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14x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 05/05/24 14:09
by bunniefuu
Announcer: previously on "big

Brother" -- strangers began

The battle for a half million


Honey, I'm home.

Announcer: a surprise twist

Sent shock waves through the


Julie: some of the greatest

Houseguests will be joining you.

They haven't come here to

Compete against you.

They will be coaching you!

And four "big brother" greats

Returned to coach the game.

Daddy's home!


Hey, hot stuff!

Announcer: at the draft, each

Coach picked the three players

To mentor all summer.

Julie: your fate now rests

In the hands of your players.

Announcer: and after a

Slumber party slammer, the first

Head of household was crowned --

I choose willie.

Julie: congratulations,


And jodi was sent packing.

Jodi, I'm sorry, I have to

Evict you.

Announcer: while boogie hoped

To team up with dan --

Do you want to wheel it up a

Little bit with me?

I really want to play with

Him but at the same time, you're

Kind of making a deal with the


Janelle and britney had their

Own agenda.

I'm totally on board for us

Teaming up.

So they formed a power

Alliance of their six players.

We have to be committed to

The cause and we could get to

The end.

We have a possible major,

Major play here.

Wanting even more protection,

Willie made a side deal with


I won't put you up this week

But I have to know that, for

Sure, that you're not going to

Vote me out next week.

You have got my word!

Ian, the super fan, became

The first target.

He is driving everybody in

The house crazy.

If I put him up, I don't think

Anybody is really going to be

Upset about it.

When mike boogie won the

First ever coach's

Competition --


Any question?

You have earned the right to

Keep one of your players safe

From eviction this week.

He threw had a monkey wrench

In willie's plan.

I'm going to choose to safe


With ian no long an option,

The blonds targeted dan and

Boogie's strongest players.

Who does boogie want to not win?


I nominated kara for eviction

And frank for eviction.

Announcer: who will win the

Power of veto and will it be


Find out right now.

Captioning funded by



I nominated kara and frank

For eviction.

I really do feel bad about this

Whole thing and I hope y'all

Don't take it personal but every

Week, you know, somebody has to

Go home.

I'm sorry, guys.

This nomination ceremony is


Boogie and dan are definitely

The two strongest coaches in


I know they were gunning for me.

I have to put up their two

Strongest players and

Unfortunately frank is one of

Those players.

I'm completely blindsided to

Be nominated right now.

I'm super disappointed in willie

Going against his word but I'm

Going to fight tooth and nail to

Win that power of veto.

Willie made a big move

Putting frank on the block.

He told me to my face we were


Lying in the "big brother"


It happens.

Here is what you don't want to

Do -- lie to me.

I have already lost my first

Player in jodi and now kara is


I'm in grave danger of only

Being left with one player.

I have to make sure kara doesn't

Get put down.

You were put there because

Everyone likes you and nobody

Wanted you out.

I'm not going to let you go out.

I'm going to work for you.

Number one thick they have to

Know that you're not going to

Come after them.

And I will work on that with


All right?

I just don't want to go in

The first week.

You know who your coach is,


Do you think I'm going to let

That happen?

But they know who my coach

Is, too.

Part of, like, having dan as

My coach does kind of put a

Target on my back because they

Know dan is a good player.

He's smart.

Out of there!



It kind of worked out


It worked out perfect.

I thought you did a good job.

Why were dan and boogie so


And the chill town thing,

That's him and dan.

You know that?

Him and dan, chilltown.

Boogie is like such a


Beating boogie this week, it

Feels fantastic because he

Thinks he is the best player in

The game and his ego is


It makes me feel great.

Don't panic.

I just wanted to have a little

Powwow because it's a your first


But don't panic.

We have plenty of time.

Hopefully she does what a lot of

Girls do, particular live the

First girl nominated and they go

Into a shell and -- look, she

Ain't happy either.

So we have to remember that.

She is falling apart right now.

She is in there crying.

I feel facial for her.


Let her cry.

Let her cry a lot.

But first thing you do is figure

Out how to get good with willie.

Don't worry about that.

Here is the thing.

This is such an important time,

You know, because this is when

All eyes are on you and they

Expect you to be mad and it

Makes willie uncomfortable.

Willie still has a ton of power.

Willie is done with

Nominations but he still has a

Lot of power.

