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14x13 - Episode 13

Posted: 05/05/24 14:12
by bunniefuu
Julie: it's the third time

On the block, and janelle's

Third time in the game, and in

The biggest vote yet this

Summer, only one of them will

Survive the night.

Welcome to "big brother."

[ Cheers and applause ]

Captioning funded by


Previously on "big brother."

A shocking twist sent the

Coaches into the game as


Julie: a new game begins

Right now.

Joe and frank, noargt of you

Will be evicted tonight.

With the game reset, daniele

Took down the competition in an

Epic battle for head of


[ Cheers ]

And she continued the mission<br />to

Get frank out of the house.

I have nominated you, frank,

And you, wil.

Frank's got to go.

Hoping to further his game,

Ian looked for a new alliance.

I want to do whatever you

Guys want to do.

And he joined up with shane,

Dan, britney, and daniele.

If I have opportunity to run

All the way to the end with<br />this

Kid, I'm going to do it.

At the veto competition,

Frank's life was on the line.

I'm wondering how many lives

I have left in this game.

Winning the power of veto is

Crucial at this point.

But while daniele won the

Veto, frank won a spirittard.

I've got spirit.

How about you?

Knowing he and his ally,

Frank, were in danger--

We have hard hats and go to

Work every day.

Pack a lunch.

...boogie made a huge pitch.

What about taking this

Opportunity and getting a

Really, really, really, really

Dangerous player out of this



And when the former coaches

Got together, boogie refused to

Betray frank.

I don't trust you.

I'm not willing to send frank


That's-- that's off the table.

So dan tried to broker a


Is there anything, say, take

Frank off the table.

Clearly there's some discord

Between and you janelle.

Your guy joe is the biggest

Troublemaker in here.

What about him going up


But when janelle hesitated to

Give a straight answer--

That clearly is never going

To work.

Are you ready to sack down


I'm going to say let's do it.

A new alliance was formed

Behind her back.

The silent six.


And at the veto meeting,

Janelle was blindsided.

I'm so sorry, but I have to

Nominate you, janelle.

Who will be evicted from the

"Big brother" house, frank or


And who will rise to power as

The new head of household is


It all happens live right now<br />on

"Big brother."



[ Cheers and applause ]

Julie: good evening.

I'm julie chen.

Welcome to "big brother."

It's day inside the "big

Brother" house, and tonight<br />will

Mark the first eviction since

The game was reset and the

Coaches began competing for the

Half million dollar prize.

From the moment the new game

Began, dan had hoped that the

Coaches could work together.

But a lack of trust among them

Has made that impossible.

When head of household daniele

Won the power of veto, boogie

Masterminded a plan to<br />blindside

Janelle in hopes of take out<br />his

Longtime rival and one of the

Greatest players of all time.

So will boogie's plan work, or

Will frank's nine lives expire?

We'll soon find out.

But first, to pull off a

Blindside, you have to have


You have tow have numbers.

And you have to keep from

Cracking under the pressure of

Your own lies.

I have decided to use the

Power of veto to save wil.

As head of household, I must

Also name a replacement<br />nominee.

I'm so sorry, but I have to

Nominate you, janelle.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

I'm extremely shocked that

Daniele put me on the block.

I mean, she wasn't even on my

Radar, and now she definitely


It doesn't matter if she's

Coming after me or not.

I'm still going to do what I

Have to do to stay.

Afterrer ceremony of any

Kind, there's the obligatory


Everyone is standing up with<br />his

Faces in shock and horror of

What has just occurred.

We're all hugging janelle--<br />"oh,

My goodness.

What happened?"

The truth of the matter is,

Nobody is truly shocked except

For janelle.

I am absolutely aaaahhhh!

I love you daniele.

I'm going to bake these kids a

Cherry pie and have a


What the hell?

Is there something going on?

Did did she think I was

Coming after her?

I don't, janelle.

I don't know.

I'd like to take a bow.

Can I take a bow?

Thank you.

Daniele thinks she's the head<br />of

Household this week, but

Basically I just took over her

H.o.h. And got everybody to do

What I wanted.

Thank you, thank you.

Oh, I think I'm going to have

A heart attack.

The planl is to backdoor

Janelle and leave frank on the


One, because she hates frank<br />and

It's funny they're sitting

Beside one another.

