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14x25 - Episode 25

Posted: 05/05/24 14:25
by bunniefuu
Last week in the biggest move

In big brother history, dan

Escapes certain eviction.

Now he seems to be running the


But tonight, it's double

Eviction night, and anything can


Welcome to big brother!

Captioning funded by


Previously on big brother.

Dan made a final deal with


We both --

I swear to god.

On my wedding ring, on my


Yes, final two, man.

And they formed a new secret


But when I an won head of


You got it, bubba.


Dan reunited with the quack


The quack is back.

And we are going for frank and


Quack, quack, quack, quack,


And ed turned on frank.

Don't take it lightly having

To break the word to someone

That I swore on my wife, it is

What I have to do in the long


And ian did the quack pack's

Dirty work.

I have nominated, you, frank

And you, jenn for eviction.

At the veto competition, it

Came down to frank versus dan.

Congratulations, dan!

You have won the golden power

Of veto.

And dan continued to play

Frank like a fiddle.

Dan can't have know/foe me

Because it would expose our deal

And everyone would know we are

Working together.

At the veto meeting, frank

Was clueless to dan's devious

Master plan.

I have decided to use the

Power of veto on jenn.

I have decided to nominate


Tonight, will frank be

Blind-sided or save himself yet

Again? Plus a second house

Guest will be walking out the


It is a special double

Eviction episode right now, live

On big brother!

Julie: good evening I'm

Julie chen, welcome to a special

Live double eviction night of

Big brother.

It is day inside the big

Brother house and epic blind

Sides continue to rule the game.

And another could take place


For the sixth time this season,

Frank is up on the chopping

Block and just moments from now

Either he or joe will be walking

Up to front door.

But what the house guests

Don't know is that it is double

Eviction night and in the next

Hour, a new head of household

Will be crowned, two more house

Guests will go up on the

Chopping block, the power of

Veto will be up for grabs and

Another house guest will be sent

Pabing leaving only five players

Left in the race for the half

Million dollars grand prize.

So who will make the final ?

We will soon find out.

But first, last week's dan swore

An oath of loyalty to frank.

This week, he launched a covert

Campaign to take him out and

Frank has no idea.

I have decided to use the

Power of veto on jenn city.

For lack of no other option I

Have decided to nominate joe.

This veto meeting is


So once again I am back on

The block with frank, ian, you

Put me back up on the block but

You say I am just a pawn, let's

Hope so and at the end of this

Week we say bye-bye frankie.


Thank you.

Pulled me off the block.

Whatever, it is like getting

That dream apartment in new york

City without it costing you an

Arm and a leg, but my closest

Ally frank is on the block, so

It is still go time.

Jen is offer the block and

Owe is up next to me.

I only need three votes to stay

This week.

I have been working with dan,

Danielle and jim since over a

Week ago after dan's funeral so

Hopefully I already have the


It has been a pretty good

Week for me, the I added jenn as

An ally, he has no idea he is a

Target and I will get a lot

Closer to the half million

Dollars as long as he remains


So we are golden now, right?


This is great for me.

I wouldn't worry about that.

It just sucks you can't play

In the next one, you know what I

Am saying.

It is not that back, jenn

Already said he will put up ian

And --

How about joe? How about joe

Pulls out a miracle win?

That means he has to have the

Votes to keep me and idle home.

Oh, crap.

Did I just let that slip in

Front of frank?

Getting a little worried?

No, I am not.

I have got to be a lot more

Careful than that this week.

You don't realize, I am going

To be a little nervous this

Week, but this is like deintra

Have you for me, the last time I

Was on the block it was joe you

And danielle told me I looked


I just don't want history

Repeating itself, bubba.

Are you serious about us

Going to the end, though, right?


He needs to go.

You got zero to realize I

Have gotten burned so many times

In this game this season.


Who I can trust and put me up

On the block the very next week.


Every single time.

What's up? What's going on?

Just working, man.

Making sure everything is


Lay low.

