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14x29 - Episode 29

Posted: 05/05/24 14:28
by bunniefuu
Announcer: previously on "big

Brother". . . With the quack

Pack in the final four -- quack,

Quack, quack --

Danielle captured the head of


Come over here.

Thank you, ian.

But then continued to pull

The strings.

Me and ian.

I want danielle to keep shane

Off the block and that will make

Shane feel comfortable with


If shane is comfortable with

Danielle he will do what

Danielle wants and danielle will

Do what I tell her to do.

And danielle did exactly what

He wanted.

I'm putting up you ian and

You dan for eviction.

At the final veto

Competition, danielle continued

Other winning streak.

Congratulations former


Good job.

So dan worked his magic once


If I pull you down are you

Saving shane?


You swear?


I may juan to keep ian and

Knock out shane.

I know no matter what shane is

Not going to take me to the

Final two and ian will.

When danielle used the veto


I decided to use the powerful

To save you.

Shane, I'm sorry, I have to

Evict you.

Tonight, can dan salvage his

Relationship with danielle.

And part one of the three

Part head of household

Competition begins.

Please, the final three look

Back on the the emotion al,

Volatile and humanious memories

Of the summer including the best

Moments you've never seen.

It all happens right now on "big


We did it, guys.

Captioning funded by



Dan one I entered this game

And I had to get blood on my

Hands and every week it's piling

Up and piling up.

There's something big there this

House and you have one shot to

Break up and this is that one

Shot so, shane, I'm sorry I

Have-to-evict you.

I do not believe dan just did

This to me.

Is he trying to k*ll me?

I had no idea this was going to


Dan swore that he could keep him

And he lied.


Shane, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.


Holy hell, dan hoodwinked

Danielle into voting out her

Boyfriend and I'm still here?

What happened out there is

Pretty ugly but I'm still here

So, thank you, dan.


I'm whispering to shane

Because I know I'm in trouble in

The jury house.

I stabbed almost everyone in the

Back and I'm starting to think

How can I win a half million

Dollars again and I have to

Start working on votes.

Shane walking out the door

For me and mission accomplished.

I wanted shane out of the house

Because if he won the final to

The hoh he wasn't going to take


Guess who is going to take me to

The end?

Dan dwrelt and ian.

I'm in a pretty good spot.

Why do you continuously lie?

I'm your coach.

I it's my job to get you in.

If ian wins he is taking you and

You can beat him.

I couldn't tell you because you

Wouldn't believe me.

That's why I made that move.

Danielle is upset with me for

Lying to her face again.

Even though she is super mad at

Me I have no doubt I can reel

Her back in one more time.

How do you know he is going

To pick me over you?

Because he knows he can't

Beat me after I pull that crap.




I can't believe I'm still


I have a in three shot at

Winning "big brother."

It was my freedom to come here

And I still have a chance to


I can do this!

Why can't you ever just be

Honest with me.

I'm telling you --

Can you please sit down?

I'm sorry I didn't tell you

But I didn't want you to have to

Lie to shane's faith.

You were afraid to tell me

Because you were afraid I

Wouldn't pull you off the block.

How are you going to explain

That to shane if I tell you when

Shane asks you in the jury did

You know about that what can you

Honestly say?

Hell, no.

There you go.

If you said hell yes, do you

Think he is going to vote for


You will win this game.

You can be mad at me but that's

What I'm doing.

I'm not mad at what you did.

I'm mad at how many times you

Have broken my trust.

How many times you have lied to

Me and played with my emotions.

How many times you have to screw

Me over to keep being good to


I'm just so upset that shane is

Gone and that dan lied again.

We are both still here but does

He want me here?

How do I know he's not going to

Do that to me.

I understand you're

Disappointed and upset but I

Hope you understand why I did

What I did?

I'm just hurt.

I'm not mad.

My feelings are hurt.

What did I tell you day one,

You leave your heart at the

Front door.

I feel so sad.

That's why I make a good


I don't.

I'm trying to get you to the


That's why you're a good person.

You feel bad.

I don't.

I left my heart at the door.

I came here for one reason to

Coach someone to a half million


Anything else, I don't care.