He is at the ep center of

Everything with his group and

Frank needs to make sure that he

Sways willie and motivates him

To keep him in the game this


We have to get to work and

The biggest thing is making the

House feel comfortable and going

Back to business.

You're like that anyway.

We will go to work.

Now the glaims begin.

Let's do it.

Hearing all this is a big

Education for me because I know

At some point I'm going to be up

On the block so I'm grateful to

Here all of this great advice

From boogs.

Do you want to pop in the

Arcade room?

I want to talk with willie and

Diffuse the situation and figure

Out why he put me up because I

Want to work with him down the


I'm sure you would frank is

Up, I put him up, and he might

Begunking for me.

I will be honest with you.

I appreciate it.

The boogie thing is really

Bothering me, ok?

Because I know what boogie is


And the thing is, boogie is

Gunning for me.

And I know that.

Nobody can't tell me he isn't.

I'm worried about these

Coaches influencing certain


Because in the end --

It's about us.

The coaches don't care which

One of us makes it to the end.

I got you.

I told you from the

Beginning, obviously, if I do

Happen to somehow make it in and

Win, that's great for boogie but

I'm not worried about getting

Boogie money.

And I feel like my best chance

To make it's further in this

Game is with you in this house

With me.

When this week is all said and

Done, I hope I'm here and I hope

That we can work together.

When that is all said and done,

Don't worry about boogie.

Mine and your best chance of

Making it deep in this game is


Getting willie to trust that

I want to work with him down the

Road is very important.

Because not only does he

Influence a lot of people but he

Is competing in the power of

Veto power of veto.

I believe you.

I really, really do.

When I met you the first day,

Ray believe everything you told


I have to make the right

Decision for me.

I don't want to get frank out

Of the game.

I want to get boogie out of the


I like frank and my problem is

With boogie.

He's my threat.

I have to figure out what to do.

I'm obviously going to keep

My cool.

I'm going to play the pofer.


I'm going to play the pov.

Like you're a beast.

So who needs to go home?

That's what we need to figure


Frank or kara?

It's like a freakin' tossup.

It's a toss up.

I mean this is the best.

I think janelle and I do have

Influence and, right now,

Everything is falling into

Place, exactly what we wanted to

Happen happened and hopefully we

Can make this week a good one.

We do it so perfectly that

Like week one the whom entire

House on other side is going

After boogie and dan.

So all we had to do was be like,

Hey, you guys we're on a team.


I swear to god -- we decided we

Were in an alliance and so we


We're going to work together,


Oh, yeah, of course.

Willie, dan and boogie are

Coming after you, hard-core!

I know.

Britney and I have bleeding

The witch hunt for dan and


It's hilarious.


To a great first week!

Dan and boogie are not happy

With us right now.

Either way, no matter what

Happens, like, you lose a guy or

I lose a guy --

At the end there, I thought

Frank was last key but --

One of my players and

Boogie's players are nominated

For eviction.

That raised the alert.

We have a little brain, a

Little brawn.

That's all that is on my mind

Right now.

The worst thing that do

Happen is if britney and janelle

Were to take out the two


Dan and I have won this game.

Those girls are in the also ran.

It would be super if they got

Together, outnumbered us and ran

Us out of the house.

I'm here to tell you that is not

Going to happen.

You have to pull a rabbit out

Of the hat.

I'm excited now.

Now I'm fired up.

Can't get enough "big


You know you can't stopwatch.

See what is happening inside

The "big brother" house whatever

You want with the live feed on

All day every day.

Whas'sup, ian?

What is your useless talent?


Did you see this?


You're going to be impressed.


Studio city has talent.


I can kick myself in the face

When I was in high school, some

Show on tv said don't try this

At home, kids.

I tried it at home and sure

Enough, I could do it.

I had a bad first few days here.

I was nervous.

Anything that helps them see the

Fun side of me definitely helps

Me stay in this game longer.

That's my player!

I went from two seasons in an

Alliance with dr. Will, the

Greatest player in "big brother"


Now I'm in an alliance with ian,

The young man who knows how to

Kick himself in the face.

Hey, america, please kick me in

The face!

All right, that's enough of


Hey, everyone, it's time to

Pick players for the veto


Only six people will

Participate in the veto

Competition, the head of

Household, the two nominees, and

The three people selected by

Random draw.

Will the two nominees please

Join me up here.

