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14x19 - Episode 19

Posted: 05/05/24 14:17
by bunniefuu
Julie: tonight jenn and mike

"Boogie" fine their game on

The line but soon the entire

House will be scrambling for


It's double eviction night

And it all happens live.

Welcome to big brother.

(Cheers and applause)

Captioning funded by


Previously on big brother,

Shane, danielle, britney and

Dan formed two secret


The quack pack with ian.


Oh, that's it.

And the silent six with

Frank and boogie.

When shane took power.

Shane is one hoh.

Ian the quack pack

Through his friends-- threw

His friends mike under the


Shane-- yeah, yeah, yeah,


And they both ended up on

The block.

I have nominated you,

Boogie and you frank.

The silent six is a wreck!

Frank and boogie were

Completely clueless about


Don't let him fool you,

Son, don't let him fool you.

He's not the wolf in

Sheep's clothing, I am.

So they went on a

Witch-hunt to find out who

Betrayed them.

On my wife, on chelsea,

Didn't come out of my mouth.

Dan, I'm sorry buddy, but

You can say that but you

Lied to my face before.

And I can understand why

You wouldn't believe me.


And dan questioned how

Long he could keep ian safe.

I'm close to not being

Able to protect that kid any


At the veto competition,

Frank saved himself yet


That's three competition

Wins in a row for me.


Boogie tried to rally the

House against dan.

It's not too late.

They made a move too early

And there's enough bodies in

Here to flip this around.

And jenn became his


Dan, you are the most

Dangerous player here.

But all she got in return

Was a spot on the block.

I have decided to

Nominate jenn, I'm sorry.

Who will be evictedment

Boogie or jenn.

Plus tonight it's a special

Double eviction episode.

A week's worth of big

Brother all in one night.

It all happens right now

Live on big brother.

Game's getting


Good evening, I'm julie

Chen, welcome to I special

Live double eviction night

Of big brother.

It's day inside the big

Brother house and the silent

Six alliance is no more.

Tonight mike "boogie" finds

Himself on the chopping

Block up against jenn.

So will the former big

Brother winner see his game

Come to an end or will the

Pawn go home.

The only thing that is

Certain is that they will

Not be alone.

Because before the night is

Through, a second house

Guest will be walking out

That front door.

Here's how the night will


Moments from now either jenn

Or boogie will be evicted.

Then the house guests will

Battle it out to become the

New head of household.

That hoh must immediately

Nominate two housemates for


The power veto competition

Will be played live and a

Second house guest will be

Sent packing.

So who will be left standing

After this dramatic hour


We'll soon find out.

But first, shane's

Replacement nomination has

Left boogie simmering on the


But could it be the pawn

That is set to explode?

I have decided to

Nominate jenn, I'm sorry.

You're the replacement


This veto meeting is


Was's new.

≫ I was heated, dan tried

To give me some fake


He's just trying to look

Like a nice guyment when it

Reality what he is saying is

Gotia sucker.

I'm on fire being put on

The block especially as

Replacement nomineement

Usually I lean back, I like

To chill.

But at this point I'm going

To be a force to be reckoned


It's obviously a relief

Because I'm not on the block

Any more but at the same

Time it's bittersweet

Because mike's still up

There and jenn is a pawn and

They might go out the door.

We just have to get the

Votes if we can and keep my

Boy in this house.

I hate this guy, man.

Like what-- you know.

Did you see that piece

Of-- extend his hand to me.

Yeah, I did.

Like why jerk us around.

You get off on that or


You all right, bubba?

Could be better.

I know.

This is not going to be an

Easy decision.

Yeah, it's tough.

Don't want to have to choose

Between two teammates.

I know, but-- you're

Kidding, right, ian, are you

Kidding me?


You're not-- what dow

Mean you're not sure you are

Voting for me to stay.

No, I'm voting for you to

Stay but it's not easy.

I'm like-- I'm like I'll

Leave now.

Do what ever you can.

I can't blow my cover


I just have to make sure

That even though I plan on

Voting boogie out of the

House, that he doesn't find

Out that I've been working

Against him.

That would be safer for

Everybody, especially me.

Extremely doable.



≫ so quiet out there.

