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14x20 - Episode 20

Posted: 05/05/24 14:19
by bunniefuu
Announcer: previously on

"Big brother," ian was working

In a secret alliance called "the

Quack pack" with shane, dan,

Britney and danielle.

Quack pack.

Oh, that's it.

Announcer: with shane in


Shane has won h.o.h.

Ian threw former teammates

Frank and boogie under the bus



Yeah, yeah, yeah, shane.

So they became the quack

Pack's number-one target.

I've nominated you boogie,

And you frank.

And they were clueless about

Ian's double cross.

Don't let him fool you, dog.

He's not the wolf in sheep's


I am.

After frank won the veto...

That's three competition wins

In a row for me.

Shane put up a pawn in his


I have decided to nominate,

Jenn, I'm sorry.

And ian continued lying to

Boogie and frank.

You're not sure you're voting

For me?

No, I'm voting for you to


Announcer: at the live

Eviction, a "big brother" legend

Was sent packing.

By a vote of -, boogie, you

Are evicted from the "big

Brother" house.

Then julie surprised the

House with some shocking news...

Julie: it's time for a

Double eviction.

Announcer: and a second

House guest was sent out the


Julie: ashley, you are

Evicted from the "big brother"


Announcer: tonight who will

Become the new head of household

And pandora's box returns.

Plus watch what unfolded

During the double eviction.

It all happens right now on "big


Ha ha ha

Captioning funded by



Julie: by a vote of -,

Boogie, you are evicted from the

"Big brother" house.

Boogie walking out the door

Is almost like cutting me off at

The knees.

Me and him are definitely a

Dynamic duo.

It's not going to be easy for me

Without mike here.

Good game.

Good luck.

I respect mike boogie as

Player in this game.

He was too tight with frank, and

That's why he had to go.

My heart aches for boogie all

Day knowing I was going to have

To vote him out.

Good game, everybody.

You come to respect and

Admire someone like that so

Much, that I couldn't let him

Walk out there and be completely

Blind sided.

Dan is not to be trusted.

Ian could have voted for

Boogie anyway.

The fact that he didn't just

Breaks my heart.

Ian, what happened, dog?

Get stepping, buddy.

Good luck.

No backbone.

He gave you $,.


He saved you first week and

You can't give him a vote.

It was a done deal.

It doesn't matter.

That's what I'm saying, if it's

A done deal, give him your vote,

Give him your respect, give him

Your loyalty.

Julie: the correct answer

Is seconds.

Congratulations, ian, you are

The new head of household.

I really tried to throw that

H.o.h. Competition.

The quack pack's going to want

Me to go after frank, but I

Don't want to be the one to have

To do it.

I got your back.

Not only am I very

Uncomfortable with having to

Make this decision, I only have

About two minutes to decide.

Bring him in, no matter what


Get in there.

What's going on, buddy in

You going to put me up?

Just tell me if you are.

I don't want to, but I'm

Freaking out.

Are you going to [bleeped]

Because of that vote?

≫>ly not.

Of all the people in the

House, ian is one of the last

People I think I'd have to go up

To and ask not to nominate me.

I'm as mad as can be at the kid

Because I know what he's


I know they got to you.

I hope you still got my back.

If you got my back, I got your


Just, I promise I won't go after


Can shane and I talk?

Going after frank by putting

Him up on the nomination back

From the onset is a crazily

Risky move.

The best way to get frank out of

The house is to back door him.

You don't want him to have the

Opportunity to play guaranteed

In the veto competition.

Ian, I hate to put you in

This position.

It's done now.

Wait a minute.

I don't really have anything

To say.

I didn't know what was going on

Behind the scenes.

You all right?


You want to go in there.

What do you want now?

All right.

You going to screw me over?

Because if it ain't them two,

You're going up against shane.

You know that?

You give me a week.


All right.

I hate to do this, frank and

Ash, I'm sorry.

Ian has finally shown some

Action to back up the quack


Up until this point, the quack

Pack never knew what ian was

Going to do.

Now it's apparent what team he's

On and where he's going in this


You're a puppet, yo.

I'm so disappointed.

He put me and ashley up.

We were supposed to be his two

Closest allies because someone

Told him to do it.

This p.o.v. Is a life-or-death

Situation for me right now.

Good decision, ian.

Julie: congratulations,

Frank you have won the power of


This is five times they put

Me up on the block.

