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14x23 - Episode 23

Posted: 05/05/24 14:22
by bunniefuu

On "big brother".

. . With frank in power --

Frank, congratulations, you

Are the new head of household!

Announcer: -- he targeted his

Archenemy dan.

I nominated you dan and you


If dan doesn't come home this

Could come back to bite me.

And dan seemed to be a dead

Man walking.

I have to think of a plan to

Get myself out of the trouble

I'm in now.

Announcer: but he concocted a

Master plan that will go down in

"Big brother" history.

I'm dressed in brack for a


I don't want to welcome you to

My "big brother" funeral.

I will be friends with all of

You but the game talk ends now.

Step one, invite all

Houseguests to dan's funeral.

Then talk to frank and below up

The quack pack.

Bhean dan sold out ian and

Britney --

There was an alliance created

Not with four people but five



This is my pitch to you.

Frank considered dan's


I swear to god --

I swear on my wedding ring.

Announcer: and two former

Rivals decided to work together.

A new alliance was formed.

And at the veto meeting --

I have decided to use the

Power of veto on dan.

Ian and britney were


According to a not so wise

Nudge man, britney, cop at a


Causing a w*r of words to


Y put me on the block and

Thought you could get me out.

If anybody in the house takes

Him to the end they are a fool.

Dan laid low hoping to avoid

The conflict.

At the live eviction,

Britney's summer came to an end.

Britney, you are evicted from

The "big brother" house.

With only seven houseguests

Remaining, a battle of endurance


Who will become the new head of


And which two houseguests will

End up on the block.

First tonight, pandora's box is

Back again.

All this right now, on "big


Where did jenn come from?

Captioning funded by


Julie: houseguests, power is

Back up for grabs.

The last houseguest standing

Will be the new hoh.

This competition begins now!

I have emotion sickness.

All right.


Not is not warm and that does

Not taste good either.

Ist takes bliek blah.

Soak up that sun.

Competition is good.

Ian and I have been at each

Other's throats.

If he wins it's almost a

Guarantee I go up on the block.

I have to pin my hopes on my new

Alliance with daniel and dan and


You always said I needed a


Last week I made a big move

And actually got britney out of

The house.

When you make big moves you

Become a big target so I have to

Be concerned about myself number


And two number two, trying to

Keep frank safe.

Oh, my god, keep your mouth


Sam this should help you out,


You can grow a couple of shades


Going into the head of

Household comp it's huge.

Not only do you have a in

Shot of winning the whole game

But I don't feel safe so I

Pretty much have to win.

By a vote of -, britney,

You are evicted from the "big

Brother" house.

It really k*lled me to vote

Britney out but when it comes

Down to it, I knew she was close

To ian and she would take him to

The final two:

Britney paid the ultimate

Price for a lot of the moves I

Played in the game.

I feel awful.

Frank wanted to get me out and

Couldn't so he had to go for the

Next best thing which is my best


It hurts to see that.

Britney leaving is a little

Bitter sweet because I like her

As a person and an ally in the


Last time I played the game I

Was loyal to one person and

Would never do anything to back

s*ab that person.

This season I have to play more

Ruthless not because I want to

But I have to.

If I have to s*ab everyone in

The back to get if the end

Exactly what I'm going to do.

Ian pretty much only had one

Leg to stand on.

That was britney.

I couldn't put him up because of

The veto but the next best thing

Was send britney home.

Mission accomplished.

A successful hoh.

All right?


It's just a matter of time.


Jo, you're the first one off.

I'm absolutely horrified by

My showing in this.

I got four kids, I know you're

All laughing at daddy.

I will whip your butts when I

Get home if you're still

Laughing at me.

Go get your prize.

Get a prize.

Joe, since you were the first

One off, let's see what america

Chose to put in this box.

Julie said the first person

To drop would get a punishment

Or a reward.

You don't know.

But it was america's choice of

What you were going to get.

Maybe america was in a good mood

This week.

Unfortunately america has chosen

To give you a punishment.

You have to endure hours of

Hula loop boot camp.

Every time grew hear revelrie

Play, you will have to hula hoop

Until it stops.

Here it comes.

I think that is about to pop


Is that supposed to be a

Freakin' comet?

You're already dizzy from

Spinning and once you hit the

Comet it puts you in a full tilt

Spin and it makes it worse.

I learned that the hard way a

Couple of times.

There's one thing that I

Noticed, that comet looks

Expornlings fiery, but I'm not

Sure what that was all about.

I want to get hit in the


Oh, man, that was a smash.

Jenn city is out of the


Getting knocked out of orbit

At that moment in time was a

Complete bummer.