I don't.

I should have known.

I should have known.

I guess it's my fault.

I guess I shouldn't be so mad at


I should be mad at myself.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

Follow me three times and I'm pa


How can you lie?

It's almost a gift.

It's a good gift to have.

You have it to an art, dan.

I'm not proud of that.

I'm a bad, bad person.

You're not a bad person.

You're the nicest person in the

House the whole season.

As a football coach sometimes I

Have to do stuff to my players I

Don't like but I get the results

That we need.

I'm sorry I do it.

That's it.

We're done now.

There's nothing -- no more

Antics left to pull?

Turn that frown upside-down and

Start thinking about how you're

Going to win a half million


If you think I can beat that,

You're nuts.

You're nuts.

I know how to win this game

And coach someone to win this


I asked to be on your team.

I begged to be on your team.

Be careful what you wish for,


How bad do you want the half


In my head, I'm thinking,

Danielle, you can't let him

Think you don't trust him now so

I have to put a smile on my face

And nod and act like I agree

With everything he says.

I had better agree but all dan

Needs to know is that we're

Still a-ok.

You're a great person.

That's why everyone loves you

And why you're going to win this


Game. To you, shane!

To you, shane!

Oh, my gosh.

There's champagne.

Beats chef joe's cooking any


You guys want a mimosa?

Now that I see the

Celebration lunch, it's actually

Sinking in that I actually

Survived to the final three.

Who would have ever thought I

Made it this far.


Hell of a job so far.

So final three.

There we go.

It's time to celebrate and

I'm definitely excited or maybe

It's a time to plan my revenge

Against dan.

I love this.

Even though the past or so

Hours have been pretty rough no

Matter how the game shakes out

I'm sitting with great people

Who deserve everybody e.

Everything that's coming to


Cheers to us and the final


Congrats, guys.

Dan, do you remember when you

Came up to the h osm h room in

Had a dog suit and wanted to

Name the alliance quack pack.

No way we were everything e.

Ever going to use that name.

To the start of beautiful


Join the party.

Oh, boy.

Now that frank didn't win the

Veto, I think now is the time I

Should solidify my alliance with

Dan, danielle, britney and


I think we can go pretty far in

The game.

Obviously the four of haven't

Been together and so we were all

Having a roundtable discussion.

I mean I want to do whatever

You guys want to do.

I'm in for it.


I'm excited about ian

Committing to me, britney, shane

And danielle because he is a

Trustworthy number and that's

Going to help me get further in

The game.

We can do our name.

Let me guess.

Quack pack.


Duck squad.

No duck tale.


Does it have anything to do

The duck.


But I do like the quack pack.

We can do this.

That can be our symbol.

Ian reminds me of a younger

Version of my self.

A little crazy and cookie but


I have the opportunity to run

All the way to the end with this

Kid I'm going to do it.

Final five.

One, two, three.

Quack pack.

That's it.

The freakin' quack pack.

As a quack pack we made it so

Far and played this game so long

Together but even before that

Danielle and I were together

Since day one.

I was her coached and I picked

Her because I thought I saw a

Lot in her.

When julie said -- and I

Looked at you and I said coaches

Are coming and I said dan is

Coming back.

And who is the first person that

Blasts through the door?


I'm like, wow!

Here we go.

To see boogie walk through

The door and I'm freaking out.

It's like stepping into yankee

Stadium and playing baseball

With alex rodriguez.

I was when I first watched


Oh, my gosh.

What kind of terms are you

Guys on?

Who knows.

We're back.

Good to see you.

You look great!

It just got real.


I was definitely really

Concerned when janelle walked

Through the door.

If I wasn't one of her players I

Could be in a lot of trouble.

As a get for it doesn't get

Any better than janelle.

She scares me to death

Because I never knew if she was

Telling the truth or lie to me.

She is able to hide her


We never knew where she was

Coming from.

Labor is the worst pain ever.

Did you cry?

I don't cry.

You didn't cry when you got

Evicted third place twice.


If I took you to a stranger's

Funeral and a person was being

Lowered into the ground.

Would you cry? I think so.

Probably not.