Now that I am a replacement

Nominee I need to go back to ian

And make make darn sure frank is

A target and owe is just a pawn

So I will be here for another


Should I like go on a major

Campaign to jim?


I know you are low and golden.


I actually want to give joe

Assurance he is not going

Anywhere, provided he lies low

And keeps his mouth shut.

If he says too much he could

Turn people against him.

If anybody can screw this up

It would be joe.

Frank is tough.

This is it.

This is it.

Six times.

He escapes so many times.

They called him houdini.

Houdini died young.

If anybody is cool enough to

Leave this guy in the game and

Expect that you will ever have

Him in this bogs again, you

Cannot let that slip by.

If it is a tie you get to

Pull the trigger.

All right.

If it is a tie, oh, goll, to

Get the blood on my hands for

That k*ll.

You take down the biggest

Player of the season.


Last time, I misfired and

Shot a doe.

This time, I have got the

-Point buck.

I am thinking.

I do this game like football,

I always have to be a few steps

Quicker and a few steps smarter

Than everyone else.

I am staring at the memory wall

Thinking to myself my margin for

Error is about this big in this


Every position I thought

About is in good shape except

For joe winning hoh.

If he wins who is he going to

Put up? I have got to check in

With joe to see exactly where

His head is at.

I tell you what, this next

Hoh we put up would be --

So dan comes in the room and

Puts me on the spot so I am

Throwing out names with

Absolutely, they absolutely mean


Who I would put up is you, dan

And whoever is on your side is

Going up with you.

Dan takes me in here and --


Pitch black.

So joe thinks I am shane and

Starts repeating the

Conversation I had with him

Minutes ago and in my head am I

Talking to barney rubble because

All that is upstairs is a bunch

Of rocks.

Are you guys still weak.

I came in here and joe

Started whispering because he

Thought I was you.

No he didn't.

Dan just started whispering

To me.

Joe, everything I am going to

Tell you is going to circulate

Around the entire house? Can I

Trust you.

Can the quack pack trust you or

Just keep this up and vote you

Out this week?


It is time to surprise the

House guests with tonight's

Double eviction news.

Hello, house guests.

Hello, julie.

Julie: tonight, either

Frank or joe will leave the big

Brother house and join the jury,

Leaving six of you in the house.

But if you hope to make it to

The final , you will have to

Survivor the night, because once

Again, it is time for a double

Eviction and before the hour is

Over, two of you will be


Oh, my goodness.


There is no time to waste,

So, frank, joe, in just a few

Moments your house mates will

Cast their votes to evict live

But before you do you each have

One last chance to plead your



You are up first.

I would like to start offer

By figuratively pointed out to

My boy, my boogie, I wish you

Were still here and make a toast

To everybody here and say ,

Congratulations for making it

This far and for why you should

Keep me, everyone knows I am not

Competing in the next hoh.

So one thing that means is I

Can't come after you and I might

Be a nomination instead of you.

But most importantly, when you

Are down in this game like I am

Right now, I am very vulnerable

And when you reach your hand out

To a player like me in this

Position and you pull me up if

Possible I won't forget it.

So if you vote in my favor

Tonight I will do my best to

Return the favor.

Julie: thank you, frank.


You are up.

Well, I know I am the single

Biggest threat in the kitchen,

But frank, man, if, I love you

To death, really I can't wait to

Hang on the outside, everybody

Thank you so much, it has been

An honor, an absolute honor to

Meet you and I cherish every bit

Of the time I have had with you,

I really do appreciate itn't and

Just want to say hey you have to

Vote with your heart, I thank

You right now for whatever you


Julie: thank you, joe,

Thank you both. It is time for

The live voting to begin.

Neither of the two nominees is

Allowed to vote.


You will only vote in the event

Of a tie.

One at a time the rest of you

Will enter the diary room and

Cast your vote to evict.

Dan, you are up first tonight,

Please go to the diary room.

Dan has masterminded the demise

Of his former ally, will he

Follow through and vote frank

Out? Hi, dan.