Playing in the veto

Competition is huge because if

You win the power of veto power

Of veto not only are you safe,

You also have the ability to

Remove one of the nominees from

The chopping block which forces

A new person to be named as a


If you win the power of veto

Power of veto you have a

Tremendous amount of power that

Allows you to make deals.

I as the head of household

And two nominees will each pull

A chip out of the bag to

Determine the three other

Players competing in the veto


Two names I don't want

Puppettal pulled out of the bag,

One is danielle and the other is

Shane because I would like an

Easy road to win this game and

Shane could make it a little

Difficult for me.


Danielle getting picked to

Play in the veto is great.

Because if she could win and

Save me, then we are both safe.



The veto draw was horrible.

Frank doesn't knead to be

Competing against shane the

Athlete in the veto competition.

Nothing is going my way here.

As head of household I also

Have to chose a hosts for the

Veto competition and I choose


"Big brother" will inform us

When the competition will begin.

Good luck!

Where do you want to go?

In the have not room?

Do you want to go in there?

With kara being so cute, she

Wants to talk to me, no problem,

Especially if we're alone in the


You never know what could map.

I just want to talk to you

Real quick.

I didn't know if this was an

Option and if you would use it

On me or not.

Going into the competition I

Want to get people to play for


I know I would much rather

See you in the house than frank.

If I win, I mean there

Definitely is a chance I would

Take you off the block.

I like seeing you in the house.

I think we are establishing a

Pretty good friendship.

I do too.

And I don't think you and

Danielle are a real threat.

I don't know what wil thinks.

The only thing I don't want to

Do -- I don't want to step on

Wil's toes.

Kara wants me to play in the

Veto competition for her but I

Don't know if I'm going to do


This makes me realize I can go

Around and make deals with


I will owe you and I will

Keep my word.

I'm all about my word.

Me too.

That's all we have.

You know you and I have


Targets in the biggest most

Visible threat.

You're jag dude.

The way we work out --

It's intimidating.

So obviously me, you, wil,

Kara, danielle -- obviously if

Kara wins she's taking herself


Danielle I'm not sure about.

Willie, I'm sure he is going to

Keep the same.

I don't want to piss willie off

If I win ask take you off the

Block but if it's going to

Benefit my game play, you and I

Can maybe work something out?


If shane is willing to work

With me to help me win the power

Of veto power of veto and pull

Me off the block, that's


Irneed all the help I can get to

Pull me off the block or at

Least stay safe.

If you do possibly want to

Use it, that's your action

Showing me I can trust you


And hopefully if you win next

Week which is a huge possibility

Then I'm safe.

I don't want you and I don't

Want boogie coming after me.

I know you're in a bad situation

And all and you would be great

For my alliance, or someone I

Could trust.


Kara wants to work with me

And frank wants to work with me

And this could really benefit my


We will talk after.

I have to go talk to britt me

Because I'm not really sure what

Is going on.

I'm pretty confident her and

Janelle are working together in

The blond ambition alliance but

I want to talk to her and take

Her temperature and see how

Close those two actually might


So getting down to business,

Britney --

Nice to meet you.

Here we are.

Let's see what's cooking.

Here we are day six and mike

Boogie decides this is a good

Time to introduce himself to me.

What a turn of evens.

Nice to meet you mike boogie.

Thank you for gracing me with

Your presence.

So sweet.

In this game you might feel

It's girls against boys and what

I'm up here for is see what

Britney's intentions are.

I know that you have control of


I think more so than you're

Putting out there.

Fair enough, statement?

I don't feel like I have

Control of anybody.

For whatever input you do

Have, maybe it's % or %,

Whatever it is, I wanted to know

If you were amenable to make

Putting up janelle?

I guess my question is: are

Janelle's peoples off limits?

No, they're not off limits at


I have to look out for myself.

I. Have to keep willie shane and

Jojo in this game as long as I


Of course.

I will put my foot forward.

You know, if frank could get

Off and jenn is the other

Nomination, then I know what

Game I'm playing.

That will speak volumes.

The i.d. Is --

The replacement nomination

You're saying is going to draw a

Line in the sand.


I'm not afraid to say that.

Boogie basically tries to

Intimidate me and tells me if

One of janelles players is not

Nominated for eviction, and then

It's going to be game on -- his

Little tactics do not rattle me,

Do not faze me.