This is five times I'm not going


I'm going to keep pulling

Rabbits out of my hat until they

Send me home or I bring home


Give it to me.

As a "big brother" expert, I

Saw this coming a mile away.

The quack pack should have tried

The back door frank instead, but

Now we have to fear the wrath of

A very angry frank.

Thought you could get me and

Boogie on the same night?

I don't think so.

Taking advantage of him like,

That you should be ashamed of


Ian, come here, buddy.

We get joe out now.

They're not going to do it,


They're going to want to screw


Sorry, ash.

I wish I had two of these


I'm going to use it on myself,


Julie: ian, you must now

Name a replacement nominee.

Joe, you had a chance to play

In the shamrock thing, nothing

Personal, pop a squat, man.

Old joe is going right back


Why not?

I already been on the block two


Why not three?

I can get off the block just

Like frank can.

Vote joe out.

Ashley deserves it more than he


Please don't be upset.

I'm sorry.

I told you this was going to

Happen a mile away.

You screwed me.

He wants to be a celebrity


Send him home.

You guys know where my

Heart's at.

That's all I say.

You know you want him out.

I know I want him out.

Tell him that and he'll do

It, ian.

I'm not going to worry about

What you did.

They pressured you into that.

It's behind me.

I got to hope they're going

To see that joe needs to go home

Before ashley, but at the same

Time, I know that they know.

Ashley is close to me.

They've already cut me off at

The knees.

Now they want to take the rest

Of my leg, I'm sure.

Be the big man and let

Yourself go home.

Are you kidding me?

Do you know how this thing's


Do you know how this game is


I know, because I've been

Winning, joe and you haven't

Done jack.

I'm winning, aren't i?



Where's boogie?

He went home, thanks to you.

You're like a bob on a fishing

Pole is what you do.

Julie: by a vote of -,

Ashley, you are evicted from the

"Big brother" house.

Joe lives for another day.

I am alive, and I got more fight

In me than I've ever had.

I actually got a little hope.

I'm going to miss ashley


She got caught in a huge power


That's not how this night was

Supposed to play out.

I was the only vote for

Ashley the stay, which means

Everybody else in this house

Wants me to leave.

I've got two nights -- knives in

My back, and evan -- ian put

Both of them there.


I'm not going the lie to you,


You're a terrible person.

That's the truth.

I'm sorry.

I feel so bad for him, frank.

Feel bad for him?

The only two people I had to

Work with.

Feel bad for me, britney.

I do, but don't...

I've been nominated five


Please don't make him upset,


Frank, he doesn't have...

He should feel upset.

He doesn't have the emotional

Strength that you do.

Please don't yell at him.

Everybody needs to know,

That's not right.

You weren't all right to put

Him in that position.

He's feeling like this because

You all talked him into it.

Don't blame it on me.

I'm not.

I'm just asking you to please

Not yell at him.

You all should feel ashamed

Of yourselves.

Doing that to ian and then

Sending that girl home.

Just because of me?

Just because you all are afraid

Of me.

You all did it.

Don't act like I'm getting mad

At eu.

I'm doing it because of you'll.

So please yell at me, but

Please don't yell at him.

The house is already

Completely against me.

I can shout at the top of my

Lungs at this point.

Everybody wants to send me out.

I go up every time.


What did you do in

Did you see what I fricken

Did out there?

You're not a bad person?

I'm a terrible person.

No, you're not, man.

I'd hook you up with my sister.

That's how much I think of you.

I'm telling you that.

Dude, that looked like

Someone who wants to win the


I don't want ian beating himself


I need to keep him headstrong so

He can make the next big move I

Need him to.

If he's doubting himself, that's

Going to be a lot harder to get


Shane, let me talk to you.

You know, if you want to talk,

You can.

I thought ian was going to

Nominate me, swear the god,


That's all I have to say.

Mike's gone and ashley just

Left, but you know what, it's

Time to get to work.

I'm all by myself, and I got to

Change that real fast.

You're not going to separate

From dan, are you?

I can't separate from brit.

She's got me this far.

Can I talk to them three far


I didn't mean to get

Irritated with you, frank.

I'm sorry I yelled at

Everybody, except for dan.

I just didn't want you to

Yell at ian because he... As

Much as you might not believe

It, he feels horrible.

Well, dan should feel

Horrible for talking him into


Look, right now, I got to hear

It before I win h.h.

