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14x18 - Episode 18

Posted: 05/05/24 14:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on "big

Brother..." Shane, daniel,

Britney and dan formed two

Secret alliances.

The quack pack with ian...

That's it!

And the silent six with frank

And boogie.


After a battle of endurance

Shane became the new head of


Shane has won h.o.h.

Ian told britney that boogie

Ian told britney that boogie was coming after her and shane.

Was coming after her and shane.

He goes, shane, I was like,

Yeah, yeah, shane.

So the quack pack decided to

Make him and frank their


They're coming after us.


The only way to ensuring that

One of them goes home is to f

You put them both on the block.

If it's better for myself and

The quack pack for boogie and

Frank to go up this week that's

Just what has to happen.

Quack quack quack.

When a mystery box appeared

In the house...

What the frig?

...shane got nervous about

Making a big move.

What are the chances do you

Think it's going to affect my

Decision for nominations?


This could be a huge twist or

Game changer so I really need to

Think about things.

But at the nomination

Ceremony he stuck to the plan

And officially ended the silent


I've nominated you, boogie,

And you, frank.


Who will win the power of


And will it be used to save

Either boogie or frank from the


And, tonight, which quack pack

Member comes under fire?

Find out right now on "big


Oh, my god!

Oh, my god! That looks like a dead animal.

That looks like a dead animal.

Ian, you are safe.

I've nominated you, boogie,

And you, frank.

You have prizes, you have twists

And you would matily clues that

Completely fade your decision


That's pretty much all I can say

At this time.

Sorry, it's nothing personal.

This nomination ceremony is



Appreciate it.

Thank you.

So I heard frank and boogie

Were coming after me and my


I've got to strike while the

Iron's hot.

I've got to be the first one to

Make the first move.

Being up on the block against

My best friend and ally in this

House is just devastating.

We feel completely blindsided

Because we had the silent six's

Back last week and we get repaid

By getting scumbag it had minute

We're not in power.

Shane done lost his mind!

Clearly some people have talked

Him into ruining our silent six


Look, you might be able to get

Frank or I out, but there's a

Chance maybe both of us are

Gonna stay.

And guess who's public enemy

Number one now?

That nomination ceremony went

Smooth like butter.

The exact two right people went


And hopefully they'll never find

Out that I had anything to do

Out that I had anything to do with it.

With it.

The one time I actually feel

Kind of safe.

Yeah, I know, right?

Who do you think's behind it?


And she didn't have the backing

Of them she would haven't done


And obviously he's part of


We should have back doored him.

I'll blow the whole thing up

Because now it's over.


And it's like [no audio] making

Fools out of us.

I'm telling you, dan's part of


I'm ready to hear their logic

Behind it.

Let's go together.

All right.

Frank and I are completely


Shane, can we have a word?


We're not going to sit and

Dwell on the fact that we're


We've got to figure out first

Who was behind it, who talked

Shane into it and what we're

Going to do about it.

I thought we were tight,


What happened?

I heard from more than one

Person that my name came up.


Came up in what?

If you guys were going to win


We just won h.o.h.!


We had the chance to do you last


Okay, well, yeah, I know.

My speech wasn't made up.

I switched my decision pretty

Much last minute.

But, I mean, you're

Referencing a question mark in a

Glass box?


That's not ultimately what I

Made my decision on.

Are you... Are you claiming

That you know something beyond

What the whole house knows?

It could be that.

It's not... I didn't base my

Whole decision off that, boogie.

I'm being influenced by,

Obviously, a lot of people and

If I hear a certain thing, yes,

I probably should have came to

You guys...

If we're working together, is

It someone outside of the six

That influenced you?

Well, it was joe.


I really hate being in this


I'm trying to do anything and

Say anything that will get the

Heat off of me.

Ian is our mole and I have to

Keep him safe and out of this


I heard that dan and I were both

Going to be nominations.

I know it didn't happen but, I

Mean, I've got to pull the

Trigger sometime.

You have nominated frank and

I because of a glass cube with a

Question mark on it and joe's



I think it's not just joe.

I think dan and britney probably

Got in you're, too.

I'm saying people are

Influencing me.


Dan, too.