I'm not an idiot.

I thought boogie was supposed to

Be good at this game.

I feel like you're giving me

An ultimatum and it's not my


The fact of the matter is, if

Willie thinks he can make a deal

With joe, I can't force a guy --

And whatever comes out of this

Veto -- I mean if you feel like

It's going to be a line in the

Sand then that's what it's going

To be and that's something I

Have to think about.

I won't go any further.

We will see what happens with

The veto.

My back is a bit up against

The wall.

My talk with britney didn't go

So well.

In the meantime, I can't lose my

Number one pick so I have to

Start thinking of some alternate

Strategies here.

Boogie tried to thr*aten me.

He thereined you.

He basically said if you

Don't put up joe, the line is


That's what he said.

He is such a [bleep]

I wasn't surprised at all

When I found out boogie went to

Britney and tried to intimidate

Her and bully here because

That's how boogie plays the


He loves to intimidate women.

If that veto is taken and

Jojo didn't go up, that speaks


He does try to intimidate


He's a weasel.

It's not going to work.

I said why do you think I get

To choose the replacement


He was like I know you have

Control over willie.

He tries to intimidate will me.

He always does that.

I'm going to get out of here.

I'm working on a nice smear

Campaign on this house with

Boogie, just trying to slander

His name as much as possible.

And every time that he does

Something shady or threatens me,

I'm going to be sharing it.

A run in the rain.

Is it's raining?


A quick question: if things

Stayed the same, it would

Decimate dan.

And it's just me, you and

Britney, three players each and

We could just knock him out


Boogie is not loyal to anyone

But himself in this game and of

Course he came to me and sold

Dan out ask threw him under the

Bus, which made me sad.

I feel bad for dan.

The way I would look at it is

Dan would only have one player


And that person would have to go

Wire to wire and be done.

All of a sudden, our % chance

At a hundred turns into . For

A chance at a hundred thousand


That's a valid point.

Why thank you.

I'm glad you talked to me.

I'm glad we had this talk


Good to see you again.

We haven't seen each other in a


I'm going to think about it.

Noodle it marinate.

I will.

I hate boogie so much.

He is up to his old tricks.

He hasn't changed a bit.

What a jerk.

I feel like, you know if you

Get dan out of this game, you

Have a % chance at a hundred

Thousand, right?

And I'm like, yeah, I guess I

Never thought of that.

That's what I was freaking

Worried about.

He came in the bathroom and

Said it.

Mike boogie is not as smart

As he thinks he is.

To win this game you have to

Have someone working with you.

And right now he just turned his

Back on me.

And one thing you learn you

Never turn your back on a ren

Gaid because you are get

Stabbed, mike.

That's when he came up with

The % thing.

You want a % chance at a

Hundred thousand.

Driving a wedge between

Boogie and dan is a great

Benefit to my game.

If dan thinks boogie will sell

Him out with week one, dan won't

Wanted to work with boogie

Long-term which is great for me.

You should see me and my


We would get bored and just make


I would be like we're going to

Be tacky italian new york


Teach me how to say something

In that accent.

Tacky new york .






Here, I'll teach you to say

Something like we would say.

Say "I'm fixin' to go."

I'm fixin' to go.


Hey, y'all.

What y'all doing today?


I'm from alabama, y'all!

I would go to alabama and the

Guys would be like, what do we

Do with her?


Hey, guys, time for the veto



Oh, it smells good.

It does smell good.

It smells so fresh and so


I walk out into the yard and

I see laundry and washing


I love doing laundry, and I love


I am a perfect host for this

Competition because where I come

From, we know a thing arrest two

About laundry.

Great news houseguests.

At the "big brother" laundromat,

The veto will only cost

You $..

But to earn it, you will be put

Through the ringer.

On go, race through the soap

Suds to find a coin.

When you have selected one,

Bring it back to your vending

Machine and toss it into the

Coin slot from behind the

Laundry basket.

The first person to score exact

Change totaling $. Into their

Vending machine will win the

Golden power of veto.

Is there a debit card over

There I can use?

Are you ready to play "loose


Man, these coins will be easy

To get in there.

It's extremely important I

Win the competition.

The only way I know I will be

Safe is if I can pull myself off

The block.

Going into the veto

Competition I want to win it and

I would love to have power to

Further my play in the house.

