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14x17 - Episode 17

Posted: 05/05/24 14:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on "big

Brother" dan, danielle,

Shane and britney formed two

Secret alliance, the crack

Pat with ian.


And the silent six with

Frank and boogie.

With all the power in

Frank's hands-- some silent

Six members worried they

Would be back-stabbed.

Worst case situation

Right now and I could be

Back doored at this point.

I'm con

Certain-- concerned the

Nominee would come back down

And I could get back-doored

From frank.

And after a pitch from

Wil and ashley.

We are always saying how

Dan-- blah, blah.

I am just talking.

Frank considered

Back-dooring dan.

Let's say dan did go up

And we sent dan home.

Oh, nasty.

Dan is part of the slack

Pack, I don't want him going


And ian took that news

Directly to britney and


Who are they thinking of

Putting up in place of him.




I think the silent six is

Definitely --

In the end frank decided

Against it.

I have decided not to use

The power of veto.

But the damage had

Already been done.

If you wanted to, you

Probically could have ted


I wouldn't say it didn't

Cross my mind.

Frank tells me considered

Back during me makes me I

Can't trust him.

If I get the opportunity to

Shank frank I will do it.

At the live eviction wil

Was sent packing.

Julie: by a vote of -,

Wil, you are evicted from

The big brother house.

And a battle for head of

Household began.

Who will become the new hoh

Silent six alliance

Survive another week?

Find out right now on "big


When we fin think we can

Make out on the couch.

Make out on the couch. Okay, perfect.

Okay, perfect.

Julie: house guests, the

Power is back up for grabs.

Frank, as outgoing head of

Household are you not

Eligible to compete.

The first house guest to

Fill their jug to the point

Where you can remove your

Cork, will be the new hoh.

On your mark, get set, go!

In this competition,

Everyone has a decision to

Makement you can go for the

Largest jug which is hoh or

You can be tempted by two of

The smaller jugs which

$, Or safety from


I, personally, am going for

Hoh because I want the


I want the safety.

It's the best of both worlds.

Oh my god.

It's so hard.

So this bb swamp, oh my

God, it's just slimy, it's


For a brooklyn girl, it's

The first time I is have

Been in the swamp, and I

Want to be swamp out of it.

It's disheartening to

Watch britney lap me.

I can barely even move my


I'm going to bust my butt.

My first thought is joe, get

Yourself some safety so you

Can relax a few days.

Look f there's a contest

With cash or prize notice

Big brother house, I'm going

For the money.

I have a son now.

Do you know how much like

Diapers and baby food cost?

Come on!

I'm a little bit


Boogie straight up went for

$, And didn't go for

The hoh.

It's like hey, you're not

Only risking your own game

In thx, you're risking my

Game too.

That didn't work.

I went for the safety

Because then I'm not forced

To decide between the qak

Pack and silent six, I need

To stay in the middle even

Though it's k*lling me


Getting hot.


I'm going for safety in

This competition because wil

Just got evicted and I'm

Playing this game by myself.

And I have to ensure my

Safety for this week.

Julie: by a vote of to

, Wil, you are evicted from

The big brother house.

Like I say, you always

Win when you look good.

Obviously I'm happy that

Wil left because it could

Have been me.

Frank was flchs away from

Back-dooring me.

This week I'm definitely on

High alert.

I got to keep my tabs on

This bushy haired maniac and

Make sure I keep him in line

More so than previous weeks.

I'm really sad that wil

Left tonight.

He left with flare but it's

Going to be a really rough

Week coming up.

Seeing him walk out the

Door is a good thing for me

And my-- I hope not back

Dooring dan won't come back

To bite me this week.


That big, boog.


Oh, all right, thought

You were shedding tears.

I'm really happy the way

The week went.

Last woke frank was hoh and

He thought about pulling a

Fast one and maybe back-door

Dan but I'm glad that he

Didn't entertain that plan

Any further.

And elise ened to me.

Nd everything's copacetic

And I'm feeling great about

The alliance-- alliance.

This house, it is an

Amazing roller-coaster ride.

On one hand you're here to

Battle and you're competing

For $,.

But on the other hand, you

Got friends leaving.

Man, this competition

Sucks so bad.

It's oil, every where.

I don't think anybody-- my

Name should definitely be

Left to grace because I'm

Completely graceful, right.

Yeah, no.

Oh, danielle, you all


Poor danielle she must

Have hit the deck about

Timesment she's going to

Have some bruces on her


Yeah she's going to be in

Pain tomorrow.