-- H.o.h..

I have to put up the two

Strongest players.

If you're not rolling with me,

I'm going to put you up.

I have to put up the two

Strongest players.

I'll stick with you until the

Very end.

I'm totally by myself and my

Become's up against the wall.

I'm asking you and begging you.

My only concern, I've had

Dan's trust the hold game.

He's had my game.

He's a good talker.

He's using his knowledge of the

Game to get you to believe

Everything he all says.

I'm not saying bad anything

About you, danielle.

You know that.

I know it.

Talk us to.

Give her a big hug, shane, she

Needs it.

Come here, girl.

I'm just talking.

Can I talk to frank just


I was going to say, if you


I just wanted to frank alone.

He wants dan gone more than life


If frank wins this h.o., I know

He'll put up dan and I'll

Probably be sitting right beside


I have nothing against you,


I can't.

I know you can't.

It breaks my heart, I can't

Do it.

I know you can't.

I didn't come after you.

You're a baby doll in my book

And it will never change.


Don't worry.

Give me a hug.

Don't worry about it.

All right.

What are we going to do in

I don't know.

Do you think frank would walk



Not at all?


If frank wins h.o..

He's going after dan.

If we don't make a deal, we'll

Be on the block against dan.

If we dork he'll use joe as a


We have the make a deal with

Frank we have no choice.

We have to.

You're down?

I'm down.

All right.

I'm going to win this.

All right.

You're good.

Shane's down too.

Shane's down too.

Frank is a big competitor in

This game.

No doubt about it that I want to

See him out of the house this


However, we're about to go into

An h.o.competition, and the fact

Of the matter is I need to keep

My options open and adjust my

Game with sort of the ebb and

Flow of what goes on in here on

A daily basis.

You have nine lives.

I'd rather be with nine-life guy

Than against nine-life guy.

I had a little conversation

With britney.

She knows I want dan out and not

Her and shane, so I got to hope

And trust she's not going to

Come back and s*ab me in the

Back like I've been stabbed in

The back a million times already

This summer.

All right.

Thank, girl.

We'll do it.

All right.

All the way.

We're winning tonight.nice.

We go in the backyard, it's

Pretty much the entire house

Against frank.

If one of us can't pull off this

Win and send frank home, one of

The quack pack probably deserves

To go home.

The power is up for grabs.

This competition is called pull

Some strings.

And you have to do just that if

You want to take control of the

"Big brother" house.

But there's more at stake in

This game than just head of


Because the winner of this

Competition must name one

Houseguest to be the sole have

Not for the week.

Each of you will use the strings

The raise the bar and try to get

Your ball in the highest score


After one turn, you will be

Ranked from lowest to highest

Based on your score.

Using those rankings, you will

Face off in a series of

Head-to-head matchups to see who

Will become the next h.o.h.,

Let's get our rankings.

Danielle, you're up first.

I'm trying to put all my

Emotions aside and focus and get

The highest number I can because

The higher you are the less

People you have to beat out.

Danielle, you scored an


Frank, you're up next.

Uh, my bad.

Frank, you scored a five.

Shane you're, up next.



You scored a six.

Joe, you're up.

Joe, you've scored ten.

Britney, it's your turn.

Britney, you scored a seven.

Dan, you're last up.


You blew it.

Oh, my god.

Houseguest, now that you're

Ranked, the head-to-head portion

Of the competition will begin.

Beside me are two identical game


Dan and frank, you have the two

Lowest scores, so you must

Battle each other in the first


My only chance here is to

Pull off a miracle and beat

Everybody all the way up from

The bottom seed to the top seed.

When the start bell sounds,

The first houseguest to get

Their ball into the hole marked

With the arrow wins the round

And will face off against the

Next seeded player.

This process will continue until

The two remaining players face


Me and dan, round one.

Me and the one guy who has been

Trying to get me out constantly.

Good luck, boys.

In the head-to-head round,

It's a race.

Whoever gets their ball into the

Top hole the fastest wins.

Even if you knock your ball off

Your course, you can still run

And grab it and recelt, as long

As you beat the other person.

If I can knock him out, it

Really doesn't matter who wins

H.o.h. Because he's probably

Going to go home.

My heart is beating through

My chest.

Frank versus dan is the mange


It is well-known in the house

That they hate each other and if

One of them win, the other one

Is going out.