A bummer for frank as well.

I'm out of orbit and I'm rooting

For dan and danielle to take

This baby home.

That hit me hard.

Can I borrow your arms for

Like a half hour?

Last week I made a final four

With myself, frank, jenn and

Danielle, right before the

Eviction ian said he wants to

Reunite the quack pack.

The quack pack to the end.

I put my hand in the center and

I continue to do that.

I want to reach out to dan

Because I still feel like I can

Trust him.

I have never really lost hope in

The quack pack and I just hope

We can move forward.

It's up to you guys to

Understand I had to do what I

Had to do.

I know that.

You had to.

It was a*t*matic.

The only concern I have is that

Trying to work with frank and


I'm going to do whatever I

Have to in the game to move


Either way, I'm still alone.

You're alone in this game.

I want to work with you.

If ian and I can get the

Quack pack back for me that's

Great news.

I just have to smooth things

Over with shane because he is

Protective of what I did with


Come back to the quake paulk

If he thought he and danielle

And me and you were cool even

Though I know I miss pissed you

Guys off.

It's best that we start over

And just, you know, rally up.

Do you want to keep us


I think it's our only bet.

If this works out, I could be

Right in the middle of two

Alliances which can a great spot

To be in for protection and at

The end of the day where does my

Loyalty lie?

With one person -- myself!

Great job, everybody.

Thanks, jenn.

With jenn and joe out, it's

Like a quack pack reunion up


But what happened last week, we

Don't know if we can trust each


So I will stay up here all night

If I have to.

All night long, baby.

Watch out, guys.

Thank you, shane.

You're welcome.

Oh, that was not a good idea.

Try to stop yourself this

Time a little bit.

It look like shane is on a

Wild orbit.

That comet whacked me out of

Nowhere and I started spinning

Out of control.

How am I going to sit here and

Spin around this sun and not

Throw up?

Oh, my gosh, I'm about to


At a girl.

I'm about to puke.

I have to go.

Lay down.

Lay down.

Danielle couldn't take the


Danielle is knocked out of


Things aren't looking so good.

Dan is the only guy up there.

I mean I'm starting to real get



* .

Last week I wanted dan out of

The house so bad I can taste it.

Now he is my best chance of

Staying off the block.

I really hope I didn't make a


Oh, dan I'm sorry.

Good try, dan.

Sorry, dan.

Sorry, chelsey.

With ian and shane left in

The game I feel like I have a

Couple of outs no matter who


Are you in?

You may see a quack pack

Reunion in the near future

Depending on how things play


Ian what is the equation of

Acis being sellration.

Mass times acceleration is


That's the way.

I think it is speeding up a

Little bit.

I really need shane to win

This hoh.

It's down to him and ian and

Last time my ally won, she ended

Up going on the block and going


I need to beat shane.

If I can beat him, I can be safe

For the week, avenge my best

Friend going home, and hopefully

Gain some allies.

It looks like it's down to

Ian and shane.

It's down to me and ian and I

Know he he is probably not

Coming after me but I did just

Vote for britney to be evicted

To winning hoh is the only way I

Can be percent safe this


How bad do you want the hoh


Prom king versus


Mom always told me I should

Shut my mouth.

Winning is huge because I could

Make the person responsible for

Britney's leaving and send them

Home right after her.

That would be sweet.

I do not want to see ian win


Last time he was hoh, the young

Man told me to pop a squat on

The block.

I'm got, how about you?

Just fine.

Keep smiling.

I'm in for the whole night, ian.

All right, ian.

We have reached the one hour


My ankle is cramping up.

I need shane to pull this


I don't really know if ian would

Nominate me or not.

I don't think so.

But he voted to evict me so I

Don't know where he stands.

Anyone know what saturn's

Rings are composed of?

Ice and dust particles.

The orbit of pluto is not on the

Same axis as the other planets?

It's ° off.

I'm numb, my biceps are


And on the other side of me, ian

Is hosting some space trivia

Summer camp.

Two that I would think are

Most notable are sirius and


You're way out of my sphere.

How am I spinning, how?

Here comes the meteor.

Here we go.

My strategy for getting past

The comet was to try to lean out

Of its way.

Anybody that knows anything

About science could tell you,

Impact with a comet is best



* .

That comet is no joke.

Oh, it's cold.

You all right?

You guys give me and ian a

Little time to talk?

That would be pretty good, I


When shane asked us to go

Inside so he could talk to ian,

I'm a little worried because

That means shane is not feeling

Good and probably is soon to

Fall down.

He just wants to make sure he is

Safe and I don't know what else.

All the way.

Will I remain safe?

We're good, right?