And two, I don't want it<br />obvious

That frank and I are working


Hey, can I talk to you?

What's going on?

Everybody just was, like,

Janelle's coming after you.

Janelle is coming after you.


She's lying to your face.

I've never said to anyone in

This house that I'm coming<br />after


When she tells me that she's

Heard I'm coming after her, I

Know there's been some lies<br />told

To poor, sweet daniele, because

She couldn't have came up with

This on her own.

I'm just, like, shocked because

I wanted to work with you and


I just can't believe dan

Would tell you to nominate me.

It's just like--

I didn't even talk to dan

This morn.

I'm, like, shocked.

You will probably stay over

Frank, anyway.

I have no vote.

Oh, I can't believe did you


I, was, like not coming after

You at all.

If it was booingy and frank<br />said

This, I mean, they have a<br />motive

To say things like that.

In but that's-- that's-- I


It's not just them.

Look, janelle, I'm really sorry

About everything.

We have a plan in place.

It's going to happen.

You're going to get evicted.

If it makes you feel better to

Say you're safe and frank is

Going home, so be it.

I think you definitely made a


I think I'm going to throw


All right, I'll talk to you


[ Knocking ]

What are you doing?

Just hanging out.

Daniele has graduated from

The "big brother" school of dan

Because she just made an

Enormous move in this game and

She didn't bat an eye lash when

She did.

You did a good job on your


I felt like everybody could

Hear my heart beating out of my

Chest and she was glaring.

What did she say?

She was like, "what's going


I can't believe dan told you to

Nominate me."

I said, "dan didn't tell me to

Nominate you.

This is because I felt like you

Were coming after me."

You're about to get one of

The best players to never win

This game out of the house.

Want to talk?


What the hell happened, dan?

I was surprised.

I cannot believe she

Nominated me.

Like, I was totally not going

After her.

I feel like it was a girl

Instinct thing.

And that's what I can't

Rationalize is these girl


I'm telling janelle I have no

Clue what's going on.

I'm acting dumb.

I'm acting confused.

But in actuality I've been on

Board to backdoor janelle since

This thing started.

I'm in a tough spot because if<br />i

Do roll with you, she's gonna<br />be


I mean, she thinks that I'm a

Bigger threat to her than<br />frank?

It doesn't make any sense.

You can get some votes, can't


I might have, like, ashley,

And britney, and hopefully you.

I need two more.

The coaches are gonna be



We're screwed if you go home.

Yeah, I know.

You think there's any other

Reason why she put me up?

Oh, sorry.


That's okay.

Let's see, ah, what else?


What are you gonna conow?

I don't know.

I'm so shocked.

I seriously didn't even put on

Makeup today.

At least if I thought I was

Going up, I could have looked

Good, you know.

All right, I'll talk to joe and

I'll just talk to you later.

Thanks for talking to me.

Yeah, any time.

I was shocked to find myself

On the block, but moving<br />forward

I'm just going to try to talk

To, you know, everyone where I

Think I could sway their vote.

All I need is five votes, and

Frank will be walking out the


I have your vote, right?

Poor frank.

Are you still going to vote for

Me to stay?

For sure?

Three, you've got me, ashley,


And then we just need--

I know britney.

That's four.

If you do keep me, I'm

Definitely not going to be

Targeting you.

Yeah, I'm definitely thinking

A lot about it.

You've always been a good

Friend to me in this house.

I know that you won't vote me


Just go to the arcade and we

Talk real quick.

I've pretty much made sure they

Have the vote to stay.

And I just want to have one<br />more

Talk with britney to seal the

Deal and make sure she's on

Board as well.

You're for sure still voting to

Keep me, right?

Yeah, of course.

So I have your vote for sure.

Ashley's, joe's.

And wil's swore up and down<br />he's

Willing to keep me.

I feel, like, nervous or


You do?

You feel like something's up?

No, it's not that I feel like

Something is up.

It's just that you are on the

Block, and there is that

Possibility and know.

Am I not seeing something or

Am I being paranoid?

I don't know, janelle.

Has daniele said anything,

Like she wants me out?



Someone definitely got to her,

Like, convinced her that I was

Coming after her and to get me

On the block.

But do you seriously think I'm


I think so, yeah.

The coaches, we need to stay

Together because if we don't,

They're just going to go<br />through

This house and we have no shot.