If I win I can take myself

Off the block and it will be


If daniel wins she can take me

Off and we will both be safe.

Three, two, one. . . Go!

The object of this

Competition is to search for

Three types of coins.

There's a -cent, a -cent and

A $ coin.

You need to take the coins one

At a time and throw it into your

Vending machine.

The first to get $. In exact

Change wins.



It doesn't want to come out,

It's in my hair, I'm breathing

It in.

I love choking on suds.

It's serious.

Yeah, willie!

I am slip-slidin' my way over

There with everybodyss hunting

Around for a big number coin and

Lo and behold I'm left with the

Chump change.

Thanks a lot!

My strategy in this game is

To void all of the lower coins

And focus on finding the dollars

And I haven't found any so I

Have to startusing the quarters.

I have to get these coins in

Because I need this veto.

I just have to make sure that

I'm taking my time and following


Yeah, willy,!

Take your time.


I think the most difficult

Thing was actually trying to

Throw the coins in the coin slot

Because you had to have a lot of

Skill and accuracy with that.


Dang it.


Danielle, go underhand when

You toss it.



The hardest part of this

Competition for me is that I

Can't throw for jack.

My buddy will is having a

Tough time hitting the slot.

He is athletic but I don't think

He would be a good bowler, let's

Put it to you that way.


I'm going through these suds

And I find a stack of dollars!

So I grab one, cover it back up

With soap and try to get that

Thing up to the front as soon as


Take your time.


The veto is coming down to

Frank, shane, and willie.

I need frank to win this veto.




You're k*lling me here.

Do you want me to win this veto

Or what?


Frank has a secret stash of

Dollar coins and I got to go get

Some of this stash.

If not, I can't win the


Willie, wait.

Take your time.

One more.

Frank and willie are finding

All of these dollars.

I haven't found one.

I'm finding quarters.

Luckily more me, I haven't

Missed yet.

Come on, will.

Take your time.

One more.

Shane, frank and I have

Searching for that last coin so

This is definitely going to the

Last second.


And the winner is shane!


Congratulations, shane!

You have just won the golden

Power of veto power of veto.

Representing b.t. Right here

Bringing home the power of veto

Power of veto, a huge moment.

I'm ecstatic.

This couldn't have gone better!


Good job.

I really dropped the ball in

The power of veto power of veto

Competition and now my fate

Rests solely in shane's hands.

You played smart, played


I'm bummed that I didn't win

The veto.

I feel like I tried my best.

I have already talked to shane

About maybe what he would do

With it.

I will definitely try to get

Shane to use it on me.

I told frank and I kara,

Depending on how the competition

Goes there's a possibility I

Could take either of them off

The block.

A lot rests on my shoulders I

Don't want to make my bad blood

Here but I want to make the best

Decision that will get me to the


♪ .

Yeah, baby!

Hey, whoo-hoo!

Untouchables, baby.

My boys k*lled it.

I'm so happy.

We are by far the strongest

People and we have all the


I would have been pissed if I

Would have had to put in the

Thing around frank or care's


Frank had good I'm, he would

Have had $ in there.

He could not get a coin in the


Boogie was getting pissed.


Y'all, I'mkel telling you, we

Are a power group and they will

Be gunning for us.

Let them talk to you and

Offer you deals.

You tell them you don't know

What you're going to do and then

You're not going to use the


No matter what we can't use

The veto because boogie said to

Me if the veto is used and you

Don't put up one of janelle

Players, that's it, the line is

Drawn, we're coming after your

Guys, done.

Britney is serious about me

Using the power of veto power of

Veto however it's an individual

Game and I can use it.

I won it and if it's in my best

Interest to use it.

We can't use the veto because

Then we would have to name a

Replacement nominee and it would

Be so obvious we're working with


Hey, what's up?

Let's go to my room.

Do you have time?

We're good.

I'm glad you came in.

You got a couple of minutes?

I do.

I'll come in.

You won.

You have a huge decision.

I know.

It's huge.

I mean do I take you off?

Do I take frank off?

Do I keep the nominations the


My thing is I don't want no stir

Of the pot and make willie

Pissed but I have to think -- I

Know it's an individual game but

I have to think for what is

Going to get me further in the


I mean if there's anything you

Could think of as far as making

Had a deal --

You know I'm willing to make

A deal with you so -- the ball

Is in your court, buddy.