No, no, I'm saying...


I was influenced to make a

Big move.

By britney?

By someone in this house.


Britney and I are obviously

The only two working together.

Her and I are working together.

And she probably use mid-h.o.h.

Like she... Obviously I don't

Have a good social game.

Yeah, we know.

We know.

I don't know [bleep] I'm


I know how to win competitions.

At this point I don't know

What language this guy is


It's excuse after excuse after


He's using every excuse in

The book of dumb excuses.

She says these guys are

Coming after you.

I guess she's putting stuff in

My head and that get me thinking

Oh, my god, maybe they are

Coming after me.


You feel like like her

Opinion means a lot because

She's played this before?

Just because she was your

Coach, she's not looking out for


It seems more apparent now.

She's going to go back to

Tulsa, go to her bank and cash

That fat [no audio] check and

Not worried about what's going

On in vermont.

I know.

Valid point.

I mean, I would like to know

If dan dropped a dime on us

Because I feel like he did.



I can tell you that %.


Look... We can still be very

Good friends, shane.

I understand.


If you work with us and fix

This situation we can work

Together still.

If you're epito it.

I'm open to anything, boogie.

For sure, dude.

Don't worry about it.

Don't feel bad at all.

After talking with shane it's

Clear britney was behind it.

I know she's very skeptical from

My past behavior on other

Seasons and she has it in for me

Even though we have an alliance


Thanks, guys, for not jumping

Down my throat.

Are you upset?


What who'd they say about me?

Well, just so you know, I

Want odd to get to you before

They did.

I was saying I had a lot of

People in my ear telling me what

To do.

And I said, you know, britney

Had an a impact on what I did.

She might have implied.

And then frank was just like

"Did anything come out of dan's

Mouth, tell me man to man."

And I just said no.

The only person I heard it from

Was britney.

It upsets me that it's been

Deflected to me and now I'm,

Like, the huge target.

I realize that you have to do

What you have to do but for you

To act like it was a little bit

My fault...

I told them %.

That makes me a huge, huge

Target to them.

You know what I mean?

I guess.

And all I was ever trying to

Do was help you.

Because they were going to put

You up.

They were going to come after

You and dan and me.

So would it have been better

For me not to say anything to


Beyond why I had to be thrown

Under the bus.

I didn't completely throw you

Under the bus.

That's what it sounds like.

I thought for a long time that

Shane didn't have a whole lot of

Common sense but this just

Really makes that really loud

And clear.

I have to run down stairs and do

Damage control in this


He could have just really

Screwed up my whole game.

I just came in here

To say, that like I did

Definitely hear that you guys

Were going to go after me and


Who are you talking to?

Who the tphaud you are you

Talking to, britney?

Save it!

Come on!

You're using him as your puppet,

Baby, come on!

I am not!

You made the move big


One, maybe two of yourselves are


Just strap yourselves in.

Who else was in on it?

Dan and daniel?

Multiple people told me,

People that I believe.

People that wouldn't just make

It up.

Not you, frank, I'll just be

Honest, that you said that next

Week you wanted a big move to be

Made and you insinuated that it

Was me and shane.

I shared that information with


Did I say "shane, put boogie and

Frank up"?

I do not.

He's the h.o.h., Not me.

He didn't want to put me up

As a replacement nominee.

But you got him to.

It's not my call.

I don't put the keys in the box.

He could be aligned with you...

You might not have put the

Key in the box, britney, but you

Are in his ear telling him this

Is a good decision.

So maybe if he wins the half

Million it will go to me since

Apparently I'm the one in

Control of the situation?

Shane, can I have a few more


Yeah, absolutely.

Everything's okay?

When the keys don't come out,

The jig is up.

You know what I mean.

I didn't put the key in the

Box, boogie.

You're in on it.

Who said mike said it?

A very super incredibly

Believable source.

Well, obviously it's dan.

No, I'm not gonna say who it


I really don't want to say who

It was.

It's somebody whose word you

Believe and it's got to be dan

At this point.

He never lies.

It's fine.

Because I knew...

I actually like this better.

I like this better.

Now we know.

What just happened there?

I tried to make it short and

Sweet, shane.


