals that my classmates enjoyed.

This secret relationship kept me in a fishbowl, "separating me from my family, my friends, even myself."

Okay, I don't need a dramatic reading, Emily, I wrote it.

If Ezra saw this, he'd be so hurt.

No, he wouldn't.

No, he would know exactly what I'm doing.

And once I get accepted, I can just take back every word.

Please tell me you didn't send this.

Why do you keep saying that?

Yes, I sent it, I emailed it last night.

It's done.

(cell phone buzzes)

Oh, sh**t. I got to go.


Because I have 200 empanadas to fill.

That is so amazing.

Oh, my gosh. What is that spice?

I'm so glad you like this.

Hmm, Emily, I want you to meet somebody.

Talia Sandoval, Emily Fields.

Hi, it's nice to meet you.

What's going on?

Oh, I asked Talia to help out tonight in the kitchen.

I don't understand.

Um, well, I would just prefer that you come tonight as a guest.

I don't want to be a guest.

You hired me to...

I know, I know.

But I think that we can both relax knowing that there's a professional back there in the kitchen.

Let's just think of Talia like a savior.

You know that I'm gonna pay you for the work you did last night.

Yeah, it's not just about last night.

I was hoping I could maybe become more than a barista.

Okay, I didn't realize.

Well, we can revisit that at a later day.

Right. I've work to do.


What is this?

It's filling for empanadas.

Excuse me.

You know, if the dough's been in the fridge all night, you may want to...

If I wanted advice, I'd ask my mother.

We go way back.

(knocking on door)

Caleb, what are you doing here?

What happened?

I couldn't do it.

What do you mean you couldn't do it?

I felt like I was being followed.

I drove to the lake and when I got there, I...

I just couldn't do it.

Okay, fine, I'll do it then.

Wait. Don't you get it?

As long as that knife exists, "A" is gonna find a way to get it back.

Then we make it not exist.

Do we even know how to turn this kiln on?

Hang on, I'm looking it up.

It's got to be one of these switches, right?

Yeah, maybe this one?

I don't know if I got it working.

I don't know. Let's just try it.

(footsteps approaching)



I think there are still a few changes I'd like to make so we're sure we're getting the most...

Hi, Jackie?

Um, it's Aria Montgomery.

Do you remember me?

I'll see you later, Jeff.

Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your...

What are you doing here? Don't you live in Pennsylvania?

Yeah. It's a long story.

I applied here, and then I was wait-listed, and then last night I emailed a letter to the Admissions Board that I would really like to delete... if possible.

Why do you want to delete it?

Jackie, it's... It's complicated.

I don't want to have to get into the details.

Oh, you sure did in your letter.

Is that why you rushed up here?

You're worried I'm gonna share the contents with Ezra?


Your secret's safe with me.

If I never spoke to him again, it would be way too soon.

Thank you.

After I read your letter, I thought about all the time I wasted believing he was somebody he wasn't.

I wish they'd invent a pacemaker that zapped your heart every moment you started falling for Mr. Wrong.

Would save a lot of girls from making a huge mistake.

Not just us.



Oh, my God.

Hang on, hang on, hang on.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, what happened?

Caleb! Oh, my God.

Are you okay? Are you okay?

(door closes)

Did the door shut by accident?

I don't know.

Where's the knife? Is it in there?

Surprise, surprise.

Who did you think it was?


Look, Alison, this isn't a visit.

I came here to tell you one thing.

Give up.

I still know you, at least some of you.

And I know that at every turn you've chosen to fight.

But just this once, don't.

I already have given up.

That's why I'm here.

I could have thrown you all under the bus, but I didn't.

I kept my mouth shut.

But do I get a thanks for it?

What are we supposed to thank you for?

Framing Spencer?

Putting a knife in Mona's...

What knife?

Look, if I was clever as everyone thinks that I am, wouldn't I have given myself a better alibi than my brother?

You want to know where I was for those missing hours on Thanksgiving?

I was waiting for Cyrus.

I got a message from him asking to meet.

He sounded freaked out and I was worried that he was gonna expose our deal, so I went.

I waited for hours for him and he never showed.

It was only when I heard that Mona was missing that I realized that this was just a trap set by "A."

I would've never been able to explain that to the police.

I couldn't even tell my own father.

But he lied for me anyway.

Hanna, if I was "A," why would I let this happen to me?

I don't know.

But I do know that if you are "A," you're counting on that last little shred of me that gives a damn about what happens to you.

And you shouldn't.