I might give her a leg


Oh, dannie.

It's okay, frank.

Keep playing, danielle.



You okay.

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm takinging some really

Bad falls out here.

One I almost slammed my head

Right not bucket.

Careful, ian.

Another one I almost

Slipped off the entire ramp


I'm falling over more

Than a drunk girl in heels

It is just not good.

Oh, going to feel that

One tomorrow.

This is definitely my

Grandma walk.

Ashley is a very special


She's doing a cat crawl one

Minute, she's doing the worm

A second.

I don't know what this girl

Is doing.

Ashley's technique, bless

Her heart, was to crawl and

To do some kind of

Therapeutic zing thing in

The middle of it.

She wanted to be like an

Inch worm, you know, slow

And steady.

I don't know, guys, slow

And steady wins the race.

Not when you're competing

With shane.

Good thing we've been

Doing the shane boot camp.

My hip flexors are k*lling


Looks like there's only

Three people going for hoh,

Danielle, shane and ian.

And boogie's in a one horse

Race going for the ten grand.

I'm estimating that that

Hoh jug is about ,

Cups of liquid.

And I would think that that

Thing you were carrying back

And forth was about a half


I'm not a big fan of english

Units but I recognize on

We're looking at about

Trips back and forth.

I could be here for a long


One does favor people

With small, girlish hands

Like these.

Good job, everybody, keep

It up.

Nice work.


Looks like a loonie tunes

Character running up there.

The decision to go to

Safety for me was pretty


You get a free pass for the

Whole week.

You also get to compete in

Next week's hoh.

Britney's going up the

Hill almost like she's just

Power walking in the mall.

Britney's k*lling the safety

Down there good job, brit.

Thanks, frank.

I'm neck and neck with

Britney for safety and I got

To get this thing by hook or

By crook.

I'm hustling as fast as I

Can but I look to the side

It looks like britney son


She's cruising and I kind of

Feel like an old man for the

First time in this game


I'm hoping this week that

I can get a little

Relaxation, for me, jenn and

Ashley, didn't look like

We're doing so good because

Dan and britney have pulled

Way ahead.

Got it!

Good job, brit.

Good job, brit.

Might have to do a

Little --

I'm so happy that I won

Safety this week.

It means that I can go up on

The block but more

Importantly it means that

Anybody else in this house



Thank you.

Britney's won safety so

There's no point in me

Continuing to fill up the

Safety jug because that's


Now I got to make a move and

Try to catch shane in the


Britney wins safety.

It's another failed attempt,

An oferr I got in this


I ain't won nothing.

And another chance to go

Back on the block.

You all right, joe.

In the lead for hoh is

Shane followed by danielle

And ian.

Dan's picking up the pace.

Good job, dan.

Let's go, let's go.

Mike, have you ever speed


Your technique is down.

Speed skating, regional

Champ, .

Holda, you weren't born, any

Of you.

Oh that was a good one.

Careful, shane.

I'm going pretty strong

And then boom I land right

On my tailbone, kind of

Knocked the wind right out

Of me.

My back is k*lling.

Who's in second.

Oh, you're beating ian.

Slow it down, ash, now.

You know what, frank-- I

Would like to see you doing

This, buddy.

It's hard.

You all right, girl, you


Bam, I fall hard.

This one is a brucer.

Brittany's already won


I'm already well behind for

The hoh.

It's another week in this

House of me sweating it out.

Brooklyn gets knocked

Down but you know brooklyn

Always gets back up.

You fight till you can't

Fight any more.

And then you fight some




That's what you get for

Being cute, son.

There goes my street cred

At the u.


Mike in a one horse race,

Closing in on the cash.

Couple scoops away.

Nice technique, ash.

Try to keep it classy.

Oh, danielle, you be careful.

Money in the bank!

Boogie has won $,.

I won $, three weeks


That felt pretty good.

You know what winning

$, Feels like.


Way to go, america.

Good job, boogs.

So boogie wins the gs

Am I'm happy for him but at

The same time I'm wishing

Cohave went for the hoh.

I mean it would just be nice

To have another week where I

Don't have to worry about

Going up on the block

Because I've been doing a

Lot of that, lately.

Everyone left going for


Shane's in first, danielle's

In second and ian and dan

Are tied for third.

My back and ass are

k*lling me.

Danielle is busting it

Big time.

I've never seen dan want

Hoh so bad as he does in

This competition.