I left my husband and quit my

Job to come here.

And you threw me under the bus

So bad I just got a verbal

Beatdown because apparently I am

Responsible for you putting

Frank up as a replacement


Now I'm % responsible for

Your nominations.

You're gonna believe that?

I just got...

I do not say % any

Of those things.

Was I the only person in the

Room with you ever since you won

This h.o.h.?

I didn't want to throw them

Under the bus because we didn't

Want to keep our alliance


Why couldn't you say it was

Your decision?

Because I tkpw et all the

Blood on my hands again.

Fine, I'll go tell them straight


I'll say I was lying then.

All I was trying to protect


And I was trying to protect


By throwing me under the bus?

I do not throw you under the

Bus once.

I mentioned your name about

Saying that you influenced my


Do you want me to throw everyone

Under the bus?

What do you want know do?

I don't want you to throw

Anyone under the bus!

It's all on me again?

You want me to not be upset

At you.

Why do I always have to get

My hands dirty to benefit you...

Us five?

You made a decision that I am

Taking % of the

Responsibility for.

I don't know how you can even



Because that's just what they

Just told me!

I am so far up on the totem

Pole for the target being on my

Head for those two.

So it helps you out to throw

Me under the bus.

It helps me out?

How does it help me out?

Then why did you do it?

I mean, you were...

Please explain to me for five

Second how telling them that I

Influenced your decision.

If you can give me one...

It's not.

I didn't come here to go down

For somebody else's actions.

I just... Just know I still

Have your best intentions, if

You don't have mine, that's


I understand.

If there's any way I can prove

It somehow, if something happens

Then I'll let you know.

Actions speak louder than words.

I've really got to learn to

Control shane a little bit


I don't want him to make my game

Fall apart.

Lesson learnedded with him.

I'm just going to stay in

Here a little bit longer.

Here a little bit longer. All right.

All right.

By the way, pimping, I don't

Think it's britney we need to be

Mad at.

Yeah, britney.

Who is it?


Don't let him fool you, son.

Don't let him fool you, dog.


What'd he do?

Convinced britney and shane

To take a run at us.


Wolf in sheep's clothing.


That's how I referred to him as


I think it's really funny

That frank and boogie think that

Dan is the one that released

This information.

He's not the wolf in sheep's

Clothing, I am!

Clothing, I am! This game's getting real.

This game's getting real.

I think you kind of knew it

Was going to happen.

Frank and I are now nominated

And clearly the silent six

Alliance will be no more.

I'm not quite sure who turned on

Us, but I have a pretty sneaky

Suspicion that it's my buddy


You know what I value and I

Don't want to look like a fool.

And don't you think I know

That about you and that I

Wouldn't do something like that?

Who are we supposed to

Believe at this point?

We could have done anything we

Wanted last week.


The targets were way tastier

Than will and I fought frank

Tooth and nail because he was

Worried about you.

So just... That's what hurts for


Whether it was britney, you, or

A combination of shane whatever

The case may be.

He said a reliable source she

Believed in.

That ain't joe.


It adds up too much for it not

To be true.

I'm sitting there taking it

And not defending myself because

If I expose our mole ian the

Whole alliance will crumble


A make a move I won't say I

Didn't do it.

You didn't say to britney I

Wanted to make a move on her



So do we want to have this

Conversation in front of her?

I've got nothing to hide.

Do you think I do?

Then sit here and tell me

Britney has made this entire

Thing up.

I'll go better.


I mean, we're... Is she with

Frank right now.

I don't know.

Because I want him to be part

Of the conversation as well.

You want to do it upstairs.

Dan's one of those persons

Who's numerously shown me that,

Hey, you can believe me, you can

Trust me, I've got your back

While on the other hand he's

Completely trying to sail us

Down the river.

Boogie wants to have a



Boogie wants to have a


Oh, there you are.

What's up, pimping?

You want us to leave, stay, go?

No, no, I want everybody


Oh, okay.

Let's have an open forum.

We owe each other that, right?

As you know, I'm a straight



Let's get in the the open and

At least we know where we're at.

Fire away and I'm sure we'll

Answer honestly.

I'd just love to know who

Told her this that caused this

Whole thing to happen and ended

Up with...