Hi, julie, cast your street

To he strict.

I finally vote toe victim


Julie: thank you, dan.

Julie: danielle has stayed

Loyal to dan since day one.

Her vote should follow his.

Hi, danielle.

Hi, julie.

Please cast your vote to


I vote to evict frank.

Julie: thank you.


Julie: jenn backed frank

For the past two weeks, will she

Back him tonight with her vote.

Hi, jenn.

High, julie, please cast your

Vote to evict.

I cast to evict joe with a

Heavy heart.

Julie: thank you.

Shane is a loyal member of the

Quack pack.

Will he vote with his alliance

Or let ian break the tie?

Hi, shane.

Julie: hi, julie.

I vote to evict frank.

Julie: thank you.

Thank you, thank you, julie.

Julie: all of the votes are


Let's give the news to the

House guests.

House guests, the votes are

In, when I reveal a vote, the

Evicted house guest will have

Just a few moments to say

Good-bye, gather his belongings

And walk out the front door.

By a vote of three to one,

Frank, you are evicted from the

Big brother house.

Sorry, frank.


It is very competitive.

I appreciate it.

Nice to meet you, man.

[ Applause ]

Julie: frank, welcome.

Who wants it? I didn't see

That one.

Julie: you look


I am shell-shocked.

I mean I have to admit I mean I

Was a little worried, you know,

It is the kind of day job being

Up against joe and depending on

Dan and danielle and once again

They lied to me so it is kind of

Expected a little bit, but I am


Julie: other than bummed,

How are you feeling right now?

You bolted and only hugged

Jenn thanking her.

It is tough.

I mean, the guy put in the

Bottle and swore allegiance and

Went back, it is hard to think a

Guy like that would do that and

I am kind of just really kicking

Myself for even trust ago little

Bit but there is not a lot I

Could have done about it anyway.

Julie: why do you think

They did you like you did?

Because just over a week ago you

Were in an alliance with jenn

And dan and danielle.


Julie: and the vote was

Three to one.

You know, I don't think that

Al lines was ever really

Anything legitimate.

I think from the beginning they

Knew they would try to get me

Out as soon as they could and

This was the best time that they

Could get, I was up on the block

For the sixth time and they

Weren't going let that happen


Julie: not only were you a

Very fierce competitor in this

House, in this game, but we saw

You put your faith in a lot of

People, it started with boogie,

Very loyal friendship there, and

Then ian, even though it was

Questionable whether or not to

Trust him, and then you trusted

Dan, was being too trusting your

Downfall in this?

I mean, absolutely.

I put -- there were a lot of

Times I put my faith in people

And I got sand in the back

Almost a week after I came out

Of hoh, but after the double

Eviction, I didn't have anybody

To come to, jenn but nobody else

In this game and I knew if I

Would make it to the end I had

To trust some people and tried

To at least get them to trust


I played a pretty honest game

And I was hoping somebody would

Return the favor, but nobody

Really would.

Julie: frank, you spent

Years of your life trying to get

Into this house and you got in

The house and you spent weeks

Trying to stay in it.

How difficult is this to be

Sitting here with me right now

For you?

I mean it is tough, julie.

I mean I have been on the block

Since week one, I mean, six

Nominations and I have been

Fighting every time, I have been

Nominated every time I haven't

Been hoh and saying that to a

Lot of, it is the truth.

I fought just as hard to stay in

The house as to get into is


Julie: did you have a good

Time, though?

I did.

I wouldn't change anything in

The world except a few things at

The end.

Julie: in the event you

Were the one voted out tonight

And your house mate taped some

Good-bye messages.

Let's listen.

Frankie, you have the ego the

Size of texas.

This time you just couldn't

Beat joe in this house.

Your biggest mistake in the game

Was not getting rid of dan.

Have a good time on the jury. I

Will see you in a few weeks.

I appreciate your game and

The love for it.