Shane, I'm curious, why

Did you have to give us the

Run around if you were just

Going to make that decision.

I wasn't.

I was taking every option

Into consideration, boogie.

It is like you like

Jerking me around.

No, definitely not that

Is not what I was trying to

Do right now.

We feel like yo-yos.

If that's how you feel

I'm sorry, I didn't mean for

It to come across as it did.

Stuff your sorry in a

Sack, man.

You're just looking like

Dan's bitch right now.

You're just dan's bitch and

He's laughing at you in


That's fine.

No worries.

Boogie is yelling.

He's yelling at shane.

That's not right.

Like if shane doesn't do

What he wants, then he's a


They're terrorizing the


I can't wait to watch you

Get done wrong, dude.

I'm not worried.

You should be.

You should be very worried

Because are you sitting on

The sidelines with that key

Dangling around your neck

While other people play for

Hoh and you're in a lot of

Trouble, son.

Is that a threat.

You better hope your boss

Wins hoh.

Is that a threat.

That is the truth, shane.

You weren't a target at all.

It is great for dan, because

He goes from number one on

The list instead of number


Dan likes to play silent

But the guy is really

Just-- he likes to pretend

He's a catholic schoolboy

And he's not.

Frank, we got to give it

Up to it guy, he's good.

I know, right.

Dan are you going to ignore

Me all week?

It would be much more fun

If we could just...have some

Laughs about this mess

I'm not trying to ignore you

I tip my cap

No need to do that, man

I wonder why its you

Versus the other two, though

Have you thought about that

At all?

Dan could tell you

I think he was probably

In on the conversations

I'm taking all the heat from

Mike boogie

Everyone knows that I

Don't crack under pressure

Bullying doesn't work on me

Ian is sitting there

I just hope knows how

Much heat im taking for him

And understands

What I'm doing for him

I'm trying to think down the

Road for these guys

It would be great if

They are in a final three

With you and danielle

Because you'll definitely

Throw that las h.o.h

So you don't have to slash

Danielle's throte on national


Am I right dan?

Oh I bet you have thought every

Inch of the road, dan

The only thing I will ask of dan

Is, don't do wrong by ian.

Frank's a big boy. He's gonna go

To battle. But, I just hope dan

Doesn't do you wrong.

Just watch out ian

He's a beast...

I'm so pissed off. I'm going to

Raise hell. Makes me sick

Oh man it is so on. I am fired

Up being on the block

They're going to have to meet a

New jen-city

And she's just arrived

If I go out, I'm going out

Kamakazi style

Shane, would you like to

Tell me what is going on.

Anyone that I probably

Would have brought up

Doesn't have to worry about

Going home.

I mean pawn goes home


I know are you pissed at


I just put an immense target

On my head by doing this.

Sure did.

I feel like shane opened up

Pandora's box the second he

Said my name.

I am going to be out for

Blood after this.

I'm really fired up.

He made a really bad move

That made everything really


He should have thought about

That before he made that

Sort of decision, and making

A new enemy.

I'm such a frigin wild card

That anything could happen.

Shane is just not a

Bright guy.

He could barely even look

At me.

They just could have put

Joe up.

He is so stupid and if I do

Stay that means I'm going to

Jury and I'm to the going to

Forget that while I'm

Packing pie bags.

There tattooed rocker is


She couldn't be a bigger

Pawn right now against a

Legend of the game.

And she needs to chill out

Or else she's going to get

Herself voted out.

This plan is going to blow

Up in my face.

Julie: it's time to

Reveal tonight's dramatic

Double he vintion to the

House guests.

Hello house guests.


Julie: tonight either

Jenn or mike "boogie" will

Be leaving the big brother


But before the hour is over,

Another house guest will be


It's time for a double


And you should know that the

Second house guest evicted

Tonight will become the

First member of the jury of

Seven that will ultimately

Crown the winner of big


It's a busy-- it's a very

Busy night house guests so

Let's not waste any time.

Jenn and boogie n just a few

Moments your housemates will

Cast the vote to evict live

But before you do you each

Have a last chance to plead

Your case.

Jenn, you're first.

Thank you.

Well, what a sumter has


This is one of the last

Places I would imagine

Myself and I'm extremely

Grateful to have this

Experience with all of you


I mean that from the bottom

Of my heart.