But that comes down to me

Again saying where I heard it

From and I don't want to say


Like, I don't want to break the

Confidence of the person.

I really don't.

I don't want you to.

I just want dan to be honest and

Tell us.

What do you think came out of

My mouth?

Tell me what you thought I said.

I'm just trying to start

Where the lies possibly started,


I don't know why you're

Acting coy.

If you guys are going to make a

Big move and it's about getting

One of us out I can respect


But why hide it?

Did you ever say that you

Wanted to put up me or shane?

Well, yeah, eventually thats

Gonna happen.

Mike boogie is freaking out,

He's on a witch-hunt to figure

Out who gave us this piece of


Was his head stuck in his

Homemade t-shirt?

Does he not remember that he

Said this to seian.

If you win who are you going

To put up, britney?





Yeah, I guess.

Think about it ahead of time.

We'd like to at least hear

From dan, hey, yeah, I threw

Your names out there.

I think the silence says it

All so it's fine.

Here's what I'll say: on my

Wife, on chelsea, didn't come

Out of my mouth.

Dan, I'm sorry buddy, you can

Say, that but you've lied to my

Face before.

That's fine and I can

Understand why you wouldn't

Believe me.

I'm just telling you.

Dan's silence said


Dan is never at a los for words

And the fact he wouldn't speak

Showed he couldn't speak without

Lying and he chose to remain


So thank you, dan.

I think I got it.

I'll talk to you guys later.

All right, man.

Do you want know take the heat

On this one?

I don't know what to do but I

Don't drag people's names

Through the mud and I don't

Appreciate mine, either.

And I'm close to not being able

To protect that kidney longer.

I know.

I'm not cool with it.

Because in this game if I get

Caught in something or if I do

Something I'll admit to it.

I don't care.

But I don't do that stuff.

That's why I'm covering for this

Kid and no one has a clue.

Which I understand..

He's given us so much good


Does it matter anymore?

You don't think it matters?

I mean, the alliance... Our

Quack pack matters but I just

Got moved to the front of the

Pecking order.

What do you think we should

Do, though?

I'll take heat for the group

As long as I know that kid is

Going to do the same for us.

Because if he doesn't and he

Doesn't appreciate that then

I'll throw him to the wolves.

I'll throw him to the wolves. I don't care.

I don't care.

Everyone, it's time to pick

Players for veto competition.

Only six people will participate

In the veto competition: the

Head of household, the two

Nominees and three other players

Selected by random draw.

Will the nominees please join me

Up here?

We don't want dan's name

Coming out of the beg.

It's not that we're afraid of


We just want the path of least

Resistance and that means him

Not playing in the veto


As h.o.h. I will pick first.


Houseguest choice.

As soon as I see boogie draw

Houseguest choice out of the bag

I think to myself well, looks

Like I'm playing this week-- if

Only he knew.



Houseguest choice.



How about that veto draw?

If you could have told frank and

I to pick three players for the

Veto draw those would have been

The three.

I'm trying to think of whose

Disk didn't come out of... Oh,

Yeah, dan!

I also have to choose a host

For veto competition and I

Choose danielle.


"Big brother" will inform us

When the competition is to


Good luck.

Welcome to the "big brother"

Candy world!

[Cheers and applause]

I walk in the backyard and I

See candy!

And I'm so excited because this

Is my competition!

I love candy!

You have five minutes to soak in

The sweetness.


Kind of a crap sh**t.

So we walk outside and we see a

Small display with a number next

To it and a bigger display with

No number so I obviously know

This is a counting game.


If I win this veto frank and

Boogie will automatically think

I'll use it on one of them.

So I need to throw it.

The object of this game is to

Earn three lollipop points.

To earn a point, I will ask you

A question about one of the

Candy displays.

You will write down what you

Think is the correct amount then

Reveal your answer.

After hearing everyone's

Answers, you must look in

Whether you want to fold or stay

And go for the point.

If you're the closest to the

Actual answer you'll earn the


If you fold you won't earn a

Point but you get to stick

Around for the next question.

But be warned: if you stay and

You're furthest that from the

Actual answer you are eliminated

From the game.