He has so much heart and he

Is fighting for this.

Dan's picking up the


Give all effort, all the


Was's a couple slips.

I start to feel myself

Gaining some steam in this


I passed ian and I can feel

Shane is still slowing down.

It gives me hope.

The only way I can be %

Safe in this house is if I

Find a way to win this hoh.

It does?

Oh my gosh.


Good job, man.

Put a jump in your step,



The race for hoh has come

Down to shane, danielle and


Dan's the one I don't want

To win.

I let him know that I

Thought about

Damage-door-- back-dooring

Him last week.

The last thing I want him to

Do is start thinking the

Same thing about me.

Shane is still in the

Lead, danielle coming in at


And dan has pulled away from

Ian for third place.

Come on!

You all right, joe, you

All right.

Oh, man.

Come on, you all got to

Laugh, that was funny.

Danielle, you're kind of

Catching up, honey.

Yeah, thanks, brit.

Go, you go.

You got to start lapping

Them, you got to go faster.

Than who.

Shane, I got running man

Over here.

I see shane slowing down

And I see dan speeding up.

And I know I'm right in the

Middle of them.

I'm trying to go as fast as


And dan's just bolting it,

You know?

Much like in life n this

Game it's never over.

I can do this.

I know that if shane

Falls or gets tired or

Possibly gets injured I got

A shot to win this thing.

Keep it up, danny, come


How close is dan to me?

Pretty close.

Like you're going to have to

Speed it up.

Fighting, man.

There goes my shoulder.

Careful, shane.

Too much ciscoe on my


Got it.

Good job, shane.

Nice work.

Good job, shane.

Appreciate it, guys, nice

Work all y'all.

Everybody needs to look

The a their jugs, that's a

Lot of work.

Shane has won hoh!


I just won hoh.

I'm in the best position


I have two alliance, the

Quack pack and silent six.

I control the vote and I

Ultimately control who goes

Home this week.

Danielle, no.

Good job, guys.

I sucked on that one.

Shane wins hoh.

The silent six keeping it

Running strong, keeping all

The power on our half of the


Looks like I'm going to be

Safe for another week.

Shane wins.

The quack pack is moving


Couldn't have asked for a

Better result.

And shane has no ties to

Frank sow could make a power

Move that I wouldn't be able

To do.

Oh, man.

It was probably the worst

Day I had in here so far.

Will walks out, my homie is


I take a nice little spill

And what a surprise, shane

Wins hoh.


I'm happy for him.

Good job.

Thank you.

You too.

Thanks, you can't

Nominate me.


Shane won hoh this week

And I won safety.

And that's fantastic.

But at the same time we know

That frank and boogie were

Heavily considering putting

Dan up on the block and

Sending him out of the


So it's time for us to

Really rethink the silent


And decide if this is a week

For us to make a big move

And break up this alliance

Who wants to see my hoh


We do.

It's to the going to

Disappoint me if someone

Doesn't come up, trust me.


All right.

That's a tight shirt

Right there.

Very nice.

Is that your sister.

This is my sister.

Don't let boogie see


She's throwing g*ng


That is when I was


There's dozer.

He's my buzzy, that's my


The best thing I could

Have gotten is a picture of of


I miss him so much.

Dozer sleeps with me every

Night when I'm at home so I

Will put his picture right

Next to my bed.

All right, let's see this


My sister.

All right.

Dear bro, this is the

Longest I have gone without

You and I don't like it,

With the exception of the

House being a bit cleaner.

Funny, shanon.

I-- in the camp.

Where my mom lives.

Oddly enough my mom lives

On that lake.

So for a second it got me

Thinking about my mom who I

Miss very much.

Shane grew newspaper vermont

Which is right next door to

Me in new hampshire.

Like shane and ri family, at

Least while he's hoh.

Hope are you doing well

In the big brother house.

We are all so proud of you,

Love your sister, shannon.

Very nice.

I'm laying in bed.

I'm just trying to, you know,

Let the body rest and all

That good stuff.

But you know, you got to go


You got to show respect.

Jenn, you didn't have to

Get up here, girl.


Gee, thank you.

You go lay down, go lay

Down, please.

Not feeling too good.

My homie just walked out of

The house.

I miss my friend.

I miss my family some of.

I have no idea what's going


Usually I'm a pretty tough

Cookie but this house just

Makes you crazy.

I had to shed a couple tears,


Definitely had to shed a

Couple tears.

I need to talk to britney

About a conversation I had

With boogie right before the

Live show.