Janelle just doesn't seem to

Have a whole lot of emotion.

We could get the worst news ever

And janelle would be just like,

All right, ok.

I'm like do you ever say to

Yourself, wow, I'm sad today?


Do you get really happy.


I don't.

I think janelle's emotions or

Lack thereof are a definite

Advantage in the game.

I can't tell you how many days I

Feel sad or depressed, lonely,

Missing my husband.

If I get sad I change my


One of the things that always

Helped me in the house is the

Fact I have my bible.

And I don't take mike boogie for

A religious or spiritual guy but

When I caught him reading the

Bible that's as shocked as I

Have been in the bible.

He told me what book to read

And I told him proverbs.

Might just might have been a

Little bored in the house.

You know what is weird dan?

There's -- some of the book is

Easy to read and some of it is

Really difficult.

Old and new testament.

Did I cross over or


The last time I was per using

Through the good book was six

Years ago here in the "big

Brother" house.

I didn't read it as much.

At the time I was in the child

Town alliance and I needed less


This time around I have been

Looking to the sky for a little

More inspiration, guidance and


Well, let me read you one of

My favorite parts.

I have to find it.

Hold on.

Mike boogie is becoming quite

The biblical schooler.

After this I my have offers to

Teach sunday school.

Is that blasphemous to look

For something in the bible and

Say I don't know where the hell

This is?

All right.

The proper attitude toward


The lover of gold will not be

Free from sin for he who pursues

Wealth is ledet stray by it.

Do you know this part, dan?


The "big brother" house does

A lot of strange things to

People including mike boogie

Reading the bible.

I never thought I would see

Boogie read anything let alone

The most holy book in the world.

What the lord is trying to

Tell you dan is why don't you

Give up this game and not pursue

Things like $,.

Ladies and gentlemen mike

Boogie has just read from the

Bible and hell has frozen over.

Do you remember when britney

Was on the block and she had to

Let off steam.

She was throwing stuff around

The house.

One, because she hates frank,

But she took frank's bear and

Rolled him around and she was

Literally beating him.

I thought she was going to

Get expelled, really.

I'm bored.

That's my fiber powder I'm

Always brinking, britt.

She's going to burn this

Mother down.

Don't throw that.

There's not much in there,


That's my good luck oatmeal.

Erroneous pt don't do that.

That one felt good.

I definitely think the

Pressure of being on the block

Is getting to britney and I

Can't wait for her to crack

Because I'm going to have a

Front row seated to it.

That will be a big mess if it

Brakes and the top will break.

You know what would feel

Good, britt --

If I played that game with my

Fingers and the knife?


Don't do that.

Do you know who could take a



Teddy b.

I could tell britney was

Stressed to the maximum and

Needed to let go of some


Let go of some of that animosity

That you have inside.

But britney may be going a

Little over the edge right now.

Don't rip him.

Be careful now.

I'm a little worried about my

Boy because he is taking some


That was a punch to the


He is going to need a hug

After this though, britt.

Are you ok?

That was one for ted.

I just hope -- hey, teddy.

I just hope -- hey, teddy. He is a team player.

He is a team player.

There's been a lot of fights

And confrontations this summer.


Rye in the first week, willie

Versus frank.

That's a taste of how

Volatile this house can get.

I have been trying to save

You all week.

Is that all the way true?

All week?

I have been begging everybody to

Keep you there this house.

Don't fool me right now brother.

I'm just trying to have a

Talk with you.

There's no need to raise your


I have been trying to save

Your ass ask you are going to

Sling my name in the dirt and

Make me look like an idiot.

You going to chop my head off

Too next week willie?

I said we will workweek to

Week and you come throw me in

The dirt?

I have been doing everything for


Day number two, you said I

Promise you will not go on the


I'm on the block.

That's all I have to say.

When I know someone is

Willy-nilly and it may be a

- Vote, I have to protect


This is my game, willie.

I told you a thousand times

Just be quiet this week, you're


And you kept on running your


This is my game.

You're right.

This is your game.

You kept messing up your game so

I kept trying to had help you

Out in your game.

I don't know what I did wrong to

You except do everything my

Power to keep you in the house.