The first player to earn three

Lollipop points will win the

Golden power of veto.

I don't know what it is about

Me but I just keep getting put

Up on the block!

This is four times now and the

Other two times that I didn't

Get put up I won h.o.h. I've got

To win this veto because it's

The only way I know for sure

That I'm actually going to get

To vote for the first time this


I don't care if I win or if

Frank wins.

We just need one of us to win.

If one of us can come off the

Block, we can fight for the


Heck, we can make maybe even

Talk shane to put up dan who

We're after right now.

I don't think we're going to

Get a great effort out of ian

Because in this entire game he's

Never had to make a decision.

I want shane to win.

He's not going to change the

Nominations, he's going to keep

Them the same.

The worst-case scenario for me

Is that frank wins this veto


Should he win, he's going to

Take himself off the block and

He'll be coming after me next


All right, the first one is

The veto mural.

This is marshmallow chicks.

How many marshmallow chicks make

Up this veto mural?

I counted all the checks at

The top and all the checks down

The side and I multiplied them.

I knew I could get close but

There was a few holes in there

And it wasn't an exact science.

My strategy for estimating

Candy was a picture method.

The picture meth is to picture

Everything in pictures and see

How many pictures can fit within

The picture.

Frank, please reveal your













All right, everyone.

Stay or fold?

Please lock in your answers.

After I've heard everyone's

Answers I have to decide how

Confident I am in my answer and

Then decide whether I want to

Stay or fold.

And once we lock in our answers

They're locked in for good.

I can't change it.

How confident are you in your



I'm gonna stay.

I'm going to fold.

I am going to stay.

Well, I guess I'll stay.

I'm going to fold.

I have chosen to fold.

There are marshmallow

Chicks in the veto mural.

Frank, because you are closest

To the number you get a lollipop


Ashley, jenn, and ian, because

You folded you are still in the


Mike, because you are furthest

From the number you are


I go out first and I'm really

Upset with myself.

I was a little too aggressive


I'm mad that I didn't just play

Conservative and stay in the


This is lollipops.

How many lollipops adorn the

Topiary tree?

In my mind I'm thinking how

Many little bush shells of

Lollipop cans fit into the first

Tier of the tree?

You have to double it because

It's a d object so then you

Would do times and then

You add them all together.

Please reveal your answer.






Are you going to stay or


I'm going to stay.

I'm going to fold.

I have decided to stay.

I'm going to stay, baby.

I've chosen to fold.

There are , lollipops

Adorning the topiary tree.


Frank, because you're closest

To the number you get another

Lollipop point and I'm so sorry,

Jenn, you've been eliminated

From the competition.

Frank you are currently in the

Lead with two lollipop points.

Everyone else still has zero


So annoying.

Somehow frank is freaking able

To get up - to everybody else!


Frank, you only need one more

Lollipop to win the golden power

Of veto.

The next question.

This is one pound of candy


How many pounds of candy hearts

Are in the large heart-shaped

Are in the large heart-shaped box.


Please reveal your answer.

Pounds, danielle.




Are you going to stay or


I'm going to fold.

I'm going to fold.

-, I'm staying.

I've chosen to stay.

There are pounds of candy

Hearts in the large heart-shaped


Shane, because you're closest to

The actual amount you get your

First lollipop point and I'm

Sorry, ian, you've been



Why did you stay?

All you had to do was fold and

Stay in the game?

Oh, this kid, he just doesn't

Have his head in the

Competitions like I need him to


Frank, you are in the lead with

Two lollipop points.

Shane has one lollipop point and

Ashley has zero lollipop points.

On to the next.

This strip of paper has candy

Dots on it.

How many candy dots are on the

How many candy dots are on the wall?


Please reveal your answer.




I'm not sure if I should stay

Or fold.

I feel like my math's right but

I need to play it safe.

Frank, are you going to stay

Or fold?

I'm going to fold.

I'm going to stay.

I can't fold, I've got to


There are , candy dots

On the wall.

I knew my math was close.

Ashley, since you are closest

To the right amount you are earn

A lollipop point.

Shane, you've been eliminated.

Frank, if you would have stayed

In you would have won the golden

Power of veto.