Once I put dan out of the

Game, I'm ecstatic, but, hey, I

Still got five more to go.

It's still an uphill battle from

Here on.

Congratulations, frank.

Dan, you've been eliminated.

Jenn, you're up next.

Too much pressure on me

Tonight, yo.

Are you freaking kidding me.

We could have had him out right


Dan couldn't pull it off and new

Freakin' frank moves on to the

Next round.

Next round.

Frank, congratulations.

I'm sorry, jenn.

You've been eliminated.

Britney, you're up next.

Now it's me against frank,

And I am so nervous.

I need to eliminate frank from

The competition.

If the five of us have any shot

In making it further in this

Game, frank can't win.

Frank, congratulations.

Britney, I'm sorry.

You have been eliminated.

Oh, man.

I thought being a low seed

Was going to make it impossible

For me to win this competition,

But as the game goes on, I'm

Getting better and better and

More comfortable with this game,

And maybe I'll actually have

Chance of taking this thing to

The end.

I have immense pressure on

Me, the pressure of saving

Myself, the pressure of saving

Dan, the pressure of saving the

Quack pack.

Frank, congratulations.

Danielle, you've been


Frank beats danielle.

Frank's taken out the quack

Pack like it's duck season.

Come on, guys, you got to win


Joe, it's your turn to face

Off against frank.

The whole house can't beat


Maybe mighty joe can.

Everybody's resting on joe's


I need to beat the man to be the


Frank, congratulations.

Joe, you have been eliminated.

Well, it all come down to this,

Shane frank will now face off to

See who will become the new head

Of household.

Good luck, man.

Don't ask me how it happened.

I had six people against me, but

Now at this point, I've sent

Five over to the sidelines.

All that stands between me and

The h.o.h. Is shane.

This is it.

It all comes down to me.

So far frank has been like


He's unstoppable.

Now the other houseguests are

Looking at me and hoping and

Believing I can be his

Well, it all come down to

Thisment shane and frank, you

Will now face off to see who

Will become the new head of


Somehow some way frank has

Managed to knock out three quack

Packs and five total rounds of

This competition.

Now he's going head-to-head

Against the competition beast in


He's my only hope.

Me and shane are going at it.

I can hear his ball fall next to

Me, but I'm not going to look


There I'm going to stay focused.

If not, my butt will be in the

Hot seat once again.

Hot seat once again.

Frank, congratulations, you

Are the new head of household.

I just can't help but look at

The board and it says my name

Over and over again.

Frank, frank, frank, frank,


With the deck stacked against


I bring home the w and they're

All at this point just seeing

Like, we can't get rid of this


Frank wins the h.o.h.

I'm in trouble.

There's no doubt in my mind who

He's going to put up, but I'm

Going to do whatever it takes to

Stay in this house, and I'm

Going to slither my way out this

Week, one way or another.

Oh, guys.

I'm so sick of frank winning


I don't even know why we show


Like we should just push him

Into the backyard, shut the

Sliding glass door and wait

Inside like eating pizza for him

To come back in with the key.

It's like what was he competing

With people in hospice.

Now it's your turn to choose

The have not for the week.

Not really hard decision.


In two seasons of playing

This game, I have never been on

Slop and I've never been a have


Everyone in the house knows I'm

His number-one target, and this

Just puts the slop cherry on of

The of it all.

I know that frank wants to

Target dan, but he has to put

Two people up on the block, and

Considering I just nominated him

About an hour and a half ago,

Things aren't looking very good.

Come sit on the couch.

Just wanted to check in with


I made a deal with frank

Before h.o.h. In case he won,

And now that he has, I have to

Make sure our deal is still


I'm not going to put you and

Shane up.

I'm going to put dan and

Danielle up.

You are.

I've had two chances get dan

Out and I passed up on both of


I know no matter what he's going

To come after me.

It's a good strategic move

Because he can beat me at the

End of this game.

I would never want to be on the

Block against him.

Are you freaking kidding me with

His wormy words.

He's the last person I want to

Be on the block against.

If you're going to put dan up,

My vote is to be with danielle.

To keep her?


You have my word, frank.

I'm going to vote however you

Want me to vote.

You're not going to put me up

For a while.

For a listening while.

You're going to try to work

With me down to four or so.

Do it.

Right now I trust britney

More than anybody else.

But that's not saying a whole

Lot because I don't trust

Anybody in this house.