It would be dumb to keep frank

Over me.

Janelle makes he feel

Horrible about the decision to

Vote her out this week.

She's also making some really

Good sense.

She's not coming after me.

She's not coming after the


Why am I voting out someone who

Is an ally and an asset to me<br />in

This game?

I'm really starting to second

Guess this entire thing.

I can't take it any more.

I can't lie to her face.

I feel like a bad person.

So if we're not going to vote

For her, we have to just tell

Her because I can't keep up the

Charade any longer and I feel

Like a bad, bad person.

Why do you feel like a bad


Because I'm lying.

I can't just lie to people's


It's because they're sweet.

And someone's going to have

To remind me why we're voting

Out janelle again?

She's been saying [ bleep ]

About everyone in this house.

When she doesn't need you she

Avoids you and treat you like


She's like, "it would be so

Dumb for you and dan to vote me

Out of this house when I'm<br />never

Coming after you."

I'm thinking, yeah, that's a

Good point.

Britney is having second

Thoughts about backdooring

Janelle and she's getting<br />really

Emotional about it.

I know I'm being like a


Not at all.

It makes me feel bad.

It makes me feel so horrible.

I'm having to work so hard and

Backstab and cheat and lie and

Scheme and game.

I don't have it in me to be<br />this

Mean person.

Julie: coming up, frank or


Whose game will come to an end


Plus, ian and ashley.

Find out what their families

Think about this real-life, big

Bang two sell.

[Cheers and applause]

<Br />[cheers and applause]

Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother."

It's been a week since the game

Was reset and the coaches<br />became


Let's see how everyone's<br />getting


Hello, houseguests.

Hello, julie!

Julie: frank.

Looking good in your


Thanks, jewels.

You know I'm doing the best job

To pull this off right now.

Julie: can I get a cheer?

Uhm-- what about-- what

About-- what about our color


Purple, purple, purple

White, white, white, white,

White, while the.


Julie: well done.

Well done.

Boogie, you must be proud.

Absolutely, absolutely.

Julie: seriously, though,

Boogie, last week when you were

All out on the boat during the

H.o.h. Competition, you didn't

Seem too happy that the game<br />had

Been reset.

How are you feeling now?

Ah, I'm feeling a little


You know the coichs came here

Under a certain understanding,

And then it was completely

Flipped and the odds weren't as

Good to leave here with a big

Check but, you know, did a

Little work this week, and I

Think I'm feeling better did.

Julie: okay.

Jen, I'm going to turn to you.

Now, you all spent the first

Part of the summer taking<br />advice

From your coaches.

So how does it feel to now be

Competing with them in the same


Wow, well, you know, these

People walked in here with a<br />ton

Of experience.

Some of them the third time


I'm just going to live on a

Prayer, baby, and just hope for

The best and just go out there

And do my thing.

So that's how I feel about it


I thought the reset was<br />actually

Really great for me and my game

And I'm going to roll with it,


Julie: all right.

Well, everybody, "big brother"

House got a new pet for the<br />day.

Let's all take a look

[ Laughter ]

You shouldn't just feed him.

You should make him do a trick.


What, I don't feed my bog

Without making him do a trick.

He can't eat inside, anyway.

Wait for it.


É<br />[ applause ]

Good night, ian.

Julie: ian.


Julie: you've been on slop

For three weeks.


Julie: and instead of

Taking a trip to maui, you<br />chose

To live the dog's life.


Julie: so tell me, how is

Your "big brother" experience


Still loving it.

It's absolutely amazing.

Everything I've always wanted<br />to


Wouldn't be the full experience

Without a little penalty


So definitely enjoying it.

Julie: I like your



Julie: thanks, ian.

Thanks, everybody.

I'll be back to talk to you

Again a little later.

Ashley and ian, they grew up

Just minutes apart and share

An unexpected connection.

So what do their mothers think

About their future both inside

The house and out?

How's it going, guys?

Just eating cookies, story of

My life.


You look so good tonight.

Oh, thanks, ash, it means a

Lot to me.

Top moments for ian.

This is in the top thee.

Top three.

Would you spray paint ian?

Of course.

Would you shave for the spray


My mom would k*ll me for

Shaving my legs.

As opposed to running around


That's different.

Yeah, totally different.