Now this particular week got

Really hot in the streets

For me.

Being up one-- being up

Against one of the greatest

Players in bb history, mike

"Boogie" and having former

Teammates campaign against

Me and have different

Scenarios play out.

So I think myself as a game

Player, me as a person

Speaks for itself.

So no way, shape or form

Would I ever ask you for

Your pity.

But just vote to keep your

Loyal and trustworthy homey


Julie: thank you, jenn,

Boogie, you're up.

First and foremost I have

To thank the true gentleman,

My business partner lonnie

Moore works him I couldn't

Be here for a third time.

Hugs and kisses to my little

Gentleman gentleman, brady


Hopefully daddy is not home

In an hour.

And to the house guests

People usually speak in

Generalities at this point.

But it's down to brass tacks

And I need a vote.

Joe, I think I should speak

Directly to you.

Last week I came to you

Every day.

We shifted the target to


I told you we would make it

Happen to you, we did.

A week ago thursday I told

You the vote was - and you

Would be good.

And somebody else voted

Against you, nothing bad to

Say about jenn.

Levi, sarah, your family and

Friends are watching as well

As millions of americans,

Please go in there and do

The right thing and the

Smart thing for your game.

Let's go new england

Patriots, mike check one two

I'm out.

Julie: thanks, boogie.

All right, everyone, it is

Time for the live vote to


Shane as the head of

Household are you not

Allowed to vote.

Neither are the two


One at a time the rest of

Will you enter the diary

Room and cast your vote to


Ashley are you up first,

Please go to the diary room.

Ashley has yet to choose a

Side but will her attachment

To frank influence her vote.

Hello, ashley.

Hey, julyie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict jenn.

Julie: thank you.


Brittany has played a big

Role in the quack pack's

Charge to evict britney.

Is that still the plan


Hi, britney.

Hi, julyie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

I vote to evict mike


Julie: thank you.


Julie: so on his own joe

Has pledged his allegiance

To shane.

Will he do his bidding


Hello, joe.


Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict now.

I vote to evict mike


Julie: thank you.

Frank and boogie have stood

Side-by-side all summer.

His vote should be obvious,

Hello, frank.

Hey, jules.

Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

I vote to evict jenn.

Julie: thank you.

Thank you.

Julie: dan has taken the

Heat from boogie all week.

Will he pay it back tonight,

Hi, dan.

Hey, julyie.

Julie: please vote to


For janelle I vote to

Evict mike.

Julie: thank you.

As a double agent ian

Masterminded a blindside

Against his former coach,

Will he seal his fate


Hello, ian.


Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict now.

I sadly vote to evict

Mike "boogie".

Julie: thank you.


Julie: it's official w

Four votes to evict, mike

"Boogie", boogie will be

Leaving the big brother

House tonight but let's see

How danielle votes.

Hi, danielle.

Hi, julyie.

Julie: please cast to

Your vote tow vict.

I vote to evict mike.

Julie: thank you.


Julie: all of the votes

Are in.

Let's give the mus to the

House guests.

House guests, the votes are

In, when I reveal the vote

The evicted house guest will

Have just a few moments to

Stay good-bye to gather his

Or her belongings and walk

Out that front door.

By a vote of to , boogie,

You are evicted from the big

Brother house


Stay cool, doggie.

All right.


Have fun.

Don't worry, good game,

Everybody, good game.

Great pioneers of this


Good game, good luck.


You can be proud.

Dan is not to be trusted.

Just put that in the

Storage room, dan, what

Happened dog.

Not cool.

Not cool.

(Cheers and applause)

Julie: we meet again.


Julie: you whispered to

Frank, ian is to the to be

Trusted right before you


What did ian whisper to you

In your ear.

He said you're going to

See some things that you

Don't like.

Apparently I didn't get his


And he referenced something

I said to an evicted house

Guest during all-stars which

Was-- and he said it with a

Bit of conviction in his

Voice as if he might be

Playing for the other side.

Julie: what is going

Through your mind right now.

You know I'm really


I thought I had enough

People against me but

Apparently I may have

Another one.

I mean obviously when you

Come out to these live

Evictions you haven't seen


You don't know what is going

On behind your back.