Now it's done to frank and


Frank w- lollipop points and

Ashley with one.

It's scary that my game

Depends on a girl who would

Rather spend her time eating the

Candy than trying to figure out

A way to win this competition.

There are gum balls in

This small gum ball container.

How many gum balls are in the

Giant gum ball m mama sheen?

I've got to win this veto so

That maybe we can convince shane

Into popping somebody up on that

Block in my place.

And we can get the votes to keep

Mike in the house.

Please reveal your answer.

Gum balls, danielle.

Gum balls, danny.

Stay or fold.

Please lock in your answers.

Frank, are you going to stay or


I'm gonna stay, danielle.

And ashley, are you going to

Stay or fold?

I'm going to fold.


In the large gum ball machine

There are actually gum


Ashley, because you folded frank

Automatically wins the veto.



Boom boom!

I got a little souvenir from

The competition today and the

Souvenir that counts from the

Competition today.

My back was against the wall and

It could haven't come at a

Better time.

That's three competition wins in

A row for me.

Dan, why don't you suck it?

Frank wins the veto.

Totally sucks!

I mean, this freaking kid, he's

Got nine lives in this game.

It's like every time we think we

Have him out he finds a way to

Freaking bounce back.

It's like impossible to get

Frank out of this game.

Frank wins veto so at this

Point I have to name a

Replacement nominee and get more

Blood on my hands.

Worst-case scenario happens:

Frank and his best buddy mike

Boogie, they think they have a

Chance to keep themselves in

This game.

It's a worst-case scenario for

Me because I know frank is going

To be safe for another week and

His number one target is right

His number one target is right here.


Frank pulled it out again,



He's like that cockroach that

Won't die!

He did it!

He did real good.

No matter what you hear,

There's only one name coming out

Of my mouth for that other seat

And you know who it is.

Frank wins the veto.

We got step one complete.

There's two more steps-- one is

To rally the troops and all the

Floaters, get them to try to

Convince shane to put dan on the

Seat next to me and then step

Three will be to vote him out.

I've got to get these guys fired


Dan is a beast.

Like, he doesn't do it by

Winning competitions but he does

It through cunning relationship


You know, the bottom line is

Obviously, you know, we're going

To try to get him put up.

I think y'all's best chance

Is when you do talk to him say,

Look, we all want dan out of

This house, we want him up on

The block.

Because if shane and britney

Realize everybody's on board

With this it will only make it

More easy for them to do it and

They think if they don't go that

Way the whole house will be mad

At him, including us two.

There's going to be some

Bloodshed in this house.

You'll have two fiesty [no

Audio] ready to put them in



And would you rather have us

Fighting for you to get them out

Or, you know, just you guys?

Boogie's talking and he's


Dan is the most dangerous player

Here in the house and we've got

To stick together to get dan up

On the block if I have any

Chance of winning this game.

It's not too late.

They made a move too early and

There's enough bodies in here to

Flip this around.

Flip this around. Food for thought.

Food for thought.

I just want to, you know,

Have what will probably be the

Final conversation before...


...he makes his decision.


And I fully realize that it's

His decision.

He made it the first time and

Obviously in the heat of the

Moment frank and i... I guess

You could say took it out on


If I can get britney to see that

I'm just a nice person and gain

Her trust she'll tell shane to

Do do what I want, which is to

Put up dan.

My back's against the wall and I

Obviously am pushing for the dan

Thing, not because I want to

Have some big vengeance play but

I want him as a player out of

The game.

He ruined this alliance.

Like, we could have run this.

Part of my problem right now is

Not because I'm or worried about

Going or home or losing the game

But, you know, good friendships

Are worth a lot and I think,

Like, I think it bothers me so

Much that it got so [no audio]


The thing is, britney is a

Sharp, astute young woman and

She's pretty savvy so I think

I'm going to have to bring out

The tears on this one.

If I go, you know, hopefully

Frank and you guys will work

Together and I'll watch if my


You know, I really... You know I

Really... I really hope that's

Not the case but...


But I'll just say I

Appreciate whatever input you


I don't blame you for anything.

Come on, boogie, seriously?