For the most part, I think

That, from my perspective, with

Kara and danielle they're not on

The outs but they're not in so

They are the least people that

Are going to hurt you or suspect

That you're working with.

I'm leaning towards it.

I have to -- I have a lot of

Thinking to do.

Can we talk for just a


I'm just wondering what you're


Obviously I'm in a tight spot.

But if you're willing to want to

Use it and work together,

Obviously, my half of the house

Is just looking -- it's sinking.

Dude, I think you're a

Straight sh**t.

My issue would be, if we make a

Deal, trusting you, with your

End of it coming through.

If I use the veto on him,

Would it help me in the long


Not so good.

It's crazy this early.

My back is so stiff.

How long have you been up


I don't know.

What time is it?

I got up at :.

An hour maybe?

It's almost :.

We don't have much chance to

Talk game.

I wouldn't normally right out of

Bed but tomorrow is coming ask

We're not going to get another


Would it be safe to say there's

Very little chance that you're

Going to use the veto on frank?

I mean if you can guarantee

Willie and I stay safe -- I

Don't know.

I know that I'm a physical

Threat and if I don't hoh I'm

Going up on the block no matter


Not if my people don't go up.

Because I feel like I have the

Control over them for now.

They will listen to

Whatever --


If frank stays --

Tranq is a huge target.

He a monster.

I feel like my relationship

With shane is pretty good.

He should be nervous that if

Frank is evicted in week one he

Would be the next physical

Threat in the house.

It's like what we did with

Janelle in all stars, keep the

Targets in the game, have

Someone in the line of fire, you



They're going home first.

Boogie makes some really good

Points but I don't know if I can

Trust him.

If I can, it's going to be a

Great thing to be an ally with

Him to further my play in this


Going into this veto meeting

I'm being pulled in all


My alliance wants me to keep it

The same but frank has made

Convincing arguments but I need

To make the decision that I will

Affect my game.

If that means upsetting my

Alliance in the short-term, oh,

Well, they will get over it.

What I would definitely hope

Would happen, would be

Completely surprised for shane

To pull me off the block.

Before the competition, shane

Did approach me but I don't want

To push too hard because if you

Push too hard it will push

People away.

I've been trying to work

Shane, just offering him a deal,

Kiss up to him, just, whatever I

Can do and I hope I can get

Through this week, hopefully I

Will just take it all the way.

Hey, everyone, it's time for

The veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Kara and frank have been

Nominated for eviction.

But I have the power to veto one

Of the nominations.

I want to give you both a final

Chance to tell me why you think

I should use the veto to save


Kara, you go first.


Shane, I mean obviously I would

Love if you used the veto on me.

I am shy.

It takes me a while to warm up

To people but I feel like I'm

Starting to do that so I would

Love to stay and continue and

Get to know everybody.

I respect whatever decision you

Make percent and I would

Like to say you look really good


Throwing that out there.

Frank, now it's your turn to


Shane, listen to me


If you pull me off the block,


I have decided not to use the

Veto today.

You know, it's the first week

And it's the hardest week to get

To know everyone.

Knowledge personal.

I like both of y'all but I don't

Want any blood on my hands by

Using the power of veto power of


Start rallyingyour votes guys.

You're not out of here by any


This veto meeting is adjourned.

I'm still on the


I hope I'm not the first one to


I hope frank is the one to go.

Sorry, frank.

I'm going to fight, do whatever

I can to stay here.

I want to stay in the


Since I'm on the block

Against kara, it's going to mean

I have to campaign against her a

Little bit.

I want people to realize she is

Not really a gamer and they need

People they can work with.

Mike boogie has proven

Himself to be very, very

Untrustworthy and now that it's

One of my players kara left on

The block, frank, I have to do

Whatever I can take to throw the

-Year-old second rate

Chilltown member under the bus

So kara can stay in the game.

We have kara against frank,

Or dan against mike boogie.

Last time I checked mike boogie

Won "big brother" all stars and

Dan was beating a bunch of


Stay tuned because I'm pretty

Sure pretty little kara will be

Leaving out of the door on


Announcer: who will leave the

House, kara or frank?

And the house is turned

Upside-down when the house turns

Players against the coaches.

It all happens thursday on "big