(indistinct chatter)

Em, hey. Hi, have you seen Toby?

No. Take an empanada.

No, thanks.

What do you mean, "no, thanks"?

I made these. Eat one.

Uh, I just walked in.

And you're starving. Eat it.

Wasn't Caleb coming with you?

He bailed.

He just wasn't up to it.

Em, there's a hair in this.

Just eat around it, okay?

There you go.

I'm so sorry.

Who is that?

I don't want to talk about it.


Are you Melissa Hastings?

Uh, no, that's my sister.

Oh, that's a relief. Why is that a relief?

Because I'm not looking for a roommate.

Your mom told my mom that I could rent your guesthouse.

Wait. When did this happen?

Our moms are friends? Kind of.

Your mom sued my granny's nursing home for my mom.

Have you tried these crab cakes yet?

They're awesome, they're like the new party drug.

Thank you for the tip.

I'm Jonny. Raymond.


Spencer Hastings.

The sister who hasn't checked out yet.

I'm psyched about the space.

I don't think that you really should be.

You don't want to live in our backyard.


Because somebody was buried in it.

Will you excuse me?

Oh, don't do that.

Hey, they can be saved.

Okay, you know what, I'm not looking for a savior.

Emily, if I told you how may times I bombed before I perfected even one signature dish...

I didn't take this on to flaunt my brand, okay?

I needed the cash to save a relationship, which actually doesn't make sense because that relationship doesn't exist anymore.

And now I'm stuck here, making plans to go and see someone who's moved across the country, started a new life, and can't even find a second to return any of my stupid emails.


Emily, Emily. Okay, okay.

May I?

So the first kitchen that I ever worked in had a hard and fast rule.

Just about any tapas can be rescued with either some slivered almonds or the right sauce.

Oh, come on, just try it.

Look, if you hate it, you can spit it in my face.

(doorbell rings)

I didn't expect you to be home.

I was just gonna leave these.

Were you at the office today?

Yeah, I figured I could use a Saturday to catch up.

But some of the paperwork didn't make sense.

We have a tenant whose lease expired 3 years ago.

I'm happy to take a look at it and see if I can sort it out.


Do you want me to drop it off to your house tomorrow or...

I'm staying at the Edgewood.


My father made it very clear I'm not welcome since my sister... left.


Probably because I'm the one who got her arrested.

Have you eaten?

I've been looking for you.

There's somebody that I really want you to meet.


So sorry.

Bob, this is the young lady I was telling you about.

Aria, this is Bob Milsom, who teaches at Vassar.

I thought that one gifted writer would appreciate another.

Toby, wait.


You looked me in the eye and then you deliberately went behind my back...

So did you!

How else would you've known that the knife was gone? You went back, too.

Because I wanted to do the right thing.

Yeah, if you thought that, then you would've picked it up the first time.

You know, you keep on talking about the right thing as if we've no idea what it is.

But in this case, we needed to protect ourselves and that meant getting rid of it, okay?

Spencer... So it's done. It's destroyed.

Spencer, I can't... Caleb and I, we got it...

I can't. Listen to this! Don't you understand you're making it worse?

There are things that I can't know about, things that you can't say out loud.

You told me once that I could tell you anything.

I've got to go.

Maybe Jessica had a verbal agreement with these tenants.


People thought my mom was a hard-ass, but truth is, she used to cry at dog food commercials.

Me, too.

I don't even have a dog.

You should.

If you're gonna live in this big house all by yourself.

Don't remind me.

The day Hanna moves out...

I'm just not as fond of my own company as I used to be.

Why's that?

I don't know.

So much has happened the last few years.

I think I'm scared of the white noise in my head.

I can relate.

Can I get you anything else to drink? I have decaf.

I'm fine.

Let me take your plate.

I'm sorry.

Consider that a thank-you. For dinner.

That's all right.

I don't mind being thanked.


Why were you late?

Did you make it up to Talmadge?

Were you able to stop...

No. Jackie read it.

Oh, no.

Is she gonna forward it to Ezra?

Oh, no.

It's our secret.

But it worked.

What're you gonna tell Ezra?


Nothing. I can't.

So thanks to you, I'm really screwed.

I'm scared to ask, but why?

Everybody is raving about your food.

Seriously, what am I gonna do when I open this place up?

You know where to find me.

Hey, Emily, I don't want you to feel resentful or unappreciated.

Hire her.


I'll get over it.

Besides, she can't touch what I can do with a cappuccino.

(door closes)