I just wanted to check in

With you and see if, you know,

Where your head is at.

Different game right now


It really, really, really is.

So, yeah, man to woman I %

Don't know where my head is at.

I'm probably not going to sleep


It's not just a decision for

Myself but it's a decision for


Obviously britney and I are

Working together.

But dan is slick.

He's the most dangerous player


I know you're really close with

Danielle and I just don't... I'm

Thinking about her, too.

But that's something I just want

You to keep in mind.

And I know it's really tough.

Just think about the long run.

You do another v another big

Target in the house.

That helps keep your buns safe.

Uh-huh, it does.


Just think long term.


I appreciate you coming to

Talk to me.

Of course, of course.

I mean, there's... Anyone can

I mean, there's... Anyone can be a replacement nominee.

Be a replacement nominee.

I'm going to go finish my

C.d. And then I'm going to lay


Shane, can I have five



Come on up.

I want to talk you're off.

Not a problem.

The clock is ticking.

Frank's going to take himself

Off the block and someone's got

To sit next to me.

We want it to be dan.

I want dan out of this house and

I want it to partially be our


I understand how hard this

Decision is for you.

It's a huge point in the game.

You know, dan is such a scary

Person to leave in this game.

Sometimes I forget that you

Don't know dan.

You don't know what he did last



One of the key things for him

That just... It worked out so

Great was he had a great

Alliance that stuck together and

What dan did is he let everybody

Else do the dirty work.

Dan got the perfect hollywood

Ending, got to win and he got to

Look like he did the right


Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Well, I'm glad you bring this up

Because, yeah, it's something

Because, yeah, it's something that I was thinking about.

That I was thinking about.

But what what if shane

Decides to do that?

Decides to put dan up?

The four of us will have


I'm obviously tight with



And I honestly feel we could

Do some work together, man.

I mean, we really could.

I know.

You know, I'm blue-collar new


We're kind of cut from the same


I agree.

It says a lot about you.

It does.

Just man to man, I'm open to

Any option.

I'm going to take into

Consideration everything that

Everyone says.

Shane's an idiot savant.

Without the savant part.

Basically, the last person who

Gets in his ear is probably

Going to get what they want so

I'm hoping I got through to him.

I'm the first person to say it's

A game and we can put the hard

Feelings aside.

This kid dan is a dangerous,

This kid dan is a dangerous, dangerous player.

Dangerous player.

I'm up on the block, I've got

The veto, I've got to use this


It's a no brainer.

While I might be coming off the

Block, my best friend and ally

In the house mike will still be

Up there.

The veto meeting is today.

People, this is huge!

My life in the "big brother"

House this season depends on who

Shane puts next to me.

If it's dan I have an amazing

Chance of staying.

If it's anybody else I'm

Probably going home.

Hey, everyone, it's time for

Hey, everyone, it's time for the veto meeting.

The veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Mike and I have been nominated

For eviction.

But I have the power to veto one

Of those nominations.

I have decided to use the power

Of veto on myself.

Mike, I wish I had two of these

Jokers but I don't bubba.

I'm sorry, brother.

That's all right.

Shane, since I just vetoed

One of your nominations for

Eviction you have to name a

Replacement nominee.

You know, I'm in a very bad

Position being h.o.h. And having

To replace a nominee.

I have to do what's best for my


It's nothing personal so please

Don't take it personal.

And with that being said, I have

Decided to nominate jenn.

I'm sorry.

You're the replacement nominee.

This veto meeting is


Good luck, man.

Save it.

Good luck, jenn.

They don't know who they're

Messing with because part of my

Game has been laying low but

None that knows me, once I get

Fired up, it's a wrap!

Jenn sitting in the seat next

To me was not my first choice

But I got a couple votes in the

Bag with frank and ian and I

Have to go to work and get two


I'm just glad that boogie

Won't be anywhere near me when

He finds out that I had a hand

In his going home, but, hey, I

Learned from the best.

Like father like son.

Who will be evicted from the

"Big brother" house, jenn or


Plus, it's a special double

Eviction episode.

It's a week's worth of big


In one hour that's sure to rock

The house.

It all happens live thursday at

:, : Central on "big

:, : Central on "big brother"!