I have to have somebody to

Work with.

I'm freaking down.

I'm serious.

Yeah.julie: be a fly on the wall

Inside the "big brother" house.

Watch the houseguests any time

With the live feed on

With the live feed on

I'm h.o.h. This week.

I go upstairs, and guess what I

See, it's pandora's box.

Before you open pandora's box,

Opening the big brother's ban

Door a box could release

Something good or something bad

Upon the opener or upon the rest

Of the house.

As h.o.h. This week, here's the

Decision before you.

A lot of dollars signs in there,

A lot of dollar signs.

No mystery.

You play "big brother" to win


Behind the door of pandora's box

Is a guarantee you will leave

Richer than you came in.

There's more than $, in

These cubes.

You have five minutes to make

Your decision.

Your time starts now.

Obviously it would be nice to

Get a big chunk of change in my

Pocket, but at the same time, I

Don't want there to be a twist

That could keep me from getting

Dan out this week.

I'm a little bit worried about


I have decided to open pandora's



You now have the chance to win

Up to $,.

Open three cubes of your

Choosing and you will take home

The dollar amount you find

Inside, but choose wisely.

The amounts in each box very


Once you are done, get

Comfortable, you will be locked

Inside pandora's box for the

Next hour.

Super nervous.

A lot depends on.

This I only get three picks.


I got to hope the next one is





That's not bad.

That's not as good as $,,

But it could have been worse.

That means I'll probably get

Something not so good.

I just hope it doesn't have

Anything to do with a twist

That's going to hurt me this


We got something.

Let's go.

Tan door a's box has been


As a result a second veto could

Be unleashed into the house.

I know I'm in trouble this

Week, so the fact there's a

Second veto possibly floating

Around and I can win it is huge.

This could be the lifeline I

Need to get me to the next step

In the game.

In order to make an attempt

To win it, you will need


I read the card and it all

Becomes clear.

The little box in the arcade is

Going to be an extra veto this

Week as a result of pandora's


'M thrilled with this news and

I really want to win this veto.

There's some confusion going

About because we're tearing

Everything up and nobody is

Finding anything.

Oh, hit me in the face.


Then little presents from the

Sky come on down.

And it's like, yeah, here we go,

Confusion over.

These quarters are going to be

In the ball.

I get first set of quarters.

I get the first crack at the

Machine, and all I have to do is

Go snag it.

Go snag it.

You already got it?


Dan got it, daniel.

Keep going.

He doesn't have it.

He doesn't have it.

He's still in there.

-He wanted us to stop looking.

Dan is so desperate to get

This veto right now that he is

Willing to lie, cheat, whatever

He's got to do to save his life.

Considering that I put out

Two of frank's allies in one

Night, if I can get a hold of

This golden veto, I could sleep

A lot easier around here.

I hear near joe's foot the

Sound of two coins clinging

Together, the magic sound, so I

Lunge like a beast.

I got it.


I got it, I got it, I got it.

Oh, my god.

I didn't even wanted to give him

His arm back.

I wanted to take his arm with

Him, scoop up the coins and go

Off to the arcade room.

Off to the arcade room.

Oh, my god.

How did I miss that.

Mine, homey.

Take it easy.


You're never going up, so you

Don't have to worry about


Dan is acting completely

Selfish and rule during

Pandora's box, taking everything

For himself.

It's sick.

Why are you yelling at him?

It's like he doesn't see the big

Picture or he does see the big

Picture and he just doesn't



Did you get it?

The ball was in an okay

Position, but the last person

Who goes will get a better shot

At the ball because it will be

Knocked into an easier position.

So I walked out...


How close did you come?

Too close.

Did you get it in the thing?

That's cool, dude.


I'm going to go get it right

Now then.

Get it?

New york I know you're


I'll rat you out in a second.

Playing games with me.

Acting like he went and burned

His coins because they're buried

In there.

I wish dan would rat him out.

He's being an ass.

Hey, kids?

He got it.

Ian wins the veto.

I'm disappointed.

I could have avoided frank's

Wrath, but I missed my chance.

Good job.

Did you get it?

I win the golden veto out of

The claw machine, and the

Adrenaline is rushing.

And you need this thing, it

Feels really good to have it in

The palm of your hand.

Julie: can't get enough

"Big brother"?

You know you can't


See what's happening inside

The "big brother" house whenever

You want with the live feed on

All day every day.