You're not going up?

As far as I'm concerned,

This -- all right.

You give me your word danny

And I have safe.

You and danny are safe.

No back doors.

No back doors.

I'm out.


Thank you, frank.

You got it, bubba.

Yes, I win hoh.

I'm definitely the top six.

And now I have the perfect

Opportunity to avenge britney's

Eviction and make that the

People that were responsible for

Her leaving leave themselves.

Good job, guys.

Ian winning hoh is absolutely

The worst-case scenario for me,

Your boy is in trouble right

Now, yo.

Something tells me it's just

Another week of hustling but,

Hey, it's what I'm used to.

I wouldn't know how to play the

Game any other way.

Last week I swore everything

To frank and pledged allegiance

To him and now the quack pack is


Sorry, frank, I'm going to

Rejoin my former team because I

Like them better.


* Shane?



Who's he going after?

I think frank and joe.

Shane tell me he made a teal

To keep me safe and I'm like oh,


I'm so excited.

Right now I guess you could say

Shane is becoming my knight in

Shining armor.

He is super protective of me.

I think it's really cute.

I don't think -- you may be

Going up?

Why do you say that?

He wants dan out for what he

Did to britney.

It would be great if ian

Targeted tan this week but I'm

In an alliance with dan and I'm

Not going to go upstairs and

Throw him under the bus.

We have to keep working to

Get dan out of here.

Joe has that bed over there.

Shane has this one but I think

Dan has this one and she's

Trying to get shane to sleep

With me.

Come on now,iology will happen.

That's what I want to happen.

Really, do you think

Something would happen in a room

Full of dudes?

Yeah, why not.

No way, jose.

Young love is fun.

What can I say.

I have definitely been there and

Done that.

If I was shane I probably would

Have gone for it.

I wouldn't mind a make out

Session but we have not even

Kissed since the pirate ship.

I'm telling you, this is not


Of course I want a kiss.

It's just not in the cards for


I thought he was your


Says who?

Says him.

Oh, yeah right.

Did he call himself my


He called you his girlfriend.


A day or two ago.

What did he say.

In between votings, he said I

Have to I have to vote out my

Coach or my girlfriend.

Jenn tells me that shane

Called he his girlfriend.

I was like do what?

If shane wants this relationship

To move forward, there

Definitely has to be more


I'm not ok with just two kisses.

Oh, I don't know what to do

With this boy.

Oh, my gosh.

I did not know this information.

You love it.

Who wants to see my hoh room?

Here we go.

Going into the hoh room, it's

Mine, and I couldn't be anymore


I have been waiting all summer

To move upstairs and now it's

Finally the time.

Ian, you mom is hot.

Oh, thanks.

I don't know if that is nice

Saying your mom is hot.

That's my brother and i.

We're at the beach.

I wish I could rewind this

Game two weeks and I would be so

Happy for the kid.

I'm sitting here, he is so

Elated and yelling yippy to


But because I know he stabbed me

And mike in the back and it's a

Good possibility I could be

Going up on the block it's hard

For me to be happy for him right


What is this?


After you heat up a bismuth

Ingate and it makes this cool

Rainbow thing.

What is bismuth.

It's an element on the

Periodic table.


It's really cool.

I have no idea what this rock

Thing is but because the hoh

Likes it everybody has to like


Guess who is a new member of the

Bismuth club?

Right here.

This kid.

What is it used for?

It's in pepto bismol in trace

Amounts, yeah.

That's what it is pepto bis-mal.

It's the organic bismuth in

Pepto bismol and it's used to

Give fire a green coloring.

Those are the two purposes.

Bismuth is one of my favorite


It's really cool.

I'm really excited about the

Quack pack being back together

And we need a quick meeting so I

Can fill them in on what I'm

Thinking about for nominations.

I was just making sure we're


The reason this team was

Assembled is because it has

Multiple slants.

I mean that was my plan, my

Alliance needs to have multiple

Different strengths.

You got brains and endurance,

Physical, dan has the social.

Who is it now?

Frank and jenn.

This week we have the votes.

It should be pretty good.

We get rid of one of those two.

Even though I swore to frank

I would take him to the final

Two, it doesn't matter in this


Can somebody throw you me my

Pants because I'm not wearing


Everything I swore on and I

Hold near and dear to my heart

And those are the same reasons

That motivate me to be in this

House and do what I have to do

To stay alive and while I don't

Take it lightly that I have to

Break a word that I swore on to

My wife, it's what I have to do.

The quake is back and we're

Going for frank and jenn.

Quack, quack, quack:

[Trumpet playing revelry]

I went out first in the hoh

Comp and america gave me a big

Old hula hoop so I'm going to

Get some exercise in.