If you win who are you

Going to put up britney?




Think about it ahead of


With the quack pack in

Power I want to be sure that

Everyone in our alliance

Knows what's happening in

This house.

Boogie in the bedroom

Today, he assumed-- brit me

I-- no he goes shane, I was

Like yeah, yeah, yeah,


What dow mean, he said my



He's coming after me,


Evidently, yeah.

It's scary.

Why are they coming after


That's what I don't get.

Si have to convince is

Shane that they're coming

After him.

All right.

Put up the two of them.

Make sure she does that.

I hate to say that.

Now that I have gotten

The information from ian who

Is like our little spy, that

Boogie will be coming after

Both me and shane, it's like

Very obvious to me there's

No question that frank and

Boogie need to go up on the

Block and one of them needs

To go home this week.



See when we

Haven't-- meeting for a


For long, for short,

They're coming after us.


The only way to ensure

That one of them goes home

Is if you put-- on the block,

That's the only way.

I know.

But dow understand how

Much blood that puts on my

Hands if one of them stays

And one is hoh.

I really understand are

You in aed ba position,

Shane, I really do.

I just feel like either you

Get the first strike, or

They get it.

I agree.

Frank did-- but he

Probably won't stray stay


We stayed true to our

Word we got rid of janelle

When he was out the door.

That's true.

My honest advice is if any

Of us want to have any hope

Of winning this game we put

The two of them up.

Even though boogie and

Frank still think I'm

Playing with them, my true

Alliance is the quack pack.

So if it's better for myself

And the quack pack for

Boogie and frank to go up

This week, that's just what

Has to happen.

Do you think they have

Any idea that you are doing


No, no clue, because they

Tell me everything.

Where is your head,

You're being kind of quiet.

What do you think?

I just think if you want

To make a move, now's the


I mean as long as you

Guys got my back.

I got your back.

I know all of you do.

We have your back %.

One of them will survive.

But the one who survives

Goes to hoh against the four

Of us.

Right, exactly.

I know.

So really you've got the

Best of both worlds because

Whatever you decide you've

Got the votes.

Yeah, absolutely.

I had all intentions of

Staying true to the silent

Six but it looks like frank

And boogie are already

Turning on us.

So I might need to make a

Big power move.

Frank and boogie this


Frank and boogie.

Quack, quack, quack

Be a fly on its wall

Inside the big brother


Watch the house guests any

Time with the live feed on

Time with the live feed on

Me and my best friend to

A a place called high bridge.

From our home town.

Here notice big brother

House you have lots of

Downtime when you're not


And in that time people like

To talk about themselves and

Their lives.

And well joe, he likes to

Tell stories.

We were throwing rocks off

Of it.


Like I went like this and

My watch came off and we

Watched it.

We were like holy, and we

Watched my watch go down

With the rock.


I never see my watch

Again in my life.

But when I turned around my

Watch was laying right

Beside me.


I picked the watch up,

And on top of the watch in

Heavy heavy dust was greek


The guy just has a very

Colourful background.

And I don't believe a word

The man says.

That was a doozy.

We owned the land where

The white house is.

We sold it for a mule and a

Fifth of whiskey.

My dad did an elvis


Like five fire truck, ten

Cop cares.

I broke my-- twice.

We are at full blast, hit

Each other dead in the face.

He picks his head up and I

Swear it looks like he's

Been shot.

Like g*nsh*t.

Joe has this unique way

Of telling stories.

Whatever you can say, he's

Got one better than you.

So you know, if your job has

Really-- dog has really

Beautiful blue eyes his dog

Has "goldeneye", golden


I named, I can't believe

It's not butter!.

I don't know.

I wasn't asked.

Are you going to follow


You might have to ask if

You would like to do

A-- tonight.

Sounds fun.

Okay, sounds good, what

Time, .


All right, meet you at .

Ashley and frank went on

A date the other night.

I'm not really sure what

Went on during that date.

I have a little bit of

Competition now so I got to

Definitely step up my game.

Ain't nobody going to get

Between me and my flirt,


Where did shane hide it.

There it is.

It's right there.

Itsee okay, lay down,


Last week shane told me

About a product he used to

Remove hair from his chest.

I usually shave my chest but

I figured since I have a

Date tonight I might let

Britney do some manscape on

My armpits.

I'm really talentsed.


You're in good hands.

Nobody wants to go out

With ian whenever he has pit

Hairs, that are freaking

Taller than trees.