What happened to you?

What happened to you?

Don't tell him.

I see the balls.

Oh, my gosh.

I got a veto.


Now that ian has won a veto

In this pandora's box situation.

I don't know what to think at

This point.

I need the talk to ian because

This could change my mind as far

As what I'm going to do for


You going to be all right if

I put you up?

I don't have a say in it, do


That's what I'm saying.

You know you can pull yourself

Off automatically.

Which is what I would do.

Hey, brit, here's the deal.

I was going to put up dan and


I'm going to put up ian and

Daniel because it means dan

Might not be able to competement

I would still put up dan and

Danielle, but ian, I just... You

Looked out for dan yesterday,

And I don't know if you're going

To look out for him this week.

I don't know why you're

Looking at her.

Do what you want to do.

You know what I mean.

All right.

Ian, right now you're saying

Things that are making me


It's not that.

It's just that I don't want to,

You know, taint any decision.

I don't want to do anything.

I didn't expect this.

It's weird.

And I don't want to be sitting

Here just being like, get this

Out of here.

Hold on.

No, no, no, you don't want to be

Like that.

You were all like that


So let's not act like that's a

Bad thing to do.

That's true.

I think we need to think

About it.


This week I need dan to go


It might be my best option to

Nominate ian so that he'll use

The power of veto on himself and

I can back door dan.

You guys want to talk in

That's fine.

Do what you do.

You're saying if you put ian

Up, then he doesn't have the

Option to use it on somebody



He's too easily influenced.

If you put the both of them

Up, you guarantee that you get

One of them out.

New york I don't.

Not if ian uses the veto.


You see what he was acting

Like whenever I was asking him,

Wishy washi, magic eight ball.

He probably wouldn't use it

If you told him you were going

To put me up if you did.

Something to think about.

I'm going to tell ian that.

I'm doing everything I can to

Keep frank from putting ian up

On the block because I know if

He puts up dan and daniel and

Myself or shane win with the

Regular veto, by using together

To save dan and danielle, we can

Keep all five of us in the house

This week no question.

I'm not going to put you up.

I'm still going to put dan and

Daniel up.

Obviously I don't want dan to

Talk you into using that.

Basically if you use it,

Frank's going to put me up.

That gives me zero incentive.

Despite the fact I'm going to

Have to make a decision between

Frank and the quack pack, the

Decision needs to be, what do I

Think is best for me in this


You know, you do you is what

I'm saying...

I thawing we were doing we?

My whole plan of getting dan

Out the door hinges on my trust

That ian won't use it on dan.

The problem is I'm having a hard

Time trusting ian.

If I can't trust ian, I might

Have to put him up on the block

Because I know he won't use the

Veto on dan.

We're working together or


We are, it's just I get

Scared whenever I have to make



Everybody's time for the

Nomination ceremony.this is the nomination

Nomination ceremony.this is the nomination


One of my duties as head of

Household is to nominate two

People for eviction.

I'll pull first key.

That person will be safe.

That person will pull the next

Key and so an and so forth.


You are safe.


Ian, you are safe.

Thank you, frank.

Jim, you're safe.

Thanks, frank.

Britney, you are safe.

Thanks, frank.

Shane, you're safe.

Thank you.

I nominated you dan and you


First I'd like to dedicate these

Nominations to mike and ash.

They should still be here.

As far as you, dan, you've tried

To get me out for a few weeks


I've passed up on two

Opportunities, I can't pass up

On a third.

I understand.

Danielle, I'm sorry, but

You're a victim of circumstance.

Good luck to both of you.

This nomination ceremony is


This is the absolute worst

Thing that could happen to me

Being nominated against dan.

I never want to play this game

Without dan.

I can't campaign against him.

I'm in the on the nominations


I have a veto in my hand.

Frank doesn't want me to use it,

And quite frankly, I don't

Either, but a lot can change

Between now and the veto


Right now I'm putting a lot

Of faith in britney and ian, but

The truth is, if dan doesn't go

Home, this might come back the

Bite me.

I don't want to take a shot and


Frank's got his sightses on


He's got the crosshairs on my

Back, but he's getting ready to


But I have one last trick in

This game in the form of '"

Ian with an extra veto I can

Possibly get him to use on


Will ian use his power of

Veto to take dan or danielle off

The chopping block?

And who will win the second

Power of veto?

Find out wednesday at : :

Central on big brother.