You are a huge competitor you

Wanted me out one week and I

Wanted you out the next.

It is nothing personal but this

Is the time to get rid of you.

Good game, that's all I have to


You said preesh I say peace.

We had our ups and downs in

The game and worked together,

Against each other, against each

Other and ultimately I had to

Make some decisions that I felt

Were best for my game.

You are the ultimate threat

To me or anybody else winning

This thing.

That's why I had to send you


I am really sorry, man.

Peace out.

We had a long history in this

Game but one thing you have to

Know is I respect the heck out

Of you, week after week your

Back is against the wall and

Every time you avoided eviction

So at the end I am voting you

Out and I respect you and can't

Beat you, I hope there are no

Hard feelings, best of luck,


Julie: are there hard


Absolutely there are hard


Julie: how bad do you

Regret saving dan and what are

Your thoughts on him?

I mean the truth is I knew if

I didn't send britney home the

Other week when I had a chance

There would still be a large

Alliance against me, I thought

At least if she was gone I could

Try to get in the middle

Somewhere and pick up a couple

Of people but it turns out no

Matter what I was doing I was

Just facing adversity the whole

Time so --

Julie: well, frank, six

Times on the block, three times

At hoh, three times as have

Know/foe winner, it is safe to

Say you played one heck of a


Thank you, julie.

Julie: thank you. We will

See you back here.

When you vote for a winner.

You are on the jury now, frank.

Up next is the live head of

Household competition.

Who will win and who do you

Think will be the second house

Guest that is sent packing?

Stay with us.

Julie: welcome back to big


It is time to crown a new head

Of household.

This hoh, but immediately put

Two house guests on the block.

Let's head to the backyard and

Get things started.

How guests, the finale is just

Around the corner, and the

Winner of tonight's hoh

Competition will have a one in

Chance to win the half million

Dollars grand prize.

Ian, as outgoing head of

Household, you are not eligible

To compete.

This competition is called make

Your case.

And here is how it works.

I will read you a quote from an

Evicted house guesstimated

During their final plea from a

Night they were on the chopping


Your job is to identify the

House guest who said it.

For each correct answer, you

Will receive one point.

The house guest with the most

Points after seven questions

Will be the new head of


Does everyone understand?

Yes, julie.

Julie: excellent.

Then here is your first quote.

In their plea, who said,

Everyone underestimated me as a


Answers, please.

I need an answer, shane and joe.

The correct answer is ashley.

Jenn is the only one to get it

Right, jenn gets one point.

Put down your cards as we move


In their plea who said, it is

Down to brass tax and I need a


Answers, please.

The correct answer is mike


Jenn, dan and danielle each get

A point.

Everyone take down your cards as

We move on.

In their plea, who said

Nobody should let a bully

Dictate how they play this game.

Answers, please.

Jenn, I need an answer.

The correct answer is frank.

Everyone but jenn got it right

As we move on to question four.

This their plea, who said I came

Into this house thinking that I

Was going to play a dirty game.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is jojo.

Jenn, dan, and danielle each get

A point.

In their plea who said I have

Played an honest game.

Answers, please.

Danielle, I need an answer.

The correct answer is kara,

Jenn, dan, and danielle each get

Another point, it is a three-way

Tie currently between jenn, dan

And daniel.


In their, danielle.

Who said in their plea if I

Can help your game out in any

Way, please vote to keep me in

The house.


Answers, please.

The correct answer is janelle.

Jenn, dan and danielle each

Get another point.

Last question.

In their plea, who said no one

Said the big brother game is


Answers, please.

The correct answer is jojo.

Since we have a three-way tie, I

Need jenn, dan and danielle to

Each pick up your boards, and

The answer will be a number.

The person who comes closest to

The correct number without going

Over will be the new head of


If you all go over, the person

Closest to the correct number

Will win.

Jenn, dan and danielle, here we


Rounding to the nearest minute,

How many minutes elapsed from

The time jodi entered the big

Brother house to the time she

Walked out the front door? I

Will read the question again.