[ Laughter ]


What are you doing?

[ Laughter ]

I'm sharon.

I'm ian's mom.

We've been watching "big

Brother" with ian since he was


We knew ian was intelligent at<br />a

Very young age.

When ian was two years old, he

Could read.

At age three he knew all the

Moons of every planet and could

Identify all the flags of the


I think ian's intelligence in

The "big brother" game is not a

Good thing.

The people in the house,<br />they're

Scared of him because of his


Do you know all the periodic

Table of elements?


What's calcium.






Sulfus, s.


Calculus you can do if you

Can add one to a number and

Divide by the same number.

What is going on here?

The earth has a magnetic field

Around it, and the aurora

Borealis has pervasion in the

Magnetic field.


Oh, spin the bottle!


Ian has never had a very

Serious girlfriend.

Ashley said he was a cutie-pie.

He does want a good-looking

Girlfriend with brains.

What does quantifiable mean?

What does lacked luster mean?

What's the most beautiful

Play you've ever seen?

My mom's belly.

They've been egging me on

About asking you on a slop<br />date.

Would you be interested?


See, she liked ian from the

Very beginning.

I'm barbara, ashley's mom.

My daughter really isn't as

Ditsy as everyone thinks she<br />is.

Ashley is a free spirit.

She reads books about living a

Life where if you meditate on

It, it will come true.

I did bring something for



It's perfect.

It matches my outfit.

Toast to "big brother ."

Cheers to that.

I thought the slop date was

Very cute, two people who are

Very interested in each other

With stars in their eyes.

I don't want my belly to be

Looking chubilitious.

I don't think so.

Ashley likes good-looking


But they don't treat her the

Way ian would treat her.

Ian treats her really good.

It's just hard in this house

Because sometimes I feel alone,

You know?

You shouldn't feel that way.

I adore ian and I wish I

Could tell her you should get

Into a secret alliance with<br />ian.

He's crazy about you and you<br />two

Would go to the very end


You don't have a final two

Deal, do you?

You know who ooud like to

Take to the final two, don't


Oh, stop it.

It is the nerdy guy with the

Hot girl.

You wouldn't mind putting a

Little icy-hot on my back,<br />would



They are the true-life

Leonard and peg from "the big

Bang theory."

Oh, dear lord.

Oh, my god.


Julie: coming up, it's the

Live vote and eviction, frank<br />or


Who do you think will be the

Next houseguest sent packing?

Let your voice be heard by

Getting in on the conversation

And connecting with other "big

Brother" fans.

Stay with us.

[ Cheers and applause ]

<Br />[ cheers and applause ]

Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother."

It's time to find out who will

Be walk out of the house


Will it be frank, the<br />unemployed

Super fan, or janelle, the

Former "big brother" great

Turned stay-at-home mom?

Let's go to the living room and

Get things started.

Frank, janelle.

In just a few moments your

Housemates will cast their<br />votes

To evict live, but before they

Do, you each have one last

Chance to plead your case.

Frank, you're up first.

Well, everyone, it's day .

Congratulations on making it

This far.

Out of these days, I spent

About on the block.

But I think everyone will admit

That I've managed to continue<br />to

Play this game like a<br />gentleman.

Even in the unitarred, thanks<br />to


And I do have to thanknana,


She told me one thing very

Important, she said, "franky,

Keep it classes."

Even though my name has been

Dragged through the mud

Repeatedly, I've managed to do

Just that.

So if I can give you all one

Piece of advice before you vote

Tonight, keep it classy.


Julie: you sound like ron


Thank you, frank.


Take it away, janelle.

Okay, guys, this has been

Such an amazing summer, and I

Love all of you.

And I just want to say if I can

Help your game out in any way,

Please vote to keep me in the

House, and if you can't vote to

Keep me.

No hard feelings.

I totally understand.

Julie: thanks, janelle.

Thank you, both.

It's time for the live voting<br />to


Daniele, as outgoing head of

Household you are not allowed<br />to


Neither are the two nominees.

One at a time, the rest of you

Will enter the diary room and

Cast your vote to evict.

Boogie, you're up first.

Please go to the diary room.

The last time boogie played the

Game, he was responsible for

Janelle's eviction, and he's

Determined to make that happen

Once again.

Hello, boogie.

This little gem is dedicated

To wil and erin.