There is nothing I can't


What's up.

≫ everybody calm down.

You're vulnerable.

In real life woman don't

Hold me down and rub things

On to my body very often.

So this is definitely a

Pretty awesome occasion.

Let's play.

There is literally some

Sort of dead animal in your

Arm right now.

Ian is like a baby


It's just like nine inches

Of hair coming out of his


Like a multiferret.

Don't move, ian, arm up.

Stay with us.

Stay with us.

How is the pitt.

A little ting in the

Armpit region.

I think --

Hurry up, I don't want

This burning me.

This is awesome.

Oh my god this is a some.

Braid it.

Oh my god.

Oh my god continuation

Looks like a dead animal.

Oh my god t burns so bad.

Good job.




Ian ian should definitely

Be thankful.

It turned out amazing and

Looks so much bet we are no

Hair under his armpits.

They had tree trunk roots.

Let me see, hold it up.

Let me see.

Oh my gosh.

That's awesome.



Oh t burns.

Definitely not going to be

Doing this to any other body


But I guess now I'm ready

For my date.

Good job.

Raise your arms.


Now that I'm ready for my

Date with ashley, going to

Make her a nice pizza.

Almost done.

Should be fun.

Thank you.

Of course.

Not bad.

Pretty good.

Good job, ian.


I don't know if I should

Have another piece.

Are you full?


Because hi those chicken

Fajitas earlier.

Those looked good.

That was my lunch

Technically so, I didn't-- I

Forgot breakfast.

Did you ever go to the



Are you going have to

Before that that.

Yeah, I definitely am.

I'm going to wait until

It will be easier though.


After the second date

With ian I have come to

Realize that me and him are

Just really good friends and

I think it's mutual it was

Very but el gum compared to

The risque date hi with


I think the date with

Ashley was okay.

If frank happens to walk out

The door this week, I will

Be pretty happy to be a

Shoulder for ashley to cry


One date.


Come on in.

What's going on.

I'm really considering

Putting up frank and boogie

So if I'm going take this

Risk I need to bring up more

Players because if I put up

Two, one is staying next

Week and they will be

Gunning after me.

That is a strong move.

I want to make sure that

I'm safe for next week.

So, my biggest concern is

If I get put on the block

Next week I will at least

Have your vote.

No, I agree.

I think everyone wants

The same thing.

Hopefully that implies you

Want the same thing.

So --

Whoa now, shane's ready

To make a strong move!

Best news I heard in several


Go on, shane, go on with

Your bad self.

Well, I any you know your

Best interests is even a

Heads of my own.

I appreciate it.

Right now I will go out

Of the game for you.

I appreciate that.

It means a lot.

Because why?

Because you deserve to win


Well thank you.

This is an oath.

Just-- that means a lot.

I'm telling you.

What this is, what you have

Got right now, this is a

Military oath.

I will-- in front of a buck.

Joe on board.

He's going to jump in front

Of a bus if he needs to.

I don't know how I can

Really gauge this but I do

Have the support and I do

Have the votes.

And I can either get frank

Or boogie out of the game

This week.

To me that's a plan.

Pretty damn good plan.

All right.

I appreciate your word.


I don't ever see them

Doing a big brother

All-stars , they there will

Be but they won't call it

All-stars .

I think the next one will be

Good very sus evil.

Sign me up for the evil


I'll be , still showing

The youngsters what-up.

Because my man ian is a

Big brother historian he's

Constantly speculating on

What big brother may have up

Their sleeve.

Here's the evil team

Right here.

Dr. Will and they're going

To you have, d*ck.

Evil d*ck.

If I make a big enough

Slash you can put me on the

Evil team.

You think?

Ian put himself on the

Evil team.

This kid in front of

The-- is one of the most

Innocent people I ever met

Who couldn't like this kid.

You think are you more

Evil than him?



I think.

Why dow say that?

Because I'm not a good

Person at all in any way,

Shape or form.

I don't think you have a

True mean bone in your body,


Though boogie doesn't

Really know it yet, I've

Earned my evil stripes this


I've completely ditched him

And frank.

If thing goes my way, boogie

Is to the going to know what

Hit him.

You're america's



Look at these.

Look at this.

A box with a question

Mark on it.


What I know about big

Brother, you question


I question my own existence

In this house.

Are you going to tell


What the frick, you


These balls were lead

Together arcade room and now

There is a question mark

Inside the machine.


Swear to god.

I've been trying there's

Nothing in there.