Rounding to the nearest minute,

How many minutes elapse ready,

Elapsed from the time she

Entered the house to the time

She walked out the front door?

Answers, please.

Dan, what is your number say.


The correct answer is

Minutes, which means,

Congratulations, dan, yo you are

The new head of household.

Nominations will take place in

Just a few minutes, so everyone

Please head inside to the house.

Dan, you now have a very quick,

Very important decision to make.

Up next, dan must nominate

Two house guests for eviction.

Who will he put up on the block

And who will be the second house

Guest sent to the jury house

Tonight? Stay with us.

Julie: welcome back.

Just moments ago dan became the

New head of household.

It is now his responsibility to

Put two house guests up on the

Chopping block.

Let's head to the living room

And check in on the house


House guests, it is time for

The live voting to begin, so

Please gather in the living room

Right now.

Good luck, dan.


Good luck.

All right, it looks like all

Of you are there.

Joe, are you making an

Assumption? You want to like

Take a regular seat?

I might as well be --

Julie: well, we will see.

Dan, you look like you are ready

To go.

Ready to go.

Julie: face your house

Mates and make your nominations.

All right. What I tell my

Football players back home is

You have to make tough decisions

But you always play hard . In

This game will are no hard

Feelings, joe I have to nominate

You and ian, sorry, buddy, you

Haven't been nominated yet, you

Have to feel it.

Julie: all right.

Thanks for taking your proper

Chairs, some of you earlier than


Now ian, joe, one of you may be

The next house guest to be

Evicted, but you still have one

Last chance to say yourself,

Because the live veto petition

Is next.

Who will win the hour of veto

And will it change the

Nominations? We will find out


Stay with us.

[ Applause ]

Julie: welcome back to a

Special double eviction episode

Of big brother.

Already tonight frank was

Evicted from the big brother

House, then dan became the new

Head of household.

He put ian and joe up for

Eviction and now the entire

House will face-off in the live

Power of veto competition.

Will ian or joe win the power of

Veto and save themselves? Let's

Find out.

House guests, it is now time for

The power of stress toe


The winner of the power veto can

Use it to remove one of the

Nominees from the chong block or

They can leave dan's knowledge

Nations intact.

This petition is a lot like

Living in the big brother house.

So it is actually called, aptly

Called swimming with sharks.

Here is how it works.

On my mark, to the shark fin at

The start of your puzzle and

Work it through your maze.

The first house guest to

Successfully navigate their fin

Through the maze returns with

Their fin to the start and hit

Their buzzer will win the power

Of veto.

Does everyone understand?


Julie: excellent.

Then I need to have everyone

Please turnaround, get ready,

Get set, go!

You have to keep

Going to the end.

Julie: and it looks like

Ian is seconds away!

Congratulations, ian, you have

Won the power of veto! You have

Done, are you going to use it?

I think we all know the answer.


Julie: will the nomination

Change? I am pretty sure they

Will and who will be the second

House guest to be evicted

Tonight? Stay with us.

[ Applause ]

Julie: welcome back.

We are in the middle of a live

Double eviction episode of big


Ian has just won the power of

Veto and will likely use it to

Take him self off the block, so

Who will go up in his place?

Let's listen in to last-minute


Ian, hurry up, come back here

So I can talk to you.

I'm sorry.

Ian -- time to begin the veto


Please gather in the living


Hurry up, come here, come here.

Julie: everyone in the

Living room.


Don't make me come in there.

Dan, all right.

Ian, as the winner of the power

Veto you may remove yourself or

Your fellow nominee from the

Chopping block or leave the

Nominations in place.

So ian please stand and give us

Your decision.

Bruised my hand to do it I

Will take myself off the block.

Sorry, joe.

Julie: thank you for taking

The seat on the couch, ian.

Dan as hoh you must name a

Replacement nominee, please

Stand, you standing, pardon me.

Face your house mates and make

Your replacement nomination.

All right.