I vote to econvict janelle.

Julie: thank you, boogie.

Jen was aligned with frank, but

Now that the game has reset,

Where does her allegiance lie?

Hi, jen.

Hi, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict janelle.

Julie: thank you.

Thank you.

Julie: joe has been a

Loyal supporter of janelle from

Day one.

Will he stay true to her


Hi, joe.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict frank.

Julie: thank you.

Wil promised his vote to

Janelle, but will he take this

Opportunity to send this "big

Brother" great packing?

Hi, wil.

Hey, julie.

Please cast your vote to


I vote to evict janelle.

Julie: thank you, wil.

The vote is one to evict frank,

And three to evict janelle.

The rest of the houseguests<br />cast

Their votes live when we<br />return.

Stay with us.

[ Cheers and applause ]

<Br />[ cheers and applause ]

Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother."

The houseguests are voting live

To evict either frank or


So far, it's three votes to one

In favor of evicting "big

Brother" great janelle.

Let's continue with the live


Ashley has been loyal to

Janelle, but now that she's

Competing against her, what's

Her best move?

Hi, ashley.

Hi, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict janelle.

Julie: thank you.

Britney has been tormented,

Crumbling under the lies of<br />this


Will she be able to follow

Through with the plan?

Hi, britney.

Hi, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

It's an odd feeling to be

Voting to evict the person who

Is my personal favorite of all

"Big brother" history, janelle.

Julie: thank you.

It's official.

With five votes to evict

Janelle, janelle will leave the

House tonight.

But let's see how the other

Votes fall.

Hi, shane.

Hi, julie.

Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict janelle.

Julie: thank you.

Thank you.

Julie: dan has badly

Wanted to keep the coaches

Together, but it seems like<br />he's

Found boogie's plan more


Hi, dan.

Hey, mrs. Chen.

You look ravishing tonight.

Julie: thank you, and for

The record, mrs. Chen is my

Mother, please cast your vote,


I'm sorry, america.

I tried to keep her, but I have

To evict janelle.

Julie: thank you, dan.

Ian has been loyal to frank<br />with

All of his votes, and should

Vote to keep him tonight.


Julie: hi, ian.


Julie: please cast your

Vote to evict.

I vote to evict janelle.

Julie: thank you.

All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the


Houseguests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the

Evicted houseguest will have

Just a few moments to say

Good-bye, gather his or her

Belongings, and walk out that

Front door.

By a vote of -, janelle, you

Are evicted from the "big

Brother" house.

Brother" house.

Bye, good luck.

Thank you, dan.


It was an honor playing with



Hey, girl.

Bye, janie.

It was an honor, janie.

É<br />janie

[ Cheers and applause ]

Julie: here we are again.

Hi, julie.

Julie: I had janelle,


Thank you.

Julie: sit down.

You all right?

You all right?

Julie: janelle, you kept

It classy.

Thank you.

I tried.

Julie: now, when you found

Ow you were nominated, you

Seemed genuinely surprised.

Yeah, I did-- I was.

Julie: you don't seem that

Surprised you were evicted

Tonight but it was - to evict



Julie: what do you think


I think everyone wanted to

Backdoor me.

Julie: but why?

Because I'm a strong player.

Julie: so do you take it

As a compliment?

Yeah, I do.

[ Laughter ].

Julie: how do you feel

Right now?

I can hear your heart is


Obviously, this is my third

Time playing so I'm nervous.

I'm not surprised at all.

Julie: you know, last week

As a coach, you felt certain

That joe, one of your players,

Would survive being evicted,

Which would have meant you<br />would

Have had three players still in

The game.


Julie: but you hit that

Reset button.


Julie: how come?

Just because I wanted to


Julie: was it hard being a

Coach and not playing?


I just wanted to play.

I was like eoh, it would be so

Exciting just to be a player


That's why I hit it.

Julie: it's in your d.n.a.

Yes, definitely.

Julie: now, since the

Beginning you wanted frank out

Of the house.

I still want him out.

[ Laughter ].

Julie: why?

Why was he your focus in this


Just because I can tell by

Talking to him how strong of a

Player he is so I was scared of

Him, you know.

Julie: do you think being

Focused on frank ultimately<br />hurt

Your game?

Maybe a little but there was

Definitely other people in the

House that were focused on<br />frank

As well.