No one is to be trusted.

I love the kid.

I looked out for him every

Step of the way.

If he did me wrong it's just

Going to reflect on him.

I'm not ashamed of anything

I did.

Julie: in the event you

Were the one voted out

Tonight, your housemates

Left some good-bye wishes,

Let's listen.

Boogie, them flip-floppers

Doped us, you worked so hard

To get me out of some tight


I wished coy have done more.

One thing I got going for me

Is you and brady will be at

Home rooting me on.

Stay with me, brother,

Because I needia.

Ring, ring, what is this

Telephone doing in the dr.


Oh, hey, janelle, no, boogie

Is actually not here but I

Was just leaving a message,

Is there anything would you

Like to say.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Mike "boogie", I don't

Even know where to start,

Man, entering this game I

Had a high respect for you

As a player and I wanted to

Work with you.

I wasn't the one without

Ratted you out.

I have watched you on this

Show since I was , and I

Have nothing but admiration

And respect for how you play

This game.

Now for the hard part.

Since the reset I've been in

An alliance called the quack

Pack with dan, danielle,

Britney and shane.

I am the one that told

Britney and shane you were

Coming after them.

This week I masterminded

Your demise.

I learned from one of the

Best, and that is why you

Are sitting there right now.


Julie: hard to be mad at

The kid.

Can't be pad at him.

I am not mad at him.

I am proud of him.

He did learn from the best

And that is why he did what

He did.

The quack pack, oh my god.

Julie: mike googie,-- boogie,

Thanks so much it always fun

Watching you play this game.

Up next the live head of

Household competition.

Who will win and who will be

The second house guest sent


Get in on the television on

Twitter and let your voice

Be heard.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to big

Brother, it's time to crown

A new head of household.

Free from the threat of

Eviction this hoh must

Immediately put two house

Guests on the block.

Let's head to the backyard

And get things started.

House guests, the power is

Back up for grabs.

Shane, as outgoing head of

Household are you not

Eligible to compete.

This competition is called

Before or after.

And here's how it works.

I will name an event that

Occurred this summer.

You must determine if this

Event took place before or

After a second event I will


Get the answer correct, you

Stay in the game.

Get the answer wrong, and

You are eliminated.

The last person standing

Will be the new head of


Does everyone understand?

Yes, jules.

Julie: good, then let's


Question one.

Did the house guests dress

As lemons and limes before

Or after baby zinngbot was


Answers please.

Danielle and ashley, I

Need-- thank you.

The correct answer is


Everyone got it right except

For ashley.

Ashley reset, step down.

Everyone reset.

We pov on.

Was willie expelled from the

Game before or after janelle

Won her first coaches


Answers please.

Jenn, I need an answer.

The correct answer is after.

Joe, jenn and dan, reset and

Step down.

Everyone else reset and we

Move on.

Question three.

Did the breaking news

Bulletin keep you up all

Night before or after jojo

Hosted a competition?

Answers, please.

I need it.

The correct answer is after,

Sorry, frank, reset and step


Everyone reset as we move on.

Question four.

Was the game reset before or

After the have nots got

Candy canes and cod?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is


Everyone got it right.

Everyone reset.

Question five, during his

Eviction speech did will say

I love you and adore all of

You before or after he said,

This is a win-win situation.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is after.

Sorry, britney, reset and

Step down.

All right.

We are going to a tie

Breaker question.

Please grab your board.

The answer will be a number.

The person would comes

Closest to the correct

Number without going over

Will be the new head of


If you both go over, the

Person closest to the

Correct number will win.

Here we go.

How many seconds did it take

For the lime team to win the

Ex-squeeze me competition

From the start horn to the

Finishing bell?

How many seconds did it take

For the lime team to win the

Ex-squeeze me competition

From the start horn to the

Finishing bell?

Answers please.

The correct answer is

Seconds which means

Congratulations ian.

You are the new head of


Nominations will take place

In a few minutes.

House guests, I need

Everyone back inside the

House right now.

Ian, you have a very quick,

Very important decision to


Up next ian must nominate

Two house guests for


Who will he put up on the

Block and who will be the

Second house guest sent

Packing tonight.

Stay with us.

(Cheers and applause)

Julie: welcome back.