You wanted janelles players to

Go against me so you would look

Good and I would go after them

Next week.

True or not.

I help you go home this week.

I hope everybody changes their

Votes ask you go home because

You're a shady [bleep]

I'm not a shady [bleep]

I'm straight talking and speak

Nothing but the truth.

I hope you stay, buddy.

You're --

Why you got to attack me like


I'm not awkward.

I'm a grown ass man.

When I come in and eat I'm going

To sit down and eat food, froot

Loops or whatever because that's

What I want to do and I will

Come out here and smoke and I

Don't give a [bleep] who is out


Two people are knocked out me

And you.

Congratulations I may not be.

Whoever wants to vote for

Her, please vote for her.

Whoever wants to vote for me,

Vote for me.

I'm all right with me.

Willie are you the boss?

Who died and left you boss?

Why do you get to tell everybody

What to do.

I tell you what I'm saying is

The fact I'm not going to stay

Up there and have people say I'm

Saying things that I didn't say.

You can go do your thing


I ain't got no time for you.

I will eat my sandwich here

While you eat your froot loops.

You all going to be bullied by


How am I bullying them when I

Tell them not to follow you to

The end so you can cut their

Neck off?

Just let everybody vote

However they want to vote.


Un[bleep] real, dude.

One of the scariest moments

This summer was definitely when

Willie went after joe in the


That was definitely the

Biggest confrontation of the


Maybe the biggest I have seen

In my life.

I tried to break it up but I

Don't think I was going to be

Doing much of anything.

All's I know is I'm losing

Another pounds.

Nothing to do but slop.

That's all I know.

Cheers to another week.

I ain't never seen a bigger

Group of [bleep] in my life.

Just leave everybody alone.

Because I'm not going out

Like that, britt.

You're not going out like

What, with class?

No, I'm not going to go out

With class.

Well I don't know why you

Have to put on this act.

It ain't an act.

I'm pissed.

You can't act this way in

Your real life.

I do.

Have you seen janelle around.

Janelle is upstairs.

Bunch of [bleep] in this


You're the only bitch I see


What did you say?

What did you say?

Hey, hey --

Hit me.

Hit me?

Hey, hit me.

Hit me.

Hit hit me!

I see fighting.

What did you say.

Willie go to the back


What are y'all coming down

Here for.

We can be here.

It's ours too.

You don't own this place.

Willie, you're a jerk!

What a punk.

He head-butted me.

It's ok.

He needs to go.

It's ok.

I can't believe he just did


He charged me.

I'm done.

I'm not talking to him anymore.

I'm not talking to him anymore. Willie come to the dr now.

Willie come to the dr now.



I hope you go hope this week.

Why you got to attack me like



I have got spirit, how about


The search is on for the next

"Big brother" houseguest.

Do you have what it takes to

Move in and compete in a

Three-month power struggle for a

Half million dollars?

Go to"big brother" for

Go to"big brother" for details.


The one thing that definitely

Happened this summer that we

Can't ignore is that there was

Some romance in the house.

Is there a hole in your heart

That just can only be filled

With shane.

I miss shane a lot.

It's harder with him gone than I

Thought it would be.

Do you miss him.

I miss him because he never

Wronged me.

Mine and shane's romance is

Definitely rocky at times.

We definitely butted heads a


There's definitely very

Endearing, like sweet moments

And other times we definitely

Had a little fight.

Shouldn't even be up here

Right now.

Everybody knows we're


I lay between you so you

Don't cuddle.

Shane, let me be the mediator.

I'm good at this.

What did you say?

I said I don't want to have a


Nobody said anything about a


You bring this up all the time.

In a calm respectable tone,

Please tell me what happened

From start to finish.

Shane gets in different mood

Swings that vary from night to


Other times he is in defense


He varies day to day and you

Never know what you're going to


He is like a box of chocolates.

Did he give you any hugs today.




I asked for it.

So you're saying --

You're needy.

I'm not needy at all.

He thinks it's funny when he

Makes me mad.

You're saying shane has been

Giving you the cold shoulder



And this hurts your feeling.

A little bit.

It's nice to have a green

Light and tell him how he is

Driving me crazy.