Julie: now, when the

Coaches all met in the h.o.h.

Bedroom and boogie asked you if

You were willing to either lose

Wil or lose joe, because he<br />said

He wasn't willing to lose<br />frank.

You hesitated, and you didn't

Really give him a conclusive


Why-- why didn't you?

I didn't want to throw wil

And joe under the bus and have

That information be in the<br />house

They would be willing to get<br />rid

Of them.

Julie: was it that you

Didn't want that information


I didn't want the focus

Floating because they could use

It against me.

Julie: you were trying to

Protect your reputation?


Julie: or you were trying

To protect two people that you

Saw as your students?

I was trying to protect them.

Un, I didn't want to throw

Anyone under the bus, so.

Julie: well, the rivalry

Between you and mike boogie is

One of the greatest rivalries<br />in

"Big brother" history.

He got you.


Julie: do you think he has

What it takes to take it all<br />the

Way to the end again and win

This game?

I think the target on him is

Too big for him to win this<br />game


Like I think-- I mean, is he

Good at this game?


But I don't think he'll win.

I mean, I'm rooting for dan,


Julie: why?

I love dan.

[ Laughter ].

Who doesn't?

Julie: well, in the event

That you were the one evicted

Tonight, your housemates taped

Some good-bye messages.

Let's hear what they had to<br />say.

Janelle, it wasn't supposed

To work out like this.

After you wouldn't sacrifice<br />joe

And the alliance of six was

Formed for the sole reason to

Backdoor you and there was

Nothing I could do at that<br />time.

I wish you, I have the, and<br />your

Husband the best luck and I'll

See you on outside.

Janelle, I'm really, really

Sad you are leaving.

I'm sorry I had to be a part of

This whole plan to evict you

This week.

I think you're a really great


I'm definitely going to miss


Right now, I'm absolutely


If it's within my power,

Promise, "janelle, I will<br />avenge

This eviction.

Oh, janie, don't be mad at

The people who voted you out.

This one was all me.

So, for the third time, always

The bridesmaid but never the

"Big brother" bride.

Ba-bye janelle.

He's such a loser.

[ Laughter ]

[ Applause ]

What a [ bleep ].

Is there.

Julie: well, I was going

To ask for your final thoughts.

But I think you just said it.

Anything else you want to add?

Screw you, mike boogie.

I hope you lose.

Julie: go kiss that baby

Of yours.

Thank you.

Julie: with one of the

Greatest players to ever play

The game sitting next to me,

It's safe to say, having power

Is the best way to stay in this


The live head of household

Competition is next.

Log on to twitter and join

Famous former houseguests as

They weigh in on tonight's


Stay with us.

[ Cheers and applause ]

<Br />[ cheers and applause ]

Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother."

It's time for the live head of

Household competition.

Who will be the new head of


Let's find out.

Houseguests, it's a new week,

And that means a new<br />opportunity

For one of you to grab all the


Daniele, as outgoing head of

Household, you are not eligible

To compete.

This competition is called "big

Brother battle of the bands,"

And here's how it works.

Two at a time you'll face off<br />at

The podium.

There, you'll hear a short song

That will describe a<br />competition

Played this summer.

Your goal is to identify the

Type of competition being

Described, either h.o.h.,

Coaches, or veto competition.

If you're the first person to

Buzz in with the correct<br />answer,

You stay in the game, and your

Opponent it eliminated.

You'll then choose the next two

Houseguests to face off.

However, if you answer

Incorrectly, you'll be

Eliminated, and your opponent

Will stay in the game and<br />choose

The next two to face-off.

Now, if no one buzzes in,<br />you'll

Both be eliminated, unless, of

Course, you're the final two

Playing this game.

The last person standing will<br />be

The new head of household.

Does everyone understand?



Julie: excellent.

Earlier today, you randomly

Chose the first two houseguests

To face off.

Jen and wil, here we go, here's

Your song.

♪ You best be fast

No mercy for last

♪ You crashed and burned. .

On the mattress that turned

♪ .

Julie: wil, you will the

First one to ring in, saying

That was an h.o.h. Competition.

That is correct.

"Mattress mayhem" was an h.o.h.


Wil, pick the next two to face


I'd like to pick joe and

Mr. Boogie.

Julie: thank you.

Gentlemen, step on up.