Where were these at.

These were just leading

From the glass door all the

Way into here.

Question mark.

What does it mean?

This mystery box cube

Shows up in that little

Machine in the arcade room

And I see that question mark

And it immediately springs

To me pandora's box is back.

Ian what is it.

Search me.

I'm definitely sweating a

Little bit.

And that could definitely

Screw things up big time.

I mean the magic cube

Shows up and this game is so


It's crazy enough without

The dumb cube.

Now I have to run upstairs

And talk to shane and make

Sure that his head is still

On straight.

With everything we've

Discussed with today's


Do you think the balls

Mean something part of a

Riddle that we got to figure


They could be.

I have no idea.

I hope it doesn't affect

Like what I'm about to do.

I don't think so.

This could be a huge

Twist or a game changer so I

Really need to think about


What are the chances you

Think it's going to affect

My decision for nomination.


Why, what do you think?

I don't know.

That's my biggest kefernlt I

Make a big move again, put

Those two up the block and

They come, if they win


≫ you only sling at big

Targets when you know you

Can take them out.

I thought that I had it this

Week but with the whole

Question mark box t might be

Better for me to go for

Better for me to go for floaters this week.

Floaters this week.

One of my dutieses ahead

Of household is to nominate

Two people for eviction.

Leading into nominations,

I mean, will is already out

The door.

You know, the people

Upstairs who have been in

Power, they're just going to

Continue picking us off and

I might be next.

The quack pack is in


Shane could put up boogie

And frank which would be


Could get rid of one of the


They're really pesky because

I don't want them --

No matter what way you

Slice it I feel that my key

Is going to be in the box,

So that's always good.

Goog into nominations

Today, I feel great.

On a scale of one to ten, of

Safety, I'm feeling about a


Shane who's in the silent

Six alliance with me will

Nominate someone besides us.

The silent six alliance

Is bound to break up at some

Point and I'm really hoping

That that's today and that

Shane will put frank and

Boogie up on the block next

To each other.

I have a very tough

Decision to make.

If I nominate floaters that

Obviously leaves heavy

Hitters in the game.

And they might come after


But if I put up frank and

Boogie I could be starting

World w*r iii in the house.

Everyone , it's time for

The nomination ceremony.

≫ this is a nomination


One of my dutieses ahead of

Household is to nominate two

People for eviction.

I will pull the first key.

That person is safe.

That person will then pull

The next key and so on and

So forth.

Brittany, since you won

Safety in the hoh

Competition you cannot be no


Here is your key.

Thanks, shane.

You're welcome.

≫ danielle, you are safe.

Thanks, shane.

Dan, are you safe.

Jenn, are you safe.

Thank you, shane.

Ashley, are you safe.

Joe, are you safe.

Ian, you are safe.

Thank you, shane.

I've nominated you,

Boogie and you frank.

You have prizes, you have

Twists and ultimately clues

That completely fade your


That's pretty of all I can

Say at this time.

I'm sorry, it's nothing


I'm giving you a chance to

Fight for pov.

This nomination ceremony is



The silent six is a


Forget about it.

I can't obviously be in an

Alliance with someone who

Would nominate me like that

But I certainly cannot be in

An alliance with someone who

Gives the most ridiculous

Speech in head of household

Nomination history.

Well, there's like prizes

And like a clue, get over

Yourself, man.

Time to play the veto and

Gets myself off the block.

I'm definitely happy that

Shane stepped-- stuck to the


We basically just ended the


So it's definitely going to

Be a bumpy ride this week.

But here's to hoping we can

Stick it out and ultimately

Get one of them out of the


My heart f feels kind of

Broken right now.

We did our best to try to

Build trust with the people

That we were working with.

And they repay us by putting

Me and my tightest ally and

Friend in the house up on

The block against each


And knowing that there is a

Good chance that at least

One of us might go home this

Week, it doesn't feel good

At all.

If we don't strike first,

You know, if boogie and

Frank get an tant next week,

Part of my alliance they

Might go off and I have to

Protect both me and them.

So I have to strike while

The iron is hot and wile we

Have the numbers to get

Someone else.

This is really exciting.

I'm in a great position.

This game respects big


And best of all, boogie and

Frank didn't see this


And they sure don't think I

Had anything to do with it.

Hopefully, they never will.

Who will win the power of


And will it be used to take

Either frank or boogie off

The chopping block?

Find out wednesday at :,

Find out wednesday at :, central on big brother