It is a really tough decision.

Danielle, you have to go up.

Julie: thank you, dan.

House guests I will be back for

The second live vote and

Eviction in just a few minutes.

Up next danielle or joe, who

Will be the next house guest to

Leave the big brother house?

The live vote and eviction is


Stay with us.

[ Applause ]

Julie: welcome back.

It has been an action packed

Night in the big brother house.

Earlier this evening, frank was

Evicted, now either danielle or

Joe will follow in his


Let's return to the living room

For live vote and eviction.

House guests, danielle, joe, in

Just a few moments your house

Mates will cast their vote to he

Strict live but before they do,

You each have a chance to plead

Your case.

Danielle, you are first.

First time on the block I

Love all of you, I really don't

Want to leave.

Please vote to keep me here.

Julie: thank you.

Joe, you up.

Back again.

Thanks, guys.

I just for hanging around and

Being there for me.

All I want to stress is a strong

Ass loyalty and I love all of


Julie: thank you.

It is time for the live vote to


Dan, as head of household you

Are not allowed to vote.

Neither are the two nominees.

One at a time the rest of you

Will enter the diary room and

Cast your vote to evict.

Shane, you are up first.

Please go to the diary room.

Shane must choose between two


What will he do? Hi, shane.

Hi, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict joe.

Have to keep danny.

Julie: thanks.

Jenn lost an ally earlier

Tonight, so who will she back

Now that frank is gone? Hi,


Hi, julie.

Please cast your vote to


With the heaviest of hearts I

Evict to -- I vote to he strict


Julie: thank you.

It is oofficial with two votes

Evict joe, joe will be leaving

The house, but let's see how he


I vote to evict joe.

Julie: thank you.


Julie: all of the votes are


Let's give the news to the house


House guests, just a reminder,

When I reveal the vote the he

Vicked house guest will have

Just a few moments to say

Good-bye and walk out the front


By house vote of three to zero,

Joe, you are evicted from the

Big brother house.

It happens.

Good luck.


I truly love everyone, I

Really do.

It is just a game.

Take it easy.

We will see you on the


Good luck.

Hang in there.

[ Applause ]

Love you, thank you!

Julie: thank you.

Are you all right, man?

Julie: joe, you survived

One voting round earlier

Tonight, but you couldn't

Survive the second one.

Why not?

Couldn't win the pov,

Sometimes you have to come up

With a big win in your life and

I couldn't pull that one out.

He deserved it.

Ian absolutely deserves it.

Julie: but why you and not

Danielle he vicked tonight?


I can't go there.

I will rub his back but that's


Julie: you made, you didn't

Make any big moves, didn't win

Any competitions.

Was that your strategy? Let

Everyone else --

Oh, yes, yes.

That was really my strategy.

I could have won it all! I

Could have won everything! I

Tried every ounce of my body to

Win one of them things.

Years, I will have years

On me but I won't go there, what

I will say is, I fought going

In, the biggest thing I could

Possibly do is obviously use my

Cooking skills and love and then

Also just be there for people.

Julie: final question

Everyone wants to know the

Answer to, what exactly is that

On your chin?

It is my ninny clause.

I tell my children it is my

Ninny kla u.s.

Julie: I hope it grows in

By the th.

You are off to the jury house

But we will see you back on

Wednesday, september th when

You and the rest of the jury

Crown the winner of big brother.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, guys.

Julie: stay right there,

Stay right there.

Five house guests remain in the

Game but only one can be head of


Join us sunday to find out who

Will be the new hoh and who they

Will nominate for eviction and

Wednesday at central I will

Be back for a special eviction

Episode where the final four

Will be decided, trust me.

It is an episode you do not want

To miss.

Then one week from tonight

Another house guest will be

Extent packing leaving the three

Finalists in place to begin the

Battle for the most important

Head of household of the season.

It all happens live next


For now let's eaves drop on the

House guests.

From outside the the big brother

House I am julie chen.

Good night.

[ Applause ]