The boy drives me crazy a lot of

Times in the house.


I told myself I didn't want

At a play with feelings and I

Feel like if I hang out with

Danielle my feelings would be

Growing stronger and I don't

Want that because I will put a

Target on my head and her head

If people know we're hanging


I think it's important going

Forward that the two of you

Remain friendly obviously but,

Shane, when you are spending

Time with danielle one one one,

Consistency is important to her.

Danielle, regardless how it may

Seem I feel as if shane is

Looking out for the best

Interests of both of you.

I'm not saying he is not.

But he's going to work to be

More consistent.

He knows it bothers you and I

Think he's going to do his best

Effort when you're in that alone


That's all I ask.

To be more consistent.

Something is telling me

Britney may not be a licensed

Therapist but she works with

What she's got and she does her


I feel better, what about you



Ian, do you remember when you

And ashley went on that date in


I absolutely.

Definitely one of the better

Looking dates I have ever had.

What were some of the best

Things about that date.

Everybody else in the house

Had fun with it and played


Even joe helped make us food

Composed entirely of slop.

Your lady awaits.

You have to pick her up.

Oh, what?

Oh, you look beautiful.

Oh, thank you.

Let's go.

Man, she is freaking


I mean, hole you -- yeah,

Definitely the hottest girl I've

Ever taken on a date.

Good evening.

We will be back in soon with

A couple of drinks.

Thank you.

I try to go on dates whenever


Please close the door.

They tend to be few and far

Between because I'm busy in my

Regular life.

Hey, you look great.

Thank you very much.

That reminds me, I did bring

Something for you.

Oh, it's perfect.

It matches my outfit.

I love it.

Sometimes when I get nervous

I get a watering eye.

Are you nervous right now?

I was a little nervous, yeah.

What's your favorite course in


I really like inorganic


Can you explain to me the

Difference between organic and

Inorganic chemistry?

I always think of like when I go

To the formers market or the

Grocery store organic.

Organic means carbon.

Carbon is involved and organic

Is any combination of elements

Where carbon is not involved.

Say that again?

The date so far is going

Pretty well.

She seems pretty interested in

How things are going.

I'm definitely have a good time.

What do you want to make a

Toast to?

To "big brother ",

Hopefully a long summer and both

Of us are here.




Cheers to that.

I definitely think that a

Showmance can help my game and

If ashley and I play this out we

Could go the distance, in the


Ian is there any part of you

That wished at ashley was still

In the house when you stood up

To frank and kind of embarrassed

Him in the carrot suit, do you

Think ashley would have come

Back on the ian bandwagon.


I think had she still in the

In the house, the better guy

Between frank and myself because

I showed a lot of confidence

When I challenged him.

You all right frank?

That's a tough position.

Thanks, shane.

Tough decision.

But you had several days to


I had seconds.

Keep running your mouth.

Everybody is looking at what

You're really like right now.

Let the boys come out, ian.

Let them come out.

I thought they were taking

Advantage of you because you're

A kid.

Turns out you're just trying to

Be sneaky.

That's not true.

I'm not sneaky at all.


It was easy for you to vote

Against mike and to put me and

Ashley up.

Easy for for me because I

Cried all day?

And told him to get steppin'.

Because he called me a


You were crying all day and

Coming and saying you felt bad

Mike were going home and you

Were guilty because you were

Voting against him.

I have no sympathy for you.

No sympathy.

Well, good.

No need to get so loud about it


That's how it was on the live


That was a different


You voted against mike.

I gave you $, and gave

You a key and you repay me by

Putting me on the block.

Actually, you put me own the

Block and you thought you could

Get me out.

If anybody in the house takes

Him to the end they're a fool.

You sit next to him in the final

Two he wins -.

Everybody knows that.

If I'm not -- if you say -- I

Have come to everybody in this

House and I say nobody will take

Me to the final two.

I will have to win it for


You're exactly right.

So you're not telling anybody

Ig anything they don't know.

I have a carrot costume on and

I'm having a freakin' toe to

I'm having a freakin' toe to toe.


I think eall know the

Importance of this living room.