Just moment its ago ian

Became the new head of

Household it is now his

Responsibility to put two

House guests on the chopping


Let's listen in on some last

Minute strategizing.

If it ain't them too you

Are going up against shane,

Right, you know that.

Yes, sir.

You give me a week.


Julie: house guests, it's

Time for the live nomination

Ceremony to begin.

Everyone please gather in

The living room right now.

All right.

All right, ian.


Julie: you look like

You're ready.

All right.

Face your housemates now and

Make your nomination.

I hate to do this, just

Things were said after that

Eviction that have my heart


I hate to do it to you,


And ash.

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

I'm really sorry, guys.

I hate to do that to you.

Julie: all right.

One of you may be the next

House guest to be evicted.

But ashley and frank, you

Still have one last chance

To save yourself.

Because the live veto

Competition is next.

Up next it's the live veto


Who will win the power of

Veto and will it be used

Tonight to save one of the


Stay with us.

(Cheers and applause)

Welcome back to a double

Edition episode of big


Already mike "boogie" was

Evicted from the big brother


Then ian became the new head

Of household.

He then put ashley and frank

Up for eviction.

Now the hoh, the two nominees

Along with shane, danielle

And joe who were picked to

Play just moments ago will

Face off in the power of

Veto competition.

Will ashley or frank win the

Power of veto and save


Let's find out.

House guests, it's now time

For the power of veto


The winner of the power of

Veto can use it to remove

One of the nominees from the

Chopping block or they could

Leave ian's nominations in


This competition is called

Somewhere over the veto.

And here's how it works.

On my go, you'll run across

The yard and search for two

Clovers in the pot of gold

At the end of your lane.

After you have found your

Clovers, you must bring them

Back to your podium, then

Return to your pot of gold

And retrieve the veto symbol

That hangs above it.

The first person to retrieve

Both clovers, return with

Their veto symbol and buzz

In will win the power of


The one last thing, house

Guests, you can only return

One clover at a time.

Does everyone understand?

Yes, julyie.

Julie: okay then please

Turn around, face your lane,

Get on your mark, get set,


Ian has won his-- has

Found his first clover.

No one else has found one


Frank has found his first


Joe has found his first


Danielle an shane have both

Found their first clover.

Frank has found his second


Congratulations frank you have

Won the power of veto

Frank has won again stay with us

To find out what happens next

Julie: welcome back, big

Brother, frank has just won

The power of veto and will

Likely use it to take

Himself off the block.

So who will go up in his


Let's listen in on some last

Minute strategizing.

I told y'all beforehand I

Have your back, I was going

After dan.

You think you are going

To put up joe.

I nominated him three

Weeks ago.

Julie: house guests, it's

Time to begin the veto


Everyone please gather into

The living room right now.

All right.

Looks like you're all there.

Frank, as winner of the

Power of veto you may remove

Yourself or your fellow

Nominee from the chopping

Block or you may choose to

Leave the nominations in


But I doubt that's what's

Going to happen.

Ian, I know it is a crazy



Julie: can you please

Take a seat.


Julie: thank you.

Frank, please stand and give

Us your decision.

I wish hi two of these

Jokers, ash.

I am going to use it on

Myself, jules.

Julie: there you go.

Frank please have a seat on

The couch.

Ian as hoh you must now name

A replacement nominee.

And I see you're ready.

Joe, you had a chance to

Play the shamrock thing.

Nothing personal, poppa

Squat, man.

Julie: thank you, ian.

Joe, thank you for taking

The correct seat.

House guest, I'll be back

For the second live vote and


Just a few minutes.

Up next, ashley or joe, who

Will be the next house guest

To leave the big brother


The live vote and eviction

Is next.

Stay with us.

(Cheers and applause)

(Cheers and applause)

Julie: welcome back, it

Has been a wild night in the

Big brother house.

Early this evening mike

"Boogie" was evicted.

Now either ashley or joe

Will follow in his


Let's return to the living.

Ashley and joe in just a few

Moments your housemates will

Cast their votes to evict

Live but before they do, you

Each have a chance to plead

Your case.

Ashley, you're first.

I think you guys know

It's been a rough game.

The house is pretty


I chose a side because

During this wol game

Everyone underestimated me

As a player, they didn't

Think I was a gamer.