Boogie and joe, here's your


♪ The party's rockin'

No midday siesta

♪ Avocado dip in this memory

Fiesta ♪ .

Julie: mike the first to

Ring in saying it was a veto


That is correct.

"Memory chip" was a veto comp.

Boogie pick the next two to<br />face


Wil and ashley.

Julie: all right.

Ashley and wil, here's your


♪ Breaking news

Black and white

♪ Burglars' antics kept weak<br />all

Night ♪ .

Julie: ashley was the the

First to ring in saying that<br />was

An h.o.h. Competition.

You are correct, ashley.

"Big brother" break-in was an

H.o.h. Comp.

Wil, step down.

Ashley pick the next two to<br />face


You have to pick two people.

Julie: ashley.

You can step down, ashley.

But you need to pick two

Houseguests to--

Shane and britney.

Thank you.

Britney and shane, here's your


♪ Round and round

The slippery trail

♪ Catch your opponent and grab

Their tail ♪

Julie: britney of the

First to ring in saying that<br />was

A coaches' competition.

That is the correct answer.

"Big brother derby" was the

Coaches' comp.

Shane, step down.

Britney pick the next two to

Face off.

Ashley and ian.

Julie: ian and ashley,

Here's your song.

♪ Racing hearts

A sideways dash

♪ Building blocks of cold,<br />hard,

Cash ♪ .

Julie: ian was the first

To ring in saying that was a

Coaches' competition.

That is correct.

"Fast stacks" was a coaches'


Ashley step down.

Ian, pick the next two to face


Dan and britney.


Here we go.

Good luck.

Julie: dan and britney,

Here's your song.

♪ A shot at power

Is what the stick is for

♪ Out on the ice

Shoos for the perfect score ♪<br />♪.

Julie: britney was the

First to ring in saying that<br />was

An h.o.h. Competition.

That is correct "on thin ice"

Was an h.o.h. Comp.

Britney, pick the next two to

Face off, please.

Frank and boogie.

Julie: frank and boogie,

Here's your song.

♪ Victory requires a good<br />tongue


♪ Hip swish and booty



Julie: all right, boogie

Was the first to ring in before

Any words were said, saying the

Answer was a veto competition.

That was incorrect.

The correct answer is coaches'


"Feel the burn"s the name of

That comp.

So, frank, you have no choice.

It's just ian and britney left

On the sidelines to face off.

Ian, britney, here's your song.

♪ Big top circus, no time to


♪ Keep the ball on the ramp<br />from

Falling down ♪

Julie: britney was the

First to ring in.

Saying that was a veto


That is correct.

"The juggler" was a veto comp.

So, frank, step up.

Frank and britney, one of you<br />is

About to become the new h.o.h.

Here's your song.

♪ A wet, sudsy ride.

Ready or not

♪ Count up your coins and aim

For the spot ♪

Julie: frank was the first

To ring in saying "loose<br />change"

Was a veto competition.

You are correct.

Congratulations, frank.

You are the new head of


[ Applause ]

Daniele, please, pass on the<br />key

To the h.o.h. Bedroom.

[ Applause ]


That means no more


That purse is gone, buddy.

Julie: coming up, frank

Has ris risen to power, leaving

The rest of the house in search

Of a way to stay in the game.

Stay with us.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Julie: welcome back to

"Big brother."

Let's rejoin the houseguests.

Hey, everybody.

Hi, julie!

Julie: well, frank, how

Does it feel to have survived

Eviction once again, and be<br />back

In the seat of power?

It's exhilarating, jewels.

I mean, to know I at least have

One more week tow where I don't

Have to worry about packing my

Bags and maybe going home next

Thursday feels great.

Julie: I think the secret

Is in the unitarred you're


You're right, it's good luck.

Julie: congratulations

Once again.

Thank you, houseguests, and<br />have

A good night, everyone.

Thanks, julie.

Julie: frank has the power

But how will he use it?

Find out who frank nominates<br />for

Eviction on sunday at :.

Wednesday at :, the power of

Veto will be in play but will<br />it

Save one of the nominees?

And one week from tonight at

:, It's the next live


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"Big brother after dark" live

Each night on showtime .

For now, let's eavesdrop on the


From outside the "big brother"


I'm julie chen.

Good night.

[ Cheers and applause ]