* .

Anywhere, any time, any place

In this house that revelry comes

On, joe has to start hula


Give us a superspin.

There's nothing fun about

Watching a middle age overweight

Half naked guy jump up on his

Bed and do a hula hoop at


Yes, come in.

Hey, whas'sup?

Pretty good, man.

Just wanting to see where your

Head was at?

Now that ian is hoh, I kind

Of burned that bridge a little

Bit and I have to throw a rope

And see if I can talk him into

Not putting me up on the block.

I mean I would sweat a little


What do you mean?

If you were me?


I am.

I'm sure I would.

You got to find somebody to

Work with going forward, now

That britt is gone, my obvious

Pair is gone.

Right now the only person I

Feel that I can trust is jenn.

I would much rather have a

Second person I can trust.

And right now you might trust a

Couple of people to tell you the

Truth president you can't trust

Them not to make a move on you

First chance they get.

That's the thing, the one

Person I trusted unconditionally

Is now gone.

It was the same for you.

The two people you trusted


Well there were three I

Trusted unconditionally.

This is true.

I need to get out of the fact

I sent britney home.

We're not here to make friends.

He needs to buddy up with me.

If not he is not going to make

It to the end.

Mike and I had your back way

More than they did.

I know whatever they told you

Got to your head a little bit.

But I would have gone to the

Final two with you, no doubt

About it.

I never close any doors in

This game.

Don't ever think because we hit

At each other once that I'm not

Somebody that can forget all of


As far as I'm concerned no harm

No foul, we're both still here.

And just like how mike was my

Closest ally and britney was

Your closest ally, they're both

Gone and we have to find

Somebody we can trust.


Next week I may not be able

To play hoh but you would like

To have me on your side playing

In pov.

Your biggest selling point is

The fact you can't play next


There are good arguments to

Keeping frank around.

Last week frank took a

Punishment in the veto

Competition that requires him to

Sit out of next week's hoh

Competition so he's not in the

Threat to the quack pack at the

Immediate moment.

I want to have this heart to

Heart with you and see that you

Have no worries about me going


If I decide to work with

Frank I could put joe up on the


I could led him slide this week

And maybe position myself well

In this house.

Being hoh is not easy.

Joe, get out your roasting

Pan, we're having carrots for

Dinner tonight.

This herb avore is no more.

I'm tbrak to being a carnivore.

If I want to get myself off

The block, I think people will

Take me more seriously if I'm

Not wearing a giant carrot


As a fan, seeing pandora's

Box in the hoh room was really


I could get something really

Great out of it.

Or something pretty bad.

Opening the "big brother"

Pandora's box could release

Something bad upon the opener or

The rest of the house.

Here is the decision before you.

There could be a lot of presents

Under that tree -- it's holiday

Time in pandora's box.

If you so choose you may enter

And have the best christmas


Remember with every

Attempttation comes a


You have five minutes to make

Your decision.

Your time starts now.

Well, that did seem like a

Good amount of gifts.

But it could be a bunch of

Punishments too, for all I know.

Yeah I'm going to go for it.

I decided to open pan doar as


[Christmas music playing] *

* .

Congratulations and merry


Everything under the tree is

Yours to keep.

Thanks, I will.

I think our shoes are

Permanently ruined from


Oh, my gosh.

Ho, h orthopedics ho, holy

Cow I look good.

I see black boots.

I see red and white attire.

I think it's santa but it's one

Of hiss on steroids.

You know, jessie and I have a

Lot of history in this game.

He is my arch nemesis.

He hates my guts and I love to

Pick on him.

Come on, come on.


Let's see what you've got.

You can look like me!

Look at all of this.

In alabama, I have never seen

A santa in a speedo.

You guys are clearly out of


That's a fact.

Talking to you, bulb.


As a matter of fact, did you

Exchange your carrot suit for a

Stick of butter suit?

To make this a poc-tacular

Christmas I will have to take

Some of your junk food away from


Filled with truffles.

It reminded me of being a kid

On christmas morning.

Adult supervisor required.

We might have problems on that


We have stuff for the pool, a

Telescope, a volcano kit,

Dinosaur type things.

Inflatable alligator.

They must be getting punished

Down there.

I have been watching all


And you guys are filling up the


He's not just here to give.

He is here to take as well.

And he takes a lot.

All of our sweets, all of our



Come on, spring bean.

You got nothing compared to


Get this.

Oh, legos.

Oh, man.

Then there's one more gift.


All right!

One thousand bucks!


I think that's one of santa's

Gifts that I'm going to keep


Definitely good to get pocket

Change but I feel like the more

Prizes I rack up the bigger

Target I will have.