People thought I obviously

Am not articulate.

I can't-- express myself the

Way other people do.

I don't have that talent.

I do know I have heart and I

Want to be here.

Just because I made a

Decision to work with people

That i-- dns you my to wrap


I thought you had my


I thought-- I mean.

Julie: ashley, I'm sorry

Your time is up.

All right.

Julie: joe, very quickly


Julie: thank you it is

Time for the live voting to


Neither nominee is allowed

To vote.

Ian as current head of

Household will you only vote

In the event of a tie.

One at a time the rest of

You will enter the diary

Room and cast your vote tow


You are first, please go to

The diary room.

Julie: jenn survived

Tonight's first eviction.

So how will she vote


Hi there, jenn.

Hello, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

I vote to evict ashley.

Julie: thank you.

Thank you.

Julie: shane took a lot

Of heat for his nominations

Last week so who is the best

Option for him to stay in

The game.

Hello, shane.

Hello, julyie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

I vote tow vict ashley.

Julie: thank you.

Thank you.

Julie: britney has come

Through to the quack pack so,

Where will she throw her

Vote tonight.

Hi, britney.

Hi, julyie.

Julie: please please cast

Your vote tow vict.

I vote tow vict ashly.

Julie: thank you, with

Boogie gone, frank is on his

Own what is his best move


Hi there, frank.

Hi, julies.

Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

I vote to evict joe.

Julie: thank you.

Danielle is a faithful

Member of the quack pack so

Who does she want to see

Sent packing.

Hello, danielle.

Hi, juliy.

Julie: please cast your

Vote tow vict.

I vote tow vict ashley.

Julie: thank you.

It's official, with four

Votes to evict ashley, aly

Will be leaving the big

Brother house tonight but

Let's see how other vote


Hello, dan.

Hey, julyie, fireworks in

The air.

Julie: I'll say.

Please cast your vote tow


I am going to vote to

Evict ashley.

Julie: thank you all of

The votes are in, let's give

The news to the house guests.

House guests, just a

Reminder, when I reveal the

Vote, the evicted house

Guests will have just a few

Moments to say good-bye and

Walk out the front door.

By a vote of to , ashley

You are evicted from the big

Brother house


≫ see you guys in jury.

Bye, ash.

Good job, ashley.

Bye, ashley.

(Cheers and applause)

I can't believe I'm here.

I love your --

What's up.

I knew was go tokai battle.

Heard a lot worse.

I know you ain't playing

For me.

I knew she was.

I got you, man.

But everybody else,

Sending that poor girl hom

Home-- because she was

Trying to join with two

Strong players and hide

Behind us just like danielle

And britney are trying to

Behind behind two strong


I ain't going to lie to you-- .

Julie: ashley, why do you

Think you're sitting here

Right now and not joe.

Oh, I made the house very


Julie: how, why.

Because this whole game,

I've been considered kind of

This floater.

I never really had like a

Team that I trusted and

Believed in.

I love janelle, she was my

Coach but I don't know t was

Always like that, the tear

System, I always felt I was


I thought I had an

Opportunity to work with a

Team that had my back.

And I thought frank and ian

And boogs could take me far

In the game.

Because obviously I wasn't

Winning competitions.

And you know, I thought hi a

Little strategy there.

About I made the wrong

People mad.

Jenn just always, I never

Knew jenn was going have my

Back for sure.

Obviously she would have.

Julie: ashley I hope your

Back feels better.

Thank you for playing the


Of course.

Julie: are you the first

Ever of the jury.

We will see you back here on

Finale night when you and

The rest of the jury decide

Was wins this crazy game.

We thank you.

Only eight house guests

Remain in the battle for a

Half-million dollars.

Tune in sunday to find out

Who will become the new head

Of household and whom they

Will nominate for eviction.

And on wednesday at ,

Central will the power of

Veto save one of the two


Then one woke from tonight

I'll be back for the next

Live eviction.

Need more big brother in

Your life?

Describe to the live hour

Internet feed.

And check out "big brother

After dark" live each night

On showtime .

For now, let's eaves drop on

The house guests from

Outside the big brother

House I'm julie chen.

Good night.

(Cheers and applause)