Julie has dropped major

Bombshells and twists on us in

This room.

And this is where we decide

People's fate.

We have sent people out of here

That knew it was coming and

People that didn't know it was


There's been a lot of emotion in

This room and a lot of epic

Events that went down and the

Winner will be crowned in this


I remember I was sitting

There and you decided to host

Your own funeral and compliment

Everyone but me.

Yeah about that funeral --

Watching that funeral,

Awkward party of but, man, it


Obviously the last hours

For me were pretty tough.

When I walked out of there and I

Saw you guys sitting there, it

Meant the world to me and I

Wanted to let you know I

Appreciate that.

I'm blessed in all black for a


I want to welcome you to my "big

Brother" funeral.

Stop crying britney.

I want to say a couple of


Joe, being around you, you

Taught me how to be a good


Shane is walking living proof

There is a captain america.

You're such a good dude and I

Appreciate your friendship, man.

The one and only jenn city.

You're the first lesbian I ever

Met and I want you to know how

Much you have touched me.

I appreciate it.

Thank you.

Next up is britney.

I know we are always going to

Have a bond that only you and I

Understand being newly married

And separated from the people

That we love.

Last three will be tougher.

Ian, the more and more I was

Around you, the more you remind

Me of myself because you love

This place for everything it's

Worth and you, you

Single-handedly made this

Experience for me.

There's a couple of things I

Have said about you that I'm not

Proud of.

There's something that I want to

Call you upstairs and apologize

To you in private.

Later I would like to talk to

You by yourself and get that off

The table.

And finally, there's danielle.

The last time I played this

Game, I learned a lot of tough

Lessons early on and I learned

That you got to find one person

And put % of your hut in


I thought if I picked you, you

Would have similar qualities.

And through my own fault I was


We don't need to get into it now

But in this game, you will never

Earn my trust back, you know

What you did.

And in this game, you're dead to


So don't come to me and ask me

About it because it's over.

Moving forward, we can be

Friends outside of this.

I will be friends with all of

You but the game talk for me

Ends know.

I hope you understand this was

The death of dan the player.

I really appreciate it.

The funeral isn't a fond

Memory of mine.

I don't appreciate the way you

Went at me or the way you said

In front of the whole house.

I regret the bad things I

Said to you but at the same time

Also feel fortunate I was able

To rise from the dead so I could

Sit here and share this memory

With you today.

Only one quack packer can win

So hopefully next week is a good

One for us and ultimately may

The best duck win.


Cheers. Cheers to that.

Cheers to that.

I walk in the back yard and I

See a pond and fish hook.

It reminds me of home but at

Home there's not a huge wall I

Think I'm about to be slammed in


I think this is going to be a

Long night.

We're about to be slammed?

Is this endurance?

Welcome to part one of the

Final hoh competition much the

Winner will choose who will sit

Next to them on finale night.

Since this is the last hoh,

Everyone is eligible.

Tonight's competition is called

Hook, line, and sinker.

And to win you need to hold on


The last person hanging on their

Fishing line will win the first

Part of the competition and

Automatically advance to part


I cannot believe I made the

Final three.

But third place doesn't win any


So if I want to finish in the

Money I have to beat out at

Least one more person.

Good luck.


Final three, that's what we

Get, a ride on a fishing pole.

Deja vu.

Why do I feel like this is

Going to hurt.

This is the ride from hell.

I have lied to everyone in

The house and nearly back

Stabbed everyone too.

I have played a ruthless game

This season and I will do

Whatever it takes to make sure I

Get to final two even if that

Means I have so s*ab one more

Means I have so s*ab one more person in the back.

Person in the back.

I fought so hard to get here

And I'm going to win this final


When it comes to me picking the

Final two, dan I hope you're not

Sitting too comfortably because

It might be time for you to get


Who will which the final

Three part head of household

Comp tights.

And who will be crowned the

Winner of "big brother."

Plus, who did america vote as

Their favorite houseguest?

Find out on the minute live

Season finale at a special

Time -- wednesday, :, :

Central immediately following

Central immediately following the premier of survivor.

The premier of survivor.

The premier of survivor. [Lightning and thunder sounds]