Four grand in the bank.

Mr. Money bags over here.

Ah, this is it.

You win, dan.

This is it.


I like my food.

And when I get deprived of my

Food I get grumpy.

And he starts hauling away all

Of our food in the refrigerator.

I'm like are you kidding me?

Little chocolateys?

What did you consider these?


Their afattenning.

You think I'm making you

Have-nots in I'm making you

Health nuts.

It would have been better if

Jessie had given us gifts

Instead of that organic crap.


On the th day of christmas,

Mr. Pec-tacular made you all

Health year.

I freakin' hate that box.

Merry christmas to all.

He is out.

Peace out.

And stay out!

Who wants banana chips,


Do you think all of us will

Make it through?

I'm sure I'm going up.

It's a little mind blowing to

Think I am nominated every time.

I spent more time on the block

Than I have not on the block.

I have seen my key pull out of

The box one time.

We have to survive this week.

I don't want jenn to go but --

Although I have the knife

Sharpened and ready to plunge in

Miss back.

He can't know that.

I have to be nice and buddy

Buddy to his face just in case

He is not evicted I can spin it

Around and still work with him.

You awake?

Just wanting to check in and

See what is going on with you.

Nominations are coming up

Quick and I have to touch base

With my best friend ian to make

Sure no one has his ear and he

Is on board to target frank.

My only thing is do you want

To get rid of frank or jenn?

It's kind of your call.

No, it's not.

I mean if you want to

Resolidify the quack pack, we're

Going to do whatever is best for

The group.


But if we alternately come to

The group consensus that it's

Better to take a swing at jenn

Since frank can't play next week

Anyway I think that might be a

Good call.

I don't think so.

My only concern is frank,

Like he is a freakin' meat


He is good to have here because

He peses people off.

Do you think we will get two

sh*ts at him though?

I really am torn.

I definitely don't want to

Nominate frank.

I don't know if it would be the

Best thing for my game to do so.

I think he needs a week off as


I can't nominate any quack

Packers so it may have to be

Jenn and joe.

Frank makes it to the end,

Are you kidding me? Oh, god.

One of my duties as head of

Household is to nominate two

People for eviction.

Last week you saw me host my

Own funeral and swear my

Allegiance to frank.

Now I'm flipping it all around,

I'm hosting frank's funeral and

Swearing my allegiance to the

Quack pack.

I definitely feel like I will

Be targeted by ian this week.

I got britney out of this house

Who was ian's closest friend and


It sounds like he wants me out

Eventually but it sounds like he

Might want to keep me around for

A little bit.

Last week I made a huge power

Move in this game by being a

Part of helping send britney

Home so it puts me on the block.

Bring it on.

I have no retbrets about the

Decision I made last week.


As a huge fan of the show,

It's always been a dream of mine

To put keys in the nomination


But this decision is definitely

Not easy.

I just have to make the moves

That we move me the best in this


Everyone, time for the

Nomination ceremony.


* .

This is the nomination


One of my duties as head of

Household is to nominate two

People for vicks.

I will pull the first key.

That person is safe.

That person will pull the next

Key and so on and so forth.

Shane, you are safe.

Thank you, ian.

Danielle, you are safe.

Thanks, ian.

Joe, you're safe.

Thanks, ian.

Dan, you are safe.

I have nominate you frank and

Jenn for eviction.

Frank, you are phenomenal

Competitor in this game and I

Down right respect you for it

But you're a huge threat and

That is definitely an issue I

Have to look at going down the


Jenn, you have played a

Remarkable social game and also

Are a threat and I have to keep

These considerations in mind

When moving forward.

Nothing personal.

This nomination ceremony is


I feel like ian is holding a

Grudge against me because I

Helped britney get sent home but

Does he not realize everybody

Voted her out?

It's just another day at the

Office for me.

Being on the block is like going

To work.

These nominations are %

Strategy and % vengeance, even

Though I like frank a lot as a

Person, he is a strong player,

And we may need two sh*ts in

Order to get him out of the


So I have to take a swing at him

This week.


No surprise here.

I'm on the block.

Wow, wow, wow.

I'm absolutely shocked.

People here in this house have

Underestimated me.

I proved them wrong and made a

Huge move last week.

So I could do it again.

I cannot believe this is


The entire alliance that I

Stabbed in the back last week,

The quack pack is having its

Reunion, I'm off the block -- is

This too good to be true?

This completes my rise from the


Who will win the power of

Veto and will it be used to take

Either frank or jenn off the

Chopping block?

Find out wednesday at :, :

Central on "big brother".